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Narrative Report





The enhancement program is very essential to the senior high school student this will open their mind
on the industry that might benefit him/her in the future. The enhancement we did was showing the real
industry to the student, how it was done properly step by step procedures. On day one (1) we collected
all evidence that must be enhance, in this school the specialization Hairdressing NC II was offer to them
in Grade 12 Second (2nd) semester school year 2017-2018 that is why we expect it will be easy for us to
enhance them. We ask them to demonstrate first the entire learning objective to know what to be
corrected. Then we focus on the first learning objective Perform pre and post hair care activities We
divided the students into 5 groups then we demonstrate the proper procedure on how you will apply
the proper pre and post hair care service activities and identify first all the tools , materials and
equipment . Return demo from the students and assess if they are competent or not yet competent .
We let them assess their co- students which will serve us review to them . Day 2 reviewed the first
learning objective and start to demonstrate other Learning Objective Perform Hair and Scalp
Treatment the same procedure is done, we ask for return demo and we assess if they are competent or
not yet competent and let them assess their co- students which will serve us a review to them. The day
3 ENHANCEMENT ASSESSMENT which is the demonstration and oral interview, we will assess the
students on the learning objective that we have enhances. Day 4 demonstrate the last remaining
learning objectives Perm Hair, Perform hair color, Perform Haircut, and Perform Hair Bleaching the
same procedures is done, We divided the students into 5 groups then we demonstrate the proper
procedure on how the proper application of chemicals of each services, the things to consider before
you do the services. We ask for return demo and we assess if they are competent or not yet competent
and we let them assess their co-students which will serve them a review. Day 5 Enhancement
Assesment which is the demonstration and oral interview, we will assess the students on the learning
objective that we have enhanced. The result of the assessment will be the basis if he/she is ready to
take National Assessment in Hairdressing NC II.
B. Issues, Challenges and Resolutions

The issues I encountered is on the monitoring and evaluation. JDVP partners have done classroom
monitoring and evaluation but SHS/TVL Focal persons should have done the same, Assessment are not
conducted immediately because of the great numbers of beneficiaries in need at the same time .

Issue in submission of reports because this is a pilot projects, so forms and templates and other
requirements were not instructed to us at the same time. They came one after the others , When data
required are no longer readily available because students have gone out their way after the academics
final exam.

I have no issues on the identification of the learners beneficiaries so far because the partner SHS were
ready with their list of beneficiaries and they help with full cooperation in identifying them.

There were also no issues on the issuance, distribution and utilization of Vouchers because they were
properly done.


We recommend that this program implemented during the early months of Senior High School
Curriculum Year so that the application will not be hastened and the absorbent capacity of the students
will not be jeopardize

Prepared By:


Narrative Report





The enhancement program is very essential to the senior high school student this will open their mind
on the industry that might benefit him/her in the future. The enhancement we did was showing the real
industry to the student, how it was done properly step by step procedures. On day one (1) we collected
all evidence that must be enhance, in this school the specialization Hairdressing NC II was offer to them
in Grade 12 Second (2nd) semester school year 2017-2018 that is why we expect it will be easy for us to
enhance them. We ask them to demonstrate first the entire learning objective to know what to be
corrected. Then we focus on the first learning objective Perform handspa. We divided the students into
5 groups then we demonstrate the proper procedure on how you will apply the proper pre and post
nail care service activities and identify first all the tools , materials and equipment . Return demo from
the students and assess if they are competent or not yet competent . We let them assess their co-
students which will serve us review to them . Day 2 reviewed the first learning objective and start to
demonstrate other Learning Objective Perform footspa the same procedure is done, we ask for return
demo and we assess if they are competent or not yet competent and let them assess their co- students
which will serve us a review to them. The day 3 ENHANCEMENT ASSESSMENT which is the
demonstration and oral interview, we will assess the students on the learning objective that we have
enhances. Day 4 demonstrate the last remaining learning objectives Perform manicure and pedicure
the same procedures is done, We divided the students into 5 groups then we demonstrate the proper
procedure on how the proper application of chemicals of each services, the things to consider before
you do the services. We ask for return demo and we assess if they are competent or not yet competent
and we let them assess their co-students which will serve them a review. Day 5 Enhancement
Assesment which is the demonstration and oral interview, we will assess the students on the learning
objective that we have enhanced. The result of the assessment will be the basis if he/she is ready to
take National Assessment in Hairdressing NC II.
B. Issues, Challenges and Resolutions

The issues I encountered is on the monitoring and evaluation. JDVP partners have done classroom
monitoring and evaluation but SHS/TVL Focal persons should have done the same, Assessment are not
conducted immediately because of the great numbers of beneficiaries in need at the same time .

Issue in submission of reports because this is a pilot projects, so forms and templates and other
requirements were not instructed to us at the same time. They came one after the others , When data
required are no longer readily available because students have gone out their way after the academics
final exam.

I have no issues on the identification of the learners beneficiaries so far because the partner SHS were
ready with their list of beneficiaries and they help with full cooperation in identifying them.

There were also no issues on the issuance, distribution and utilization of Vouchers because they were
properly done.


We recommend that this program implemented during the early months of Senior High School
Curriculum Year so that the application will not be hastened and the absorbent capacity of the students
will not be jeopardize

Prepared By:



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