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University of Groningen

Reactive extraction of lactic acid using alamine 336 in MIBK

Wasewar, Kailas L.; Heesink, A. Bert M.; Versteeg, Geert F.; Pangarkar, Vishwas G.

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Journal of Biotechnology


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Wasewar, K. L., Heesink, A. B. M., Versteeg, G. F., & Pangarkar, V. G. (2002). Reactive extraction of lactic
acid using alamine 336 in MIBK: equilibria and kinetics. Journal of Biotechnology, 97(1), 59-68.

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Journal of Biotechnology 97 (2002) 59 – 68

Reactive extraction of lactic acid using alamine 336 in

MIBK: equilibria and kinetics
Kailas L. Wasewar a, A. Bert M. Heesink b, Geert F. Versteeg b,
Vishwas G. Pangarkar a,*
Mumbai Uni6ersity Institute of Chemical Technology, Matunga, Mumbai 400 019, India
Department of Chemical Engineering, Uni6ersity of Twente, 7500 AE Enschede, Netherlands
Received 16 October 2001; received in revised form 7 March 2002; accepted 15 March 2002


Lactic acid is an important commercial product and extracting it out of aqueous solution is a growing requirement
in fermentation based industries and recovery from waste streams. The design of an amine extraction process requires
(i) equilibrium and (ii) kinetic data for the acid–amine (solvent) system used. Equilibria for lactic acid extraction by
alamine 336 in methyl-iso-butyl-ketone (MIBK) as a diluent have been determined. The extent to which the organic
phase (amine +MIBK) may be loaded with lactic acid is expressed as a loading ratio, z= [HL]o/[B]i,o. Calculations
based on the stoichiometry of the reactive extraction and the equilibria involved indicated that more lactic acid is
transferred to the organic phase than would be expected from the (1:1) stoichiometry of the reaction. The extraction
equilibrium was interpreted as a result of consecutive formation of two acid– amine species with stoichiometries of 1:1
and 2:1. Equilibrium complexation constant for (1:1) and (2:1) has been estimated. Kinetics of extraction of lactic acid
by alamine 336 in MIBK has also been determined. In a first study of its kind, the theory of extraction accompanied
by a chemical reaction has been used to obtain the kinetics of extraction of lactic acid by alamine 336 in MIBK. The
reaction between lactic acid and alamine 336 in MIBK in a stirred cell falls in Regime 3, extraction accompanied by
a fast chemical reaction occurring in the diffusion film. The reaction has been found to be zero order in alamine 336
and first order in lactic acid with a rate constant of 1.38 s − 1. These data will be useful in the design of extraction
processes. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Lactic acid; Reactive extraction; Alamine 336; MIBK; Equilibria; Kinetics

1. Introduction tic acid is an important chemical, which can be

converted to ethanol, propylene glycol, acrylic
Lactic acid is a commodity chemical utilized in polymers and polyesters. In particular an increas-
the food, chemical and pharmaceutical fields. Lac- ingly interesting application is the use of lactic
acid as a monomer for the synthesis of biodegrad-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +91-22-414-5616; fax: + 91-
able homopolymers and copolymers (Buchta,
22-414-5614. 1983; Datta et al., 1995). Lactic acid is a raw
E-mail address: (V.G. Pangarkar). material for the production of biodegradable

0168-1656/02/$ - see front matter © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 8 - 1 6 5 6 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 5 7 - 3
60 K.L. Wasewar et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 97 (2002) 59–68

polylactic acid. A growing demand for biodegrad- Baniel et al., 1981; Kertes and King, 1986;
able polymers, both substitutes for conventional Tamada et al., 1990a,b; Yabannavar and Wang,
plastic materials and new materials of specific uses 1991; King, 1992; Tik et al., 2001) membrane
such as controlled drug delivery or artificial pros- bioreactor (Moueddeb et al., 1996; Jaung and
theses, draws attention to improved conventional Huang, 1997; Tong et al., 1998), liquid surfactant
processes for lactic acid production (Lipinsky and membrane extraction (Baniel, 1982; Sirman et al.,
Sinclair, 1986). 1991), adsorption (Kaufman et al., 1994), direct
Recovery of lactic acid from aqueous solutions distillation (Cockrem and Johnson, 1991), electro-
is a growing requirement in fermentation based dialysis (Hongo et al., 1986; Boyaval et al., 1987;
industries and recovery from waste streams. Lac- Lee et al., 1998), chromatographic methods
tic acid can be produced by the fermentation of (Hauer and Marr, 1994), ultrafiltration (Hauer
biomass. However the fermentation broth has a and Marr, 1994), reverse osmosis (Timmer et al.,
low concentration (B 10%) of lactic acid due to a 1994), drying (Hauer and Marr, 1994), etc.
product inhibition of the biological process. The Reactive extraction with specified extractant
traditional recovery process of lactic acid from giving a higher distribution coefficient has been
fermentation broth is quite complicated. Isolation proposed as a promising technique for the recov-
of this acid from dilute wastewater or fermenta- ery of carboxylic and hydroxycarboxylic acids
tion broths is an economic problem since the (Wardell and King, 1978; Wennersten, 1983). Re-
vaporization of water consumes much energy and active liquid–liquid extraction has the advantage
a direct upgrading of the wastewater by evapora- that lactic acid can be removed easily from the
tion is inefficient. Lactic acid is non-volatile and
fermentation broth, preventing the lowering of
hence distillation is not useful. In conventional
pH. Further, the lactic acid can be re-extracted
processes, lactic acid has been recovered from the
and the extractant recycled to the fermentation
fermentation broth by precipitation of calcium
lactate with calcium hydroxide. In this recovery
Organic bases or amine extractants can provide
scheme, calcium lactate is precipitated, recovered
much higher equilibrium distribution coefficients
by filtration and converted to lactic acid by addi-
(KD) for extraction of carboxylic acids than con-
tion of sulfuric acid. The dilute lactic acid product
is then sequentially purified using activated car- ventional solvents. Solvent extraction with tertiary
bon, evaporation and crystallization. These sepa- amines has been widely used to recover fraction-
ration and final purification stages account for up ate metals such as uranium, iron, cobalt, etc. from
to 50% of the production costs (Chaudhuri and aqueous solutions. Most of these extractions are
Pyle, 1992; Eyal and Bressler, 1993). Thus, this essentially ion-exchange extractions, because the
method of recovery is expensive and unfriendly to amine group is protonated in sufficiently acidic
the environment as it consumes lime and sulfuric solutions and forms an ion pair with a metal that
acid and also produces a large quantity of calcium is present in anionic form (Baniel et al., 1981).
sulfate sludge as solid waste (Shreve and Brink, Tertiary amine extractants are effective, with KD
1977). Allowing accumulation of lactic acid strongly dependent upon the nature of the diluent
product in fermentation broth inhibits further used and the concentration of amine in that dilu-
product formation. Reactor productivities are low ent (Ricker et al., 1979). The active diluents are
and the products are obtained in the dilute form. usually divided into three classes: active diluents
The effects of end product inhibition can be re- containing chlorine atoms (methylene chloride,
duced by in situ removal of lactic acid from 1-chlorobutane, chlorobenzene, chloroform), car-
fermentation broth by several methods. bon-bonded oxygen donor active diluents (methyl
A number of processes for lactic acid recovery isobutyl ketone (MIBK), 1-octanol, 1-decanol)
from fermentation broth without precipitation and phosphorous-bonded oxygen donor active
have been studied and reported in the literature: diluents (tri butyl phosphate) (Han and Hong,
solvent extraction (Wardell and King, 1978; 1996).
K.L. Wasewar et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 97 (2002) 59–68 61

Tertiary amines are found to be effective in The reactive component was alamine 336
extracting lactic acid and alcohols are among the (straight chain tertiary amine containing C8 –C10
best diluents, with the additional advantage that a alkyl groups (Henkel Corp., USA) with MIBK as
lactic acid ester can be produced after the extrac- diluent). Alamine was used as supplied.
tion process is completed (Ratchford et al., 1951;
King, 1983). Alamine 336 (mixture of C8, C9 and 2.2. Methods
C10 tertiary amines) yields a good combination of
high KD, low solubility in water and good regen- 2.2.1. Equilibria
erability. The extractant must be diluted with an All experiments were carried out at room tem-
organic solvent to provide suitable physical prop- perature at 25 °C. Known volumes of aqueous
erties for use in an extraction process. The diluent (different concentrations of lactic acid) and or-
also has a strong effect on extraction equilibria ganic phases (50 ml each) (both pure MIBK and
(Wardell and King, 1978). The diluted extractant MIBK containing different concentrations of
gives much higher KD values than the pure alamine 336) of known concentrations were equi-
extractant. librated in a temperature-controlled shaker bath
The design of an amine extraction process re- for 24 h. The two phases were allowed to settle
quires (i) equilibrium and (ii) kinetic data for the for at least 30 min, which was a sufficient time for
acid –amine (solvent) system used. Considerable a complete phase separation (San-Martin et al.,
information on the equilibrium of several acid– 1992). To determine the concentration of lactic
amine (solvent) systems is available in the litera- acid, the aqueous phase was titrated with 0.1 N
ture. However, no information pertaining to NaOH and phenolphthalein as an indicator. The
kinetics is available. In view of this it was thought acid concentrations in the organic phase were
desirable to obtain the kinetics of extraction of calculated by mass balance.
lactic acid from aqueous solutions using alamine
336 in MIBK. 2.2.2. Kinetics
This research work reports the liquid– liquid A stirred cell of 0.07 m in diameter and 0.1 m in
equilibrium data and kinetics for the extraction of height, with a flat bottom was used for the kinetic
lactic acid by alamine 336 (a tertiary amine, with studies (Doraiswamy and Sharma, 1984).
aliphatic chains of 8– 10 carbon groups) dissolved Aqueous solution of lactic acid (0.1 m3) of known
in MIBK, as diluents. concentration was first placed in the vessel. The
position of the four-blade paddle (0.058 m in
diameter and 0.01 mm in width) double stirrer
was adjusted to 1 cm below and above the inter-
2. Materials and methods
face. A fixed volume of the organic extractant
mixture (0.1 m3) was then added, and stirring was
2.1. Materials started. Using acid–base titration with 0.1 N
NaOH and phenolphthalein as an indicator, acid
All the chemicals used (lactic acid, MIBK, concentration in aqueous phase was determined
sodium hydroxide) were of reagent grade and periodically. Concentration of lactic acid in the
were used without pretreatment. All solutions of organic phase was determined by mass balance.
lactic acid were prepared by dissolving lactic acid
of analytical purity in distilled water. The initial 2.3. Theory of extraction accompanied by a
concentration of lactic acid was varied from 1.6 chemical reaction
kmol m − 3 to 0.088 kmol m − 3. Comparatively
low concentration range was used because in the Doraiswamy and Sharma (1984) have given an
practical case of acid recovery from fermentation exhaustive discussion on the theory of extraction
broths, the acid concentrations are not expected accompanied by a chemical reaction (Doraiswamy
to be high. and Sharma, 1984). Four regimes of extraction
62 K.L. Wasewar et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 97 (2002) 59–68

accompanied by reaction have been identified de- chemical equilibrium isotherms are shown in Fig.
pending upon the physico-chemical and hydrody- 1. It was observed that extraction efficiency in-
namic parameters. When the reaction is reversible creased with an increase in alamine 336 concen-
the solute has a finite equilibrium concentration in tration. San-Martin et al. (1992, 1996) have
the bulk and the driving force needs to be reported that the degree of extraction increased
modified by incorporating the equilibrium con- up to a concentration of 40% v/v of the alamine
centration. The extraction involves the partition- 336 and then remained constant (San-Martin et
ing of the solute available in the aqueous phase to al., 1992, 1996).
the organic phase. The reactive liquid–liquid extraction of lactic
acid (HL) with the tertiary amine alamine 336 (B)
Aaq “Aorg
gives a reaction complex (BHL) which remains
The solute A present in the organic phase com- largely in the organic phase and may be repre-
bines with the organic reactant (amine), B accord- sented by:
ing to
HLw + Bo l BHLo (2)
A +zBUComplex
The distribution coefficient, KD is defined by:
Doraiswamy and Sharma (1984) have given the
guidelines for discerning the mechanism in stirred KD = [HL]o/[HL]w (3)
cell. The hydrodynamic factors (as signified by the Distribution coefficients obtained by a statisti-
speed of agitation in a stirred cell) are unimpor- cal analysis of the equilibrium data at low concen-
tant in Regimes 1 and 3 whereas the speed of tration of lactic acid for various alamine
agitation affects the rate of extraction in Regimes concentrations in MIBK are given in Table 1.
2 and 4. The expressions for the rate of extraction A quantitative interpretation of the equilibrium
for various regimes are given by Doraiswamy and for the acid–amine extraction may be defining by
Sharma (1984). The expression for Regime 3, equilibrium complexation constant, KE as:
extraction accompanied by a fast general order
chemical reaction occurring in the diffusion film is KE = [BHL]o/[HL]w[B]o (4)

RA = [A*]
' 2
D k [A*]m − 1[B0]n (1)
The concentration of free amine in the organic
phase would be:
m +1 A mn

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Extraction equilibria

Experiments were carried out to describe the

physical and chemical equilibria for lactic acid.
There is only a very slight effect, if any, of
temperature in the range of 20– 90 °C on the
distribution ratio of lactic acid into alcohols, ke-
tones, diethyl carbinol and ethers (Kertes and
King, 1986). The physical equilibrium distribution
isotherm was measured at 25 °C in MIBK. The
results are shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 1. Equilibrium isotherms for reactive extraction of lactic
acid with various concentrations of alamine 336 in MIBK. ,
The chemical equilibrium distribution isotherms 40% v/v alamine 336 in MIBK.
, 30% v/v alamine 336 in
were measured at 25 °C for alamine 336 concen- MIBK. , 20% v/v alamine 336 in MIBK. ", 0% v/v alamine
trations of 20, 30 and 40% v/v in MIBK. The 336 in MIBK.
K.L. Wasewar et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 97 (2002) 59–68 63

Table 1
Distribution coefficient for the lactic acid extraction with
various concentrations of alamine 336 in MIBK

% Alamine 336 Distribution coefficient (KD)

0 0.31
20 0.72
30 2.68
40 4.24

[B]o = [B]i,o − [BHL]o (5)

If 1:1 lactic acid–alamine 336 complex is Fig. 3. Plot of z/(1− z) vs. [HL]w for the estimation of (1:1)
formed then [HL]o =[BHL]o, lactic acid –alamine 336 equilibrium complexation constant.
log KD =log KE +log[B]o (6)
HLw + BHLo l B(HL)2,o (8)
If the former assumption is valid, a plot of
log KD versus log[B]o should yield a straight line
Kn 1
with a slope of unity. As shown in Fig. 2 the HLw + B(HL)n − 1,o l B(HL)n,o (9)
slope is far less than unity (0.2), which implies
that the organic phase extracts more acid than The equilibrium complexation constant for the
would be expected on the basis of 1:1 complex. reaction represented by above equations is:
Hence, the extraction equilibrium of the lactic
[B(HL)n ]o
acid is not adequately represented by Eq. (2). KEn = (10)
Though the exact nature of the chemistry in- [B]o[HL]nw
volved in the uptake of extra acid is known, The extent to which the organic phase
and, in spite of the obvious non-ideality of the (alamine 336+MIBK) can be loaded with lactic
organic phase, distribution data can be inter- acid is expressed as the loading ratio, z;
preted by a set of equilibria involving the for-
mation of complexes with n acid molecules and [HL]o
z= (11)
one amine molecule (Tamada et al., 1990a,b): [B]i,o
HLw +Bo l BHLo (7) The value of z depends on the extractability
of the acid (strength of the acid–base interac-
tion) and its aqueous concentration, and is inde-
pendent of the amine content in an inert diluent
(Kertes and King, 1986; Tamada et al.,
The stoichiometry of the overall extraction re-
action depends on the loading ratio in the or-
ganic phase, z. If the organic phase is not highly
concentrated, i.e. at very low loading ratios (zB
0.5), the (1:1) complex is formed and a plot of
z/(1− z) versus [HL]w is a straight line whose
slope gives the complexation constant KE in Eq.
(4) and KE1 in Eq. (10).
Fig. 2. Distribution coefficient of lactic acid in alamine dis-
solved in MIBK as a function of free amine concentration in =KE1[HL]w (12)
organic phase. 1−z
64 K.L. Wasewar et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 97 (2002) 59–68

A straight line of the plot of Eq. (12) is shown Table 2

in Fig. 3 with a slope of 10.15. Hence, the equi- Concentration range of lactic acid in the aqueous phase at
which one of the complexes formed in the organic phase in
librium complexation constant for the (1:1) com- equilibrium
plex at 25 °C for the extraction of lactic acid with
alamine 336 dissolved in MIBK, for low concen- Complex Concentration range (kmol m−3)
trations of lactic acid in the organic phase is:
(1:1) B0.08
KE1 =10.15 m3 kmol − 1 (2:1) 0.09–0.9

For higher loading ratios, the (2:1) complex is

formed, and a plot of z/(2 −z) versus [HL]2w phase is not high enough and hence the plot based
should yield a straight line, whose slope gives the on Eq. (14) is not considered. This situation is
complexation constant for the (2:1) complex. KE2 frequently encountered in fermentation processes
is obtained from Eq. (10). for production of lactic acid.
z Figs. 3 and 4 allow the determination of the
= KE2[HL]2w (13) concentration range of lactic acid in the aqueous
2− z
phase at which one of the complexes formed in
A straight line of the plot of Eq. (13) is shown the organic phase in equilibrium is present in a
in Fig. 4 with a slope of 10.13. Hence, the equi- higher proportion. Results are shown in Table 2.
librium complexation constant for the (2:1) com- When lactic acid concentration in the aqueous
plex at 25 °C for the extraction of lactic acid with phase is within the range indicated in Table 2, the
alamine 336 dissolved in MIBK is: equilibrium concentration in the organic phase is
high enough to form either the (1:1) or the (2:1)
KE2 =10.13 (m3 kmol − 1)2
complexes. For the experimental conditions used
If the lactic acid concentration is high enough, in this work, lactic acid concentration is not high
the (3:1) complex may be formed and a plot of enough to provide the amount of lactic acid
z/(3 −z) versus [HL]3w should yield a straight line, needed in the organic phase so that the (3:1)
whose slope gives the complexation constant for complex can be formed.
the (3:1) complex. KE3 is obtained from Eq. (10).
z 3.2. Kinetics
= KE3[HL]3w (14)
3.2.1. Physical mass transfer coefficient
In this work the complex is not formed because The value of physical mass transfer coefficient
the concentration of lactic acid in the organic kL is required for confirming the regime of extrac-
tion. This was obtained by conducting physical
extraction (diluent only) of lactic acid from water.
For a batch process a differential mass balance
yields the following equation,
Vaq = kLAC(C*org − Corg) (15)
Integration of this equation yields,

kL =
Vaq & Corg
ACt 0 (C*org − Corg)
The value of kL evaluated using Eq. (16) for
Fig. 4. Plot of z/(2−z) vs. [HL]2w for the estimation of (2:1) different speeds of agitation is plotted in Fig. 5.
lactic acid –alamine 336 equilibrium complexation constant. The regression relation between the mass transfer
K.L. Wasewar et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 97 (2002) 59–68 65

coefficient and the speed of agitation obtained by

a statistical analysis data is given below.

kL = 3.5× 10 − 5 N 4.7 (17)

The reaction between lactic acid and alamine

336 is reversible, particularly under conditions of
high loading in the organic phase. To avoid prob-
lems due to this reversibility, only initial rates
were considered for evaluation of the kinetics.

3.2.2. Reaction regime

Fig. 6. Effect of speed of agitation on specific rate of extrac- Effect of speed of agitation. To find out
tion for the reactive extraction of lactic acid with alamine 336
the reaction regime, discerning the mechanism in MIBK.
proposed by Doraiswamy and Sharma (1984) was
used. The speed of agitation was varied from 0.65 From the above experimental results it can be
rev s − 1 to 1.4 rev s − 1. In this range the liquid– concluded that the reaction between lactic acid
liquid interface was flat and the interfacial area and alamine 336 in MIBK in a stirred cell falls in
for extraction was equal to the geometric area. Regime 3, extraction accompanied by a fast chem-
Fig. 6 indicates that there was no effect of speed ical reaction occurring in the diffusion film.
of agitation on the specific rate of extraction, RA
(kmol/m2s). This situation is possible if either 3.2.3. Order of reaction
Regime 1 or Regime 3 is valid. Order with respect to lactic acid. The
aqueous phase lactic acid concentration was Effect of phase 6olume. To differentiate varied from 0.1 kmol m − 3 to 0.25 kmol m − 3. Fig.
between Regimes 1 and 3, the effect of organic 8 shows the effect of organic phase lactic acid
phase volume on the specific rate of extraction concentration on specific rate of extraction, RA. A
was studied. Fig. 7 shows the plot of RA versus regression analysis of the data yielded m= 1 (as
phase volume ratio (volume of organic phase/vol- per Eq. (1)). Thus, the reaction is first order with
ume of aqueous phase) at a constant speed of respect to lactic acid.
agitation. Evidently, there is no effect of phase

Fig. 7. Effect of phase ratio on the specific rate of extraction

Fig. 5. Effect of speed of agitation on mass transfer coefficient for the reactive extraction of lactic acid with alamine 336 in
for the extraction of lactic acid with MIBK. MIBK.
66 K.L. Wasewar et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 97 (2002) 59–68

The value of DA was estimated using Wilke–

Chang (1955) equation as 1.16×10 − 9 m2 s − 1.
The data were fitted (Fig. 8) to the above equa-
tion to obtain the value of the first order rate
constant, k1 as 1.38 s − 1.
To confirm that Regime 3 holds the value of
the parameter

was evaluated (Doraiswamy and Sharma, 1984).
It was found that for the range of kL values (Fig.
Fig. 8. Effect of initial lactic acid concentration on specific rate
(DAk1)/kL $ 8
of extraction for the reactive extraction of lactic acid with
alamine 336 in MIBK. or greater than 3 which is the condition for the
validity of Regime 3. Thus, the above mentioned
3.2.4. Order with respect to alamine 336 results reflect the true intrinsic kinetics of the
Fig. 9 shows a plot of the specific rate of extraction process.
extraction of lactic acid against initial alamine 336 It is generally expected that the reaction be-
concentration in the organic phase. Evidently tween a carboxylic acid and amine should be
there is no effect of alamine 336 concentration on instantaneous, particularly when the reaction
the rate of extraction indicating that the reaction takes place in an aqueous medium where both
is zero order in alamine 336 (n =0 in Eq. (1)). species are likely to be in ionic form. However, in
the present case the solubility of lactic acid in the
3.2.5. Rate constant organic phase is higher than that in water. On the
For m =1 and n= 0 (Eq. (1)), the rate expres- other hand the organic amine has practically neg-
sion for the initial part of the extraction is re- ligible solubility in the aqueous phase (Ricker et
duced to al., 1980). Thus, there is reason to believe that the
reaction takes place in the organic phase where
RA = C*org
DAk1 (18)
ionized species do not exist. This argument fur-
ther supports the finite kinetics observed in the
stirred cell experiments.

4. Conclusion

The extraction of lactic acid from aqueous solu-

tions by alamine 336 dissolved in MIBK was
studied. Physical and chemical equilibria for lactic
acid extraction by alamine 336 in MIBK as a
diluent have been determined. The extent to
which the organic phase (amine+ MIBK) may be
loaded with lactic acid is expressed as a loading
ratio, z= Corg/CB. Calculations based on the stoi-
chiometry of the reactive extraction and the equi-
Fig. 9. Effect of initial alamine 336 concentration on specific
libria involved indicated that more lactic acid is
rate of extraction for the reactive extraction of lactic acid with transferred to the organic phase than would be
alamine 336 in MIBK. expected from a 1:1 stoichiometry of the reaction.
K.L. Wasewar et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 97 (2002) 59–68 67

The extraction equilibrium was interpreted as a KE2 (2:1) lactic acid–alamine equi-
result of consecutive formation of two acid– librium complexation constant
amine species with stoichiometries of 1:1 and 2:1. (m3 kmol−1)2
Equilibrium complexation constants for (1:1) and KE3 (3:1) lactic acid–alamine equi-
(2:1) have been estimated. librium complexation constant
In the first study of its kind, the theory of (m3 kmol−1)3
extraction accompanied by chemical reaction has [HL]o lactic acid concentration in or-
been used to obtain kinetics of extraction of lactic ganic phase (kmol m−3)
acid by alamine 336 in MIBK. The theory of k1 first order rate constant (s−1)
extraction accompanied by a chemical reaction kL overall mass transfer coefficient
has been used to obtain the intrinsic kinetics of (m s−1)
extraction by alamine 336 in MIBK. The reaction KD distribution coefficient
between lactic acid and alamine 336 in MIBK in a kmn rate constant for a reaction that
stirred cell falls in Regime 3, extraction accompa- is mth order in species A and nth
nied by a fast chemical reaction occurring in the order in species B
diffusion film. The reaction has been found to be N speed of agitation (rev s−1)
zero order in alamine 336 and first order in lactic RA specific rate of extraction of lactic
acid with a rate constant of 1.38 s − 1. These data acid (kmol m−2 s−1)
will be useful in the design of extraction processes. t time of extraction (s)
Vaq volume of aqueous phase (m3)
Appendix A. Nomenclature z loading ratio (kmol lactic acid
kmol amine−1)

[A]* equilibrium concentration in or-

ganic phase (kmol m−3)
AC cross sectional area of stirred cell References
[B]i,o initial alamine concentration in Baniel, A.M., Blumbrerg, R., Hadju, K., 1981. Recovery of
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the organic phase (kmol m−3)
Baniel, A.M., 1982. Process for the extraction of organic acids
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the organic phase (kmol m−3) Boyaval, P., Corre, C., Terre, S., 1987. Continuous lactic acid
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(kmol m−3)
Chaudhuri, J.B., Pyle, D.L., 1992. Emulsion liquid membrane
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aqueous phase (kmol m−3) lactic acid extraction with emulsion swelling. Chem. Eng.
C *A equilibrium lactic acid concentra- Sci. 47 (1), 41 – 48.
tion in organic phase (kmol m−3) Cockrem, M.C.M., Johnson, P.D., 1991. Recovery of lactate
and lactic acid from fermentation broth. USP 5 210296.
Corg lactic acid concentration in or-
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