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The purpose of this discussion is to direct, instruct and guide a new student on how to register for

online courses at Tarrant County Community College (TCCC). This discussion will provide a simple
step-by-step process for general enrollment. Upon completion of this task the student will have
successfully enrolled in the course(s) of his or her choice with ease. The organizational pattern that
will be used is the chronological. This pattern describes the events in the order in which they occur
or occurred. If a new student or first-time student were enrolling in a beginning English course, he
or she should be able to follow the steps indicated with the confidence and confirmation that they
have successfully enrolled in the course.

Step 1 is to make the right selection of course and section number for beginning English, (Ex: Eng.
101, Section 501) using your user name and password. Step 2 is to select the day and time desired
to take the course. The student must review carefully to select the correct course, section number,
and time desired for course. Once the course, section number and time is determined, Step 3 is to
proceed to the “enter” button for the desired course and depress. Step 4 if done correctly, a
confirmation message such as “you are successfully enrolled in English 101, Section 501 from 5:00p
– 6:00p on Mondays” will be displayed. Step 5: If there is no confirmation of successful enrollment,
return to Step 1.

N Step 3: Hit
Step 1: Select Course/Section enter if your
Step 2: Select
Number (Ex: English 101/201) selection is
(Ex: MWF @ 9:00a)
101/201 on
MWF @ 9:00a

Step 5: Return to
Step 1 if no
confirmation Yes

Step 4: You are

enrolled in
English 101/201
on MWF @

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