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PHONETICS 2 2019- Lic.

Romina Piñeyro –

1) Let´s revise the rules for aspiration from your notes. Now answer these questions:

a) Is it possible to mark aspiration on a word that begins with a plosive voiceless consonant
that is followed by a vowel in stressed position and that is preceded by a word that ends in
“s”? Think.

b) Is it possible to mark aspiration in words beginning with voiced plosives?

c) Is it possible to mark aspiration in function words like prepositions, eg: “to”? Why/Why

d) Look at these words and phrases, in each of them there is a highlighted word, can you
mark aspiration in it? Explain your decision:

 People are obsessed with technology nowadays.

 The sum of its parts.
 Generally speaking…
 Try to work it out.

e) Can you mark aspiration when the voiceless plosive is at the end of the word?

2) Let´s move on to dentalization. Revise your notes from last year and answer the following

a) Is it possible to mark dentalization at the end of a word?

b) Do we mark dentalization in all alveolar sounds that are followed by a dental sound?

c) Do we mark dentalization in all alveolar sounds that are preceded by dental sounds?

d) Do we mark dentalization on the dental sounds?

e) look at these phrases and determine whether dentalization is possible or not and explain

 The thumb is the first finger.

 In that case…
 Although he didn´t know…
 Open your mouth Dan.

3) Incomplete release. Revise the rules. Now think about these questions:
a) Does incomplete release take place every time two plosives are together?

b) Does incomplete release apply to all plosive sounds?

c) Which other type of sounds can be affected by incomplete release?

d) Look at these phrases and decide if incomplete release is possible in these cases or not.

 Packed tomatoes are brought to the market.

 Did Tom get towels for the bathroom?
 Picked it up quickly.

4) Nasal Release. Revise your noted rules from last year. Now answer:

a) Is nasal release only applied within one word?

b) Is nasal release applied when a nasal sound follows a plosive sound?

c) Is nasal release applied when a nasal sound precedes a plosive sound?

d) Is nasal release applied at word boundaries?

e) In which of these words is nasal release possible? Explain

 Intestine
 Empathy
 Hypnotic
 Give me
 Beg me
 Impossible

5) Lateral release. Raise your hand and explain the rule to the class. Analyse. Now consider
these questions:

a) Can you apply lateral release at the end of a sentence?

b) Can you apply lateral release if any plosive sound precedes “l”?

c) can you apply lateral release if a lateral sound precedes a plosive alveolar sound?

d) look at these word and phrases: in which of them is lateral release possible?

 Altogether
 Milton
 Deadline
 Hitler
 Weldon

6) The rules for devoicing are many. Let´s remember them:

a) We mark devoicing when lenis sounds (…………………………………………….) are
preceded or followed by voiceless sounds.

b) we mark devoicing when lenis sounds (……………………………………………) occur at the

beginning or end of an utterance (remember what an utterance is).

c) Special cases of devoicing apply to the sounds……………., …………………..,

……………………, and ……………. When they are preceded by ………., …………., or
…………….. in STRESSED POSITION and not preceded by “S”.

Considering the above rules, YOU MARK DEVOICING in the following sentences:

 George cut the grass in the afternoon.

 It´s clear that you don´t get what I explained.
 Bring me a glass of water please.
 The queen announced changes for next year.
 Don´t you think it´s cute?
 This is pure complication!

GENERAL QUESTIONS: Discuss with your classmates.

a) Can we mark aspiration on a syllable where the schwa occurs?

b) Can we stress a syllable without vowels?

c) Is the long neutral sound a strong vowel?

d) Can you mark devoicing in nasal sounds?

e) Is the glottal sound /h/ considered voiceless?

f) can the glottal sound /h/ interfere in cases of devoicing?


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