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Annes G a) a record of any changes observed during the est; e) the residual displacement of the door frame) £) the condition of the specimen partition tested, e.g. ‘no damage occurred’, ot report any surface of structural damage, detachment, loosening or dislodgement of its parts or fiding, including diagrams or photographs where appropriate Annex G (normative) Determination of resistance to crowd pressure G.1 Principle ‘The test requires that the partition is subjected to a continuous load transmitted through a 2.5 m horizontal beam at a set height and the maxirnum deflection measured. Surface or structural damage is also recorded G.2 Specimen The partition specimen shall be as described in 2.21, G.3 Apparatus G.2.1 Rest rig (see 2.8) 8.2 Catibrated loading equipment, capable of applying the specified loads (up ta 8 KN depending on the test level selected) perpendicularly towards the surface of the partition through the timber beam. The equipment shall be capable of applying the load to an accuracy of + 50 N. The mate of application of the load shall not exceed 800 N/s G.3.8 Timber beam, of strength class not less thar SCA when graded to BS 4078 : 1988, 225 mm x 100 mm x (2500 £ 10) mm in Tength and capable of transmitting the load to the partition G.3.4 Resilient materiat, 10 mm £ 2 mm thick to spread the load from the 100 mm face of the timber beam (G.3.3) to the partition. G.3.5 Calibrated measuring instrument, for measuring the maximum defection of the specimen to the nearest 0.1 mm G.3.6 Clamps or other devices, that position the measuring instruments and ensure their stability during the test G4 Procedure Gheck that the specification and drawings provided by the sponsor coreespand with the specimen to be tested Install the specimen vert (G.8.4) and fix tt in acces instructions Allow ime for 1 ally in the test rig ance with The 5p Record the laboratory temperature and humidity during the installation of the spec: test Be prepared to record any changes or damage to the partition specimen observed during the test, together with the readings from the measuring instrament (G.3.5). In the event of collapse, discontinue the test, Position the beam (G.8,9) with ane end 240 mm from the lock side of the door and with the 100 mm face in contact (through the restitent matenal (G.8.4)) with the partition, to apply a force horizontally and normal to a solid area of the specimen at the surface of the partition, 1.2 m measured from the battom af the specimen; the resilient material shall be in contact. with the surface of the partition specimen along the length of the beam Position the loading device (G.3.2) normal to the face of the partition to apply the load horizontatly and to the centre of the timber beam Position the instrument for measuring deflection, on the loaded side of the partition, 126 mm above the centre paint of the application of the load Gradually apply a preload of 200 N to the beam, Allow the loaded specimen to stabilize for | min. Remove the load. Allow the unloaded specimen ta stabilize for 1 min Set the deflection measuring instruments ta datum, Gradually apply and sustain for 2 min a load of 0.75 KN, 1.6 KN of 3 kN per metre length of beam NOTE. The magnitude of the load should be selected by the sponsor Examine the specimen and record the deflection. Remove the load and beam Allow the specimen to stabilize for 5 min after completing the test and record any residual deformation to the nearest 0.6 mm G5 Test report, ‘The test report shall include all items given in 2.6.1, together with either the details of any collapse ar a) the maximum deflection under toad and residual deformation: b) any collapse or dislocation of companent parts such as studs, panels, blocks ete.. c} 2 record of any changes observed during the test; d) the condition of the specimens tested, e.2 damage occurred’, or report any damage or detachment, loosening or disladgoment. of its parts or fines, including diagrams or photographs where appropriate en and the , Test Report No.7191110244 - MEC15 - YX “ w . dated 07 Apr 2015 < Ie Date: 01/04/2015, ‘temperature / Humidity: 28.6°C 175% Load 3.0 kNim " Condition Residual oan a ont || cots | |e ; (um) | tested There shall be no collapse or damage that runs | Th ecco dus to any of its parts becoming dislodged aa | Sere mreeserars Sas sa = 3.0 kNim 2 316 -02 Figure 12: Locations of applied load for crowd preseure Page 180828

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