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The issue regarding Senator Trillanes’ 2010 amnesty has been a very
hot topic over the news and over discourses and conversations of
many people recently. Regarding this, basing on my little knowledge
of the law, I cannot seem to agree that Trillanes’ application for the
amnesty was duly according to what was required based on the
proclamation. I also find it questionable for the previous executive
to have not signed the papers himself when it says in the law that
the granting of amnesty is solely an executive power. It has also hurt
his credibility when his party was not able to present a copy of the
application form that he filed for the said amnesty. Whether this is
just a malicious plot of the current president in order to get back at
Trillanes for being so nosy and alledging him of many foul things, or
if all of these are true, this just goes to show how messy,
complicated, and sketchy our government processes are. We, as
Filipinos, should hope that this would all be sorted out in the end
and that we would soon wake up to a government that is
transparent, trustworthy, impartial, and justified. A kind of
government that we could all be proud of.
The name “Duterte” has already been a very big name in the Philippines even
before the 2016 elections. It became bigger when he joined the national
elections as a presidential candidate. And now, he has already been in the
presidential seat for about three years. Much as what has been expected by
the many Filipinos, his administration would be bombarded by tons of
positive and negative reactions from the people not just in the Philippines
but also from all our neighboring countries. In my knowledge, as an ordinary
student in this city, the president is being able to do well to the country.
There were thousands of projects and advocacies that were realized. The
War on Drugs is having progress even if it is continually being smeared with
the Extrajudicial Killings controversy. It is just sad for many of us that the
media in the Philippines has always been very eager to show all the negative
occurrences in his administration and in his personal character which creates
a heavier backlash for the president. Yes, he is more often impulsive and says
things without much consideration, or he may always be seen cursing in his
speeches and in national tv but that should not erase the fact that he is doing
something for the country. Despite his differences, I believe that among the
last three presidents that weve had, he is by far way, way better. What I
think is best for us to do before we criticize the president or any other people
and being blinded what other people say, we should make sure first that we
are good citizens in our own ways practicing the most basic of the laws and
rules in our community. Because I believe that if you are not a good citizen
yourself at all, then what right do you have to condemn others? Whether
Duterte is the best or worst president weve had, the good change that we all
long for starts in us and within us. Cliché as it may seem, but IT IS absolutely
INFLATION. (spell it out)
That is a word that has been ringing bells almost everywhere for the
last few weeks. It is currently a very pressing issue talked about by
many people. It is currently a popular subject of memes circulating
in social media platforms. But do we really understand what
inflation is? Do the common people and ordinary citizens of this
country understand what this is all about?
Inflation simply explained means that the general level of the prices
of our goods and services is going up. More money will be needed to
avail our basic commodities. According to the economists, the
horrifying inflation rate we recently had has primarily been caused
by many factors led by the rising of the world oil prices. Every time
that happens, an oil price hike follows. And when there is a hike,
which would result to fare increase which would also affect the price
of goods and services. Domino effect. Other factors are the
continuing weak peso value and the rise crisis that we are currently
facing. Some say that a high inflation rate is a sign of a progressing
country. But I think it is not fine at all for it is affecting the Filipinos,
especially those who are from the marginalized sector. The
government should stop saying that it is fine because it is not and do
some drastic, concrete, and effective solutions instead. If our
country should progress, then we should all progress together.

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