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Starfish can´t live outside the water, so they are distributed throughout the oceans
of the world, either in cold or tropical waters. It is quite uncommon to find them in
freshwater. The preferred habitats of these striking creatures are the marine depths;
they adhere to the muddy, sandy areas, between algae and rocks. The fact is that
they can only be in marine environment, and if they stay out of these waters for a
long time they could easily die, since their bodies have a system that helps them
have an electrolyte control that only allows them to live in salty waters. They are
Orange, yellow, blue, violet, Brown and red. Their colors range from the brightest to
the warmest, and they even use them to hide from enemies or to instill fear in them.
Their size and weight vary according to the species, however their measurements
generally range between 12 to 25 centimeters in diameter. There are also very small
species of two centimeters in diameter, and some other quite big of up to one meter
in diameter.

As for their weight, it also varies according to the species, and ranges from 20 grams
to more than 80 grams. An interesting aspect regarding this trait is that it determines
the starfish sexual maturity and even their longevity. The less weight a starfish has,
the less life it will have

Their mouth are small, is located in the middle of the oral disc, and it is strategically
bordered by a peristomial membrane, which is formed by a sphincter.

The starfish usually have 5 arms with ambulacral grooves , although there are also
specimens with 20 arms. Each arm is formed by an internal blister and an external
podium or “feet”. In some circumstances, these arms perform displacing functions,
since they can work as levers or as a traction system when they are on vertical
surfaces. The speed they can reach employing their arms, ranges between 10 and
14 cm per minute.

The starfish are carnivorous, scavenging and even detritivore. Their diet is based
on consuming mostly invertebrates, such as gastropods, barnacles, bivalves,
polychaetes, snails, sponges and worms. Given their detritivore condition they can
consume vegetables in a state of decomposition and also fecal materials.

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