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Hand Protection EXromeee for Protection Glov EN 420 is underlying general standard to which cll protective gloves must comply it relates specifically to Size, dexerity and inert nature ofthe fabric tna he glove has been “consirucied” Eee EN Guard againls mechanical hazards including sharp object which could eu, pierce or scratch the skin, The higher the resistance score, the better tho performance. The glove resistance is represented in he adjacen! pielogram using the right code below ee eA eee A on Abrasion resistance ® os Cs slicing esitanee © oa Tor reisarce| . oa Ponce Resistance x Tat non plea or enevcestly completed loose nota: On caroin glover two or fre picigrams may be preset, bch come under EN 388, the oe TL) Foesenten cps te for by Jade weighing 1050kg onto he glove Prolecion fom impact cis ted for by cropping @ mt blade vighng 1OSOkg on othe glove fam eg ct Scum Pavsance sre othe pa ra mes ees EN 288 Siac Eecricly 27) he sac ebsrciy i ricales 0 vole rey rash between 10° rd 10" em. A love masing OT ins citesion can resice he sk of abcrostarc dcharges Perlomance ote in ether pass oF Fl Pe eee Standard agains relates fo the resisance fo Penettation of glove by micto organisms. Ths is grove bythe lowe water hones, fr example, by ar 9 lokage ts. Perfomance roFe in either pass or fail EN 3743 Chemical Hazard EN Y ro & Deals with glove resistance againts chemical hazards and is measured in term of permeation, for oxampe tho tim i fokes or spoctied chemical agent to break hrough the glove Performance is reated by an indox of | to 6, indicating the time taken for a molecule of the chemical to pass through the glove [NOTE Gian vo peo anil or commerally avait, vial ha he cone ghss ow ean Fier eins MOGLARD estes eb ye ferns This standard deal wih the protection afforded to the weare: by he glove again's specific hermal hazards. The hazards are categorised from AF and the performance levels fom 1-4. ELEM Letier Code level Ty meee Une A M4 ning oho ac ae 1 | | Gente | FA ome at sin 1 10s D | 1a Reet he inne 2 20 | oe EA tainon eal lhe nome) 3908 714 tase lage os netnafnoel« ee “Find eat wich hand proeon ig for yorapplinn on pag 172, 5 Cy o Cy a z < PROGUARD® Xen @ Suilable for cold working hazards. Performance is rated the higher the rumber he more prolecve the gloves can afford eae ea Type A on Conece Cald 2 oe Cone Cold ¢ er Wit mperesbly x Tein eppicbl or meen compl z PNPM ole Bacal Sx ULSD 2 This standard is concermed with protective gloves for ionizing radiation inckding contamination S «and direct exposure 1 radiation. The gloves must under go walertighhness lest as wel os specific ry ‘est depending on the glave's use. The inclusion of the the pictogram symbol indicates the product ° has passed the test, - EN 60903 Insulating Protection Gloves for Working with Electr Zz The standard for Electcally insulating gloves covets the tesing citric for he diferent classes of gloves, and - ako seis out deta for heir storage, handling and on going care, The piclogram for this standard appears on the gloves themselves which will indicate the working voltage, the manufacturer, date of manufacture, size of @) the glove and ako the manufacture batch number. RY LOT XXXX Chas & Coegores Dose othe fused Le Mondacaer Marking ofthe periodical Nons/S20/Yooe inspion soe PROGUARDS Glove Cem = OW Cee OW Cee SO RNF-1S RNF-18 d RNU22 + ade fom igh quay srk abbe or rg wong RE tease Se ler Pee stemontloareys denclpodeadeetey /Méls $910 OOtneIS\6nbh | eI Hee e SRN devgred enwies ver INET 89,10 Odéom 003mm (I7AGHH SenTST segciromrenendgescoron, " [INuzZ [8910 | Oérms00imianh | asevlel + Mopleaion Chemcalpocesng alrsning, bry ‘enlocng, fll nankeerce, peices kod, Sod processing envio wae chan vo. Qiitiend Cew 6 O + ann ne PTD hese Toencal pete dees Geneon treo Tec ston eqs ee + pln Cal cro eg, tte mondacksing, plart maintenance, pesticides hardlng, Lee cree cen Qoeton cen 5 UW Nespere doe nae fon gh ely reapers CEST etn ets elle ches peck shore wo co dpi hesltcoyPowthoreal vorotvesverth Tel in tral banog sco hie patos, 00 PROGUARD®

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