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the goddess of healing

2. aberration
a state or condition markedly different from the norm

3. abhor
find repugnant

4. acquiesce
agree or express agreement

5. alacrity
liveliness and eagerness

6. amiable
diffusing warmth and friendliness

7. appease
make peace with

8. arcane
requiring secret or mysterious knowledge
9. avarice
reprehensible acquisitiveness; insatiable desire for wealth

10. brazen
unrestrained by convention or propriety

11. brusque
rudely abrupt or blunt in speech or manner

12. cajole
influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering

13. callous
emotionally hardened

14. candor
the quality of being honest and straightforward

15. chide
scold or reprimand severely or angrily

16. circumspect
careful to consider potential consequences and avoid risk
17. clandestine
conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods

18. coerce
cause to do through pressure or necessity

19. coherent
marked by an orderly and consistent relation of parts

20. complacency
the feeling you have when you are satisfied with yourself

21. confidant
someone to whom private matters are told

22. connive
form intrigues (for) in an underhand manner

23. cumulative
increasing by successive addition

24. debase
make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance
25. decry
express strong disapproval of

26. deferential
showing courteous regard for people's feelings

27. demure
shy or modest, often in a playful or provocative way

28. deride
treat or speak of with contempt

29. despot
a cruel and oppressive dictator

30. diligent
quietly and steadily persevering in detail or exactness

31. elated
exultantly proud and joyful; in high spirits

32. eloquent
expressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively
33. embezzle
appropriate fraudulently to one's own use

34. empathy
understanding and entering into another's feelings

35. enmity
a state of deep-seated ill-will

36. erudite
having or showing profound knowledge

37. extol
praise, glorify, or honor

38. fabricate
put together out of artificial or natural components

39. feral
wild and menacing

40. flabbergasted
as if struck dumb with astonishment and surprise
41. forsake
leave someone who needs or counts on you; leave in the lurch

42. fractious
easily irritated or annoyed

43. furtive
secret and sly or sordid

44. gluttony
habitual eating to excess

45. gratuitous
unnecessary and unwarranted

46. haughty
having or showing arrogant superiority

47. hypocrisy
pretending to have qualities or beliefs that you do not have

48. impeccable
without fault or error
49. impertinent
improperly forward or bold

50. implacable
incapable of being appeased or pacified

51. impudent
improperly forward or bold

52. incisive
demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions

53. indolent
disinclined to work or exertion

54. inept
generally incompetent and ineffectual

55. infamy
a state of extreme dishonor

56. inhibit
limit the range or extent of
57. innate
present at birth but not necessarily hereditary

58. insatiable
impossible to satisfy

59. insular
relating to or characteristic of or situated on an island

60. intrepid
invulnerable to fear or intimidation

61. inveterate

62. jubilant
full of high-spirited delight

63. knell
the sound of a bell rung slowly to announce a death

64. lithe
moving and bending with ease
65. lurid
glaringly vivid and graphic; marked by sensationalism

66. maverick
someone who exhibits independence in thought and action

67. meticulous
marked by precise accordance with details

68. modicum
a small or moderate or token amount

69. morose
showing a brooding ill humor

70. myriad
a large indefinite number

71. nadir
the lowest point of anything

72. nominal
relating to or constituting or bearing or giving a name
73. novice
someone new to a field or activity

74. nuance
a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude

75. oblivious
lacking conscious awareness of

76. obsequious
attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery

77. obtuse
of an angle, between 90 and 180 degrees

78. parody
a composition that imitates or misrepresents a style

79. penchant
a strong liking

80. perusal
the act of examining or reading carefully
81. plethora
extreme excess

82. predilection
a predisposition in favor of something

83. quaint
attractively old-fashioned

84. rash
imprudently incurring risk

85. refurbish
improve the appearance or functionality of

86. repudiate
refuse to acknowledge, ratify, or recognize as valid

87. rife
excessively abundant

88. salient
conspicuous, prominent, or important
89. serendipity
good luck in making unexpected and fortunate discoveries

90. staid
characterized by dignity and propriety

91. superfluous
more than is needed, desired, or required

92. sycophant
a person who tries to please someone to gain an advantage

93. taciturn
habitually reserved and uncommunicative

94. truculent
defiantly aggressive

95. umbrage
a feeling of anger caused by being offended

96. venerable
profoundly honored
97. vex
disturb, especially by minor irritations

98. vociferous
conspicuously and offensively loud

99. wanton
a lewd or lascivious person

100. zenith
the point above the observer directly opposite the nadir

1. Likewise
There is never the perfect time to tell someone something unfortunate,
likewise, no one is ever ready to receive bad news.
2. In the same way
Using painkillers will heal you of a headache in the same way cough
syrups gets rid of a cough.
3. Similarly
Italian painters are renowned for their innovation, similarly so are the
Greeks for their philosophies.
4. Also
I walked out of the meeting, also, why was John going off like that?
That is no way to talk to an employee.
5. Correspondingly
I think mathematics is quite challenging, correspondingly, so is
physical science.
6. Simultaneously
I walked out of the train, simultaneously, my ex-girlfriend walked in.
7. In the same breadth
I advocate for equal human rights, in the same breadth, I believe that
we must all tolerate each other’s differences.

Outcome and Result

1. Therefore
I believe in the cosmos; therefore, I follow astronomy and horoscopes
2. As a consequence
I tried to write two exams on the same day, as a consequence, I failed
3. Thus
I wasn’t sure I could pass my IELTS exam, thus I decided to hire a
4. As a result
It rains quite often in Europe, as a result, most Europeans tend to
vacation in sunnier destinations.
5. Accordingly
Umbrellas offer protection during various weather; accordingly, it is
good to carry them around when it is hot and raining.
1. Nonetheless
I know that humans only use on average about 10% of their brains,
nonetheless, I often feel quite stupid.
2. Nevertheless
I really wasn’t feeling very well, nevertheless, I went to work because
of the presentation.
3. In contrast
Property prices seem to constantly be soaring each year; in contrast,
car prices seem to be diminishing.
4. However
I wanted to purchase a dress I saw in the shop last week, however,
when I returned to the store today it was sold out.
5. Yet
Sometimes I feel like I cannot pass my final exams, yet, I still study
6. All the same
He is a very good-looking guy, I can admit that, but all the same I still
don’t think you should go out with him.
7. In any case
We planned to host a dinner party but only three people showed, in
any case, we still had the party and it was a great time.
8. Instead
America should consider taking care of their gun laws, instead, they
pretend there isn’t a problem.
9. On the contrary
I used to believe in Valentine’s day when I was younger, on the
contrary, I think it is the dumbest holiday in the world.
10. By comparison
Dating in the 21 century certainly has its risks, by comparison, it also
has its perks.
11. On the other hand
I can completely agree with what Lisa has said, on the other hand, I
cannot disregard what Paul said either.

1. First, Firstly, In the first place, First of all
Firstly, she mentioned that she would be on time for the meeting but
she wasn’t.
2. Second, Secondly, In the second place
Secondly, we all noted how well she did in that physics exam.
3. Third, Thirdly, In the third place
Third, you can always just claim that you didn’t see the missed call
from him.
4. Last, Lastly, Last of all
Last of all, it may be important to schedule the next meeting and
delegate tasks.
5. For one thing
For one thing, dogs are completely loyal to their owners
6. To begin with
To begin with, how about you consider making a different choice.
7. For another thing
For another thing, your choice may not be incorrect just not currently
applicable right now.
8. In addition
I stopped by Lisa’s apartment to check in on her, in addition I called
her on her mobile phone but she didn’t respond.
9. Also
It is pouring rain outside Kate, also, why are you not dressed in
warmer clothes?
10. Besides
Besides us no longer being in communication you are still someone I
hold a great deal of respect for.
11. Moreover
I thought that smoking cannabis was illegal, moreover, I was certain
there were health risks too.
12. Furthermore
She spoke to Ben last night and all you could hear was yelling and
screaming, furthermore, I think they ended their relationship.
13. Finally
Finally, the package I ordered last week on Amazon has finally
Order of relevance or importance
1. Most importantly
I think its best we discuss work life balance, most importantly, how the
organisation can ensure employees are not overworked.
2. Most significantly
She gave a rather impressive speech, most significantly, was how
everyone stood up in great applause.
3. Essentially, Basically
Essentially, you are going to have to come to terms with the loss.
4. Above all
My dad is one of the most loyal people I know, above all, he is always
supportive of my goals.
5. Primarily
When I drive I tend to be quite cautious, primarily, about really fast

Exemplification – Giving Examples

1. For example
I think Thailand is a country known for its religion, for example, they
have an endless collection of beautiful temples.
2. For instance
Apparently, every time you walk out of the house you could die, for
instance, you could be hit by a bus while crossing the road.
3. To illustrate
Misinformation can cause many disagreements. To illustrate, a
company advertising the incorrect price could lead to the customer
getting quite upset.

1. In fact
I could say that trade sanctions are trouble for the economy, in fact, I
could go on a limb and say they start wars.
2. Actually
I was going to install the new app on my computer tomorrow, actually I
think I’ll just do it today.
3. As a matter of fact
What most people fail to understand is that travelling isn’t for
everyone, as a matter of fact many people prefer to settle down in one
4. Indeed
Indeed, it may be a lot easier to just give up on passing your driver’s
licence test.

1. Namely
Calling any customer service hotline is rather useless, namely, calling
the bank’s hotline.
2. That is to say (that is)
Never apologise for learning something new, that is to say, don’t give
up on your dreams because of what other people think.
3. Put differently (“in other words” can also be used)
It gets really busy during holiday time and the beaches tend to get
crowded, put differently, rather go to the beach before holiday season
4. In other words
There is much to discuss before choosing to start a family, in other
words, you don’t just want to rush into it.

Dismissal (dismissing what has been said prior)

1. Anyhow
Anyhow, I’ll just take the next train instead.
2. At any rate
At any rate, learning a new language will not be easy.
3. Anyway
I was trying to get your attention earlier. Anyway, it doesn’t matter

Summarising or Concluding
1. In summary
In summary, I have come to the realisation that communication plays
a huge role in the success of a team.
2. To sum up
To sum up my thoughts, I think choosing a single piece of art from a
couple hundred is rather difficult.
3. In conclusion
In conclusion, winning isn’t necessarily the most important thing, that
is of course in my opinion.
4. In brief
Today wasn’t not the best day at the office, in brief, it was a mess.
5. All in all
The project turned out okay, all in all, I think everyone did a fantastic

1. Most specifically
Eating vegetables is very good for eyesight, most specifically, eating
2. In particular, particularly
Nearly a third of teenage girls will experience some form of abuse, in
particular, physical abuse by a boyfriend.

Focusing and Linking

1. With respect to
Buying an apartment is quite convenient, with respect to building a
home straight from the ground up, that’s far more difficult.
2. Regarding
I came to see my lawyer regarding the issues I had with landlord.
3. With regard to
I would say picking a prom dress was rather a mission, especially with
regard to finding the right colour and fit.
4. As for
I liked the entire concert, as for Jennifer Lopez, she could have done
much better.
5. As far as
As far as everyone was concerned the entire football team played very
6. As regards
Entering a relationship is great and certainly has perks, as regards,
you may giving away a lot of your personal space.
7. Talking of (can also be used as “speaking of”)
Talking of relocating, do you know where you going to stay? Have you
found and apartment?
8. When it comes to
Sometimes when it comes to debating it is best to not always try to
have the last word.

1. Then
I wrote a spelling test earlier this morning, then, I forgot all the words.
2. Afterwards
There is no point in saying one thing and afterwards changing your
3. At First
At first, I wasn’t exactly sure how to start my preparation for the IELTS
4. Meanwhile
Meanwhile, the world economy is failing as a result of incompetent
5. Later
I went to university to study accounting, later, I changed to
6. In the mean time
I received an acceptance to study design in England, in the mean time
I just need to pass my IELTS test.

1. To be more precise
To be more precise what I meant to say was that I believe all
Religions are bias.
2. Rather
I wanted to move to the US, rather, I wanted more opportunities for
me and my family.
Appalling – extremely bad.
Classical – in an old or traditional style.
Adolescent – a young person who is transforming into
an adult.
Cumulative – growing incrementally.
Attainable – something that is achievable

 How you can link ideas smoothly

Online education and training is becoming increasingly popular

in the business world. Do the advantages of this development
outweigh the disadvantages?

Enthusiasm for digital technology is at an all-time high, not least in the

workplace as companies around the world turn to internet-based
training to keep their employees abreast of all the latest
developments. As with all new trends, there is some debate about
whether this transition is for the best.

One key reason for this move away from more traditional training
methods is the fact that e-learning offers businesses the opportunity to
reduce their expenditure significantly. Providing face-to-face training
can be exorbitantly expensive, particularly in terms of travel costs and
lost productivity, and online courses can greatly reduce the expense of
keeping employees well-informed and up-to-date. Computer-based
training renders geographical location irrelevant and this eliminates
the need to pay an instructor to travel to your office or cover the cost
of sending your employees to a training centre. It also minimises the
amount of time wasted. From a purely financial perspective, there is
no doubt that this shift to digital learning makes perfect sense.
However, research suggests that the quality and effectiveness of web-
based courses lag behind the efficacy of those delivered in a
classroom setting. People crave interaction and while digital training
courses may offer a welcome addition to a company’s professional
development plan, many educators believe that they should be used
to complement rather than replace instructor-led sessions. Some
subject matter such as compliance training is well-suited to an online
format whereas management or leadership courses which are more
collaborative in nature, are best taught ‘in person’. Many companies
are starting to implement ‘blended learning’ programmes which aim to
combine the best of both worlds.

In conclusion, although the rise of computer-based education is very

attractive in terms of reducing overheads, for the moment at least,
more traditional training still has its place in the workplace. The
challenge for businesses is to find the right balance between the two.

311 words

Online education and training is becoming increasingly popular

in the business world. Do the advantages of this development
outweigh the disadvantages?

Enthusiasm for digital technology (LR1) is at an all-time high

(LR2), not least in the workplace (CC1) as companies around the
world turn to internet-based training to keep their employees
abreast of all the latest developments (LR3). As with all new
trends, (CC2) there is some debate about whether this transition
is for the best (TR1).

LR1 – topic specific vocabulary; appropriate use of paraphrasing

LR2 – demonstrates a wide range of vocabulary
CC1 – links ideas together smoothly
LR3 – makes natural use of sophisticated vocabulary
CC2 – links sentences together so that the essay flows
TR1 – ends the introductory paragraph in such a way that it leads
smoothly into the main essay

One key reason for this move (CC3) away from more traditional
training methods is the fact that e-learning offers businesses the
opportunity to reduce their expenditure significantly
(TR2) / (LR4). Providing face-to-face training can be exorbitantly
expensive (LR5), particularly in terms of travel costs and lost
productivity, and online courses can greatly reduce the expense
of keeping employees well-informed and up-to-date.
(GR1) Computer-based training renders geographical location
irrelevant (LR6) and this eliminates the need to pay an instructor
to travel to your office or cover the cost of sending your
employees to a training centre (TR3). It also minimises the
amount of time wasted. From a purely financial perspective, there
is no doubt that this shift to digital learning makes perfect sense

CC3 – links the introductory paragraph to the main essay

TR2 – presents a relevant main idea
LR4 – natural use of a wide range of vocabulary / collocation
LR5 – natural use of collocation
GR1 – accurate use of a complex sentence
LR6 – sophisticated use of vocabulary
TR3 – extends / supports the main idea
GR2 – a well-constructed complex sentence

However (CC4), research suggests that the quality and

effectiveness of web-based courses lag behind the efficacy of
those delivered in a classroom setting (CC5) / (TR4). People
crave interaction and while digital training courses may offer a
welcome addition to a company’s professional development
plan, many educators believe that (GR3) they should be used to
complement rather than replace instructor-led sessions
(TR5). Some subject matter such as compliance training is well-
suited to an online format whereas (CC6) management or
leadership courses which are more collaborative in nature, are
best taught (GR4) ‘in person’. Many companies are starting
to implement ‘blended learning’ programmes which aim to
(GR5) combine the best of both worlds (LR7).

CC4 – appropriate use of a linking word to contrast ideas

CC5 – good use of referencing – ‘those delivered…’
TR4 – presents a relevant main idea
GR3 – a well-constructed complex sentence
TR5 – extends / supports the main idea
CC6 – links ideas together smoothly
GR4 – demonstrates the ability to use a wide range of structures
GR5 – effective use of a relative clause
LR7 – appropriate use of high level vocabulary

In conclusion (CC7), although the rise of computer-based

education is very attractive in terms of reducing overheads
(LR8), for the moment at least, more traditional training still has
its place in the workplace (GR6). The challenge for businesses is
to find the right balance between the two (TR6).

CC7 – introduces the final paragraph

LR8 – natural use of a wide range of lexis
GR6 – accurate use of a complex sentence structure
TR6 – the whole paragraph clearly addresses the task
Climate Change Model Essay
April 17, 2019 By bw

How can you get a high band score in Lexical Resource in IELTS
Writing Task 2?

If you need a high band score in IELTS Writing, then you first need to
understand how IELTS examiners grade this part of the IELTS test.
IELTS examiners do not give you one grade, they give you four
grades that you do not see and these are added together to create an
overall band score in IELTS Writing. The four areasthat they grade
you on are:

Task Achievement

Cohesion and Coherence

Lexical Resource

Grammatical Range and Accuracy

In this article I will look at:

What is Lexical Resource?

What can you do to improve your band score in this area?

As Lexical Resource is 25% of the overall score, it is very important

that you choose your vocabulary carefully. Many IELTS candidates
focus on answering the question and do not pay enough attention to
the vocabulary and then get 5.0 for Lexical Resource and this lowers
their overall band score.

To get a 6.0 or above in Lexical Resource, IELTS examiners are

looking for use of a range of less common words and phrases.

Let’s see how you can do this with an essay about the environment –
a popular IELTS Writing topic!

First of all, before focusing on the vocabulary, you must read and
understand the question…

It is the job of governments and companies to deal with the huge

environmental problems which we face. Individuals on their own
can do little or nothing’. What is your opinion about this

In this question, you need to focus on governments, companies and

individuals so the best way to write your answer would be using
separate paragraphs for each group. The essay below is divided into
three main topic paragraphs; however, you will see that I bring
‘individuals’ into each paragraph to say how they can help the

Ok, so now you understand the question, before writing the

essay, it is useful…

… before writing the essay, it is ESSENTIAL that you note down
some complex words/phrases that you could use in your answer.
If you do not do this, you will probably not think of using them in
the answer and then you get a low Lexical Resource score.

What vocabulary could you use to improve your Lexical

Resource band score in this task?

Take a look through the essay below and you can see that all the
words highlighted in green are words that are connected to the issue
of the environment and, moreover, they are words/phrases that would
show the IELTS examiner that you can use a range of less common
words and complex language. In addition, there are examples
of collocations – these are words that go together and are used
naturally by native speakers, but are often not widely known by non-
native speakers so by using these you will impress the IELTS

Here are some examples of collocations I have used in this essay:

To tackle climate change = to deal with climate change

A pressing problem = a problem that needs dealing with urgently

A moral responsibility = a duty to behave in a way that is right

The key players = the most important people

‘It is the job of governments and companies to deal with the huge
environmental problems which we face. Individuals on their own
can do little or nothing’. What is your opinion about this

It cannot be disputed that the world is experiencing an environmental

crisis. According to recent research, if nothing is done to tackle climate
change in the near future, our planet will face the devastating
consequences of global warming. Undoubtedly, it is the role of
governments and corporate organisations to take action, however I
strongly feel that individuals need to make a contribution to deal with
this pressing problem as well.

Politicians could certainly invest public finances in order to research

the issues connected with climate change and, furthermore, could
pass laws in relation to industrial pollution, which is making a major
contribution to the greenhouse effect. Nevertheless, it requires
constant pressure from citizens, either alone or in environmental
pressure groups, on our leaders to make this happen. The general
public can protest, lobby their politicians or vote for a political party
who proposes introducing green policies if elected.

Similarly, corporate businesses should be adopting more sustainable

working practices, for instance, by switching to more environmentally-
friendly ways of manufacturing using renewable energy such as solar
panels. Likewise, the individual as consumer can play a role here too,
by refusing to purchase products which have been manufactured in a
way that damages the environment.

It must also be acknowledged that individuals have a moral

responsibility to care for our planet. For example, reducing
consumption of fossil fuels whenever possible, becoming self-
sufficient by growing their own vegetables and switching off lights
when they are not needed. Although some of these actions may seem
minor, the cumulative effect of everyone taking such actions would be

It is probably certainly the case that governments and international

companies are the key players with responsibility for protecting our
planet. Nonetheless, I am still convinced that ordinary people, either
individually or cooperatively, can help to make the changes necessary
to have a significant impact on our future.
As previously mentioned, the environment is a frequently used
topic in both IELTS Speaking and Writing so if you need a high
band score in IELTS, write a practice essay on this topic now.



Global warming essay

This global warming essay lesson is mostly about the need to vary
your vocabulary when you write. This means thinking about the topic
of the question of course but also thinking about what the question
asks you to do – i.e. talk about causes etc.

Read and understand the question – structuring the essay

Research shows that global warming is caused by human

activity. What are the possible effects of climate change and what
can governments and individuals do to reduce these?

This is a two part question. To answer it, you must write about both

the causes of climate change

what can be done about it by both governments and individuals

The sensible approach is to use separate paragraphs for each point.

My essay below is divided into two main topic paragraphs. You could
use three if you wanted to write a separate paragraph for government
and individual actions.

Choosing the language

You should see that you need this language for the essay:
climate change vocabulary

cause and effect vocabulary

suggestion vocabulary

My suggestion is that you do not start writing too quickly but plan and
think about what words you need to use.

See the vocabulary

Cause and effect vocabulary. This is key area of language and you
want to vary the word “effects” in the question. Look at the red words
below to see how I do this. You will find a lot more words on my
lesson cause and effect vocabulary

 cause and effect

Climate change vocabulary. This is the topic vocabulary of the

essay. If you need more, take a look at my vocabulary lesson on this:

 climate change vocabulary

Suggestion language. Don’t forget this. You have options here too.
The mistake is to go “must” “must” “must”. English had lots of words
for this. Think of

 should
 need
 can

There is now little doubt that global warming and climate change are
the result of human activity. This has happened because of a failure in
environmental policy by governments and a lack of concern for wasted
energy by individuals.
It is almost universally accepted that climate change is the
consequence of a number of environmental failings. Perhaps the most
important of these is how fossil fuels such as gas and coal are still the
main source of power. This is a problem because their use means that
a large amount of CO2 is released into the atmosphere causing the
greenhouse effect. Another serious issue is how illegal logging
continues in rainforests and the Amazon Basin in particular. It should
also not be forgotten that there is a connection between global
warming and the inefficient use of energy by consumers in the home.

While governments must take prime responsibility for reducing climate

change, individuals too can play a part. Political leaders across the
globe need to cooperate so that research into renewable forms of
energy such as wind and solar power is properly funded and the use
of coal and gas in power stations is phased out. They must also of
course ensure that regulations against logging are properly enforced.
Consumers of energy can help by insulating their homes properly and
using solar panels where possible so that less energy is required and
wasted. These actions should limit the amount of CO2 in the
atmosphere and so reduce the greenhouse effect.

In conclusion, while global warming is a serious threat to humanity,

there are a number of steps that can be taken to reduce its effects.

A sample block of text for paragraphing

In recent years, many scientists have become concerned about the

problem of ‘global warming’. This occurs when the burning of fossil
fuels emits certain gases which have a tendency to destroy the ozone
layer in the earth’s atmosphere. Ozone protects the earth from the
sun’s rays. Without an ozone layer, the earth would quickly heat up
and its ice caps, for example, would melt. The melting of the ice caps
would cause sea levels around the world to rise, leading to floods.
Some low-lying countries would probably be completely inundated and
become uninhabitable. In order to avert such disasters, it has become
necessary to prevent the earth’s average temperature from rising so
quickly. This can be done by reducing our dependence on fossil fuels
and by turning instead to renewable forms of energy such as wave,
wind, and solar power. It might also involve using less energy
altogether, in absolute terms.

Some people think that a person improves their

intellectual skills more when doing group activities.
To what extent do you agree? Use specific details
and examples to explain your view.

In recent decades, many researchers have studied the importance of

group-level cognition. Indeed, to my mind, there is now convincing
evidence that group activities improve the intelligence of individuals. In
this essay, I shall examine how research in team-games and study-
groups supports this view.

To begin with, team-games clearly require individuals to perform a

diverse range of rapid mental calculations. This is because, in a
sporting context, players must predict and anticipate possible actions
within tight time constraints. For example, a recent Cambridge study
showed that soccer players can – within the span of seconds –
calculate over a dozen different permutations that could result from a
single soccer related action. Such predictive powers clearly improve
players’ mental abilities and result from activities performed in a group

Secondly, study-groups enable individuals to obtain information that

they could not acquire in isolation. This is because peer feedback
allows individuals to refine their understanding of concepts and to also
learn new information from other members in the study-group. For
example, a study by The British Institute for Learning found that, if
individuals participated in study-groups, they had a far more objective
and sophisticated understanding of a topic than learners who were not
part of study-groups. Therefore, it is certainly the case that learning in
a group improves an individual’s mental abilities.

In conclusion, I strongly agree with the notion that group activities

improve intellectual abilities. In the future, we will certainly see schools
take greater measures to ensure that more group-level cognition
occurs in the classroom.

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Some people think that keeping pets is good for

children while others think it is dangerous and
unhealthy. Which opinion do you agree with?
Discuss both options and give examples.
In recent times, pet related injuries and mortalities have sparked
heated debates about whether it is healthy for children to be around
pets. In this essay I shall argue that such dangers are
overemphasised and that children receive substantive psychological
benefits through having pets.

To begin with, although exotic pets (e.g. snakes, spiders, apes, etc.)
have been known to occasionally hurt and even kill children, such
incidents are so statistically rare as to be negligible. This is because
the overwhelming majority of children have non-lethal cats, dogs, fish,
rodents and rabbits for pets. For example The Child Safety Institute
found that over 90% of children owned the aforementioned pets, and
professed that they had never felt in the least bit endangered by them.
Seen in this light, it is clearly unfounded to claim that pets present any
physical danger to children.

Secondly, pets can impact positively upon child psychology. This is

because young pet owners frequently empathise with their pets and
perform a diverse range of actions to maintain their well being (e.g.
feeding, grooming, administering medicine, etc). For example, the
Cambridge Developmental Psychology Unit found that children who
had grown up with pets were 30% less likely to bully others and
resolve conflicts through aggression. Consequently, it is undeniable
that a child’s pro-sociality and mental health can be improved through
exposure to pets.

In conclusion, the cited evidence provides strong support for the view
that children owning pets is a good thing. In the future, as more laws
are introduced to ban the ownership of illegally acquired exotic pets,
this viewpoint will no doubt surge in popularity.

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Obesity is a serious problem in many countries,
especially in rich countries. Discuss ways to solve
the problem. Provide specific reasons and
examples to support your answer.

With the advent of urbanisation and the rise in popularity of fast food,
there have been accompanying issues with rising obesity rates –
especially in developed countries like England and the USA. After
providing a careful analysis of why obesity has risen so sharply in
these countries, I shall suggest a number of ways in which the obesity
epidemic can be ameliorated.

To begin with, it should be unsurprising that fast food is incredibly

popular in wealthy countries (like England and the USA). Due to the
high levels of development in these countries, consumers possess
more money and can therefore consume vast amounts of fast food
without seriously diminishing their income. For example, the American
Dietary Association found that (compared to the average Indian
household), the average American household has a six times larger
budget for food per month. Consequently, it is to be expected that
obesity rates are much higher in countries with larger amounts of

However, despite the severity of the obesity problem, there are a

number of ways in which developed countries could battle it more
effectively. Firstly, developed governments could put far more
pressure on fast food outlets to provide healthy alternatives to
hamburgers, french fries and soft drinks.
Secondly, public exercise initiatives could be advertised and promoted
far more vigorously. Lastly, modules that inform teenagers about
healthy dietary requirements could be taught at schools.

In conclusion, although obesity is a serious issue in the developed

world, if the above steps are taken, the situation will surely improve in
the coming years

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In some countries, the number of shootings

increase because many people have guns at home.
To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give
specific reasons and examples to support your

Across the globe, many individuals own guns for self-defence and
recreational purposes. Gun related mortalities in households – in
particular – throw the ethics of such forms of private gun ownership
into sharp relief. In this essay, I shall appeal to crime statistics to
argue that a person is at a far greater risk being shot if there is a gun
in a household.

Firstly, it is intuitively obvious that having a gun in a household

endangers children and teenagers. This is because minors do not
have the requisite knowledge or maturity to handle guns safely. For
example, the US Department of Justice recently revealed statistics
showing that 150 American children and teenagers die each year
because of accidents relating to household guns. Therefore it is
incontrovertible that household guns lead to additional shootings.

Secondly, household guns became especially dangerous when

spouses have violent arguments. This is because male sexual rage, in
particular, often results in deadly aggression. For example, The
International Crime Bureau recently produced statistical evidence that
– if there is a household gun – a man is twice as likely (if he discovers
his wife having an affair) to kill her in a fit of jealous rage. Therefore,
once again, household guns correlate positively with additional

In conclusion, there is undeniable evidence that having a gun in a

house leads to further shootings. Given the strength of this evidence,
in the future, more legislature needs to be put in place to limit private
gun ownership.

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Some people think that secondary school children

should study international news as one of the
school subjects. Other people think that it is a
waste of valuable school time. What do you think?
Give reasons for your answer and include any
relevant examples from your own knowledge or

The potential for the global media to shape the views of today’s youth
is considerable. However, while some commentators think that the
media has no place within secondary education, other analysts defend
the idea that international news should be studied at school. In this
essay, I shall examine a number of studies which show that both
viewpoints are, to some degree, justified.

To begin with, the global media undoubtedly enriches teenagers

understanding of contemporary affairs. This is because television
reports provide concise summaries of international affairs. For
example, a study run by Oxford sociologists showed that the media
heavily influenced teenagers’ knowledge of contemporary affairs.
Since any secondary school education would be incomplete without
an awareness of such events, it is therefore clear that the media can
play a vital role in assisting education.

On the other hand, many critics argue that teenagers are negatively
affected by the global media’s focus on wars and civil unrest. This is
because exposure to violence often leads to depression. For example,
recent surveys have discovered that depressed teenagers usually cite
the dismal state of the world as a source of their depression. Since
mental health is an important objective of secondary education, it is
therefore questionable whether the study of international news
wouldn’t be a destructive and wasteful use of school resource.

In conclusion, it should be clear that there are reasons for and against
the study of news at school. Thus if media studies are to enter schools
in the future, schools will have to think about how negative aspects of
the news can be decreased, and positive aspects maximized.
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Some products can be made quickly by a machine.

Other items take a long time to be made by hand.
As a buyer, which do you prefer and why? Give
specific details and examples in your answer.

Ever since the industrial revolution, mass produced goods have

flooded the consumer market. Although such goods have proved to be
highly popular, it is now becoming increasingly clear that handmade
goods are more desirable for modern, informed consumers. In this
essay, I shall look at some of the ethical and quality-based reasons for
this re-evaluation.

To begin with, handmade goods can be made with far more care and
attention to detail than mass produced goods. This is because
machines lack a sensitivity that experienced craftsman evidently
possess. For example, a study by the International Consumerist
Society found that handmade furniture, musical instruments and
jewellery were consistently rated as being more attractive (by
consumers) than their mass made counterparts. Therefore it is clear
that buyers prefer handmade goods for reasons that relate to quality
of workmanship.

Secondly, handmade production companies have far more ethical

attitudes towards the environment. This is because factories and
chemical processes heavily underpin mass industrial production. For
example the British Green Party found that the levels of toxicity and
environmental damage outside handmade production centres were
paltry compared to the levels found outside factories used for mass
production. Consequently, since modern consumers are more
environmentally conscious than ever before, these findings have
clearly contributed to their preference for handmade goods.

In conclusion, there are compelling reasons for why modern

consumers favour handmade goods. In the future, as environmental
issues worsen, this preference will no doubt grow more pronounced.

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Is it good for children to start using computers

from an early age and spend long hours on them?
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages.

In recent years, children, like adults, have become increasingly

exposed to computers. While some child psychologists have claimed
that this is a good thing, others have claimed that it has an
overwhelmingly detrimental impact on children. In this essay, I shall
draw upon a number of studies in cognitive science and industrial
psychology that reveal the positive and negative aspects of this

To begin with, there are clearly reasons why computers do not allow
children to develop long attention spans. This is because computers
are packed with many supposedly child-friendly games that require
minimal levels of concentration in order to be enjoyed. For example, a
study by the New York Child Learning Association found that children
who read from picture books were 50% less likely to get distracted
than children who played educational computer games. Therefore
computers almost certainly have a negative impact on young children.

However, since the world has become heavily reliant on computers,

there are also clearly advantages to exposing children to computers.
This is because children with such exposure will stand a better chance
of finding employment. For example, after being interviewed by Yale
psychologists, over 70% of young office workers admitted that they
had spent long hours on computers in their middle and late childhood
years. Therefore it is clear that computer exposure can be beneficial
to children.

In conclusion, there are advantages and disadvantages to early

computer exposure. However, if, in the future, the quality of
educational gaming is increased, there is good reason to believe that
these negative consequences will fall entirely away.

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Some people think women should be given equal

chances to work and excel in their careers. Others
believe that a woman’s role should be limited to
taking care of the house and children. Which
opinion do you agree with and why? Include
specific details and examples to support your
The question of women’s rights has always sparked heated
controversy. While some traditionalists claim that women should focus
on the upkeep of their homes and children, more liberal minded
people have claimed that women should have the same rights as
men. In this essay, I shall refer to sociological studies that vindicate
the correctness of the liberal view.

To begin with, it is false to believe that a woman cannot have a job

and raise her children effectively. This is because part-time and online
work obviously gives women the time and space to care for their
children. For example, the Organisation for Child Care found that
mothers who did part time or online work spent as much time with
their children (after school hours) as housewives. Therefore, it is
incoherent to claim – as traditionalists do – that having a career
compromises a mother’s ability to care for her children.

Secondly, mothers who work also gain the means to invest more in
their children’s education and personal development. This is because
an additional source of revenue enables parents to send their children
to private schools and extra-mural classes. For example, a Harvard
study found that parents were 50% more likely to invest in these
goods if both parents had separate sources of financial income. It is
therefore clear that being a working mother can facilitate, rather than
impede, good parenting.

In conclusion, there is strong evidence that women can have jobs and
be good mothers. Seen in this light, it is clear that the traditionalist
view is largely baseless, and that it will continue to decline in

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Some people like to travel outside their country.
Others would rather travel to tourist spots in their
own country first, before travelling abroad. Which
do you prefer to do and why? Include specific
details and examples to support your choice.

Over the past few decades the international tourism industry has gone
through a boom period. Cheap air travel, in particular, has allowed
ordinary working class people to travel to more international
destinations than ever before. In this essay, I shall refer to number of
sociological studies to show why – contrary to popular opinion –
domestic travel should initially take precedence over international

To begin with, people’s knowledge of their own countries and culture

has grown increasingly sketchy. This is largely because foreign
brands, television shows and cultural objects flood local markets. For
example, The Asian Cultural Society found that Japanese teenagers
knew more about American television series than 19th Century
Japanese woodcuts. It should therefore be clear that citizens need to
know much more about their own countries, and that visits to local
cultural centres should occur before visits to remote countries.

Secondly, people reap high economic benefits if they are well-

travelled in their country of birth. This is because local travel, in
particular, opens up business opportunities. For example, the Korean
Society for Entrepreneurship found that 40% of successful start-up
companies were run by individuals who had travelled extensively in
Korea and sniffed out small openings in developmentally neglected
areas. Seen in this light, local travel can also be of vital economic

To conclude, although few would argue outright against foreign travel,

there are certainly reasons why domestic travel is initially preferable.
In the future, as some of the hype surrounding foreign travel dies
down, these reasons will no doubt appear more attractive and

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Doing an enjoyable activity with a child can develop better skills and
more creativity than reading. To what extent do you agree? Use
reasons and specific examples to explain your answer.

IELTS Essay Sample Answer (1)

Parents throughout the world place spend time reading with their
offspring to prepare them for school where their literacy skills are
further developed; however, recent research suggests that focusing
on reading at an early age can be detrimental, and participating in fun
activities would be far more beneficial. I am a strong advocate of this
approach, and the benefits of it will be covered in this essay.
A fundamental reason for this is that there is no biological age for
reading, and pushing infants to acquire this skill before they are ready
could have repercussions. For example, in the UK, many boys are
reluctant readers, possibly because of being forced to read, and this
turned them off reading. By focusing on other activities and developing
other skills such as creativity and imagination, when they are ready to
read, they usually acquire this skill rapidly. In addition, the importance
of encouraging creativity and developing a child’s imagination must be
acknowledged. Through play, youngsters develop social and cognitive
skills, for example, they are more likely to learn vocabulary through
context rather than learning it from a book.

Furthermore, play allows youngsters to mature emotionally, and gain

self-confidence. There is no scientific research which suggests
reading at a young age is essential for a child’s development,
moreover, evidence suggests the reverse is true. In Finland, early
years’ education focuses on playing. Reading is only encouraged if a
child shows and interest in developing this skill. This self-directed
approach certainly does not result in Finnish school leavers falling
behind their foreign counterparts. In fact, Finland was ranked the sixth
best in the world in terms of reading.

Despite being a supporter of this non-reading approach, I strongly

recommend incorporating bedtime stories into a child’s daily routine.
However, reading as a regular daytime activity should be swapped for
something which allows the child to develop other skills.

Today, the quality of life in large cities is decreasing. Discuss the

causes and solutions.

IELTS Essay Sample Answer (2)

The global phenomenon of urbanisation from the beginning of

industrialisation to the present day has brought opportunity and
prosperity, albeit at a cost in the quality of life. With an increasing city
population, the complexity of the challenges also increases, the
causes and solutions for this are outlined below.

The causes for the decrease in the quality of life are paradoxically the
prosperity endowed on such metropolitan centres. Their growth is
largely due to the increase of opportunities on offer, which in turn
increases their attractiveness, essentially they are trapped in a
positive self-reinforcing cycle. However, this eventually leads to a
decrease in the quality of life as the city can experience overcrowding,
exorbitant property prices, and increased vulnerability to terrorist
attacks. For example the density of London makes it a more efficient
place to attack, when compared to a smaller city such as Bradford.
Therefore, due to continuous growth and prosperity, urban citizens,
especially the less well off, often experience a lower standard of living.

Considering the solutions, greater investment in public transport would

ease traffic congestion, as would bike lanes. In theory this would
reduce air pollution, and possibly improve the wellbeing of the
population if they did adopt a more active lifestyle and cycle to work.
To counter violent terrorist attacks, cities could embark on CCTV
installations, so as to closely monitor for threats. For example, it is
said, the CCTV in London has foiled many potential attacks, and
therefore greatly increased the security of its citizens.

To conclude, a wealthy city attracts a large population inflow, which

then causes pressure on existing infrastructure and security. Various
solutions exist to mitigate such drawbacks, nevertheless an indefinite
solution has yet to be found.

Sample IELTS Writing Task 2 Question (3)

Social media marketing can influence what consumers buy. Do

you agree or disagree? To what extent do you agree?

IELTS Essay Sample Answer (3)

Since the introduction of social media applications in the early 2000’s

the world has become a much smaller place. Social media
applications such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter have become
information sources for a majority of the global market. As such, I
would agree that marketing, which happens to be a source of
information accessible on these platforms can influence the
consumers who use them. This notion is further aided by the rise in
online retail stores who conduct the bulk of their transactions online.
This makes it easier for the consumer to purchase from anywhere in
the world.

As a consumer on social media, you are constantly bombarded with

advertisements of various products that are specifically designed to
catch your attention. This means that most of the adverts on your
news feeds aren’t random and will almost always feature something
you have previously searched online or something currently popular or
trending. Given the fact that most social media users are young
consumers who are influenced by current trends and happenings
these adverts will almost always catch their eye.

The habit of sharing, retweeting and liking also ensures that these
adverts get around, quite fast. As such, when an advert does reach
your news feed you have already probably seen it on your friend’s
news feed. The truth is, adverts are a form of information and with the
age of the internet, information spreads faster than a wild fire.
Therefore, it only makes sense that in the era and age of technology,
globalization and the need to be trendy, social media marketing can
influence what consumers buy.

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