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EngCalc User Instructions

Engine Data Program
User Instructions

The EngCalc Engine Data Program provides site-specific engine data including
available power, fuel consumption, heat rejection, emissions, and general model-
specific information. After selecting an engine model, the user will enter known
site conditions including ambient temperature, site elevation, and fuel
composition. After all the site information is entered, the program can then
determine the maximum engine rating for the site conditions, or the user can
enter a required site rating. Data will be provided for the site conditions at the
maximum site rating, as well as additional part load operating points. The engine
data can be printed as a consolidated data sheet, or saved within the program to
be used at a later date.

User instructions have been provided below which explain user input fields,
output data fields, and any special instructions the user may need while working
with the program.

Excel version 2003 or newer is required to run this program.

Before using the program, be sure you are using the latest version which will
always be available on

The EngCalc program uses Excel files for the program to function correctly. The
files ‘EngCalc3.6.xls’ and ‘DataFile3.6.xls’ must be kept in the same file location
or folder on your computer. The file names must also remain unchanged.

The user will open the program by opening the ‘EngCalc3.6.xls’ file on their
computer, the Data File will remain closed unless it is needed by the program.

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EngCalc User Instructions


If using Excel version 2010, a Security Warning will appear at the top of the page
in the toolbar.

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EngCalc User Instructions

Select ‘Enable Content’ and the banner will close and the program will load the
macros needed to function properly.

If you receive any other warnings regarding macros, please follow Microsoft
Excel’s instructions on how to enable them.

Also, if an error occurs while trying to use the program, please check your macro
settings to make sure that you have the ability to enable macros (‘File’ >>
‘Options’ >> ‘Trust Center” >> ‘Trust Center Settings…’).

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EngCalc User Instructions


The opening screen provides a short description of the program.

Click ‘Continue’ to proceed to the ‘INPUTS’ screen to start using the program.

For international users, and when using non-US versions of Microsoft Excel:

When entering data into the EngCalc program, decimal places must be entered
as periods “.” Regional number formats become disabled when using
EngCalc3.6 and the program will not accept data when commas “,” are entered
as decimal places.

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EngCalc User Instructions


About: Provides a short description of program operation, contact information,

and details on program revisions.

Save Project: By selecting this button, the program will save a small Excel file
with current project information, engine selection, site conditions, and fuel
analysis. A ‘Save As’ window will open that allows the user to change the file
name and the location of the saved file. (Note: this file does not need to be saved
in the same location as the EngCalc Program file). This file can then be used to
open the project at a later time.

Open Project: This button will open an ‘Open’ window that the user can open a
saved EngCalc file that was saved earlier using the ‘Save Project’ button. Only
files that were saved using the ‘Save Project’ button can be opened.

Units: This is a drop down menu that allows the user to select English or Metric

Application: This is a drop down menu that allows the user to select the
application as ‘Gas Compression’, ‘Mechanical Drive’, or ‘Power Generation’.

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EngCalc User Instructions

Family: This is a drop down menu for the user to select the engine family which is
dependent on the selected application. Current family models are VHP, VGF,
and 275GL.

Model: This is a drop down menu for the user to select the engine model.

Speed: This is a drop down menu for engine speed. For Power Generation
applications, the engine speed will depend on the frequency:
50Hz: 1000 RPM, 1500 RPM
60Hz: 900 RPM, 1200 RPM, 1800 RPM

Project Information: This information is optional and can be entered by the user
to then be listed at the top of the Output Print Page.

Inlet Air Temp: Enter the combustion air inlet temperature for the project site
conditions that you would like data for. If data is required for an inlet air
temperature that is outside of the limitations of the program, please contact
Waukesha’s Application Engineering.

Altitude: Enter the site elevation above sea level. If data is required for a site
elevation that is outside of the limitations of the program, please contact
Waukesha’s Application Engineering.

Jacket Water Temp: This is a drop down menu to select the engine jacket water
outlet temperature. The default temperature entered into this field is the standard
jacket water temperature for the engine model. The user may select a different
jacket water temperature if available. If data is required for a jacket water
temperature that is outside of the limitations of the program, please contact
Waukesha’s Application Engineering.

Intercooler Water Temp: This is a drop down menu to select the engine
intercooler water inlet temperature. The default temperature entered into this field
is the standard intercooler water temperature for the engine model. The user may
select a different temperature if available, and may require an additional engine
option code. If data is required for an intercooler water temperature that is
outside of the limitations of the program, please contact Waukesha’s Application

NOx Selection: For Rich-Burn engines with available emPact emissions control
system this box can be used to select the NOx level – this requires the
corresponding option code to be ordered. Also on lean burn engines with ESM;
this is the user entered NOx setting that will be programmed into the ESM control
system. The user will be able to adjust the NOx selection to achieve different
engine NOx emissions. (Note: the NOx selection may not match the actual
engine NOx output and a lower NOx selection may be needed to meet emissions

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EngCalc User Instructions

Fuel Analysis: This button will take the user to the ‘Fuel Analysis’ screen that will
allow the user to enter their fuel analysis for the project.

Fuel WKI: This is the calculated Waukesha Knock Index (WKI) number for the
entered fuel. The WKI number is use to determine the engine power rating based
on the fuel composition.

Fuel Heating Value: This is the calculated fuel heating value for the entered fuel.
This is the fuel SLHV, the fuel LHV and HHV are listed on the ‘Fuel Analysis’

Fuel Pressure: This is a drop down menu to select the fuel pressure required at
the inlet of the engine mounted regulator. Different fuel pressure ranges may be
available for some models with an available option code.

Driven Equipment (Gas Compression and Mechanical Drive applications only):

This is the power available or required for the driven equipment at the engine
flywheel. The Driven Equipment power is calculated after any auxiliary power
such as a cooling fan or miscellaneous power that is used from the engine front
end drive.

Electrical Output (Power Generation applications only): This is the electrical

power available at the generator output and is calculated after any auxiliary
power such as a cooling fan or miscellaneous power, and losses from the
generator efficiency.

Generator Efficiency (Power Generation applications only): A generator efficiency

must be entered for Power Generation applications in order to calculate the
generator electrical output. Typical generator efficiencies for the engine model
are listed under the Engine Info section that can be used as reference; however
the user should verify proper generator efficiencies for their application. The
Power Factor can be selected as 1.0 or 0.8 by using the drop down menu to the
right of the Generator Efficiency input box.

Cooling Fan: If an engine driven cooling fan is required, the power can be
entered which will be subtracted from the total engine power when calculating
either electrical generator output or driven equipment power.

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EngCalc User Instructions

Miscellaneous: If any miscellaneous engine driven power is required onsite, the

power can be entered which will be subtracted from the total engine power when
calculating either electrical generator output or driven equipment power.

Requested Power: This is the total engine power required for the site based on
the sum of the driven equipment (or electrical output and generator efficiency),
cooling fan power, and miscellaneous power. The total requested power must be
less than the available engine power, after any derates for fuel or site conditions.

Option Code 1100 (VGF GL models only): Option code 1100 is available for VGF
GL or GLD models in order to achieve a higher power rating. The option code
can be selected by using the drop down menu below the requested power and
selecting ‘with Code 1100’ or ‘without Code 1100’.

Calculate Maximum Allowable Power: This button can be used to calculate the
maximum allowable engine power based on the fuel and site conditions. When
selecting this button, the ‘Requested Power’ will change to the maximum engine
allowable power, and the Driven Equipment (or Electrical Output) will be
calculated based on the entered Cooling Fan, Miscellaneous power, and
Generator Efficiency (Power Generation applications only).

View Performance Data: This button will take the user to the ‘OUTPUTS’ screen
to view engine output data.

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EngCalc User Instructions

Engine Limits:

If the input variables entered are beyond the capability of the program to predict
performance, a message will appear to indicate what values are outside of the
program limits. The message will also indicate what the allowable range is for the
input data. Once the value is changed to be within the program limits, the data
can then be calculated.

If a project has site conditions or a fuel composition that is outside of the range of
the program, please contact Waukesha’s Application Engineering.

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EngCalc User Instructions


A fuel analysis must be entered for the program to calculated data. The fuel
analysis can be entered as % volume or % Mole in order to calculate the fuel
WKI and heating value. The total sum of the fuel analysis must equal 100% for
accurate data to be provided.

The fuel may require treatment in order to meet Waukesha’s Gaseous Fuel
Specification (S-7884-7 or latest version) and any warnings will appear below the
fuel analysis.

Commercial Quality Natural Gas: This button will input Waukesha’s Commercial
Quality Natural Gas specification as the fuel. It is important to note that all natural
gases are different and the specific fuel on site should be analyzed for each

Fuel Desc: The user can enter a fuel description for the current fuel analysis that
will appear on the Output Print Page.

Inputs: This button will return the user to the ‘INPUTS’ screen.

Print Fuel Analysis: This button will provide a one page printout of the current fuel

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EngCalc User Instructions

Save as .PDF Fuel Analysis: This button will save a one page printout of the
current fuel analysis as a .PDF file. This feature is only available on Excel
versions 2007 and newer and with the save as .PDF add-in installed.

Fuel Contaminants: This button will take the user to the ‘FUEL CONTAMINANTS’
screen to allow the user to enter fuel contaminants such as H2S, Ammonia,
Halogen compounds, and Siloxanes.

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The fuel contaminant screen allows the user to enter common fuel contaminants
that may be present in the fuel. The user can select various units for each
contaminant and the program will calculate the corresponding µg/BTU level for
each. The calculated level will be compared to the allowable contaminant level
listed in Waukesha’s Gaseous Fuel Specification. If the contaminant exceeds the
allowable level, the fuel must be treated for operation in the engine.

Since the contaminant limit is based on the LHV of the fuel, the user must always
ensure the correct fuel composition and contaminant levels are entered for each
individual fuel analysis.

The fuel may require treatment in order to meet Waukesha’s Gaseous Fuel
Specification (S-7884-7 or latest version) which is available on

Fuel Analysis: This button will return the user back to the ‘FUEL ANALYSIS’

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EngCalc User Instructions


The engine data is calculated for the site conditions and provided on the
‘OUTPUT’ screen. There are 4 different load points listed in the Output Data
section and will be described as reading the columns from left to right

Maximum rating at ___° inlet air: This column provides an engine rating and data
at the maximum air inlet temperature at the site altitude and fuel to achieve full
power. At temperatures above this listed temperature, the engine power will need
to be derated.

Site rating at inlet air temperature of ___°: The three right columns of data
provide data at the entered maximum air inlet temperature, and is broken into
three load points:

 The first load point is the user entered load, if this is the maximum rating
at the maximum air inlet temperature, then the load will be listed as 100%
load. If the requested load is less than the maximum rating at this
temperature, then a lower % load will be listed.

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EngCalc User Instructions

 The second load point is a part load point that can be changed by using
the drop down menu. This load point must be between the maximum and
minimum load points.

 The last load point is typically 50% of the standard engine rating, or the
minimum rating that data is available for the engine.

Power: Continuous engine power allowed for the fuel and site conditions.

Overload: Engine power overload that is allowed for 2 hours every 24 hours.

Electrical Efficiency (power generation only): Fuel efficiency based on the

minimum fuel input, and the electrical power output. This value is based on the
user entered generator efficiency, and any auxiliary engine driven equipment that
the user entered into the power rating calculation on the ‘INPUTS’ screen.

Mechanical Efficiency: Fuel efficiency based on the minimum fuel input, and the
engine mechanical power output. This value is based on the power output
available at the engine flywheel and does not include any auxiliary engine driven
equipment that the user entered into the power rating calculation on the ‘INPUTS’

Fuel Consumption: BSFC values are listed for the lowest possible fuel
consumption available for the engine operating conditions. BSFC is provided in
Lower Heating Value (LHV) and Higher Heating Value (HHV). Fuel volume flow
is based on the maximum fuel flow available for the engine operating conditions.

Heat Rejection: Heat rejection values are listed for the different cooling circuits
and are listed as nominal values. Appropriate safety factors should be applied
when sizing equipment.

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EngCalc User Instructions

Emissions: Emissions are listed as a not to exceed value per the engine
operating conditions.

Emissions Units: Engine emissions can be provided in several different units and
selected by using the drop down menu at the bottom of the outputs screen:
 g/bhp-hr
 g/kWb-hr
 kg/yr (the user must enter the total hours per year that the engine will be
 mg/Nm3 (the user must select the emissions %O2 correction factor)
 tons/yr (English tons, the user must enter the total hours per year that the
engine will be running)

%O2: When using mg/Nm3 emissions units, the user must select a %O2
correction factor.

HR/YR: When using kg/yr or tons/yr emissions units, the user must enter the
number of hours per year the engine will be running to calculate emissions

Inputs: This button will return the user to the ‘INPUTS’ screen.

Print Data Sheet: This button allows the user to print the current data on a
formatted data sheet.

Save as .PDF Data Sheet: This button will save a three page printout of the
formatted data sheet as a .PDF file. This feature is only available on Excel
versions 2007 and newer and with the save as .PDF add-in installed.

Notes: Lists any notes or conditions that qualify the calculated output data. Any
required engine option codes to obtain the data will be listed below the notes.
The ‘Return’ button will take the user to the previous screen.

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EngCalc User Instructions


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EngCalc User Instructions


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EngCalc User Instructions

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EngCalc User Instructions

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EngCalc User Instructions

The Data Print Page will include all input data and output data in one three page
document. Project information is listed on the top, followed by Engine Info and
the site conditions.

Also included on the data print page is heat exchanger sizing criteria, which lists
the engine cooling circuits, and the recommended heat rejection to be used for
sizing coolers. The heat exchanger sizing criteria uses the maximum heat
rejection for the engine, and applies tolerances and an additional 5% reserve

Cooling system circuit flows are also included to provide the minimum design
flow and maximum external restriction that is allowed to maintain proper coolant

Page 2 of the Data Print Page lists the user entered fuel analysis for the data.
The fuel must meet the latest version of the Waukesha’s gaseous fuel
specification and any conditions that do not meet the fuel specification will also
be provided below the fuel analysis on page 2.

Page 3 provides any notes or conditions that qualify the data on page 1 of the
Data Print Page. Any required engine option codes to obtain the data on page 1
will be listed on the bottom of page 3.

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