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ISSN 0103-5150

Fisioter. Mov., Curitiba, v. 28, n. 1, p. 23-30, Jan./Mar. 2015

Licenciado sob uma Licença Creative Commons


Effect of cryotherapy on the ankle temperature in

athletes: ice pack and cold water immersion


Efeito da crioterapia na temperatura do tornozelo

de atletas: pacote de gelo e crioimersão


Vanessa Batista da Costa Santos, Camila dos Santos Cardoso, Camila Pelegrin Figueiredo,
Christiane de Souza Guerino Macedo*

Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL), Londrina, PR, Brazil


Introduction: Cryotherapy is often used for rehabilitation of injured athletes. Objective: To compare the ef-
fectiveness of ice pack (IP) and cold water immersion (CWI) on lowering the ankle skin surface temperature
in athletes. Materials and methods: Thirteen athletes (seven women and six men), age 19.53 (± 2.9) years.
IP and CWI were applied on the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) of the dominant leg for 30 minutes. The
skin surface temperature was measured with an infrared digital thermometer prior to the application and
during cryotherapy (10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 minutes) and up to two hours of rewarming. During rewarming,
the athletes remained at rest and the temperature was measured every 1 minute until 10 minutes, every 5
minutes for up to an hour and every 15 minutes until 2 hours. Results: The two types of cold application
were effective in lowering the skin surface temperature after the 30-minute procedure. Significant differ-
ences were observed among the following temperatures: pre-application (IP = 29.8 ± 2.4 °C and CWI = 27.5 ±
3 °C – P < 0.05); after 30 minutes (IP = 5 ± 2.4 °C and CWI = 7.8 ± 3 °C – P < 0.01). For rewarming, after 25

* VBCS: MSc, e-mail:

CSC: Grad., e-mail:
CPF: Spec., e-mail:
CSGM: PhD, e-mail:

Fisioter Mov. 2015 Jan/Mar;28(1):23-30

Santos VBC, Cardoso CS, Figueiredo CP, Macedo CSG.

minutes (IP = 20.8 ± 3.3 °C and CWI = 18.2 ± 2.7 °C – P < 0.04); after 45 minutes (IP = 24.5 ± 2.3 °C and IP =
22.1 ± 3.5 °C – P < 0.05); after 75 minutes (IP = 26.4 ± 2.2 °C and CWI = 24 ± 2.7 °C – P < 0.02). Conclusion:
After the 30-minute application, both IP and CWI produced the appropriate temperature; however the ap-
plication of CWI produced the lowest temperature during rewarming.

Keywords: Cryotherapy. Physiotherapy modalities. Ankle. Athletes.


Introdução: A crioterapia é frequentemente utilizado para reabilitação de atletas lesionados. Objetivo:
Objetivou-se comparar a eficácia da aplicação do pacote de gelo convencional (PG) em relação à crioimer-
são (CI) na diminuição da temperatura superficial da pele do tornozelo de atletas. Materiais e métodos:
A amostra foi composta por 13 atletas (sete do gênero feminino e seis do masculino), idade de 19,53 (± 2,9) anos.
O PG e a CI foram aplicados sobre o ligamento talofibular anterior do tornozelo dominante, por 30 minutos.
A temperatura superficial da pele foi verificada pré-aplicação e durante a crioterapia (10, 15, 20, 25 e 30 mi-
nutos) e até duas horas de reaquecimento, com termômetro digital infravermelho. Para as coletas no período
de reaquecimento, os atletas permaneceram em repouso, com temperatura verificada a cada 1 minuto, até 10
minutos, a cada 5 minutos, até uma hora, e a cada 15 minutos, até duas horas. Resultados: As duas formas de
aplicação de crioterapia apresentaram efetividade para a redução da temperatura superficial da pele, após os
30 minutos de procedimento. Na comparação entre os grupos, houve diferença significativa nas temperaturas:
pré-aplicação (PG = 29,8 ± 2,4 °C e CI = 27,5 ± 3 °C – P < 0,05); e ao fim de 30 minutos (PG = 5 ± 2,4 °C e CI = 7,8 ±
3 °C – P < 0,01). Para o reaquecimento, encontrou-se: após 15 minutos (PG = 20,8 ± 3,3 °C e CI = 18,2 ± 2,7 °C –
P < 0,04); após 45 minutos (PG = 24,5 ± 2,3 °C e CI = 22,1 ± 3,5°C – P < 0,05); após 75 minutos (PG = 26,4 ±
2,2 °C e CI = 24 ± 2,7 °C – P < 0,02). Conclusão: Concluiu-se que, ao final dos 30 minutos de aplicação, PG e CI
alcançaram a temperatura adequada para os benefícios da crioterapia, porém a crioimersão obteve menor
temperatura no período de reaquecimento. [K]

Palavras-chave: Crioterapia. Modalidades de fisioterapia. Tornozelo. Atletas.

Introduction superficial tissues, accompanied by a reduction

in the speed of nerve conduction, muscle cramp,
Cryotherapy has been used in elite and amateur muscle activity levels of metabolic enzymes, inhi-
athletes to treat acute musculoskeletal injuries and bition of nociceptors (4) and reduced local blood
to assist an athlete's recovery after strenuous exercise. flow (5). Considering the pathophysiology of the
The pathophysiology of soft tissue injuries is char- soft tissue injuries, it was found that cryotherapy
acterized by high cellular metabolism, hemorrhage, reduces the inflammatory reaction after trauma
hyperemia, edema and local inflammation (1). It also (6), slows the formation of edema (7), reduces the
causes muscle dysfunctions such as myofibril dis- local metabolism and minimizes the degree of tis-
turbance, rupture of mitochondria and sarcoplasmic sue injury (8), the secondary hypoxia injury (9)
reticulum, interruption of sarcolemma continuity, and pain (4, 10).
cellular self-digestion and cell death (2). Additionally, After 10 minutes of cold application, the surface
the response to the primary injury can lead to sec- temperature increases probably due to removal of
ondary injury, which occurs from both enzymatic and the ice pack, the skin exposure to room temperature
hypoxic mechanisms in the cells on the periphery of and to hemodynamic changes between the cooled
the primary injury (3). tissue and adjacent tissues with higher temperature,
Physiological and clinical evidence suggest which results in rewarming. It is estimated that the
that the primary response of the body to cold ap- rewarming period lasts at least two hours after using
plication is the reduction in temperature of the cryotherapy (11-13).

Fisioter Mov. 2015 Jan/Mar;28(1):23-30

Effect of cryotherapy on the ankle temperature in athletes

Several procedures are described for the applica- The athletes underwent cryotherapy with the ap-
tion of cryotherapy (gels, sprays, ice packs, immer- plication of a 300 g ice pack (IP) (17) for 30 minutes
sion, etc). However, in clinics and hospitals and in over the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) of the
sports medicine, ice packs are the most commonly dominant lower limb (14, 22, 23). Additionally, the
used treatment (14). Previous studies have proved participants immersed their ankle in a recipient with
the efficacy in the reduction of tissue temperature water level at 10 cm above the lateral malleolus, with
(15-18). For cooling depth, it was demonstrated that the temperature ranging from 0 to 5 °C during the
the ice pack applied to the ankle joint for 20 minutes same time period (24). Cryotherapy procedures were
has caused physiological changes in at least 1 cm (14). developed in two sessions, with a 72-hour lapse be-
Cryotherapy has been mainly used in athletes after tween them. There was a drawing to determine which
sports practice to reduce the damage caused by stren- procedure would be used on the first day (ice pack or
uous exercise. Gregson et al. (19) compared the im- the cold water immersion), therefore, the sequence
mersion in cold water in two different temperatures of applications was randomized.
(8 °C and 22 °C) and found that both temperatures For data collection, each subject was instructed to
produced lower rectal and skin surface temperature. sit for 20 minutes in a room with constant tempera-
These temperatures also reduced the arterial blood ture of 22 °C (± 1 °C), to stabilize skin temperature,
flow in 30% immediately after cold water immer- metabolism and blood flow. Meanwhile, questions
sion, and in 40%, 30 minutes after the procedure is were asked to obtain anthropometric and personal
complete, with more significant reductions in im- data (name, age, weight, height, BMI, training time,
mersion at 8 °C. Systematic review studies observed weekly workouts, spots modality, dominance, previ-
that the most frequently used temperature of water ous injuries and the absence of injury in the ankle of
immersion ranged from 10 °C and 15 °C, in 5 and 24 the dominant limb).
minutes, respectively (20, 21). It is believed that the At the end of the initial rest time, the skin tempera-
cold water immersion is an adequate treatment for ture in the ATFL of the dominant ankle was measured.
acute ankle sprain as it is able to cover the largest CWI was applied over the anteromomedial aspect of
area of the distal end of the lower limb. the ankle lateral to medial malleolus (1 cm distant)
Given the widespread use of ice pack and cold wa- and the skin temperature was recorded. The tempera-
ter immersion in sports, further studies are necessary ture was measured using the Mult Temp IncotermTM
to compare these two types of methods and point out portable digital infrared thermometer (Indústria de
possible differences. Thus, the objective of this study Termômetros). The temperature was measured prior
was to analyze the effect of conventional ice pack to treatment, and with 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30-min-
compared to cold water immersion on decreasing ute procedure (15). After the application ended, the
the skin superficial temperature in athletes, as well athlete remained at rest for two hours, in supine
as on the period of rewarming and systemic effect. position; the temperature was checked at the point
marked on the ligament region every minute, up to 10
minutes and every five minutes up to an hour. After
Materials and methods the one-hour rest, the temperature was measured
every 15 minutes for two hours. The same procedure
This was a randomized cross-over study. Thirteen was performed on the second day of collection.
athletes (seven women and six men), mean age 19.53 Simultaneously with the use of cryotherapy, the
(± 2.9) years, BMI between18.5 to 25 (normal index body pre-application temperature was recorded 15
according to the World Health Organization), without minutes and 30 minutes, using a mercury thermom-
injuries or complaints in the ankle of the dominant eter under the armpit of the dominant upper limb to
leg in the last six months participated in the study. evaluate the systemic effect of the cryotherapy (25).
Participants were excluded if they had above or below The data were statistically analyzed and expressed
the average BMI normal value (17). in tables. The Shapiro-Wilk test was applied before
This study was approved by the Research Ethics the comparative analysis of the group to determine
Committee-UEL (case No 222/08). All participants the normality of the sample. For the comparison be-
were informed about the study and agreed to partici- tween the methods and the data collection time, the
pate by providing their free and informed consent. paired Student's t-test was employed followed by

Fisioter Mov. 2015 Jan/Mar;28(1):23-30

Santos VBC, Cardoso CS, Figueiredo CP, Macedo CSG.

two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated ice pack group and 27.55 °C (± 3.06), 8.70 °C (± 0.87),
measures and Bonferroni post hoc. The level of sig- 7.33 °C (± 1.10), 7.06 °C (± 1.69), 7.70 °C (± 2.82)
nificance was set at 5% (p ≤ 0.05). Statistical analyses and 7.83 ºC (± 3.09) in the cold water immersion
were performed using Statistical Package for Social group. There was a significant different in compar-
Sciences Version 20 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Il, USA). ing before and immediately after applications using
IP (P < 0.0001) and CWI (P < 0.0001), demonstrat-
ing the effectiveness of both types of cryotherapy.
Results However, significant differences were only found
between the groups for the pre-cooling (P < 0.05)
The mean age of participants was 19.53 (± 2.9) and the 30-minute application values (P < 0.01),
years and the anthropometric characteristics pre- the latter with lower temperature value for the IP
sented weight of 67.23 (± 10.38) kg, height of 170.53 group (Figure 1).
(± 11.67) cm and BMI of 23.13 (± 2.92) Kg.m-2. The values of the skin surface temperature after
Among these athletes, 53.85% practiced athletics the application (during rewarming time) of the two
and 46.15% futsal. The training time was on average types of cryotherapy presented significant differences
6.65 (3.63 ±) years, 5.76 (± 1.09) times a week, 14.92 between methods at 15 minutes (IP = 20.8 ± 3.3 °C
(± 2.28) hours per week. There was a 92.30% pre- and CWI = 18.2 ± 2.7 °C – P ≤ 0.04), 45 minutes (IP =
dominance of right-handed dominance. For the previ- 24.5 ± 2.3 °C and CWI = 22.1 ± 3.5 °C – P ≤ 0.05) and
ous injury, 76.93% of the athletes showed an injured after 75 minutes (IP = 26.4 ± 2.2 °C and CWI = 24 ±
ankle for more than a year, among these, 72.73% were 2.7 °C – P ≤ 0.02) of application. Figure 2 shows the
sprains, followed by tendinitis of the Achilles tendon, behavior of the skin superficial temperature dur-
fibula fracture and a fibula fracture associated with ing rewarming.
ankle sprain, both with 9.09%. Physiotherapy was For the systemic temperature, significant differ-
performed in 72.73% of injuries, followed by cryo- ence was observed between periods or cryotherapy
therapy with 18.18%. modalities. The skin temperature measured before
The mean temperature during the application the application of ice pack was 36.52 °C (± 0.37),
of cryotherapy (IP and CWI) pre, 10, 15, 20, 25 at 15 minutes, 36.50 °C (± 0.47) and at 30 minutes,
and 30 minutes were respectively: 29.80 °C (± 36.48 °C (± 0.50). Temperatures recorded after the
2.47), 8.05 °C (± 3.01), 7.29 °C (± 3.25), 6.51 °C (± application of CWI were 36.47 °C (± 0.37), 36.50 °C
3.17), 5.75 °C (± 4.07) and 5.06 °C (± 2.44) in the (± 0.34) and 36.51 °C (± 0.43), respectively.

40 Cooling the skin surface

Temperature (˚C)



Pré 10’ 15’ 20’ 25’ 30’
Time (minutes)

Ice pack Cold water immersion

Figure 1 - Mean and standard deviation of the skin temperature over the anterior talofibular ligament of the ankle measured
during the application of both cryotherapy methods
Note: * P ≤ 0.05.

Fisioter Mov. 2015 Jan/Mar;28(1):23-30

Effect of cryotherapy on the ankle temperature in athletes

40 Cooling the skin surface

Temperature (˚C)



Pós 15’ 30’ 45’ 60’ 75’ 90’ 105’ 120’
Time (minutes)

Ice pack Cold water immersion

Figure 2 - Mean and standard deviation of the skin temperature over the anterior talofibular ligament of the ankle measured
after the application of cryotherapy
Note: *P ≤ 0.05.

Discussion the different methods of application, and a direct

comparison between these methods becomes nec-
The results of this study suggest both types of ap- essary. A few available studies report comparisons
plication, icepack and cold water immersion, were of the same protocol and many studies do not con-
effective in reducing the skin surface temperature of trol the heterogeneous characteristics of individuals
the ankle in athletes, considering that temperatures (age, thickness of skin tissue) as well as the physical
below 10 °C after 30 minutes of application were characteristics of the cold modality applied (size/
observed, which confirms the physiological effects area, weight) (16).Therefore, the present study was
and indication for the use of this therapeutic mo- developed with the use of 300 g ice pack (17) and
dality. Leventhal et al. (15) reported that when ice CWI with water level at 10 cm above the lateral mal-
applications are used directly on the skin, the tissue leolus in all athletes with normal BMI in an attempt
cooling is generally superficial and can range from 1 °C to to reduce the interference of adipose tissue (28)
10 °C, where the effects of cryotherapy are beneficial. in cooling and rewarming the superficial skin. It is
Previous studies have established that the analgesic known that individuals with thicker skin require a
effects begin after the skin temperature reaches ap- longer period of cold application to produce similar
proximately 14.4 °C (26), or when it is lower than 10 °C temperature changes (17, 29-31).
(10) by reducing the number and speed of painful Thus, it is important to know the cooling effects
impulses sent to the brain by the peripheral nerves (4, provided by each modality of ice application used for
15). The local blood flow decreases when the tissue the optimization of clinical response and appropri-
temperature reaches 13.8 °C (26) to help control the ate use (32); in their study, Costello et al. (33) sug-
formation of edemas, blood leak by injured vessels gested that further research is necessary for structur-
(14) and tissue hemorrhage (2). A reduction of the ing guidelines and specific protocols. Therefore, this
metabolic enzyme activity in 50% occurs in tempera- study used an infrared thermometer to compare the
tures between 10 °C and 11 °C (27). When associated effects of IP and CWI application on skin surface tem-
with the decrease in the number of leukocytes in the perature because it is safer and noninvasive (29). The
injured site, this reduction can reach over 50% (8). results showed that both modalities presented sig-
Even with frequent use of cryotherapy in sports nificant reductions in skin surface temperature at the
injuries, however, there are still questions with re- end of 30-minute application; however, the ice pack
gard to the differences in the cooling capacity of has produced higher tissue cooling when compared

Fisioter Mov. 2015 Jan/Mar;28(1):23-30

Santos VBC, Cardoso CS, Figueiredo CP, Macedo CSG.

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Fisioter Mov. 2015 Jan/Mar;28(1):23-30

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