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 Characteristics of computers: From the characteristics

point of view all computers have certain common characteristics,

irrespective of their types and sizes. Computer is no just a calculating
machine; it also has the capability of doing complex activities and
operation. Main characteristics of the computer can be summarized as.
1. Speed: Computer is a very fast and accurate device. I can
process millions and millions of instructions seconds.
2. Accuracy: Computer results are highly accurate.
3. Memory: Computer has a large storage capacity to hold a
very large amount of data or information.
4. Programmed intelligence: Computer itself is like dumb
terminals. But I is programmed in such a way that it can
perform those operations which have been fed into it in
the form of executable programs.
5. Diligence: Computer is free from problems like lack of
concentration, confusions, etc. Computer does not suffer
from fatigue like a human.
6. Versatility: Computer is a versatile machine. It can perform
many tasks. One moment it might be busy in calculating
the statistical date for annual. Performance evaluation of a
business organization andnext moment it might be
working on playing movies.
7. Power of remembrance: Computer can sore things for
unlimited period of time.
Certral Processing unit (CPU): CPU is also known as the
microprocessor. It has the ability to fetch, decode and sxecute
instructions. It also transfers information to and from other resources
over he compuer’s main daa—transfers information o and from other
resources over he computer’s main daa—transfer path known as bus.
Microprocessor is buil on a single piece of silicon called a wafer or chi. It
is commonly no longer han 0.5 cm –(0.2 in) and no more than 0.05 cm
(0.02in) thick. Despite its small size, a microprocessor may be
programmed o perform a great number of information handing tasks.

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