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—— i Republic of the Philippines: Congress of the Philippines te fla ‘Selly Congres Rh Rape Ss ‘Begun od tla in Metro Manis, on Mande, the twenty thi ‘dy ly. two tusandegmoen [RervauicActNo, 11234) ANACT ESTABLISHING THEENERGY VIRTUAL ONE-STOP SHOP FOR THE PURPOSE. OF STREAMLINING THE PERMITTING PROCESS OF POWER GENERATION, ‘TRANSMISSION, AND DISTRIBUTION FROJECTS Beitenaced bythe Sonate and Hous of Regrerntatives ofthe ‘Pilippisesin Congres oom le ‘eHAPrER (GENERAL PROVISIONS the "Energy Virtual One-Stop Shap Aes” ™* ‘800.2. Delaraton of Plc poi a the Sate te ~ te erety desta the {2a the ay, by, on wy of ney at retonale crt by undrtalung menses fo guarantee Chat tgply meets demend in'e timely manner: 1b) Recognise the indipencble role ofthe priate scar in pamer generation, svanamiesion, and distribution by ‘acing now poe generation, Ugmimisaio, or doin Piece then a mpreved ems Hf ding Dusoes fee ad febicing igh anna Cnt neiated with pos equistes fr proponent (© Raaure transparency and aorountai proces of approving power Feneration, tran Aitesaton projec a (@) Daler effet and fictive sre to the able by: () Baeuring timely completion of power generation ‘rapa, oF dstrbuton procs by clininatng upton ‘edundanes, and overlapping mandates in documentary Sms and process fy suppbing an online plato fr {ovement agence t eowinte and share ination: nd @ Providing a paperlew and eketone pplation and rosessng sate which srves tea single gateway through ‘Shek proponents can soos nil aformationnecenay nthe ‘ppt fr new generation, tanamisn, oF Cstabution project submit al eyuizements felted to to appeston, at ‘onto the approval of such appliaton, ‘80.3 Seope,— This Act call apply all now power seoeaton,trnuission, an datebunon proesta throwghost ‘county and all departments, bureaun, aes, agencies, {gremmentowned anor -omtrled export (GOCE, {Geerament une (LGUs) nd other enter involved in the Devmitting proces af power generasion, transmisin, oF {Eaeuson praese SHC. 4, Definition of Terme. — Aa used in thi Act, the falling words or ter sll have the flowing messing Unlete proved otherwise (@) Action refers to 4 dein on an application of » proponei by governmets burea, ae, agency. GOCC, EGE Groner nto inenived tm the peemitung prosns of ‘\porer generation, tnnamiaain or ditibution prefect: ‘Proved, "Phat suck deesnion Ie limited tthe approval oF Eppenral ofan aplication ()_ Bidding documents sefer vo documents sed by @ procuring enttiy ae the basis for bide, furnishing [Eiemation sever fra pospecive Bader fo prepare bid faethe goad, ifasteuchre projects ad consi eervies to be provide 0 Distribution projcte zafer to the Bnancine devant rt roti fy, nt (@ Disribuioneytem ofits veer tthe system of wires and asocatd fais belonging to a feenesed ‘Letitia uaity extending betwen the delivery points on {he transmission system or generating plant conestion, ad {6 point ef eomascton tothe promise of th end usc: (e)_Rneray Viral One-Stop Shop at BVOSS refers to an online aye that alone the coordinated bmi and oehroaous prossnng ofall Yasir data and formation, ings deion mang poral fr actions oh etn fr prt sy aris sy slated to, an application of « proponent or new power enero. tranatisio, or date projet Goverment agency vfers to the agoncy of the verte as dein Exon Onder Ne. 22, there {Epown aa the “Adminiatstive Cole of 1987 shine Congressional Power Commission of JCPC refer tote Comiinon rested ner Bape Act No_155, ‘hares known ae the “Elec Power Industry Relorm Ac orator (0). Marte aperator frst the entity ceapnsible far the operation of the spe markt in azordance with Section Si Republic Act No. 8196, herve known a the “Este Dower Industry Rare Act of 2001 (®_Mther agency selors to the departent, which hae Jariadiaion over bureaus, ofits, agonetes, nd GOCCs Iasigned to i by law in accordance. withthe applicable {iatonship as defined in Chapters 7,8, and 9, Bou 1 of Executive Order No." 252" otherwise known ae the "Adminitrative Code f 1087" Porm on crtifoaton refers tthe writen doen suthorsng 4 person or eatty to conduct epcied aces Ina poco area or induntey for-n speed pend f Une riled gue sndlor srvtce ae romared bylaw, 9 Permitting proces rofere to the comprsbensive procedure undertaken in oder to put pa power generation ‘tansmisson, op dstbution project including the following Shier tyson oft operating contactor serve contac, velopment end snccustin of power Plant tnelading {he date of commer) eporetions thereto well a all the required. documoneary requiremenes and foes from all fevernment agencieeinvlend in turk prnedives Pvt, ‘Tage the procedure excludes the operational phaae of the pret ® Pover generation system ond facltce refer to genoration facts ofall types, technology or resource {cluding conventional, reneweble, hybrid fasten, and type of worage faites (a) Power generation projets refer to the financing. derslopoens touirucion andlor operation ef any pows? (enero sjtem and aces: (6) Procuring cat rfors to any branch, dspartanent, fe gene. or iutrumentalty of he goversmest nlaing Slate universes and alleges, COCs, government nancial Inetiatins, end LGUs proving goods commuting orcs {inl infeestrture prec refers to an indivi or duly regina juxidiba enter sngngedo desiting to engege in trae oF bhsinoes in the Phikppnes throughs pemer generation teunsmisson, or lsiibution projet sucha the construction fndlor operation of « power plant, tansmiesion ne, oF ‘ieee net (©) Submision ofan electronic document happens when an autnated response edawmledging the eetontedruont Haste ent to and recowed by he proponent: Provided, hat the electrons doeument bas been carer upanded or teat 1 fhe yeaa bythe proponent 5 (9, Sytem operate ors 6 pany rege fr @ ‘the provision of ancillary services, and ‘Sorin or af power gay, aby, Tah, SEF tec af te en (©), Praamiasion ete ot fait refer 0 she high ‘witage backbone system of ntereonnectod trenton Is, “Brats ant seta act for the pup of converance at bull power: and (©) Transmission projets refer to the financiog, evelpment uta, ander operation 0 ny teat sytem oF faite CHAPTER IL [ENERGY VIRTUAL ONE-STOP SHOP ‘SEC, 8, Creation and Eetablishnent of the Energy Viewal One Stop Shop (VOSS). ~ An Energy Vieual One ‘Stop Shops heoby etablshes undo the repervin tthe Department of Energy (DOE) Towards to end te DOE hall operate and maintain an effets information technology ‘nfrortroctare system, which shall be updated regulary, tubject to the provony of Ue Ac SEC. 6. Powers Funtions, and Charastrites — The VOSS stil ave the following power, fens, and (@)_Rocneiae the legac, vality, and enforcabity of electronic documents rabmited ip anton to applications fis permite andioe cericatone necowery for of velated 1, ‘gplisatone fr ower generation teanemsion oF aston pret (®) Uae an elie paymant tem fr ll fc impos fur spplitions for permite anor cerfictions neces fo, = lta topnino fr rower generation, temo. (©. Provides a secure and acmsile papers processing system through hich proponent may

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