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1] Traffic temperature. Hot. Warm.

2] Design pre-frame bridge
3] Qualify subscribers
If people aren’t willing to give their email addresses at this point,
they are highly unlikely to give me money later. Qualifying subscribers is done through
an opt-in or squeeze page that offers something of value in return for contact

Let’s say I have one thousand visitors who come to my site each day. If I have a 30%
conversion rate at this point, then I know I have about three hundred people who will be
interested in my information. Now I have a list of warm leads, and I can continue to
move them through the rest of my funnel.

4] Qualify buyers
A buyer is a buyer is a buyer. Once I’ve
identified who the buyers are, then I can market to them differently. I can pick up the
phone and talk to them; I can send them a postcard or add them to a separate email
sequence. At this point, I have two lists: subscribers and buyers. Each list is unique and
gets treated differently.

 What are you going to do. You know you’re not just going to post pretty
pictures on Facebook. Make sure your client knows that too.
 How are you going to do it? Which tactics and methodologies will you use to
 Who’s going to do the work? Which of your team members will be working on
the account?
 Why does this all benefit your client, anyway? How is their business going to
be transformed as a result of working with you?
 How much is this is all going to cost? If you’re good, your services probably
don’t come cheap. Show why you’re worth it, and clients will be much more
willing to sign.
QUESTIONS to design a custom marketing plan for CLIENT

1] Looking at your business as a whole, where are you now

in sales process, result and where would you like to be by

2] In your opinion, what seems to be problem with getting

enough enquiries and sales? Could you walk me through the
problems you have regarding sales.

== > what kind of advert are you currently running

== > what’s your KPI: sales, views, perception or Press

3] At the end of presentation, if there’s a positive

signal, ask Okay Mr ….. where would you like to move from


What percentage of customer deals are generated by marketing


What is your current customer conversion rate?

What results would you have to see to be able to secure more

budget for marketing?

What is your customer acquisition cost (CAC)?

What tactics provided the highest ROI for your business last
What tactics were least successful?

What is your criteria for measuring lead quality?

What offers or marketing campaigns create low quality leads?

What offers or marketing campaigns create high quality leads?

What are the pain points you solve for customers?

How do prospects find your product?

What sources bring in the highest value customers?

How strategies are in place to retain customers?

What is your upsell strategy?

From an overall business standpoint, what is your biggest


For these challenges, why have they not been solved?

What has been the negative effect of these challenges/problems

on your business?

What does your sales process look like?

How long is the average sales cycle?

What three pieces of content are most useful during the sales

What makes your business unique in the market?

Who are your three biggest competitors?
What marketing done by a competitor made you jealous?
What do you want your company to be known for in the market?
Who is your target audience? Do you have established buyer
personas for each of your target customer groups?
What is the size of your total addressable market?
What percentage of your market is aware of your brand and
What makes buying your product or service necessary? What makes
a customer buy right now?
Are there seasonal buying patterns that affect your sales?
What types of prospects are not a good fit for your company?
What are the top reasons a lead doesn’t close?
What skills are lacking in your current staff members?
What would you like more training on?
What services do you wish our agency offered?

Interjections during convo?

Why do you say that

Tell me more

Could you explain what you mean by that

Well, what does that mean to you

Really? Why?
Offer Hour
1] Would you like us to build you a custom marketing
blueprint for FREE

2] Would you like to increase your ROI by 10% with your

current online advertising efforts?

Client Sales Challenges

You will collect the clients Facebook page, website, Instagram and other relevant info
upfront PRIOR to creating this proposal.

STATE the good, bad and the ugly about your clients’ content.

The website does not have SEO friendly content

No sustainable growth of customer

Low traffic on the website

No visibility on social media

Huge bounce rate

Increasing profits

Hiring new employees

Retain customer

Lead generation

Brand awareness

Building email list


A Marketing Funnel That CONVERTS.

- Part 1: You need specific tools.

- Part 2: You need a laid out process.

The TOOLS & Processes You Need To Set Up A Profitable Marketing

1] Irresistible Offer. Bogof, Free + Shipping

2] Targeted traffic. EVERYBODY is NOT your customer. Create your "Ideal Customer
Avatar". Find Your Own Prospects, Pay For Them And Convert Them Into Customers!
3] Pre-Sell Content: The Strategy of Pre-Eminence is the art of giving away so much
value UPFRONT to a PROSPECT so that you are positioned as an expert authority.
Your pre-sell content can either be an article or a video.

- What are the most URGENT things your prospect want to know about your subject

- How fast can you get them to experience that thing?

Bad Result ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good Result

Give them ALL the steps, except the last one, for free right there in the video or

4] Lead magnet/Ethical bribe

5] Sales funnel: Landing page, Thank you page, OTO/sales page

6] Follow up system. Build AR, Instagram followers, Whatsapp


"More Enquiries Than You Could Handle"

Running CHEAPER FB Advert Formula is Made Up of 5 Steps

ONE: Start by identifying the proper audience to Target.

1] Target the followers of other people

2] Target People Based on Their Interests & Behaviors’

3] Custom Audience
i] An audience of people who have bought your product

ii] People who have signed up to your list

iii] People who have visited certain pages on your website.

4] Lookalike Audience

TWO: Create or find a super Image or Video

THREE: Craft a compelling Headline or first line of your ad that is difficult to resist.

FOUR: Put together and arrange the Body Copy of the ad

FIVE: Make the right Call to Action

Facebook Billing and Objectives

NOTE: FaceBook rewards advert that have high Click Through Rate & relevance with
low CPM and CPC rates



Different Result Will Be Produced By The Funnels Even When You Invest
Same Advert Spend
The Plan of Action

STATE how you plan to fix/enhance it

A standard Facebook Ads Management proposal and contract would include:

A paid advertising strategy call with the client to discuss ad campaign and strategy.

Competitor market research (e.g., Where are competitors running ads? What type of ads
are they running? Etc.).

Create a lead capture page on your website featuring your free ebook.

Install the Facebook pixel correctly

Identifying persona models (aka avatars).

Regular split-testing of ad copy and creatives to determine “winners” and increase the
profitability of ad performance.

Weekly reporting, including details of campaign performance and recommendations.

Overall ad campaign management from start to finish.

Additional services you might include:

Automated Email Sequences

Webinar or Launch Funnels

Content Marketing Calendars

Landing Page Design & Build

Website Optimization
The Scope of Work

The Facebook Marketing Package includes, but is not limited to:

Upload existing customer data and develop lookalike audiences pools

Designing ad creative.

Facebook targeting research

Facebook ad split testing/optimization

Facebook audience/pixel management

Facebook ad scaling and ongoing management/ad creation

Facebook Page posting X times per week.

Create retargeting audience pools

Daily optimization of bids, budgets, audiences, and creative

We may recommend changes to your website, Instagram account and/or Facebook Page
occasionally. These additional services will be provided at a fee

Your Investment

Our pricing is set in a way that it won't actually cost you anything. Our guarantee makes
sure that if it doesn't work then you don't pay.

Our strategy for this is two-fold:

1. We don't take on every client. We've become very good at assessing whether we can
help companies and we are excited about helping you.
2. We grab the low hanging fruit available first. These funds pay back your investment
as quickly as possible.

Monthly Retainers + Set Up Fees

What happens if the Facebook algorithm tanks or you get in over your head? Will you
have the money to pay an expert to help you save the campaigns?

Along with a monthly retainer, you’ll want to include a setup fee in your proposal. This
covers the time you’ll spend onboarding the client, attending strategy sessions and
gathering all the assets.


You might be able to send them 50 high-quality leads a day, but if they are unable to
close the sale, you’ll likely be blamed.

Monthly retainer fee and due dates

Additional fees the client is responsible for (third-party services, etc.)
How payments will be made (Bank Transfer/Deposit.)

Monthly fee to manage your Facebook Ad campaigns (doesn't include Facebook ad

N30, 000 /month

Set Up Fee: N10, 000 one time payment

Our Guarantee to You

The entire purpose of this project is to increase the number of new leads your funnel
generates so, our plain guarantee to you is:

If we don't do what we say we're going to do then you don't pay.

The only caveat to this is you must be prepared to spend the recommended amount.

“I’ll get you 10,000 followers in 2 days”

“We’ll increase your page to 15,000 likes in 24h”

“Your website will reach 100% more visitors next day”

“We’ll add 50k Youtube subscribers and 100,000 videos in 5 days”

The Reporting

We agree to provide the Client with monthly reporting that outlines [KEY METRICS]:

Page Likes Report

Post Engagement Report
Website Clicks Report
Conversions Report

Who on your team do we need to build a better relationship

What type of communication (phone, email, text, etc.) works
best for you?
How could we better communicate deadlines, timelines, and
project updates?
How do you handle password management of your company profiles?

Creating a termination clause allows both parties to end the relationship if it’s not
working out as expected. The Client may terminate the services with 72 hours’ notice.
The Client will pay the time charged up to that point, for that month.

From an Agency perspective, this allows you time to:

Wrap up any campaigns that are currently running.
Offboarding and passing the client on to another agency, if necessary.

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