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Miller CH., Palenik, CJ., 2010, Infection Control 4th ed., USA:Mosby, ElSevier.

Elastria Widita, drg., M.Sc.

 Recommendations
 Regulations
 Differences: ?
1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
2. American Dental Associations
3. Organization for Safety and Asepsis
4. Associations for the Advancement of
Medical Instrumentation
1. State and Local
2. Food and Drug Administration
3. Environmental Protection Agency
4. Occupational Safety and Health
 Blood borne pathogens : the most important
infection control law in dentistry for protection
health care workers.

 Summary of the standard:

 Exposure control plan
 Communications of Biohazards
 Post exposure Medical Evaluation and Follow up
 Record keeping
 Universal Precautions
 Housekeeping
 Regulated Waste
 Exposure determination
 Schedule of implementation
 Evaluation of exposure incidents
 Evaluations and use of safety devices

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