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Employee retention is a process in which the employees are encouraged

to remain with the organization for the maximum period of time or until the
completion of the project. Employee retention is beneficial for the organization
as well as the employee. Employees today are different. They are not the ones
who don’t have good opportunities in hand, As soon as they feel dissatisfied
with the current employer or the job, they switch over to the next job. It is the
responsibility of the employer to retain their best employees. If they don’t, they
would be left with no good employees. A good employer should know how to
attract and retain its employees.

Most employees feel that they are worth more than they are actually paid.
There is a natural disparity between what people think they should be paid and
what organizations spend in compensation. When the difference becomes too
great and another opportunity occurs, turnover can result. Pay is defined as the
wages, salary, or compensation given to an employee in exchange for services
the employee performs for the organization. ([n a work place where employees
are not able to use their full potential and not heard and valued, they are likely
to leave because of stress and frustration. In a transparent environment while
employees get a sense of achievement and belongingness from a healthy work
environment, the company is benefited with a stronger, reliable work-force
harboring bright new ideas for its growth.

Page 2

1. To know the meaning and objectives of retaining of employees in the

2. To understand HR practices and ensuring retention of employees in
the organization.
3. To study existing status of employees retention at Prestige Hyundai,
4. To study practices and procedures adopted by Prestige Hyundai for
motivating is employees.
5. To suggest measures.

Page 3
Page 4
An effect by a business to maintain a working environment which support
current staff in remaining with a company. Many employee retention policies
are aimed at addressing the various need of employees to enhanced their job
satisfaction and reduce the substantial costs involved in hiring and training of
new staff.
In a business, the goal of the employee is usually to decrease employee
turnover thereby decreasing training cost recruitment cost and loss of talent and
organizational by implementing learned from key organizational behaviour
concepts employee can improve retention roles and decreases the associated
costs of hire turnover howover this isn't always the case employee can seek
"Positive turnover" whereby they aim to maintain only those employee who
they consider to by high performance. Here are some of the best HR practices
that help in the creation of a highly satisfied and motivated work force.
Work Environment
A safe and happy workplace makes the employees feel good about being
there. Each one is given importance and provided the security that gives them
the motivation and incentive to stay. This is usually achieved through internal
surveys to find out whether they are satisfied and if not what they think needs to
be changed.
Open Management
Employees don’t like the feeling of being kept in the dark about what is
happening in the company. They feel motivated and develop enthusiasm only
when the management opens up to them and discusses the company policies,
sales, clients, contracts, goals and objectives. This encourages participative
management. Asking them for ideas on how to improve will get their creative
juices flowing. Being open about everything related to the company will help in
building trust and motivating the employees. This open management policy can
be practiced using several tools.

Page 5
Performance Incentives
Every good performance is appreciated in the form of a pat on the back,
bonuses or giving some other compensation for a job well done. Organizations
that struggle to keep up with the attrition rate are mostly those that think
employees are “just” doing their job. Even if it is the employee’s job,
completion in an appreciable manner calls for an incentive, and this goes a long
way in boosting the staff morale. These incentives can be implemented at the
individual as well as the team level and it has been seen that this works wonders
in getting the best out of the employees. But it is important to keep in mind that
these bonuses should not be given without a reason, unless it is a commitment
for annual bonuses or some such thing. Doing so will only reduce the perceived
value of the bonuses.
Performance Feedback
This is one the methods that is being followed by many organizations.
Feedback is not only taken from the boss, but also from other seniors and
subordinates. Previously, appreciation was only sought from the immediate boss
or the management, but now organizations understand the importance of
collecting performance feedback from several quarters. The opinion of everyone
matters, especially for someone who is in a leadership role at any level. Each
person in the team is responsible for giving constructive feedback. This kind of
system helps in identifying people who can perform well as leaders at higher
levels in the organization. Even the senior level managers can use this system to
their advantage, as a tool to improve themselves.
Employee Evaluation
Every company has an employee evaluation system in place but a good
system links individual performance to the goals and priorities of the
organization. This works well when achievements are tracked over an year. For
a fair review of each employee, the evaluation, apart from being done by the
boss, should be done by another person at a higher level, for whom the
employee’s contribution is important. Ratings can also be obtained by other
employees. This ensures a fair and accurate rating of each and every employee.

Page 6
Sharing of Knowledge
Knowledge sharing is a wonderful strategy that helps in the betterment of
the employees and their work. Keep all the knowledgeable information in
central databases that can be accessed by each and every employee. For
example, if an employee is sent on some training, the knowledge that is
acquired by that employee can be stored in these databases for others to learn
from it. Even innovative ideas that the management deems fit for employees to
see, can be stored here for all to see.
Publicize Good Performances
Every company has some employees who outperform others. Such
performances should be highlighted and displayed where other employees can
look at them; such as on the display boards and intranet etc. This will encourage
others to give their best. A proper system should be set up to make a list of high
performances at specific times in a year.
Successful organizations nurture ideas and they understand that
employees who are actually working and know the business can provide the
best ideas. The management should have discussions with employees to get
these ideas out of them. There can also be suggestion boxes to capture these
ideas. Through this system, managers can find talented employees and develop
While recognition of talent is highly important, this recognition has to be
made public and what better way than holding ceremonies and announcing to
the whole world (the employees), the achievements of a fellow employee. There
can be nothing better for an employee than the heady feeling from a resounding
The Surprise Factor
Who doesn’t like a surprise? Surprise deserving employees – when they
are least expecting it. It could be a gift certificate or a small reward of some
sort. This surprise doesn’t have to be limited to the best performers, but it can be

Page 7
randomly given to others as a motivating factor too. Anyone can be given this
surprise reward.
Such healthy HR practices encourage the growth of the organization as
employees after all play a major role in the well-being of a company. Making an
employee feel like a million dollars pays in the form of the success of an

Important of motivation & retention of employee

1. Hiring is not an easy process.

2. An organization invests time and money is grooming an individuals

and make him ready to work and understand the corporate culture.

3. When an individual resigns from his present organization it is more

likely that he would join the competitors.

4. The employee working for a longer period of time are more familiar
with the companies policies, guidelines and thus they adjust better.

5. Every individual need time to adjust with other.

6. It has been observed that individual stricking to an organization for a

longer span are more loyal towards the management and a

7. It is essential for the organization of retention the valuable employee

showing potential.

Page 8
1. Lower level retention strategies.
(i) Appreciating and recognizing a well done job.
(ii) Rewards (gift, certificates, monetary and non monetary rewards.)
(iii) Celebrate birthday, retirement, promotions etc.
(iv) Holiday, parties, like Diwali, Holi, Dushera, etc.
(v) Organize get together.
(vi) Organizational picnic and trips.

2. Medium level strategies for employee retention.

(i) Appreciating and recognizing a well done job.
(ii) Providing training and development personal growth opportunities.
(iii) Professional skills development.
(iv) Individualized career guidance.

3. High level strategies for employee retention.

(i) Understanding employee needs – This can be done through proper
management style and culture.
(ii) Appreciate new ideas and reward risk taking.
(iii) Show support for individual initiative.
(iv) Encouraging creativity.
(v) Vocational counseling.
(vi) Suggestion committees can be created.

Page 9
Retention of employee followed at Prestige Hyundai.
(i) Setting down certain effective rule and regulations to be followed in
the organization.
(ii) Reward gifts, certificate are given to employees.
(iii) Holidays, parties, festivals like Diwali, Holi are celebrated.
(iv) Organizational picnic and trips are held for the employees.
(v) Looking into employees need and seeing that they are comfortable in
their work environment.
(vi) There should work related goals set from time to time.
(vii) There are many motivational games for employees that you can
choose from today and help improve working environment in the
organization, there games indeed motivate the employees and help
them achieve better targets.

Page 10

1.Organizational Work Environment :-

A number of studies have conducted to explain the work environment

with different aspects such as job satisfaction and employee retention ,
employee turnover, organizational commitment and job involvement, Work
environment is considered one of the most important factors in employee’s
retention .work environment is generally discussed as industrial perspective,
focus on aspect i.e.. The interesting part of work environment is; work
environment characteristics in services sector is differ from production sector,
because services sector directly deal with consumers / clients (Normann 1986).
The interactions depend on the kind of job or / and kind of business, it may be
more or may be less. The interaction between employees and clients /
consumers move from physical to psychological dimension. Psychological work
environment consist of work load, decision, support, stressors, latitude and
decision etc. It is of much importance to know and recognize the emerging
needs of employees and providing good work environment in order to keep
theemployees commit.

2. Rewards-:

The literature meaning of the word reward as, “it is something the offered
by the organization to the workers in response of their performance and
contributions which are expected by the workers”. That amount of pay, benefits,
or equivalents employee received in return for the services which employee
render to organization in business environments rewards are offered in several
forms e.g. recognition, cash bonuses, awards, free trips and free merchandise
etc. However, reward is the thing which offers by the organization in any form
in response of employee’s contribution, to become employees motivated for

Page 11
doing well with positive behavior in future. Reward is very important because
its has enduring impression on employees and support the perception of
employees that they are valued Organizations that are more committed to their
workers typically made more investments as compared to similar organization
in progressive Human Resource practices i.e. education, training &
development and compensation packageThese organizations also adopt
deserving practices on rewards distribution and distribute the rewards more
generously and equitably. compensation offer recognition, but nonmonetary
forms of recognition are also not ignored and important. Recognition from
bosses, team members, coworkers and customer enhance loyalty. Employee
participation in decision making and influence in actions are also important and
give insights into what workers want to do, their words about the rewards and
their feelings regarding the work and reward matters. The recent research
studies on talent management also support assumption that well and broad
implemented reward practices help in talent retention and motivation.

3.Compensation and incentives-:

The literature considered that compensation is one of the largest factor for
the retention of employees. Compensation plays significant role in attracting
and retaining good employees,specially those employees who gives outstanding
performance or unique skill which is indispensable to the organization because
company invest heavy amount on their training and orientation .Many
organizations implement very good employees retention strategy without
offering high compensation or pay based retention strategy,. In such
circumstances, a wide number of factor seems successful retention of
employees. The existence of other retention factors cannot be ignored.;
indicated that Pharmaceutical sales force rated pay and fringe benefits as the
most important retention factor which is supported by the findings of past
studies In addition, it indicated that pay and fringe benefits is highly valued by

Page 12
the sales force of all demographic backgrounds. Its possible explanation could
be that pay and fringe benefits enable salespersons to fulfil their physiological
as well as esteem needs. Thus, critical review of the current incentive schemes
is required to make them more effective to cater the needs of the sales in both
multinational and local pharmaceutical companies to retain their talent workers.

4. Supervisor Support:-

The leadership style consider affective factor in employee retention. The

relationship between supervisor and worker play pivotal role in employees’
turnover intention. The organization “human face” is supervisors. Leaders are
the human face of the firm suggested that employees view regarding
organization are strongly concerned to their relationship with supervisor. If
supervisor support, open communication and have good relationship with
employees, the employee’s turnover intentions are likely less and more
engaged .

5.sharing to ideas & experience employees to goals related and organisation

related Ideas and view to give them.

6.performance appraisal-

A performance appraisal (PA), performance review, performance

evaluation, (career) development discussion, or employee appraisal is a method
by which the job performance of an employee is evaluated. Performance
appraisals are a part of career development and consist of regular reviews of
employee performance within organizations.

Page 13
Page 14

2 Director

Anurag Wadhwa Sachin Shalley

Sales Service Sales Service

General Manager General Manager

Sanjay Shukla Deepak Vajpayee

Sales Sales Service Service Service Service

Sales Sales
Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager
Manager Manager

5 Sales Executive under 2-2 Advisors under each

each Sales Manager Service Manager

2-2 Technician under each


Page 15


Hyundai Motor India Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of the

Hyundai Motor Company in India. It is the 2nd largest automobile
manufacturer in India.


Hyundai Motor India Limited was formed in 6 May 1996 by the

Hyundai Motor Company of South Korea. When Hyundai Motor Company
entered the Indian Automobile Market in 1996 the Hyundai brand was almost
unknown throughout India. During the entry of Hyundai in 1996, there were
only five major automobile manufacturers in India, i.e. MUL, HM, PAL,
TELCO and M&M. Daewoo had entered the Indian automobile market with
Cielo just three years back while Ford, Opel and Honda had entered less than a
year back.

For more than a decade till Hyundai arrived, Maruti Suzuki had a
complete dominance and monopoly over the Passenger Cars segment because
TELCO and M&M were solely Utility and Commercial Vehicle Manufacturers.

HMIL's first car, the Hyundai Santro was launched in 23 September 1998
and was a runaway success. Within a few months of its inception HMIL became
the second largest automobile manufacturer and the largest automobile exporter
in India.

Page 16
Hyundai Motor India Limited (HMIL) is a wholly owned subsidiary of
Hyundai Motor Company (HMC), South Korea and is the largest passenger car
exporter and the second largest car manufacturer in India.

HMIL presently markets 6 models of passenger cars across segments. The

A2 segment includes the Santro, i10, eon and the i20, the A3 segment includes
the Accent and the fluidic Verna and the fluidic Elantra, the A5 segment
includes the Sonata Transform and the SUV segment includes the Santa Fe.

HMIL’s manufacturing plant near Chennai claims to have the most

advanced production, quality and testing capabilities in the country. To cater to
rising demand, HMIL commissioned its second plant in February 2008, which
produces an additional 300,000 units per annum, raising HMIL’s total
production capacity to 600,000 units per annum.

HMIL has set up a research and development facility in the cyber city of

As HMC’s global export hub for compact cars, HMIL is the first
automotive company in India to achieve the export of 10 lakh cars in just over a
decade. HMIL currently exports cars to more than 120 countries across EU,
Africa, Middle East, Latin America, Asia and Australia. It has been the number
one exporter of passenger cars of the country for the sixth year in a row.

To support its growth and expansion plans, HMIL currently has a 307
strong dealer network and 627 strong service points across India, which will see
further expansion in 2010. In July 2012, Arvind Saxena, the Director of
Marketing and Sales stepped down from the position after serving the company
for 7 long years.

Hyundai Vision

Page 17
"Life time Automobile partners and Beyond". To becomes a trusted lifetime
partners of our customers we will bring a new prospective to automobile
thought innovative mobility solution based on human centric eco-friendly
technology and services.
Knowing Hyundai Motors India
1. THE START 1996.
(i) HMIL (Hyundai Motors India Limited) established in 1996 at
(ii) Milestone (1998)
 Santro launched world debut in India.
(iii) Milestones (1999)
 Santro wins BS motoring "Cars of the year Award".
(iv) Milestones (2000)
 Santro "Zip Drive" launched.
(v) Milestones (2001)
 Santro wins BS motoring "Cars of the year Award" again.
(vi) Milestones (2002)
 Accent Viva & Accent CRDi launched.
(vii) Milestones (2003)
 Terra car launched.
(viii) Milestones (2004)
 Accent Viva & Accent CRDi launched.
(ix) Milestones (2005)
 Santro Embera launched.
(x) Milestones (2006)
 Hyundai Verna launched.
(xi) Milestones (2007)
 Getz prime launched

Page 18
 Verna wins "Car of the year" award by overdrive.
(xii) Milestones (2008)
 i10 sweeps "Car of the year" award including "Indian car of the year"
(xiii) Milestones (2009)
 Hyundai i10 clocks the fastest 3 lacks i10 sales since its launch on 31th
October 2007.
 Launched of i20 diesel and 1.42 petrol.
(xiv) Milestones (2010)
 i20 wins the design of the year award at the NDTV profit Car & Bike
awards 2010.
(xv) Milestones (2011)
 Santro fe wins "SUV of they car 2011 by BSM."
 Launched of "EON".
(xvi) Milestones (2012)
 Launch of "New santro"
 Launch of "iGen, i20"
 Launch of "The neo fluoride Electra "

Page 19
Research methodology

Page 20
The questionnaire for the research was framed in a clear manner such that
it enables the respondents to understand and answer the question easily. The
questionnaire was designed in such a way that the questions are short and
simple and is arranged in a logical manner.

Sample size

Sample size = 40 samples

Research instrument

A questionnaire consist of a set a questions are used as research

instrument because of its flexibility, the questionnaire is by for the most
common instrument used to collect primary data. Thus the research is carried
out through. Self administrated. Questionnaire all the data which have been
collected in the research is primary data this questionnaire to gather information
related to perception, opinions and attitude of workers towards prestige Hyundai
private limited. The questionnaire contained some questions regarding prestige
Hyundai and suggestions were also invited.

Contact method and approach

Were being asked to fill the responds were contacted by face to face
conversation and through questionnaire.

Area of study

The research has been conducted in Prestige Hyundai in Jabalpur (M.P.)

Page 21
Page 22

1. Time period for training was not sufficient.

2. Approach to all department of the organization was allowed for the


3. Because of the busy working hours some of the employee were not able
to give enough time for the survey.

Page 23
Page 24

Q1. How is your relationship with the reporting manager?

1. Excellent

2. Very good

3. Good

4. Poor

1. Excellent 18 45%

2. Very good 12 30%

3. Good 8 20%

4. Poor 2 5%

Interpretation – From the above chart we can see that 45% employees say that
they have excellent relationship with their reporting manager.

Page 25
Q2. According to you what is the level of satisfaction with the working
Culture of the organization -

1. Satisfactory

2. Average

3. Not satisfactory

1. Satisfactory 32 80%

2. Average 6 15%

3. Not satisfactory 2 5%

Interpretation – This graph shows that most of employees i.e., 80%

employees that there level of satisfaction with the working culture of
organization is satisfactory.

Q3. Do you think - “Top Management is interested in motivating the

employees -

Page 26



1. Strongly agree 30 75%

2. Neutral 8 20%

3. Disagree 2 5%


strongly agree

Interpretation – it can be intrepretated that 75% of employees strongly agree

that to management interested in motivating the employees.

Page 27
Q4. DO you receive rewards and recognition on your Achievement?

1. Yes

2. No

1. Yes 36 90%

2. No 4 10%

Interpretation – From the graph it can be concluded that 90% of employees

say that them receive rewards and reorganization on your achievement.

Page 28
Q5. Which type of incentives motivate you more?
1. Incentive awards
2. Promotion
3. Appreciation letters

1. Incentive awards 16 40%

2. Promotion 16 40%

3. Appreciation letters 8 20%

Interpretation – It can be interpretated that most of the employees are

motivated through both incentives awards and promotion whereas less no. of
employees are motivative through appreciation letter.

Q6. What encourages you to work harder after achieving organizational


Page 29
1. Party
2. Leave
3. Picnic
4. Increment

1. Party 8 20%

2. Leave 8 20%

3. Picnic 12 30%

4. Increment 12 30%

Interpretation – From this graph we can interpret that there are equal number
of employees who are encourages to work harder through picnics and increment
after achieving organization goals.
Q7. Which of the following factors motivate you the most ?
1. Salary increase
2. Promotion
3. Leaves

Page 30
4. Motivational talks
5. Recognition

1. Salary increase 8 20%

2. Promotion 8 20%

3. Leaves 8 20%

4. Motivational talks 8 20%

5. Recognition 8 20%

Interpretation – From this graph we can interpret that there equal number are
employees who are motivated by all the above mentioned factors.
Q8. Do you get opportunities to share your ideas at work?
1. Yes
2. No

1. Yes 34 85%

Page 31
2. No 8 15%

Interpretation – It can be interpret that 85% of employees says that they get
opportunities to share their ideas at work.

Page 32
Q9. Do you think that incentives and other benefits influence your
1. Yes
2. No

1. Yes 36 90%

2. No 4 10%




Interpretation - From this chart it can be interpret that 90% of employees

think that there performance is influences incentives and other benefits.

Page 33
Q10. Does the top management involve you in decision making which is
connected to your department?

1. Yes

2. Occasionally

1. Yes 28 70%

2. No 12 30%


Interpretation – It can be interpret that 70% of employees fully that the top
management in was them in decision making connected to their department.

Page 34
Q11. When do you feel that you are self motivated?

1. After having break from work

2. After spending time on some recreational activity

3. After the increment in salary terms

4. After the increment in position terms

1. After having break from work 6 15%

2. After spending time on some recreational activity 6 15%

3. After the increment in salary terms 14 35%

4. After the increment in position terms 14 35%

Interpretation – From this graph we can interpret that more number of

employees are self motivated after them increment in salary term and after the
increment in position terms and less number of employees are self motivated
after having break from work and after spending time of some recreational

Page 35
Q12. For you, motivation is needed -

1. To explore my hidden skills & talents

2. To increase my efficiency & effectiveness

3. To increase my productivity

4. To gain more interest in my work


1. To explore my hidden skills and talents 14 35%

2. To increase my efficiency and effectiveness 12 30%

3. To increase my productivity 8 20%

4. To gain more interest in my work 6 15%

Interpretation – From this graph it is clear that for most of the employees i.e.,
35% motivation is needed to explore there hidden skills and talents.

Q13. The best motivational organization reward according to you is -

1. Task performance

Page 36
2. Competence

3. Job –status

1. Task performance 24 60%

2. Competence 8 20%

3. Job-Status 8 20%

task performance
20% 60% job -status

Interpretation – this graph shows that majority of employees i.e., is 60% belief
that for them, the best motivational organization reward is task performance.

Q14. Did any company’s policies, procedures or any other obstacles make
your job more difficult?

1. Yes

2. No

Page 37
3. Sometimes

1. Yes 12 30%

2. No 8 20%

3. Sometimes 20 50%


50% no


Interpretation – It can be noted from this graph that maximum number of

employees that is 50% say that some time the companies policies procedures
and other obstacles make their jobs more difficult.

Page 38
15. In your opinion performance appraisal is .
1. evaluating of employees
2. promotion of employees
3. job satisfaction of employees
4. motivation

Sample size 40

1 Evaluating of employees 12 30%

2 Promotion of employees 4 10%
3 Job satisfaction of employees 12 30%
4 motivation 12 30%

Interpretation:- It can be interpretated that employees think that promotion of

employees is not the performance appraisal.

Page 39
16. DO you think that performance of employees improve after process of
performance appraisal.
1. yes
2. No

Sample size-40

1 Yes 36 90%
2 no 4 10%

Interpretation- From this chart it can be interpret that 90% of employees think
that performance of employees improve after process of performance appraisal.

Page 40
Page 41

1. In prestige Hyundai there is retention of employees.

2. All the policies factor and strategies are beneficial for the employees.

3. All the policy programmes are made according to the employees in

Prestige Hyundai.

4. The relationship with the reporting manager is quite satisfying with

the employees.

5. The level of satisfaction with the working culture of the organization.

6. The employees are satisfy with the working culture of the


7. The reward are given to the employees according to their efficient


8. Appraising the employees according to their performances.

Page 42

Retention is an important concept that has been receiving considerable

attention from academicians, researchers and practicing HR managers. In its
essence, Retention comprises important elements such as the need or content,
search and choice of strategies, goal-directed behavior, social comparison of
rewards reinforcement, and performance-satisfaction. The increasing attention
paid towards Retention is justified because of several reasons. Motivated
employees come out with new ways of doing jobs. They are quality oriented.
They are more productive. Any technology needs motivated employees to adopt
it successfully. Several approaches to Retention are available. Early theories are
too simplistic in their approach towards Retention. For example, advocates of
scientific Management believe that money is the motivating factor.

The Human Relations Movement posits that social contacts will motivate
workers. Mere knowledge about the theories of Retention will not help manager
their subordinates. They need to have certain techniques that help them change
the behavior of employees. One such technique is reward. Reward, particularly
money, is a motivator according to need-based and process theories of
Retention. For the behavioral scientists, however, money is not important as a
motivator. Whatever may be the arguments, it can be stated that money can
influence some people in certain circumstance. Being an outgrowth of
Herzberg’s, two factor theory of Retention, job enrichment is considered to be a
powerful motivator. An enriched job has added responsibilities. The makes the
job interesting and rewarding. Job enlargement refers to adding a few more task
elements horizontally. Task variety helps motivate job holders. Job rotation
involves shifting an incumbent from one job to another.

Page 43
Page 44

 Employee should be provided with proper training.

 Employee should be appreciated for good work.

 Employee should be motivated to welcome the change.

 If any changes are brought in to software or any module is added then

proper training should be given.

Page 45

Human resource management K.Aswathappa

Research methodology C.K.Kothari
The human resource management text & cases V.S.P Rao
Business research methods Donald R cooper,
Pamela S Schindler


www.human resource
www.employee retention

Page 46
Page 47

Q1. How is your relationship with the reporting manager?

1. Excellent

2. Very good

3. Good

4. Poor

Q2. According to you what is the level of satisfaction with the working culture of
the organization -

1. Satisfactory

2. Average

3. Not satisfactory

Q3. Do you think - “top management is interested in motivating the

employees -

1. Strongly Agree

2. Neutral

3. Disagree

Q4. DO you receive rewards and recognition on your Achievement?

1. Yes

2. No

Q5. Which type of incentives motivate you more?

1. Incentive awards

2. Promotion

3. Appreciation letters

Page 48
Q6. What encourages you to work harder after achieving organizational

1. Party

2. Leave

3. Picnic

4. Increment

Q7. Which of the following factors motivate you the most?

1. Salary increase

2. Promotion

3. Leaves

4. Motivational talks

5. Recognition

Q8. Do you get opportunities to share your ideas at work?

1. Yes

2. No

Q9. Do you think that incentives and other benefits influence your

1. Yes

2. No

Q10. Does the top management involve you in decision making which is
connected to your department?

1. Yes

2. Occasionally

Q11. When do you feel that you are self motivated?

1. After having break from work

2. After spending time on some recreational activity

Page 49
3. After the increment in salary terms

4. After the increment in position terms

Q12. For you, motivation is needed -

1. To explore my hidden skills & talents

2. To increase my efficiency & effectiveness

3. To increase my productivity

4. To gain more interest in my work

Q13. The best motivational organization reward according to you is -

1. Task performance

2. Competence

3. Job –status

Q14. Did any company’s policies, procedures or any other obstacles make
your job more difficult?

1. Yes

2. No
3. Sometimes

Q15. In your opinion performance appraisal is:

1. Evaluating of employees

2. Promotion of employees

3. Job satisfaction of employees

4. Motivation

Q16. Do you think that performance of employees improve after process of performance

1. Yes

2. No

Page 50
Project Report On




Dr. Gyanandre Tripathi


Prachi Sharma
Enrollment No. – 111262560

Session : 2013-14

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The project defines and signifies the shear mannerism in which
numerous interacted tasks are performed by a team composed of
committed members . Each member bearing their own importance
and providing Contribution, which is nothing short of being

I am thankful to the director and all the faculty members of

IGNOU, Jabalpur for their valuable support in the preparation of
the project

The day which marked the beginning of my project bears a

special status to all of us, we begin with the proceedings and support
of the director and all the faculty members on the project work
entitled under whose support we have been able to make this project a
great success

Last but not the least , I wish to remember with the deep sense
of gratitude the encouragement provided to us by our friends and
batch mates.

By : Prachi Sharma

Page 52
I here by declare that the project entitled "THE STUDY ON HR
is being submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of
the degree of MBA of Indira Gandhi National Open University is an
authentic record and all the information furnished by me are true to my
knowledge and information and facts furnished by me are based on my
own findings and as per the information collected through primary
research and secondary research .

The matter reported in this project is neither being used elsewhere

nor has been submitted earlier for the award of degree of MASTER OF

Place: Jabalpur

Date: (Prachi Sharma)

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This is to certify that the project report entitled

HYUNDAI JABALPUR" which is being submitted by
Pranchi Sharma. This project report has been completed
under guidance Dr. Gyanandre Tripathi.

This project report is accordance with partial

fulfillment of the requirement of Master of Business
Administration Affiliated to IGNOU.

Guided by :
Dr. Gyanandre Tripathi

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