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“ProjectX-Cloud Automation”

In partial fulfillment of
Bachelor of Technology
in Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Submitted to: Submitted by:

Prof. Rajendra Purohit Gajendra Patel
Associate Professor Preet Ashok Bohra
Dept. Of CSE, JIET Raghav Agarwal
VIII Semester, B.Tech.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Jodhpur Institute of Engineering and Technol-
Session 2018-2019

This is to certify that Project Entitled “ProjectX-Cloud Automation” has been car-
ried out by the students of college Jodhpur Institute of Engineering and Tech-
nology, Jodhpur under my guidance and supervision in partial fulfillment of
degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering or
Rajasthan Technical University, Kota during the academic year 2018-19.

Team : • Preet Ashok Bohra (15JICS087)

• Gajendra Patel (15JICS718) • Raghav Agarwal (15JICS089)

CSE, JIET, Jodhpur

Signature of Guide Signature of Head of Department

Prof. Manish Gehlot

Prof. Mamta Grag
Associate Professor Head of Department
Dept. of CSE, JIET Dept. of CSE, JIET

We express our sincere gratitude to our guide Prof. Manish Gehlot and our in-charge Prof.
Rajendra Purohit for his motivation during the course of the project which served as a spur to
keep the work on schedule. I convey my regards to all the other faculty members of Department
of Computer Science and Engineering for their valuable guidance and advices at appropriate
Finally, I would like to thank my friends for their help and assistance all through this project.
Thank you


• ◦ Gajendra Patel (15EJICS718)

◦ Preet Ashok Bohra (15EJICS087)
◦ Raghav Agarwal (15EJICS089)



Cloud computing is the most emergent technology. You can define cloud computing as a host
of data or server not on the local storage elements but on the Internet and servers. After
launch of cloud computing in the market it comes to action. When organization don’t want
to spend much money on the hardware and wants to improve the efficiency in data processing
and keep all the data global. Cloud automation is a method of provisioning, deploying, and
decommissioning using—well—automation software. Without automation, provisioning capacity
is a manual process, and managing all those pooled resources would be too cumbersome. That’s
why automation is regarded as a necessary component of cloud computing.
In this project we are providing the cloud services like Container as a Service (CAAS), Storage
as a Service (StAAS), Software as a Service (SAAS), and Platform as a Service (PAAS). This
deployment is done on Linux Virtual Machine and can be used by anyone who has access to the
portal. We have also implemented a Face Authentication method so that only registered people
would be able to access the portal and utilize the services we offer.
There is also a section where a user can manage Hadoop clusters i.e. the configuration of Namen-
odes and Datanodes is done automatically as per the user requirement. For this configuration
purpose we have used Ansible which is Red-Hat Technology used to configuring systems inde-
pendent of the platform which they run.
All the above-mentioned services are completely on user demand. If a user demands for a service
then only he/ she would be provided the service. Currently in Platform as a Service we are pro-
viding Python Interpreter and Java Compiler. In Software as a Service we are providing Mozilla
Firefox and Gedit. In Container as a Service we are providing a fresh lightweight operating sys-
tem which would be user customizable which means that the user can add software applications
to the instance of the operating system provided.

Table of Contents

Contents 5
CONCLUSION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 REFERENCES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61


Fig.No. Title of Figure Page.No.

Fig 1.1 Cloud Computing Overview 3
Fig 1.2 MapReduce Algorithum 8
Fig 4.1 Functional Block Diagram of the System 13
Fig 4.2 Flow Chart for StAAS 17
Fig 4.3 Flow Chart for CAAS 18
Fig 4.4 Flow Chart for SAAS 19
Fig 4.5 Flow Chart for PAAS 20
Fig 5.1.1 Create Virtual Machine 21
Fig 5.1.2 Allocate RAM 22
Fig 5.1.3 Create Virtual Hard Drive 22
Fig 5.1.4 Select a Virtual Hard Drive 23
Fig 5.1.5 Create virtual Operating System 23
Fig 5.1.6 Select Performance 24
Fig 5.1.7 Select Extensions 24
Fig 5.1.8 Select Oracle Extension Pack 25
Fig 5.1.9 Install the Extension Pack 25
Fig 5.1.10 Accept the Virtual Box T& C 26
Fig 5.1.11 Wait for Performance 26
continued on next page

continued from previous page
Fig 5.1.12 Prompt for Successful Installation 27
Fig 5.2.1 Command for Ansible Installtion 27
Fig 5.2.2 Accepting the Installation Conditions 28
Fig 5.2.3 Installing Ansible 28
Fig 5.2.4 Ansible Installation Complete 29
Fig 5.3.1 OpenCv Installation Complete 29
Fig 5.4.1 Python Installation 30
Fig 5.4.2 Accept the Installation Condition 30
Fig 5.4.3 Installation Complete 31
Fig 6.1 Home Page 52
Fig 6.2 PAAS Home Screen 52
Fig 6.3 PAAS Python Home Screen 53
Fig 6.4 Python Editor 53
Fig 6.5 Python Interpreter 54
Fig 6.6 PAAS JAVA Execution 54
Fig 6.7 SAAS Home Screen 55
Fig 6.8 StAAS Home Screen 55
Fig 6.9 CAAS Home Screen 56
Fig 6.10 CAAS Deployment 56
Fig 6.11 Container Management 57
Fig 6.12 Hadoop Home Screen 57


◦ Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system re-

sources, especially data storage and computing power, without direct ac-
tive management by the user. The term is generally used to describe data
centers available to many users over the Internet. Large clouds, predomi-
nant today, often have functions distributed over multiple locations from
central servers. If the connection to the user is relatively close, it may be
designated an edge server. Clouds may be limited to a single organization
(enterprise clouds) be available to many organizations (public cloud,) or a
combination of both (hybrid cloud). The largest public cloud is Amazon
AWS. Cloud computing relies on sharing of resources to achieve coher-
ence and economies of scale. Advocates of public and hybrid clouds note
that cloud computing allows companies to avoid or minimize up-front IT
infrastructure costs. Proponents also claim that cloud computing allows
enterprises to get their applications up and running faster, with improved
manageability and less maintenance, and that it enables IT teams to more
rapidly adjust resources to meet fluctuating and unpredictable demand.
Cloud providers typically use a "pay-as-you-go" model, which can lead
to unexpected operating expenses if administrators are not familiarized
with cloud-pricing models.The availability of high-capacity networks, low-
cost computers and storage devices as well as the widespread adoption of
hardware virtualization, service-oriented architecture, and autonomic and
utility computing has led to growth in cloud computing.
Cloud computing exhibits the following key characteristics:

◦ Agility for organizations may be improved, as cloud computing may increase users’
flexibility with re-provisioning, adding, or expanding technological infrastructure re-

on a utility computing basis is "fine-grained", with usage-based billing options. As well, less
in-house IT skills are required for implementation of projects that use cloud computing.
The e-FISCAL project’s state-of-the-art repository contains several articles looking into
cost aspects in more detail, most of them concluding that costs savings depend on the type
of activities supported and the type of infrastructure available in- house.
• Device and location independence enable users to access systems using a web browser
regardless of their location or what device they use (e.g., PC, mobile phone). As infras-
tructure is off-site (typically provided by a third-party) and accessed via the Internet, users
can connect to it from anywhere.
• Maintenance of cloud computing applications is easier, because they do not need to be
installed on each user’s computer and can be accessed from different places (e.g., different
work locations, while travelling, etc.).Performance is monitored by IT experts from the service
provider, and consistent and loosely coupled architectures are constructed using web services as
the system interface.

• Performance is monitored by IT experts from the service provider, and consistent and loosely
coupled architectures are constructed using web services as the system interface.

• Multitenancy enables sharing of resources and costs across a large pool of users thus al-
lowing for:

◦ centralization of infrastructure in locations with lower costs (such as real estate, elec-
tricity, etc.)
◦ peak-load capacity increases (users need not engineer and pay for the resources and
equipment to meet their highest possible load-levels)
◦ utilisation and efficiency improvements for systems that are often only 10–20% utilised.

Figure: 1.1 (Cloud Computing Overview)

• Types of Cloud

◦ Public Cloud: A cloud is called a "public cloud" when the services are rendered over
a network that is open for public use. Public cloud services may be
◦ Private Cloud: Private cloud is cloud infrastructure operated solely for a single
organization, whether managed internally or by a third party, and hosted either inter-
nally or externally.Undertaking a private cloud project requires significant engagement
to virtualize the business environment, and requires the organization to reevaluate de-
cisions about existing resources. It can improve business, but
every step in the project raises security issues that must be addressed to prevent serious vulner-
abilities. Self-run data centers are generally capital intensive. They have a significant physical
footprint, requiring allocations of space, hardware, and environmental controls. These assets
have to be refreshed periodically, resulting in additional capital expenditures. They have at-
tracted criticism because users "still have to buy, build, and manage them" and thus do not
benefit from less hands-on management, essentially "[lacking] the economic model that makes
cloud computing such an intriguing concept".

• ◦ Hybrid Cloud: Hybrid cloud is a composition of two or more clouds (private,

community or public) that remain distinct entities but are bound together, offering
the benefits of multiple deployment models. Hybrid cloud can also mean the ability
to connect collocation, managed and/or dedicated services with cloud resources.
Gartner defines a hybrid cloud service as a cloud computing service that is com-
posed of some combination of private, public and community cloud services, from
different service providers. A hybrid cloud service crosses isolation and provider
boundaries so that it can’t be simply put in one category of private, public, or
community cloud service. It allows one to extend either the capacity or the capa-
bility of a cloud service, by aggregation, integration or customization with another
cloud service.

• Docker

Docker is a computer program that performs operating-system-level virtual-

ization. It was first released in 2013 and is developed by Docker, Inc.
Docker is used to run software packages called containers. Containers are isolated from
each other and bundle their own application, tools, libraries and configuration files; they
can communicate with each other through well-defined channels. All containers are run
by a single operating-system kernel and are thus more lightweight than virtual machines.
Containers are created from images that specify their precise contents. Images are often
created by combining and modifying standard images downloaded from public repositories.

◦ Features of Docker

• ◦ ∗ Load images
∗ Attach container
∗ Start/Stop container
∗ Virtualization
∗ Shell in a box

• Ansible
Ansible is an open source IT configuration management (CM) and automation platform,
provided by Red Hat. It uses human-readable YAML templates so that users can program
repetitive tasks to occur automatically, without learning an advanced language.
◦ Configure ansible
∗ Inventory file
∗ ansible.cfg
∗ Role folder
∗ Playbook
∗ Controller node
∗ Managed node
◦ Exception handling
∗ block
∗ rescue
∗ always
◦ Ansible vault

• Python Programming
Python is an interpreted, object-oriented programming language similar to PERL, that
has gained popularity because of its clear syntax and readability.

◦ Importing modules to execute Linux commands

◦ Libraries

• ◦ ∗ NumPy
∗ OpenCV
◦ Speech to text conversion
◦ Face recognition using OpenCV
∗ Collecting samples
∗ Training the model
∗ Testing
◦ Python CGI (Common Gateway Interface)

• Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux is a Linux distribution developed by Red Hat and targeted
toward the commercial market. Red Hat Enterprise Linux is released in server versions
for x86, x86-64, Itanium, PowerPC and IBM System z, and desktop versions for x86 and

◦ Installing software using yum and rpm.

◦ Creation of LVM (Logical Volume Manager)
∗ Partition (Physical/Logical)
∗ Physical Volume (PV)
∗ Volume Group (VG)
∗ Logical Volume (LV)
∗ Format (xfs/ext4)
∗ Mount on a folder
◦ Swap partition
◦ Configuring web server
∗ Install httpd
∗ configure web
∗ restart httpd service
◦ Job scheduling
◦ IP Forwarding

• Big Data

"Big data" is a field that treats ways to analyze, systematically extract information
from, or otherwise deal with data sets that are too large or complex to be dealt with
by traditional data-processing application software. Data with many cases (rows)
offer greater statistical power, while data with higher complexity (more attributes or
columns) may lead to a higher false discovery rate
Big data challenges
include capturing data,
search, sharing, transfer, visualization, querying, updating, information privacy,
data storage, data analytics and data source. Big data was originally associated
with three key concepts: volume, variety, and velocity. Other concepts later at-
tributed with big data are veracity (i.e., how much noise is in the data) and value

• HDFS (Hadoop distributed file system)

Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS) is the world’s most reliable storage system.
HDFS stores very large files running on a cluster of commodity hardware. It works on
the principle of storage of less number of large files rather than the huge number of
small files. HDFS stores data reliably even in the case of hardware failure.
Hadoop HDFS architecture consist of Master/Slave architecture in which Master is
Name Node that store meta-data and Slave is Data Node that store actual data. HDFS
architecture consist of single Name Node and all other nodes are Data Node.
o MapReduce in HDFS:
MapReduce is a processing technique and a program model for distributed comput-
ing based on java. The MapReduce algorithm contains two important tasks, namely
Map and Reduce. Map takes a set of data and converts it into another set of data,
where individual elements are broken down into tuples (key/value pairs). Secondly,
reduce task, which takes the output from a map as an input and combines those
data tuples into a smaller set of tuples. As the sequence of the name MapReduce
implies, the reduce task is always performed after the map job.
The major advantage of MapReduce is that it is easy to scale data processing over
ing nodes. Under the MapReduce model, the data processing primitives are called
mappers and reducers. Decomposing a data processing application

into mappers and reducers is sometimes nontrivial. But, once we write an appli-
cation in the MapReduce form, scaling the application to run over hundreds, thou-
sands, or even tens of thousands of machines in a cluster is merely a configuration
change. This simple scalability is what has attracted many programmers to use the
MapReduce model.

Figure 1.2 (MapReduce Algorithm)


In April 2017, Priya Dhir and Sushil Garg ( Research scholar- RMIT UNIVERSITY)
done a survey on the cloud computing techniques. Cloud computing is a technology,
which provides low cost, scalable computation capacity and services to enterprises
on demand for expansion. Although, cloud computing is facilitating the Informa-
tion technology industry, the research and development in this arena is yet to be
satisfactory. Cloud computing resources offered service on an as-needed basis, and
delivered by IP-based connectivity, providing highly scalable, reliable on-demand
services with agile management capabilities. There are a lot of development in the
cloud computing, security of the data in the cloud has become the one of major
aspects in the cloud computing. Cloud computing is nothing but the sharing of the
resources in an open environment which leads to the security problems. This paper
aim is to provide different models of cloud computing and data masking techniques
for providing security.

In March 2017, Babak Bashari Rad, Harrison John Bhatti, Mohammad Ahmadi (Asia
Pacific University of Technology and Innovation Technology Park Malaysia, Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia) discuss the introduction of docker and its performance. They
discuss that Docker provide some facilities, which are useful for developers and ad-
ministrators. It is an open platform can be used for building, distributing, and
running applications in a portable, lightweight runtime and packaging tool, known
as Docker Engine. It also provide Docker Hub, which is a cloud service for sharing
applications. Costs can be reduced by replacing traditional virtual machine with
docker container. It excellently reduces the cost of re-building the cloud develop-
ment platform.

In June 2017, F.M.A. ERICH, C. AMRIT, M. DANEVA presented a paper, Titled as

“ Quali- tative Study of DevOps Usage in Practice” . They discuss how Organiza-
tions are introducing agile and lean software development techniques in operations
to increase the pace of their software development process and to improve the qual-
ity of their software. They use the term DevOps, a portmanteau of development and
operations, as an umbrella term to describe their efforts. In this paper we describe
the ways in which organizations implement DevOps and the outcomes they experi-
ence. They first summarize the results of a Systematic Literature Review that we
performed to discover what researchers have written about DevOps. Then describe
results of an exploratory interviewbased study involving six organizations of various sizes that

are active in various industries. As part of our findings, observed that all organizations were
positive about their experiences and only minor problems were encountered while adopting De-

A White paper published by RED-HAT organisation, Titled as ” How to do deVops

without leav-ing legacy behind” . The paper shows that an increasingly apparent
and large challenge in IT organizations is how teams can actively modernize soft-
ware development and IT operations while still operating and maintaining their
traditional applications and infrastructure. Often the approach is to merely draw a
line in the sand, creating an arbitrary cut-off whereby new implementations make
use of the much desired DevOps and agile methodology.

A White paper published by RED-HAT organisation, Titled as “ Integration : Cloud

Support with Ansible” . The paper shows that an Ansible’s library of cloud sup-
port modules makes it easy to provision instances, networks, and complete cloud
infrastructure wherever you need. The same simple Playbook language you use for
application deployment and on-prem virtualization automation also provisions your
infrastructure, and applies the correct configuration to it. Ansible ensures your
cloud deployments work seamlessly across public, private, or hybrid cloud as easily
as you can build a single system.

In September 2012, Garrison, G., Kim, S., Wakefield, R.L presented a paper, Titled
as “Success Factors for Deploying Cloud Computing” . The paper shows Trust
between client organization and cloud provider is a strong predictor of successful
cloud deployment. They concluded that Cloud computing services can provide IT
functionality to small and large organizations alike. Organizations throughout the
industrialized world, challenged by competition and government regulation, show
strong interest in cloud computing to help reduce operating costs and increase busi-
ness agility while addressing their computing and data-storage needs.18 While many
benefits are associated with cloud computing, one key to success is for the client
organization to use its IT-related capability to leverage cloud-provided resources.


3.1 Functionalities

• Login panel
To get the needed services user have to register first whereas the Admin will automatically
login in through face detection. Any time if the user who has already registered, needs the
services he will be automatically logged in through the face detection.

• Services panel
After the Authentication process user will get a web interface where he/she can buy any
of services needed by the user. There will be many option like Hadoop Services (where
user can manage his/her data), Dockers (if the user have troubleshoot in using different
OS then any OS can be launched using our docker service) & Cloud Services (To get any
of cloud services like Software as a Service, Container as a Service, Platform as a service,
Storage as a service or Gaming as a Service).

• User Window

This window is completely user process where the user have give input of needed information
for getting that particular service. For example For getting the HDFS Cluster the user must
input the number of data-nodes he/wants as the Master’s Ip as well. The user have to give
information that which software/platform/container is needed. And if the user want storage
then how much storage does he needs.


• This web interface is user interactive. The interface is simple, easy to handle and self-

• Once opened, user will easily come into the flow with the application and easily uses all.

• However, the basic interface available in our web interface is:

◦ Login Panel
◦ Service Panel

• Technologies used during this project

◦ Programming languages: Python (Basic)

◦ Web technologies

◦ Framework

◦ Technologies
DevOps (Ansible), Docker, Cloud Computing, Big-Data Hadoop

◦ Operating System

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5 (RHEL)


• Functional Block Diagram

Figure: 4.1 (Functional Block Diagram of the System)

• Functional Partitions

• Module Name: Automation of Cloud Services and HDFS

◦ Module: Face Authentication

∗ Input Dependencies

Module Data Description

Face authenti- Click Client will be added after required verification

∗ Output Dependencies

Module Data Description

Face authenti- Verified and added Client added after required verification

◦ Module: StAAS

∗ Input Dependencies

Module Data Description

StAAS Click Storage is Requested by the client

∗ Output Dependencies

Module Data Description

StAAS Storage added Required storage will be added for StAAS

∗ Functional Block Diagram

• ◦ Module:PAAS

∗ Input Dependencies

Module Data Description

PAAS Click Cloud platform Requested

∗ Output Dependencies

Module Data Description

PAAS Services added Platform will be provided to the client.

∗ Functional Block Diagram

Request For Plat- Platform Given


◦ Module: SAAS

∗ Input Dependencies

Module Data Description

SAAS Click Software requested by the client

∗ Output Dependencies
Module Data Description
SAAS Software added Services will be added to service panel

• ◦ ∗ Functional Block Diagram


◦ Module: CAAS

∗ Input Dependencies

Module Data Description

CAAS Click Container requested by the client

∗ Output Dependencies

Module Data Description

CAAS Container launched Container started

∗ Functional Block Diagram

◦ Module: HDFS

∗ Input Dependencies

Module Data Description

HDFS Click Request to add slave in HDFS cluster

∗ Output Dependencies

Module Data Description

HDFS Slaves added Slaves will be added in HDFS cluster

Flow Charts:

o For Storage as Service

Figure 4.2 (Flow Chart for StAAS)

o For Container as Service

Figure 4.3 (Flow Chart for CAAS)

o For Software as Service

Figure 4.4 (Flow Chart for SAAS)

For Platform as Service

Figure 4.5 (Flow Chart for PAAS)


Step by step installation process:-

• RedHat OS Installation in Virtual Box

• Ansible software
• OpenCV
• Python

RedHat OS Installation in Virtual Box :-

Redhat is a Linux based operating system . To be use version of Redhat 7. And Virtual box
is a software . virtual box is a parallel run in the other one operating system is a virtually.
Help of the virtual box parallel run one operating in the other operating system.
Only type linux and version are selected the Red Hat (64bit).
Figure 5.1.1
(Create Virtual Machine)

Memory size are selected your OS compatible.
Figure 5.1.2 (Allocate RAM)

Step3:- Select the hard disk.

Figure 5.1.3 (Create Virtual Hard Drive)


Select the Red Hat file.

Figure 5.1.4 (Select a Virtual Hard Drive)

Press the button the create. Figure 5.1.5 (Create the Virtual Operating System)

- Select the file and choose the Preferences.


Choose the Extensions .

Figure 5.1.6 (Select Preferences) Figure 5.1.7 (Select Extensions)


Step8:- press the button open.

Figure: 5.1.8 (Select Oracle Extension Pack)

Step9:- Press the button install.

Figure: 5.1.9 (Install the
Extension Pack)

Step10:- Press the button I Agree.

Figure: 5.1.10 (Accept the
Virtual Box T& C)

Step11:- Figure: 5.1.11 (Wait for Processing)



Press the button ok then virtual Box are success- Figure 5.1.12
fully installed. (Prompt for Successful Installation)

• Ansible :- Ansible is a language on part of the De-

vops Technology. To all the

work and program are automate in the use of ansible.

Run the linux command to installed the ansible software. Then press the enter key.

Figure: 5.2.1 (Command for Ansible Installation)

Press the ‘y’ key and enter.

Figure 5.2.2 (Accepting the Installation Conditions)

Installation process.

Figure 5.2.3 (Installing Ansible)


Successfully installation Ansible.

Figure 5.2.4
(Ansible Installation Complete)

• OpenCv :-

Run the linux command then install the OpenCv.

Figure 5.3.1 (OpenCV


4.Python:- Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-

level programming language with use as

a scripting or glue language to connect existing components together.

Step1:- Figure 5.4.1(Python Installation)

Run the linux command install the python.

Step2:- Press the ‘y’ key then enter

Figure 5.4.2 (Accept the installation conditions)


Step3:- Figure 5.4.3 (Installation Complete)

Python IDE successfully installed

• Home Page:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>PROJECTX | Home</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./css/master.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./css/index.css">

<ul> <li class="left"><a class="hooper"

<li class="img_cloud"><img src="./images/cloud.png"></li>
<li class="right"><a class="signin" href="login.html">Login / Register</a></li>
<div class="content">
<span class="heading"><h1>Offered

Services</h1></span><br> <div id="service-container">

<a href="" id="services">
<img id="service-image"

src="./images/iaas.jpg"> name">IAAS</span><span class="service-

</div> </a>

<div id="service-container">
<a href="

bin/staas/" id="services">
name">STAAS</span> </a>

src="./images/staas.png"> <img id="service-image"

</div> <span class="service-

<div id="service-container">
<a href="
bin/saas/" id="services">
name">SAAS</span> </a>

src="./images/saas.png"> <img id="service-image"

<span class="service-

<div id="service-container">
<a href="

bin/paas/" id="services">
name">PAAS</span> </a>

src="./images/paas.jpg"> <img id="service-image"

</div> <span class="service-

<div id="service-container">
<a href="

bin/caas/" id="services">
cloud.png"> name">CAAS</span>

src="./images/docker- <img id="service-image"

</div> <span class="service-

bin/" id="services"> <img id="service-image"

<div id="service-container">
<a href="

<span class="service-

name">HADOOP</span> </div> </a>

</div> </section>

<div class="dev-right">
</div> </body>
</div> </html>

<div class="details">

# !/usr/bin/python36 print("content-type: text/html") print("\ n")
<form method=’post’ action=’’>
<input type=’text’ name=’username’ placeholder="Username">
<input type=’password’ name=’password’ placeholder="Password"><br><br>
<!–Google Chrome<input type=’radio’ value=’google-chrome’ name=’g’ /><br /–
<div class="options">
Firefox<input type=’radio’ value="firefox" name=’g’>
Gedit<input type=’radio’ value="gedit" name=’g’>
<!–Visual Studio Code<input type=’radio’ value="code" name=’g’ /><br /> Sublime<input
type=’radio’ value="sublime" name=’g’ /><br /–>
<input type="submit" value="Create"> <br> """)


# !/usr/bin/python36 print("content-type: text/html") print("\ n")

import subprocess as sp import cgi
import random form=cgi.FieldStorage() username=form.getvalue(’username’)

password=form.getvalue(’password’) soft=form.getvalue(’g’)
# username="xd"
# password="xd"
# soft="gedit"
# ip = ""
a = str(random.randint(1000, 9999))
sp.getstatusoutput(’sudo ansible-playbook sassy.yml –extra-vars="uname={ 0} rand={ 1} pswd={
2} soft={ 3} "’.format(username,a,password,soft)) print("execute the downloaded shell script")
print(’<META HTTP-EQUIV=refresh CONTENT="0;URL={ 0}
{ 1} .tar">\ n’.format(userna me,a))

o Sassy.yml:

- hosts: localhost tasks:
- user:
name: "{ { uname } } " state: present
shell: "/usr/bin/{ { soft } } "
password: "{ { pswd | password_hash(’sha512’) } } "

• copy:
content: "ssh -X { { uname } } @" dest: "/tmp/{ { uname } } { { rand } }
mode: 0755

• command: "tar -cvf /var/www/html/down/{ { uname } } { { rand } } .tar /tmp/{ {

uname } } { { rand } } .sh"


# !/usr/bin/python36 print("content-type: text/html") print("\ n")

print("Hello") import subprocess
print("<h3 align=’center’>Platform As a Service</h3>") print("""

<a href=’’><b>For Python</b></a>


<a href=’’><b>For JAVA</b></a>

</center> """)

# !/usr/bin/python36 print("content-type: text/html") print("\ n")
import subprocess
data=subprocess.getoutput("sudo docker start pyos") data=subprocess.getoutput("sudo docker
exec pyos shellinaboxd -t") print("<h1 align =’center’>Click here to use</h1>")
print("<a href=’’>Python as Interpreter</a> ") print("<br>")
print("<a href=’’ align=’center’>Python as a editor </a>")
# !/usr/bin/python36 print("content-type: text/html") print("\ n")

<form action=’’>
<p><b>Enter Class Name: <input type=’text’ name=’classname’></p><b>
<b>This class name should be same in program main class.</b>
<textarea cols="120" rows="30" name=’code’ placeholder=’Use Same class name here’></textarea>
<p>Enter Command line Inputs if any:<input type=’text’ name=’cmd’></p><br>
<input type=’submit’ value=’Execute’>
</center> """)

# !/usr/bin/python36 print("content-type: text/html") print("\ n")
import cgi
import subprocess flag = 0
form=cgi.FieldStorage() data=form.getvalue(’classname’) data2=form.getvalue(’code’)
if data3 is None: data3=’ ’
flag = 1 data4=data3.split(" ") print("<pre>")
subprocess.getstatusoutput("sudo touch { } .java".format(data)) subprocess.getstatusoutput("sudo
chmod 777 { } .java".format(data)) subprocess.getstatusoutput("sudo chmod +x { } .java".format(data
subprocess.getstatusoutput("sudo echo ’{ } ’ > { } .java".format(data2, data))

subprocess.getstatusoutput("sudo javac { } .java".format(data)) if flag == 1:

strt=’sudo java ’+data else:
strt="sudo echo "
for i in range(len(data4)): strt=strt+" "+data4[i]
strt = strt+"| java "+data result=subprocess.getstatusoutput(strt)
print("<h3 align=’center’>Output of Program is : <br> { }
</h3>".format(result[1])) print("</pre>")

# !/usr/bin/python36 print("content-type: text/html") print("\ n") import cgi
import subprocess print("<html>") print("<body>") print("""
<form action=’’>
<td ><textarea name=’hello’ id = "nbox"></textarea></td>
<td><input type=’button’ onclick=’test()’></td>
</table> """)

function test()
{ """)
form=cgi.FieldStorage() data=form.getvalue(’hello’) print("<pre>")
subprocess.getoutput("sudo echo ’{ } ’ > /tmp/".format(data)) result = subpro-
cess.getoutput("sudo python36 /tmp/") print(result)
print("</pre>") print("} ") print("</script>") print("<script>")
print(’document.getElementById("nbox").innerHTML = "{ } "; ’.format(data)) print("</script>")
print("</body>") print("</html>")

# !/usr/bin/python36 print("content-type: text/html") print("\ n")
<form action=’’>
<td><textarea name=’hello’ rows=20 cols=120></textarea></td>
<td><input type=’submit’></td>
</table> """)

• StAAS:
# !/usr/bin/python36 print("content-type: text/html") print("\ n")
<div class="data">
<form action=’’> username:<input type=’text’ name=’user’ />
Enter the size:<input type="text" name="size" placeholder="Storage Size">
<input type="submit" value="Create">
</div> """)

o Mount.yml:

◦ hosts: localhost tasks:
∗ command: "mount /dev/vgcloud/{ { storage } } /cloud/{ { storage } } "
∗ lineinfile:
line: "/cloud/{ { storage } } ∗ (rw,no_root_squash)" path: "/etc/exports"
∗ service: name: nfs
state: restarted enabled: yes
∗ lineinfile:
line: "sudo mkdir /media/{ { storage } } " path: "/tmp/{ { storage } } .sh"

create: yes state: present

- lineinfile:
line: "sudo mount{ { storage } } /media/{ { storage } } " path: "/tmp/{
{ storage } } .sh"
mode: 0755
- command: "sudo tar -cvf /var/www/html/down/{ { storage } } .tar /tmp/{ { storage } } .sh"

# !/usr/bin/python36
print("content-type: text/html") print("\ n") import subprocess as sp
import cgi import random
form=cgi.FieldStorage() username=form.getvalue(’user’) size=form.getvalue(’size’)
a = str(random.randint(1,5000)) storage= str(username) + str(a)
sp.getstatusoutput("sudo lvcreate –size { 0} G –name { 1} { 2} vgcloud".format(size,username,a))
sp.getstatusoutput("sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/vgcloud/{ 0} { 1} ".format(username,a)) sp.getstatusoutput(
mkdir -p /cloud/{ 0} { 1} ".format(username,a)) sp.getstatusoutput(’sudo ansible-playbook
mount.yml –extra- vars="storage={ 0} "’.format(storage))
print(’<META HTTP-EQUIV=refresh CONTENT="0;URL={ 0}
.tar">\ n’.format(storage))

# !/usr/bin/python36 import subprocess

print("content-type: text/html") print("\ n")

print(’<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/bootstrap.min.css">’) print(’<script
print(’<script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>’) print("""
<h1 align="center">Container As a service </h1>
<table align="center" width="80% " border="1" >
<form action="">
<td align="right">
<h4>Enter Container Name:</h4>


<input type="text" name="cn">

<td align="right">
<h4>Select image name <br> form Present iamges:</h4>



<select name="ci">

data=subprocess.getoutput("sudo docker images") data=data.split("\ n")

for i in data[1:]:
j=i.split() j=j[0]+":"+j[1] print("<option>{ } </option>".format(j))
<td align="right">
<input type="submit">
<input type="reset">
</table> """)

# !/usr/bin/python36 print("content-type: text/html") print("")
import subprocess import cgi form=cgi.FieldStorage() data1=form.getvalue(’pt’)
raghav=subprocess.getoutput("sudo docker ps -a") raghav=raghav.split("\ n")
ex=raghav[1] fx=ex.split() data2=fx[-1]
data=subprocess.getoutput("sudo docker start { 0} ".format(data2))
data=subprocess.getoutput("sudo docker exec { 0} shellinaboxd - t".format(data2))

print("<h1 align=’center’>click here to use</h1>") print("<br>")

print("<a href=’{ 0} ’ align=’center’>contailer launch
</a>".format(data1)) print("<br>")

# !/usr/bin/python36 import subprocess as sp import cgi
print("content-type: text/html") print("")
list = sp.getoutput("sudo docker ps -a") form=cgi.FieldStorage() data1=form.getvalue(’rt’)
flist = list.split("\ n")
print("<table align=’center’ width=’90% ’ border=’1’>") print("""
<th>Image Name</th>
<th>Container Name</th>
</tr> """)
for i in flist[1:]: j = i.split() print("<tr>")
if "Exited" in i:
print("down") elif "Up" in i:



print("</td>") print("<td>")

print(j[1]) print("</td>") print("<td>")

print(j[-1]) print("</td>") print("<td>")
print("<a href=’{ } ’>start</a>".format(j[-1])) print("</td>")
print("<a href=’{ } ’>stop</a>".format(j[-1])) print("</td>")
print("<a href=’{ 0} ’>console</a>".format(data1)) print("</td>")


# !/usr/bin/python36 import subprocess as sp import cgi
print("content-type: text/html") form = cgi.FieldStorage() cname = form.getvalue(’x’)
o = sp.getstatusoutput("sudo docker start { } ".format(cname)) if o[0] == 0:
print("location:") print("") else:
print("location:") print("")

# !/usr/bin/python36 import subprocess as sp import cgi
print("content-type: text/html") form = cgi.FieldStorage() cname = form.getvalue(’x’)
o = sp.getstatusoutput("sudo docker stop { } ".format(cname)) if o[0] == 0:
print("location:") print("")
print("location:") print("")

# !/usr/bin/python36 import subprocess import cgi
import random
print("content-type: text/html") print("\ n") form=cgi.FieldStorage() data1=form.getvalue(’ci’)
port = str(random.randint(4000, 9999)) output=subprocess.getstatusoutput("sudo docker run
-dit -p { prt} :4200 –name
{ data2} { data1} ".format(data2=data2 , data1=data1 , prt=port)) if output[0]==0:
print("<h3 align=’center’>Container { } launch Sucesfully
</h3>".format(data2) )
print("<a href=’{ 0} ’>To Manage All containers</a>".format(port))
print("You may have some error")

• Hadoop:

# !/usr/bin/python36 print("content-type: text/html")
print("\ n")
import subprocess import sys
client=subprocess.getstatusoutput("sudo ansible-playbook client.yml") if client[0]==0:
print("Client setup is done") print(’<META HTTP-EQUIV=refresh

• Client.yml:

◦ hosts: client tasks:

∗ name: "hadoop config1" template:
src: "/var/www/cgi-bin/clienthdfs.j2" dest: "/etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml"
∗ name: "hadoop config2" template:
src: "/var/www/cgi-bin/coresite.j2" dest: "/etc/hadoop/core-site.xml"

• Configuration.yml:

◦ hosts: cluster tasks:

∗ name: "installing jdk" package:
name: "/root/jdk-8u171-linux-x64.rpm" state: present
∗ name: "java path" lineinfile:
path: /root/.bashrc

line: "export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_171-amd64/" state: present

• ◦ ∗ name: "java path2" lineinfile:

path: /root/.bashrc
line: "export PATH=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_171-amd64/bin/:$ PATH" state: present
∗ name: "installing hadoop"
command: "rpm -ivh /root/hadoop-1.2.1-1.x86_64.rpm –force"
∗ name: "firewall off" firewalld: permanent: true state: enabled
∗ name: setenforce command: "setenforce 0"

- command: "iptables -F"

o Coressite.xml:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
<!– Put site-specific property overrides in this file. –>

# !/usr/bin/python36 print("content-type: text/html")
print("\ n")
import subprocess
subprocess.getoutput("sudo ansible-playbook datanode.yml") subprocess.getoutput("sudo an-
sible datanode -m command -a ’sudo mkdir

datanode=subprocess.getstatusoutput("sudo ansible datanode -m command -a ’hadoop- start datanode’")
print(datanode[1]) if datanode[0]==0:
print("All done Bro") print(’<META HTTP-EQUIV=refresh
CONTENT="0;URL=">\ n’)

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
<!– Put site-specific property overrides in this file. –>

o Datanode.yml:

◦ hosts: datanode tasks:

∗ name: "disabling firewall" command: "iptables -F"
∗ name: "disabling selinux" command: "setenforce 0"
∗ name: "hadoop config2" template:
src: "/var/www/cgi-bin/coresite.j2" dest: "/etc/hadoop/core-site.xml"
∗ name: "hdfs-site.xml configuration" template:

src: "/var/www/cgi-bin/datanodehdfs.j2" dest:


# !/usr/bin/python36 print("content-type: text/html")
print("\ n")
import subprocess
print("Wait Setting up hadoop cluster") conf=subprocess.getstatusoutput("sudo ansible-
playbook configuration.yml") if conf[0]==0:
print("Inital setup for hadoop cluster is done") client=subprocess.getstatusoutput("sudo
ansible-playbook client.yml") if client[0]==0:
print("Client setup is done")
subprocess.getstatusoutput("sudo ansible-playbook namenode.yml") subprocess.getoutput("sudo
ansible namenode -m command -a ’hadoop namenode -format’")
namenode=subprocess.getstatusoutput("sudo ansible namenode -m command -a ’hadoop- start namenode’")
if namenode[0]==0: print("namenode
setup is done")
subprocess.getoutput("sudo ansible-playbook datanode.yml") subprocess.getoutput("sudo an-
sible datanode -m command -a ’mkdir /share’") subprocess.getoutput("sudo ansible datanode
-m command -a ’ start datanode’")

# !/usr/bin/python36 print("content-type: text/html")
print("\ n")
import subprocess
subprocess.getstatusoutput("sudo ansible-playbook namenode.yml") hello=subprocess.getoutput("sud
ansible namenode -m command -a ’hadoop namenode -format’")
namenode=subprocess.getstatusoutput("sudo ansible namenode -m command -a ’hadoop- start namenode’")

print(namenode[0]) if namenode[0]==0
print("namenode setup is done") print (’<META HTTP-
CONTENT="0;URL=">\ n’)

• Namednodehdfs.xml:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
<!– Put site-specific property overrides in this file. –>

o Namenode.yml:

◦ hosts: namenode tasks:

∗ name: "disabling firewall" command: "iptables -F"
∗ name: "disabling selinux" command: "setenforce 0"
∗ name: "hadoop config2" template:
src: "/var/www/cgi-bin/coresite.j2" dest: "/etc/hadoop/core-site.xml"
∗ name: "hdfs-site.xml configuration" template:

src: "/var/www/cgi-bin/namenodehdfs.j2" dest:


• Initial Screen

• Platform as a Service Figure: 6.1 (Home Page)

Figure: 6.2 (PASS Home Screen)

• PASS Python

• Python Editor
Figure: 6.4 (Python Editor)

Figur Figure: 6.3 (PAAS Python Home Screen)

• Python Interpretor
Figure: 6.5 (Python Interpreter) Figure: 6.6 (PAAS JAVA Execution)

o Software as a Service Home Screen

Figure: 6.7 (SAAS Home Screen)

• ◦ Storage as a Service Home Screen

Figure: 6.8 (StAAS Home Screen)

o Container as a Service Home Screen

Figure: 6.9 (CAAS Home Screen)

• ◦ ∗ Container as a Service Deployment

Figure: 6.10 (CAAS Deployment)

• ◦ ∗ Container Management

Figure: 6.11 (Container Management)

∗ Hadoop Home Screen

Figure: 6.12 (Hadoop Home


• Test Status Report

Error Status
S.No Module Name Status(Pass/Fail)






In conclusion, cloud computing is recently new technological development that has the
potential to have a great impact on the world. It has many benefits that it provides to it
users and businesses. For example, some of the benefits that it provides to businesses, is
that it reduces operating cost by spending less on maintenance and software upgrades and
focus more on the businesses itself. But there are other challenges the cloud computing
must overcome. People are very skeptical about whether their data is secure and private.
There are no standards or regulations worldwide provided data through cloud computing.
Europe has data protection laws but the US, being one of the most technological advance
nation, does not have any data protection laws. Users also worry about who can disclose
their data and have ownership of their data. But once, there are standards and regulation
worldwide, cloud computing will revolutionize the future.
Cloud automation is a method of provisioning, deploying, and decommissioning using—
well—automation software. Without automation, provisioning capacity is a manual pro-
cess, and managing all those pooled resources would be too cumbersome. That’s why
automation is regarded as a necessary component of cloud computing.
In the near future we can aim to make the Graphical User Interface a bit better since we
had put no efforts in how the interface looked like. Alos we can add a lot more services to
the Cloud Platform.
More and more softwares can be added based on the usage percentage of the software. For
eg. Adobe Acrobat is used mostly for PDF management and so, we can provide Adobe
Acrobat for a nominal fee so that people who cannot afford the actual one may leverage
The future lies in cloud computing. And we hope to build on it.


• HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): It is the standard markup language for

creating web pages and web applications. With Cascading Style Sheet and JavaScript, it
forms a triad of cornerstone technologies for the World Wide Web.

• RHEL7.5: Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.5 released. This version includes updates
and various improvements such as GNOME rebased to version 3.26, LibreOffice rebased to
version 5.3, Support for VA-API added, G-Streamer now supports mp3 and more. RHEL
is one of the leading enterprise Linux distribution for both bare metal and cloud platform.

• DOCKERS: - Docker (Deployment of container services and keen interest on docker

deployment) is a computer program that performs operating-system-level virtualization,
also known as "containerization". It was first released in 2013 and is
developed by Docker. Docker isused to run software packages called "containers” .

• Python-CGI: - CGI (Common Gateway Interface) script is invoked by an HTTP

server, usually to process user input submitted through an HTML interface. CGI scripts
live in the server’s special CGI-bin directory.

• DEVOPS: - DevOps (a clipped compound of "development" and "operations") is a

software engineering culture and practice that aims at unifying software development (Dev)
and software operation (Ops).


[1] Garrison, G., Kim, S., Wakefield, R.L.: Success Factors for Deploying Cloud Computing.
ACM. 55, 62–68 (2012)

[2] Babak Bashar Rad, Harrison John Bhatti, Mohammad Ahmadi :” Introduction of Docker
and its Performance” (2017).
[3] Priya Dhir and Sushil Garg( RIMT – University) : “Survey on cloud computing
technology” International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science
IJIACS, April 2014.


[5] White paper published by RED-HAT organisation, Titled as ” How to do devOps without
leaving legacy behind” .

[6] White paper published by RED-HAT organisation, Titled as “ Integration : Cloud Sup-
port with Ansible” .

[7] BOSTON – RED HAT SUMMIT 2017 — RED HAT announced its vision for the
automated enterprise powered by Ansible, the leading simple, powerful, and agentless open
source IT automation framework.

[8] Wang. "Enterprise cloud service architectures".

[9] "What is Cloud Computing?". Amazon Web Services. 2013-03-19.Retrieved 2013-03-20.

[10] Oestreich, Ken (2010-11-15). "Converged Infrastructure". CTO Forum.

[11] Baburajan, Rajani (2011-08-24). "The Rising Cloud Storage Market
Opportunity Strengthens Vendors". Retrieved 2011-12-02.

[12] "Cloud Computing: Clash of the clouds". The Economist. 2009-10-15. Retrieved 2009-

[13] White, J.E. "Network Specifications for Remote Job Entry and Remote Job Output
Retrieval at UCSB". Retrieved 2016-03-21.

[14] "Distributed Application Architecture" (PDF). Sun Microsystem. Retrieved 2009-06-16.

[15] Danielson, Krissi (2008-03-26). "Distinguishing Cloud Computing from Utility Com-
puting". Retrieved 2010-08-22.

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