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SQA PUGC Sajiya Tariq

<Group #08>

<SQA Tool>
Tool Overview (Less than 150 words)

JIRA is an issue and project tracking software from Atlassian. Currently, JIRA is the number one
software development tool used by Agile teams. My Topic is Test Case Management.

JIRA is not set up for testing. You’ll see that JIRA has several different types of
issues (Bug, Epic, Improvement), but nothing specifically for tests.

You can customize JIRA in certain ways to use it for some test case
management processes, but these are makeshift customizations and they have limitations as a
result. For example, every workflow built inside JIRA has an endpoint of “done.” This setup
means that if you customize JIRA or certain issues for test case management, you’ll always find
yourself moving to a done status when you might not be “done” once a test executes. For
resolving this issue customize JIRA for Test Case Management by adding a “Test Case” issue


1. Ability to create custom issue types such as test cases

2. One workflow for QA, developer and testing actions
3. Ability to use existing reporting (and JIRA does offer excellent reporting)
4. Good for one-time manual execution


1. No testing specific functionality

2. Only integrates with testing frameworks via the CI server
3. Very Difficult For Test Execution And Management


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