Kisi-Kisi Materi Bahasa Indonesia CPNS

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Kisi-kisi Materi Bahasa Inggris CPNS

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kisi-kisi Bahasa Inggris

Using Prepositions of Time

It is important to use correct prepositions to show

time relationship.
Study the prepositions of time and the example.
• Use at with specific times: at 5:00/at 7:30/at noon/ at midnight
• Use from and to with a span of time: from 6:00 to 9:00/from 1941 to 1945
• Use in with other parts of the day: in the afternoon/ in the morning/in the evening
(exception: at night)
• Use in with months: in August/in June
• Use in with years: in 19999/in 2001
• Use in with seasons: in the spring/in the summer/ in the winter
• Use on with days of the week: on Sunday/on Tuesday/ on Friday
• Use on with specific dates: on June 30 on April 21, 2001/on New Year's Eve

Study the following sentences.

1. a. You press the stop button.

b. Dian told Andi, "Press the stop button."

2. a. You plug the power cord into a wall outlet.

b. "Plug the power cord into a wall outlet," said mother.

3. a. You make sure the car is in neutral.

b. "Make sure the car is in neutral," said David.
• Imperatives or imperative sentences are used to give command or to make a request.
e.g. "Stand up," said the teacher. (command)
"Help me," asked the mother. (request)
• Imperative sentences can be used in negative form. It functions as prohibition.
e.g. "Don't hurry," said father.
"Don't be noisy," the teacher told the pupils.
We use "don't" or "do not" before verbs to state a prohibition.
• In imperative sentences we can use the word "do" before verbs. The word "do" could
be persuasive, but could also express irritation.
e.g. Do come on time.
Do be quiet. 2
Passive Voice

Study the following sentences.

1. Fewer foods should be chosen from the meat and dairy groups in the middle.
2. Even fewer foods should be chosen from the fats, oils, and sweets at the top of the
3. The pipe was replaced by the plumber.
4. Vitamins must be supplied in a person's daily diet.
5. The play was written by Shakespeare.

The sentences above use passive voice. Passive voice is used when it is not important to
know exactly who performs an action. In passive voice, the object of an active verb
becomes the subject of the passive verb. If the subject of an active sentence is someone
or the people, we do not have to put them in the object of passive sentence. Some of the
verbs cannot be changed into passive form such as happen, come, sleep, etc.

The form of passive is: be + past participle.


Study the following explanation of prepositions.

1. At is used with times and also with places: at Niagara Falls, at midnight, at lunch, at
Jln. Soka no.11.

2. In is used with periods of time and also with places: in October, in 2005, in the Middle
Ages, in the United States, in Canada, in the park.

3. On is used with dates and days and also with places: on Niagara River, on June 18,
on Monday, on the wall.

4. Of is used with nouns and also with -ing forms: legs of the table, glance of eye, of

5. Off is used with verbs: get off, take off, put off.

6. After/before is used with period of times, with pronouns and also with -ing forms:
before winter, before June, after summer, after lunch time, after me, before him, after
reading, before asking.

7. For is used with a period of time: for one hour, for a week, for ages. For is also
intended to be given to or belong to a particular person: The Great Sphinx was
probably built for Khafre.

8. During is used with a period of time: during our holiday, during the night.

9. While is used with subject + verb: while you went out, while she was at the bank.
Some prepositions with more than one word are in front of, for the sake of, at the corner
of. 3
• I stand in front of the class.
• For the sake of God.
• He has to stand at the corner of the classroom.

Will and Shall

• You can use shall or will with I and we.
Example: We shall begin with a talk by our honourable speaker.

• In spoken English, the short forms I'll and we'll are normally used.
Example: You'll be free to exchange ideas with the professor.

• The negative of shall is shan't (or shall not).

Example: I shan't (or I won't) be here tomorrow.

• Do not use shall with he/she/it/you/they.

• Note that we use shall (not will) in the questions.

Shall I ...? and shall we ...? (for offers, suggestions etc.):
- Shall I attend the reception? (Do you want me to attend the reception?)
- Where shall we go this evening?

Study the following sentences and explanations.
1. Because my husband, John, tends to snore, I rarely get more than a couple of hours sleep
each night.
2. When he awakens refreshed in the morning, he's always astonished to fi nd that he has been
the cause of another sleepless night for me.
3. John had severe allergy symptoms, so he took some medication before he went to bed.
4. The drugs have worn off, and I can't sleep.
5. When Mrs Green retired from her job in a big city, she went to an attractive village out in the
country, and began to go into the nearest town every Saturday to buy food.
6. After she had visited the store several times, the cashier began to recognise her ....
7. "He goes to bed immediately after dinner every night?"
8. He had never seen them before, so he began to introduce himself.
9. I'm even harder than stone, so do what I tell you.
10. He went to each soldier one after the other and asked him his name.
11. When I ask a question, answer it!
12. He asked the last soldier after asking the others.

The words in italics are conjunctions.

And and so are connecting words for sentences of equal importance. There is usually a comma
before them.
• And means "in addition". It connects similar ideas or adds information.
• So means "as a result". It connects an effect to a reason.
Because and the time words before, after, and when connect two clauses of unequal importance.
There is no comma before these words.
• Because gives a reason
• Before: sequence of events. Took some medication is the first action, went to bed is the second
action. 4
• After: sequence of events. Asking the others is the first action, asked the last soldier is the
second one.
• When means "at that time".

Before & After

Before and after are used if we want to express an order of events. We can use the following
1. Before + clause 1 (S, V ,O) + clause 2 (S, V, O)
After + Subordinate clause + Main clause
For example:
• Before she attended the class, she would prepare everything.
• After hearing the news she felt relieved.
2. Before + noun phrase (V+ing) + clause 2 (SVO)
After + Subordinate clause + Main clause
For example:
• Before watching the movie, we must buy the tickets.
• After losing his job, the man became extremely depressed.

Even though, Although, and Though

Study the following sentences.
1. Even though birth control has gained in acceptance, opposition to the practice
2. Although birth control has gained in acceptance, opposition to the practice continues.
3. Though birth control has gained in acceptance, opposition to the practice continues.
All of the sentences above have the same meaning.
We use conjunctions even though, although, though to show opposition or an
unexpected result.

Adjectives Ending in -ing and -ed

Study these sentences. Pay attention to the word in bold face.

• To Kill a Mockingbird is flled with interesting characters like Dill, and Scout makes them all
seem just as real as the people in your own hometown.
• Dill and Boo and Jem are all fascinating, but the most important character in the book is
Scout’s father, Atticus Finch.

If something or someone is -ing, it makes you -ed.

Or someone is -ed if something (or someone) is -ing.
• I am interested in characters in To Kill a Mockingbird.
• I am fascinated by Dill and Boo and Jem.
There are many pairs of adjective ending -ing and -ed.
For examples:
fascinating fascinated
exciting excited
amusing amused
amazing amazed
astonishing astonished
shocking shocked
disgusting disgusted 5
horrifying horrified
terrifying terrified
frightening frightened
depressing depressed
worrying worried
annoying annoyed
exhausting exhausted

Verb + ing
Gerund dapat digunakan sebagai :
• Subyek kalimat : Reading bored him
• Pelengkap kata kerja : Her hobby is painting
• Di belakang kata depan : He was accused of smuggling
• Di belakang kata kerja tertentu : They stop working at five o’clock
• Pada kata benda majemuk : They are the coal-mining workers.

Dalam tata bahasa Inggris ada dua jenis article (kata sandang). Yaitu :
* Indefinite article (kata sandang tak tentu) : a, an
* Definite article (kata sandang tertentu) : the

Indefinite article (a, an) dipakai dalam :

• Di depan kata benda tunggal yang dapat dihitung (countable noun)
ketika diucapkan pertama kali dan tidak melambangkan barang atau
orang tertentu : Contoh : I need a visa ; They live in a flat ; He eat an
ice cream
• Di depan kata benda tunggal yang dapat dihitung yang dipakai sebagai
wakil golongan benda. Contoh : A car must be insured ; A child often
• Digunakan dengan pelengkap kata benda, termasuk nama-nama
profesi contoh : It was an earthquake; She’ll be a dancer; He is an
actor 6
• Digunakan pada ungkapan kuantitas tertentu contoh: a lot of ; a
couple ; a dozen ; a great many; a great deal
• Digunakan bersama jumlah-jumlah tertentu contoh: a hundred; a
• Pada ungkapan harga, kecepatan, perbandingan contoh: 6pennies a
kilo; five times a day; seventy kilometers an hour
• Dalam seruan di depan akta benda tunggal yang dapat dihiutng
Contoh : such a long queue! ; What a pretty girl

Definite article (the) dipakai dalam :

• Menunjukkan obyek (tunggal /jamak) yang sifatnya khas Contoh : the
earth; the sky; the stars; the sea; the equator
• Menunjukkan kata benda yang telah dimaksud sebelumnya Contoh :
His truck struck a tree. You can still see the mark on the tree. Pohon
menggunakan the, karena sudah dimaksud sebelumnya, yiatu pohon
yang ditabrak truk, bukan pohon yang lain
• Di depan kata benda yang tertentu karena penambahan frasa atau
klausa Contoh: The man with the banner (laki-laki yang membawa
• Di depan first, second, one. Contoh : The first (yang pertama); The one
(dialah orangnya)
• Di depan kata benda superlative (paling) Contoh : The best book
(buku terbaik)
• Di depan kata benda yang mewakili golongannya Contoh : The whale
is in danger becoming extinct (Ikan paus berada dalam bahaya
• Di depan kata sifat /adjektif yang mewakili golongannya Contoh : The
old (orang yang telah tua)
• Di depan nama-nama tertentu laut, Negara, sungai, pulau, gunung,
padang pasir, dan nama tempat atau daerah Contoh : The
Netherlands; the Alps; The Sahara; The Atlantic; The Thames: The 7
Sudan ; The Yemen ; The Mall : The City; The Gulf of Mexico; The
United States of America; The High Street; The west ; The middle east
• Di depan nama orang untuk menunjukkan keluarga. Contoh : The
Jokos. (Keluarganya pak Joko)
Expressing Wishes (Menyatakan pengandaian/harapan)
Wish adalah cara menyatakan pengandaian atau harapan dari suatu keadaan.
• Untuk mengutarakan harapan tentang keadaan sekarang (present tense),
cara pengutaraannya dengan bentuk lampau (past tense). Contoh:
The true situation Wish about that situation
I don’t know how to sing I wish that I knew how to sing
I don’t have a car I wish that I had a car
I can not speak Japanese I wish that I could speak Japanese

• Untuk mengutarakan harapan tentang keadaan lampau (past tense) maka

bentuk pengutaraannya adalah dengan bentuk past perfect
The true situation Wish about that situation
I did not study for the test I wish that I had studied for the test
Jane did not finish her work Jane wishes that she had finished her
I went to the zoo I wish that I had not gone to the zoo

Passive Voice
Bentuk umum dari kalimat pasif (passive voice) adalah Object + to be +Verb+
by + Subject

Direct Indirect Speech (kalimat langsung dan tak langsung)

Format kalimat langsung menjadi kalimat tidak langsung adalah pada tabel
berikut :

Direct Sentence (Kalimat Indirect Sentence (Kalimat tak

Langsung) langsung) 8
Simple Present Simple Past
“I never eat meat” he said He said that he never ate meat
Present Continous Past Continuous
“I am waiting for Andre” she said She said that she was waiting for
Present Perfect Past Perfect
“I have found the book” he said He said that he had found the book
Present Perfect Continous Past Perfect Continuous
He said “I have been waiting for He said that he had been waiting for it
Simple Past Past Perfect
“I saw her yesterday” he said He said that he had seen her yesterday
Future Conditional
She said, “I will be in London on She said she would be in London on
Sunday” Sunday
Future Continuous Conditional Continuous
“I will be using the pen myself on She said that she would be using the
the 27th” she said pen herself on the 27th

Mengidentifikasi kata yang tidak sesuai dengan grammar.

Soal dengan pola seperti ini terkadang muncul. Untuk menaklukkan soal dengan
pola seperti ini, anda tak perlu bingung. Karena umumnya jenis grammar yang
dipermasalahkan adalah seputar hal-hal berikut ini :
• Tunggal atau jamak. Contoh book dan books
• Passive voice.
• Verb. Jika didahului modal, maka verb harus bentuk dasar.
• Kata 9
Daftar Vocabulary yang sering muncul

Vocabulary Meaning
Capacity Kapasitas
Capability Kemampuan
Altitude Ketinggian
Attitude Sikap
Gratitude Rasa terimakasih
Latitude Garis lintang
Longitude Garis bujur
Differentiate Membedakan
Verify Menguji, memeriksa
Discriminate Mendiskriminasi, membeda-bedakan
Elected Terpilih
Appointed Ditunjuk
Selected Dipilih
Nominated Dicalonkan
Full up Kenyang
Fed up Muak
Filled up Terisi
Utter confusion Kekacauan total
Fuel shortages Simpanan minyak
Plagued Terganggu
Enhance Meningkatkan
Involve Melibatkan
Accomplish Menyelesaikan 10
Exaggerated Dilebih-lebihkan
Ingenuous Jujur
Subsidiary Cabang
Member Anggota
Expected Diharapkan
Craved Menginginkan
Merited Pantas mendapatkan
Demanded menuntut

Tabel Tenses Yang Sering Muncul


S + V1 (s/es) + O/C S + BE (is,am,are) + C

(+) He goes to school (+) She is home Every...,always, as
(-) He doesn’t go to (-) She isn’t home a rule, ever, never,
school (?) Is she home? seldom, often,
SIMPLE (?) Does he go to sometimes,
E PRESENT school frequently
S Waktu generally,

E sekarang commonly,
Sederhana regularly, steadily,

S+BE (is, am, are) + S+BE (is, am, are) + Now, right now,
V-ing + O/C Being + C this moment, this
time, at present,
(+) He is going to (+) She is being home for the time being,
PRESENT school (-) She isn’t being home in a few days,
CONTINU- (-) He isn’t go to (?) Is she being home? soon
OUS school
Waktu ber- (?) Is he going to
sekarang Hak cipta © 13
S + have/has + V3 + S + have/has + been + Already,
O/C C never/ever, just,
once/twice, three
(+) He has gone to (+) She has been home times, since, so
school (-) She hasn’t been far, not…yet, as
(-) He hasn’t go to home yet, ago, for…,
school (?) Has he been home? lately, finally,
(?) Has he go to repeatedly,
school? nowadays,
yesterday, at last,
week/month/year 14

S+have/has+been + S+ be(was, were) + C For…, For about…,

P V-ing+ O/C since, the whole
R CONTINU- (+) She was home day, all the day, for
(+) He has been going (-) She wasn’t home over year, how
to school (?) Was she home? long…, a long
E Waktu
(-) He hasn’t been day…, all the
N selesai se- going to school morning, since two
dang ber-
T (?) Has he been going month ago
to school
S + V2 + O/C S+ BE(was, were) + C Before, just now,
(+) He went school (+) She was home the day, yesterday,
(-) He didn’t go to (-) She wasn’t home this morning, last
school (?) Was she home? (week, month, year)
(?) Did he go to … ago, since two
school? month ago
S + BE (was, were) + S+BE (was, were) + Now, right now, this
V-ing + O/C Being + C moment, this time,
at present, for the
(+) He was going to (+) She was being at time being, in a few
P school home days, soon
Waktu ber-
(-) He wasn’t go to (-) She wasn’t being
A langsung
school home
S lampau
(?) Was he going to (?) Was she being
T school? home?
S + had + V3 + O/C S + had + been + C For, before, since,
after, until, just,
(+) He had gone to (+) She had been home already, as soon as,
school (-) She hadn’t been by…(keterangan
(-) He hadn’t go to home waktu lampau)…,
school (?) Had he been home? etc
(?) Had he go to
PAST S + had + V-ing + S + had + been + For…, When, since,
PERFECT O/C being+ C before, afer 15
OUS (+) He had been going (+) She had been being
Waktu se- to school home
dang ber- (-) He hadn’t been (-) She hadn’t been
langsung going to school being home
selesei (?) Had he been going (?) Had she being
lampau to school home?


SIMPLE S + will/shall + V1 + S + will/shall + be + C Tonight, this

FUTURE O/C afternoon,
Waktu (+) She will be home tomorrow, soon, the
akan (+) He will go to school (-) She won’t be home day after tomorrow,
datang (-) He won’t go to (?) Will she be home two days later,
sederhana school later, in a little
(?) Will he go to whole, this
school? weekend, before,
after, while, when.
If, until, next…, next
FUTURE S+will/shall+be + V- S+will/shall +BE + Tomorrow, while,
CONTINU- ing+ O/C Being + C when, if, at this time
OUS (+) He will be going to (+) She will be being tomorrow, at the
Waktu school home same time next
sedang (-) He won’t be going (-) She won’t be being week, by this time
berlang- to school home tomorrow
sung akan (?) Will he be going to (?) Will she be being
datang school home
FUTURE S + will/shall + have + S + will/shall + been + By (menjelang)…,
PERFECT V3 + O/C C next…, by the end
Waktu of this (week,
selesai (+) He will have gone (+) She will have been month, year), in a
akan to school home week, in two days,
datang (-) He won’t have go to (-) She won’t have been in..., until, when, if,
school home after, before
(?) Will he have go to (?) Will he have been 16
school? home?
FUTURE S + will/have + been S + will/shall + have + For…next…, for
PERFECT + Ving + O/C been + being + O/C two weeks by next
CONTINU- month, by the end
OUS (+) He will have been (+) She will have been of…, by the end of
Waktu going to school being home this week, by the
sedang (-) He won’t have been (-) She won’t have been end of 1991, at this
berlang- going to school being home time tomorrow
sung se- (?) Will ha have been (?) Will she have been
lesai akan going to school being at home


PAST S + should / would + S + should/would + be The next day, the
FUTURE V1 + O/C +C day before, the
Waktu week before, the
yang akan (+) He would go to (+) She would be home month before, the
datang school (-) She wouldn’t be year before, last
pada waktu (-) He wouldn’t go to home year, last week, last
lampau school (?) Would she be home month, yesterday
(?) Would he go to
PAST S + should/would + S + will/shall + be + Tomorrow, next
FUTURE be + V-ing + O/C being + C week, next month,
CONTINU- next year. Next…,
OUS (+) He would be going (+) She will be being on.., on Sunday, on
Waktu to school home August last year,
yang akan (-) He wouldn’t be (-) She won’t be being that evening, the
datang going to school home following…, the
sedang (?) Would he be going (?) Will she be being following day, …
terjadi to school home before, the day
PAST S + should / would + S + should/would + On…last week, on
FUTURE have + V3 + O/C have + been + C Sunday last week, 17
PERFECT on…last month,
Waktu yang (+) He would have (+) She would have in…last year, in
akan sudah gone to school been home July last year,
selesei (-) He wouldn’t have (-) She wouldn’t have at…yesterday, at
pada waktu go to school been home one o’clock
lampau (?) Would he have go (?) Would he have been yesterday.
to school? home?
PAST S + will/shall + have S + would/should + By last…, by last
FUTURE + been + Ving + O/C have + been + being week, by last
PERFECT +O/C month, by last year,
CONTINU- (+) He would have by the end of this
OUS been going to (+) She would have week, by the end
Waktu yang school been being home of…, by the end of
akan (-) He wouldn’t have (-) She won’t have been this year, by last…,
datang been going to being home by…last year, by
sudah se- school (?) Would she have may last year
dang ber- (?) Would ha have been being at home?
langsung been going to
pada waktu school?

-------END----- 18 19

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