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Cotejo, Charity L.

I-Objectives: At the end of the discussion the students are expected to;
a. identify the different phases of mitosis and the cytokinesis,
b. arrange the following phases from interphase to cytokinesis,
c. explain the importance of cell division.

II-Materials: Picture
Video presentation
Powerpoint presentation

References: High School Science and Technology Today, page 121-123

Science Learner Module, page 291-297

III-Subject Matter: Mitosis

IV-Procedures: Deductive Method
Grade Level: 8

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preparation

Good morning class! Good morning Teacher Cha!

How are you this morning? We’re good ma’am!

Well that’s good to hear.

a. Review
Before we will start our lesson for today, let us first
have a short recap on our last topic last meeting
which is all about, what? The cell cycle ma’am!

Okay, again, what are the two phases of Cell We have the Interphase and the M Phase

Right! Now who can come here in front and draw

the Cell Cycle.

Now where do the cells grow? In G1 ma’am.

Right! Now, where is the replication of DNA takes In S phase ma’am!

Wow! I guess all of you really got my discussion

last meeting, so now, let’s proceed to our next topic
for this morning.
B. Motivation

Now class, before we start or topic for today, I

want you to loosen up first.
Everybody stand!
Let’s dance! But let me tell you the steps first.

1st step : Prophase step

2nd step: Metaphase step
3rd step: Anaphase step
4th step: Telophase step
(After the dance)

Now, how do you feel?

We’re good ma’am!
That’s good!

Class! Do you know that cells are dancers? No ma’am

Cells are dancers class!
Well last meeting we discover that in order for the Yes ma’am!
cells to reproduce, CELLS DIVIDE! Right?

Well then the cells undergo cell division class, cells

undergo a dancing routine and they dance in their
own phases in order to create new cells!
C. Presentation

This morning everyone, be curious enough cause I

am going to unlock again new ideas about genetics!

Our topic is one of the process of cell division that

is essential for growth and repair in the body. In
addition to that! This morning we will know how
cells dance in their own phases!

Everybody read our topic for today! “Mitosis” Mitosis

D. Generalization
I have here a video presentation class which is all
about the kidney cells. Now, all you have to do is Video Presentation:
to just watch the video, observe what happen to the Actual Footage of Cell Division (Kidney Cells)
cell and lastly tell me all your observation right
after you watch the video!

Now class, observe!

(After watching the video)

Now tell me all your observations! Possible answers:

The cell split/ separated.

There is a division of cells happen ma’am.
Thank you! Well, class all of your answers are

Again, what happen to the cells? They divide!

Right!, Now do you know why those cells undergo
division? No Ma’am!

(Chalk example) Smart answers:

For us to survive.
To grow.

Right! So for those who didn’t know, the cell

divide or they undergo cell division, in simple
answer! For us to SURVIVE! Okay Ma’am!
Remember that!
This time I will show you simple model of cell
division .in order for you to understand it clearly!

Now, I want you to observe first the four most

important structures of cell division, we have:
Cell membrane

Now those are the big things that are going on, and
so now lets go through the whole phases of mitosis
and I’m gonna add names to it and talk about the
most important things that happens during the
E. Discussion

So for our discussion, let’s have an activity! This

activity is called “Mitosis Mover. “
So during my discussion, you must listen carefully
for you to answer the following questions given.
These questions serve as a key to continue our
discussion, and of course a price will be given to
the students who is brave enough to come here in
front and answer the following questions !

Understand? Yes ma’am!

So let’s start!

In order to make new body cells, the cell cycle

must occur. During the cell cycle , one cell divides
to form two daughter cells with exactly the same
DNA. The cell cycle includes the following:
Interphase, Mitosis and Cytokinesis.

Interphase happens BEFORE MITOSIS! During
interphase, the cell does normal cell activities, like
making protein for example.

Notice the two string pieces of DNA in the nucleus.

Uncoiled stringy DNA is called CHROMATIN.
This cell has two pieces of chromatin. This means
it has 2 DNA molecules. This is a very simple
DNA for you to get it clearly!
By comparison each of your cells has 46 pieces of

But class, before mitosis can occur, the DNA must

REPLICATE or copy itself. Just like this!

Now the first question is:

Which of the statements are true?

a. DNA replicates during interphase

b. Chromatin is made of DNA
c. Genes are found on DNA
d. All of the above
(One student will be selected each question to come (For continuation, the selected student must pick
in front the class, manipulate the laptop and choose letter D)
the answer to continue the discussion)

Introduction of MITOSIS:

Now after interphase, mitosis will begin. Mitosis is

an important part of cell division, which allows you
to make MORE CELLS!
Making more cells is needed for growth
development, and tissue repair (healing).

Mitosis ultimately results in the formation of two

genetically identical daughter cells.
Let see how this works next!

Mitosis has four phases!

We have:


Now let’s start mitosis, beginning with prophase!

One important event of prophase is that the
chromosomes CONDENSE and become visible.
This means that the chromatin gets packaged up so
that it is easier to move around. Just like this!.

Each half of a chromosome is called a SISTER

CHROMATID and this are all identical
Also, during prophase the nuclear envelope breaks
down and the spindle forms between two centrioles
and during the prometaphase, the chromosome now
attach to the spindle fibers.

Now n this picture, where do you think is the cell

who undergo Prophase?

During prophase, the chromosomes become visible
under the microscope.

False The selected student must click TRUE to continue.


In metaphase the chromosomes are now completely

attached to the microtubules. On either side of each
centromere, the structures called
KINETOCHORES are developed. Microtubules
extend from the kinetochores to opposite sides of
the cell.
Also class, the most important part during
metaphase is that the chromosomes align across the
equatorial plate of the cell.

Now n this picture, where do you think is the cell

who undergo Metaphase?

What happens during metaphase?
a. Chromosomes separate from one another
b. Chromosomes line up single file down the
middle of the cell The selected student must click letter B to continue.
c. Chromosomes become visible
d. All of the above


Anaphase is relatively short process, occurring for

only a few minutes. At this phase , the
chromosomes can be seen as two groups found in
each pole of the spindle. Each separated chromatid
is now a daughter chromosome. CYTOKINESIS
now begin!

Now n this picture, where do you think is the cell

who undergo Anaphase?


What happens in anaphase?

a. Sister chromatids separate and move The selected student must click letter A to continue
toward opposite poles. the discussion.
b. Chromosomes line up single file down the
middle of the cell.
c. Nuclei re-form
d. The nucleus disintegrates


In telophase, 2 diploid DAUGHTER CELLS are

being formed!
One thing that happens during telophase is that
each newly forming cell makes a nucleus. Also,
during telophase the chromosomes uncoil to make

Now n this picture, where do you think is the cell

who undergo Telophase?

What happens during telophase?

a. Each newly forming cell gets a nucleus. The selected student must click letter D for
b. Chromosomes uncoil to form chromatin continuation.
c. 2 diploid cells are being formed
d. All of these


Usually at the same time that telophase occurs,

CYTOKINESIS also continues until two
daughter cells are formed, each having the same
number of chromosomes as those of the parent cell


Another cell cycle will occur after Cytokinesis. The activity will say congratulations if the selected
student will click HURRAY!
Hep Hep (False)
Hurray (True)

So class congratulations! You have finished mitosis

and cytokinesis! You have made 2 diploid cells a
that are genetically identical!

Now for your last question. Look here on the

Now class, I want you to arrange the following
pictures from interphase, mitosis to cytokinesis
images in order!

Values integration

Now, as what I have said a while ago that cell

division is good for survival.
So, is there anyone who can state some importance Yes ma’am!
of mitosis?

Okay! Can you tell me some importance of Mitosis is important because it is essential for
mitosis? growth and repair in the body.


F. Application

For our activity, let’s have a simple quiz bee, but

first I will divide you into 8 groups! This is a group
activity so class cooperate with your groupmates!

(1 flashcards is given to each group)


1. 5 points will be given to each questions.

(10 questions)
2. Write the letter of the correct answer in the
3. Raise the flashcards when the teacher said
Time limitation:
 5 seconds is given to each questions.
This is a good challenge for them, a short time
given, the more challenge it gives!

The game can have 2 winners or more. There is no

tie breaker for it is only a friendly game activity!
The group who will get the correct answer will be
given a prize and points to keep them motivated!

1. Which of the following is the correct order
of mitosis?
a. Prophase, metaphase, anaphase,
b. Prophase, anaphase, metaphase,
c. Anaphase, telophase, metaphase,
d. Anaphase, prophase, telophase,
2. After mitosis and cytokinesis are complete,
which of the following are true?
a. 4 genetically different daughter cells
have been produce
b. 4 genetically identical daughter cells
have been produced
c. 2 genetically different daughter cells
have been produce
d. 2 genetically identical daughter cells
have been produced
3. Examine the picture of the cell. What phase
is the cell in? (Picture of Anaphase)
a. Prophase
b. Anaphase
c. Metaphase
d. Telophase
4. During which phase do chromosome first
become visible?
a. Interphase
b. Telophase
c. Metaphase
d. Prophase
5. What structure is responsible for moving
the chromosomes during mitosis?
a. Nucleolus
b. Nuclear membrane
c. Spindle
d. Cytoplasm
6. Cytokinesis begins in which phase?
a. Metaphase
b. Telophase
c. Prophase
d. Anaphase
7. Cells will generally divide when?
a. They are 10 hours old
b. They become infected
c. They become too large
d. They have no food
8. Which phase occurs directly after
a. Anaphase
b. Telophase
c. Metaphase
d. Prophase
9. During which phase does the DNA make a
copy of itself?
a. Prophase
b. Metaphase
c. Interphase
d. Anaphase
10. Each chromosomes consists of 2 _______.
a. Centrioles
b. Chromatids
c. Daughter cells
d. Centrioles


Name: Grade & Section:


Directions: Illustrate the process of cell division ; Interphase, Mitosis and Cytokinesis.

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