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Table of Contents

LESSON #1: Consciously Creating Your Life - Discovering Your Unique Life Design ....................... 2
LESSON #2: The Passion Test Formula - Intention, Attention, No Tension ........................................ 5
LESSON #3: Creating Your Personal Three-Minute Ritual ..................................................................... 10
LESSON #4: Making Your List ............................................................................................................................ 15
LESSON #5: Taking The Passion Test ............................................................................................................. 19
LESSON #6: Scoring Your Passions .................................................................................................................. 21
LESSON #7: Passion Cards .................................................................................................................................. 23
LESSON #8: The Secret to Living Your Passions ......................................................................................... 25
LESSON #9: Creating Your Markers ................................................................................................................ 26
LESSON #10: Passion Pages ............................................................................................................................... 28
LESSON #11: Vision Boards ............................................................................................................................... 34
LESSON #12: Your 100th Birthday Speech .................................................................................................... 36
LESSON #13: Everyday Rituals vs. Habits ..................................................................................................... 38
LESSON #14: Discovering Your Genius .......................................................................................................... 40
LESSON #15: Discovering Your Millionaire Master Plan Level ............................................................. 41
LESSON #16: Counting Your Gifts .................................................................................................................... 42
LESSON #17: My Vision for the Coming Year ............................................................................................... 45
LESSON #18: Creating Financial Abundance Part 1 .................................................................................. 47
LESSON #19: Creating Financial Abundance Part 2 .................................................................................. 50
LESSON #20: Your Action Plan ......................................................................................................................... 56
LESSON #21: Creating Rituals To Support Your Success ........................................................................ 59
LESSON #22: The Power of Ceremonial Rituals .......................................................................................... 62
Appendix: Principles of Living a Passionate Life ....................................................................................... 67

"We truly hope that you enjoy and benefit from this program.
Your comments are always welcome at"

With love and appreciation,

- Janet & Chris

Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose

LESSON #1: Consciously Creating Your Life -

Discovering Your Unique Life Design

All of us are constantly creating our lives, yet for most people the process is completely
unconscious. The purpose of this course is to support you in becoming a conscious creator
of your experience.

The first and most critical principle for living a passionate life is commitment. Until you are
committed, nothing will happen for you.

Following your passions takes courage. Without commitment, you will find yourself first
pursuing one thing, then another. Yet when you are truly passionate about something,
nothing can stop you.

One of my passions to “spend time with the enlightened.” It wasn’t easy. Time after time
obstacles were thrown in her way, at times, what seemed to be insurmountable obstacles.
But the fire inside of me never died. In fact, it grew stronger.

This is why we put so much importance on clarifying your passions. When you get in touch
with the things that stir your soul, commitment becomes simple and effortless.

Over the coming weeks, as you complete this course, you will have distractions. There will
be times when you don’t feel like coming back to it, or times when your “responsibilities”
seem to require all your time and leave no time to do your
course work.

Exercise #1
We recommend that you get yourself a 3-ring binder or a file
folder so you can keep this workbook in one place.

If you’re really committed to changing

your life then go get a binder now!

Welcome back. Did you get a binder or file folder? If you did then congratulations - you
have already demonstrated commitment to creating a better life for yourself by taking this
first step.

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Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose

Decision Time
Okay. So, now is the time to make a decision. As you complete the lessons in this course,
you will have the chance to go deep inside and discover what it is that really makes you

You will learn principles that can transform your life forever into a passionate, turned on life
of excitement, challenges and opportunities.

You will learn tools that will serve you for the rest of your life and help you follow in the
footsteps of every person who has enjoyed great success in their life. And by “success” we
mean success in your own terms, not in the eyes of anyone else.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how committed are you to completing this course and creating that
kind of life? ______ Then what will it take for you to keep that commitment?

Exercise #2
The first step in making a commitment is to state it in writing. In the space below, describe
your commitment to completing this course.

Take a moment now to write out your commitment. Make your commitment specific. It
should be absolutely clear when you have fulfilled your commitment, and when you have
not. For example, you could write, I will spend at least one hour per week completing
course exercises.

In addition to your statement of commitment, write a sentence describing what the

consequences will be if you fail to meet this commitment to yourself. For example, you
could write, “If I fail to devote at least one hour to the course in any week, I will not be
permitted to watch any television during the following week, and I will make up that one
hour during that following week.

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Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose

My Commitment to Myself

The consequences if I don’t keep my commitment are:

Signed this ____ day of __________________, 20__


Print Name:

When you make a written agreement with someone else, you sign it as evidence that you
have given your word to fulfill the terms in the agreement. In this case, you are making an
agreement with yourself. Sign this agreement and give yourself your word that you will
fulfill the terms of this agreement.

Now you’re ready to get started.

Next Lesson
In your next video training we’ll be sharing with you a wonderful 3-step process that you
can start using right away to create anything you choose to have in your life. You’ll also
you’ll find out what happened next in Janet’s story and how it changed the direction of her
life forever.

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Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose

LESSON #2: The Passion Test Formula -

Intention, Attention, No Tension

The entire Passion Test process you will complete during this course is for the purpose of
helping you clarify your intentions for your life. Intentions can be conscious or unconscious.
As we will use it here, intention refers to your conscious decision about what you choose to

What you put your attention on grows stronger in your life. Give attention to the things you
choose to create, and they will begin to appear. Action engages attention. We’ll talk more
about this, but for now it’s sufficient to realize that taking action for the purpose of realizing
your intentions is both necessary and desirable. Just be aware that it is unlikely that your
action will produce the results you hope for. That’s why the wise realize; “You have control
over action alone, never over its fruits.”

No Tension
Do all you can think to do to realize your intentions, and then let it go. One of the great
paradoxes of life is that fulfillment is directly related to your ability to surrender your own
thoughts and desires to embrace what is appearing in your life now. We call this, letting go
of your will and opening up to God’s will. No tension also means performing action from
that state of inner calmness or wholeness inside. This is why meditation is such an
important part of our lives. Taking time daily to connect with that state of inner peace
allows more and more of it to be lived in your life.

Setting Your Intention

Intention – Attention – No Tension is a formula we hope you learn to use in everything you
do from now. This is the secret of consciously creating your life. To begin getting you in the
habit, let’s create your intention for this course.

You will spend some of your valuable time over the coming weeks on completing this
course. What do you choose to create?

“When you are creating an intention, imagine that you have completed the experience.
Then ask yourself, “What will have happened by the time this is complete that will make this
experience the best, most rewarding, most useful time I could have spent?”

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Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose

Exercise #3
In this case, imagine that you have already completed this course. Answer these questions:

1. What will have happened for you?

2. What will you have experienced?

3. What significant new insights into yourself will you have gained?

4. What will it feel like to know that you are now in touch with parts of your life that
really matter to you?

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Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose

5. What will it mean to you to have created a vision of your ideal life?

6. What will it feel like to know that you have begun to change some old habits that
may not have served you very well so far?

7. How will some of the relationships in your life have changed?

8. What other activities in your life will have changed?

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Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose

Exercise #4
Now we invite you to take some time now to consider your passions.

What you love and God’s will for you are one and the same. It’s no accident you love the
things you love. It’s no accident you care about the things you care about. You love those
things because these are the things that will lead you down the path to fulfilling your
purpose in life. These are the things that will lead you to joy and fulfillment.

1. What are you passionate about? During the coming week notice what really
lights you up, and then write down the things you really love. Write down the
things you love to do, the people you love to spend time around, the places you
love to visit, the experiences you love to have. Begin to notice what you really
love, in every area of your life.

2. What do you never want in your life? (and turn it around) - Notice what you
really dislike as well, especially anything you passionately dislike. When you
discover something you really hate, then turn it around and discover what you
really love.

For example, if you are with someone who just can’t stop gossiping about other
people, and you really dislike that, then before writing anything down, think,
“What would be the opposite of this gossiping?”

Then write down the opposite, which describes what you DO want. In this
example, that might be, “I surround myself with people who speak with purpose,
are uplifting and inspire me with their speech.”

(Write your answers on the next page)

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Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose

What I never want in my life The opposite of this is…





Next Lesson
In your next lesson you’ll learn why successful and accomplished people incorporate
personal rituals into their daily routine. We’ll also guide you in the process of creating your
own personal ritual that has meaning for you and will help you bring your intention into

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Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose

LESSON #3: Creating Your Personal

Three-Minute Ritual

Reinforce Your Intention and Stay Focused on What You Choose to

Do you know that there’s a unique design to your life? There is.

Your mission in this lifetime is to discover that design and get aligned with it. When you do,
life becomes fun, things flow easily, the inevitable challenges of life are only temporary
setbacks, and you feel that your life has real meaning.

Our book, Your Hidden Riches – Unleashing the Power of Ritual to Create a Life of Meaning
and Purpose represents a lifetime of exploring the power and benefits of ritual. Rituals are
powerful tools to help you both discover and stay aligned with your life’s unique design.
They can help you manage your time, your energy and your thinking. Plus, they allow you
to acknowledge and connect with the unseen forces of life that are often more significant
than the ones we can see.

Many people think that rituals are religious practices or superstitions. Yet rituals are the
“secret weapons” of the world’s most accomplished people—from sports stars to corporate
executives to world-class performers. What most people have missed is that rituals are
essential tools for today’s world to improve performance, to stay calm in stressful situations,
and to maintain balance in an over-busy life.

But what’s the difference between a habit and a ritual?

We all have good habits and bad habits. In contrast, rituals are conscious, intentional acts
we choose to make habitual.

When renowned soccer player Leighton Baines ties and unties his shoes every time he
walks on a playing field to start a game is that a good or bad habit? Neither. It’s a ritual he
uses to get present, to set the game apart from the rest of his life so he is fully focused, and
to get into a mental state where he can perform at his best.

This worksheet will help you create your own, meaningful ritual. Your ritual will help you
stay focused. It will create a break between the rest of your life and important activities in
your life. It will remind you that you have much to be grateful for.

We encourage you to use it every time you are about to begin an important activity in your
life, e.g. when you’re about to begin your workday.

By the way, our attitude for everything is: If it’s not fun, what’s the point? We hope you’ll
find this ritual helps to make both your work and your life more fun for you.

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Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose

There are 7 aspects to ceremonial rituals—rituals that create a special feeling and
experience when they are performed:

1. Intention – One part of your daily ritual will involve reading out loud the intention
you set for your work.

1. Preparation and Purification – Create a special spot in your office, or on your desk
where you keep the elements for your ritual. If it doesn’t disturb others and you
would like to, use camphor to purify your space before beginning. Camphor is a
traditional way of “cleaning the air” when doing a ritual. Also, take a few moments
before you start to clean up and wipe off your ritual space.

2. Use of Symbols – Symbols allow you to take what is unseen and bring it to conscious
awareness. In your ritual space place symbols that are meaningful to you and will
inspire you as you work. These could include photos of your family who will benefit
from your work, special mentors or teachers you value, mementos, and anything else
that will give personal meaning to your work on this project.

3. Activating the Senses – Have some fruit or other food to represent the nourishment
you gain from your work (you can also eat it after you finish your ritual J ), treat
yourself to daily flowers to add richness to the environment (they don’t have to be
expensive), if you’d like and it won’t disturb others, you could get some scented oil,
an aroma diffuser, a candle, a special scarf or cloth.

Keep these things in your ritual space, and then light the diffuser, put on the scarf,
etc. when you’re performing your ritual. If it feels funny to you, try it for a few days. If
it still feels uncomfortable, then adjust to something that feels comfortable and
natural. The magic of your ritual is in the meaning it has for you, the regularity of
your practice of it, and the feeling that this is something special as you do it, not from
any particular element you use or don’t use.

4. Prescribed Performance – Create a specific order to what you’ll do during your ritual.
An example would be:

a. Prepare the space: take a moment to clean the area, light camphor (if you
want), light an aroma diffuser, arrange your fresh flowers, your fruit or healthy
snack, and put your scarf or cloth on

b. Sit quietly in silence for 30 seconds

c. Open your eyes and read your intention for the day out loud

d. If you’re beginning your work, write out 3 things you’d like to accomplish
today on this project; If you’re ending, list 3 things you accomplished

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Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose

e. Read a quote or passage from a book that is inspiring to you and reminds you
of why you’re happy to be doing this work (a fun way to do this is just open to
any page in the book and read what your eyes go to—you might be surprised
by what you discover).

f. Quietly speak out one thing you’re grateful for – find something you have not
expressed on previous days

g. Speak out one thing you appreciate about yourself – again find something you
have not expressed before

h. Put out the incense and begin working on your project if you’re beginning, or
close up and quit for the day when you’re done.

5. Repetition – Repeating your ritual over and over will help to ground your intention
and create new neural pathways so that your work on the project will always be
connected to the intention you set.

6. Invoking the Unseen - This can be as simple as acknowledging that you need help to
achieve the goals you’ve set for yourself and you’re willing to accept that help from
wherever it may come.

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Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose

Using these 7 aspects of ritual as a guide (and you do not have to include them in the order
above), take a few minutes now to design your personal 3-minute ritual for this project:

1. Intention – At the beginning of my daily ritual I will read my intention for my current
project which is: ________________________________________________________


2. Preparation and Purification – I will prepare and purify as part of my daily ritual by:


3. Use of Symbols – The symbols I will use in my daily ritual will include:


4. Activating the Senses – I will engage my senses during my daily ritual by:



5. Prescribed Performance – The steps of my daily ritual will be as follows:

a. ________________________________________________________

b. ________________________________________________________

c. ________________________________________________________

d. ________________________________________________________

e. ________________________________________________________

f. ________________________________________________________

g. ________________________________________________________

6. Repetition – I will repeat my daily ritual at approximately these times each day (start
time and end time for you work):


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Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose

7. Invoking the Unseen - I will invoke the unseen aspects of life in my daily ritual by:


Taking consistent action is essential to create new, constructive patterns in your life and this
is where most people stumble. Your daily ritual is for the purpose of helping to reinforce
and remind you of the intention you’ve set. Doing this daily will keep you focused on your
intention. By concluding your work time with this short ritual as well, you formally
conclude that session so you don’t have to think about it while you do other things.

From our experience, rituals like this will create specialness to your day and your work.
You’ll find you’re more focused when you’re working, and you don’t obsess over your work
when you’re not. And we look forward to hearing what your own experience is. At the very
least, having fresh flowers in your office has to feel good!

Next Lesson
In your next lesson we’ll guide you through the first step in The Passion Test process. You’re
going to get very specific about what your intentions are for your life. You won’t want to
miss this lesson because it will truly change your life if you follow this process.

Begin this week with noticing what shows up that gets your “juices” flowing.

For now, just begin noticing what it is you love, as well as the things you don’t love in your
current life which you are going to change as you create your ideal life.

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Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose

LESSON #4: Making Your List

“When you are clear, what you choose to show up in your life will,
and only to the extent that you are clear.” – The Passion Test

Making your list is the first step in this process of getting clear about your passions, and
passions are 'bread crumbs' that show us where home is.

Your assignment is to make a list of what is important to you, that you love, are passionate
about, and that ‘lights your fire’… they can just be in random order

Complete the sentence, “When My life is ideal I am …”

Start each one using an ‘-ing’ verb’ such as “doing, having, loving or working” to bring
everything into the NOW.

For example: “When my life is ideal I am….

• Enjoying perfect health

• Having fun with everything

• Being in a close intimate relationship with my ideal partner

• Living in a luxury home in a warm climate by the water

• Inspiring all humanity to live their greatest potential …etc.

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Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose

You’ll want to consider ALL AREAS of your life including:

§ Number each item in the list

§ Go ‘all out’ in making your list… The sky is the limit…nothing is too ‘big’ or too
‘small’ to be included

§ Include all hopes, dreams and wishes…any that may still remain from childhood or
youth…without concern for any “buts” or “whens” or “can’t because…” in your list-
making process

§ Include all things that are important to you, that you love, etc. even though they may
not seem to be in your experience right now

§ Come from the premise that all resources are in place now for living your passion

§ Include items on your list from categories such as: health, family, relationships,
career, hobbies, travel, home, finances, spirituality (+ any other categories)

§ Write 10 - 15 things on your list (at least 10)

§ Enjoy the process!

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Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose

Your List
List at least 10 things that will make your life and your work ideal. With these accomplished
you will feel fulfilled and complete. Complete the sentence:

“When my life is ideal I am . . . . ”
















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Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose

Next Lesson
In your next lesson we’ll explain what to do with your list so that you arrive at your top 5
passions. You won’t want to miss this lesson because very soon you’ll know exactly what
your top 5 passions are.

Now is the time to schedule your 30-minute 1-on-1 session

with one of our Certified Passion Test Facilitators to go
through the Passion test elimination process. Just complete
the form on the website to set up your session.
Go to:

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Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose

LESSON #5: Taking The Passion Test

Instructions for Taking the Passion Test

Compare every item on your list to every other item on your list

Start by comparing the first item on your list with the second item on your list by asking the

“Which is more important to you, [Item 1] or [Item 2]?”

Then, which ever one you choose, compare that one to the next item on your list.

For example, if you compare 1 and 2 and choose 2, then you now compare 2 and 3 and
make your next choice. Let’s say number 2 is more important than number 3. So what do
you do next? You compare number 2 to number 4.

Keep doing this until you reach the end of your list. Then you’ll be left with one item –
that’s your Top Passion! Put a “#1” next to it.

If You Hesitate…
If you hesitate, don’t worry. There is a second question you can ask to help you get clarity.
This second question will usually help you to make a choice from your heart:

“If you could have [Item 1] but never have [Item 2]; OR if you could have [Item 2] but never
have [Item 1] which matters more to you?”

If you still hesitate on your choice then we have a third way of asking the question:

“Close your eyes and create a picture in your mind of what it would be like when you’re
living [Item 1] completely and notice that passion [Item 2] is nowhere in that picture. Notice
how that FEELS to you. Now create a picture in your mind of what it would be like when
you’re living [Item 2] completely and notice that [Item 1] is nowhere in that picture. Notice
how that FEELS to you. Which FEELS better to you?”

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Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose

§ Passion arises from the heart (not the mind). Allow your answers to arise innocently
from within your heart.

§ If you think you know your top passions before you take The Passion Test, be open.
Avoid making any judgements. Trust the process. You may be right. And maybe
you’ll get a different answer. People are often surprised about what their final list of
the top 5 passions actually is.

§ If money or financial freedom is on you list please check in with yourself. Is the act
of making money a passion for you? Or is it what the money will allow you to have
in your life a passion for you? There is a difference. Your passions are about what
you love to DO with your life, not what you will HAVE.

§ If two things on your list sound like they are really the same thing, ask yourself, could
I be living this passion and not be living the other one? If that’s true then these are
two separate passions. If the answer is false then they are two expressions of the
same thing and you can cross one off the list.

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Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose

LESSON #6: Scoring Your Passions

Now you’re going to score your passions.

Write down your top 5 passions from your Passion Test below and then score each one on a
scale of 0 to 10.

A “10” means you’re living that passion completely

A “0” means it is nowhere in your life

My Top 5 Passions Are

“When my life is ideal I am…”






Copyright 2014 Enlightened Alliances, LLC. All rights reserved.⏐

Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose

Answer these questions

1. If you had some high scores (8s, 9s or 10s) have you been giving those passions a
lot of attention?

2. Have you been taking action in those areas?

3. If you had low scores (0, 1, 2, 3) what does that say to you?

4. Have you been giving those passions much attention? If you have been putting
your attention on those passions, have you been putting the right kind of attention
on them? Or putting attention on the wrong things such as what you don’t want
(e.g. “I want to be debt free” = more debt. “I’m single” = still single). Maybe you
are worrying about what might or might not happen?

5. Look at your scores. What area(s) of your life needs more attention?

6. What are some ways you can put more positive attention on your low-scoring

7. Are you appreciating the small gifts from the Universe?

8. Seeing the opportunities in every situation?

9. Celebrating each milestone?

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Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose

LESSON #7: Passion Cards

Now we’re going to give you a tool to help you keep your passions front and centre in your

They’re called Passion Cards. You just write your top 5 passions on each card and put your
Passion Cards up in places where you’ll see them.

Write down at least 4 placed where you’ll put your Passion Cards. [e.g. bathroom mirror,
computer, car, fridge, purse]





How to use your Passion Cards

Read your top 5 passions aloud everyday to remind yourself that these are your
INTENTIONS for your life. This is what you want more of in your life. By reading them
aloud you are putting your ATTENTION on you INTENTIONS.

How often are you faced with a decision, a choice or an opportunity? All the time, right?
That’s another reason why you put your passion cards up in places where you’ll see them
everyday. Then, when faced with a decision, you can look at your cards and ask yourself:
“Will this help me become more closely aligned with my passions, or will it move me
farther away from living my passions?”

If it will move you closer, what do you do? [Go for it!]

If it will move you farther away lovingly say [No thank you]

Your passion cards are printed for you on the next page. We recommend that you print out
one or two copies of this page on a nice thick card stock so that they’ll be more durable.

Have fun with this J

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Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose

Copyright 2014 Enlightened Alliances, LLC. All rights reserved.⏐

Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose

LESSON #8: The Secret to Living Your Passions

This is the secret to living a passionate life:

“Whenever you’re faced with a choice, a decision or an opportunity,

choose in favor of your passions.”

Write down an example of a choice, decision and opportunity where you did NOT choose
in favor of your passions in the past week. What was the outcome?

Write down an example of a choice, decision and opportunity where you DID choose in
favor of your passions in the past week. What was the outcome?

Write down an example of a choice, decision and opportunity that you are facing today that
have NOT YET made:

If you were to choose in favor of your passions for the above, what would you do?

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Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose

LESSON #9: Creating Your Markers

Markers are the evidence that you are living your passions. Based on the instructions in the
video write down 3-5 markers for each of your top 5 passions:

Passion #1

Markers for Passion #1:






Passion #2

Markers for Passion #2:






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Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose

Passion #3

Markers for Passion #3:






Passion #4

Markers for Passion #4:






Passion #5

Markers for Passion #5:






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Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose

LESSON #10: Passion Pages

Your true intentions will always match your results. Have you ever noticed that sometimes,
your results are sometimes different to what you believe you are intending?

Why does this happen? It’s because we have beliefs, concepts and ideas that we have
grown up with and have become so deeply embedded in our personality that we’re not
even aware of them.

As you set your intentions and create your markers, look at your results and compare them.
If they don’t match, then look more deeply at what your true intentions are.

Writing your Passion Pages

You’re going to take each of your top 5 passions and write a page (a few paragraphs) about
them. Your markers will give you a clue for what to write about. Write down what your life
will be like when you are fully living that passion at a “level 10”.

Describe it using ALL OF YOUR SENSES. What will it look like, feel like, smell like? Create
a picture of you life when you are fully living that passion.

You may find it easier to talk into an audio recorder if you prefer to express yourself verbally
rather than in writing. If you do this, then later, transcribe your recording yourself. When
you speak and write you activate different parts of the brain.

Why are we suggesting that you do this?

“Your life is created first in your mind, then in the world.”

The purpose of writing out these pages is to uplift your vision, inspire you, and move your
heart to go places you would not have otherwise been able to go. Remember, you job is to
become clear on “the what” – what you choose to have in your life. This exercise is another
way to do that.

After you’ve written your Passion Pages, come back to them in a few minutes or an hour or
tomorrow and read them aloud to yourself. At the end of each reading, stop, close your
eyes, and picture your life as you’ve just written it.

How does that feel?

And then say out loud to yourself, “It is done. So be it!”

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Passion Pages Exercise: Passion #1

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Passion Pages Exercise: Passion #2

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Passion Pages Exercise: Passion #3

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Passion Pages Exercise: Passion #4

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Passion Pages Exercise: Passion #5

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LESSON #11: Vision Boards

“What you put your intention on grows stronger in your life.” – The Passion Test

Creating New Neural Pathways

Remember, your focus here is to get crystal clear on WHAT you choose to have in your life.
Is it your job to worry about HOW they are going to happen? No. Creating your vision
board is a way for you to create a picture of your passions.

As you create your vision board, write your markers and passion pages and speak about
them, you are creating new neural pathways that will support you in creating the life you
choose to live.

What this means is that these tools will help you to re-wire your brain – to change the
beliefs that you’ve been holding on to for years that have not been supporting you.

Just doing something new once is not enough. Repetition is the key. That’s why we are
giving you so many different ways for you to put your powerful attention on what you
choose to create.

Here is your chance to create an “Academy Award Winning Life” and keep your powerful
attention on those things you choose to draw into your life now.

Have some fun with this.

Vision Board Supply list

§ Poster Board

§ Magazines on topics related to your passions

§ Personal photos

§ Scissors

§ Glue stick

§ Crayons / Markers

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Here’s a vision board that one of our students has shared with us:

Other vision board ideas

§ Have a vision board party or family vision board night

§ Take a picture of your vision board and make it your screen saver on your computer

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LESSON #12: Your 100th Birthday Speech

Today you have the chance to travel in time years from now when you are looking back on
your whole life - to your 100th Birthday celebration.

Imagine it’s that day. Your friends and family have come together from all over to be with
you. On this day your spouse, life partner or best friend is going to give a speech honoring
you for all you have given and shared with others over the long course of your life.

You’re going to write that speech now. What have you accomplished? How have you
impacted others? What is the legacy you want to leave? How do you want people to
remember you? Your 100th Birthday speech will draw on everything you’ve done up until
now: your list of your top 5 passions, your Markers, your Passion Pages and your Vision

When you write this speech, write it in the third person, just as if your friend had written it
about you, your life and the influence you’ve had. If done properly, your 100th Birthday
speech will be a few pages.

Write your 100th Birthday Speech below

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This or Something Better!

Your 100th Birthday speech is your chance to express the reason you were put on this earth.
Of course, when you turn 100, your life will look different from what you’ve written today
because you don’t know what the future will be. This process will draw more abundance,
peace and delight to you.

Do it now!

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LESSON #13: Everyday Rituals vs. Habits

We describe two types of rituals in Your Hidden Riches: everyday rituals and ceremonial
rituals. Everyday rituals will help you manage your time, your energy, and your thinking.
Ceremonial rituals will allow you to keep with the deepest part of yourself, what we call
your transcendental or spiritual core.

In the ancient texts it’s said that only 25% of life can be experienced with the senses. 75%
of life is beyond their reach.

Love lives in that 75%. Hope resides there too. Meaning and purpose find their home there
and passion is fully alive there as well.

The world of conscious, intentional ritual is a gateway to tap the power and beauty of that
75%--a power that will transform overwhelm into ease, confusion into clarity and drudgery
into exuberance.

When you enter this life you begin a journey. Without realizing it, you’re asked to solve the
puzzle of your own life’s purpose. You’re given lots of puzzle pieces, but no one showed
you what the finished picture is supposed to look like. We each have to figure out the
unique design of our life on our own.

Along the way you’re given clues—feedback that tells you when you’re aligned with the
design of your life and when you’re not. When you’re aligned, your experience of life shifts
dramatically. That’s when you’re excited, passionate, turned on and fully engaged in life.
When you’re out of alignment, then life is a struggle, everything seems difficult, and it feels
as if you’re missing something really important—which you are.

You were meant to live in the flow of life, to live a life of what we call “enlightened
wealth.” Such a life is rich, in every aspect—finances are never again a worry, relationships
are sources of delight, your health is invigorating as you are filled with energy and vitality,
and your family feels close, connected, and rewarding. Ritual is the time-tested and
scientifically proven way to get aligned with the unique purpose of your life and to create a
life of enlightened wealth.

Begin by incorporating simple everyday rituals that will help you give attention to the things
you care most deeply about.

Some Examples
Do you find yourself getting easily distracted and losing focus?

Create a morning ritual of setting your intention for the day before you get out of bed.

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Do you find yourself wishing you had more time for your family?

Create a daily ritual of eating together and take 10 minutes after the meal for an activity the
whole family does together. For example, Chris and his family have lunches together. They
always begin with a fun song of gratitude they all sing together, then they sit together for 10
minutes after the meal when they work on their alphabet together, beginning with a quote
that is inspiring and that instills good values in the children and ending with the same quote.

Do you put everyone else first so you have no time for yourself?

Create a weekly ritual of taking an afternoon, or an evening, when you tell your family this
time is just for you.

Do you feel exhausted or overwhelmed?

Create a 20-minute daily ritual of meditation, prayer, or just afternoon tea. Give yourself a
break and you will find you’re more productive than if you just keep going.

List one daily, one weekly, and one monthly ritual to start with:
My daily ritual: _____________________________________________________________


My weekly ritual: ____________________________________________________________


My monthly ritual: ___________________________________________________________


To be effective, make these commitments:

Commit to your daily ritual for at least three weeks.

Commit to your weekly ritual for at least 1 month.

Commit to your monthly ritual for at least 3 months.

If you find that you’re not enjoying your ritual or not finding it useful after these times, then
look at Chapter 2 in Your Hidden Riches and try a different ritual.
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LESSON #14: Discovering Your Genius

Our friend and colleague, Roger Hamilton, has created a powerful model for understanding
your genius which in turn will help you understand your strengths and talents, your
potential weaknesses, how you tend to lead, to love, and to learn, plus what kinds of
geniuses you need to partner with to compliment your own.

Ready for some fun?

Go take the Genius Test and read through the report you’ll receive by email to understand
you genius, and how you will be most successful.

You can take the Genius Test here:

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LESSON #15: Discovering Your

Millionaire Master Plan Level

As part of this course, we strongly recommend you purchase a copy of Roger Hamilton’s NY
Times bestseller, The Millionaire Master Plan. This remarkable book will help you
understand where you are on the nine levels of wealth and what are the steps you will need
to master to move to the next level. As you progress up the nine levels you’ll find your life is
lived with greater and greater ease and comfort. The first step is to take the Millionaire
Master Plan Test to see what level you’re currently at. To do that, go to this website and
follow the instructions:

Then review the report you’ll receive by email after you complete the Test to understand
your level and what you need to do to move to the next level.

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LESSON #16: Counting Your Gifts

Preparation Steps
1. Creating the life you choose to live begins with seeing the blessings you have already
received, appreciating them and celebrating them. For this exercise, make two lists
using the space below. If you need more room, use the other side of the page.

First list all the wonderful, things that felt really good this past year.











Now, list the challenges, obstacles, hardships you experienced this past year. For each one,
describe how this was a gift for you. What did you learn from it, how did it contribute to
your life?

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The Challenge The Gift

Read the e-book, “From Sad to Glad.” You can access it here:

Key Principles: Your Gifts

1. “What you put your attention on grows ___________.”

2. One of the keys to happiness is to locate the _________ in every situation.

3. Falling in love with your life means falling in love with _______________

4. Contraction is a time to ________.

5. Contraction is always an opportunity to _______.

6. The Appreciation Game is a fun way to ___________ your attention.

7. When you play the Appreciation Game, do __ rounds with your partner,
appreciating ______ and _______ you appreciate that.

8. Then do it again with another ____ rounds, this time appreciate ___________ and
______ you appreciate that. Don’t _______ anything that has been said before.

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Action Steps
The purpose of this session is to begin culturing an “attitude of gratitude” by creating the
habit of appreciation. When you are grateful for what you have, you open the door to
receive much more.

Action Step #1 – Play the Appreciation Game with a partner, at least once a week for the
coming month.

Action Step #2 – Practice the Expansion Process as described in “From Sad to Glad” at least
once a day for three weeks.

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LESSON #17: My Vision for the Coming Year

Take a few minutes now and write out your vision for the coming year. Write as if a
newspaper or magazine article was written about you. Write in 3rd person and describe your
achievements in coming year, how you impacted others, and the contributions you have
made. Write as if these things have already happened.


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To this end, I will undertake the following three projects (copy these over from page ___ – if
you need/want to modify them in light of your vision statement, now is the time):

During the coming year, the following three (3) activities will increase my monthly income:

1. __________________________________________________________________

This project should increase my monthly income by: _____________

2. __________________________________________________________________

This project should increase my monthly income by: _____________

3. __________________________________________________________________

This project should increase my monthly income by: _____________

By being of service to others in this way I earn a total of $______________ in the coming
year. (This number should include your current income, plus income from the projects
above that will increase your income.)


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LESSON #18: Creating Financial Abundance Part 1

“When you combine your passions, your skills and your talents
to serve others in a way THEY find meaningful, then you have the key to
creating both wealth and fulfillment.”

Preparation Steps
The purpose of this session is to create a structure for creating financial abundance in the
coming year. To improve your financial situation, you have to start by getting clear on
where you are now and what you want to create, financially during the next year.

This is your chance to get crystal clear about what is going on in your life financially right
now, and then create a very clear set of intentions about what you choose to create.

The worksheets provided here will help you through this process. Take time with this and
make the numbers as accurate as you possibly can.

My Current Finances
My current monthly income is: ____________

My current monthly expenses are:

Rent/Mortgage _____________

Taxes _____________

Utilities _____________

Phone & Internet _____________

Cable TV _____________

Insurance – Health, Auto, Life, etc. _____________

Car payment _____________

Car expenses (gas, maintenance) _____________

Installment payments (credit _____________

cards, loans, etc.)

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___________________________ _____________

___________________________ _____________

___________________________ _____________

___________________________ _____________

___________________________ _____________

My Total Monthly Expenses: _____________

My Monthly Surplus/Deficit: _____________

My current assets:

Cash in bank (checking and savings) _____________


Real Estate _____________

Stocks, securities and equity _____________

Mutual funds _____________

Car _____________

Jewelry _____________

Furnishings _____________

Electronic equipment (computer, TV, etc.) _____________


___________________________ _____________

___________________________ _____________

___________________________ _____________

___________________________ _____________

___________________________ _____________

My Total Current Assets: _____________

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My Current Liabilities:

Home Mortgage _____________

Other Loans _____________

Credit Card Balances _____________

Taxes Due _____________


___________________________ _____________

___________________________ _____________

___________________________ _____________

___________________________ _____________

___________________________ _____________

My Total Current Liabilities _____________

My Current Net Worth (assets minus liabilities) _____________

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LESSON #19: Creating Financial Abundance Part 2

“There are two ways of being happy—we may either diminish our wants, or augment our
means—either will do—the result is the same; and it is for each man to decide for himself,
and do that which happens to be the easiest. If you are idle, or sick, or poor, however hard
it may be to diminish your wants, it will be harder to augment your means. If you are active
and prosperous, or young, or in good health, it may be easier for you to augment your
means than to diminish your wants. But if you are wise you will do both at the same time,
young or old, rich or poor, sick or well; and if you are very wise you will do both in such a
way as to augment the general happiness of society.”

- Benjamin Franklin

Preparation Steps










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Increasing My Monthly Income

During the coming year, the following three (3) activities will increase my monthly income:

1. __________________________________________________________________

This project should increase my monthly income by: _____________

2. __________________________________________________________________

This project should increase my monthly income by: _____________

3. __________________________________________________________________

This project should increase my monthly income by: _____________

My total projected increase in monthly income is: _____________

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During the coming year, I will reduce the following monthly expenses (if you feel any of
these are more than they need to be):

Rent/Mortgage _____________

Taxes _____________

Utilities _____________

Phone & Internet _____________

Cable TV _____________

Insurance – Health, Auto, Life, etc. _____________

Car payment _____________

Car expenses (gas, maintenance) _____________

Installment payments (credit _____________

cards, loans, etc.)


___________________________ _____________

___________________________ _____________

___________________________ _____________

___________________________ _____________

___________________________ _____________

Total Projected Reduction in Monthly Expenses: _____________

My Total Projected Monthly Increased Surplus _____________

(Projected increased income + Projected reduced

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By one year from today, my monthly income is: _____________

(Current mo. Income + Projected mo. increase)

By one year from today, my monthly expenses are: _____________

(Current mo. Expenses – Projected mo. decrease)

By one year from today my monthly Surplus is: _____________

(Current Surplus/Deficit + Projected increased surplus)

Increasing My Net Worth

The wise person will both increase his/her assets and decrease his/her liabilities at the same

However, when you increase your income it’s important to create rewards to celebrate your
increased income. These are funds that you set aside and can use for anything you want, no
matter how silly or frivolous.

It’s also important to set money aside to for education to increase your earning ability, for
large purchases so you don’t have to borrow to make them, for investment to increase your
wealth and for unexpected expenses. Lastly, as Ben Franklin said, “. . . and if you are very
wise you will do both (increase income and reduce expenses) in such a way as to augment
the general happiness of society.” So, you will want to set money aside for charitable
contributions as well.

We suggest you create a separate bank account for each category. While it may cost a few
dollars for the extra bank accounts, it will help you keep these funds separate so they don’t
accidentally get spent on something else.

You can create a strong foundation for your financial abundance in 2014 by deciding now,
what % of your surplus will go to each category. It doesn’t matter if you are depositing $1 or
$1,000 in each category. What is important is to create the habit of allocating funds for

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In coming year, I will allocate the following % of my surplus to:

Fun _____________%

Investment _____________%

Education _____________%

Large Purchases _____________%

Emergencies _____________%

Donations _____________%

What’s fun is to put this plan into practice, and then at the end of the year, calculate your
Net Worth again and see how much it has increased!!

Key Principles: Creating Financial Abundance

1. Money comes to you as the result of providing _____________ to ____________.

2. ________________________ is the result of combining your ________________,

_____________, and ______________ to ____________ others.

3. The biggest obstacle to creating financial abundance is your own


4. The key to creating successful results is to __________ the non-useful behaviors from
the past, and __________ the ___________ that surrounds them.

5. This quote from the Bible is a good principle to remember: “_________ and it will be
______________ to you.”

6. A financial statement is a way to gain _____________.

7. A wise person will both ____________ their ______________ and _______________

their ________________ in a way that benefits ________________.

8. It is very important to ______________ when you receive money.

9. Whether the amounts are large or small, always ___________ your _______________
to the ______ categories.

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Action Steps
1) Create New Bank Accounts – Use your existing checking account only for paying
bills. Set up bank accounts for each of the categories described in this lesson and
name the accounts with the categories:

a. Fun

b. Education

c. Investments

d. Long Term Purchases

e. Emergencies

f. Donations

2) Make deposits - Each time you receive any money, calculate your surplus and make
deposits into your accounts according to the % you committed to in this lesson. If
you do not have a surplus, carefully look at your expenses to see what you can
reduce for that period so you do have a surplus. Even if you are only dividing up $1,
make deposits every time you receive funds.

3) Calculate Your Progress – At the end of each quarter, complete the worksheet
provided in this lesson to assess your progress.

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LESSON #20: Your Action Plan

What actions can you take now to begin to fulfill your intentions (this is the “attention” part
of “Intention – Attention – No Tension”)? Make a list below of all the things you can think
to do that will begin to bring fulfillment to your intentions above.




















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Your 5 Action Steps

Now, use The Passion Test process to narrow down this list to the five things that you will
start with. Only this time, when you compare the items on your list, ask: “If I could do this
one or this one, which would I do first.” (There is a complete description of this process in
Chapter 9 of The Passion Test book.)

My top 5 actions steps are:


As you complete the action steps above, come back to your list, add new actions that may
have become clear and keep recreating this list throughout the year.

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Key Principles: Creating Your Breakthrough Strategy

1. _______________________ live and now you can do it ______________________.

2. Your breakthrough strategy is a combination of your _________, along with

_______________ to overcome the ____________ along the way.

3. In this lesson, you have created your __________. In previous lessons you learned the
_____________. Now it’s up to you to put your ________ into __________ and use
the ____________.

4. If you get stuck, we recommend you make use of the resources for undoing
________________ beliefs at ______________________.

5. If you feel like you are getting _________________, come back to ______________ in
your workbook and go through them again.

6. Surround yourself with a _______________ which stands for _________________

____________________ ________________ _________________.

7. Remember that all of life is here for your _______. Live in ________ and let ________
live in ________.

Action Steps
1. Review regularly – At the end of every quarter, update the plan you have created in
this lesson. Clarify your action steps and adjust your vision to reflect what is
appearing in your life.

2. Stay Open – Remember that life is always showing you to you. Stay open to what is
appearing in your life, and face the challenges with the knowledge that they come to
pass, not to stay. Do your best to stand in the discomfort of difficult times, and
rejoice in the delight of your achievements.

3. Remember Your Rituals – Keep your attention on the things that give you joy. You
will have more of them. Use your rituals to express your gratitude and to create the
reverence to move forward with faith that the next steps will always lead you on to

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LESSON #21: Creating Rituals To

Support Your Success

Rituals have been part of every ancient and indigenous culture throughout history. Yet many
in our modern times have abandoned them.

Rituals help you manage your time, your energy and your thinking. They help ensure you
have a balance between rest and activity, between work and play, and they help keep you
focused on the good in your life.

You remember from The Passion Test – “What you put your attention on grows stronger.”
By designing rituals into your life, you put your attention on the great and good things that
are happening to you. As a result, it’s much more likely that more good things will continue
to occur.

Here are some occurrences for which you may want to create rituals to celebrate the good
in your life. Make a list on the lines below each one describing what you will do when
these things occur to celebrate them:

1. When some unexpected good happens – what could you do to express your
gratitude for that gift? How could you reinforce how special it is that something
would happen for your benefit that you were not even planning on?


a. Say a prayer of gratitude

b. Donate some money to a cause you believe in (even if it’s a small amount)

c. Make a point of doing something kind or considerate for someone you don’t

My rituals:

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2. On the anniversary of a happy event in your life (wedding, birthday, decision to

follow your passions, start of your business, etc.) – what can you do to honor that
occurrence in your life? Most of us celebrate birthdays and anniversaries. Consider
celebrating other important dates in your life.

a. Ways to celebrate

b. Do something for yourself you wouldn’t normally do – get a massage, go to a

spa, take a day off to set intentions related to that event, and so on.

c. Get a cake and have a party

d. Go out in Nature and spend some time with yourself reflecting or just

e. Take a dear friend or family member out for tea or for a meal

My rituals:

3. On the birthday of someone who has had a huge impact on you – do something
special to let them know how grateful you are for their contribution to your life.

My rituals:

7. When beginning something new (starting a new project, taking a new speaking
engagement, signing a contract).

My rituals:

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8. When you achieve a goal or fulfill an intention or complete a project.

My rituals:

Key Principles: Creating Your Crystal Clear Intention

1. The 3 keys to creating ______________ in your life are:

_________________ - ___________________ - ________________

9. ________________ means clearly stating what you intend to ___________.

10. _______________ means doing ______________ you can think to do.

11. _______________ has two parts:

12. Doing ___________ you can think to do and then ________________.

13. _______________ from that state of ___________ or __________ that we all have

14. When creating an _______________ imagine that the ___________ has already
occurred and what will have happened to have the best possible _______________.

15. _______________ have existed throughout history to harness the _____________

forces of nature.

16. They serve to ____________ the attention and to _______________ acknowledge

significant events in one’s life.

Action Step
Gather supplies for the rituals you identified in this lesson so that you have them on hand
when it comes time to complete them.

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Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose

LESSON #22: The Power of Ceremonial Rituals

Ceremonial rituals add richness and joy to life. Certain kinds of ceremonial rituals can even
produce outcomes that would seem extraordinary.

In lesson 13 you identified areas in your where you can incorporate rituals to help you be
more connected to your passions and to celebrate the milestones along your path.

This is one such milestone.

Set aside an hour to create your own personal Ceremonial Ritual to celebrate your
completion of this course. By now, you are well on your way to living a passionate, fulfilled,
turned on life, as you increase your income and expand your influence.

As you design your ritual, remember the 7 aspects of such rituals:

1) Your intention

2) Preparation and Purification

3) Use of Symbols

4) Activating all the senses

5) Prescribed performance

6) Repetition

7) Invoking the Unseen (which can be as simple as saying, “I’m open to receive help
from wherever it may come.”)

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Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose

Take time now and design your Ceremonial Ritual and then celebrate
your new Breakthrough Strategy!
Intention – At the beginning of my daily ritual I will read my intention for my current project
which is:

Preparation and Purification – I will prepare and purify as part of my daily ritual by:

Use of Symbols – The symbols I will use in my daily ritual will include:

Activating the Senses – I will engage my senses during my daily ritual by:

Prescribed Performance – The steps of my daily ritual will be as follows:

a. ________________________________________________________

b. ________________________________________________________

c. ________________________________________________________

d. ________________________________________________________

e. ________________________________________________________

f. ________________________________________________________

g. ________________________________________________________

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Repetition – I will repeat my daily ritual at approximately these times each day (start time
and end time for you work):


Invoking the Unseen - I will invoke the unseen aspects of life in my daily ritual by:



Now enjoy your celebration!

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Congratulations! You’ve completed the Course

Passion is about connecting with what has deepest meaning in your life. As this course
comes to an end, remember that the meaning in life is ultimately tied to our connectedness.

Quantum physics has demonstrated that at the core of life, all life is connected. All life
arises from one common field, which is a field of pure potentiality.

You ARE unique. You have unique qualities, unique abilities and unique gifts to give which
we call your unique “Life Design.” When you are giving those gifts, you will feel a sense of
purpose and fulfillment in your life that no one can take away.

Your top 5 passions will provide you with a measuring stick against which you can evaluate
every opportunity that comes into your life. You won’t be able to predict how your passions
will unfold, but you will always be able to decide what direction to take in your life.

Your genius will help you to know who to partner with so you can have the biggest impact.
And as you master the lessons for your current level on the Wealth Spectrum, you will see
your material life blossom more and more as well.

One of Janet’s passions is to uplift humanity. She had no idea how that would get fulfilled
when she got an email asking her to donate her time to speak to 200 homeless women in
transition in Miami, Florida. Janet said yes, and out of that decision has come the
Empowerment series which has brought together top transformational leaders providing
knowledge and information for both the homeless and for kids in detention centers.

We are all connected. As long as any of us are not aligned with our Life’s Design, it affects
us all. That’s why we have committed ourselves to turning the passion statistics upside
down. With 80% of working Americans not passionate about what they are doing, not
happy, satisfied or fulfilled, the joy in our world is way below what it could be.

The remarkable thing about our world is that by serving others we have the greatest ability
to serve ourselves.

The Passion Test Certification program was created to train certified Passion Test Facilitators
to deliver The Passion Test and turn the passion statistics upside down. What we’ve
discovered is that teaching The Passion Test is the most powerful way for anyone to align
their life with their own passions.

We have all heard the saying, “The teacher gains more than the student”. When you teach
the principles and exercises for living a passionate life, you will discover that you have no
choice but to live those principles yourself.

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Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose

So, if you’re committed to living a passionate life, align your life with your own passions,
and create an extra stream of income to support you in living your passions. You can read
the details and get the current schedule of courses at:

The entire purpose and intent of The Passion Test is to connect you with the deepest part of
your own heart. The full development of your heart will create a miraculous life.

We leave you with this vision of possibilities from Emmet Fox:

"There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer,

no disease that enough love will not heal,

no door that enough love will not open,

no gulf that enough love will not bridge,

no wall that enough love will not throw down,

no sin that enough love will not redeem.

It makes no difference how deeply seated may be the trouble,

how great the mistake, sufficient realization of love will resolve it all.

If you could love enough,

you would be the happiest and most powerful being in the world."

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Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose

Appendix: Principles of Living a Passionate Life

Today you’ll learn about the 7 Principles that begin to arise naturally when you begin to
align with your passions. Notice that we say that they arise naturally – they are not steps that
you have to follow in order to live a passionate life.

For most of us, it’s our limiting or false beliefs that keep us from living these principles fully
and that’s why we recommend The Work of Byron Katie (go back to Lesson 17).

These 7 principles are like a measuring stick. When you notice that you are easily living
them then it’s a sign that you are living your passions.

The 7 Principles of Living a Passionate Life are:

1) Commitment

2) Clarity

3) Attention

4) Staying Open

5) Integrity

6) Persistence

7) Follow Your Heart

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Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose

Principle #1: Commitment

As you get more aligned with your passions, you don’t have to try to be committed. This is
because you are doing what’s most important to you and choosing in favour of your


Turn back to Lesson 1 and read the commitment that you made to yourself. If you didn’t
make that written commitment then now is the time to complete it.

Write down 3 commitments (including one financial commitment) that you have made to
yourself to support yourself in living your passions:

Principle #2: Clarity

Many of the exercises you’ve done already are designed to help you gain greater clarity
about the things you choose to have in your life. Why?

“When you are clear, what you choose to show up in your life will,
and only to the extent that you are clear.” – The Passion Test

Taking The Passion Test to identify your top 5 passions was the first of these exercises. Did
you notice how creating your Markers, Passion Pages, Vision Board and 100th Birthday
Speech also helped you to get clear?

If you didn’t complete your Markers, Passion Pages, Vision Board and 100th Birthday
Speech, go back now and do one of them - even if it’s just writing one Marker for one of
your top 5 passions. This small step will help you get clearer.

Which exercise did you finish?

Which ones are you committed to completing soon?

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Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose


Take The Passion Test again and see if your top 5 passions are still the same. Go back to
Lessons 3 and 4 for the instructions. We recommend that you take The Passion Test every 3
months (or more often if you need extra clarity).

Once you’ve finished, write your NEW LIST of your TOP 5 PASSIONS here:

“When my life is ideal I am…”






Have your passions changed? How does your new list feel to you?

Principle #3: Attention

The power of attention is one of the three keys to creating anything you choose to have in
your life: Intention – Attention – No Tension.

“What you put your attention on grows stronger in your life” – The Passion Test

Here are a few ways that you can put more of your powerful attention on the good things
you that you want to create in your life:

§ The Appreciation Game is a fun and wonderful way to put your attention on the
things that you want more of in your life. We’ll cover this later in one of the
“Members-Only” video lessons.

§ Celebrate your “wins” – even the small ones – that bring you one step closer to
aligning your life with your passions.

§ Notice when you consciously choose in favour of your passions each day.
Congratulate yourself when you catch yourself doing so.

§ Your “Passion Cards” that you wrote in Lesson 6 are designed to keep your
attention on your top 5 passions.

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Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose


If you’ve had your Passion Cards up in one place for a while, consider moving them to
somewhere new so that you notice them more frequently.

Principle #4: Staying Open

This principle is such an important part of living a passionate life. This is the “No Tension”
part of Intention – Attention – No Tension.

As you practice the habit of choosing in favour of your passions, remember to stay open to
how it shows up in your life – even if it causes you contraction. Contraction often gives us
the opportunity to gain greater clarity. And as you stay open to something larger than
yourself, you will see the opportunities that may not have been obvious to you when you
were first presented with that challenge.

In our experience, being open to what’s showing up in your life - to the way in which your
passions are fulfilled - is the key.

Principle #5: Integrity

Integrity builds trust and trust, in turn, allows things to happen more quickly. Integrity means
being as true to yourself as you are to others and as true to others as you are to yourself.

Trust and Commitments

If you find yourself unable to keep a commitment to someone, don’t blow it off. Go back to
the person with whom you made your original commitment and ask them if they can re-
negotiate the agreement. If they say no then do your best to keep your original commitment
even if it costs you time and money or is very difficult for you to do.

The important thing is to build trust. And it will make you more careful about making
commitments in the future.


Write down 3 commitments that you have made to others:




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Your Hidden Riches Revealed – A Step-by-step Guide to a Life of Passion, Meaning and Purpose

Is there one commitment that you need to “renegotiate” in your life? If so, note it here and
make a commitment to yourself that you will go to the person and ask them to agree to
change the commitment, knowing that you are prepared to do whatever it takes to follow
through if they say no to your request.

Principle #6: Persistence

As you follow the path of passion, challenges arise that you didn’t predict or foresee. That’s
why Nature’s Guidance System is so important (Lesson 7).

If you’re aligned with your passions then persistence is not a difficult thing even when
you’re contracted because of your commitment to your passions.

When you are challenged, this is the time to reaffirm your passions and take The Passion
Test again.

Principle #7: Follow Your Heart

Passion arises from the heart, not the mind. The seventh principle says, “When in doubt,
follow your heart.” When you are connected with your feelings, rather than your thoughts
you’ll make choices that are aligned with your passions.

Beware that there is a difference between following your heart and being impulsive.

Following your passions is a balance between following your mind and your heart. What
we are saying here is that when you find that a decision is difficult to make, follow your
heart. Go with the things that draw you forward.

Sometimes the mind helps us to justify our decisions but when it comes to making decisions
to follow your passions, follow your heart.

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What one important decision are you trying to make right now in your life?

What does your mind tell you to do?

What would you do if you followed your heart?

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