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On the Number of Prime Numbers less than a Given

The paper published by Bernhard Reimann in 1859 shows a deep relation on prime numbers
with our daily observation. The interesting question he asked was,’’how many numbers are
there with composites. If we zoomed out the whole numbers in our mind, we find that the
number of prime numbers is going to decreasing as moving to bigger numbers. This is imagined
as a big dense forest, having the longest tree in the centre on it.and wherever its leaves shaded
out around the forest, we find the prime number, as assuming forest to whole numbers. So as
we move further away from the longest tree, the probability of finding leaves of it going to
decrease. So finding the primes at higher numbers in very challenging. Reimann solved this
issue by finding the number of primes less than the given number x.

In order to find the number of primes. The density of the prime number should be calculated
first, which is
primes/search size
Where search size is the given quantity.
For example, for the first hundred number, density is 25/100=25% (25% are prime).
And for the first 1 million numbers: 78489/10000000=7.89%
Though the speed of which prime density slows down .as same the radioactivity decay of
substance, we cannot calculate the full half time of a radioactivity substance, as radioactivity
slows down further.
So if put data, density and quantities in the graph, it flows logarithm variations.As similar to
Some cyclone shape galaxies,storms, tornadoes, flowers, our body cell packaging.this is know
to be Logarithmic spiral.
Number of rotation is 𝛟 and the distance from the centre of origin is r
If we relate them in the graph, we find out that they are related by ln(natural log)
Such that 𝝫 =ln(r)
Replacing symbols by cartesian coordinates.
And by inverting ln term, we find that the value we get is approx. the same as the prime density.
So it like, y=1/ln(x)
We can say that prime number density varies logarithmic way.
Therefore,y=prime density( x )
This relation is called an asymptotic law of distribution of prime numbers.
Now we have a formula to accurately telling the prime density without counting the number of
Example, to find the density of prime in 1 trillion number,
As the actual value is 3.2 %, so just exactly the same.
In order to get the number of primes,
The area under the curve 1/ln(x) gives the number of primes.assuming the density
Which further equal to
Now we get the exact formula for counting the number of prime in the given quantity x.
E.g. finding the primes in 100 trillion number
y=10000000000000000/ln(10000000000000000)=3.1 Trillion
Which approx. equal to the exact value of 3.1 trillion prime numbers.
This is the real beauty of Mathematics.

This is a theorem called prime number theorem and this is used in various applied fields of

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