DANGILAN, Darren Dane D. March 30, 2019 Coa 1E SCIENCE 100 WS 9:30 - 11:30 AM Reaction On Specific Issues in Science and Technology

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DANGILAN, Darren Dane D.

March 30, 2019

COA 1E SCIENCE 100 WS 9:30 – 11:30 AM

Reaction on Specific Issues in Science and Technology

We cannot imagine our usual life without some advancement, caused by Science and Technology progress. In
fact, our existence changes in minutes now, something new appears each single day, what makes humans life
easier and more comfortable in some aspects. So, the age we have chance to live in now is considered to be
called the era of science and technology.

Actually, Science and Technology introduces us the foundation of up-to-date civilization. This progress has
contributed greatly to mainly each aspect of our everyday life. So, people have an opportunity now to enjoy its
results, having their lives more comfortable and pleasurable.

Here are some facts, which show on the benefits of Science and Technology progress:

The morning daily paper, which helps people to always keep up-to-date and supply them with trustworthy
information of everything what`s going on around the world, is a result of scientific progress.

Goods and devices people use in their daily deeds, such us electric light, refrigerator, electric oven, microwave
etc. – all that is given to us by science.

Science and Technology has also affected greatly our means of transportation, by making it easy to travel
from one place to another quickly. All buses, ships, aero-planes use the benefits of new advancements.

Thanks to the development of Science, men are now able to explore other planets.

Nowadays, newly created satellites are used to bring a light concerning outer space.

Many medicines, which are created to save million people lives, are also products of science.

Science and Technology provides us also with some things people cannot imagine their lives without: television,
Internet, radio.

The latest technologies also help to increase the production of goods and different crops. The same is about
work on factories, where manual work is replaced by new devices.

Urbanization, expansion of the villages, cities, factories, changes in economics and country`s well-being.

All these things mentioned above were possible only due to the rapid development of science and technology.
So, no wonder that it plays a significant role in the modern life of people. Thanks to this development, we have
entered another level of human civilization, having everything to arrange happy and comfortable living. It can
even be said that modern way of life and culture are dependent on some products of science and technology,
as they have become an integral part of existence, taking into account needs and requirements of people.

Thanks to new technologies, people now have many opportunities and choices. For example, they can study
online sitting at home by using Internet benefits and available sources of information. They can even study at
university on distance learning basis. The same thing is about work. There are many freelance options, which help
people to provide for the living without going to offices each morning. Scientists have made it possible to take
the highest benefits from technologies.

In general, development of the country is strongly connected with the growth of the development in science
and technology. These tree words, development, science and technology, always go together and are very
necessary for people and their better living. We can say that our life depends on new inventions and scientific
creations. As science and technology changes people life to a very great extent.

Alongside with many advantages, some people also consider science and technology to be harmful for humans.
The deal is that it is also used for some destructive purposes. Scientifically created weapons like atom or hydrogen
bombs are able to destroy the whole world in just few minutes. Some people also think that it is not
environmentally friendly to use all the advantages of scientific progresses. People should just learn how to use
everything in a proper way.

In conclusion, it must be admitted that science and technologies can lead human civilization to a perfection in
living. At the same time, everything should be done in wise perspectives and to some extents, not to harm and
destroy the world. Earth has sound for those, who listen.
DANGILAN, Darren Dane D. March 30, 2019
COA 1E SCIENCE 100 WS 9:30 – 11:30 AM

Reaction on Robots

Advanced automation and robotics are not far from happening. It’s happening Technology like machines,
specifically automation and robotics, are designed and created to do things easily and fast. Automation and
robotics are programmed to reduce error or any unnecessary movements that may cause delay and disrupt the
smooth flow of the operations. Just like in the movie, where almost everything is touch screened or voice
activated. In addition, robots can be helpful in dangerous situation. Like when a robot saved Spooner instead of
the girl. Though robotics and automation are logically programmed, they don’t have emotions that made them
have no conscience. For instance, automated machines used to count votes during election were invented to
reduce time, increase accuracy and avoid any miscalculations errors. Human operations such as human tallying
if not addressed are vulnerable to human interventions such as changing the actual with their desired data
and/or keeping the data that leads to corruption. Though automation and robotics increase efficiency and
effectiveness of the processes or operations, to some extent, these machines replace human works. Thus,
machines become the substitute for employment. However, automation and robotics can be controlled by
human. It’s hard to say if the advantages of automation and robotics outweigh its disadvantages because there
will always be pros and cons. And if the one that outweighs the other, it’s not because the automation and
robotics is good or bad but because of how we created or programmed them for.

Automation and robotics doesn’t necessarily put us all at risk because they accompany us in work, play
and entertain. Since these automation and robotics are created and programmed by humans, it has its own
vulnerabilities. Even if there are laws that recognize the rights of humans and its limits, we cannot overlook the
fact that humans can commit crimes. In the movie, there are laws for robots such as, “Law I: A robot may nt injure
a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm; Law II: A robot must obey orders
given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the first law; Law III: A robot must protect
its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the first or second law.” We all know that laws
have loopholes. Just as any human can break any law, can robots do the same? Though as presented in the
movie, robots have been really helpful, human beings have become reliant. Some are scared of these robots.
While others applaud with the existence and functionality of automation and robotics, some are still cynical, that
is, they have trust issues with robots. They are scared of what robots are capable of. They are also scared that
robots make take over humans, that is, robots may eradicate humans. And lastly, some are scared of robots
because robots like any mechanical machine have not conscience. What’s scary is how we humans design our
robots. For example, Sonny who look alike one of the NS-5s have two positronic operating core (i.e., brains) that
made him “more human” and he is capable of not following the rules that govern other robots if he chooses too.
Thus, he can commit a crime if a human ordered him to do so but his “human” side, his conscience, made him
safer and reliable. For, Sonny was created by Dr. Lanning to liberate the robots. In addition, operating system
such as VIKI (Virtual Interactive Kinetic Intelligence) may be a revolutionary invention that integrates and
systematically organize and distribute data. However, like humans, making this operating system or control system
so smart like VIKI maybe threat to human existence because when automation or robotics get a lot of data, they
will look for new data until they are almost everywhere, controlling the whole society and other technologies. If
human logic has vulnerabilities, so does the fast and powerful brain of VIKI. No one’s logic is purely undeniable
because everything is questionable.

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