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Management of the Lens Subluxation in One Seeing Eye

Marfan’s Syndrome Patient: A Case Report

Afia Nuzila Fadhlina, Dicky Hermawan

Departement of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University

Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia


This case is to describe the clinical presentation and determine the management of lens subluxation
in one seeing eye Marfan’s Syndrome patient.
A 33-year-old male patient complain about gradual decrease of visual acuity and double vision on
left eye since 5 years ago. The right eye could not seen since 14 year ago. The visual acuity on
right eye was hand movement with poor peripheral illumination. The best corrective visual acuity
on left eye was 5/40 cc S -2.75  5/20 with pinhole no improvement. Intraoculi pressure
examination was normal on both eyes. Slit lamp examination on right eye revealed corneal lekoma,
shallow anterior chamber, seclusio pupillae, and anterior synechiae. Slit lamp examination on left
eye revealed opaque lens, iridodenesis, and phacodenesis. Funduscopy examination was found
positive fundus reflex, details difficult to be evaluated on right eye, and normal fundus on left eye.
The patient has the characteristics of Marfan’s syndrome, such as tall body type, disproportionately
long arms and legs, and family history with the same symptoms. The patient will be planned to
lens extraction for the management.
The complexity of the lens subluxation in one seeing eye Marfan’s syndrome patient require the
further management to get the best result.
lens subluxation, marfan’s syndrome

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