Jose B. Cardenas Memorial High School - Uptown Campus First Quarter Examinations English Grade 7 Wisdom & Generosity Name: - Date

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Jose B.

Cardenas Memorial High School – Uptown Campus

First Quarter Examinations
English Grade 7
Wisdom & Generosity

Name: _________________________________ Date: ________________

Encircle the correct answer.

1. A group of words that expresses a complete thought.

a. Predicate b. Subject c. Sentence
2. How many kinds of sentences do we have?
a. 4 b. 5 c. 3
3. A word that names a person, place, thing, event, or idea.
a. Subject b. Noun c. Predicate
4. “I went to get the cake from the bakery.” What are the nouns in the sentence?
a. went and cake b. cake and bakery c. went and take
5. What is the plural form of the word chief?
a. chieves b. chiefs c. chiefs
6. A word that is used to replace a noun.
a. Sentence b. pronoun c. noun
7. A pronoun is used to avoid _______ of a noun.
a. repetition b. difference c. error
8. A word that modifies or describes a noun or a pronoun.
a. Conjunction b. Verb c. Adjective
9. “The hospitable Filipino people are a bonus to the wonderful places.”What are the adjectives in the
a. hospitable, Filipino, wonderful b. hospitable, bonus, place c. hospitable, people, wonderful
10. A word that expresses an action or helps make a statement.
a. Verb b. Preposition c. Adverb
11. “He checked out the score he got with the test he took yesterday.” What are the verbs in the sentence?
a. score, got, test b. checked, got, took c. checked, got, test
12. A word that modifies a verb or an adjective.
a. Conjunction b. Preposition c. Adverb
13. “The kid carefully drew his ideal car while honestly answering my questions.” What are the adverbs in the
a. drew, answering b. carefully, honestly c. his, my
14. A word that shows that relation of a noun or pronoun to some other word in the sentence.
a. Preposition b. Interjection c. Conjunction
15. “I saw a cat under the rag and watched it until it ran away.” What are the prepositions in the sentence?
a. saw, watched b. under, until c. under, ran
16. A word that joins words or group of words.
a. Preposition b. Conjunction c. Interjection
17. “Ann ____ Jill went to the party ____ they went home early.” What are the correct conjunctions to fill in?
a. And, but b. or, and c. nether, nor
18. An exclamatory word that expresses a strong emotion.
a. Interjection b. Preposition c. Conjunction
19. What is the synonym of the word mistake?
a. Correct b. error c. right
20. What is the antonym for the word dangerous?
a. safe b. hazardous c. accident
21. What word has a long I sound?
a. chip b. keep c. sit
22. A word that is being replaced by a pronoun.
a. Predicate b. Noun c. Antecedent
23. “The guests were grateful for the food prepared for them.” What is the pronoun-antecedent in the sentence?
a. guests-prepared b. them-guests c. grateful-them
24. Choose the correct demonstrative pronoun for the sentence to be complete.
“________ books I left at the car are all from Marikina.”
a. These b. Those c. This
25. The character of an epic who already knows how to speak and who named himself when he was born.
a. Lam-ang b. Juan c. Namongan
26. The tribe whom Lam-ang took revenge with for killing his father.
a. Kapariaan b. Ilonggots c. Gibaun
27. The Mother of Philippine Folklore.
a. Juan Panganiban b. Damiana L. Eugenio c. Eugenio L. Soledad
28. An old and well-known saying that expresses a general truth.
a. Diversity b. Quotes c. Proverbs
29. The biggest influence and lasting legacy of the Spaniards to the Filipinos.
a. Hospitality b. Language c. Catholicism
30. Which among the following is correct?
a. Origin of This World( Maranao), How the World was Created (Panayan), Samal Genesis ( Samal )
b. Origin of This World(Panayan), How the World was Created (Maranao), Samal Genesis ( Samal )
c. Origin of This World(Ilocos), How the World was Created (Malay), Samal Genesis ( Davao )
31. According to the story Origin of This World, the world is divided into how many levels?
a. 8 b. 4 c. 7
32. The monster with the eight heads and a thousand eyes.
a. Walo b. Walo-walo c. Wal-o
33. The tree wherein the name of every living person is written on each leaf.
a. Life Tree b. Tree of Life c. Name Tree
34. When one leaf ripens and falls, what happens to the person whose name it carries?
a. The person will die . b. The person will have another leaf. c. The person will kill a fellow.
35. The huge mythical birds that guard the doors in each layer of heaven.
a. Karibanga b. Garoda c. Adoraga
36. In How the World was Created, what are the names of the first two deities that first appeared from the void?
a. Alansina and Tungkung-Langit b. Alunsina and Tungkung Langit c. Alonsina and Tungkong Langit
37. According to the myth, rain and thunder is because of __________________________________________.
a. Tungkung Langit jealous over Alunsina b. Tungkung Langit calling for Alumsina’s creatures
c.TungkungLangit crying for Alunsina’s leaving him
38. In the story Samal Genesis, there wasd a thing resembling a ball which is the abode of whom?
a. Caliph b. God the Most High c. Nur
39. The word NUR means ___________.
a. great waters b. first man c. light
40. “Arastum Murabbikum” means _____________.
a. He is God b. I am God c. I am equal to Allah
41. The angel who was successful in getting a handful of soil.
a. Jibra’il b. Mika’il c. Idjara’il
42. The name of the Evil One.
a. Iblis b. Elebs c. Ablis
43. In Why the Sky is High Tagalog Version, what are the names of the two characters who are brothers?
a. Ingat and Daskol b. Ingot and Daskal c. Inggit and Daskil
44. The household chores was Daskol’s responsibility due to the absence of a ________.
a. housemaid b. money c. sister
45. In Why the Sky is High Ilokos Version, the woman hung her comb and necklace on the low sky which later on
became what?
a. the clouds and the wind b. the sun and the planets c. the moon and the stars
46. In the same story, the man came home from hunting and brought what?
a. beef b. venison c. pork
47. In Why the Sky is High Hiligaynon Version, the reason why the sky is high is because of a ________ darted by a
drunk who pierced heaven and angered God.
a. spear b. arrow c. sword
48. Who was one of the chiefs who held a feast in celebration for a rest from their labor?
a. Abong b. Abing c. Abiong

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