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DAY 1 - 26 January 2018 GITA ALVIN MC

Time Activity Venue

4:30 Participants gather i3L lobby

5:00 Depart i3L - Puncak

8:00 Arrival Villa Ambarita Puncak

8:00 - 10:00 Free time Villa Ambarita Puncak

10:00 - 11:30 Ice breaking games + bikin group Villa Ambarita Puncak
Draw the object
Don’t make any sense
Human knot
Human Shapes
Shoe Scrambler

11:30 - 13:00 Lunch and friday prayer Villa Ambarita Puncak

13:00 - 14:30 Opening + SESSION 1 - Conference Villa Ambarita Puncak

14:30 - 17:00 RACE 1 Villa Ambarita Puncak

The Dizzy game
The Egg Drop

17:00 - 18:30 Free time and wash up Villa Ambarita Puncak

18:30 - 19:30 Dinner Villa Ambarita Puncak

19:30 - 20:00 Sharing session Villa Ambarita Puncak

20:00 - 22:00 Movie night Villa Ambarita Puncak

DAY 2 - ALVIN 27 January 2018

Time Activity Venue

7:00 - 9:00 Morning walk Villa Ambarita Puncak

9:00 - 11:00 Breakfast and wash up Villa Ambarita Puncak

11:00 - 12:30 SESSION 2 - trivia + prob solving Villa Ambarita Puncak

12:30 - 13:30 Lunch Villa Ambarita Puncak

13:30 - 15:00 SESSION 3 - debate + lecture Villa Ambarita Puncak

15:00 - 17:00 Games Villa Ambarita Puncak

Blind, deaf, and mute maze
Blind dodgeball
Water balloon war
Pool edge switcheroo
17:00 - 18:00 FREE TIME AND WASH UP Villa Ambarita Puncak

18:00 - 21:00 Bonfire and BBQ night Villa Ambarita Puncak

Jurit malam + Hoodie
Truth or Lie

DAY 3 - 28 January 2018

Time Activity Venue

8:00 - 10:00 Breakfast and wash up Villa Ambarita Puncak

10:00 - 11:00 SESSION 4 - Closing and feedback Villa Ambarita Puncak

11:00 - 12:00 Cleanup and packing Villa Ambarita Puncak

12:00 - 13:00 LUNCH Villa Ambarita Puncak

13:00 Depart Villa Ambarita Puncak

15:00 Arrival i3L lobby

Cord extensions

Karton maroon putih
Karton item + selotip

Draw the object:

Lots of papers

Don’t make any sense:

Human knot:

Blind, deaf and mute maze:

Tali rafia
Black cloth for blindfold

Blind dodgeball:
3 plastic balls
Water balloon war:

Pool edge switcheroo:

Truth or Lie

Jurit malam + Hoodie

White shirts stained with red paint
White cloth

Dizzy Game
Ping Pong balls
Plastic Cups
One soccer ball, also use the volleyball viable
Plastic ball
Cardboard Box

- Coins = kardus + gold paper
- Empty cans
- Dizzy game
- Flags

Stuff to Bring
● Fairy lights
● Guitar
● Baskteball
Games day 2 :
Blind, deaf, and mute maze
- Perlu : sumpit kayu, tali rafia [can it be substituted with sth else? Like bigger tali
karna takutnya kalo pake rafia gampang keinjek?], kain buat blindfold (1m x 1m, 2
pcs? Or just 1)

- 10 x 7-8 m? Approx 40 pcs of sumpit for the maze. Approx 60 m of rope (Might have
some at home).
Blind dodgeball
- Perlu : Bola plastik (is 3 enough? Like, we should have several balls for each side?
Maybe 20 balls or so? Or maybe we should look for bigger balls? Yg inflatable
plastik gitu), kain hitam (3-4m x 2.5-3m) , tali [how to make the cloth stand?] or
should it be blindfolded dodgeball? Which one is preferable or more feasible? ( ‘-’)
Water balloon war
- Mini balloons (approx. 20 people; 10 balloons per person? So, 200 mini balloons) or
maybe 500 balloons HAHA
- Bisa beli online, Rp900/10 pcs [shopee] (18k for 200 pcs, exclude ongkir; 15k),
Rp775/10 pcs [tokped] (15.5k for 200pcs) or 15k for 37 pcs, easy fill
Pool edge switcheroo
- Nothing (?)

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