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20-Station Assembly Line

The probability of making a defect in assembly = [1-- (0.995^20)] = 0.0953895

The probability of making a defect in assembly (catching

it for rework) = (0.0953895*0.8) =0.0763116


The Probability of shipping defect = The probability of making a defect in

assembly and not noticing it + probability of a defect in assembly and noticing
it *incorrect rework = [(0.0953895*0.2) + (0.0953895*0.8*0.05)] = (0.0190779 +
0.0038156) = 0.0228935

Step Process with Rework


For every unit of demand, 1.4 units have to be processed at step 2 (and step 3)


The processing times (adjusted for rework) are:

Step 1: 7 minutes (per unit)

Step 2: [(0.6*6) + (0.4*12)] = 8.4minutes
Step 3: [(0.6*5) + (0.4*10)] = 7 minutes

The bottleneck is the step 2

Flu Shot Dosage

FD1. Capability Score = (0.55‐0.45) / (6*0.02) = 0.8333

FD2. What is the probability that the dosage is too large?

This is 1 Normdist(0.55,0.5,0.02,1)=0.00621

What is the probability that that the dosage is too small?

This is Normdist(0.45,0.5,0.02,1)=0.00621

So the defect probability is: 2*0.00621 = 0.012419

FD3. To get the new standard deviation, we solve: (0.55-0.45) / (6*stdev) = 4/3 =>
stdev = 0.1/8 = 0.0125

Kanban Cards

Solution: d

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