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Philosophy is belief system.

Veda: any of the four collections forming the earliest body of Indian scripture , which codified the ideas
and practices of Vedic religion & laid down the basis of classical Hinduism. Composed between 1500-700
b.c contains hymns, philosophy and guidance on ritual.

Veda= sacred knowledge.

Rigveda= knowledge of the hymns of praise for recitation.

Samaveda= knowledge of the melodies for chanting.

Yajurveda= knowledge of the sacrificial formulas for performance of rituals and ceremonies.

Atharvaveda=knowledge of the magical formulas, esoteric knowledge, tantra, ayurveda.

Vedas are considered revelations by ancient sages after intense meditation.

Each vedahas been sub classified into 4 major text types

a) Samhitas: mantras and benedictions

b) Aranyakas: Texts on rituals, ceremonies, sacrifice.
c) Brahmanas: commentaries on rituals.
d) Upanishads: texts discussing meditation, philosophy, spiritual knowledge.

Upanishads are part of Vedas that contain some of the central philosophical concepts and ideas
of Hinduism, some of which are shared with Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. Upanishads played
an important role in the development of spiritual ideas in ancient India, marking the transition
from Vedic ritualism to new ideas and institutions. Of all Vedic literature, Upanishads and their
central idea is the spiritual core of Hinduism.

1) Brahmacharyashram 4-25 years – student

2) Grihastashram 26-50 years- householder
3) Vanaprasthashram 51-75 seclusion
4) Sanyaashram 76-? Monkhood

Swami sivananda – bio in brief.

Yoga for common people
Yoga for women.
Sri yogendraji- achievements.
5 points of yoga
1) Proper exercise: exercise is systematic focused physical movement, which helps you
grow and heal your body without any negative effect.
2) Proper breathing
3) Proper diet: food that body accepts and processes without side effects .everything we
absorb is diet.
4) Proper relaxation: rest of 5 senses.
5) Positive thinking.

Brahman= universe
Atman= soul
Upadhi= identity
Maya= illusion
Avidya= ignorance/ wrong knowledge
Gyan= knowledge.
Ego= idea of self.
Pre conceived ideas, lack of discipline, and lack of proper guidance.

3 students
Tamasic: lot of ego, full of ideas. No knowledge, wants to learn to impress/ gain power.
Does not trust. No hard work, quick results. Hates structure and discipline.

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