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This festival is celebrated in Ica on the second week of March and is a celebration of the
abundance of grapes and wine. The Wine Festival (Festival de la Vendimia) involves fairs,
competitions, processions of floats, musical festivals and parties where guests dance the Afro-
Peruvian festejo.

One of the major attractions of the event is the Queen of the Wine Festival beauty pageant.
Accompanied by her hand-maidens, the beauty queen treads grapes in a vat in the time-
honored tradition to extract the juice that will eventually be fermented.

Apart from the delicious local sweets known as tejas, made from pecans or candied fruits,
filled with caramel and covered with sugar icing, those attending the event can try pisco, the
aromatic and tasty grape brandy that originated in this part of southern Peru four centuries

This festival is really cool beacuse tourists will have the chance to witness tradicional grape
stomping and tasty grape brandy.

Visitors will have the chance to witness traditional grape stomping, an activity that’s reflective
of the region’s winemaking tradition.

John had a Chilean friendwho offered us hosting for afew nights,

at the end wewere accompanied to theairport and each one tookt
heir respective flights.
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Hoy en día, sigo teniendo comunicación con él, él es un chico muy agradable.

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