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p=Jc=m=] sk:ndm==t=eit=, {={!] k:=ty==y=n=Iit= c=

s=pt=m=] k:=lr=F=Iit=, m=h=g==ErIit= c=={!m=m=<
n=v=m=] is=i3d=F=I c=, n=v=dug==*/ p=>k:Iit=*t==/
Wkt==ny=<-At==in= n==m==in=, b=>É[=Ev= m=h=tm=n== ç
there are nine forms of devi called nav durga. they are: 1)
shailputri 2) brahamcharini, 3) chandra-ghanta, 4)
kushmanda, 5) skandamaata, 6) katyayani, 7) kalratri,
8) mahagauri, and 9) durga
aign=n== dÄm==n=st=u, x=F=um=Qy=e g=t==e r[=e
iv={=m=e dug=*m=e c=Ev=, B=y==t==*/ x=r[=] g=t==/
n= t=e{==] j==y=t=e ik:}ic=d<-ax=uB=] r[=s=]k:!e
n==p=d] t=sy= p=xy==im=, x==ek:du/K=B=y=] n= ih
if one is burning in fire, is surrounded by enemies in the
battlefield, is in great trouble, is in great fear and one
comes to durga, no harm can touch him. no harm can be
done to him in the battlefield and fear, sorrow and
unhappiness does not come to him.
y=Est=u B=kty== sm=&t== n=Un=], t=e{==] v=&i3/ p=>j==y=t=e
y=e tv==] sm=rûnt= dev=eix=, rZ=s=e t==n=< n= s=]x=y=/
those who remember devi certainly prosper and are
protected by you.
p=>et=s=]sq== t=u c==m=u[#=, v==r=hI m=ih{==s=n==
Aend>I g=j=s=m==O$=, v=E{[=v=I g=o#=s=n==
chamunda devi rides preta, barahi rides on buffallo,
aq= devy==/ k:v=c=m=< aindri uses elephant, vaishnavi rides garuda.
m==hexv=rI v=&{==O$=, k:=Em==rI ix=iK=v==hn==
(Wcc=sv=r s=e sp={! Wcc==r[= k:rke: p=>it=idn= p==@ k:re])
ö asy= XIc=[#I-k:v=c=sy= b=>É= Pi{=/, an=u{!up=< %nd/, lZm=I/ p=5=s=n== dev=I, p=5hst== hirip=>y== âî
c==m=u[#= dev=t==, aV<g=-ny==s==ekt=-m==t=r=e, b=Ij=m=<, idgb=nQ=- maheshwari rides on ox, kaumari rides on peacock.
consort of lord Vishnu, lakshamidevi sits on lotus with
dev=t==s=< t=Tv=m=< , XIj=g=dmb==-p=>Ity=q=e* s=pt=x=t=I-p==@=V<g=tv=en=
lotus in her hands.
j=p=e iv=in=y==eg=/ + (Reading time is 60 minutes, for xv=et=Op=Q=r= dev=I, w*xv=rI v=&{=v==hn==
daily Sadhana, one may not read the Sanskrit in red
letters) This is an accepted short version (m=Qy=m=c=irF=)
b=>=ÉI h]s=s=m==O$=, s=v==*B=r[=B=Ui{=t==
ishvaridevi, sitting on ox, is white. brahamidevi is sitting
for daily reading and sadhana that must be on hans and wearing many types of ornaments.
completed with Havan by a priest.
wty=et== m==t=r/ s=v==*/, s=v=*y==eg=s=m=ûnv=t==/
ön=m=xc=û[#k:=y=E ++
n==n==B=r[=-x==eB==$<y==, n==n==rtn==ep=-x==eiB=t==/
m==k*:[#ey= Wv==c= thus these mothers have all yogic powers. there are many
ö y=d<g=uHy=] p=rm=] l=eke:, s=v=*rZ==k:r] n=&[==m=< + other devis wearing all types of ornaments and gems.
y=á k:sy=ic=d=CCKy==t=], t=nm=e b=>Uih ip=t==m=h ++ d&xy=nt=e rq=m==CCO$=, devy=/ k>:=eQ=s=m==ku:l=/
O Grandfather, please tell me the most secret sadhana x=V<K=] c=k>]: g=d=] x=ûkt=], hl] c= m=us=l=y=uQ=m=<
which protect people from all calamity and which you K=e!k:] t==em=r] c=Ev=, p=rx=u] p==x=m=ev= c=
have not revealed to anybody. ku:nt==y=uQ=] iF=x=Ul] c=, x==r<V<g=m=< a=y=uQ=m=< WT=m=m=<
b=>É=ev==c= dEty==n==] dehn==x==y=, B=kt==n==m=< aB=y==y= c=
aûst= g=uHy=t=m=] iv=p=>, s=v=*B=Ut==ep=-k:=rk:m=< Q==ry=nty==-y=uQ==n=Itq=], dev==n==] c== iht==y= v=E âç
devy==st=u k:v=c=] p=u[y=], t=c%&[=u{v= m=h=m=un=e all devis are sitting on chariot and are full of anger and
such a sadhana is devi kavach which the most secret and having conch, chakra, gada, hal, shakti, musal, khetak,
beneficial and holy and does good. listen to it. tomar, parshu, pash, kunt, trishul, fine shaarang bow and
p=>q=m=] x=Elp=uF=I c=, i8t=Iy=] b=>Éc==ir[=I other weapons in their hands. the purpose of having
t=&t=Iy=] c=nd>G=[!eit=, kU:{m==[#eit= c=t=uq=*k:m=<
weapons is to protect the devotees, do good to devas and n=Ilg=>Iv== b=ih/k:[@e, n=ilk:=] n=lkU:b=rI
destroy the demons. sk:nQ=y==e/ K=û#<g=n=I rZ=ed< , b==hU m=e v=j=>Q==ir[=I
n=m=st=eCst=u m=h=r=Ed>e, m=h=G==er-p=r=k>:m=e hst=y==er<dû[#n=I rZ=ed< , aûmb=k:= c==V<g=ulI{=u c=
m=h=b=le m=h=ets==he, m=h=B=y=iv=n==ix=in= n=K==J%Ulexv=rI rZ=et=< , ku:Z==E rZ=etku:lexv=rI
O devi of great raudra, prakram, strength and utsaah, you
kamakshi protect bellybutton, sarvamangala protect the
are the remover of great fear, i bow down to you.
voice, bhadrakali protect neck, dhanudhari protect spine,
F==ih m==] deiv= du{p=e>Zy=e, x=F=U[==] B=y=v=r<iQ=in= neelgrivaa protect the outer kantha, and kantha tube be
p=>=cy==] rZ=t=u m==m=End>I, a=gn=eyy==m=< aûgn=dev=t== protected by nalkoobari, both shoulders by
diZ=[=eCv=t=u v==r=hI, n=Er<Pty==] K=#<g=Q==ir[=I khadaginidevi, both hands by bajradharini, both hands by
p=>t=Icy==] v==o[=I rZ=ed< , v==y=vy==] m=&g=v==ihn=I dandinidevi, fingers by ambika, nails by shooleshvari,
stomack by kuleshvari.
its very difficult to see you. o, the increaser of fear in
enemies, protect me. Aindri protect me in the east side, st=n==E rZ=enm=h=dev=I, m=n=/ x==ek:iv=n==ix=n=I
Agnishakti in agnikone, vaaraahi in the south, Ådy=e lilt== dev=I, Wdre x=UlQ==ir[=I
khadagdharini in nairritya, vaaruni in the west, devi who both breasts by mahadevi, mind by shokavinashini, heart
rides on dear protect me in vaayavya by lalitadevi, stomack by shooldharini.
WdIcy==] p==t=u k:=Em==rI, Aex==ny==] x=UlQ==ir[=I n==B==E c= k:=im=n=I rZ=ed< , g=uHy=] g=uHy=exv=rI t=q==
~Qv=*] b=>É=i[= m=e rZ=ed-CQ=st==d< v=E{[=v=I t=q== p=Ut=n== k:=im=k:= m=e$]M , g=ude m=ih{=v==ihn=I àî
kaumari protect from the north, shooldharini in ishaan. k:!<y==] B=g=v=t=I rZ=ej=<, j==n=un=I iv=nQy=v==is=n=I
brahmani protect from the top, and vaishnavi devi protect j=V<G=e m=h=b=l= rZ=et=<-s=v=*k:=m=-p=>d=iy=n=I
from the bottom.
Av=] dx= idx==e rZ=ec=< -c==m=u[#= x=v=v==hn== g=uDf:y==er<n==ris=]hI c=, p==dp=&{@e t=u t=Ej=s=I
j=y== m=e c==g=>t=/ p==t=u, iv=j=y== p==t=u p=&{@t=/ äî p==d=V<g=ulI{=u XI rZ=et=<-p==d=Q=s=< t=lv==is=n=I
navel by kaamini, private part by guhyeshwari, ling by
similarly, the chamunda devi who rides on dead body
pootana and kamika, kidney by mahishvaahini, waist by
protect me from all ten sides. jaya protect in the front,
bhagavati, knees by vindhyavaasini, pindali by mahabala
and vijaya protect the back.
devi, …. by narsinghi, back of both feet by taijasi,
aij=t== v==m=p==r<xv=e t=u, diZ=[=e c==p=r=ij=t== fingers of the feet by shridevi, bottom of the feet by
ix=K==m=ud<y==eit=n=I rZ=ed<-Wm== m=Ur<ûQn= vy=v=ûsq=t== talvasini.
ajita protect the left and aparajita from the right, udyotini n=K==n=< d]{!M=k:r=lI c=, ke:x==]xc=Ev==eQv=*ke:ix=n=I
protect the head and uma devi protect the mind. r=em=kU:p=e{=u k:=Eb=erI, tv=c=] v==g=Ixv=rI t=q==
m==l=Q=rI ll=!e c=, B=>uv==E rZ=ed< y=x=ûsv=n=I rkt=m=jj==-v=s==m==]s==ny=<, aûsq=m=ed=]is= p==v=*t=I
iF=n=eF== c= B=>uv==er<m=Qy=e, y=m=G=[!= c= n==is=ke: anF==i[= k:=lr=iF=xc=, ip=T=] c= m=uku:!exv=rI
maalaadhari protect the forehead and yashashwini devi
nails by danshtraakaraali, hairs by urdhavakeshini devi,
protect the pupils. yamghantadevi protect the third eye
holes of the hair by kauberi, skin by vaagishvari devi,
and nose.
parvatidevi protect blood, majja, vasaa, meat, bone and
x=ûV<K=n=I c=Z=u{==er<m=Qy=e, X=eF=y==er<-8=rv==is=n=I medaa. kalratri protect colon, pita by mukuteshvari.
k:p==el=E k:=ilk:= rZ=et=< , k:[=*m=Ule t=u x==]k:rI p=5=v=t=I p=5k:=ex=e, k:fe: c=U#=m=i[=st=q==
shankhini protect the middle of the eyes and dwarvaasini jv==l=m=uK=I n=K=jv==l=m=<, aB=ed<y== s=v=*s=]iG={=u àç
protect the nose. kalikadevi protect the kapole and base
of the ear be protected by shankari-devi. moolaadhaar by padmaavati, kafa by chudamani, shine
n==is=k:=y==] s=ug=nQ== c=, WT=r=e{@e c= c=ic=*k:= of the nails by javaalaamukhi, all joints by abhedyaa devi
aQ=re c==m=&t=k:l=, ij=Hv==y==] c= s=rsv=t=I x=uk>:] b=>É=i[= m=e rZ=e-c%=y==] %F=exv=rI t=q==
Sugandha protect the nose, top lip be protected by ah]k:=r] m=n==e b=ui3], rZ=enm=e Q=m=*Q==ir[=I
charchika, bottom lip by amritkalaa and tongue by semen by brahmaani, shadow by chatreshvari, mind,
sarasvati devi. intellect and ahamkaar bydharmadhaarini.
dnt==n=< rZ=t=u k:=Em==rI, k:[@dex=e t=u c=i[#k:= p=>=[==p==n==E t=q== vy==n=m=<-Wd=n=] c= s=m==n=k:m=<
G=û[!k:=] ic=F=G=[!= c=, m=h=m==y== c= t==luke: äç v=j=>hst== c= m=e rZ=et=< , p=>=[=] k:Dy==[=x==eB=n==
kaumari protect the teeth, chandika protect kantha, praan, apaan, vyaan, udaan and samaan air by
chitraghanta protect ghanti, and mahamaya protect talu. vajrahastaadevi, praana by kalyaanshobhanaa
k:=m==Z=I ic=b=uk:] rZ=ed< , v==c=] m=e s=v=*m=V<g=l= rs=e Op=e c= g=nQ=e c=, x=bde sp=x=e* c= y==eig=n=I
g=>Iv==y==] B=d>k:=lI c=, p=&{@v=]x=e Q=n=uQ=*rI s=Tv=] rj=st=m=xc=Ev=, rZ=eá=r=y=[=I s=d=

yogini devi protect while enjoying 5 sense objects (ras, s=hj== ku:lj== m==l=, #=ik:n=I x==ik:n=I t=q==
roop, gandh, sound and touch) and three gunas be ant=irZ=c=r= G==er=, #=ik:ny=xc= m=h=b=l= çî
protected by naraayani devi. all deseases are cured, poisonous insects bites are cured,
a=y=U rZ=t=u v==r=hI, Q=m=*] rZ=t=u v=E{[=v=I is unaffected by tantric effects, all bad elements do not
y=x=/ k:Iit=*] c= lZm=I] c=, Q=n=] iv=d<y==] c= c=ik>:[=I harm.
g==eF=m=< wnd>=i[= m=e rZ=et=<-p=x=Unm=e rZ= c=i[#ke: g=>hB=Ut=ip=x==c==xc=, y=Z=g=nQ=r<v=-r=Z=s==/
p=uF==n=< rZ=enm=h=lZm=Ir<-B==y==*] rZ=t=u B=Erv=I åî b=>Ér=Z=s=v=et==l=/, kU:{m==[#= B=Erv==dy=/
longevity by vaaraahi devi, dharma by vaishnavi, fame, n=xy=int= dx=*n==t=<t=sy=, k:v=c=e Åid s=]isq=t=e
wealth, vidya by chakrini, gotra by indraani, my animals m==n==eáit=r<B=v=ed< r=Ns=<-t=ej==e-v=&i3k:r] p=rm=<
by chandikaa, children by mahalakshmi, spouse by nothing hurts a person who waers the kavach and
vairavvi. obtains respect from king. this kavach increases teja.
p=nq==n=] s=up=q== rZ=en=<-m==g=*] Z=em=k:rI t=q== y=x=s== v=Q=*t=e s==eCip=, k:Iit=*m=i[#t=B=Ut=le
r=j=8=re m=h=lZm=Ir-<iv=j=y== s=v=*t=/ isq=t== j=p=et=< s=pt=x=t=I] c=[#I], k&:tv== t=u k:v=c=] p=ur=
rZ==hIn=] t=u y=tsq==n=], v=ij=*t=] k:v=c=en= t=u y==v=d<B=Um=[#l] Q=T=e, s=x=El-v=n=-k:=n=n=m=<
t=ts=v= rZ= m=e deiv=, j=y=nt=I p==p=n==ix=n=I t==v=t=<it={@it= m=eidny==], s=]t=it=/ p=uF=p==EiF=k:I
my path by supathaa, maarga by kshemakari, deh=nt=e p=rm=] sq==n=], t=ts=urErip= dul*B=m=<
mahalakshmi protect in court, and vijayadevi protect
p=>=pn==eit= p=uo{==e in=ty=], m=h=m==y==p=>s==dt=/ çç
from all fear. jayantidevi, please protect other parts that
obtains yash and one who reads this before starting to
have not been mentioned, because you are great and
read durgasaptshati flourishes on this earth and obtains
destroy sins.
mukti by the grace of mahamayadevi that is not easy
p=dm=ek:] n= g=c%et=<t=u, y=dIc%e-c%uB=m==CCtm=n=/ even for the devas. reader obtains beautiful divya form
k:v=c=en==v=&t==e in=ty=], y=F= y=F=Ev= g=c%it= and enjoys life with lord shiva.
t=F= t=F==q=*l=B=xc=, iv=j=y=/ s==v=*k:=im=k:/ lB=t=e p=rm=] Op=], ix=v=en= s=h m==edt=e ++ ö++ ++çê++
y=] y=] ic=nt=y=t=e k:=m=], t=] t=] p=>=pn==eit= in=ixc=t=m=< wit= devy==/ k:v=c=] s=mp=U[=*m=<
p=rm=Exv=y=*m=< at=ul], p=>=psy=t=e B=Ut=le p=um==n=<
if one wants to do good to one’s body, then one must not aq==g=*l=st==eF=m=<
go anywhere without reading the kavach mantras. the ö asy= XIag=*l=st==eF=-m=]F=sy= iv={[=uP*i{=/, an=u{!up=< %nd/,
one who is protected by kavach gets wealth, victory,
XIm=h=lZm=Ir<dev=t==, XIj=g=dmb==-p=>Ity=q=e* s=pt=x=t=I-
siddhi and whatever one wants. such a person obtains
incomparable opulence on this earth.
p==@=V<g=tv=en= j=p=e iv=in=y==eg=/ +
in=B=*y==e j==y=t=e m=ty=*/, s=]g=>=m=e{v=< ap=r=ij=t=/ ö n=m=xc=i[#k:=y=E
F=El=eky=e t=u B=v=etp=Ujy=/, k:v=c=en==v=&t=/ p=um==n=< åç m==k*:[#ey= Wv==c=
protected by kavach, one becomes fearless, becomes
ö j=y=nt=I m=V<g=l= k:=lI, B=d>k:=lI k:p==iln=I
victorious in war and is respected in all three worlds. dug==* Z=m== ix=v== Q==F=I, sv==h= sv=Q== n=m==eCst=u t=e
wd] t=u devy==/ k:v=c=], dev==n==m=< aip= dul*B=m=< markandeya ji said: o devi, you are victorious (jayanti),
you are mangala or giver of moksha, you destroy during
y=/ p=@et=< p=>y=t==e in=ty=], iF=s=nQy=] X3y==inv=t=/ pralaya-kaal (kaali), giver of happiness and wealth
dEv=I k:l= B=v=et=<t=sy=, F=El=eky=e{v=< ap=r=ij=t=/ (bhdra kaali), you have kapal in your hands and wear
j=Iv=ed< v={=*x=t=] s==g=>m=<-ap=m=&ty=uiv=v=ij=*t=/ mundmaala (kapalini), remover of obstacle (durga),
this kavach is not easy to get even by devas. one who forgiver, you do good (shiva) to others, you wear
reads this three times daily with devition and according everything (dhatri), you support devas as swaha by
taking yajna offering, and support pitra as swadha by
to vidhi, obtains daivikala, is never defeated anywhere, is
taking tarpan. I bow down to you.
protected from premature death, and lives over 100
j=y= tv=] deiv= c==m=u[#e, j=y= B=Ut==it=*h=iri[=
n=xy=ûnt= vy==Q=y=/ s=v=e*, lUt==ûv=sf:=e!k:=dy=/ j=y= s=v=*g=t=e deiv=, k:=lr=iF= n=m==eCst=u t=e
sq==v=r] j=Vg=<m=] c=Ev=, k&:iF=m=] c==ip= y=i8{=m=< m=Q=ukE:!B=-iv=d>=iv=-iv=Q==t=&v=rde n=m=/
aiB=c==r=i[= s=v==*i[=, m=nF=y=nF==i[= B=Ut=le Op=] deih j=y=] deih y=x==e deih i8{==e j=ih
killer of madhu and kaitabh and giver of vardan to
B=Uc=r=/ K=ec=r=xc=Ev=, j=lj==xc==ep=deix=k:=/ brahmaaji, namaste. give me health, victory, fame….

m=ih{==s=ur-in=r<[==ix=, B=kt==n==] s=uK=de n=m=/ c=t=uB=u*j=e c=t=uv=*k<:F=-s=]st=ut=e p=rm=exv=ir

Op=] deih j=y=] deih y=x==e deih i8{==e j=ih Op=] deih j=y=] deih y=x==e deih i8{==e j=ih
rkt=b=Ij=v=Q=e deiv=, c=[#m=u[#-iv=n==ix=in= o devi with four arms and praised by four mouthed
Op=] deih j=y=] deih y=x==e deih i8{==e j=ih ç Brahmaa ji, give me ..
x=umB=sy=Ev= in=x=umB=sy=, Q=Um=>=Z=sy= c= m=id*in= k&:{[=en= s=]st=ut=e deiv=, x=xv=d<B=kty== s=d=ûmb=ke:
Op=] deih j=y=] deih y=x==e deih i8{==e j=ih Op=] deih j=y=] deih y=x==e deih i8{==e j=ih
vishnu always prais you with devotion, give me ....
v=ûndt==ûV<G=>-y=ug=e deiv=, s=v=*s==EB==gy=-d=iy=in= ihm==c=ls=ut==n==q=-s=]st=ut=e p=rm=exv=ir
Op=] deih j=y=] deih y=x==e deih i8{==e j=ih Op=] deih j=y=] deih y=x==e deih i8{==e j=ih äî
prayed by all having two foot and giver of good luck ....
husband of parvati praise you, o parmeshwari, give me ...
aic=nty=-Op=c=irt=e, s=v=*x=F=u-iv=n==ix=in= wnd>=[=Ip=it=s=d<B==v=-p=Uij=t=e p=rm=exv=ir
Op=] deih j=y=] deih y=x==e deih i8{==e j=ih Op=] deih j=y=] deih y=x==e deih i8{==e j=ih
your form and character cannot be described. you are
husband of sachi, indra, worship you devi, give me ...
destroyer of enemy. …..
n=t=eBy=/ s=v=*d= B=kty==, c=û[#ke: duirt==p=he deiv= p=>c=[#-d=er<d[#-dEty=dp=*-iv=n==ix=in=
Op=] deih j=y=] deih y=x==e deih i8{==e j=ih Op=] deih j=y=] deih y=x==e deih i8{==e j=ih
destroyer of great asuras pride, give me ...
remover of paap, those who bow down with devotion to
your feet give them .... deiv= B=kt=-j=n==ed<d=m=-dT==CCn=nd=edy=eCûmb=ke:
st=uv=d<By==e B=ûkt=p=Uv=*] tv==], c=û[#ke: vy==iQ=n==ix=in= Op=] deih j=y=] deih y=x==e deih i8{==e j=ih
Op=] deih j=y=] deih y=x==e deih i8{==e j=ih âî o devi you always keep on giving great joy to your
devotees. give me ….
remover of all illness, those who do stuti with devotion,
give them …. p=tn=I] m=n==erm==] deih, m=n==ev=&T==n=us==ir[=Im=<
c=û[#ke: s=t=t=] y=e tv==m=< ar<c=y=nt=Ih B=ûkt=t=/ t==ir[=I] dug=*s=]s==r-s==g=rsy= ku:l=ed<B=v==m=<
Op=] deih j=y=] deih y=x==e deih i8{==e j=ih give me a beautiful wife who obeys me who can help me
get out of ocean of the world and is born in a nice family.
o chandike, those who worship you with devotion. give
the one who reads this argala stotra before starting ss,
them …
gets the resuls of ss reading and obtains good amount of
deih s==EB==gy=m=< a=r=egy=], deih m=e p=rm=] s=uK=m=< wealth.
Op=] deih j=y=] deih y=x==e deih i8{==e j=ih wd] st==eF=] p=i@tv== t=u, m=h=st==eF=] p=@en=<n=r/
give me good luck, health and happiness. give me …. s= t=u s=pt=x=t=I-s=]Ky==-v=rm==CCpn==eit= s=mp=d=m=<
iv=Q=eih i8{=t==] n==x=], iv=Q=eih b=lm=ucc=kE:/
Op=] deih j=y=] deih y=x==e deih i8{==e j=ih wit= devy==/ ag=*l=st==eF=] s=mp=U[=*m=< ++ö++äç++
those who are envious of me, destroy them and increase
my strength. give me …. aq= k:Ilk:m=<
iv=Q=eih deiv= k:Dy==[=], iv=Q=eih p=rm==] iXy=m=< ö asy= XIk:Ilk:-m=]F=sy= ix=v= Pi{=/, an=u{!up=< %nd/,
Op=] deih j=y=] deih y=x==e deih i8{==e j=ih XIm=h=s=rsv=t=I dev=t==, XIj=g=dmb==p=>Ity=q=*] s=pt=x=t=I-
do good to me and give me the best wealth of p==@=V<g=tv=en= j=p=e iv=in=y==eg=/ +
knowledge. give me ….
ö n=m=xc=i[#k:=y=E
m==k*:[#ey= Wv==c=
Op=] deih j=y=] deih y=x==e deih i8{==e j=ih âç
o ambike, sur and asur both put their mukut on your feet.
ö iv=x=u3N=n=-deh=y=, iF=v=edIidvy=-c=Z=u{=e
give me…. Xey=/p=>=ipt=-in=im=T==y=, n=m=/ s==em==Q=*Q==ir[=e
iv=d<y==v=nt=] y=x=sv=nt=], lZm=Iv=nt=] j=n=] ku:o markandeyaji said: whose body is pure knowledge, three
vedas are the three eyes, who is for goodness sake, and
Op=] deih j=y=] deih y=x==e deih i8{==e j=ih who wears half moon-mukut on his head, i pray to that
make your devotees scholar, famous, and wealthy and lord Shiva.
give …..
s=v=*m=< At=-i8j==n=Iy==n=<-m=nF==[==m=CiB=k:Ilk:m=<
p=>c=[#-dEty=-dp=*Gn=e, c=i[#ke: p=>[=t==y= m=e
s==eCip= Z=em=m=< av==pn==eit=, s=t=t=] j==py=t=tp=r/
Op=] deih j=y=] deih y=x==e deih i8{==e j=ih one should know and do upasanaa with the s=pt=x=t=Ist==eF=m=<
destroyer of pride of powerful asurs, I am surrendered to
that removes great obstacles (aiB=k:Ilk:m=<) to mantras.
you, give me ….
although one who does japa of other mantras also gets one must do reading clearly and in high tone. why people
results. don’t do ss that gives glory, good luck, health and
is=d<Qy=nty=< Wcc==!n==dIin=, v=st=Uin= s=k:l=ny=ip= wealth, destroys enemies and gives moksha?
At=en= st=uv=t==] dev=I, st==eF=m==F=e[= is=d<Qy=it= Aexv=y=*] y=tp=>s==den=, s==EB==gy==r=egy=s=mp=d/
and they get siddhi and get all desired objects. but those x=F=uh=in=/ p=r=e m==eZ=/, st=Uy=t=e s== n= ik]: j=n=E/
who just worship devi with saptashadi also get devi- wit= devy==/ k:Ilk:st==eF=] s=mp=U[=*m=< ++ö++âå++
n= m=]F==e n==E{=Q=] t=F=, n= ik:iJc=dip= iv=d<y=t=e
iv=n== j==py=en= is=d<Qy=et=, s=v=*m=< Wcc==!n==idk:m=< aq= n=v==r[=iv=iQ=/
they don’t need mantra, herbs and other methods. all is ö Ae] hMI] klI] c==m=u[#=y=E iv=cc=e
done without japa. (Ak: m==l= k:= m==n=is=k: j==p= k:re])
s=m=g=>=[y=ip= is=d<Qy=int=, l=ek:x=V<k:=m=< wm==] hr/ ===============
k&:tv== in=m=nF=y==m==s=, s=v=*m=ev=m=< wd] x=uB=m=< ç i8t=Iy==eCQy==y=/
there was aquestion or doubt about which one, the
(dev=t==a=e] ke: t=ej= s=e dev=I k:= p=>=duB==*v= t=q== m=ih{==s=ur k:I s=en== k:= v=Q=)
saptshadi (ss) or other methods is better. lord shiva said
the former was the best.
ö m=Qy=m=c=irF=sy= iv={[=uP*i{=/, XIm=h=lZm=Id*ev=t==, Wò{[=k<:
st==eF=] v=E c=û[#k:=y==st=u, t=cc= g=upt=] c=k:=r s=/ %nd/, x==k:mB=rI x=ikt=/, dug==* b=Ij=m=< v==y=us=<t=Tv=m=<, y=j=uv=e*d/
s=m==ûpt=r<n= c= p=u[y=sy=, t==] y=q==-v=iáy=nF=[==m=< sv=Op=m=< XIm=h=lZm=Ip=>Ity=q=*] m=Qy=m=c=irF=j=p=e iv=in=y==eg=/ +
lord shiva hid this ss. the punya from reading ss does not
exhaust. such is not the case with other mantra. thus the Qy==n=m=< 19x4
declration of superiority by lord shiva is true. ö aZ=s=>kp=rx=u] g=de{=uku:ilx=], p=5] Q=n=u{ku:û[#k:=]
s==eCip= Z=em=m=< av==pn==eit=, s=v=*m=ev=] n= s=]x=y=/ d[#] x=ûkt=m=Cis=] c= c=m=*, j=lj=] G=[!=] s=ur=B==j=n=m=<+
k&:{[==y==] v== c=t=ud*xy==m=< , a{!my==] v== s=m==iht=/ x=Ul] p==x=s=udx=*n=e c=, dQ=t=I] hst=E/ p=>s=á=CCn=n==]
dd=it= p=>it=g=&h<[==it=, n==ny=q=E{== p=>s=Idit= s=ev=e s=EirB=-m=id*n=Im=< wh, m=h=lZm=I] s=r=ej=-ûsq=t==m=< ++
wtq=]Op=e[= k:Ilen=, m=h=dev=en= k:Iilt=m=< i pray to mahalakshmi sitting on lotus with happy face,
those who do japa of other mantras also is undoubtedly having akshmaala, parash, gada, arrow, bajra, padma,
benefited by ss japa. those who offer everything to devi bow, kundika, danda, shakti, sword, shield, conch, bell,
on 8th or 14th day of dark fortnight and takes back them madu glass, shool, paash and charka in her hands.
as prasad (d=n=p=>it=g=>h[=), devi is pleased. thus shiva has put ‘ö hMI]’ Pi{=ov==c=
this restriction on it.
dev==s=urm=CaB=Ud<y=u3], p=U[=*m=Cbdx=t=] p=ur=
y==e in={k:Il=] iv=Q==y=En==], in=ty=] j=p=it= s=]sfu:!m=< m=ih{=eCs=ur=[==m=CiQ=p=e, dev==n==] c= p=urndre ä
s= is=3/ s= g=[=/ s==eCip=, g=nQ=v==e* j==y=t=e n=r/ rishi said: in ancient time, there was a 100 year war
those who do daily reading as described above, gets between sur and asur. leader of asura was mahishasur
siddhi and becomes p=={=*dg=[= of devi and gandharva. and indra was the leader of devas.
n= c=Ev==py=-!t=s=< t=sy=, B=y=] kv==p=Ih j==y=t=e t=F==Cs=urEr<-m=h=v=Ir<y=E-idv=s=Eny=] p=r=ij=t=m=<
n==p=m=&ty=uv=x=] y==it=, m=&t==e m==eZ=m=< av==pn=uy==t=< âî ij=tv== c= s=k:l=n=< dev==n=< -wnd>=eCB=Un=< m=ih{==s=ur/
travelling anywhere, he has no fear, does not die sura was defeated by asura and mahishasur became
prematurely, and obtains moksha after death. indra.
N=tv== p=>=rBy= ku:v=I*t=, n= ku:v==*[==e iv=n=xy=it= t=t=/ p=r=ij=t== dev==/, p=5y==ein=] p=>j==p=it=m=<
t=t==e N=tv=Ev= s=mp=ám=<-wd] p=>=rBy=t=e b=uQ=E/ p=ursk&:ty= g=t==st=F=, y=F=ex=-g=o#Qv=j==E
therefore, wise ones read keelak and do nishkeelan after being defeated, devas with bramaaji leading, went
before starting to read ss. where Vishnu and shankara was present
s==EB==gy==id c= t=ûtk:ûJc=d< , d&xy=t=e lln==j=n=e y=q==v=&T=] t=y==est=8n=< , m=ih{==s=urc=eû{!t=m=<
t=t=<s=v=*] t=t=<p=>s==den=, t=en= j==py=m=< wd] x=uB=m=< iF=dx==/ k:q=y==m==s=ur<-dev==iB=B=v=-iv=st=rm=< ç
whatever good luck is found in women is due to prasad devas told Vishnu and shiva, in details about the power
of devi ji. therefore one must always do japa of ss. of mahishasur and how devas were defeated and said:
x=n=Est=u j=py=m==n=eCûsm=n=<, st==eF=e s=mp=iT=r< Wcc=kE:/ s=Uy=*end>=gny=-in=lendUn==], y=m=sy= v=o[=sy= c=
B=v=ty=ev= s=m=g=>=ip=, t=t=/ p=>=rBy=m=ev= t=t=< any=e{==] c==iQ=k:=r=n=< s=, sv=y=m=< Av==CiQ=it={@it=
o, lord, mahishasur has become the king of all devas: B=>uv==E c= s=]Qy=y==est=ej=/, Xv=[==v=Cin=lsy= c=
surya, indra, agni, vaayu, moon, yama, varun and other any=e{==] c=Ev= dev==n==], s=mB=v=s=< t=ej=s==] ix=v==
brows from sandhya’s, ears from wind’s, and similarly
sv=g==*n=<-òn=r=k&:t==/ s=v=e*, t=en= dev=g=[== B=uiv= other body parts from other deva’s tej.
iv=c=rint= y=q== m=r<ty==, m=ih{=e[= dur=tm=n== t=t=/ s=m=st=dev==n==], t=ej==er=ix=s=m=ud<B=v==m=<
bad mahishasur has driven all devas out of heaven and t==] iv=l=eky= m=ud] p=>=p=urCm=r= m=ih{==r<idt==/
they are now living in the human world
devas, suffered in the hands of great mahishasur, became
At=8/ k:iq=t=] s=v=*m=<-am=r=iriv=c=ei{!t=m=< very happy by seeing the devi coming out of devas, tej.
x=r[=] v=/ p=>p=á=/ sm==e, v=Q=st=sy= iv=ic=nty=t==m=< x=Ul] x=Ul=i8in={k&:{y=, dd=E t=sy=E ip=n==k:Q=&k<:
I told you all the deeds of asuras, we have now taken c=k>:] c= dT=v==n=< k&:{[=/, s=m=utp==d<y= sv=c=k>:t=/ äî
refuge in you, please think about the means of killing
asuras. x=V<K=] c= v=o[=/ x=ûkt=], dd=E t=sy=E hut==x=n=/
wtq=] in=x=my= dev==n==], v=c==]is= m=Q=us=Udn=/ m==ot==e dT=v==]xc==p=], b==[=p=U[=e* t=q=e{=uQ=I
c=k:=r k:=ep=] x=mB=uxc=, B=>uku:!I-ku:i!l=n=n==E shiva gave shool, vishnu gave a chakra, varun gave a
conch, agni gave power, vayu gave her bows and arrow
hearing the deeds from devas, vishnu and shiva became
full of two tarkash,
angry at asuras and their brows became stretched, mouth
curved. v=j=>m=< wnd>/ s=m=utp==d<y=, ku:ilx==dm=Cr=iQ=p=/
t=t==eCit=k:=ep=p=U[=*sy=, c=ik>:[==e v=dn==t=< t=t=/ dd=E t=sy=E s=hs=>=Z==e, G=[!=m=< Aer=v=t==d< g=j==t=<
in=xc=k>:=m= m=ht=<t=ej==e, b=>É[=/ x=]k:rsy= c= âî k:=ld[#=d<y=m==e d[#], p==x=] c==mb=up=it=r<dd=E
any=e{==] c=Ev= dev==n==], x=k>:=dIn==] x=rIrt=/ p=>j==p=it=xc==Z=m==l=], dd=E b=>É= k:m=[#lum=<
in=g=*t=] s=um=ht=< t=ej=s=<-t=cc=Eky=] s=m=g=c%t= indra gave bajra, and ghanta taken out from the
elephants neck. yamaraj gave danda, varun ave paash,
a great light came out of the mouth of Vishnu when he prajapati gave mala, brahma gave kamandalu.
was angry. similarly, light came out of bodies of s=m=st=r=em=kU:p=e{=u, in=j=rxm=In=< idv==k:r/
Brahmaa, shiva and other devas. and all powers
k:=lxc= dT=v==n=< K=#<g=], t=sy==xc=m=* c= in=m=*lm=<
combined into one.
at=Iv= t=ej=s=/ kU:!], jv=lnt=m=< wv= p=v=*t=m=< Z=Ir=edxc==Cm=l] h=r-m=j=re c= t=q==mb=re
dd&x=ust=e s=ur=st=F=, jv==l=vy==pt=-idg=nt=rm=< c=U#=m=i[=] t=q== idvy=], ku:[#le k:!k:=in= c= äç
all the combined powers looked like a burning mountain aQ=*c=nd>] t=q== x=uB=>], ke:y=Ur=n=< s=v=*b==hu{=u
and the light spread all over. devas saw this. n=Up=ur=E iv=m=l=E t=8d< , g=>Ev=ey=k:m=< an=uT=m=m=<
at=ul] t=F= t=t=<t=ej=/, s=v=*dev=x=rIrj=m=< aV<g=ulIy=k: rtn==in=, s=m=st==-sv=V<g=ulI{=u c=
Ak:sq=] t=dB=Uá=rI, vy==pt=l=ek:F=y=] ûtv={== iv=xv=k:m==* dd=E t=sy=E, p=rx=u] c==it=in=m=*lm=<
the teja coming out of devas bodies was incomparable asF==[y=Cn=ek:Op==i[=, t=q==B=ed<y=] c= d]x=n=m=<
and took the form of a womam and illumined the three aml=n=p=V<k:j==] m==l=], ix=rsy=uris= c==p=r=m=<
surya filled devi with power of his rays, kaal gave sword
y=dB=Uc%=m=<B=v=] t=ej=s=<-t=en==j==y=t= t=nm=uK=m=< and shield, ksheer-sagar gave a white mala and clothes,
y==my=en= c==B=v=n=< ke:x==, b==hv==e iv={[=ut=ej=s== and chudamani, kundal, kada, white half moon, ring and
devi’s mouth came out of shiva’s tej, hair in her head other jewelry. vishvakarma gave her parsha, together
came out of yama’s tej and arms came out of vishnu’s with other weapons, kavach, ever fresh lotus mala
tej. addj=<-j=liQ=s=<t=sy=E, p=V<k:j=] c==it=x==eB=n=m=<
s==Emy=en= st=n=y==er<y=ugm=], m=Qy=] c=End>e[= c==B=v=t=< ihm=v==n=< v==hn=] is=]h], rtn==in= iv=iv=Q==in= c=
v==o[=en= c= j=V<G==eO, in=t=mb=st=ej=s== B=uv=/ âç jaladhi gave her lotus flower, himalaya gave the lion and
both breasts came out of moon’s tej, middle body came other jewels.
out of indra’s tej, thigh from varun’s, and so on. dd=v=x=Uny=] s=ury==, p==n=p==F=] Q=n==iQ=p=/
b=>É[=st=ej=s== p==d=E, t=dV<g=uDy==eCk*:-t=ej=s== x=e{=xc= s=v=*n==g=ex==e, m=h=m=i[=-iv=B=Ui{=t=m=< àî
v=s=Un==] c= k:r=V<g=uDy=/, k:=Eb=ere[= c= n==is=k:= n==g=h=r] dd=E t=sy=E, Q=T=e y=/ p=&iq=v=Iim=m==m=<
foot from brahmaa’s, foot fingers from sun, hand fingers any=Erip= s=urEde*v=I, B=U{=[=Er=y=uQ=Est=q==
from vasu’s, and nose from kubera’s tej.
t=sy==st=u dnt==/ s=mB=Ut==/, p=>=j==p=ty=en= t=ej=s== s=mm==in=t== n=n==d=ecc=E/, s==!<!h=s=] m=uhum=u*hu/
n=y=n=iF=t=y=] j=Ne, t=q== p==v=k:-t=ej=s== t=sy== n==den= G==ere[=, k&:tsn=m==p=Uirt=] n=B=/
teeth from prajapati brahma’s, and three eyes from fire’s.
kuvera gave a potful of wine. sheshanaag who carries ay=ut==n==] x=t=E/ {=#<iB=r<-b=={k:l=e y=uy=uQ=e r[=e
the load of the world, gave her many jewel studded g=j=v==ij=-s=hs=>=EG=ErCn=ekE:/ p=irv==irt=/
naagmala. other devas also gave other weapons and
baashkal joined with 60 lakh chariots. parivaarit came
jewelries. devi laughed and sky vibrated with the sound.
with elephants, horses and one crore chariots.
am==y=t==it=-m=ht==, p=>it=x=bd=e m=h=n=B=Ut=< v=&t==e rq==n==] k:=e!<y== c=, y=u3e t=ûsm=n=<-n=y=uQy=t=
c=Z=uB=u/ s=k:l= l=ek:=/, s=m=ud>=xc= c=k:imp=re ib=#=l=Ky==eCy=ut==n==] c=, p=Jc==x=i4-rq==y=ut=E/
the sound produced by devi was so great that sky was
vidaal came with 5 arab chariots. many other thousands
unable to bear it, the echo of the sound produced great
of asurs started to fight with devi with chariots,
commotion and ocean trembled.
elephants, and horses
c=c==l v=s=uQ== c=elu/, s=k:l=xc= m=hIQ=r=/ y=uy=uQ=e s=]y=ug=e t=F=, rq==n==] p=irv==irt=/
j=y=eit= dev==xc= m=ud=, t==m=Uc=u/ is=]hv==ihn=Im=< any=e c= t=F==y=ut=x==e, rq=-n==g=hy=Er<v=&t==/ åç
earth started to tremble, mountains shooked up. at that
time devas said jai to devi on the lion and prayed with y=uy=uQ=u/ s=]y=ug=e devy==, s=h t=F= m=h=s=ur=/
devotion. k:=ei!k:=ei!-s=hs=>Est=u, rq==n==] dint=n==] t=q==
t=u{!uv=ur<m=un=y=xc=En==], B=ûkt=n=< am=>=tm=m=Ut=*y=/ hy==n==] c= v=&t==e y=u3e, t=F==B=Un=< m=ih{==s=ur/
d&{!<v== s=m=st=] s=]Z=ubQ=], F=El=eky=m=< am=r=ry=/ àç t==em=rEr<iB=ûndp==lEcc=, x=ûkt=iB=r<m=us=lEst=q==
s=á3=iK=l-s=Eny==st=e, s=m=uT=sq=u-od=y=uQ==/ y=uy=uQ=u/ s=]y=ug=e devy==, K=#<g=E/ p=rx=up=û!<!x=E/
a=/ ik:m=< At=d< wit= k>:=eQ==d=CCB=={y= m=ih{==s=ur/ ke:ic=cc= ic=iZ=p=u/ x=kt=I/, ke:ic=t=<p==x==]s=<t=q==p=re
aBy=Q==v=t= t=] x=bdm=<, ax=e{=Er< as=urEr<v=&t=/ mahishasur himself was there with big army. asuras were
s= ddx=* t=t==e dev=I], vy==pt=l=ek:F=y==] ûtv={== fighting with different kinds of weapons. some threw
shakti and rope.
asuras became ready for war after seeing the three worlds
in fear. mahishasur became agry and spoke: what is dev=I] K=#<g=p=>h=rEst=u, t=e t==] hnt=u] p=>c=k>:m=u/
happening? he ran towards the roaring sound of lion and s==ip= dev=I t=t=st==in=, x=sF==[y=CsF==i[= c=û[#k:=
saw devi ji whose light of tej was lighting the three lIly=Ev= p=>ic=c%ed, in=j=x=sF==sF=-v=i{=*[=I
worlds. an==y=st==CCn=n== dev=I, st=Uy=m==n== s=uri{=*iB=/ çî
p==d=k>:=nty== n=t=B=uv=], ik:rI!=eûDD=iK=t==mb=r=m=< m=um==ec==s=urdehe{=u, x=sF==[y=CsF==i[= c=exv=rI
Z==eiB=t==x=e{=p==t==l=], Q=n=ur<jy==in=/sv=n=en= t==m=< s==eCip= k>u:3=e Q=ut=s=!=e, devy== v==hn=ke:s=rI
the earth was pressed by the load of her feet. her mukut
was looking like lines in the sky. the sound of her bow c=c==r=s=urs=Eny=e{=u, v=n=ei{v=v= hut==x=n=/
was frightening seven patals. in=/xv==s==n=< m=um=uc=e y==]xc=, y=uQy=m==n== r[=eCûmb=k:=
idx==e B=uj=s=hs=>e[=, s=m=nt==d< vy==py= s=]ûsq=t==m=< t= Av= s=d<y=/ s=mB=Ut==, g=[==/ x=t=s=hs=>x=/
t=t=/ p=>v=v=&t=e y=u3], t=y== devy== s=uri8{==m=< y=uy=uQ=ust=e p=rx=uiB=r<-iB=indp==l=is=-p=û!<!x=E/
devi stood and covered the entire space with her 1000 others tried to kill devi with sword. devi, filled with
arms, after that war with asuras started. anger, destroyed all the weapons of asura’s by showering
x=sF==sF=Er<b=huQ== m=ukt=Er<-a=dIip=t=-idg=nt=rm=< her arms and ammunition like a play. she was not tired,
devas were praising her and devi was showering
m=ih{==s=urs=en==n=I-ûxc=Z=ur=Ky==e m=h=s=ur/ åî weapons on asurs.
sky was shining with different types of arms and
devi’s lion was also shaking his shoulder and agrily
weapons. powerful chichur was the commander of the
walking in the army of asur like a jungle fire. every
army of asura.
breath of devi produced army of devi’s helpers (Gana)
y=uy=uQ=e c==m=rxc==ny=Ex=<-c=t=urV<g=b=l=ûnv=t=/ and joined devi in the war with different weapons.
rq==n==m=y=ut=E/ {=#<iB=r<-Wdg=>=Ky==e m=h=s=ur/ n==x=y=nt==eCs=urg=[==n=<, dev=Ix=kty=up=-b=&inht==/
he started to fight with devi. chamar also joined the war av==dy=nt= p=!h=n=< , g=[==/ x=V<K==]st=q==p=re
with the four divisions of his army. the great asur udagra
ganas started to destroy the asurs and made noise with
came with 60 thosand chariots.
conch and other instruments.
ay=uQy=t==-y=ut==n==] c=, s=hs=>e[= m=h=hn=u/ m=&dV<g==xc= t=q=Ev==ny=e, t=ûsm=n=< y=u3m=h=ets=v=e
p=Jc==-x=i4xc= in=y=ut=Er<-ais=l=em== m=h=s=ur/ t=t==e dev=I iF=x=Ulen=, g=dy== x=ûkt=v=&û{!iB=/ çç
asur mahahanu started the war with one crore chariots.
asilomaa whose hair was like swords came with 5 crore K=#<g==idiB=xc= x=t=x==e, in=j=G==n= m=h=s=ur=n=<
chariots to fight. p==t=y==m==s= c=Ev==ny==n=< , G=[!=sv=n=-iv=m==eiht==n=<
in the festival of war many ganas were playing
mridangam. devi killed hundreds of big asurs with her
weapons. many became unconscious by the sound of her devas standing in the sky were very happy and started to
ghanta and died. shower flowers.
as=ur=nB=uiv= p==x=en=, b=d<Qv== c==ny==n=Ck:{=*y=t=< s= c= is=]h=e m=h=n==dm=<-Wts=&j=n=<Q=ut=-ke:s=r/
ke:ic=d< i8Q== k&:t==st=IZ[=E/, K=#<g=p==t=Est=q==p=re x=rIreBy==eCm=r=rI[==m=<-as=Uin=v= iv=ic=nv=it=
many asurs were tied with rope and dragged, many were devy== g=[=Exc= t=Est=F=, k&:t=] y=u3] m=h=s=urE/
cut into two pieces with her sharp sword. y=q=E{==] t=ut=u{=ur<dev==/, p=u{p=-v=&û{!m=uc==e idiv= ++ö++êï++
iv=p==eiq=t== in=p==t=en=, g=dy== B=uiv= x=ert=e
v=em=uxc= ke:ic=d>uiQ=r], m=us=len= B=&x=] ht==/ wit= i8t=Iy==eCQy==y=/
ke:ic=iáp=it=t== B=Um==E, iB=á=/ x=Ulen= v=Z=is=
in=rnt=r=/ x=r=EG=e[=, k&:t==/ ke:ic=d>[==ij=re t=&t=Iy==eCQy==y=/
many were hit by gada, got wounded and died. many (s=en==p=it=y==e] s=iht= m=ih{==s=ur k:= v=Q=) 19
started to vomit blood after hit with moosal. some Qy==n=m=<
asuras’s chest were broken with shool and fell dead on ö Wd<y=d<B==n=u-s=hs=>-k:=int=m=Co[=Z==Em==] x=r=em==ilk:=]
the ground. many had broken waist by arrows.
xy=en==n=uk:=ir[=/ p=>=[==n=< , m=um=uc=uûsF=-dx==d*n==/ rkt==ilpt=-p=y==eQ=r=] j=p=v=!I] iv=d<y==m=-B=Iit=] v=rm=< +
ke:{==]ic=d< b==hv=ûx%á=-ûx%á-g=>Iv==s=< t=q==p=re êî hst==bj=Er<-dQ=t=I] iF=n=eF=-iv=ls=-8k<:F==Criv=nd-iXy=]
ix=r=]is= p=et=urCny=e{==-m=ny=e m=Qy=e iv=d=irt==/ dev=I] b=3ihm==]x=u-rtn=m=uku:!=] v=ndeCriv=nd-ûsq=t==m=< ++
iv=ûc%áj=V<G==s=<tv=p=re, p=et=uor<vy==] m=h=s=ur=/ the beauty of the body of jagadamba is equal to the
thousand rising suns. she is wearing red colored sari and
Ak:b==h<v=iZ=c=r[==/, ke:ic=d<devy== i8Q== k&:t==/ wearing mundmaala in the neck. she is having chandana
i%áeCip= c==ny=e ix=ris=, p=it=t==/ p=un=oûtq=t==/ paste on the breasts and having vidya, japamalika,
k:b=nQ== y=y=uQ=ur<devy==, g=&hIt=p=rm==y=uQ==/ abhaya and vara mudra in her hands. her face with three
n=n=&t=uxc==p=re t=F=, y=u3e t=Uy=*ly==iXt==/ eyes is looking very beautiful. she wearing a crown with
asuras who were like eagle to hurt devas, started to die. jewel and moon on her head and sitting on lotus. I
some lost arms, neck, head and some were cut in the worship such a devi with devotion.
middle of the body. some fell on the ground having lost ‘ö hMI]’ Pi{=ov==c= â
thighs. some were torn into two pices by devi by cutting
one arm, eye or leg. some used to get up again after head in=hny=m==n=] t=t=<s=Eny=m=< -av=l=eky= m=h=s=ur/
was chopped off and faught without head with devi with s=en==n=I-òxc=Z=ur/ k:=ep==d<-y=y==E y==e3um=< aq==ûmb=k:=m=<
arms in their hands. some headless asuras were dancing Rishi said: after seeing the army of daitya being
with the tune of the war music. destroyed by devi, commander chichur became very
k:b=nQ==-ûx%á-ix=rs=/, K=#<g=-x=kt=<y=&i{!-p==[=y=/ angry and proceeded to fight with devi.
it={@ it={@eit= B=={=nt==e, dev=Im=ny=e m=h=s=ur=/ s= dev=I] x=rv={=e*[=, v=v={=* s=m=reCs=ur/
p==it=t=E rq=n==g==xv=Er<-as=urExc= v=s=unQ=r= y=q== m=eoig=re/ x=&V<g=], t==ey=v={=e*[= t==ey=d/
a=g=my== s==B=v=t=<t=F=, y=F==B=Uts= m=h=r[=/ êç he started to shower arrows on devi like clouds shower
some headless were running with weapons in their hands rain on the top of mount meru.
and other asuras were telling them to stop and fight with t=sy=ûc%Tv== t=t==e dev=I, lIly=Ev= x=r=etk:r=n=<
devi. the field where war took place were filled with j=G==n= t=urg==n=< b==[=Er<-y=nt==r]] c=Ev= v==ij=n==m=<
dead bodies of asurs, horses, elephants and it was then devi cut his arrows by her arrows and killed his
impossible to walk. horses and driver.
x==ei[=t==EG== m=h=n=d<y=/, s=d<y=st=F= p=>s=us=>uv=u/ ic=c%ed c= Q=n=u/ s=d<y==e, Qv=j=] c==it=s=m=uòc%Mt=m=<
m=Qy=e c==s=ur-s=Eny=sy=, v==r[==s=ur-v==ij=n==m=< iv=vy==Q= c=Ev= g==F=e{=u, i%á-Q=nv==n=m==CCx=ug=E/ ç
big rivers of blood from dead bodies started to flow. she also cut down his high flag and bow immediately and
Z=[=en= t=n=<m=h=s=Eny=m=<-as=ur=[==] t=q==ûmb=k:= pierced his body with arrows.
in=ny=e Z=y=] y=q== v=ûh<n=s=<-t=&[=d=o-m=h=c=y=m=< s=ûc%áQ=nv== iv=rq==e, ht==xv==e ht=s==riq=/
devi destroyed the army of asurs in no time as a fire aBy=Q==v=t= t==] dev=I, K=#<g=c=m=*Q=r=eCs=ur/
destroys big heap of grass and woods. after getting his bows, chariot, horses and driver
the lion also was roaring loudly and shaking the hair on destroyed, asur ran towards devi with sword and shield.
his neck as if taking the life away from the asur’s bodies. is=]hm==hty= K=#<g=en=, t=IZ[=Q==re[= m=UQ=*in=
devi’s gana also fought with asura very well, by which
a=j=G==n= B=uj=e s=vy=e, dev=Im=< apy=it=v=eg=v==n=<
he sruck very hard on the head of lion with his sharp Wg=>=sy=m=< Wg=>v=Iy=*] c=, t=q=Ev= c= m=h=hn=um=<
sword and on the left arm of deviji. iF=n=eF== c= iF=x=Ulen=, j=G==n= p=rm=exv=rI
t=sy==/ K=#<g==e B=uj=] p=>=py=, p=f:=l n=&p=n=ndn= three-eyed parmeshvari killed ugraasya, ugraveerya and
t=t==e j=g=>=h x=Ul] s=, k:=ep==dCo[=l=ec=n=/ mahaahanu daityas with trishool.
the sword broke as it struck devi’s arm., then his eyes ib=#=lsy==is=n== k:=y==t=<-p==t=y==m==s= v=E ix=r/
became red with anger and took shool in his hand duQ=*r] dum=u*K=] c==eB==E, x=rEr<in=ny=e y=m=Z=y=m=< äî
ic=Z=ep= c= t=t=s=< t=t=< t=u, B=d>k:=Dy==] m=h=s=ur/ devi cut the head of bidaal with sword, and durdhara and
j==jv=Dy=m==n=] t=ej==eB=I, riv=-ib=mb=m=< wv==mb=r=t=< durmukh with arrows and sent them to yamaloka.
and he used it on bhadrakali. the shool shined like the Av=] s=]Z=Iy=m==[=e t=u, sv=s=Eny=e m=ih{==s=ur/
sun falling from the sky. m==ih{=e[= sv=Op=e[=, F==s=y==m==s= t==n=< g=[==n=<
d&{!<v== t=d=p=-t=c%ul], dev=I x=Ulm=Cm=uJc=t= thus seeing his army destroyed, mahishasur became
t=c%Ul] x=t=Q== t=en=, n=It=] s= c= m=h=s=ur/ âî buffalo and started to hit devi’s helpers, gana.
seeing the shool coming towards her, devi used her shool k:]=ûxc=t=< t=u[#p=>h=re[=, K=urZ=ep=Es=< t=q==p=r=n=<
by which asur’s shool broke into hundreds pieces,
chichur also was cut into many pieces and died.
l=V<g=Ul-t==i#t==]xc==ny==J=< -%&V<g==By==] c= iv=d=irt==n=<
ht=e t=ûsm=n=< m=h=v=Iy=e*, m=ih{=sy= c=m=Up=t==E v=eg=en= k:=]ûxc=d< ap=r=n=<-n==den= B=>m=[=en= c=
a=j=g==m= g=j==O$x=< -c==m=r-ûsF=dx==r<dn=/ in=/xv==s=-p=v=n=en==ny==n=<, p==t=y==m==s= B=Ut=le
after powerful chichur getting killed, chamar, the he hit ganas with nose, hoof, tail, horns, with sound,
commander of mahishasur, came on elephant and sruck breaths and many other ways.
devi with shakti. in=p==ty= p=>m=q==n=Ik:m=<-aBy=Q==v=t= s==eCs=ur/
s==eCip= x=ûkt=] m=um==ec==q=, devy==st==m=ûmb=k:= d>ut=m=< is=]h] hnt=u] m=h=devy==/, k:=ep=] c=k>e: t=t==eCûmb=k:=
hu]k:=r=iB=ht==] B=Um==E, p==t=y==m==s= in={p=>B==m=< thus defeating the army of devi, he ran to hit lion.
but jagadamba decommissioned shakti with her hunkaar jagadamba became very angry to see this.
and shakti fell on the earth. s==eCip= k:=ep==n=<m=h=v=Iy=*/, K=urZ=u[[=m=hIt=l/
B=gn==] x=ûkt=] in=p=it=t==], d&{!<v== k>:=eQ=s=m=ûnv=t=/ x=&V<g==By==] p=v=*t==n=ucc==n=<-ixc=Z=ep= c= n=n==d c= äç
ic=Z=ep= c==m=r/ x=Ul], b==[=Est=dip= s==ûc%n=t=< powerful mahisasur also became angry and started to dig
seeing the shakti broken, chamar became very angry and the soil with his hoof and started to lift and throw high
used his shool, but devi cut it also with arrows. mountains with his horns and made big noise.
t=t=/ is=]h/ s=m=utp=ty=, g=j=ku:mB==nt=re ûsq=t=/ v=eg=B=>m=[=iv=Z=u[[==, m=hI t=sy= vy=x=Iy=*t=
b==huy=u3en= y=uy=uQ=e, t=en==ecc=E-ûsF=dx==ir[== l=V<g=Ulen==-ht=xc==ûbQ=/, pl=v=y==m==s= s=v=*t=/
earth started to be torn by swinging and ocean started to
devi’s lion jumped on the head of chamar’s elephant and
drown the earth by being hit by his tail.
started to fight forcefully hand to hand with chamar.
y=ud<Qy=m==n==E t=t=st==E t=u, t=sm==n=< n==g==n=< m=hI] g=t==E Q=ut=x=&V<g=iv=iB=á=xc=, K=[#] K=[#] y=y=uG=*n==/
y=y=uQ==t=eCit=s=]rbQ==E, p=>h=rErCit=d=o[=E/ âç xv==s==in=l=st==/ x=t=x==e, in=p=et=ur<-n=B=s==eCc=l=/
being hit by the swinging horn, clods fell apart. and
both of them, while fighting fell down from the elephant
hundreds of mountains strated to fall from the sky by the
and started to fight fiercely with anger.
high wind created by the breathing of daitya.
t=t==e v=eg==t=< K=m=utp=ty=, in=p=ty= c= m=&g==ir[== wit= k>:=eQ=-s=m==Qm==t=Cm==p=t=nt=] m=h=s=urm=<
k:rp=>h=re[= ix=rx=<-c==m=rsy= p=&q=k<:k&:t=m=< d&{!<v== s== c=û[#k:= k:=ep=], t=8Q==y= t=d=k:r=et=<
after that lion jumped up on the sky and while falling he
seeing the angry daitya coming towards her, devi became
hit on the head and head fell out from the body.
very angry to kill him.
Wdg=>xc= r[=e devy==, ix=l=v=&Z==idiB=r<ht=/ s== iZ=ptv== t=sy= v=E p==x=], t=] b=b=nQ= m=h=s=urm=<
dnt=m=uû{!-t=lExc=Ev=, k:r=lxc= in=p==it=t=/ t=ty==j= m==ih{=] Op=], s==eCip= b=3=e m=h=m=&Q=e
udagra also was killed by devi with bolders and trees.
Karaal was also fell on earth after being hit by teeth, t=t=/ is=]h=eCB=v=ts=d<y==e, y==v=t=<t=sy==ûmb=k:= ix=r/
feast and palm. i%n=iT= t==v=tp=uo{=/, K=#<g=p==i[=rCd&xy=t= àî
dev=I k>u:3= g=d=p==t=Ex=<-c=U[=*y==m==s= c==e3t=m=< she tied the powerful daitya with a rope. after being tied
v=={k:l] iB=ûndp==len=, b==[=Est==m=>] t=q==nQ=k:m=< up, he turned into a lion. as soon as jagadamba tried to
cut his head, he showed up as a man with sword.
filled with anger, devi hit and killed uddhat with gada,
vaashkal with bhindipal, taamraand andhak with arrows. t=t= Av==x=u p=uo{=], dev=I ic=c%ed s==y=kE:/
t=] K=#<g=c=m=*[== s==r<Q=], t=t=/ s==eCB=Unm=h=g=j=/
devi immidiately hurt the man with shower of arrows. he devi with divya maharishis. gandharvas started to sing
then turned into an elephant. and and celestial dancers started to dance.
k:re[= c= m=h=is=]h], t=] c=k:{=* j=g=j=* c= t=u{!uv=ust==] s=ur= dev=I], s=h idvy=Er<m=hr<i{=iB=/
k:{=*t=Cst=u k:r] dev=I, K=#<g=en= in=rk&:nt=t= j=g=ur<-g=nQ=r<v=-p=t=y==e, n=n=&t=u-xc==Cps=r=eg=[==/
and started to pull the devi’s lion with his trunk and ++ö++åå++
started to make noise. devi cut the trunk of the elephant wit= t=&t=Iy==eCQy==y=/
with her sword.
t=t==e m=h=s=ur=e B=Uy==e, m==ih{=] v=p=ur=ûsq=t=/ c=t=uq==e*CQy==y=/ 21, 14x4
t=q=Ev= Z==eB=y==m==s=, F=El=eky=] s=c=r=c=rm=< (wnd>=id dev=t==a=e] 8=r= dev=I k:I st=uit=)
he again became a buffalo and started to create fear in the
beings in the three worlds.
t=t=/ k>u:3= j=g=nm==t==, c=û[#k:= p==n=m=< WT=m=m=< ö k:=l=B=>=B==], k:!=Z=ErCirku:l-B=y=d=], m==Eil-b=3endu-reK==]
p=p==E p=un=/ p=un=xc=Ev=, j=h=s==o[=l=ec=n== x=V<K=] c=k>]: k&:p==[=], iF=ix=K=m=<aip= k:rEo8-hnt=I] iF=n=eF==m=< +
then angry mother of the world drank honey and started is=]hsk:nQ==CiQ=O$ª=], iF=B=uv=n=m=< aiK=l], t=ej=s== p=Ury=nt=I]
to laugh and her eyes became red. Qy==y=ed<dug==*] j=y==Ky==], iF=dx=-p=irv=&t==], s=eiv=t==] is=i3k:=m=E/ ++
n=n=d* c==s=ur/ s==eCip=, b=lv=Iy=*m=< ad=e3t=/ her body is like the shyam color of the dark clouds,
iv={==[==By==] c= ic=Z=ep=, c=û[#k:=] p=>it= B=UQ=r=n=< àç she creates fear in the heart of enemies by her side-look,
daitya was mad with power and started to make a great has moon on her head, wears sankh, charka, sword and
noise.and started to throw big bolders on devi with his trishool in her hands, has three eyes, riding on the lion,
horns. and lighting the three worlds with her light. she is
s== c= t==n=< p=>iht==]st=en=, c=U[=*y=nt=I x=r=etk:rE/ worshipped by those who desire siddhi, she is
Wv==c= t=] m=d=ed<Q=Ut=-m=uK=r=g==ku:l=Z=rm=< surrounded by devas, let us meditate on jaya named
at that time, her mouth became red and her voice was
choked due to wine. she was breaking the boulders with ‘ö hMI]’ Pi{=ov==c= â
her arrows and said: x=k>:=dy=/ s=urg=[== in=ht=eCit=v=Iy=e*
devy=uv==c= àë t=ûsm=n=< dur=tm=in= s=ur=irb=le c= devy== +
g=j=* g=j=* Z=[=] m=U$, m=Q=u y==v=t=< ip=b==my=hm=< t==] t=u{!uv=u/ p=>[=it=-n=m=>ix=r=e-Q=r=]s==
m=y== tv=iy= ht=eCF=Ev=, g=ij=*{y=n=< ty==x=u dev=t==/ v==ûgB=/ p=>h{=*-p=ulk:=ed<g=m=-c==odeh=/ ++ ä++
o, stupid one, you make noise for a while till I drink rishi said: after defeating the forces of very powerful and
Madhu. devas will soon rejoice also after you will be wicked mahishasur by devi, indra and other devas bowed
killed by me. their head to devi and started to pay homage to devi by
Pi{=ov==c= àï good words. at that time, their beautiful body heir was
Av=m=< Wktv== s=m=utp=ty=, s==CCO$= t=] m=h=s=urm=< standing on end due to happiness.
p==den==k>:my= k:[@e c=, x=Ulen=En=m=-t==#y=t=< åî devy== y=y== t=t=m=< wd] j=g=d=tm=-x=kty==
rishi said: having said thus, devi jumped and mounted
herself on the daitya. pressed him with her feet and in=xx=e{=-dev=g=[=-x=ûkt=-s=m=Uh-m=Uty==* +
struck his throat with shool. t==m=< aûmb=k:=m=< aiK=ldev=-m=hi{=*p=Ujy==]
t=t=/ s==eCip= p=d=CCk>:=nt=s=<-t=y== in=j=m=uK==t=< t=t=/ B=kty== n=t==/ sm= iv=dQ==t=u x=uB==in= s== n=/ ++à
aQ=*in={k>:=nt= Av==s=Id< , devy== v=Iy=e*[= s=]v=&t=/ deva said: who is the power of all devas, who is present
being pressed by her feet, asur started to come out in by her power in the entire world, who is worshipped by
another form out of his mouth. he was halfway out, then all devas, we bow down with devotion to that ambika
devi stopped him from her power. devi. may she bless us all.
aQ=*in={k>:=nt= Av==s==E, y=uQy=m==n==e m=h=s=ur/ y=sy==/ p=>B==v=m=< at=ul] B=g=v==n=< an=nt==e
t=y== m=h=is=n== devy==, ix=rûx%Tv== in=p==it=t=/ b=>É= hrxc= n=ih v=kt=um=l] b=l] c= +
asur started to fight with devi even he was half way out. s== c=û[#k:=iK=l-j=g=t=<p=irp==ln==y=
devi then cut out his head with a big sword
n==x==y= c==Cx=uB=-B=y=sy= m=it=] k:r=et=u ++å
t=t==e h=h=k&:t=] s=v=*], dEty=s=Eny=] n=n==x= t=t=< lord shesha, Brahmaa, and mahadevji is unable to
p=>h{=*] c= p=r] j=gm=u/, s=k:l= dev=t==g=[==/ describe the uncomparable power. that chandika devi
all the army of daitya started to fly away making a great consider to take care and remove fear from the whole
noise and devas bacame very happy. devas prayed to world.

y== XI/ sv=y=] s=uk&:it=n==] B=v=n=e{v=ClZm=I/ m=eQ==is= deiv= iv=idt==iK=l-x==sF=s==r=

p==p==tm=n==] k&:t=iQ=y==] Ådy=e{=u b=ui3/ + dug==*is= dug=*B=v=s==g=r-n==Ers=V<g== +
X3= s=t==] ku:lj=n=-p=>B=v=sy= ljj== XI/ kE:!B==ir-Ådy=Ek:-k&:t==iQ=v==s==
t==] tv==] n=t==/ sm= p=irp==ly= deiv= iv=xv=m=< ++ ç g==ErI tv=m=ev= x=ix=-m==Eilk&:t=-p=>it={@= ++
the one who resides as lakshami in the house of pious, as you are the intellect by which one knows all the
poverty in the sinful, as buddhi in the pure hearted, as scriptures. you are durgadevi who is like a boat to save
faith in good ones, and as shame in good family, we bow us from the ocean of the world. you are detached. you
down to her. please take care of the entire world. reside in the heart of the enemy of kaitabha,Vishnu ji, as
lakshami as well as you are respected by shivaji as gauri.
ik:] v=[=*y==m= t=v= Op=m=< aic=nty=m=< At=t=<
ik:] c==it=v=Iy=*m=< as=urZ=y=k:=ir B=Uir + w*{=t=< s=h=s=m=Cm=l] p=irp=U[=*c=nd>-
ik:] c==hv=e{=u c=irt==in= t=v==d<B=ut==in= ib=mb==n=uk:=ir k:n=k:=eT=m=-k:=ûnt=-k:=nt=m=< +
s=v=e*{=u devy=s=ur-dev=g=[==idke:{=u ++ aty=<ad<B=ut=] p=>Åt=Cm==t=< t=o{== t=q==ip=
o devi, how can i describe your undescribable form, great v=k<:F=] iv=l=eky= s=hs== m=ih{==s=ure[=++
power to destroy the asur and your wonderful character your nirmal face with smile is so beautiful like the full
you showed to all daitya and devas during the battle with moon. it is wonder that mahishasur got angry by seeing
sur and asur. you and started to attack you.
het=u/ s=m=st=j=g=t==] iF=g=u[==ip= d=e{=Er< d&{!<v== t=u deiv= ku:ip=t=] B=>uku:!I-k:r=lm=<-
n= N=y=s=e hirhr=id-iB=rCpy=p==r= + Wd<y=-c%x==V<k:-s=d&x=-c%iv= y=á s=d<y=/ +
s=v==*Xy==CiK=lm=< wd] j=g=d]x=B=Ut=m=< p=>=[==n=<m=um==ec= m=ih{=s=<t=dCt=Iv= ic=F=]
avy==k&:t== ih p=rm== p=>k&:it=s=<-tv=m==d<y== ++ kE:j=I*vy=t=e ih ku:ip=t==nt=k:-dx=*n=en= ++
you are the origin of everything in the word. three gunas it is even more wonderful that by looking at the same
are in you, yet you are not affected by them. lord Vishnu face, filled with anger became red like the rising moon,
and mahadv ji cant even know you. you are the refuge of mahishasur did not die. who can remain alive by seeing
all and whole world is a part of you, because you are the angry yamaraj?
origin of all, known as adi prakriti.
deiv= p=>s=Id p=rm== B=v=t=I B=v==y=
y=sy==/ s=m=st=s=urt== s=m=udIrC[=en= s=d<y==e iv=n==x=y=is= k:=ep=v=t=I ku:l=in= +
t=&ûpt=] p=>y==it= s=k:le{=u m=K=e{=u deiv= + iv=N=t=m=< At=d-Q=un=Ev= y=dst=m=et=n=<
sv==h=is= v=E ip=t=&g=[=sy= c= t=&ûpt=het=ur< n=It=] b=l] s=uiv=p=ul] m=ih{==s=ursy= ++âå++
Wcc==y=*s=e tv=m=t= Av= j=n=E/ sv=Q== c= ++è++ o, devi, be pleased. world prospers when you are pleased
you are the swaha, uttering which devas are pleased. you and is immediately destroyed when you become angry.
are the swadha the cause of pleasing the ancestors. as we have seen that huge army of mahishasur was
destroyed in no time.
y== m=uûkt=het=urCiv=ic=nty=-m=h=v=>t== tv=m=<-
aBy=sy=s=e s=uin=y=t=eûnd>y=-t=Tv=s==rE/ + t=e s=mm=t== j=n=p=de{=u Q=n==in= t=e{==]
m==eZ==r<iq=iB=r<-m=uin=iB=rst=-s=m=st=-d=e{=Er< t=e{==] y=x==]is= n= c= s=Idit= Q=m=*v=g=*/ +
iv=d<y==is= s== B=g=v=t=I p=rm== ih deiv= ++ Q=ny==st= Av= in=B=&t==tm=j=-B=&ty=d=r=
you are the supreme knowledge that is the means of y=e{==] s=d=CBy=udy=d= B=v=t=I p=>s=á= ++ âç
moksha, which is faultless, and practiced by those who the person with whom you are happy becomes rich,
have control over the senses and are desirous of moksha famous, respectable, and religious with healthy family
x=bd=ûtm=k:= s=uiv=m=lrCgy=j=u{==] in=Q==n=m=<-
Wd<g=Iq=rmy=-p=dp==@v=t==] c= s==mn==m=< + Q=my==*i[= deiv= s=k:l=in= s=dEv= k:m==*-
dev=I F=y=I B=g=v=t=I B=v=B==v=n==y= [y=t=<y==d&t=/ p=>it=idn=] s=uk&:t=I k:r=eit= +
v==t==* c= s=v=*j=g=t==] p=rm==it=*hnF=I ++âî sv=g=*] p=>y==it= c= t=t==e B=v=t=Ip=>s==d=-
you are the word. you are the source of very pure rig, Dl=ek:F=y=eCip= f:ld= n=n=u deiv= t=en= ++
yajur and melo-dious saam veda. you are the three Vedas it is by your grace that that righteous person does right
and bhagavati with six opulances. you are in the form of work daily and goes to heaven. you are the giver of
occupations to support the world. you destroy the whatever one needs in the three worlds.
troubles in the world.

dug=e* sm=&t== hris= B=Iit=m=< ax=e{=j=nt==e/ F==t=] tv=y== s=m=r-m=UQ=*in= t=eCip= htv== +
sv=q=E/ sm=&t== m=it=m=Ct=Iv= x=uB==] dd=is= + n=It== idv=] irp=ug=[== B=y=m=Cpy=-p==st=m=<
d=ird<y=*du/K=B=y=h=iri[= k:= tv=dny== asm==k:m=< Wnm=dCs=ur=irB=v=] n=m=st=e ++äà
s=v==e*p=k:=r-k:r[==y= s=d=CCd*>ic=T== ++âë++ you have saved the world by killing asurs, sent asuras to
o, durga maa, you remove the fear by just remembering heaven, and removed our fear from sauras. namaste.
your name and give good intellect to healthy people. x=Ulen= p==ih n==e deiv=, p==ih K=#<g=en= c==imb=ke: +
there is nobody other than you who removes poverty, G=[!=sv=n=en= n=/ p==ih, c==p=jy==-in=/sv=n=en= c= ++äå
unhappiness, and fear and always ready to help (dy==d>*)
p=>=cy==] rZ= p=>t=Icy==] c=, c=û[#ke: rZ= diZ=[=e +
B=>=m=[=en==tm=-x=Ulsy=, WT=rsy==] t=q=exv=ir ++
AiB=r<-ht=Er<-j=g=d< Wp=Eit= s=uK=] t=q=Et=e o devi, protect us from your shool, ambike protect us
ku:v=*nt=u n==m= n=rk:=y= ic=r=y= p==p=m=< + from your sword, and protect us from your sound of the
s=]g=>=m=-m=&ty=um=< aiQ=g=my= idv=] p=>y==nt=u bows and bells. o chandike, protect us from east, west,
and south. o ishvari protect us with your trishool from
m=tv=eit= n=Un=m=<Ciht==n=< iv=in=h]is= deiv= ++ north side.
though these sinful deserve to live in hell for a long time, s==Emy==in= y==in= Op==i[=, F=El=eky=e iv=c=rint= t=e +
yet for the benefit of the world you kill them in order that
they may go to heaven. y==in= c==ty=q=*-G==er=i[=, t=E rZ==-sm==ns=<t=q== B=uv=m=< ++
K=#<g=x=Ul-g=d=dIin=, y==in= c==sF==i[= t=eCimb=ke: +
d&{!<v=Ev= ik:] n= B=v=t=I p=>k:r=eit= B=sm= k:rp=Dlv=-s=V<g=Iin=, t=Ersm==n=< rZ= s=v=*t=/ ++äë++
s=v==*Cs=ur=n=Cir{=u y=t=<p=>ih[==ei{= x=sF=m=< + protect us and the world by your both good and bad roop.
l=ek:=n=< p=>y==nt=u irp=v==eCip= ih x=sF=p=Ut== protect us with all the weapons in your hands in
wtq=] m=it=r<B=v=it= t=e{v=ip= t=eCit=s==Qv=I ++ everyway.
why don’t you just burn asuras out by your look, why do Pi{=ov==c= äè
you kill them? because you want them to go to heaven by Av=] st=ut== s=urEr<idvy=E/, ku:s=um=Er<-n=ndn==ed<B=v=E/ +
touch of your weapons. thus you are very kind to them aic=*t== j=g=t==] Q==F=I, t=q== g=nQ==n=ulep=n=E/ ++ äï
B=kty== s=m=st=E-ûsF=dx=Er<-idvy=Er<-Q=Up=Est=u Q=Uip=t== +
K=#<g=-p=>B==in=k:r-iv=sfu:r[=Es=<-t=q==eg=>E/ p=>=h p=>s==d-s=um=uK=I, s=m=st==n=< p=>[=t==n=< s=ur=n=< àî
x=Ul=g=>-k:=ûnt=-in=v=hen= d&x==eCs=ur=[==m=< + thus devas worshipped devi with flowers and chandan
y=n=<n==g=t== iv=ly=m=< a]x=um=-idnduK=[#- from nandan forest, dhoop etc. then devi became very
y==egy==CCn=n=] t=v= iv=l=ek:y=t==] t=det=t=< ++äî happy and said to all devas:
asuras eyes were not destroyed by your shining weapons, devy=uv==c= àâ
because their eyes were looking at your beautiful face. iv=>y=t==] iF=dx==/ s=v=*e, y=dCsm=t=<t==eCiB=v==ûJ%t=m=<
dur<v=&T=-v=&T=x=m=n=] t=v= deiv= x=Il] all of you ask from me whatever you want from me.
op=] t=q=Et=d-iv=ic=nty=m=< at=uDy=m=ny=E/ + dev== ~c=u/ àà
v=Iy=]* c= hnt=& Åt=dev=-p=r=k>:m==[==] B=g=v=ty== k&:t=] s=v=*] , n= ik:]ic=d< av=ix={y=t=e ++
v=Eir{v=ip= p=>k:i!t=Ev= dy== tv=y=etq=m=< ++ y=dy=] in=ht=/ x=F=ur<-asm==k:] m=ih{==s=ur/ ++àå
your nature, cures ill nature of the wicked, it cannot be y=id c==ip= v=r=e dey=s=<- tv=y==-sm==k:] m=hexv=ir àç
thought of or compared. your power can destroy asurs you have satisfied all our desires, nothing more to ask
who once conqured the devas. thus you have been also now, because you killed our great enemy mahishasur. but
kind to enemies. if you want us to ask something.
s=]sm=&t== s]=sm=&t== tv=] n==e, ih]s=eq==/ p=rm==p=d/ +
ke:n==ep=m== B=v=t=u t=eCsy= p=r=k>:m=sy= y=xc= m=ty=*/ st=v=EreiB=s=<-tv==] st==e{y=ty=-m=l=n=n=e ++àê
Op=] c= x=F=uB=y=-k:=y=*it=h=ir ku:F= + t=sy= iv=T=i3*-iv=B=v=Er<-Q=n=d=r=id s=mp=d=m=< +
ic=T=e k&:p== s=m=r-in={@urt== c= d&{!= v=&3y=eCsm=t=<p=>s=á= tv=], B=v=eq==/ s=v=*d=ûmb=ke: àë
tv=y=<y=ev= deiv= v=rde B=uv=n=F=y=eCip= ++ää please remove our problems by your darshan whenever
your power cannot be compared and nobody has such a we remember you. and whosoever worships you with
beautiful, as well as fearful to asura, face. kindness and these mantras, give them wealth, prosperity, fame, good
harshness in battle both can be in you only in the world. wife and be happy with us and help people.
F=ED==eky=m=< At=dCûK=l] irp=un==x=n=en=

Pi{=ov==c= àè ku:ûJj=k:=p==@m==F=e[=, dug==*p==@f:l] lB=et=< +

wit= p=>s==idt== dev=Er<-j=g=t==eCq=e* t=q==CCtm=n=/ + ait= g=uHy=t=r] deiv=, dev==n==m=ip= dul*B=m=< ++à
t=q=ety=uktv== B=d>k:=lI, b=B=Uv==nt=r<iht== n=&p= ++ g==ep=n=Iy=] p=>y=tn=en=, sv=y==ein=r< wv= p==v=*it= +
wty=et=t=<k:iq=t=] B=Up=, s=mB=Ut== s== y=q== p=ur= + m==r[=] m==ehn=] v=xy=], st=mB=n==e-cc==!n==idk:m=< +
dev=I dev=x=rIreBy==e, j=g=t=<F=y=iht=Ei{=[=I ++åî p==@m==F=e[= s=]is=d<Qy=eet=< , ku:ûJj=k:=st==eF=m=< WT=m=m=< ++å
Rishi said: o, king, devi was pleased with the prayers of aq= m=nF=/
devas and disappeard after granting their wishes. thus i
told you how devi who wishes to do good to people,
ö Ae] hMI] klI] c==m=u[#=y=E iv=cc=e ++ ö gl=EE] hu] klI] j=U] s=/
appeared from the body of devas. jv==ly= jv==ly= jv=l jv=l p=>jv=l p=>jv=l
p=un=xc= g==ErIdeh=ts==, s=m=ud<B=Ut== y=q==B=v=t=< + Ae] hMI] klI] c==m=u[#=y=E iv=cc=e jv=l h] s=] l] Z=]
v=Q==y= du{!dEty==n==], t=q== x=umB=in=x=umB=y==e/ ++
rZ=[==y= c= l=ek:=n==], dev==n==m=< Wp=k:=ir[=I +
f:!< sv==h=
t=c%&[=u{v= m=y==CCKy==t=], y=q==v=t=<k:q=y==im= t=e ++ ++ wit= m=nF=/ +
n=m=st=e od>Oip=[y=E, n=m=st=e m=Q=um=id*in= +
hMI] ö++åä++ n=m=/ kE:!B=h=ir[y=eE, n=m=st=e m=ih{==r<idin= ++â
Now hear from me how devi, who helps devas, appeared
from the body of gauridevi to kill shumbha-nishumbha n=m=st=e x=umB=hnFy=E c=, in=x=umB==s=ur-G==it=in= ++ä
and protect the world. hear all these from me, I will j==g=>t=] ih m=h=deiv=, j=p=] is=3] ku:o{v= m=e +
describe them properly. Ae]k:=rI s=&û{!Op==y=E, hMI]k:=rI p=>it=p==ilk:= ++à
wit= c=t=uq==*eCQy==y=/ klI]k:=rI k:=m=Oip=[y=E, b=Ij=Op=e n=m==eCst=u t=e +
c==m=u[#= c=[#G==t=I c=, y=Ek:=rI v=rd=iy=n=I ++å
Z=m==-p=>=q=*n== iv=cc=e c==B=y=d= in=ty=], n=m=st=e m=nF=Oip=i[= ++ç
ap=r=Q=-s=hs=>=ò[=, ik>:y=nt=e ahr< in=x=] m=y== + Q==] Q=I] Q=U] Q=Uj=*!e/ p=tn=I, v==] v=I] v=U] v==g=Q=Ixv=rI +
d=s==eCy=m=< wit= m==] m=tv==, Z=m=sv= p=rm=exv=rI ++ k>:=] k>:I] k>]:U k:=ilk:= deiv=, x==] x=I] x=U] m=e x=uB=] ku:o++
a=v==hn=] n= j==n==im=, n= j==n==im= iv=s=j=*n=m=< + hu] hu] hu]k:=r-Oip=[y=E, j=] j=] j=] j=mB=n==idn=I +
p=Uj==] c=Ev= n= j==n==im=, Z=my=t==] p=rm=exv=rI ++ B=>=] B=>I] B=>U] B=Erv=I B=d>e, B=v==ny=E t=e n=m==e n=m=/ ++ë
m=]F=hIn=] ik>:y==hIn=], B=ûkt=hIn=] s=urexv=rI +
y=t=<p=Uij=t=] m=y== deiv=, p=irp=U[=*] t=dst=u m=e ++ a] k]: c=] !] t=] p=] y=] x=] v=I] du] Ae] v=I] h] Z=]
ap=r=Q=x=t=] k&:tv==, j=g=dmb=eit= c==ecc=ret=< + iQ=j==g=>] iQ=j==g=>] F==e!y= F==e!y=, dIpt=] ku:o ku:o sv==h= ++
y==] g=it=] s=m=v==pn==eit=, n= t==] b=>É=dy=/ s=ur=/ ++ p==] p=I] p=U] p==v=*t=I p=U[==*, K==] K=I] K=U] K=ec=rI t=q== ++è
s==p=r=Q==eCûsm= x=r[=], p=>=pt=s=<tv==] j=g=dûmb=ke: +
wd=n=Im=< an=uk:mpy==eCh], y=q=ec%is= t=q== ku:o ++ç s==] s=I] s=U] s=pt=x=t=I devy==, m=nF=is=i3] ku:o{v= m=e ++ï
wd] t=u ku:ûJj=k:=st==eF=], m=nF=j==g=r<it=het=v=e +
aN=n==-i8sm=&t=er<-B=>=nty==, y=n=<ny=Un=m=CiQ=k]: k&:t=m=< +
aB=kt=e n=Ev= d=t=vy=], g==eip=t=] rZ= p==v=*it= ++âî
t=ts=v= Z=my=t==] deiv=, p=>s=Id p=rm=exv=rI ++
y=st= ku:ûJj=k:y== deiv=, hIn==] s=pt=x=t=I] p=@et=< +
k:=m=exv=ir j=g=nm==t=/, s=ûcc=d=n=nd iv=g=>he +
g=&h=[==CCr<c==m=< wm==] p=>Ity==, p=>s=Id p=rm=exv=rI ++ n= t=sy= j==y=t=e is=ò3rCr[y=e r=edn=] y=q== ++ââ++
g=uHy==it=-g=uHy=-g==epF=I tv=], g=&h=[==-sm=t=<k&:t=] j=p=m=< +
is=i3B=*v=t=u m=e deiv=, tv=t=<p=>s==d=t=< s=urexv=ir++è wit= XIod>y==m=le g==ErIt=nF=e ix=v=p==v=*t=Is=]v==de
ku:ûJj=k:=st==eF=] s=mp=U[=*m=<
++ ö t=ts=t=< ++
ix=v= Wv==c=
x=&[=u deiv= p=>v=Zy==im=, ku:ûJj=k:=st==eF=m=< WT=m=m=< +
y=en= m=nF=p=>B==v=e[=, c=[#Ij==p=/ x=uB==e B=v=et=< ++
n= k:v=c=] n==g=*l=st==eF=], k:Ilk:] n= rhsy=k:m=< +
n= s=Ukt=] n==ip= Qy==n=] c=, n= ny==s==e n= c= v==c=*n=m=< ++

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