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Proposed Four-Storey Medical Center Building using Encased Steel Composite

Structure with Green Design in Mandaluyong City

Project By

Aladin, Rya Jasmine L.

Bacay, Grace Adrianne D.
Bolo, Jasmin Marie C.

Submitted to the School of Civil, Environmental and Geological Engineering


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering

Mapua Institute of Technology

Manila City


Executive Summary
The group of Civil Engineering students proposes to design the annex medical
building of the maternity hospital, Mandaluyong City Medical Center (MCMC) Annex II,
as an encased steel composite structure that will have green design innovations. The need
for this structure comes from two sources - the growing number of patients in the
maternity and pediatric division, and the lack of medical facilities in the main building.

The design project aims to meet the requirements imposed by the beneficiary, the
local government of Mandaluyong City, specifically, the City Planning and Development
Office. So, the objectives of the design project are - to introduce encased steel-concrete
composite structure, to provide a green structural design that can maximize the use of
renewable resources and can still withstand natural constraints, to increase the lifespan of
the structure and present an economical design of the building, and lastly, to provide a
healthy and stimulating environment for the patient’s fast recovery and the staff’s
The design will be computed using LRFD, and will be evaluated with a computer
simulation, STAAD. And to consider the structure as a green design, innovations such as
solar window films and rain water harvesting system will be utilized. In the estimation of
costs, the group will only focus on the structural part of the project but in the total budget
the architectural and electrical parts will still be included. The team’s outcome would be
a green building that is structurally safe, economical and innovative.

Table of Contents

Title Page i
Approval Page ii
Executive Summary iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Tables and Figures viii

Chapter 1: Introduction 1

1.1 Problem Statement 3

1.2. Project Objective 3
1.3. Design Norms Considered 3
1.4. Major and Minor Areas of Civil Engineering 4
1.5. The Project Beneficiary 5
1.6. The Innovative Approach 5
1.7. The Research Component 6
1.8. The Design Component 6
1.9. Sustainable Development Concept 7

Chapter 2: Environmental Examination Report 9

2.1. Project Description 9

2.1.1. Project Rationale 9

2.1.2. Project Location 9
2.1.3. Project Information 11
2.1.4. Description of Project Phases 11
2.1.5. Pre-construction/Operational Phase 12
2.1.6. Construction Phase 12
2.1.7. Operational Phase 12
2.1.8. Abandonment Phase 12

2.2. Description of Environmental Setting and Receiving


2.2.1. Physical Environment 13

2.2.2. Biological Environment 13
2.2.3. Socio-Cultural, Economic and Political Environment 13
2.2.4. Future Environmental Conditions without the Project 14

2.3. Impact Assessment and Mitigation 14


2.3.1. Summary Matrix of Predicted Environmental

Issues/Impacts and their Level of Significance
at Various Stages of Development 14
2.3.2. Brief Discussion of Specific Significant
Impacts on the Physical and Biological Resources 15
2.3.3. Brief Discussion of Significant
Socio-economic Effects/Impacts of the Project 15

2.4. Environmental Management Plan 16

2.4.1. Summary Matrix of Proposed

Mitigation and Enhancement Measures,
Estimated Cost and Responsibilities 16
2.4.2. Brief Discussion of Mitigation
and Enhancement Measures 16
2.4.3. Monitoring Plan 17
2.4.4. Contingency Plan 17
2.4.5. Institutional Responsibilities and Agreements 17

Chapter 3: The Research Component 18

Abstract 18
3.1. Introduction 18
3.2. Review of Literature 19
3.3. Methodology 23
3.4 Conclusion and Recommendation 25

Chapter 4: Detailed Engineering Design 26

4.1 Loads and Codes 26

4.1.1 Introduction 26
4.1.2 Dead Load 26
4.1.3 Live Load 27
4.1.4 Earthquake Load 27
4.1.5 Total Factored Loads 28

4.2 Structural Design 29

4.2.1 StaadPro 2007 Model 29

4.2.2 Beam Design 31 Summary 41
4.2.3 Column Design 46 Summary 49
4.2.4 Connection Design 52
vi Girder to Column Connection 51 Summary 58 Beam to Girder Connection 68 Summary 70
4.2.6. Retaining Wall Design 73 Stem Design 81 Design of toe slab 89
4.2.7 Foundation Design 92 Soil Investigation 92 Design Computation 103 Summary 107
4.2.8. Base Plate Design 112 Summary 114
4.2.9. Footing Tie Beam Design 115
4.2.10. Rainwater Harvester Design 118
4.2.11 Plan Set 125 Architectural Plans 125 Framing Plans 135

4.3 Minor and Major Areas of Civil Engineering 141

Chapter 5: Promotional Material 150

Chapter 6: Budget Estimation 152

Chapter 7: Project’s Schedule 157

7.1.1 Schedule of Beams 164 Detailing of Beams 167
7.1.2 Schedule of Columns 168 Detailing of Columns 169 Detailing of Retaining Wall 171
7.1.4 Schedule of Footings 172 Detailing of Footings 172
7.1.5 Schedule of Base Plates 174
7.1.6 Schedule of Footing Tie Beams 174

Chapter 8: Conclusion and Summary 176

Chapter 9: Recommendation 177

Chapter 10: Acknowledgment 178

Chapter 11: References 179


Chapter 13: Appendix

12.1 Article Type Paper

12.2 Original Project Report Assessment Sheet by Panel Members
12.3 English Editor Assessment and Evaluation Rubric
12.4 Accomplished Consultation Forms
12.5 Compilation of Assessment Forms (Rubrics)
12.6 Copy of Engineering Drawings and Plans
12.7 Copy of Project Poster
12.8 Photocopy of Receipts
12.9 Relevant Pictures
12.10 Other Required Forms
12.11 Student Reflections
12.12 Resume of Each Member

List of Tables, Illustrations, Charts, or Graphs


Table 1. Summary Matrix of Predicted Environmental Issues/Impacts

and their Level of Significance at Various Stages of Development 14
Table 2. Summary Matrix of Proposed Mitigation and Enhancement Measures,
Estimated Cost and Responsibilities 16
Table 3. Monitoring Plan 17
Table 4. Monthly Rainfall in Mandaluyong City 21
Table 5. Dead Loads Considered 26
Table 6. Live Loads Considered 27
Table 7. Earthquake Parameters 28
Table 8a. Maximum Moment on the Beams and Girders at Roof Deck and Fourth
Floor 32
Table 8b. Maximum Moment on the Beams and Girders at Third Floor and Second
Floor 33
Table 8c. Maximum Moment on the Beams and Girders at Roof Deck and Fourth
Floor 34
Table 9. AISC Table 3-19 Composite W Shapes 38
Table 10. AISC Table 3-19 Composite W Shapes (continued 39
Table 11. Summary of Composite Section and No. of Studs 41
Table 12. Maximum Moment and Axial Force Acting on Columns 46
Table 13. AISC Manual Table 4-20 Strength in Axial Compression 47
Table 14. Summary of filled composite column section 49
Table 15. Material and Geometric Properties (AISC Manual Table 2-3) 49
Table 16. Material Properties of Girder, Column and Plate 53
Table 17. Geometric Properties of Beam and Column 53
Table 18. AISC Manual Table 10-9aSingle Plate Connections 54
Table 19. AISC Manual Table 8-4 Coefficients 55
Table 20. AISC Manual Table 10-1 Double Angle Connections 57
Table 21a. Summary of Girder to Column Single Plate Connection at Roof Deck 58
Table 21b. Summary of Girder to Column Single Plate Connection at Fourth Floor 60
Table 21c. Summary of Girder to Column Single Plate Connection at Third Floor 62
Table 21d. Summary of Girder Column Single Plate Connection at Second Floor 64
Table 21e. Summary of Beam to Column Single Plate Connection at Ground Floor 66
Table 22. Material Properties of Beam, Girder and Plate 69
Table 23. Geometric Properties of Beam and Girder 69
Table 24a. Summary of Beam to Girder Connection at Roof Deck 70
Table 24b. Summary of Beam to Girder Connection at Fourth Floor 70
Table 24c. Summary of Beam to Girder Connection at Third Floor 71
Table 24d. Summary of Beam to Girder Connection at Second Floor 71
Table 24e. Summary of Beam to Girder Connection at Ground Floor 72
Table 25. Check Stability for the Design of Retaining Wall 78

Table26. Footing Subject to Axial load and Bending Moment 103

Table 27. Summary of Footings 107
Table 28. One-Way Shear Checking of Footing 107
Table 29. Two-Way Shear Checking of Footing 108
Table 30. Number of Bars along short direction 109
Table 31. Number of bars along long direction 110
Table 32. Development Length of Bars at Footing 111
Table 33. Material Properties of Column and Plate 112
Table 34. Geometric Properties of Column 112
Table 35. Summary of Dimensions of Base Plates 114
Table 36 Monthly Rainfall in inches and millimeters 121
Table 37. Volume of Rainwater Collected per Month 122

Figure. 1a. Project Site Location Satellite View 10
Figure. 1b. Vicinity Map 10
Figure. 2. Number of Hospitals by Classification and
Ownership,Philippines, 2009 20
Figure. 3. Flow of the Design Project 24
Figure 4. Project Location Distance from Nearest Active Fault Line 27
Figure 5a. Staad Model 29
Figure 5b. Shear and Moment Diagram 29
Figure 5c. Forces on Beams 30
Figure 5d. Stresses on Beams 30
Figure 6. Beam Composite Section 31
Figure 7. Composite Beam (side view) 31
Figure 8. Beam and Slab Cross-Section 36
Figure 9. Roof Deck Framing Plan Showing Connection No. 1 at Roof Deck 52
Figure 10. Connection of W10x12 beam to Pipe8STD column 52
Figure 11. Roof Deck Framing Plan showing Connection No. 1 at Roof Deck 68
Figure 12. Connection of W10x17 beam to W10x12 girder 68
Figure 13. Retaining Wall 73
Figure 14. Weight of Retaining Wall 77
Figure 15. Pressure on Center of Gravity of The Retaining Wall 81
Figure 16. Weight acting on the toe slab 89
Figure 17. Footing No.1 104
Figure 18. Base Plate Example 112
Figure19a. Design using STAAD Pro 2007 v7i 115
Figure 19b. Designation of Footing Tie Beams 115
Figure 20a. Results from STAAD Pro 2007 v7i: FTB 659 116
Figure 20b. Results from STAAD Pro 2007 v7i: FTB 660 117
Figure 21a. September 2013 Rainfall Forecast from PAG-ASA 118

Figure 21b. October 2013 Rainfall Forecast from PAG-ASA 118

Figure 21c. November 2013 Rainfall Forecast from PAG-ASA 119
Figure 21d. December 2013 Rainfall Forecast from PAG-ASA 119
Figure 21e. January 2014 Rainfall Forecast from PAG-ASA 120
Figure 22. Location of Mandaluyong City in the Philippines 120
Figure 23. Monthly Rainfall for the year 2013 from The Weather Channel 121
Figure 24. Rainwater Storage Tank 123
Figure 24. Rainwater Schematic Diagram 124
Figure 25a. Front View 150
Figure 25b. Right-Side View 151
Figure 25c . Left-Side View 151

Chapter 1: Introduction

The health care industry or medical industry plays a vital role to a community’s
upbringing and success. It is a sector within the economic system that provides goods and
services that treat patients with curative, preventive, rehabilitative, and palliative
care. The Philippines is a sovereign state in Southeast Asia in the western Pacific Ocean,
remains as one of the countries that have the poorest health conditions in East Asia.
Despite the presence of several modern medical establishments in the capital city of
Metro Manila, we are still lacking the true essence of medical assistance that is: to
expand its range of clinical services offered directly or in collaboration with others to
minimize cost, improve access, and enhance service excellence.

According to the Department of Health, health facilities in the Philippines are

classified based on ownership. These include government hospitals, private hospitals and
primary health care facilities. The problem concerning health care facilities in the
Philippines is facing is that the private hospitals outnumber the government hospitals in
all categories. The indigent public suffers from lack of proper health care services due to
their inability to pay the rising cost of proper health facilities. This inequity degrades the
standards of medical aid in our country.

Mandaluyong City, deemed as the "Tiger City" because of its notable number of
shopping malls, entertainment hubs, offices, financial hubs, and hotels, is on its way to
solving the said problems. With a population of 328,699 as of May 1, 2010 (based from
the Republic of the Philippines National Capital Region – District III, NATIONAL
STATISTICS OFFICE), this translates to an average annual population growth rate
(PGR) of 1.67 percent higher than that of the period of 1990 to 2000. This statistics
verifies the need for facility growth in all major departments of the city from education,
food, industrial, economical, environmental and especially their medical industry.

Presently, Mandaluyong has several private and public hospitals & health centers,
namely the privately owned Dr. Victor R. Potenciano Medical Center, and Unciano
General Hospital, and the government hospital Mandaluyong City Medical Center.
Among these three main hospitals, the Mandaluyong City Medical Center (MCMC)
serves as the only general acute public hospital in the city. It is located on Boni Avenue
corner Sto. Rosario St., Brgy. Plainview Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, Philippines and
was built on the 24th day of August 2004.

With their aim to provide total quality, efficient and effective medical care
delivery for their patients, the MCMC, along with the City Planning and Development
Office of Mandaluyong City, has constructed a two-storey maternity hospital along
Martinez St. (C-3 Road), Brgy. Addition Hills, Mandaluyong City. To aid their growing
number of patients in the maternity and pediatric division, the hospital is also planning to
have a four-storey annex building behind the maternity hospital.

This design project proposes a steel-encased composite structure with an eco-

friendly theme using solar window films, solar panels, and rainwater harvester for the
four-storey Mandaluyong City Medical Center Annex 2 Building that will equate with the
standards of private medical facilities and will function accordingly for the treatment
needs of the indigent residents of Mandaluyong City.

Presenting the Challenges

1.1 Problem Statement

The World Health Organization (WHO) says the Philippine government needs to step
up their support for public healthcare as more slums spring up in the capital of Metro
Manila. It has come to their attention that amidst the growing enhancement in the private
health care aspect of the Philippine medical care, the public hospitals, whose patients are
mostly composed of the indigent members of the community, are deprived of the medical
facility enhancements that will cover all the treatment needs of their patients. They have
discussed that at some point there are patients that “died without ever seeing a doctor”,
due to their inability to meet the demands of the uprising medical cost and their
assumptions that going to any public health facility would not help cater to their needs.

For one, the facilities of some of the existing public hospitals were in many terms
“lacking”. Their rooms, facilities and services were all in need for a renovation or an
extension. Public hospitals in general should be able to accommodate all of their patients
and to meet the demands of the growing population.

1.2 Project Objective

The purpose of the design project is to provide a structural design of an annex
building of the maternity hospital that can withstand natural constraints, increase the
lifespan of the structure and present a safe, economical and innovative design of the
building. Moreover, this project aims to introduce a steel-concrete composite structure
that will utilize the strength of materials. Finally, the researchers aspire to create a green
building design that will maximize the use of renewable resources and provide a healthy
and stimulating environment for the patient’s fast recovery and the staff’s productivity.

1.3 Design Norms Considered

The structural, environmental and economical aspects of a building design are the
norms that are considered in this proposed design project. The structural design norm
prioritizes the design criteria based on the existing structural codes and national hospital
building codes in the Philippines. The codes specifically used in this proposed project are
the National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP) and the Manual on Technical
Guidelines for Hospitals and Health Facilities Planning and Design. The requirements of
the beneficiary have also been taken into consideration. One of their requirements is to
transfer some of the facilities of the existing main Maternity Hospital building to the
proposed four-storey Mandaluyong City Medical Center Annex 2 building. The facilities
that they specified are the Kitchen/ Food Preparation Area, Laundry Service, Hospital
Central Record Room, and the Nurse and Doctor Lounge. In addition, the proposed
structural design will be made of composite materials, which is from two or more
components: steel and concrete to maximize the strength and stability of the building.

For the environmental design norm, the purpose is to make use of the available
renewable resources within the perimeter of the location. Application of a rainwater
harvester to the proposed design will serve as an alternative water source for industrial
purposes such as flushing and cleaning. Natural light would also be maximized through
wide window panels with solar window films that bounces off UV rays that passes
through the windows.

Lastly, the economical design, for which the priority is to achieve the most cost
effective design for the project. Since it is a government building, the requirement of
having a sustainable and long enduring structure amidst natural constraints should be
attained. Amidst the economical design, the medicinal aspect of the hospital environment
is vital for the patients’ recovery and should be given priority for their comfort and well-

1.4 Major and Minor Areas of Civil Engineering

Structural Engineering is the major area of civil engineering used in this project. It
is a field of engineering dealing with the analysis and design of structures that support or
resist loads. In this proposed design of the four-storey Mandaluyong City Medical Center
Annex 2 building, the structural purpose is to create a stable medical building to
accommodate the needs and purposes of both its staff and its patients.

On the other hand, one of the project’s minor areas is geotechnical engineering.
Since it is concerned with the engineering behavior of earth materials, this area is the
basis of the foundation design of the structure that could withstand earthquake loads and
wind loads.

Last but not least, is water resources engineering, which is concerned with the use
and control of water. Since the use of rainwater harvester would be applied on the
building, a proper mode of collection, treatment and distribution for its designated
purpose should be calculated accurately.

1.5 The Project Beneficiary

The beneficiary of this project is the local government of Mandaluyong City.

With the mission of their public general hospital, Mandaluyong City Medical Center
(MCMC), the City Planning and Development Office of Mandaluyong City, that is
responsible for the development and construction implementations in the city of
Mandaluyong, is deciding to construct a 4-storey Annex 2 Building for MCMC to

accommodate their growing population rate and to provide the best health-care services
possible primarily for the indigent residents of the City Mandaluyong.

This project will provide additional rooms for the staff’s facility such as the
Hospital Central Record Room, Nurse and Doctor’s lounge and locker rooms. In this
annex building an x-ray facility, food preparation area and laundry service would also be
installed. For the patient’s comfort and convenience additional rooms for confinement
would also be supplied.

With the country’s growing medical tourism rate for private facilities, investing in
our local government public medical services has to be faced. Mandaluyong’s constant
strive to provide their local’s needs has already led them to begin constructing new
infrastructures for their city’s general needs. The medical service, which is vital for their
growth, is now prioritized, further supplementing their present facilities with a more
innovative approach embracing green design application and structural ingenuity.

1.6 The Innovative Approach

For the design procedure of the four-storey annex medical building with a
composite material for the structural body, the use of structural computer programs such
as STAAD for roofing and frame and footing analysis would be used. Through these
programs the loads that the steel-concrete composite structure would have can be
considered and will also be analyzed. In addition, AutoCAD and Google SketchUp8
programs are used for the drafts and perspective. Such computer programs will be used to
illustrate the framing and design.

Composite construction exists when two different materials are bound together so
strongly that they act together as a single unit from a structural point of view. When this
occurs, it is called composite action. One common example involves steel beams
supporting concrete floor slabs. If the beam is not connected firmly to the slab, then the
slab transfers all of its weight to the beam and the slab contributes nothing to the load
carrying capability of the beam. However, if the slab is connected positively to the beam
with studs, then a portion of the slab can be assumed to act compositely with the beam. In
effect, this composite creates a larger and stronger beam than would be provided by the
steel beam alone. The structural engineer may calculate a transformed section as one step
in analyzing the load carry capability of the composite beam.

To promote water conservation, we will also introduce a rainwater harvester

which accumulates and stores rainwater for reuse before it reaches the aquifer. A storage
tank is fitted to your stormwater drain from your roof, and falling rain enters the tank
through a filter which removes leaves and other matter. The storage tank is usually buried
under car or vehicle parks, a garden or under the entrance access or drive, and contains a
pump which pumps the rainwater to the building where it is piped to the toilets, and to the

outside taps. This shows that the installation of a rainwater harvester can be
performed and will promote an economical advantage because of it uses a renewable

1.7 The Research Component

The group will specifically conduct a research study on the related literature in
using Encased Steel Composite for Structural design, Solar Power Application and
Rainwater Harvester. The study will present the need for promoting green building
design and innovation in structural design for hospital buildings. Through this,
optimization of the facilities and services of a public medical center will be promoted and
upgraded to a level that introduces economical design through investing on renewable
resources based production of electricity and water source, as well as equating the
standards of service to the quality of private centers, thus giving the indigent public the
priority and help they need.

The projected operating cost and installation of the sustainable development for
the four-storey annex hospital building would also be given priority. Specifically,
research on cost efficiency, structural stability and applicability of using composite
structure, solar panels and rainwater harvester to the chosen target beneficiaries and
location would be studied.

1.8 The Design Component

The project is a design of the four-storey Annex 2 Mandaluyong City Medical

Center building with encased steel-concrete composite for the structural design and
introduction of eco-friendly based energy and water source through the usage of a
rainwater harvester. The infrastructure design is a hospital type building that will cover
all the live loads present on such structure as well as prioritizing the quality of the facility
for higher service standard for its patients and staff. The design component will cover the
design of both the superstructure and substructure. Specifically, the design will cover all
of the structural members: the foundation, footings, columns, beams, slabs and walls.
The project will be designed economically with green innovation and structural

For the design process, the main reference material for the loadings of the
structure will be the National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP) 2010 and the
Manual on Technical Guidelines for Hospitals and Health Facilities Planning and Design
for the hospital building code of the Philippines. For the allowable settlement-geo profile,
the Uniform Building Code (UBC) will be used.

1.9 Sustainable Development Concept

The main issue of the public hospitals in our country has already been on the
radar of the World Health Organization for a while. Rising costs of health care in the
Philippines have subjected the slums communities of the capital of Metro Manila to a
deprived state of attaining proper medical care and assistance. Inequalities in access to
quality of health care among Filipino patients are glaring. While a few medical facilities
boast meeting world class standards on quality care, many others suffer from a dire lack
of equipment, facilities, and inadequate staff.

One of the cities in Metro Manila, Mandaluyong City, has been on the verge of
facing this issue by giving priority to medical infrastructure development. In this
perspective, the goal of the project is to maximize the quality, services and appeal of the
building and to create an ambiance suitable for the benefits of the staff and patients of the

In acknowledging the issue, complying with aesthetics of the structure is a must.

This is now a project that opens up the opportunity for public medical aid to step up and
prioritize its beneficiaries, to make them feel accepted and of equal treatment when it
comes to medical assistance.

To apply the concept of green design, making use of the available renewable
resources within the perimeter of the location would be the objective. Application of a
rainwater harvester (an alternative water source for industrial purposes such as flushing
and watering plants), will be introduced. Natural light would also be maximized through
wide window panels with solar window films. This works through allowing the harmful
rays to bounce off of them and thus be repelled. This is done with a technologically
advanced material that is combined with the vinyl surface and since it is a hospital
facility, sanitation is top priority, thus ventilation through the air available in the
environment would be hazardous, making air-conditioning the only option.

For the structure, we can achieve sustainable development by using a steel-

concrete composite structure. There are two main benefits of composite action in
structural members. First, by rigidly joining the two parts together, the resulting system is
stronger than the sum of its parts. Second, composite action can better utilize the
properties of each constituent material. In steel-concrete composite beams, for example,
the concrete is assumed to take most or all of the compression while the steel takes all the

Steel beams have long been recognized as one the most economical structural
systems for both multi-storey steel buildings and steel bridges. Buildings and bridges
require a floor slab to provide a surface for occupants and vehicles, respectively.
Concrete and metal decks (composite slab) are the materials of choice for the slab
because their mass and stiffness can be used to reduce deflections and vibrations of the

floor system and to provide the required fire protection. The supporting system
underneath the slab, however, is often steel because it offers superior strength-weight and
stiffness-weight ratio, ease of handling, and rapid construction cycles. Since both the
steel and concrete are already present in the structures, it is logical to connect them
together to better utilize their strength and stiffness.

Chapter 2: Environmental Examination Report

2.1 Project Description

2.1.1 Project Rationale

The increasing demand for quality medical attention for affected communities
such as the indigent public has been one of the problems that the Philippines is facing.
These families lack the financial capacity to afford the medical attention that they need,
that in common situations only the private medical centers are capable of providing. With
this problem, our group, through the Municipality of Mandaluyong City, intends to take
an action towards the improvement of public hospitals. This proposed design project of a
four-storey annex medical building is a steel-concrete composite structure with green-
building design that maximizes the use of available renewable resources within the
perimeter of the location. The aim of this project is to provide total quality, efficient and
effective medical care delivery for the patients and the staff of the Mandaluyong City
Medical Center. The objective of this project is to create a green building design of the
annex hospital building, which will provide quality and comfort that can accommodate
their growing number of patients. The following rationales are as follows:

 To build a modern annex public hospital building with a steel-concrete composite

 To build other hospital facilities such as an X-ray room, Dietary Preparation
Area, Laundry Service, Hospital Central Record Room, and the Nurse and Doctor
 To introduce a self-sustainable structure with a Rainwater Harvester

2.1.1 Project Location

This design project of the four-storey Mandaluyong City Medical Center

(MCMC) Annex 2 building is located along Martinez St. (C-3 Road), Brgy. Addition
Hills, Mandaluyong City behind the MCMC Maternity Hospital. The site wss identified
by the City Planning and Development Office of Mandaluyong City to serve the growing
number of patients of the MCMC.

Mandaluyong City Medical Center (MCMC) Annex 2 Building

Figure 1a: Project Site Location Satellite View

Mandaluyong City Medical Center (MCMC) Annex 2 Building

Figure 1b: Vicinity Map

2.1.2 Project Information

The project is a design of a four-storey Mandaluyong City Medical Center

(MCMC) Annex 2 Building specifically planned to serve as an extended building for the
other facilities of the MCMC Maternity Hospital. The project will be located along
Martinez St. (C-3 Road), Brgy. Addition Hills, Mandaluyong City. It will be a four-storey
medical building with hip roof comprising of X-ray Room, Dietary Preparation Area,
Laundry Service, Hospital Central Record Room, and the Nurse and Doctor Lounge with
a floor area of 288 sq.m. thus, the lot area of the project is 1,152 sq.m. The medical
building will have a modern design with a steel-concrete composite structure that is
economical through the incorporated concept of green engineering and architecture.

2.1.3 Description of Project Phases

The project will go through a pre-construction/operational phase, construction

phase, operational phase and abandonment phase. The pre-construction/operational phase
is the preparation before the construction and operational phases of the project starts,
wchile the onstruction phase is the site and construction preparation of the structure. It
includes developing the site logistics, building protection and mobilization plans
designed to mitigate the impact of construction on pedestrians, vehicular traffic, building
occupants and ongoing operations. The operational phase discusses the operation or
works done during the construction of the building. In this phase, careful placement and
checking of the formworks is done as well as, the controlling of the pollution and noise
emitted during construction. And lastly, the abandonment phase discusses an alternative
plan for the building if it is unoccupied or unused. This phase involves the responsibility
after all of the phases are finished.

2.1.4 Pre-construction/Operation Phase

The pre-construction and planning phase is to be the most important phase in

order for a project to be effectively accomplished. At the start of this phase, observations
and ocular inspections would be done in the project location. During the pre-construction
phase, the project team will consider cost estimating and scheduling, design review and
value engineering, develop a statement of work, and select a construction contractor. In
cost estimating, the project team should develop a conceptual cost estimate and update it
as the design progresses and additional information becomes available. In order to have
an organized and easy flow of the project, the team should make a preliminary master
schedule and modify it to incorporate detail provided by the beneficiary and some
consultants. In the design review, the team should provide ongoing evaluations and
recommendations with respect to the building systems, materials, equipment and
improvements being proposed and identify opportunities for reducing costs and/or
increasing value to the client without compromising design intent. There should be
monitoring of the design documents and necessary permits for the conformance before
the construction. The statement of work, developed by the project team would be a

narrative description of the deliverables and services required to meet the contract
requirements. It provides the basis on which contractors develop proposals and bids.

2.1.5 Construction Phase

In the construction phase, there are three important things to consider – site
logistics and mobilization, management control systems, and quality control. The site
logistics plan for the project utilizes one road on the north side of the site for most of the
site deliveries, as well as the access road for all of the concrete trucks to stage. During
certain times of the week while deliveries and trucks are trying to move around, traffic
around the site will be slowed down which will cause law enforcement in the area to get
Management control systems would mean that there should be coordination of
activities and meetings within the project team. There are numerous actions a project
team can take to ensure the quality of construction. These actions would include
independent oversight and keeping the permit process separate from the construction
contracting process. Construction oversight would mean that it would be needed to
supervise the performance of subcontractors on site, ensuring that work is performed in a
safe manner and in accordance with contract specifications, local laws and regulatory
requirements. Changes that will be implemented to the construction plan should be first
evaluated by the planning and design team.

2.1.6 Operational Phase

The operational phase first involve land excavation, use of formworks, and
landscaping. Then, the project team would also consider the addition of innovative green
design elements in the construction of the annex building. The operation will also include
the finishing works. The noise and pollution produced in the construction would be
monitored and controlled, especially since the project is in between a school and police
station. The implementation of ongoing maintenance procedures of the whole structure
would come in the later part of the operational phase.

2.1.7 Abandonment Phase

Abandonment can mean that an owner has ceased to provide maintenance and
operating services to a building, or the owner has lost his/her legal right to a building, or
the demolition of a building. An abandoned construction project is an uncompleted
project in a time frame of a contract. In the abandonment phase, the permits of the project
will be secured for the demobilization of all the equipment used during the construction.
This phase should be done with the right execution assuring that all equipment and
machines are properly dispersed. All waste that was produced in the construction will be
removed. Proper disposal of waste products must be monitored and effectively carried
out. This would eliminate the further generation of pollution during construction,
demolition and land clearing.

2.2 Description of Environmental Setting and Receiving Environment

2.2.1 Physical Environment

The project is located on Boni Avenue corner Sto. Rosario St., Brgy. Plainview
Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, Philippines. Mandaluyong City is bounded on the
northwest by Manila, on the north by San Juan, on the east by Pasig City and Quezon
City and on the south by Makati City. The average elevation of Mandaluyong City,
Philippines is 24 meters.

Mandaluyong City is a highly urbanized city. In light of this, the air quality in this
city is uncomfortable. The city’s water supply comes from a private firm, Manila Water,
making the quality of the water clean and potable. The average temperatures in the year
2012 were recorded to be ranging from 23.9 ˚C (minimum) to 33.6 ˚C (maximum). The
average monthly rainfall of the city would be 18 mm (minimum) in the month of April
and 381.3 mm (maximum) in the month of August. Mandaluyong City is not a part of the
Marikina Valley Fault System and so the area is expected not to experience flooding,
except for times that there would be super typhoons.

2.2.2 Biological Environment

The land of the project has already been cleared. There are no trees and grass
around and there are only a few domesticated animals that wander in the area. There are
very few birds in the area because the location of the project which is within the city and
there are less trees. Also, it is assured that there are no wild animals in the area. Overall
the area seems appropriate for the project location. And there is nothing to indicate that it
would be unsafe for people to go to the maternity hospital.

2.2.3 Socio-Cultural, Economic and Political Environment

Mandaluyong City is the heart of the “Golden Triangle” (Manila, Makati, and
Quezon City). This city of the leading business and industrial centers in the country
today, the “New Tiger” of Metro Manila, which made an unprecedented giant leap to
progress. This highly urbanized city is characterized by low to medium density
residential subdivisions in the north, heavy industries in the south, commercial activities
in the east, and medium-scale commercial districts in the west.

2.2.4 Future Environmental Conditions without the Project

In the absence of the project in the future, the maternity hospital will not be in its
full function. Also, the area would be vacant, unused and maybe full of garbage due to
the presence of people residing at the back area of the maternity hospital. There will also
still be no trees, or grass that would grow in the location. One part of the area will be

surely used as a terminal for the tricycles. In this case, the loss of the project will just add
up to the increasing cause of pollution in metro Manila.

2.3 Impact Assessment and Mitigation

2.3.1 Summary Matrix of Predicted Environmental Issues/Impacts and their Level

of Significance at Various Stages of Development

Table 1. Summary Matrix of Predicted Environmental Issues/Impacts and their Level of

Significance at Various Stages of Development

3 Project Predicted Environmental Level of

Phase Issues/Impacts Component Significance
Dust Generation Air
during High Impact
Earth Moving
Activities that
Pre- Soil Moderate Impact
expose bare soil
causing erosion
erational phase
Water pollution
Humans High Impact
waste disposal
Humans Low Impact
Noise and
vibration from
Humans High Impact
Air pollution Humans High Impact
erational Phase
Nuisance or
hazardous to
Humans Moderate Impact
nearby properties
and passerby
Sedimentation of
construction, Water High Impact
drainage lines
All throughout
the project Humans Moderate Impact

2.3.2 Brief Discussion of Specific Significant Impacts on the Physical and

Biological Resources

The location of the project is one of the significant impacts of the project. The
proposed site is part of the lot area allotted for the Mandaluyong City Medical
Center (MCMC) Maternity Hospital and since the location has already been cleared
out by the Municipality of Mandaluyong it is already prepared for construction.

The noise during construction would affect the newly constructed and
operating Maternity Hospital. To lessen the impact of the noise to the existing
building, immediate measures would be taken. Ensuring that the machines and
equipment used for the construction is working properly and in good condition
would help in the process. In addition, limiting the working hours to a designated
schedule provides time allowance for both the construction process and the
operation of the maternity hospital.

Air quality is also an issue. Since it is in proximity with the operating maternity
hospital, atmospheric condition must be considered. To lessen the effect to the local
air quality, usage of wind breaks would be erected to minimize dust generation. Also,
using water spray for controlling the dust emitted from the construction process
would be helpful. In addition, water quality is also important. Having a solid waste
management would be the appropriate approach.

2.3.3 Brief Discussion of Significant Socio-economic Effects/Impacts of the


With the increasing demand of public services, the project will be of aid in
providing more medical facilities and accommodations for the public. Patients will
have a wider medical service range that will promote in developing better public
hospitals in our country. Changes in employment and income levels would also be an
effect of the project. The employment rate will increase thus supplementing income
to the community. The aesthetic quality of the community will also improve because
of the architectural design of the project.

2.4 Environmental Management Plan

2.4.1 Summary Matrix of Proposed Mitigation and Enhancement
Measures, Estimated Cost and Responsibilities

Table 2. Summary Matrix of Proposed Mitigation and Enhancement

Measures, Estimated Cost and Responsibilities
Environmental Proposed Mitigation Estimated
Problem Issue Measure Cost
Develop a solid waste
management plan; Low Contractor/ Project
Solid Waste
Implement regular garbage Engineer
collection and disposal.
Administrative Controls
(management decisions on
work activities, work rotation
and work load to reduce
Noise and workers’ exposure to high Contractor/ Project
Vibration noise levels.); Engineer
Use of personal protective
equipment for workers

Using water spray for

controlling of dust;
Material to be transferred or
transported should be covered
or contained;
Local Air Regular maintenance of Contractor/ Project
Quality machines and equipments; Engineer
Usage of wind breaks would be
erected to minimize dust
generation and implementation
of using protective masks for
Transport Imposing signage or warnings Contractor/ Project
Access of the on-going construction Engineer

2.4.2 Brief Discussion of Mitigation and Enhancement Measures

The above mitigation and enhancement measures exemplify standard safety and
operating procedures to ensure the safety and well-being of the laborers and the affected
inhabitants near the perimeter of the construction site. During construction, solid wastes
gathered and produced from the site would be considered harmful and infectious.
Imposing solid waste management regulates the waste effectively. With the noise and
vibration caused by the equipment, administrative control, which incorporates the

schedule of working hours and hauling and delivery of materials, would be implemented.
Early hours would be the delivery schedule and construction will only be done during
working hours to avoid conflicts with the people residing near the perimeter.

Since the site area is not along the main road and has an allotted space for
occupying construction equipment, signage and warnings of debris falling and cautions
when passing along the perimeter would be an effective safety procedure. For the health
concern, diminishing dust remnants through water spray would control the situation.
Strict implementation of complete and proper safety gear of the workers would also be

2.4.3 Monitoring Plan

Table 3. Monitoring Plan
Environmental Problems Mitigation Monitoring
Solid Waste Garbage or hauling trucks Daily
would be used for waste
Noise and Vibration Construction will only be Daily
done during working hours
Local Air Quality Usage of water sprays Daily
Transport Access Signage or warnings Daily

2.4.4 Contingency Plan (if applicable)

During construction, risk and injuries are inevitable. These liabilities often affect
the laborers. In most occasions, the machinery or equipment are the causes of said
injuries because they are malfunctioning or handled improperly. To accommodate these
accidents, a safety area will be allotted to address injuries and providing first aid
medication. Occasional breakage of materials and malfunctioning of the equipment also
occurs during construction. Thus, an allotted fund for any probable machine repair would
also be supplemented, as well as for the replacement of the materials that were damaged.

Fire protection is also important for the duration of the project. Fire alarms and
fire extinguishers would also be distributed at positions where they can be easily acquired
when problem occurs.

2.4.5 Institutional Responsibilities and Agreements

The Department of Health (DOH), Department of Environment and Natural

Resources (DENR), Local Government Units (LGU) and Department of Public Works
and Highways (DPWH) are the institutions that will be responsible for the monitoring
and supervision of the proposed project. These institutions will assure the environmental
management and design specification for its structure. In addition, the City Planning and
Development Office of Mandaluyong City would provide the building requirements and
the code for its construction, while the laws in consideration with the proposed design
would be provided by the local government of Mandaluyong City.

Chapter 3: The Research Component

The local government of Mandaluyong City is planning to have a four-storey annex
building behind the maternity hospital in order to aid the growing number of patients in
the maternity and pediatric division. This design project proposes a steel-concrete
composite green structural design for the four-storey Mandaluyong City Medical Center
(MCMC) Annex 2 building.
Utilizing a steel-concrete composite material would mean that the building would be
more durable than other buildings that use steel alone or reinforced concrete as
construction materials. Concrete is efficient in compression and steel in tension and
restrains steel against buckling. Steel on the other hand brings stability to the structure.
Corrosion and fire can also be prevented due to the combination of these materials.
In order to implement the green design in the building, the group proposes the
installment of solar window panels, and a rain water harvesting system. These
innovations aim to lessen the costs, use renewable resources efficiently and reduce the
overall impact to the environment.

3.1 Introduction
Many indigent Filipinos suffer from lack of proper health care services. And thus,
the aim of the local government of Mandaluyong City along with the City Planning and
Development Office of Mandaluyong City, is to provide total quality, efficient and
effective medical care delivery for their patients in MCMC II. To aid their growing
number of patients in the maternity and pediatric division, they have planned to have a
four-storey annex building with a floor area of 288 sq. m. behind the maternity hospital.
In this building, there would be added medical facilities like wards, rooms, x-ray, etc.

The design project proposes a steel-concrete composite structure that uses a green
building design. Concrete is efficient in compression and steel in tension. Concrete also
restrains steel against buckling. Steel on the other hand, brings stability to the structure.
On the other hand, the project also proposes the use of glass panels, solar panels, and a
rain water harvesting system as part of our green building design. Glass panels and solar
panels would be efficient in maximizing the use of sunlight. A rain water harvesting
system would be used for sewerage purposes like flushing toilets.

3.2 Review of Related Literature

The related literature is grouped according to these major topics:

 Health Care Delivery System in the Philippines

 Innovation and Technology: Maximizing Renewable Resources
 Structural Design and Construction

These topics present a review of several literature, readings and studies asserted
by several people and pioneers in the field of architecture and civil engineering, which
would be helpful to the design project.

3.2.1 Health Care Delivery System in the Philippines Health Facilities

According to the Department of Health (DOH), health facilities in the Philippines

are classified based on ownership. It includes government hospitals, private hospitals and
primary health care facilities. Around 40 percent of hospitals are public (Department of
Health, 2009). Out of 721 public hospitals, 70 are managed by the DOH while the
remaining hospitals are managed by LGUs and other national government agencies
(Department of Health, 2009). Both public and private hospitals can also be classified by
their service capability (see DOH AO 2005-0029). A new classification and licensing
system will soon be adopted to respond to the capacity gaps of existing health facilities in
all levels. At present, Level-1 hospitals account for almost 56 percent of the total number
of hospitals (Department of Health, 2009; Lavado, 2010) which have a very limited
capacity, comparable only to infirmaries.

Figure 3. Number of Hospitals by Classification and Ownership, Philippines, 2009

3.2.2 Innovation and Technology: Maximizing Renewable Resources Green Design

Global warming and climate change are major environmental issues challenging
the world today. These issues force the citizens of the world to think of innovations to

reduce the human impact on global warming. One of these innovations is sustainable
design or green design (Telegen, 2005). Rainwater Harvesting

Rainwater Harvesting is a technique of collecting rainfall for drinking, agriculture
or future use. In this way, people can reduce the use of clean water that comes from the
faucet. Also, the volume of storm water that goes to the local sewage works would be
According to a study by Dr. Peter Coombes of the University of Newcastle in
Australia (2010), he stated that the quality of rainwater is acceptable for hot water, toilet,
laundry and outdoor uses. The rainwater treatment chain was confirmed, and the use of
rainwater reduced main water demand by 54%. Further, rainwater tanks reduced storm
water volumetric discharges by 39%.

In an article by the Dot Republic (2007), it was said that they were asked to
design and install a water harvesting system to supply rainwater to the main toilet block
using the large roof areas of the buildings within the GreenWood Forest Park. The rain
falling on the roofs of the Great Hall and the Puzzle Barn (total area 370 m 2) is collected
in the gutters and conveyed by 110 mm pipe hidden in overhead sluices, to a WISY 150
vortex filter. The WISY filter removes most of the dirt before the water is passed to two
linked 2.5 m3 tanks which are hidden in a large wooden box on the island between the
toilet block and the Puzzle Barn. These tanks are located about where it says Snowdon
Snacks. The system is expected on average to save 200 m 3 water a year, which is about
20% of the water used for toilet flushing in the main toilet block. How does Rainwater Harvesting work?

The rainwater collected from the rooftop is transferred to a storage tank by

connecting down-pipes to the gutter. It is then pumped through a system of basic water
treatment and storage. Filtered rainwater can be either connected directly to the supply
distribution line or kept in a holding tank that stores the water for intended use.

Items needed in installing a Rainwater Harvesting System:

1) Downspout basket strainer

2) Collection tank or Holding tank
3) Booster pump
4) Pressure tank
5) Filter

Since the project involves the design of an annex building of a maternity hospital,
this would mean that their water consumption would be very high. To lessen this
consumption, rainfall water would be used for the flushing of toilets in the annex
building. Rainwater harvesting would be appropriate for the design project because
rainfall in Mandaluyong City, ranges from 10.16mm to 403.86 mm. (See the table

Table 4. Monthly Rainfall in Mandaluyong City

Month Rainfall (in) Rainfall (mm)

January 0.8 20.32
February 0.4 10.16
March 0.6 15.24
April 1.2 30.48
May 4.9 124.46
June 10.3 261.62
July 15.9 403.86
August 14.4 365.76
September 13.5 342.9
October 7.8 198.12
November 5.5 139.7
December 2.55 64.77
Average Annual Rainfall 164.7825 mm Structural Design and Construction

Composite materials are made from two or more components – in the case of the
design project, it is steel and concrete. Since these two complement each other, the
structure can protected against corrosion and fire.
Composite action is developed when two load carrying structural members are
integrally connected and deflect as a single unit. (Jacobs, 2010)
There are two types of composite columns, namely encased composite columns
and filled composite columns. Encased composite columns are steel reinforced concrete,
while filled composite columns are concrete filled tubes. Steel shells are pipes, tubes, and
hollow sections built up from plate. The shell provides formwork and confinement for
concrete (Jacobs, 2010)
The advantages of a composite floor beam are:
o reduces the weight of the steel
o increases the stiffness

The advantage of composite columns is that it is considered to have toughness

which is good for designs where blast-loading is a concern. (Jacobs, 2010)
22 Encased Steel Composite Structures Composite Action

Steel-Encased Composite is one of the main types of typical cross-sections of
composite steel-reinforced concrete (SRC) columns. SRC is a very important application
of composite structures, and widespread use of them is found, particularly in high-rise
buildings. A composite SRC column is defined as a composite member with components
of concrete (better reinforced concrete) and structural steel. These two components act
together to resist external forces. A composite column is a composite member which is
mainly subjected to compression or to compression and bending. (Gramblicka, 2007) Composite Components

o Structural shapes are surrounded by concrete

o Vertical and horizontal reinforcement are used to sustain encasement
o Shear connectors can be used to help transfer forces
o Concrete provides stiffening, strengthening, fire protection
o Steel carries construction load
o It might be used when exposed concrete finish desired
o It might be used for transitions (concrete to steel columns)

ESCC Load Transfer:

o Transfer of load to concrete by direct bearing requires bearing check

o Load applied to steel or concrete only –shear connectors required

3.3 Methodology
3.3.1 Research Design
The study is an Applied Descriptive Design. The process of the study is divided
into three major stages–data gathering, design planning, and economic evaluation. In the
first stage, in order to make the proposal plausible data gathering would be conducted.
The data gathering would be summarized for the review of related literature of the study.
A site visit would be done and a need for consultation of the beneficiary to define the
problems in the project. After the data gathering, the architectural design of the annex
building will be considered. The second stage would be the design planning which
includes structural design and analysis and green design. The structural design would
need the use of the computer program, STAAD. As for the green design, solar panels and
the rainwater catchment system would be introduced. Then, consultation of the
beneficiary would be done to check if the problems stated were addressed. The last stage
of the study would be the economic evaluation. It involves identification of alternatives,
their consequences and their costs. This evaluation would determine whether the project
would be done or not.

3.3.2 Research Setting

In this study, the research setting would be the project location – Brgy. Addition
Hills, Mandaluyong City. Since Mandaluyong City is on its way to solving problems in
health care facilities, the group has thought of becoming a part of it. Mandaluyong has
several private and public hospitals & health center, namely the privately owned Dr.
Victor R. Potenciano Medical Center and Unciano General Hospital, and the government
hospital Mandaluyong City Medical Center. Among the three main hospitals, the
Mandaluyong City Medical Center (MCMC) serves as the only general acute public
hospital in the city. And so, having a four-storey annex building for the maternity
hospital, MCMC Annex II building, would mean that more indigent members of the
community could be helped and treated.

3.3.3 Data Gathering Instrument

The related literature would serve as one of the research instruments for the
design project. The related literature is intended to provide valid data that would help
improve the paper and the design project. This would come from validated studies,
readings, journals, articles, and scientific findings from technical books. Also, this
literature would provide the group economical rates for the materials necessary for the
design project.

Another instrument would be the data that would come from the local government
of Mandaluyong City, particularly, the City Planning and Development Office.

3.3.4 Data Gathering Procedure

The internet and the library would be used to accumulate the literatures. The
group would also interview the engineers and architects of the City Planning and
Development Office of Mandaluyong City assigned to the MCMC Annex II building in
order to know the lot area, soil profile, guidelines in designing a hospital, and other
specifications needed.

3.3.5 Flow chart


Data Site Visit

Consultation of Background
Beneficiary Study

Design Planning Structural Design

Green Design

Is the problem No


Economic Evaluation


Figure 3. Flow of the Design Project


3.4 Conclusion and Recommendation

According to the Department of Health, health facilities in the Philippines
are classified based on ownership. It includes government hospitals, private
hospitals and primary health care facilities. The problem concerning health care
facilities that the Philippines is facing is that the private hospitals outnumber the
government hospitals in all categories. The indigent public suffers from lack of
proper health care services due to their inability to pay the rising cost of proper
health facilities. This inequity degrades the standards of medical aid in our
country and needs to be prioritized.

Mandaluyong City, deemed as the "Tiger City" because of its notable

number of shopping malls, entertainment hubs, offices, financial hubs, and hotels,
is on its way to solving said problems. With a population of 328,699 as of May 1,
2010 (based from the Republic of the Philippines National Capital Region –
District III, NATIONAL STATISTICS OFFICE), this translates to an average
annual population growth rate (PGR) of 1.67 percent higher than that of the
period of 1990 to 2000. This statistics verifies the need for facility growth in all
major departments of the city from education, food, industrial, economical,
environmental and especially their medical industry
Green engineering applications used on the four-storey medical center
building structure are suitable techniques to attain a sustainable source of energy
for this project. Its direct application and ease of use would promote usage of such
equipment, architectural and structural design.

The safety and security of this structure is highly considered. With the
design concept of using composite as its structure, many of its vital components
are upgraded to a standard that has more strength and capacity. In addition, with
the concrete acting together with the steel component, the combination creates a
stiffer, lighter, less expensive structure which targets our goal: to attain an
economical structure for the government or public facility of Mandaluyong City
that is the Medical Center.
This research highlights a solution to the high-cost construction of
hospitals and reflects a design that is suitable for government use and is
economical and safe. The aesthetic aspect is not compromised with its key
objective of providing a therapeutic ambiance for the patients and workers, and as
well as providing an alternative source of energy for lighting and water use.

Chapter 4: Detailed Engineering Design

4.1 Loads and Codes

4.1.1 Introduction
For the design of the four-storey Annex 2 Mandaluyong City Medical Center
building the following provisions under the National Structural Code of the Philippines
2010, Uniform Building Code 1997 and the American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc.
(AISC) Steel Construction Manual 13th Edition are taken into consideration. The
minimum design loads and combinations are determined in accordance with the codes
and provisions for buildings as well as the seismic consideration of the location of the

4.1.2 Dead Load

In accordance with the National Structural Code of the Philippines 2010, dead
loads consist of the weight of all materials and fixed equipment incorporated into the
building or other structure. In this chapter, the dead loads are computed based on the
values indicated under Table 204-1 (Minimum Densities for Design Loads from
Materials) and Table 204-2 (Minimum Design Dead Loads) in Section 204 of the
National Structural Code of the Philippines 2010.

Table 5. Dead Loads Considered

Dead Load (kPA)

1. Slab Weight Thickness of Slab = 75mm 1.8
2. Floor Finish
i. Solid Flat Tile on 25mm Mortar Base 1.1
3. Ceiling Finish
i. Waterproofing Membranes Bituminous, Smooth Surface 0.07
ii. Suspended Metal Lath and Gypsum Plaster 0.48
4. Miscellaneous Mechanical and Electrical 0.5

5. Partition
i. Hollow Concrete Masonry 1.05
ii. Plaster 0.48
6. Shear Wall Thickness of Wall = 400mm 9.6
Total Dead Load Floor 3.95
Wall 1.53

4.1.3 Live Load

In accordance with the National Structural Code of the Philippines 2010, live
loads are those loads produced by the use and occupancy of the building or other
structure and do not include dead load, construction load, or environmental loads such as
wind load, earthquake load and fluid load. Based on the values indicated under Table
205-1 (Minimum Uniform and Concentrated Live Loads) in Section 205 of the National
Structural Code of the Philippines
Table 6. Live Loads Considered

Live Load
1. Hospital kPa
i. Dining Rooms 4.8
ii. Wards/Rooms 1.9
2. Storage i. Light 6

4.1.4 Earthquake Load

In structural design, it is important to consider earthquake provisions. For these
ensure the safety of the occupants and the structure itself. National Structural Code of the
Philippines, Section 208 and Uniform Building Code 1992 are the basis for computing
the earthquake loads.
Using Google Map, the distance of the project location from the nearest active
fault line has been identified. This is essential to establish seismic data and parameters.
(See Figure Below)

Figure 4. Project Location Distance from Nearest Active Fault Line


The distance of the project location from the nearest active fault line based in the
figure above is beyond 5 kilometers. The following earthquake parameters were
established and presented in the table.
Table 7. Earthquake Parameters

Seismic Design Parameter Reference Recommended Value

Soil Profile Type NSCP Table 208-2
Seismic Zone Factor Z NSCP Table 208-3 0.40
Seismic Source Type NSCP Table 208-6 A
Importance Factor NSCP Table 208-6 1.50
Seismic Response Coefficient, NSCP Table 208-6
Near Source Factor NSCP Table 208-4

Near Source Factor NSCP Table 208-5

4.1.5 Total Factored Loads

In reference with the National Structural Code of the Philippines 2010, it is stated
that buildings, towers and other vertical structures and all portions thereof shall be
designed to resist the load combinations specified in Section 203.3 or 203.4 and the
special seismic load combinations of Section 203.5. For the design process it should be
considered that the most critical effect can occur when one or more of the contributing
loads are not acting and all applicable loads shall be considered in accordance with the
specified load combinations. Basic load combinations values indicated under Section
203.3.1 and the alternate basic load combinations under Section 203.4.2 of the National
Structural Code of the Philippines 2010 are used for the strength design computations.
The following are the major load combinations considered in the design of the
structural members:

(203-2) Section 203.3.1

(203-5) Section 203.3.1

(203-18) Section 203.4.2


4.2 Structural Design

4.2.1 StaadPro 2007 Model
The design moments used of the beams and columns computation for the four-
storey medical center using encased steel-concrete composite structure are generated
using StaadPro 2007. The Staad Model for this project is shown below:

Figure 5a. Staad Model

Figure 5b. Shear and Moment Diagram


Figure 5c. Forces on Beams

Figure 5d. Stresses on Beams


4.2.2 Beam Design

Steel beams is made composite by using shear connectors, composite metal
decking and concrete thus needing acting moments for its computation. From the Staad
model, the load and specifications are used to compute for the frame analysis of the
structure where the acting moments are computed by the program needed for the
composite steel beam design.

Figure 6. Beam Composite Section

Composite Design per LRFD

o AISC Spec Ch.I3 (p. 16. 1-83)
o AISC Part 3 Table 3-19 (p. 3-156 thru 189)
o AISC Part 3 Table 3-21 (p. 3-207)

Figure 7. Composite Beam (side view)


a) Maximum Moment, Mu
Using STAAD Pro 2007 v7i, the maximum moment on the beams and girders were
Table 8a. Maximum Moment on Beams and Girders at Roof Deck and Fourth Floor

Max Max
Beam Length(m) Moment Beam Length(m) Moment
(kN-m) (kN-m)
R-B1 6 170.856 4-B2 6 170.856
R-B2 6 79.993 4-B4 6 108.817
R-B1 6 108.437 4-B3 6 194.616
R-B1 6 108.437 4-B1 6 140.504
R-B1 6 108.437 4-B1 6 140.504
R-B1 6 108.437 4-B1 6 140.504

Max Max
Girder Length(m) Moment Girder Length(m) Moment
(kN-m) (kN-m)
R-G1 6 29.641 4-G1 6 43.592
R-G2 3 27.312 4-G2 3 40.948
R-G3 6 102.159 4-G3 6 108.012
R-G1 6 63.344 4-G1 6 63.344
R-G2 3 35.567 4-G2 3 35.567
R-G1 6 21.044 4-G4 6 36.988
R-G2 3 16.715 4-G5 3 35.695
R-G4 6 32.88 4-G6 6 54.017
R-G1 6 28.836 4-G7 6 51.758
R-G2 3 12.311 4-G8 3 29.953
R-G1 6 29.911 4-G9 6 41.208
R-G2 3 21.841 4-G10 3 36.462
R-G1 6 27.63 4-G9 6 39.066
R-G1 6 28.051 4-G9 6 39.517
R-G2 3 21.421 4-G10 3 35.452
R-G5 6 51.163 4-G11 6 67.022
R-G6 6 73.265 4-G12 6 115.619
R-G7 6 37.153 4-G13 6 53.723
R-G8 6 37.145 4-G14 6 58.858
R-G6 6 73.199 4-G15 6 147.593
R-G5 6 50.916 4-G16 6 81.58
R-G5 6 51.241 4-G17 6 58.342
R-G6 6 73.287 4-G18 6 95.261

R-G9 6 74.236 4-G19 6 96.082

R-G9 6 74.493 4-G19 6 96.414
R-G6 6 73.379 4-G19 6 95.411
R-G5 6 50.983 4-G17 6 58.035

Table 8b. Maximum Moment on the Beams and Girders at Third Floor and Second Floor

Max Max
Beam Length(m) Moment Beam Length(m) Moment
(kN-m) (kN-m)
2-B2 6 170.856
3-B2 6 170.856
2-B3 6 112.355
3-B3 6 110.32
2-B2 6 170.856
3-B2 6 170.856
2-B1 6 140.504
3-B1 6 140.504
2-B1 6 140.504
3-B1 6 140.504
2-B1 6 140.504
3-B1 6 140.504

Max Girder Length(m) Moment
Girder Length(m) Moment
2-G1 6 62.595
3-G1 6 52.363
2-G2 3 78.414
3-G2 3 58.255
2-G3 6 133.219
3-G3 6 119.858
2-G1 6 87.427
3-G1 6 73.619
2-G2 3 72.862
3-G2 3 52.497
2-G4 6 57.756
3-G4 6 47.539
2-G5 3 68.774
3-G5 3 50.53
2-G6 6 72.724
3-G6 6 62.444
2-G4 6 72.553
3-G4 6 60.616
2-G5 3 64.24
3-G5 3 45.264
2-G7 6 59.892
3-G7 6 49.819
2-G8 3 72.192
3-G8 3 52.815
2-G7 6 56.008
3-G7 6 46.787
2-G7 6 58.097
3-G7 6 48.041
2-G8 3 72.433
3-G8 3 52.272
2-G9 6 66.656
3-G9 6 66.754
2-G10 6 115.263
3-G10 6 116.793
2-G11 6 57.129
3-G11 6 55.251
2-G12 6 59.97
3-G12 6 59.13
2-G10 6 115.81
3-G10 6 115.379
2-G9 6 66.42
3-G9 6 66.48

3-G13 6 58.275 2-G13 6 58.167

3-G14 6 95.317 2-G14 6 94.836
3-G15 6 95.884 2-G15 6 95.425
3-G15 6 96.196 2-G15 6 95.362
3-G14 6 95.27 2-G14 6 94.94
3-G13 6 57.989 2-G13 6 57.919

Beam Length(m) Moment
G-B2 6 192.456
G-B3 6 123.863
G-B2 6 192.456
G-B1 6 192.456
G-B1 6 192.456
G-B1 6 192.456

GIRDER Length(m) Moment
G-G1 6 75.284
G-G2 3 106.568
G-G3 6 157.697
G-G1 6 106.671
G-G2 3 95.476
G-G4 6 68.31
G-G5 3 83.746
G-G6 6 85.32
G-G4 6 86.735
G-G5 3 78.795
G-G7 6 74.674
G-G8 3 93.059
G-G7 6 70.07
G-G7 6 71.898
G-G8 3 95.212
G-G9 6 72.796
G-G10 6 129.199
G-G11 6 62.568
G-G12 6 78.184
G-G10 6 129.152

G-G9 6 72.636
G-G13 6 72.857
G-G14 6 129.279
G-G15 6 129.751
G-G15 6 129.972
G-G14 6 129.384
G-G13 6 72.686

Using the above values, choose the complying steel section,


Assume Section W10x17 AISC Part 1 Table 1-1;

Check for adequacy:

Moment Actual,

Moment Allowable, (see AISC Table 3-19 p. 3-184)


a) Concrete Flange Force, ∑ (see AISC Table 3-19 p. 3-184)


∑ kips

For LRFD Design, the following are required:

Figure 8. Beam and Slab Cross-Section

Effective Concrete Slab Width, b:

{ ⁄

{ ⁄

Y2 for usage in (see AISC Table 3-19 p. 3-184)



NOTE: See NSCP 2010 509.3.2.c Strength of Composite Beams with Formed Steel

(APO Neo Web Type)

(see AISC Table 3-19 p. 3-184)


Table 9. AISC Table 3-19 Composite W Shapes


Table 10. AISC Table 3-19 Composite W Shapes (continued)


Check for adequacy: LRFD

Moment Actual,

Moment Allowable, (see AISC Table 3-19 p. 3-184)

a) Number of ¾ “ shear studs required:

Check adequacy:

(AISC Part 3 Table 3-21 (p). 3-207)

41 Summary
Table 11. Summary of Composite Section and No. of Studs

No. Of
Beam Section tf(in) 0.25tf 0.25tf
R-B1 W16x26 5.5 1.375 0.75 46
R-B2 W12x14 3.97 0.9925 0.75 26
R-B1 W12x19 4.01 1.0025 0.75 34
R-B1 W12x19 4.01 1.0025 0.75 34
R-B1 W12x19 4.01 1.0025 0.75 34
R-B1 W12x19 4.01 1.0025 0.75 34
No. Of
Girder Section tf(in) 0.25tf 0.25tf
R-G1 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
R-G2 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
R-G3 W12x19 4.01 1.0025 0.75 34
R-G1 W10x15 4 1 0.75 26
R-G2 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
R-G1 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
R-G2 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
R-G4 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
R-G1 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
R-G2 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
R-G1 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
R-G2 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
R-G1 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
R-G1 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
R-G2 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
R-G5 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
R-G6 W10x15 4 1 0.75 26
R-G7 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
R-G8 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
R-G6 W10x15 4 1 0.75 26
R-G5 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
R-G5 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
R-G6 W10x15 4 1 0.75 26
R-G9 W10x17 4.01 1.0025 0.75 30
R-G9 W10x17 4.01 1.0025 0.75 30
R-G6 W10x17 4.01 1.0025 0.75 30
R-G5 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22

No. Of
Beam Section tf(in) 0.25tf d(stud)
4-B2 W16x26 5.5 1.375 0.75 46
4-B4 W12x19 4.01 1.0025 0.75 34
4-B3 W33x118 11.5 2.875 0.75 52
4-B1 W10x22 5.75 1.4375 0.75 38
4-B1 W10x22 5.75 1.4375 0.75 38
4-B1 W10x22 5.75 1.4375 0.75 38
No. Of
Girder Section tf(in) 0.25tf d(stud)

4-G1 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22

4-G2 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
4-G3 W12x19 4.01 1.0025 0.75 34
4-G1 W10x19 4.02 1.005 0.75 34
4-G2 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
4-G4 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
4-G5 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
4-G6 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
4-G7 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
4-G8 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
4-G9 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
4-G10 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
4-G9 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
4-G9 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
4-G10 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
4-G11 W10x15 4 1 0.75 26
4-G12 W10x22 5.75 1.4375 0.75 38
4-G13 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
4-G14 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
4-G15 W16x26 5.5 1.375 0.75 46
4-G16 W10x17 4.01 1.0025 0.75 30
4-G17 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
4-G18 W12x16 3.99 0.9975 0.75 28
4-G19 W12x16 3.99 0.9975 0.75 28
4-G19 W12x16 3.99 0.9975 0.75 28
4-G19 W12x16 3.99 0.9975 0.75 28
4-G17 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22

No. Of
Beam Section tf(in) 0.25tf d(stud)

3-B2 W16x26 5.5 1.375 0.75 46

3-B3 W12x19 4.01 1.0025 0.75 34
3-B2 W16x26 5.5 1.375 0.75 46
3-B1 W10x22 5.75 1.4375 0.75 38
3-B1 W10x22 5.75 1.4375 0.75 38
3-B1 W10x22 5.75 1.4375 0.75 38
No. Of
Girder Section tf(in) 0.25tf d(stud)
3-G1 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
3-G2 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
3-G3 W10x22 5.75 1.4375 0.75 38
3-G1 W10x15 4 1 0.75 26
3-G2 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
3-G4 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
3-G5 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
3-G6 W10x15 4 1 0.75 26
3-G4 W10x15 4 1 0.75 26
3-G5 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
3-G7 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
3-G8 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
3-G7 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
3-G7 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
3-G8 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
3-G9 W10x15 4 1 0.75 26
3-G10 W12x19 4.01 1.0025 0.75 34
3-G11 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
3-G12 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
3-G10 W12x19 4.01 1.0025 0.75 34
3-G9 W10x15 4 1 0.75 26
3-G13 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
3-G14 W12x16 3.99 0.9975 0.75 28
3-G15 W12x16 3.99 0.9975 0.75 28
3-G15 W12x16 3.99 0.9975 0.75 28
3-G14 W12x16 3.99 0.9975 0.75 28
3-G13 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22

No. Of
Beam Section tf(in) 0.25tf d(stud)
2-B2 W16x26 5.5 1.375 0.75 46
2-B3 W12x19 4.01 1.0025 0.75 34
2-B2 W16x26 5.5 1.375 0.75 46
2-B1 W10x22 5.75 1.4375 0.75 38
2-B1 W10x22 5.75 1.4375 0.75 38
2-B1 W10x22 5.75 1.4375 0.75 38
No. Of
Girder Section tf(in) 0.25tf d(stud)
2-G1 W10x15 4 1 0.75 26
2-G2 W10x15 4 1 0.75 26
2-G3 W10x22 5.75 1.4375 0.75 38
2-G1 W10x17 4.01 1.0025 0.75 30
2-G2 W10x15 4 1 0.75 26
2-G4 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
2-G5 W10x15 4 1 0.75 26
2-G6 W10x15 4 1 0.75 26
2-G4 W10x15 4 1 0.75 26
2-G5 W10x15 4 1 0.75 26
2-G7 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
2-G8 W10x15 4 1 0.75 26
2-G7 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
2-G7 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
2-G8 W10x15 4 1 0.75 26
2-G9 W10x15 4 1 0.75 26
2-G10 W12x19 4.01 1.0025 0.75 34
2-G11 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
2-G12 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
2-G10 W12x19 4.01 1.0025 0.75 34
2-G9 W10x15 4 1 0.75 26
2-G13 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22
2-G14 W12x16 3.99 0.9975 0.75 28
2-G15 W12x16 3.99 0.9975 0.75 28
2-G15 W12x16 3.99 0.9975 0.75 28
2-G14 W12x16 3.99 0.9975 0.75 28
2-G13 W10x12 3.96 0.99 0.75 22

No. Of
Beam Section tf(in) 0.25tf d(stud)

G-B2 W33x118 11.5 2.875 0.75 52

G-B3 W10x22 5.75 1.4375 0.75 38
G-B2 W33x118 11.5 2.875 0.75 52
G-B1 W33x118 11.5 2.875 0.75 52
G-B1 W33x118 11.5 2.875 0.75 52
G-B1 W33x118 11.5 2.875 0.75 52

No. Of
Girder Section tf(in) 0.25tf d(stud)

G-G1 W10x15 4 1 0.75 26

G-G2 W10x22 5.75 1.4375 0.75 38
G-G3 W16x26 5.5 1.375 0.75 46
G-G1 W12x19 4.01 1.0025 0.75 34
G-G2 W12x16 3.99 0.9975 0.75 28
G-G4 W10x15 4 1 0.75 26
G-G5 W12x14 3.97 0.9925 0.75 26
G-G6 W10x17 4.01 1.0025 0.75 30
G-G4 W10x17 4.01 1.0025 0.75 30
G-G5 W10x17 4.01 1.0025 0.75 30
G-G7 W10x15 4 1 0.75 26
G-G8 W10x17 4.01 1.0025 0.75 30
G-G7 W12x16 3.99 0.9975 0.75 28
G-G7 W10x15 4 1 0.75 26
G-G8 W12x16 3.99 0.9975 0.75 28
G-G9 W10x15 4 1 0.75 26
G-G10 W10x22 5.75 1.4375 0.75 38
G-G11 W10x15 4 1 0.75 26
G-G12 W12x14 3.97 0.9925 0.75 26
G-G10 W10x22 5.75 1.4375 0.75 38
G-G9 W10x15 4 1 0.75 26
G-G13 W10x15 4 1 0.75 26
G-G14 W10x22 5.75 1.4375 0.75 38
G-G15 W10x22 5.75 1.4375 0.75 38
G-G15 W10x22 5.75 1.4375 0.75 38
G-G14 W10x22 5.75 1.4375 0.75 38
G-G13 W10x15 4 1 0.75 26

4.2.3 Column Design

Using STAAD Pro 2007 v7i, the maximum moment and axial force loaded on the column were
computed. The values calculated per floor are shown below.

Max Max
Max Max Max Axial
Axial Shear Max Shear
Column Length(m) Moment Moment Force
Force Force Force (kip)
(kN-m) (kip-ft) (kip)
(kN) (kN)
4-C1 3 235.37 207.48 105.80 173.60 46.64 23.79

4-C2 3 305.7 313.73 176.63 225.47 70.53 39.71

3-C1 3 295.86 509.12 132.25 218.22 114.45 29.73

3-C2 3 421.26 798.75 203.07 310.71 179.57 45.65

2-C1 3 383.44 837.86 187.72 282.81 188.36 42.2

2-C2 3 559.89 1314.68 310.57 412.95 295.55 69.82

1-C1 4 497.64 1482.35 217.49 367.04 333.25 48.89

1-C2 4 742.26 1851 358.12 547.46 416.12 80.51

B-C1 3 854.28 2168.09 204.42 630.09 487.41 45.95

B-C2 3 932.54 2695.75 243.71 687.81 606.03 54.79

Determine the effective length of each column

For 4-C1 and 4-C2

Eff. Length= kLe

= 0.5(3)

= 1.5 m ≈ 4.94 ft

For 3-C1 and 3-C2

Eff. Length= kLe

= 0.5(3)

= 1.5 m ≈ 4.94 ft

For 2-C1 and 2-C2

Eff. Length= kLe

= 0.5(3)

= 1.5 m ≈ 4.94 ft

For 1-C1 and 1-C2

Eff. Length= kLe

= 0.5(4)

= 2 m ≈ 6.58 ft

For B-C1 and B-C2

Eff. Length= kLe

= 0.5(3)

= 1.5 m ≈ 4.94 ft

Determine the required composite column size from AISC Table 4-17

For 1-C1

HSS 18.000x

Eff. Length = 4.94 ft.

Design strength in compression ( = 1440 kips

Design strength in flexure ( = 450 kips

Therefore, use AISC Specification Equation H1-1a.

[ ]

[ ]

The same procedure of determining the required composite column size applies to other columns
per floor. See sample table below.
49 Summary

Summary of filled composite column section

Column Pipe Section Diameter
(kip-ft) (kip) (kip)
4-C1 HSS 18.000x 18 1440 450 95.5
4-C2 HSS 18.000x 18 1440 450 95.5
3-C1 HSS 18.000x 18 1440 450 95.5
3-C2 HSS 18.000x 18 1440 450 95.5
2-C1 HSS 18.000x 18 1440 450 95.5
2-C2 HSS 18.000x 18 1440 450 95.5
1-C1 HSS 18.000x 18 1440 450 95.5
1-C2 HSS 18.000x 18 1440 450 95.5
B-C1 HSS 18.000x 18 1440 450 95.5
B-C2 HSS 18.000x 18 1440 450 95.5
Governing pipe section for C1 & C2:

HSS 18.000x

Material and Geometric Properties (AISC Manual Table 2-3)

Fy Fu D(in) t(in)
HSS 18.000x 46 ksi 62 ksi 18 0.465

Check for Shear

Calculate as the smallest of:


Therefore, use

of steel section

( )

The available shear strength

=0.9(106.11) = 95.5 kips

95.5 kips > 80.51 kips ok!

Determine the main reinforcement bars

Using 20mm bar dia.


Thus, use 6- 20mm bars

For Ties using 75 mm spacing and 12mm bar diameter

Thus, single spiral.


4.2.4. Connection Design Girder to Column Connection
The design of the single plate connection between a HSS 18.000x column to a
W10x12 girder web is to support a beam end reaction of 4.133 kN The top flange of the
beam is considered to be uncoped. 3/4 –in diameter ASTM A325-N bolts in standard
holes and 70 ksi electrode welds are also used.

Connection No. 1

Figure 9. Roof Deck Framing Plan Showing Connection No. 1 (RD-A1) at Roof Deck

HSS 18.000x

Figure 10. Connection of W10x12 beam to Pipe8STD column


Table 16. Material Properties of Girder, Column and Plate

Girder ASTM Fy = 50 ksi Fu = 65 ksi Manual

A992 = 345 Mpa = 448.5 Mpa Tables 2-3
Column ASTM Fy = 35 ksi Fu = 60 ksi and 2-4
A500 = 241.5 Mpa = 414 Mpa
Plate ASTM A36 Fy = 36 ksi Fu = 58 ksi
= 248.4 Mpa = 400.2 Mpa

Table 17. Geometric Properties of Beam and Column

Girder W10x12 tw = 0.19 in. Manual

= 4.826 mm Tables 1-1
Column HSS t = 0.465 in. and 1-12
18.000x = 11.811 mm

Determine the applicability of Specification Section K1


Ductility: =

Determine if a single plate is suitable

Slenderness: √ √

Calculate the required strength

Using LRFD,

Calculate maximum single-plate thickness


Design the single-plate thickness

Try 2 bolts and a 5/16-in. plate thickness with 1/4 –in. fillet welds

Obtain the available single plate connection strength from Manual Table 10-9
Table 18. AISC Manual Table 10-9a Single Plate Connections


Check HSS shear rupture strength at welds

Determine the weld shear strength, Use , Manual Table 8-4

Table 19. AISC Manual Table 8-4 Coefficients

From table,


Calculate the available weld shear strength


Calculate the available beam web bearing strength from Manual Table 10-1
Table 20. AISC Manual Table 10-1 Double Angle Connections

For three ¾-in diameter bolts and coped section

58 Summary
Table 21a. Summary of Girder to Column Single Plate Connection at Roof Deck

Force Single Plate No. of
No. Beam Column Bolt Size
(kN) Size Bolts
W10x12 HSS 4.133 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 18.000x 50.551 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 15.646 ¾ in. 2 3/16
RD-B1 W10x15 72.594 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 18.137 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W12x19 88.636 ¾ in. 2 3/16
RD-C1 W10x12 43.981 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 29.128 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 29.958 ¾ in. 2 3/16
RD-D1 W10x12 44.033 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 89.291 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 18.889 ¾ in. 2 3/16
RD-E1 W10x17 72.616 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 29.910 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 HSS 50.653 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 18.000x 19.674 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 6.426 ¾ in. 2 3/16
RD-A2 W10x12 50.222 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 50.244 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 8.709 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x15 HSS 71.929 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 18.000x 6.426 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x15 71.989 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 25.477 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 HSS 71.557 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 18.000x 15.647 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 39.957 ¾ in. 2 3/16

W10x12 10.515 ¾ in. 2 3/16

W10x12 HSS 71.643 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 18.000x 25.910 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 41.468 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 9.373 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x17 HSS 71.96 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 18.000x 10.515 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x17 41.468 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 50.117 ¾ in. 2 3/16
RD-F2 W10x12 18.000x
6.224 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 50.142 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 HSS 18.411 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 18.000x 50.573 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 19.290 ¾ in. 2 3/16
RD-B3 W10x12 18.364 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x15 72.654 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 18.302 ¾ in. 2 3/16
RD-C3 W10x12 18.074 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 73.025 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 17.769 ¾ in. 2 3/16
RD-D3 W10x12 18.388 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 72.939 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 19.110 ¾ in. 2 3/16
RD-E3 W10x12 18.657 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x17 72.623 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 HSS 19.725 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 18.000x 50.679 ¾ in. 2 3/16

Table 21b. Summary of Girder to Column Single Plate Connection at Fourth Floor

Force Single Plate Bol No. of
No. Beam Column Size
(kN) Size t Bolts
W10x12 HSS 30.371 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 18.000x 81.229 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 29.349 ¾ in. 2 3/16
4-B1 W10x22 146.254 ¾ in. 3 1/4
W10x12 29.396 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 81.053 ¾ in. 2 3/16
4-C1 W10x12 53.270 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x15 43.828 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x15 23.004 ¾ in. 2 3/16
4-D1 W10x12 52.293 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 81.835 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 28.079 ¾ in. 2 3/16
4-E1 W16x26 114.476 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 23.004 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x17 HSS 66.309 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 18.000x 28.989 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 26.389 ¾ in. 2 3/16
4-A2 W10x12 18.000x
57.353 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x15 80.879 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 25.640 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W12x16 HSS 93.089 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 18.000x 24.007 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x22 44.914 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 45.828 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W12x16 HSS 92.754 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 18.000x 36.088 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 73.335 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 HSS 26.466 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W12x16 18.000x 92.865 ¾ in. 2 3/16

W10x12 46.481 ¾ in. 2 3/16

W10x12 68.217 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 25.881 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W12x16 HSS 93.139 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 18.000x 30.386 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W16x26 113.332 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 57.251 ¾ in. 2 3/16
4-F2 W10x12 26.340 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x17 65.758 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 HSS 30.346 ¾ in. 2 3/16
4-A3 18.000x
W10x12 57.694 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 26.904 ¾ in. 2 3/16
4-B3 W10x12 94.250 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W12x16 29.594 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 25.348 ¾ in. 2 3/16
4-C3 W10x12 94.584 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 24.381 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x15 29.514 ¾ in. 2 3/16
4-D3 W10x12 94.473 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W12x16 25.732 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 26.456 ¾ in. 2 3/16
4-E3 W10x12 94.20 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W12x16 31.617 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 HSS 27.216 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 18.000x 57.251 ¾ in. 2 3/16

Table 21c. Summary of Girder to Column Single Plate Connection at Third Floor

Force Single Plate No. of
No. Beam Column Bolt Size
(kN) Size Bolts
W10x12 HSS 41.557 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 18.000x 66.209 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 23.651 ¾ in. 2 3/16
3-B1 W12x16 114.396 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 40.768 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 92.561 ¾ in. 2 3/16
3-C1 W10x12 53.374 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 47.758 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 44.533 ¾ in. 2 3/16
3-D1 W10x12 52.13 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 93.321 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 30.888 ¾ in. 2 3/16
3-E1 W12x16 114.927 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 45.817 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x17 HSS 66.3 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 18.000x 31.697 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 36.406 ¾ in. 2 3/16
3-A2 W10x12 18.000x
57.368 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 65.938 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 26.958 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W12x16 HSS 93.136 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 18.000x 34.386 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W12x16 113.412 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 48.966 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 HSS 92.827 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 18.000x 39.265 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 73.623 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 HSS 40.28 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W12x16 18.000x 92.931 ¾ in. 2 3/16

W10x12 49.683 ¾ in. 2 3/16

W10x12 69.745 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 28.312 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W12x16 HSS 93.18 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 18.000x 36.332 ¾ in. 3/16
W12x16 112.88 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 57.273 ¾ in. 2 3/16
3-F2 W10x12 28.818 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x15 65.365 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 HSS 41.404 ¾ in. 2 3/16
3-A3 18.000x
W12x16 57.679 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x15 29.676 ¾ in. 2 3/16
3-B3 W10x12 40.947 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 94.203 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 27.707 ¾ in. 2 3/16
3-C3 W10x12 26.687 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 94.512 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x15 40.343 ¾ in. 2 3/16
3-D3 W10x12 27.988 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 94.408 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 29.175 ¾ in. 2 3/16
3-E3 W10x12 41.845 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 94.159 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 HSS 21.25 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 18.000x 57.774 ¾ in. 2 3/16

Table 21d. Summary of Girder Column Single Plate Connection at Second Floor

Force Single Plate No. of
No. Beam Column Bolt Size
(kN) Size Bolts
W10x12 54.902 ¾ in. 2 3/16
2-A1 HSS 18.000x
W10x12 66.209 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 33.183 ¾ in. 2 3/16
2-B1 W12x16 HSS 18.000x 114.386 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 54.497 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 97.161 ¾ in. 2 3/16
2-C1 W10x12 HSS 18.000x 53.374 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 53.837 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 58.293 ¾ in. 2 3/16
2-D1 W10x12 HSS 18.000x 52.13 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 97.796 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 34.23 ¾ in. 2 3/16
2-E1 W12x16 HSS 18.000x 114.927 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 59.37 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x17 66.3 ¾ in. 2 3/16
2-F1 HSS 18.000x
W10x12 34.806 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 48.927 ¾ in. 2 3/16
2-A2 W10x12 HSS 18.000x 57.368 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 65.938 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 29.28 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W12x16 93.136 ¾ in. 2 3/16
2-B2 HSS 18.000x
W10x12 47.497 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W12x16 113.412 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 52.802 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 92.827 ¾ in. 2 3/16
2-C2 HSS 18.000x
W10x12 44.04 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 73.623 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 49.202 ¾ in. 2 3/16
2-D2 HSS 18.000x
W12x16 92.931 ¾ in. 2 3/16

W10x12 53.559 ¾ in. 2 3/16

W10x12 69.745 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 31.349 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W12x16 93.18 ¾ in. 2 3/16
2-E2 HSS 18.000x
W10x12 52.559 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W12x16 112.881 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 57.273 ¾ in. 2 3/16
2-F2 W10x12 HSS 18.000x 52.559 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x15 65.847 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 54.78 ¾ in. 2 3/16
2-A3 HSS 18.000x
W12x16 57.679 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x15 113.904 ¾ in. 2 3/16
2-B3 W10x12 HSS 18.000x 54.497 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 94.203 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 30.43 ¾ in. 2 3/16
2-C3 W10x12 HSS 18.000x 113.904 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 93.158 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x15 53.606 ¾ in. 2 3/16
2-D3 W10x12 HSS 18.000x 30.64 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 94.408 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 32.388 ¾ in. 2 3/16
2-E3 W10x12 HSS 18.000x 54.831 ¾ in. 22 3/16
W10x12 94.159 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 32.904 ¾ in. 2 3/16
2-F3 HSS 18.000x
W10x12 57.774 ¾ in. 2 3/16

Table 21e. Summary of Beam to Column Single Plate Connection at Ground Floor

Force Single Plate No. of
No. Beam Column Bolt Size
(KN) Size Bolts
W10x12 HSS 69.491 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x15 18.000x 72.488 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 37.414 ¾ in. 2 3/16
GF-B1 W10x22 128.587 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 70.697 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 109.901 ¾ in. 2 3/16
GF-C1 W10x15 58.392 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x15 62.391 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 76.195 ¾ in. 2 3/16
GF-D1 W12x14 56.419 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 109.998 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 39.237 ¾ in. 2 3/16
GF-E1 W10x22 128.603 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 77.299 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x15 HSS 72.541 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 18.000x 39.077 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 57.548 ¾ in. 2 3/16
GF-A2 W10x12 18.000x
72.323 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x15 72.34 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W12x14 31.845 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x22 HSS 127.944 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x15 18.000x 58.846 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x22 128.587 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x17 59.194 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 HSS 127.748 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W12x14 18.000x 50.512 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x15 92.36 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W12x14 HSS 59.416 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x22 18.000x 127.22 ¾ in. 2 3/16

W10x17 60.054 ¾ in. 2 3/16

W12x14 78.062 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W12x16 35.413 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x22 HSS 127.979 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x15 18.000x 62.126 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x22 128.006 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x15 72.266 ¾ in. 2 3/16
GF-F2 W12x16 36.047 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x15 72.541 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 HSS 69.255 ¾ in. 2 3/16
GF-A3 18.000x
W10x15 72.323 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x15 38.857 ¾ in. 2 3/16
GF-B3 W10x12 70.153 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x22 128.664 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 35.949 ¾ in. 2 3/16
GF-C3 W10x12 34.016 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 127.748 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 67.447 ¾ in. 2 3/16
GF-D3 W10x12 35.66 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x22 128.786 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 83.748 ¾ in. 2 3/16
GF-E3 W10x12 68.189 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x22 128.629 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x12 HSS 38.75 ¾ in. 2 3/16
W10x15 18.000x 72.562 ¾ in. 2 3/16
68 Beam to Girder Connection

The design of a single-plate connection between a W10x17 beam to a W10x12
girder web is to support a beam end reaction of 346.38 MPa. The top flange of the beam
is coped, , Also, 3/4 –in diameter ASTM A325-N bolts
in standard holes and 70 ksi electrode welds are used in the connection.

Connection No. 1

1 8

4 5

2 9

3 7 10

Figure 11. Roof Deck Framing Plan showing Connection No. 1 at Roof Deck

Figure 12. Connection of W10x17 beam to W10x12 girder


Table 22. Material Properties of Beam, Girder and Plate

Beam ASTM Fy = 50 ksi Fu = 65 ksi Manual

A992 = 345 Mpa = 448.5 Mpa Tables 2-3
Girder ASTM Fy = 35 ksi Fu = 65 ksi and 2-4
A500 = 241.5 Mpa = 448.5 Mpa
Plate ASTM A36 Fy = 36 ksi Fu = 58 ksi
= 248.4 Mpa = 400.2 Mpa

Table 23. Geometric Properties of Beam and Girder

Beam W16x26 tw = 0.25 in. Manual

= 6.35 mm Tables 1-1
Girder W10x12 t = 0.19 in. and 1-12
= 4.826 mm

Calculate the required strength

Using LRFD

Obtain the available single plate connection strength from Manual Table 10-9


Check HSS shear rupture strength at welds

Check beam web bearing strength from Manual Table 10-1

n = 3,
70 Summary

Table 24a. Summary of Beam to Girder Connection at Roof Deck

Force Single Plate Number of Weld

No. Beam Girder Bolt
(kN) Size Bolts Size (in.)

RD-1 W16x26 W10x12 72.594 ¾ in. 3 3/16

W16x26 71.989 ¾ in. 3 3/16
RD-2 W10x12
W16x26 71.929 ¾ in. 3 3/16
RD-3 W12x14 W10x12 72.654 ¾ in. 3 3/16
RD-4 W12x14 W10x12 86.253 ¾ in. 3 3/16
RD-5 W16x26 W10x12 72.291 ¾ in. 3 3/16
RD-6 W16x26 W10x12 72.291 ¾ in. 3 3/16
RD-7 W16x26 W10x12 72.291 ¾ in. 3 3/16
RD-8 W16x26 W10x12 72.291 ¾ in. 3 3/16
W16x26 72.291 ¾ in. 3 3/16
RD-9 W10x12
W16x26 72.291 ¾ in. 3 3/16
RD-10 W16x26 W10x12 72.291 ¾ in. 3 3/16

Table 24b. Summary of Beam to Girder Connection at Fourth Floor

Force Single Plate Number of Weld

No. Beam Girder Bolt
(kN) Size Bolts Size (in.)

4-1 W16x26 W10x12 129.744 ¾ in. 3 3/16

W16x26 129.744 ¾ in. 3 3/16
4-2 W10x15
W10x22 93.669 ¾ in. 3 3/16
4-3 W10x22 W10x12 93.669 ¾ in. 3 3/16
4-4 W12x19 W10x12 115.705 ¾ in. 3 3/16
4-5 W12x19 W10x12 112.103 ¾ in. 3 3/16
4-6 W10x22 W10x12 93.669 ¾ in. 3 3/16

4-7 W10x22 W10x12 93.669 ¾ in. 3 3/16

4-8 W33x118 W10x12 113.904 ¾ in. 3 3/16
W33x118 113.904 ¾ in. 3 3/16
4-9 W10x12
W10x22 93.669 ¾ in. 3 3/16
4-10 W10x22 W10x12 93.669 ¾ in. 3 3/16

Table 24c. Summary of Beam to Girder Connection at Third Floor

Force Single Plate Number of Weld

No. Beam Girder Bolt
(kN) Size Bolts Size (in.)

3-1 W16x26 W10x12 113.904 ¾ in. 3 3/16

W16x26 113.904 ¾ in. 3 3/16
3-2 W10x12
W10x22 93.669 ¾ in. 3 3/16
3-3 W10x22 W10x12 93.669 ¾ in. 3 3/16
3-4 W12x19 W10x12 115.558 ¾ in. 3 3/16
3-5 W12x19 W10x12 112.250 ¾ in. 3 3/16
3-6 W10x22 W10x12 93.669 ¾ in. 3 3/16
3-7 W10x22 W10x12 93.669 ¾ in. 3 3/16
3-8 W16x26 W10x12 113.904 ¾ in. 3 3/16
W16x26 113.904 ¾ in. 3 3/16
3-9 W10x12
W10x22 93.669 ¾ in. 3 3/16
3-10 W10x22 W10x12 93.669 ¾ in. 3 3/16

Table 24d. Summary of Beam to Girder Connection at Second Floor

Force Single Plate Number of Weld

No. Beam Girder Bolt
(kN) Size Bolts Size (in.)

2-1 W16x26 W10x12 113.904 ¾ in. 3 3/16

W16x26 113.904 ¾ in. 3 3/16
2-2 W10x12
W10x22 93.669 ¾ in. 3 3/16
2-3 W10x22 W10x12 93.669 ¾ in. 3 3/16
2-4 W12x19 W10x12 115.558 ¾ in. 3 3/16

2-5 W12x19 W10x12 112.250 ¾ in. 3 3/16

2-6 W10x22 W10x12 93.669 ¾ in. 3 3/16
2-7 W10x22 W10x12 93.669 ¾ in. 3 3/16
2-8 W16x26 W10x12 113.904 ¾ in. 3 3/16
W16x26 113.904 ¾ in. 3 3/16
2-9 W10x12
W10x22 93.669 ¾ in. 3 3/16
2-10 W10x22 W10x12 93.669 ¾ in. 3 3/16

Table 24e. Summary of Beam to Girder Connection at Ground Floor

Force Single Plate Number of Weld

No. Beam Girder Bolt
(kN) Size Bolts Size (in.)

GF-1 W33x118 W10x12 128.304 ¾ in. 3 3/16

W33x118 128.304 ¾ in. 3 3/16
GF-2 W10x15
W33x118 128.304 ¾ in. 3 3/16
GF-3 W33x118 W10x15 128.304 ¾ in. 3 3/16
GF-4 W10x22 W10x12 126.091 ¾ in. 3 3/16
GF-5 W10x22 W12x14 130.518 ¾ in. 3 3/16
GF-6 W33x118 W10x17 128.304 ¾ in. 3 3/16
GF-7 W33x118 W10x15 128.304 ¾ in. 3 3/16
GF-8 W33x118 W10x12 128.304 ¾ in. 3 3/16
W33x118 128.304 ¾ in. 3 3/16
GF-9 W10x15
W33x118 128.304 ¾ in. 3 3/16
GF10 W33x118 W10x15 128.304 ¾ in. 3 3/16

4.2.6. Retaining Wall Design

The area and height of the basement is 288 sq. m. and 3.3m , respectively The weight of
the medical building is 13473kN


t = 0.40 m

Figure 13. Retaining Wall


Compute for the surcharge:

Coeffient of Active Pressure:

Coeffient of Passive Pressure:

Earth Pressure


Maximum Moment:

( ( ) ( ))

( ( )( ))

( ( )( ))

Effective Depth (consider 1 meter strip):




Say t = 300 mm





Figure 14. Weight of Retaining Wall


Table 25. Check Stability for the Design of Retaining Wall

Weight (kN) X Weight x X

1 28.8 1.5 43.2
2 20.88 1.55 32.364
3 5.22 1.35 7.047
4 67.86 2.35 159.471
5 4.86 1.475 7.1685
Total 127.62 249.251




Stability Against Overturning

( ) ( )

Stability Against Sliding

( )

If footing soil pressure is:

( )

( )

( ) ( )

( )

( )

( )

Passive Pressure
81 Stem Design

Factor of safety = 1.6



27.840 24.95

Figure 15. Pressure on Center of Gravity of The Retaining Wall

Pressure 1 (rectangle)

Presuure 2 (Triangle)



( ) ( )

( ) ( )

( ( )( ))

( ( )( ))

Depth (consider 1 meter strip)


Area of steel

Vertical bars



Horizontal Bars

Number of bars

Spacing of bars

Number of bars

Spacing of bars

Check Shear Stress

Design of Heel

Load Factor = 1.2

( ) ( )

( )

Development length


Spacing of bars

Moment at the face of the stem

( )

( )



Area of steel

89 Design of toe slab




Figure 16. Weight acting on the toe slab

( ) ( )

( )


Number of bars

Area of steel


4.2.7 Foundation Design

The geotechnical report used in this proposed project is the actual report for the
Main Mandaluyong Maternity Hospital which we attained from the City Engineering
Office of Mandaluyong. The said soil profile for both sites are similar considering their
proximity, where the Maternity Hospital is only found in front of the proposed project. Soil Investigation

103 Design Computation

Footing Subject to Axial load and Bending Moment
Using STAAD. Pro 2007, the loads and moments are computed.

Column Total Axial Factored Soil
No. Dimension,
Pipe Ø Load, P Load, Pult Pressure,
in mm kN kN kPa
1 8.63 2000 680.813 701.131 89.88859
2 8.63 3000 901.800 914.395 87.9226
3 8.63 3000 760.001 779.237 89.56747
4 8.63 3000 1024.723 1044.93 89.31026
5 8.63 3000 979.952 978.384 87.35571
6 8.63 2000 386.338 395.962 89.99136
7 8.63 3000 1142.853 1189.263 90.09568
8 10.8 5000 1507.816 1540.944 88.05394
9 10.8 5000 1815.571 1849.692 86.23273
10 10.8 4000 2287.509 2329.022 86.90381
11 10.8 5000 1553.002 1571.412 87.30067
12 8.63 3000 656.798 684.727 91.29693
13 8.63 3000 607.327 655.203 94.95696
14 8.63 3000 849.168 902.793 90.2793
15 8.63 3000 834.835 888.430 93.51895
16 8.63 3000 1159.633 1228.934 91.03215
17 8.63 3000 823.561 875.743 91.22323
18 8.63 2000 326.096 358.384 94.31158

Unit Weight of soil above the footing,

Unit Weight of concrete,

Concrete strength,

Steel strength,

Soil bearing capacity,

Depth of Footing

Use 20 mm diameter bars

Design Computation



Effective Soil Bearing Capacity,

( )

Size of Footing

Ultimate Soil Pressure,



One-Way Shear

√ = 1230.7 kN

Two-Way Shear

√ = 1705.9 kN

Number of bars

Distribution of bars

Development Length


Along center band

Along outer strip

NSCP Section

107 Summary
Table 27. Summary of Footings

No. t Qeffective B qult dshort dlong

mm kPa m kPa mm mm
1 600 88.2 3.9 89.88859 495 515
2 600 88.2 2.6 87.9226 495 515
3 600 88.2 2.9 89.56747 495 515
4 600 88.2 3.9 89.31026 495 515
5 600 88.2 2.8 87.35571 495 515
6 400 89.6 2.2 89.99136 295 315
7 700 87.5 4.4 90.09568 595 615
8 800 86.8 2.5 88.05394 695 715
9 800 86.8 3.3 86.23273 695 715
10 900 86.1 6.7 86.90381 795 815
11 800 86.8 3 87.30067 695 715
12 500 88.9 2.5 91.29693 395 415
13 500 88.9 2.3 94.95696 395 415
14 600 88.2 2.5 90.2793 495 515
15 600 88.2 1.9 93.51895 495 515
16 700 87.5 4.5 91.03215 595 615
17 600 88.2 3.2 91.22323 495 515
18 400 89.6 1.9 94.31158 295 315

Table 28. One-Way Shear Checking of Footing

One-Way Shear
No. xshort ØVc qult Vult
kN kPa kN
1 0.902869 1230.694 89.88859 142.9847
2 1.202869 1262.25 87.9226 248.9506
3 1.352869 946.6875 89.56747 230.5114
4 1.402869 1230.694 89.31026 316.2197
5 1.302869 1262.25 87.35571 282.2878
6 0.902869 413.7375 89.99136 120.3464
7 1.402869 1668.975 90.09568 320.2561
8 1.128445 3101.438 88.05394 267.1659
9 1.528445 2879.906 86.23273 467.1566
10 1.878445 3395.644 86.90381 630.8419
11 1.378445 2658.375 87.30067 357.9913
12 1.152869 755.4375 91.29693 207.5732

13 1.052869 755.4375 94.95696 187.4076

14 1.152869 1262.25 90.2793 237.5677
15 0.852869 1577.813 93.51895 167.3375
16 1.402869 1706.906 91.03215 330.9391

Table 29. Two-Way Shear Checking of Footing

Two-Way Shear
No. xshort Vult ØVc Qult Mult Remarks
m m kN kN kN kN-m
1 0.689263 0.902869 658.4265 1705.925 89.88859 142.8856 compliant

2 0.689263 1.202869 872.6245 1705.925 87.9226 254.4292 compliant

3 0.689263 1.352869 736.685 1705.925 89.56747 245.8968 compliant

4 0.689263 1.402869 1002.5 1705.925 89.31026 342.7441 compliant

5 0.689263 1.302869 936.8828 1705.925 87.35571 296.5668 compliant

0.489263 0.902869 374.42 721.6625 89.99136 80.69426
6 compliant

7 0.789263 1.402869 1133.139 2348.057 90.09568 390.0863 compliant

8 0.93811 1.128445 1463.452 3259.931 88.05394 392.444 compliant

9 0.93811 1.528445 1773.803 3259.931 86.23273 654.7194 compliant

10 1.03811 1.878445 2235.368 4126.486 86.90381 1027.261 compliant

11 0.93811 1.378445 1494.583 3259.931 87.30067 497.6429 compliant

12 0.589263 1.152869 653.0259 1163.794 91.29693 182.015 compliant

0.589263 1.052869 622.231 1163.794 94.95696 157.8943
13 compliant

14 0.689263 1.152869 859.9028 1705.925 90.2793 239.9815 compliant

15 0.689263 0.852869 844.0007 1705.925 93.51895 170.0607 compliant

16 0.789263 1.402869 1172.227 2348.057 91.03215 403.0986 compliant

17 0.689263 1.402869 832.4044 1705.925 91.22323 287.2496 compliant

18 0.489263 0.852869 335.8079 721.6625 94.31158 68.60082 compliant


Along Short Direction

No. Ru As(mm2) N bars
1 0.166139 0.000607 0.005091 0.033779 0.005091 9828 31.2835 32

2 0.288439 0.001056 0.005091 0.033779 0.005091 10080 32.08564 33

3 0.371688 0.001364 0.005091 0.033779 0.005091 7560 24.06423 25

4 0.398522 0.001463 0.005091 0.033779 0.005091 9828 31.2835 32

5 0.336209 0.001232 0.005091 0.033779 0.005091 10080 32.08564 33

0.46831 0.001722 0.005091 0.033779 0.005091 3304 10.51696 11


7 0.278248 0.001019 0.005091 0.033779 0.005091 13328 42.42434 43

8 0.128964 0.00047 0.005091 0.033779 0.005091 24767.27 78.83668 79

9 0.231702 0.000847 0.005091 0.033779 0.005091 22998.18 73.20549 74

10 0.269544 0.000986 0.005091 0.033779 0.005091 27116.73 86.31522 87

11 0.190789 0.000697 0.005091 0.033779 0.005091 21229.09 67.5743 68

12 0.432065 0.001587 0.005091 0.033779 0.005091 6032.727 19.20277 20

0.374808 0.001375 0.005091 0.033779 0.005091 6032.727 19.20277 20


14 0.27206 0.000996 0.005091 0.033779 0.005091 10080 32.08564 33

15 0.154234 0.000563 0.005091 0.033779 0.005091 12600 40.10705 41

16 0.28114 0.001029 0.005091 0.033779 0.005091 13630.91 43.38853 44

17 0.407058 0.001495 0.005091 0.033779 0.005091 8064 25.66851 26

18 0.437938 0.001609 0.005091 0.033779 0.005091 3003.636 9.560871 10


Table 31. Number of bars along long direction

Along Long Direction

No. xshort Mu Ru As N
kN-m Mpa mm2 bars
1 1.852869 308.5985 0.646408 0.002387 0.005091 0.033779 0.005091 5243.636 17

2 1.902869 413.8676 0.666855 0.002464 0.005091 0.033779 0.005091 6816.727 22

1.402869 264.4086 0.381962 0.001402 0.005091 0.033779 0.005091 7603.273 25


4 1.852869 459.9195 0.642249 0.002372 0.005091 0.033779 0.005091 7865.455 26

5 1.902869 632.6142 0.946507 0.003522 0.005091 0.033779 0.005091 7341.091 24

6 1.002869 90.50841 0.506752 0.001865 0.005091 0.033779 0.005091 3207.273 11

7 2.102869 597.6123 0.585202 0.002158 0.005091 0.033779 0.005091 9392.727 30

8 3.378445 3517.633 3.05813 0.012062 0.005091 0.033779 0.012062 21560.6 69

3.128445 2742.916 1.806525 0.006875 0.005091 0.033779 0.006875 16221.61 52

3.228445 1811.572 0.757596 0.002806 0.005091 0.033779 0.005091 16596.36 53

11 2.878445 2169.975 1.572095 0.005945 0.005091 0.033779 0.005945 12752.96 41

12 1.402869 269.5141 0.695509 0.002572 0.005091 0.033779 0.005091 5281.818 17

13 1.402869 280.3187 0.786295 0.002914 0.005091 0.033779 0.005091 4859.273 16

14 1.902869 653.7863 1.095567 0.004092 0.005091 0.033779 0.005091 6554.545 21

15 2.402869 1349.894 2.976385 0.011711 0.005091 0.033779 0.011711 11458.8 37

2.152869 632.8796 0.619737 0.002287 0.005091 0.033779 0.005091 9392.727 30


17 1.502869 309.0571 0.431579 0.001586 0.005091 0.033779 0.005091 7865.455 26

18 0.902869 76.88014 0.453103 0.001666 0.005091 0.033779 0.005091 3046.909 10


Table 32. Development Length of Bars at Footing

N center center Minimum
No. outer Ld
band band Ld
bars bars mm mm
1.95 21.69492 22 5 827.8686
1 346 ok
1.538462 26 26 4 1127.869
2 346 ok

3 1.034483 24.57627 25 0 346 1277.869 ok

4 1.3 27.82609 28 2 346 1327.869 ok

5 1.428571 27.17647 28 3 346 1227.869 ok

6 1.1 10.47619 11 0 346 827.8686 ok

7 1.466667 34.86486 35 4 346 1327.869 ok

2.8 41.57895 42 19 1053.445
8 346 ok

9 1.969697 49.83673 50 12 346 1453.445 ok

10 1.675 65.04673 66 11 346 1803.445 ok

11 2 45.33333 46 11 346 1303.445 ok

12 1.2 18.18182 19 1 346 1077.869 ok

13 1.304348 17.35849 18 1 346 977.8686 ok

1.6 25.38462 26 4 1077.869
14 346 ok

15 2.631579 22.57971 23 9 346 777.8686 ok

16 1.5 35.2 36 4 346 1327.869 ok

17 1.066667 25.16129 26 0 346 1327.869 ok

18 1.052632 9.74359 10 0 346 777.8686 ok


4.2.8. Base Plate Design

A HSS 18.000x, used as column, is to carry a maximum axial load of 2695.753
kN. The base plate is designed to support the column. The base plate rests on full area of
a square concrete compression block with . The base plate is ASTM A36

Figure 18. Base Plate Example

Table 33. Material Properties of Column and Plate

Column ASTM Fy = 35 ksi Fu = 60 ksi Manual Tables 2-3

A500 = 241.5 Mpa = 414 Mpa and 2-4
Plate ASTM A36 Fy = 36 ksi Fu = 58 ksi
= 248.4 Mpa = 400.2 Mpa

Table 34. Geometric Properties of Column

Column HSS18.000x Outside Diameter = 18 in = 457.2 mm Manual Table 1-12

Since the base plate is resting on full area of the concrete support,

Calculate for the area of the base plate:

Calculate for the length of each of side of the base plate,

√ √

Calculate for the thickness of the base plate,

The value of x is equal to the value of m

114 Summary

Table 35. Summary of Dimensions of Base Plates

No. Column B (mm) N (mm) thk (mm)

1 HSS18.000x 500 500 25
2 HSS18.000x 500 500 25
3 HSS18.000x 500 500 25
4 HSS18.000x 500 500 25
5 HSS18.000x 500 500 25
6 HSS18.000x 500 500 25
7 HSS18.000x 500 500 25
8 HSS18.000x 500 500 25
9 HSS18.000x 500 500 25
10 HSS18.000x 500 500 25
11 HSS18.000x 500 500 25
12 HSS18.000x 500 500 25
13 HSS18.000x 500 500 25
14 HSS18.000x 500 500 25
15 HSS18.000x 500 500 25
16 HSS18.000x 500 500 25
17 HSS18.000x 500 500 25
18 HSS18.000x 500 500 25

4.2.9 Footing Tie Beam

With the use of STAAD Pro 2007 v7i, the reinforcement bars needed for the footing tie
beams were computed. The structure of the building is shown below.

Figure19a. Design using STAAD Pro 2007 v7i

681 682 683 684 685

659 661 663 665 667 669

676 677 678 679 680

660 662 664 666 668 670

671 672 673 674 675

Figure 19b. Designation of Footing Tie Beams


Considering two footing tie beams as examples from the blue group, the results are
shown below:

Footing Tie Beam 659

Figure 20a. Results from STAAD Pro 2007 v7i: FTB 659

Footing Tie Beam 660

Figure 20b. Results from STAAD Pro 2007 v7i: FTB 660

4.2.10 Rainwater Harvester Design

Monthly Rainfall Forecast from September 2013 to January 2014 (PAG-ASA)

Figure 21a. September 2013 Rainfall Forecast from PAG-ASA

Figure 21b. October 2013 Rainfall Forecast from PAG-ASA


Figure 21c. November 2013 Rainfall Forecast from PAG-ASA

Figure 21d. December 2013 Rainfall Forecast from PAG-ASA


Figure 21e. January 2014 Rainfall Forecast from PAG-ASA

Figure 22. Location of Mandaluyong City in the Philippines


Monthly Rainfall for the year 2013

Figure 23. Monthly Rainfall for the year 2013

(Source: The Weather Channel -

Table 36 Monthly Rainfall in inches and millimeters

Month Rainfall (in) Rainfall

January 0.8 20.32
February 0.4 10.16
March 0.6 15.24
April 1.2 30.48
May 4.9 124.46
June 10.3 261.62
July 15.9 403.86
August 14.4 365.76
September 13.5 342.9
October 7.8 198.12
November 5.5 139.7
December 2.55 64.77
Average Annual Rainfall 164.7825 mm

Volume of Rainwater per Month

Table 37. Monthly Volume of Rainwater Collected per Month

Month Volume (cu. m.)

January 4.68
February 2.34
March 3.51
April 7.02
May 28.68
June 60.28
July 93.05
August 84.27
September 79.00
October 45.65
November 32.19
December 14.92

Sample Computation:

Tank Size Computation

Number of Tanks

Use 5400 Liters capacity and 2m-diameter tank


Maximum of 7 tanks can be used in the collection of rainwater but since the tanks should
only occupy a certain area in the basement due to parking purposes, 4 tanks will be
placed, instead. A sample rainwater tank is given below:

Figure 24. Rainwater Storage Tank

The total capacity of 4 tanks would be 21,600 Liters.


Figure 24.Rainwater Harvester Schematic Diagram


4.2.11 Plan Set Architectural Plans
135 Framing Plans


4.3 Minor and Major Areas of Civil Engineering

4.3.1 Minor Area of Civil Engineering: Geotechnical Engineering

The City of Mandaluyong is one of the cities and municipalities that

comprise Metro Manila in the Philippines. Located at the approximate geographical
centre of Metro Manila, it is bordered on the west by the country's capital, Manila, to the
north by San Juan City, to the east by Quezon City and Pasig City, and by Makati City to
the south. It is nowhere near any bodies of water and has an approximate of 5 km from
the nearest active fault line. The data about the soil property of the project location are
based on the actual geotechnical report of the Main Mandaluyong Maternity Hospital
which we attained from the City Engineering Office of Mandaluyong. The said soil profile
for both sites are similar considering their proximity, where the Maternity Hospital is only
found in front of the proposed project.

To achieve the appropriate design for the project the correct data analysis of the
soil investigation should be performed. Soil investigation is important to determine the
soil condition of the project location which is important in designing and constructing the
foundation of the structure. It also provides an evaluation of the general sustainability and
economical design that should be considered for the benefit of the project. It also allows a
distinct precaution of what may occur during construction and the effects of it to nearby
properties and locations.

In accordance with the soil investigation report, the proceedings performed were
as follows: soil borings at the locations of structure, geotechnical laboratory testing and
geotechnical engineering report. The investigation was conducted in accordance with the
procedures recommended by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).
Field tests and laboratory Tests were conducted. Subsurface conditions at the site were
explored by drilling three test borings. The test used during the subsurface investigation
is the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) carried out in accordance with ASTM D1586 in
the test hole. The test involves driving standard split-spoom sampler into the bottom of a
borehole with repeated blows of a 63.5-kg hammer dropped 450 mm. The penetration
resistance is recorded as the number of hammer blows required to achieve a penetration
of 300 mm after the initial penetration of 150 mm. If the penetration depth is less than
300 mm and the blows count is more than 50, or if the sampler fails to advance during 10
consecutive blows, then the value is considered as “Refusal”. In addition, the laboratory
test served to determine index values for identification and correlation, further refining
the geological model of the site.

For discussion purposes in our research paper, we prioritized the important phases
of soil investigation that should be used. And these are the following: Phase 1: Analysis
of the provided information with regard to the site location, the site plan, the type of
structure to be used, the loading conditions to be used, the geotechnical report provided
of the site, and the topographic map of the site. In accordance with the given geotechnical
report, we were able to distinguish the type of soil the location has and how we could

comply with the appropriate design for its foundation. The target is to take into account
the lab equipments that the hospital would likely to have which would highly affect the
design investigation.

Phase 2: Visitation of the site location. The general outlook of the project location
is important to be able to gauge the probable results of the design that we will conduct.
The current condition upon perceiving the site would give us an evaluation of how the
construction will be performed. To comply with this action, the whole group visited the
site and had a video of the whole location. The actual site is only behind the current
Mandaluyong Maternity Hospital, along the borders of the lot, residences where present,
and at the right side separated by a street is a school. There is also an animal shelter and a
police station at the left side. Upon taking all of this into account, it is mandatory to take
it into consideration the proximity of the possible affected areas during construction. We
were able to visualize the procedure and the design that should be done.

And lastly Phase 3: Detailed soil investigation of the site. The geographical
structure of the site, groundwater condition, and the soil sample should be determined.
These components would be used to obtain the necessary results for the situ test. Since
the planning department of the Mandaluyong local government has already provided us
with a full report of the geotechnical investigation. The data for our design procedure was
already handed to us. And we were able to make use of it to start with the design analysis.

For the summary of the procedures done on the site, the following processes will
be conducted: First is site preparation. Site preparation involves staking out of the site.
The site location would be surveyed and marked out for the location’s boundary lines.
The topographical heights of the site would also be determined. It is followed by clearing
of the site. Obstruction on the location would then be removed, allowing space for the
equipments, materials and machinery that is to be used for the construction. Then for the
last step for the site preparation would be excavation. This is for the foundation
construction and design.

Second is the construction. Substructure components are then built for the
beginnings of the whole structure. This includes the footing that is to be built for the
foundation of the building. Superstructures that are in relation with the substructure
would also then be built. These are the slab on grade, the beams and the columns and for
our case there would also be a retaining wall. After these procedures the water and sewer
line would then be constructed on the ground level, as well as the inspection for any
causes of future disruption on the structure.

For this project, we used isolated footing. The structure rises 4 m from the ground
and 12 m from the second level to the roof deck, having a 3 m height per level.
According to the soil report that was given to us by the City Planning and Development
Office of Mandaluyong City, the soil in the area has a net allowable soil bearing capacity
of 150 Kpa for 2 meters deep bore hole. In detail, compressible soils such as clays, the
borings should penetrate either 1.5 to 2 times the least dimensions of the foundation or
until the stress increment due to the foundation loads is less than 10 %, whichever is

greater. Borings should penetrate at least 1 meter into the rock. In very stiff clays, borings
should penetrate 5 meters to 7 meters to prove that the thickness of the strata is enough
and adequate.

For the design, we used the 28th day compressive strength of concrete of 25 MPa,
yield strength of reinforcing steel of 275 MPa, an allowable soil bearing capacity of 150
kPa, a diameter of steel reinforcing bar of 20 mm, and a minimum concrete cover of 75
mm. According to the National Structural Code of the Philippines which states that if the
concrete is casted against and permanently exposed to earth, a concrete cover of 75 mm
should be used.

For the punching shear of the footings, concrete specifications such as its strength,
ratio of flexural reinforcement, type of anchorage of the reinforcement, and the type of
shear reinforcement were considered. The concrete strength showed a vital effect to the
punching shear strength while the influence of the ratio of flexural reinforcement only
slightly affects it. The type of anchorage has no influence on it. The use of inclined bent-
up bars as shear reinforcement gave higher punching shear strengths than the use of
stirrups. The resistance to the transverse effects of concentrated forces acting on concrete
slabs is an essential problem in design of column footings, flat plates and bridge slabs.
The design methods should be based on physical models, which in a relevant way
describe the behaviour of the structure and consider the mechanical properties of the
materials. For the beam shear, the resistance to the transverse effects of concentrated
forces acting on concrete slabs is an essential problem in design of column footings, flat
plates and bridge slabs. The design methods should be based on physical models, which
in a relevant way describe the behaviour of the structure.

4.3.2 Minor Area of Civil Engineering: Water Resources Engineering

The Earth seems to be unique among the other known celestial bodies. It has
water, which covers three-fourths of its surface and constitutes 60-70 wt % of the living
world. Water regenerates and is redistributed through evaporation, making it seem
endlessly renewable.
Actually, only 1% of the world's water is usable to us. About 97% is salty sea
water, and 2% is frozen in glaciers and polar ice caps. Thus that 1% of the world's
water supply is a precious commodity necessary for our survival. A growing world
population, unrelenting urbanization, increasing scarcity of good quality water
resources and rising fertilizer prices are the driving forces behind the accelerating
upward trend in the use of wastewater, excreta and grey water for agriculture and

Around 1 billion people globally do not have access to improved water supply
sources whereas 2.4 billion people do not have access to any type of improved
sanitation facility. About 2 million people die every year due to diarrhoeal diseases,
most of them are children less than 5 years of age. The most affected are the
populations in developing countries, living in extreme conditions of poverty, normally
peri-urban dwellers or rural inhabitants.

Water resources engineering deals with water-related topics and concerns. A

large part of water resource engineering consists of predicting the available water
supply, both as surface water and in underground aquifers. Modeling of weather
patterns and how they affect the available water supply helps water resource engineers
predict future water supplies and how they will meet the needs of industry, agriculture
and personal consumption. Water resources engineering does not just predict available
water but it creates new methods and techniques that can help solve the problems such
as storm water drainage and flood damage extenuation, and problems related to water
quality in lakes, streams, aquifers, reservoirs, dams, and other natural resources. It also
focuses on the integration of water management and development for households,
recreation, agriculture industry, commercial industry, and medical industry.

In the medical industry, hospitals need water supply at an average of 4 cubic

meters per bed per day. This supply should provide potable water for both medical and
non-medical purposes. Medical purposes include washing of hands, bathing the
patients, distillation of tools and equipment, steam generation, cooling systems, etc.
The water for these purposes should have specific purity levels that must be provided
from a distillation plant. Thus, having this much amount of water would require also a
big amount of money. Since the project given to the group is a public hospital, their
budget is quite limited. So, in order to help provide water for other non-medical
purposes, the group proposes a rain water harvester for the said hospital. This rain
water harvester could provide enough supply for flushing toilets, cleaning, gardening
and firefighting.

The management of water supplies consists of gathering, storing and

transporting water from where it is located to where it needs to be consumed. There are
a variety of water conservation systems that can be used to save water both indoors and
outdoors. Water monitors can be used to track and control water usage. Systems, such
as a water catchment, can be used to make use of water that might otherwise be wasted.
These systems monitor the amount of water that is used to water plants and ensures that
the right amount is used. There are also advanced systems that monitor the weather so
that plants are not watered if there has been enough rain. Monitors can also be used to
track the amount of water used indoors.

As environmental awareness increases, local authorities increasingly expect new

developments and refurbishment projects to incorporate sustainable products such as
rainwater harvesting systems within their design. Thus in this project, a rain water
harvesting system will be installed to conserve water and money. Rainwater harvesting
is a technique of collecting rainfall for drinking, agriculture or future use. In this way,
people can reduce the use of clean water that comes from the faucet. Also, the volume
of storm water that goes to the local sewage works would be lessened.

According to a study by Dr. Peter Coombes of the University of Newcastle in

Australia (2010), he stated that the quality of rain water are acceptable for hot water,
toilet, laundry and outdoor uses. The rainwater treatment chain was confirmed, and the
use of rainwater reduced main water demand by 54%. And the rainwater tanks
reduced storm water volumetric discharges by 39%.
This system is often placed on the roofs of houses so that rain that falls anywhere
on the roof can be gathered into the catchment tank located at the bottom. In areas that
see a fair amount of rainfall, a catchment system can provide for all the water needs of
a household while, in other areas, it can be used to supplement the water pumped in
from the city or county.

The rainwater collected from the roof deck of the hospital is transferred to
a storage tank at the basement of the building by connecting down-pipes to the
gutter. It is then pumped through a system of basic water treatment and storage.
Filtered rainwater can be either connected directly to supply distribution line or
kept in a holding tank that stores the water for intended use.

The average annual rainfall in Mandaluyong is 164.7825 mm. It is during between the
months of June and October that the system can collect a large amount of rain water. The
tank has a 2 meter-diameter and has a capacity of 5400 Liters. The lowest volume of
water that can be collected is 2.34 cubic meters (February) and the highest volume can be
up to 93.05 cubic meters (July). Maximum of 7 tanks can be used in the collection of
rainwater but since the tanks should only occupy a certain area in the basement due to
parking purposes, 4 tanks will be placed, instead.

The water collected by a rain water harvesting system that is then treated, can be
used to wash laundry and dishes, to bathe with and to use in toilets. The group has only

shown in this paper a rough design of the rain harvesting system’s tank and schematic
diagram. Thus, the water produced by the said proposed system is not properly treated
and if it is not purified, then it is not potable.

If the water is not tested for quality, it can be a dangerous source of both chemical
pollutants as well as coli form and other bacteria, and can be a serious health hazard to
staff as well as the patients. To maintain cleanliness and safety of water consumption,
hospital engineering services must test the quality of water obtained from the source
initially and at fixed annually for chemical and bacterial content and to ascertain the
treatment required to render it fit for human consumption.

Further, it must again be tested periodically at the user’s end (different departments and
wards) to confirm the adequacy of treatment and portability of water. A record of the
test reports and treatment given should be maintained.

4.3.3 Major Area of Civil Engineering: Structural Engineering

Structural Engineering is a creative profession that makes a significant

contribution to infrastructure, industry, as well as residential and recreational
developments. It is a field of engineering dealing with the analysis and design of
structures that support or resist loads. It is a very critical domain of engineering for it
determines the strength of the building’s superstructure to withstand all possible
structural loads such as gravity, wind, rain, seismic, earth pressure, temperature and
traffic. It defines and ensures the safety of the people inside the building. It guarantees
that the structure is strong enough to avoid collapse when loaded.
The structural engineer’s responsibility is to design a building that meets code and
life safety standards must be integrated into the aesthetic and functional characteristics
that the architecture desires. Additionally, construction costs are critical to the viability of
a project. Therefore, producing a design that maximizes structure efficiency is essential.
The researchers target to provide a design that meets all of these demands which is the
essence of good structural engineering.
This thesis project involves the design of four-storey medical center building in
Mandaluyong City. Hence, the safety of the structure is a must. This were the importance
of structural engineering comes. Structural engineering is the major area or component of
this research. The purpose of the design project is to provide a structural design of an
annex building of the maternity hospital that can withstand natural constraints, increase
the lifespan of the structure and present a safe, economical and innovative design of the
building. Moreover, the design aims to introduce a steel-encased composite structure that
will utilize the strength of materials. The design component covers the design of both the
superstructure and substructure. Specifically, the design covers all of the structural
members: the foundation, footings, columns, beams, slabs and walls. The beneficiary of
this project is the local government of Mandaluyong City. With the mission of their
public general hospital, Mandaluyong City Medical Center (MCMC), the City Planning
and Development Office of Mandaluyong City, that is responsible for the development
and construction implementations in the city of Mandaluyong.
The main reference materials for the loadings of the structure were the National
Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP) 2012, American Institute of Steel Construction
(AISC) Manual 13th Edition and the Manual on Technical Guidelines for Hospital and
Health Facilities Planning and Design for the hospital building code of the Philippines.
The infrastructure design is a hospital type of building that covers the quality of
the facility for higher service standard for its patient and staff. Determining and
establishing the loadings to transmit on the structure is the first step in designing. The
loadings considered are dead loads, live loads, and earthquake loads. Dead Loads also
known as permanent loads are static forces that are relatively constant for an extended
time. It includes the weight of the structure itself, and immovable fixture such as walls
and plasterboard. The dead loads are computed based on the values indicated under Table
204-1 (Minimum Densities for Design Loads from Materials) and Table 204-2

(Minimum Design Dead Loads) in Section 204 of the National Structural Code of the
Philippines 2010. In accordance with the National Structural Code of the Philippines
2010, live loads are those loads produced by the use and occupancy of the building or
other structure and do not include dead load, construction load, or environmental loads
such as wind load, earthquake load and fluid load. Based on the values indicated under
Table 205-1 (Minimum Uniform and Concentrated Live Loads) in Section 205 of the
National Structural Code of the Philippines. Lastly, earthquake load is the application of
an earthquake-generated agitation to a structure. It happens at contact surfaces of a
structure either with the ground, or with adjacent structures, or with gravity waves from
tsunami. In structural design, it is important to consider earthquake provisions. For these
ensure the safety of the occupants and the structure itself. National Structural Code of the
Philippines, Section 208 and Uniform Building Code 1992 are the basis for computing
the earthquake loads.
In reference with the National Structural Code of the Philippines 2010, it is stated
that buildings, towers and other vertical structures and all portions thereof shall be
designed to resist the load combinations specified in Section 203.3 or 203.4 and the
special seismic load combinations of Section 203.5. For the design process it should be
considered that the most critical effect can occur when one or more of the contributing
loads are not acting and all applicable loads shall be considered in accordance with the
specified load combinations. Basic load combinations values indicated under Section
203.3.1 and the alternate basic load combinations under Section 203.4.2 of the National
Structural Code of the Philippines 2010 are used for the strength design computations.
The design project uses a steel-concrete composite structure. Composite action is
developed when two load carrying structural members are integrally connected and
deflect as a single unit. Concrete is stronger in compression than in tension, and steel is
susceptible to buckling in compression. By the composite action between the two, their
respective advantages can be utilized to the fullest extent.
For the beam design, steel beams were used. It is made composite by using shear
connectors, composite metal decking and concrete thus needing acting moments for its
computation. From the STAAD model, the load and specifications are used to compute
for the frame analysis of the structure where the acting moments are computed by the
program needed for the composite steel beam design. In the case of a composite beam the
action of the steel beam and the slab is similar to that of a monolithic Tee beam.
On the other hand, the column design used for the structure is a concrete filled
column. Concrete-Filled Steel Tubes (CFTs) are composite member consisting of a steel
tube filled with concrete. The CFT structural member has a number of distinct advantages
over an equivalent steel, reinforced concrete, or steel-reinforced concrete member. The
orientation of the steel and concrete in the cross section optimizes the strength and
stiffness of the section. The steel lies at the outer perimeter where it performs most
effectively in tension and in resisting bending moment. Also, the stiffness of the CFT is
greatly enhanced because the steel, which has a much greater modulus of elasticity than
the concrete, is situated farthest from the centroid, where it makes the greatest
contribution to the moment of inertia. The concrete forms an ideal core to withstand the
compressive loading in typical applications, and it delays and often prevents local

buckling of the steel. Additionally, it has been shown that the steel tube confines the
concrete core, which increases the compressive strength for circular CFTs. Therefore, it
is most advantageous to use CFTs for the columns subjected to the large compressive
loading. In contrast to reinforced concrete columns with transverse reinforcement, the
steel tube also prevents spalling of the concrete and minimizes congestion of
reinforcement in the connection region, particularly for seismic design.
Connections of structural members are extremely important as they could be the
weak link in any structural system. Composite connections resist moment by generating a
couple between their tension and compression components. The mechanics are
essentially the same as those for bare steel moment connections, with the slab
reinforcement acting like an additional row of bolts in an extended end plate. In order to
achieve their full potential, the reinforcing bars must be properly anchored, and be
capable of accommodating significant strain before fracture. For this research, the design
of the single plate connection between a PIPE8STD column to a W10x12 girder web is to
support a beam end reaction of 346.38 MPa The top flange of the beam is considered to
be uncoped. 3/4 –in diameter ASTM A325-N bolts in standard holes and 70 ksi electrode
welds are also used.
The design moments of the beams and columns computation for the four-storey
medical center using encased steel-concrete composite structure are generated using
STAAD Pro 2007 v7i. Then, the STAAD results were transferred to Microsoft Excel for
computation and design of the specifications and dimensions of the beams, footing,
column and connections using manual analysis.

Chapter 5: Promotional Material

The software used for generating a walkthrough of the four-storey Annex 2
Medical Center Building of Mandaluyong City with Composite Structure is the Google
SketchUp 8. It is a program that emphasizes functionality and user-friendly software
which enables designers to locate, download, use and contribute free models

Snapshots taken from the generated model using Google SketchUp 8

Figure 25a. Front View


Figure 25b. Right-Side View

Figure 25c . Left-Side View


Chapter 6: Budget Estimation

Budget Estimate is an approximation of the cost of the activity or project prepared
for budgeting and planning purposes only. For this study, the costs of materials needed
for the construction of the project were considered including labor cost. The software
used to compute for the project cost is Microsoft Excel 2010. The specific items required
for the construction of the project were shown below followed by its cost.

Chapter 7: Project’s Schedule

7.1 Project’s Schedule
Using Microsoft Project 2010 the detailed project schedule for the study was
constructed. The project schedule reflects all the work associated with delivering the
project on time. It is a listing of the project’s milestones, activities, and deliverables with
intended start and finish dates. Those items were estimated in terms of resource,
allocation, budget and duration, linked by dependencies and scheduled events. Shown
below is the project schedule of the study.

7.1.1 Schedule of Beams

Section Span Shear Connector
R-B1 W16x26 6000 46 – 19.05mm Ø @ 120mm
R-B2 W12x14 6000 26 – 19.05mm Ø @ 240mm
R-G1 W10x12 6000 22 – 19.05mm Ø @ 280mm
R-G2 W10x12 3000 22 – 19.05mm Ø @ 140mm
R-G3 W12x19 6000 34 – 19.05mm Ø @ 160mm
R-G4 W10x12 6000 22 – 19.05mm Ø @ 280mm
R-G5 W10x12 6000 22 – 19.05mm Ø @ 280mm
R-G6 W10x15 6000 26 – 19.05mm Ø @ 240mm
R-G7 W10x12 6000 22 – 19.05mm Ø @ 280mm
R-G8 W10x12 6000 22 – 19.05mm Ø @ 280mm
R-G9 W10x17 6000 30 – 19.05mm Ø @ 180mm

Section Span Shear Connector
4-B2 W16x26 6000 46 – 19.05mm Ø @ 120mm
4-B4 W12x19 6000 34 – 19.05mm Ø @ 160mm
4-B3 W33x118 6000 52 – 19.05mm Ø @ 95mm
4-B1 W10x22 6000 38 – 19.05mm Ø @ 140mm
4-G1 W10x12 6000 22 – 19.05mm Ø @ 260mm
4-G2 W10x12 3000 22 – 19.05mm Ø @ 120mm
4-G3 W12x19 6000 34 – 19.05mm Ø @ 160mm
4-G4 W10x12 6000 22 – 19.05mm Ø @ 260mm
4-G5 W10x12 3000 22 – 19.05mm Ø @ 160mm
4-G6 W10x12 6000 22 – 19.05mm Ø @ 260mm
4-G7 W10x12 6000 22 – 19.05mm Ø @ 260mm
4-G8 W10x12 3000 22 – 19.05mm Ø @ 160mm
4-G9 W10x12 6000 22 – 19.05mm Ø @ 260mm
4-G10 W10x12 3000 22 – 19.05mm Ø @ 160mm
4-G11 W10x15 6000 26 – 19.05mm Ø @ 210mm
4-G12 W10x22 6000 38 – 19.05mm Ø @ 140mm
4-G13 W10x12 6000 22 – 19.05mm Ø @ 260mm
4-G14 W10x12 6000 22 – 19.05mm Ø @ 260mm
4-G15 W16x26 6000 46 – 19.05mm Ø @ 120mm
4-G16 W10x17 6000 30 – 19.05mm Ø @ 180mm
4-G17 W10x12 6000 22 – 19.05mm Ø @ 260mm
4-G18 W12x16 6000 28 – 19.05mm Ø @ 200mm

4-G19 W12x16 6000 26 – 19.05mm Ø @ 200mm

Section Span Shear Connector
3, 2-B2 W16x26 6000 46 – 19.05mm Ø @ 120mm
3, 2-B3 W12x19 6000 34 – 19.05mm Ø @ 160mm
3, 2-B2 W16x26 6000 46 – 19.05mm Ø @ 120mm
3, 2-B1 W10x22 6000 38 – 19.05mm Ø @ 140mm
3, 2-G1 W10x12 6000 22 – 19.05mm Ø @ 260mm
3, 2-G2 W10x12 3000 22 – 19.05mm Ø @ 120mm
3, 2-G3 W10x22 6000 38 – 19.05mm Ø @ 140mm
3, 2-G4 W10x12 6000 22 – 19.05mm Ø @ 260mm
3, 2-G5 W10x12 3000 22 – 19.05mm Ø @ 120mm
3, 2-G6 W10x15 6000 26 – 19.05mm Ø @ 210mm
3, 2-G7 W10x12 6000 22 – 19.05mm Ø @ 260mm
3, 2-G8 W10x12 3000 22 – 19.05mm Ø @ 120mm
3, 2-G9 W10x15 6000 22 – 19.05mm Ø @ 260mm
3, 2-G10 W12x16 6000 34 – 19.05mm Ø @ 160mm
3, 2-G11 W10x12 6000 22 – 19.05mm Ø @ 260mm
3, 2-G12 W10x12 6000 22 – 19.05mm Ø @ 260mm
3, 2-G13 W10x12 6000 22 – 19.05mm Ø @ 260mm
3, 2-G14 W12x16 6000 28 – 19.05mm Ø @ 200mm
3, 2-G15 W12x16 6000 28 – 19.05mm Ø @ 200mm

Section Span Shear Connector
G-B2 W33x118 6000 52 – 19.05mm Ø @ 95mm
G-B3 W10x22 6000 38 – 19.05mm Ø @ 140mm
G-B1 W33x118 6000 52 – 19.05mm Ø @ 95mm
G-G1 W10x15 6000 26 – 19.05mm Ø @ 210mm
G-G2 W10x22 6000 38 – 19.05mm Ø @ 140mm
G-G3 W16x26 3000 46 – 19.05mm Ø @ 120mm
G-G4 W10x15 6000 26 – 19.05mm Ø @ 210mm
G-G5 W12x14 6000 26 – 19.05mm Ø @ 210mm
G-G6 W10x17 3000 30 – 19.05mm Ø @ 80mm
G-G7 W10x15 6000 26 – 19.05mm Ø @ 210mm
G-G8 W12x16 6000 28 – 19.05mm Ø @ 200mm
G-G9 W10x15 3000 26 – 19.05mm Ø @ 210mm
G-G10 W10x22 6000 38 – 19.05mm Ø @ 140mm

G-G11 W10x15 6000 26 – 19.05mm Ø @ 210mm

G-G12 W12x14 6000 26 – 19.05mm Ø @ 210mm
G-G13 W10x15 6000 26 – 19.05mm Ø @ 210mm
G-G14 W10x22 6000 38 – 19.05mm Ø @ 140mm
G-G15 W10x22 6000 38 – 19.05mm Ø @ 140mm

Beam to Girder Connector

Designation. Plate Connector

RB1, 4B1, 3B1, 2B1, GB1 114.3x154.2x9.525mm 3 – 19.05mm Ø @ 76.2mm
RB1, 4B1, 3B1, 2B1, GB1 114.3x154.2x9.525mm 3 – 19.05mm Ø @ 76.2mm
RB1, 4B1, 3B1, 2B1, GB1 114.3x154.2x9.525mm 3 – 19.05mm Ø @ 76.2mm
RB1, 4B1, 3B1, 2B1, GB1 114.3x154.2x9.525mm 3 – 19.05mm Ø @ 76.2mm
RB2, 4B2, 3B2, 2B2, GB2 114.3x154.2x9.525mm 3 – 19.05mm Ø @ 76.2mm
RB2, 4B2, 3B2, 2B2, GB2 114.3x154.2x9.525mm 3 – 19.05mm Ø @ 76.2mm
RB1, 4B1, 3B1, 2B1, GB1 114.3x154.2x9.525mm 3 – 19.05mm Ø @ 76.2mm
RB1, 4B1, 3B1, 2B1, GB1 114.3x154.2x9.525mm 3 – 19.05mm Ø @ 76.2mm
RB1, 4B1, 3B1, 2B1, GB1 114.3x154.2x9.525mm 3 – 19.05mm Ø @ 76.2mm
RB1, 4B1, 3B1, 2B1, GB1 114.3x154.2x9.525mm 3 – 19.05mm Ø @ 76.2mm
RB1, 4B1, 3B1, 2B1, GB1 114.3x154.2x9.525mm 3 – 19.05mm Ø @ 76.2mm
RB1, 4B1, 3B1, 2B1, GB1 114.3x154.2x9.525mm 3 – 19.05mm Ø @ 76.2mm
167 Detailing of Beams

Shear Connector



7.1.2 Schedule of Columns

Column Mark Type Size Spiral Ties
C-1 HSS 18.000x 450mm 6- 16mm 12mm @75mm
C-2 HSS 18.000x 450mm 6- 16mm 12mm @75mm

Girder to Column Connector

Designation. Plate Connector

RC1, 4C1, 3C1, 2C1, GC1 114.3x228.6x7.9375mm 3 – 19.05mm Ø @ 76.2mm
RC1, 4C1, 3C1, 2C1, GC1 114.3x228.6x7.9375mm 3 – 19.05mm Ø @ 76.2mm
RC1, 4C1, 3C1, 2C1, GC1 114.3x228.6x7.9375mm 3 – 19.05mm Ø @ 76.2mm
RC1, 4C1, 3C1, 2C1, GC1 114.3x228.6x7.9375mm 3 – 19.05mm Ø @ 76.2mm
RC1, 4C1, 3C1, 2C1, GC1 114.3x228.6x7.9375mm 3 – 19.05mm Ø @ 76.2mm
RC1, 4C1, 3C1, 2C1, GC1 114.3x228.6x7.9375mm 3 – 19.05mm Ø @ 76.2mm
RC1, 4C1, 3C1, 2C1, GC1 114.3x228.6x7.9375mm 3 – 19.05mm Ø @ 76.2mm
RC2, 4C2, 3C2, 2C2, GC2 114.3x228.6x7.9375mm 3 – 19.05mm Ø @ 76.2mm
RC2, 4C2, 3C2, 2C2, GC2 114.3x228.6x7.9375mm 3 – 19.05mm Ø @ 76.2mm
RC2, 4C2, 3C2, 2C2, GC2 114.3x228.6x7.9375mm 3 – 19.05mm Ø @ 76.2mm
RC2, 4C2, 3C2, 2C2, GC2 114.3x228.6x7.9375mm 3 – 19.05mm Ø @ 76.2mm
RC1, 4C1, 3C1, 2C1, GC1 114.3x228.6x7.9375mm 3 – 19.05mm Ø @ 76.2mm
RC1, 4C1, 3C1, 2C1, GC1 114.3x228.6x7.9375mm 3 – 19.05mm Ø @ 76.2mm
RC1, 4C1, 3C1, 2C1, GC1 114.3x228.6x7.9375mm 3 – 19.05mm Ø @ 76.2mm
RC1, 4C1, 3C1, 2C1, GC1 114.3x228.6x7.9375mm 3 – 19.05mm Ø @ 76.2mm
RC1, 4C1, 3C1, 2C1, GC1 114.3x228.6x7.9375mm 3 – 19.05mm Ø @ 76.2mm
RC1, 4C1, 3C1, 2C1, GC1 114.3x228.6x7.9375mm 3 – 19.05mm Ø @ 76.2mm
RC1, 4C1, 3C1, 2C1, GC1 114.3x228.6x7.9375mm 3 – 19.05mm Ø @ 76.2mm
169 Detailing of Columns

171 Detailing of Retaining Wall


7.1.4 Schedule of Footings

Size Thickness Reinforcement

Designation t
(mm) (mm) X Y
F-1 2000 3900 600 17 – 20mmØ @ 125 mm 32 – 20mmØ @ 125 mm
F-2 4000 2600 600 22 – 20mmØ @ 190 mm 33 – 20mmØ @ 80 mm
F-3 3000 2900 600 25 – 20mmØ @ 125 mm 25 – 20mmØ @ 120 mm
F-4 3000 3900 600 26 – 20mmØ @ 120 mm 32 – 20mmØ @ 125 mm
F-5 4000 2800 600 24 – 20mmØ @ 170 mm 33 – 20mmØ @ 85 mm
F-6 2000 2200 400 11 – 20mmØ @ 200 mm 11 – 20mmØ @ 220 mm
F-7 3000 4400 700 30 – 20mmØ @ 100 mm 43 – 20mmØ @ 100 mm
F-8 7000 2500 800 69 – 20mmØ @ 100 mm 79 – 20mmØ @ 30 mm
F-9 6500 3300 800 52 – 20mmØ @ 120 mm 74 – 20mmØ @ 45 mm
F-10 4000 6700 900 53 – 20mmØ @ 75mm 87 – 20mmØ @ 75 mm
F-11 6000 3000 800 41 – 20mmØ @ 150 mm 68 – 20mmØ @ 40 mm
F-12 3000 2500 500 17 – 20mmØ @ 185 mm 20 – 20mmØ @ 125 mm
F-13 3000 2300 500 16 – 20mmØ @ 200 mm 20 – 20mmØ @ 120mm
F-14 4000 2500 600 21 – 20mmØ @ 200 mm 33 – 20mmØ @ 75 mm
F-15 5000 1900 600 37 – 20mmØ @ 135 mm 41 – 20mmØ @ 45 mm
F-16 3000 4500 700 30 – 20mmØ @ 100 mm 44 – 20mmØ @ 100 mm
F-17 3000 3200 600 26 – 20mmØ @ 120 mm 26 – 20mmØ @ 125 mm
F-18 2000 1900 400 10 – 20mmØ @ 220 mm 10 – 20mmØ @ 200 mm Detailing of Footings











7.1.5 Schedule of Base Plates

Designation B (mm) N (mm) thk (mm)

F-1 500 500 25
F-2 500 500 25
F-3 500 500 25
F-4 500 500 25
F-5 500 500 25
F-6 500 500 25
F-7 500 500 25
F-8 500 500 25
F-9 500 500 25
F-10 500 500 25
F-11 500 500 25
F-12 500 500 25
F-13 500 500 25
F-14 500 500 25
F-15 500 500 25
F-16 500 500 25
F-17 500 500 25
F-18 500 500 25

7.1.6 Schedule of Footing Tie Beam

FTB No. Size (mm) Top Bars Bottom Bars Stirrups

659 450 700 3-25mmϕ 3-25mmϕ None
660 450 700 3-25mmϕ 3-25mmϕ None
661 450 700 3-25mmϕ 3-25mmϕ None
662 450 700 3-25mmϕ 3-25mmϕ None
663 450 700 3-25mmϕ 3-25mmϕ None
664 450 700 3-25mmϕ 3-25mmϕ None
665 450 700 3-25mmϕ 3-25mmϕ None
666 450 700 3-25mmϕ 3-25mmϕ None
667 450 700 3-25mmϕ 3-25mmϕ None
668 450 700 3-25mmϕ 3-25mmϕ None
669 450 700 3-25mmϕ 3-25mmϕ None
670 450 700 3-25mmϕ 3-25mmϕ None
671 450 700 8-20mmϕ 8-20mmϕ None
672 450 700 8-20mmϕ 8-20mmϕ None
673 450 700 5-25mmϕ 8-20mmϕ None
674 450 700 8-25mmϕ 8-25mmϕ None

675 450 700 7-25mmϕ 7-25mmϕ None

676 450 700 8-20mmϕ 8-20mmϕ None
677 450 700 7-25mmϕ 8-20mmϕ None
678 450 700 6-25mmϕ 6-25mmϕ None
679 450 700 6-25mmϕ 6-25mmϕ None
680 450 700 7-25mmϕ 7-25mmϕ None
681 450 700 8-20mmϕ 8-20mmϕ None
682 450 700 7-25mmϕ 7-25mmϕ None
683 450 700 6-25mmϕ 6-25mmϕ None
684 450 700 6-25mmϕ 6-25mmϕ None
685 450 700 7-25mmϕ 7-25mmϕ None

Chapter 8: Conclusion and Summary

To introduce the advantages of a steel-concrete composite structure, the paper has
provided a structural design and a budget estimate of a four-storey annex medical
building of the maternity hospital located in the City of Mandaluyong.

The designed medical building has steel-encased composite members that

maximize the strength of both steel and concrete materials. The composite members are
the composite slabs with steel beams and the steel pipe-encased columns. The composite
slab has a metal deck that acts not only as permanent formwork to the concrete, but it also
provides sufficient shear bond with the concrete. The composite interaction between the
steel beam and the composite slab is achieved by the attachment of shear connectors to
the top flange of the beam. These connectors generally take the form of headed studs.
The shear connectors provide sufficient longitudinal shear connection between the beam
and the concrete. Lastly, for the steel pipe encased column the concrete filling lends to
the steel a higher rigidity and load bearing strength, so that the aesthetic slender columns
can bear higher loads without increasing the external dimensions. This has been enhanced
by the means of reinforcing bars. Also, the concrete core increases the fire resistance time
of a hollow section column. Concrete filled hollow section can reach more than 90
minutes fire resistance time. Thus, due to these advantages, the design makes the
structure safe and resilient.

In addition, the building is not just structurally safe but also eco-friendly and
aesthetically innovative. Solar window films and rainwater harvesting system were
incorporated to create a green innovative design. The solar window films both allow
natural day lighting and reduce heat into the building. By this, it keeps the area cool
enough for the patients and the staff. As for the rainwater harvesting system, it is
designed to be cylindrical in shape and to collect an average volume of 3796 Liters of
rain per month. This amount of volume is just enough to water plants and flush every
toilet in the building. Also, the purpose of these two green designs is not only to lessen
the hospital’s cost in electricity and water but to help conserve renewable resources, as

Chapter 9: Recommendation
With the data presented in this project, it is evident that the design focuses mainly
in architectural and structural. Thus, the researchers would like to recommend having a
design of mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire protection of the building and also its
budget estimate since it is no longer their field of expertise. It is also recommended to
have a professional civil engineer to the design the shear wall and the bracings for
columns at the ground floor and basement.

The innovation of this project includes the use of rainwater harvester but, does not
have a detailed design of the cistern. Hence, the researchers recommend having thorough
plan of the water storage tank and also, the treatment needed for the water to be used for
industrial purposes such as flushing and cleaning. The researchers also put forward to
design the pump to be used for the distribution of water in the cistern. To have a much
lower cost of construction materials and operation of the medical center, the group
recommends having a further study of alternative materials and to introduce LED light,
water-efficient toilet and others.

Chapter 10: Acknowledgment

The completion of this project would not have been possible without the guidance
of our ever-loving God. Only in Him did we find strength to strive and give our best to
finish this paper. We would also want to express our gratitude to our adviser, Engr. Ivan
Marquez, for his patience and willingness to give us our needed advice concerning our

We would also like to acknowledge Engr. Comandao and Arch. Joseph Perfecto
Rea of the City Planning and Development of Mandaluyong City Government, the
beneficiary of this project, for their kindness and their hospitality especially in
accommodating us amidst their busy schedule.

Finally, we would like to thank our friends and family who never gets tired to
understand us in times of distress and to lend a hand willingly in times of need, asking
nothing in return. Your love and support surpasses all our hardships and for that we are
truly grateful.

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