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Bukidnon State University

College of Education


Table of Content
Part I.
Article I Name, Symbol, Color and Logo
Article2 Goals And Objectives

Part II.
Article3 Membership
a. Regular Member
b. Officers
c. Appointees
d. Course Representatives
Article IV Rights, Duties And Responsibilities of the Members
Article V COE-SBO Organization Fee/Developmental Fund
a. Classification
b. Utilization
c. Disbursement
Article VI Rights Of The Officers
Article VII Composition and Qualifications of Officers
Article VIII – Discipline Of Officers
Article IX– Duties And Responsibilities Of Officers
a. Governor
b. Vice Governor
c. Secretary
d. Associate Secretary
e. Treasurer
f. Associate Treasurer
g. Auditor
h. P.I.O
i. Appointees
j. Representatives
Article X – Advisor
a. Qualifications
b. Roles and Functions
c. Term of Office and Removal
Article XI- College Student Government
a. Compositions
b. Roles Functions
c. Duties and Responsibilities
Article XI Vacancy of Office
Article XI – General Provision
Article XII– Effectivity
Bukidnon State University
College of Education


Amended By-Laws of the College Of Education-Student Body Organization of Bukidnon State University
(Revised: June 14, 2019, Room 2-04, College of Education, Bukidnon Sate University,Year-end Evaluation)


We, the members of the College of Education - Student Body Organization, an integral organization of
Bukidnon State University which holds a special and important responsibility being a direct arm of the campus.
COE-SBO may contribute substantially in providing leadership as well as wise directions by the two-way
process of providing and initiating, as well as gaining insight from the community-spirited and student-initiated
social processes and can only effectively carry out these responsibilities through adequate organization and
rational ordering of its activities do ordain and promulgate this constitution.


Section 1 This club shall be known as the College Of Education - Student Body Organization (COE-SBO) of
Bukidnon State University and shall be known as such from this day hereto unless prior amendments are made.

Section 2 The COE-SBO shall also be known as the main or primary student organization governing the
College Of Education student populace known also as the “Intrepid Eagles” and thus, the CTE-SBO take on the
symbol of a soaring eagle as its identity.

Section 3 The COE-SBO shall be Blue as this is the color of the College of Teacher Education in Bukidnon
State University.

Section 4 The official logo of the college of Education has the following elements:

Shield represents the protection of the rights and welfare of the

COE students.
Eagle represents the official symbol of the College as the Intrepid
Map indicates that the Bukidnon State University College of
Education is one of the Top Performing College in the Island of
Mindanao in the field of Education.
Torch represents leadership and competence of the Student
Leaders in COE-SBO.
Book represents Knowledge and Quality Education Given to the
COE Students.
Man represents the teachers and students whom the teacher guides
the students in reaching his/her goal. Like a leaders who guides the
studentry of the college in the formation of teacher to be.


Section 1. The goals of the College of Teacher Education - Student Body Organization (COE-SBO) of
Bukidnon State University shall:
a. assist the University in attaining its general goals and thrusts by initiating and facilitating student
activities that will develop skills, talents, inclinations of COE students in various fields as well as other
potentialities and attitudes necessary for them to become good prospective teachers and education
b. promote student awareness of the goals and objectives of the College of Education through academic
and extra-curricular activities.
c. receive feedback and suggestions pertaining to student services and the conduct of student-related
activities with much tact and open-mindedness – necessary for the democratized handling of opinions of
the COE student populace and the Filipino youth, as a whole.
d. train student leaders of becoming active social movers in the preservation of sound teaching-learning
practices and the improvement of Philippine Education and the entire teaching field.
e. provide support for students in matters pertaining to their welfare, protection, well-being, and general
f. ensure accountability, transparency and proper management of funds of the COE-SBO Developmental

Section 2. The specific objectives of the College of Teacher Education - Student Body Organization (COE-
SBO) of Bukidnon State University shall:
a. develop COE students’ skills, talents, and potentials through initiating and facilitating programs.
b. promote values and attitudes that are relevant to the training and formation of teachers-to-be by
initiating student activities that serve the purpose.
c. Encourage participation in various activities that involves academic, sports, culture and arts through any
platform of media.
d. increase COE students’ participation, responsiveness, and involvement in curricular, co-curricular, and
extra-curricular activities in relevant advocacies and issues related to the field of education.
e. conduct/join leadership seminars, trainings, and workshops for effective governance.
f. cater and take action of the student’s queries and concerns.
g. provide summary of expenses in every program, project and operation of the organization.

Section 3 In carrying out the aforementioned goals and objectives, the organization shall function in
coordination with the College Of Education Faculty and the Office of Student Services, and with all other clubs
and organizations, including the Supreme Student Council of Bukidnon State University – of which it is directly


Section 1 The following shall be the types of members of the Association:

1. Regular members: All bonafide students enrolled in the courses Bachelor of Early Childhood
Education, Bachelor of Elementary Education and Bachelor of Secondary Education, Bachelor of
Physical Education and Certificate of Teaching course in the College Of Education, Bukidnon State
University Main Campus as the central and basic elements of the COE - Student Body Organization.
2. Officers: These are duly elected, bonafide COE students who ran for office in an organized election
facilitated by the local COMELEC and who are also persons of authority to implement the constitution
and by-laws for, by and of the COE student populace.
3. Year Level Represenatative. These are persons who are elected as representatives of the student
populance of the different year levels: 1st Year Representatives, 2nd Year Representatives, 3rd Year
Representative, 4th Year Representative.
4. Course Representatives: These are persons who are elected as representatives of the course: Bachelor
of Early Childhood Education, Bachelor of Elementary Education ,Bachelor of Secondary Education,
and Bachelor of Physical Education in the Bukidnon State University College of Teacher Education.
5. Appointees: These are persons appointed by the current set of officers, as per agreement and as per the
need of a particular batch of officers. The rules of appointment may vary as decided upon by the current
batch of officers. However, the standard rules as set by the 10th batch to have appointees (SY 2018-
2019) in the COE-SBO appear in the “Rules for Appointment in COE-SBO”.

Section 2 In all meetings of the COE- Student Body Organization officers, whether regular or special/
emergency, a quorum is one-half of the population of the officers plus one to do business.


Section 1 Every member has the right:
a. To express his/her opinion on matters concerning the COE Student Body Organization, student services
and the conduct of student-related activities in the College Of Education and in the University.
b. To participate in and be informed of activities initiated, sponsored and/or supported by COE-SBO and
other organizations.
c. To benefit from the student services and activities designed for student welfare and development
initiated, sponsored and/or supported by COE-SBO and other organizations, provided that the
organization will coordinate with the COE-SBO.
d. To use office facilities/ equipment of the COE-SBO in accordance with the rules and regulations of the
COE-SBO. However, the standard rules was indicated in the “Revised Rules of Borrowing Equipment”
set by the 10th batch of COE-SBO Officers.
e. To cast his/her vote during the university-wide elections in choosing officers for the SSC (Supreme
Student Council/ University-wide Student leaders) and COE-SBO (College of Education – Student Body
Organization / local college leaders).
f. To equitable treatment, protection, and opportunities regardless of sex, race, socio-economic status,
religion and physical and mental abilities.
g. To obey and comply with the policies, constitution and by-laws promulgated by majority of the
members and/or competent authority.

Section 2 Every member shall cooperate with the COE-SBO by participating in activities led by the latter and
adhering to the resolutions produced by the organization after a democratized process of discussing certain
issues that concern the College of Education students. However, if a member fails to attend an activity initiated
by the COE-SBO, there shall be just and equal consequences.

Section 3 It shall be the responsibility of every member to pay the COE-SBO fee which would constitute the
COE-SBO developmental fund and all contributions and fees duly ordained, approved and resolved by the
COE-SBO officers – a necessary measure for funding the COE-SBO activities and other matters that concern
the COE students and services available for them. Exempted from this are the students from the BuksSU
External Studies Centers.


Section 1 The organization may raise funds for its activities and projects through the monetary contributions or
donations from its members or non-members through the benefit of the programs considered appropriate and
legal for the allocation of the COE-SBO Developmental Fund.

Section 2 Classification
a. Membership Fee. Every member of the organization must pay a membership fee in every
semester upon his/her admission to the organization;
b. Project. A tangible or non-tangible project that is functional and beneficial to all COE students.
c. Major Events. These are the main/ highlight event in every semester that has a series of
activities that requires high amount of money.
a. Intramurals Fee (1st Semester).A University wide activity that promotes holistic
development. This includes the Organization’s Shirt, Jersey of the Players, Sports
Equipment, Food and Snacks of the athletes/players.
b. Education Week (2nd Semester). An annual college celebration that has various activities
such as Mr.& Ms. Education, Literacy Contest, Seminars and entertaining activities that
develop the potential of the COE students.
d. Other Activities. These are the activity that allocates less amount of money.
To wit:
1.1 1st Semester
a. Enrollment
b. Strategic Planning
c. BukSU Foundation Anniversary
d. Acquaintance Party
e. 1st General Assembly
f. Victory Party
f. Other minor Events
1.2 2nd Semester
a. 2nd Semester Enrollment
b. 2nd General Assembly
c. Outreach Program
d. Valentine’s Day Celebration
e. Tribute to Parents
f. Other minor events
Section 3 Utilization
a. The COE-SBO Developmental Fund shall be utilized for programs, projects, and activities for
students’ development and empowerment.
Section 4 Disbursement
The organization shall ensure accountability, transparency and proper management of funds collected by or in
behalf of the Student Body Organization.
The following guidelines shall be strictly implemented:
a. In the collection of the COE-SBO fees, official receipt must be issued by the COE-SBO.
b. The total collection of the COE-SBO during 1st Semester and 2nd Semester must be presented
during the 1st and 2nd general assembly and duly signed by SBO Tresurer, Governor and
c. Amounts collected shall be actually, directly and exclusively used to support and/or finance
the COE-SBO programs and project
d. All disbursement and bank withdrawal shall be accompanied with resolution indicating the
purpose for with such disbursements and withdrawals shall be used.
e. All expenses shall be supported by official receipt and documents which shall be subject to
auditing by the SBO Auditor.
f. At the end of every activity, the committee head of the event is required to liquidate expenses
before another disbursement or bank withdrawal shall be made. However, emergency
expenses are considered.
g. Students must be informed of financial statement and shall be reported during General


Section 1 Every COE-SBO Officer has the right:

a. To attend the regular and special meetings of the COE-SBO.
b. To express one’s views and opinions about certain issues that concerns the COE students.
c. To propose, to make motions, amendments and resolutions, and to vote on matters that call for a vote
about the issues presented at the meetings mentioned above.
d. To have access to and inspect the records and books of accounts of the
e. The COE-SBO Officers shall be invited in any college discussions, planning and other similar activities
which may directly involve them;
f. To enjoy certain privileges as COE-SBO Officers/ appointees/ course representatives.


Section 1 The COE-Student Body Organization Officers shall be composed of the Governor, Vice-Governor,
Secretary, Associate Secretary, Treasurer, Associate Treasurer, Auditor, P.I.O. and the student-representatives
from each year level of COE students (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year representatives) and appointees, and course
representatives (as the need may be).

Section 1.1 The qualifications of officers are stipulated in the “Qualifications of COE Student Body
Organization Officers”, based on the rules and regulations set by this COE-SBO constitution and by-laws and
in line with the Bukidnon State University Student Commission on Elections.

Section 1.2 Other provisions, as amended by this set of COE-SBO officers (SY 2012-2013) are the
a. If a student runs for a particular position and no other student runs for such a position, he/she has
to accumulate 50% plus one of the total actual votes.
b. Students who are holding key government positions like being government officials (barangay
captain, Sangguniang Kabataan chairman) except for positions like SK kagawad, and other
organization heads/ chair/ president, shall not run for the gubernatorial position.
c.The appointees and course representatives (as the need arises) shall be taken from the 1st year, 2nd
year or 3rd year levels of the College Of Education to ensure maximized manpower in the
organization. 4th year students may be appointed but not those who are student teaching.

Section 2 The officers shall be elected through the votes of the majority in an organized election facilitated by
the local COMELEC as voted upon by the students enrolled in the College Of Education.

Section 3 The elected officers shall be given a full-year term and shall qualify for reelection.
Section 4 The officers shall take an oath of office to formally commence their functions and in being
accountable to do their duties and responsibilities to the COE-Student Body Organization and the COE student

Section 5 The officers shall meet once a week and/or at any special time when a strong need to meet arises,
even at a short notice.


Section 1 The forms of discipline and sanctions shall be specified in accordance with the standard disciplinary
measures stated in the General School Rules and Policies of the University, all of which are stipulated in the
University Code and the Student Handbook.

Section 2 The COE-SBO adviser has the right to give a “Notice to Explain” to an officer who has committed
an act befitting correction/ discipline.

Section 3 The officers shall be disciplined from office during his/her term on the following grounds:
a. Neglect of duties – Neglect of duties means not performing assigned tasks and assignments.

b. Tardiness or Absenteeism – Tardiness is being late. Three times of being late is tantamount to one
absence. Absences due to any reason shall be subject to further deliberation by the body.

c. Abuse of Power – Abuse of power means the use of power as an officer/ appointee/ course
representative of the COE-SBO to coerce, influence or force others to do something of potential harm/
disadvantage to the latter.

d. Dishonesty, Fraud and Deception – The use of dishonest, fraudulent and deceptive means to gain
personal advantage at financial gain, especially in the dispensation of duties as officers/ appointees/
course representatives of the COE-SBO.

e. Destruction of Public/ School Properties – The direct or indirect, deliberate act of damaging COE-SBO
properties/ equipment or public/ school properties.

f. Misconduct – Misconduct is any action or language which renders a COE-SBO officers/ appointees /
course representative as unbecoming of the position/ office he/ she is holding.

Section 4 The grounds for discipline mentioned in Section 3 shall be made effective as means of discipline by
the following measures:
a. Neglect of duties - 3 instances of neglect of duties (2 warnings, in form of “notices to explain”)
incurred from meetings every semester shall be just cause of being relieved from duties in the COE-

b. Absenteeism – 4 absences (3 warnings, in form of “notice to explain”) incurred from meetings every
semester shall be just cause of being relieved from duties in the COE-SBO.

c. Abuse of Power – shall be based on written complaints (not anonymous) duly signed by the complainant
on abuse of power made by an officer/ appointee/ course representative. (3 warnings, in form of “notice
to explain”) incurred from meetings every semester shall be just cause of being relieved from duties in
the COE-SBO.

d. Dishonesty, Fraud and Deception – refer to the sanctions stipulated in the BSU -University Code.

e. Destruction of public/ school properties – refer to the sanctions stipulated in the BSU – University Code.

f. Misconduct - 3 instances of misconduct (2 warnings, in form of “notices to explain”) incurred every

semester shall be just cause of being relieved from duties in the COE-SBO.

Section 1 The Governor shall:

a. Be a good model to fellow students, without any derogatory record stipulated in the University Code,
prior to and within his/her term of office.
b. Preside over all meeting and/or may designate another officer to preside for specific meeting in his/her
c. Initiate and plan activities for the CTE-Student Body Organization and deliberate with other officers on
d. Create working committees to be responsible of assigned areas in COE-SBO activities
e. Supervise other officers in their efforts to bring about the success of student-related activities
f. Monitor every officer and member of the COE-Student Body Organization.
g. Work closely with the COE-SBO Adviser, in the discernment of possible activities for the welfare and
development of COE students and wise/fair responses of the organization to needs of and issues
concerning COE students and the management of the organization.
h. Work closely with the Treasurer and the Associate Treasurer, in matters involving the wise and
judicious allocation of funds of the organization.
i. Ensure group cohesion and teamwork which are necessary in the execution of duties and responsibilities
of officers and the accomplishment/ completion of these.
j. Submit an executive report or summary of the school year’s accomplishments or designate another
officer to do so.
k. Submit a narrative report of accomplishments and insights learned from occupying the highest office in
the COE-SBO.
l. Enforce the Constitution,By laws and other regulations that may be promulgated.
m. Perform such other tasks as may be assigned from time to time by the SBO and other responsibilities
that may arise in any instance.

Section 2 The Vice-Governor shall:

a. Be a good model to fellow students, without any derogatory record stipulated in the University Code,
prior to and within his/her term of office.
b. Assist the Governor; and
c. Carry out the duties of the Governor when the latter is on leave or not available, due to some valid
d. Submit a narrative report and a summary of the school year’s milestones, significant events and other
matters of importance or relevance to the College of Teacher Education, one purpose of which is to
validate the COE governor’s executive report of the accomplishments in the current schoolyear.
e. Collect all the accomplishment report monthly from the different committees after the event/project is
successfully implemented or installed.
f. Perform such other tasks as may be assigned from time to time by the governor/ SBO.

Section 3 The Secretary and Associate Secretary shall:

a. Be a good model to fellow students, without any derogatory record stipulated in the University Code,
prior to and within his/her term of office.
b. Read the minutes of the previous meeting
c. Call the roll before the meeting starts;
d. Keep accurate Record and attest to the minutes of every meeting;
e. Act as custodian of all of the club’s records; and
f. Check and take note of the officers’ attendance every meeting.
g. Submit a narrative report and a complete and chronological compendium and detailed summary of
official correspondences, minutes of meetings, resolutions and other documentary materials including
records of officers’ attendance to meetings and CTE-SBO activities at the end of each semester.
h. Perform such other tasks as may be assigned from time to time by the governor/ SBO.

Section 4 The Treasurer and Associate Treasurer shall:

a. Be a good model to fellow students, without any derogatory record stipulated in the University Code,
prior to and within his/her term of office.
b. Keep the club’s money/ funds under a bank account whose signatories would be the COE-SBO
treasurer/ associate treasurer, the COE-SBO Adviser and the College Dean.
c. Deposit and withdraw money from the bank as the need arises, with the approval of the CTE-SBO
Adviser, COE Dean and the officers.
d. Make a record of the club’s funds and expenses in accordance with financial procedures duly approved
by the officers;
e. Prepare budget proposals/ preliminary plan for fund allocations which ensures wise, prudent and careful
use of the COE-SBO funds on COE-SBO activities/ student services
f. Read the latest updates on the financial records every meeting for auditing purposes; and
g. Submit a narrative report and financial reports and support documents (receipts, etc) at the end of every
major activity and at the end of each semester to the COE-SBO Adviser and a general/ overall financial
statement/report at the end of the schoolyear.
h. Perform such other tasks as may be assigned from time to time by the governor/ SBO.

Section 5 The auditor shall:

a. Be a good model to fellow students, without any derogatory record stipulated in the University Code,
prior to and within his/her term of office.
b. Work closely with the treasurer in balancing fund and expenditures; and
c. Check the club’s expenditures
d. Perform regular auditing especially on situations that the treasurer and associate treasurers are receiving
payments and paying for expenses.
e. Certify the legitimacy and correctness of the disbursement fund;
f. Submit a narrative report and an audit report to the COE-SBO Adviser at the end of the schoolyear.
g. Perform such other tasks as may be assigned from time to time by the governor/ SBO.

Section 6 The PIO or Public Information Officer shall:

a. Be a good model to fellow students, without any derogatory record stipulated in the University Code,
prior to and within his/her term of office.
b. Head of the publicity committee and take charge in the announcements and publications as to the
resolutions made, issues resolved and other matters pertaining to student services, students’ welfare and
c. Ensure prompt and wide dissemination of announcements, projects and other activities of the COE-SBO
involving participation and cooperation of the students..
d. Submit a narrative report and documentation of all events and activities spearheaded by or involving the
COE-SBO in chronological order, to the COE-SBO Adviser at the end of the schoolyear.
e. Perform such other tasks as may be assigned from time to time by the governor/ SBO.

Section 7 The Representatives of the different year levels and courses of COE students shall:
a. Be a good model to fellow students, without any derogatory record stipulated in the University Code,
prior to and within his/her term of office.
b. Contribute to the ease in carrying out the democratic selection of COE students (ex contestants for the
Ms. And Mr. Education) who shall participate in certain activities which need even/ equitable
participation from the students, by ensuring that students shall represent each of the year-levels and
c. Submit a narrative report to the COE-SBO Adviser as well as other additional reports assigned to
him/her at the end of the schoolyear.
d. Conceptualize and implement programs and projects. Recommended policies for their respective year
level, clubs and orgs.
e. Represent COE-SBO in the lower house of the University-wide Supreme Student Council.
f. Be the voice of the course or year level that they represent in the COE-SBO

Section 8 The Appointees (2) shall;

a. Be a good model to fellow students, without any derogatory record stipulated in the University Code,
prior to and within his/her term of office.
b. Render assistance to the P.I.O. and the representatives.
c. Regardless of the absence of the P.I.O. and the representatives, he/she should actively participate in all
of the activities facilitated/ initiated by the COE-SBO Officers.
d. Submit a narrative report to the COE-SBO Adviser as well as other additional reports assigned to
him/her at the end of the schoolyear.
e. Perform such other tasks as may be assigned from time to time by the governor/ SBO.
f. Manifest initiative in the performance of tasks that are COE-SBO related.


Section 1 Qualification
a. A faculty member of the College of Education;
b. With good moral character and reputation in the school and community;
c. The COE-SBO adviser shall be designated by the College Dean from among the three (3) teacher
nominees submitted by the COE-SBO officers through resolution;
d. With leadership competence and background.

Section 2 Duties and Responsibilities

a. Maintain communication and meet with the officers regularly;
b. Awareness and approval of activity design, resolution and financial statement;
c. Serves as the consultant of the officers;
d. Ensure and monitor that all COE-SBO programs, project and activities are well implemented;
e. Recommend strategies to the officers for more effective program and project implementation;
f. Attend all major activities when presence is needed;
g. The adviser can suggest ideas however he/she should not decide with his/her own interest without the
conformity and consensus of the organization;
h. Function as link between the COE-SBO and Faculty member of the College of Education.

Section 3 Term of office and Removal

a. The adviser was given a complete and continues term of office;
b. In case if the adviser will resign he/she must inform the organization prior to to the next school year.
He/She must write a resignation letter address to the Dean informing his/her status.
c. Adviser can be removed through a resolution requesting the Dean stating the valid and acceptable

ARTICLE XI- Clubs and Organization

Section 1 Composition
All Clubs and Organization of the College of Education is under supervision of the COE-SBO. These
shall assist the the COE-SBO implementing programs and projects of each Clubs and Oganizations. The Clubs
and Organization will serves as a support system of the COE-SBO in initiating program and activities

Section 2 Members
The officers of the Clubs and Organization under the College of Education is compose of the
a. Mentor’s League. Com
b. League of Elementary Education (LEE)
c. Educationalist
d. Young Educators Club
e. BPE-SPE Society
f. Social Studies Society
g. Mathematics Educators Club
h. Other recognize clubs and organization
Section 3 Role and Function
a. Recommend programs and projects during the Meetings
b. Serves as representative of their respective club/orgs in immediate decision making in resolving
unexpected problem or issues with the concerns of the COE students;
c. Support the programs and activities of the COE-SBO.
d. Participate in the crafting/ formulation of operation plan of the organization.
e. May invite the COE-SBO Represenative during their meetings, programs and other activities.
Section 4 Duties and Responsibilities
a. Should attend in any meeting set by the COE-SBO;
b. Be part of the decision making during meetings;
c. Express the opinions and suggestions of their members as representatives
d. Help the COE-SBO during the implementation of the program and activities.


Section 1 In case of resignation or removal of any officers, the COE-SBO Officers shall undergo
election/appointment to fill the vacancy of office;

Section 2 The Governor shall call for an election/appointment within ten days after the vacancy of any office;
Section 3 The election/appointment shall be conducted as stated in the by-laws;

Section 4 Should the office of the Governor become vacant, the Vice-Governor should complete the Governor’s
term and call for an election/ appointment consistent to the election/ appointment process set forth by this by


Section 1 Any officer shall not solicit any contribution bringing the name of the COE-SBO except for purposes
approved by the organization.

Section 2 The club shall not be used for irrational, illegal or derogatory purposes.

Section 3 All facilities and properties of the COE-SBO are exclusively for the COE students’ use only, in
curricular and extra-curricular activities.


Section 1 The amendments of the Constitution and By-laws and other guidelines agreed upon by this body, as
stated in the Minutes of Meeting of the COE-SBO, this day, shall take effect upon the operation of SY 2019-
2020 and thereafter unless prior amendments are made. The Constitution and By-Laws of the COE-SBO shall
be amended by a group of officers prior to the current group for which the CBL was amended for - a necessary
procedure to avoid the creation of rules that tend towards motives of self/group-serving nature and motives that
may undermine the good of the COE student body populace.
Certified True and Correct: (COE-SBO SY 2018-2019 Officers)




COE-SBO Vice Governor COE-SBO 4th Year Representative


COE-SBO Secretary COE-SBO 3rd Year Representative


COE-SBO Assoc. Secretary COE-SBO 1st Year Representative


COE-SBO Treasurer COE-SBO BEE Representative


COE-SBO Assoc. Treasurer COE-SBO BSE Representative


COE-SBO Auditor COE-SBO Special Appointee


COE-SBO Special Appointee COE-SBO BCED Representative

COE-SBO Special Appointee

Attested by:


Adviser, COE- SBO Dean, College of Education

Signed: June 19, 2019

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