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Building and Environment 39 (2004) 505 – 521

Natural ventilation of a room with vents at multiple levels

Shaun D. Fitzgerald∗ , Andrew W. Woods
BP Institute for Multiphase Flow, Madingley Rise, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 OEZ, UK

Received 13 September 2003; received in revised form 6 November 2003; accepted 11 November 2003


The natural ventilation of a room with a source of heating at the base and with vents at multiple heights is investigated both theoretically
and experimentally. The key to the analysis is determination of the position of neutral buoyancy, where the pressure in the room equals
that in the exterior. Air 3ows in through vents below the position of neutral buoyancy and exits from vents above it. When a room is
heated by a distributed source the room heats up to a uniform state and the position of neutral buoyancy depends solely on the ratio of
the upper and lower vent areas. When a room is heated by a point source or series of point sources, a vertically strati4ed environment
develops and the neutral buoyancy surface is higher. Depending on the nature of the heat source, the mixing of air 3owing in through an
intermediate opening leads to di5erent types of strati4cation in the interior. For a distributed heat source, the interior remains well mixed
whereas for a point source, a two-layer strati4cation develops. The 3ow produced by both distributed and point sources of heating are
compared; the point source leads to a lower ventilation 3ow, although in both cases the ventilation 3ow can be raised by increasing the
heat 3ux, the separation of the upper and lower vents, the total vent area or the distance of the intermediate level vents from the height
of neutral buoyancy.
? 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Natural ventilation; Multiple vents; Buoyancy forces

1. Introduction the room heats up uniformly to a steady state [4]. As the air
in the room becomes warm, and hence less dense than the
The control of heating and ventilation 3ows in build- exterior, a ventilation regime develops in which cold air en-
ings is a major concern for the energy industry. For exam- ters through the lower vent and warm air exits through the
ple, over 40% of US energy consumption is related to the upper vent. The ventilation 3ux increases with the square
provision of adequate heating, cooling and ventilation for root of the separation between the upper and lower vents
buildings. Many commercial buildings incorporate air con- and with the average area of the openings [4]. These results
ditioning systems which are energy intensive. The desire to can be used to help design control strategies for simple nat-
reduce the energy consumption of new buildings, and if pos- ural ventilation schemes. However, designers often wish to
sible from existing buildings following appropriate modi4- incorporate vents at multiple heights in a room, and it is
cations, has led to signi4cant interest in design techniques therefore important for us to understand how the addition
based upon natural ventilation schemes. of further vents impacts the ventilation 3ows within build-
A number of key studies have investigated the fundamen- ings. In this paper we develop a methodology for assessing
tal controls on such naturally ventilated buildings using a the impact of vents at intermediate heights in a room, and
range of simple analytical models and small-scale laboratory use the models to show how intermediate level vents can be
experiments to provide insight into 3uid 3ows [1–6]. These used with maximum e5ect.
studies have typically concentrated on investigating the ef- We 4rst use the results of Gladstone and Woods [4] to
fect of upper and lower openings in a room. When a room is determine the height of neutral buoyancy in a room heated
heated at a constant rate by a distributed source at the base by a distributed source at the base. We then use this concept
to understand the impact of introducing a vent at an inter-
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +44-1223-765714. mediate height and develop a model to calculate the resulting
E-mail address: (S.D. Fitzgerald). 3ows. This model can be used to calculate the new height of

0360-1323/$ - see front matter ? 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
506 S.D. Fitzgerald, A.W. Woods / Building and Environment 39 (2004) 505 – 521

neutral buoyancy, and hence the process can be repeated to The density of air within the room i is then given by
assess the impact of introducing further intermediate level
vents. i = o − IT; (1)
For the case in which a room is heated by localised point where  is the thermal expansivity of air. We use suGx i
sources, the resulting 3ows are somewhat more complex. to denote an interior property, suGx o an exterior property,
Sandberg and Lindstrom [2] and Linden et al. [1] investi- and IT the temperature di5erence between the exterior and
gated the natural ventilation 3ows which arise when a room interior; positive IT corresponds to the temperature in the
is heated with a point source and when the room has vents room being greater than outside. Following Gladstone and
positioned at the bottom and top of a room. For this con4g- Woods [4] we assume that the pressure within and outside
uration of heating, they found that the room becomes verti- the room varies hydrostatically with depth. Owing to the
cally strati4ed with cold air entering through the lower vent lower density of air inside the room, the interior vertical
and warm air exiting through the upper vent. The lower part pressure gradient is lower than the exterior pressure gradient.
of the room is comprised of cold, exterior air except in a The di5erence between these pressure gradients leads to a
region close to the heat source where a turbulent plume of ventilation 3ow as indicated in Fig. 1(b).
hot air rises. At a certain height a sharp interface is formed Using the approach of Linden [3] we assume that the
which separates the cold lower region from the hot air. The velocity vj of air 3owing through a vent j is related to the
height of the transition point is determined by the area of pressure drop IPj , across the vent according to
the vents, the total height of the room and the entrainment 
coeGcient for the rising plume. 2IPj
The neutral buoyancy surface lies above the interface. vj = ; (2)

If there is an intermediate level opening above the neutral
buoyancy height then out3ow develops. If the intermedi- where  corresponds to the density of the air, and that the
ate level opening is below the neutral buoyancy height then volumetric 3ow rate Vj through vent j of area aj is related
in3ow develops. For an opening below the interface, the to the velocity vj according to
two-layer strati4cation simply adjusts; the interface is raised
when the intermediate level vent is opened. However, when Vj = aj vj cj ; (3)
an opening is located between the neutral buoyancy height
where cj is a discharge coeGcient which accounts for the
and the interface, a plume of cold air enters through the
e5ective reduction in area [3].
intermediate level vent and descends to the interface be-
The temperature di5erence IT is related to the heat 3ux
tween the upper and lower layers; at this point the descend-
Q supplied at the 3oor according to
ing plume is arrested. We develop a series of models to de-
scribe these 3ow regimes. The theoretical results are tested Q = Cp V IT; (4)
using a series of analogue laboratory experiments. In partic-
ular, we test the theory for the position of neutral buoyancy where Cp denotes speci4c heat capacity of the air and V the
and the steady state temperatures which arise in rooms with total volumetric 3ow rate of the resulting ventilation 3ow.
multiple vents heated with a distributed source and a point From Fig. 1(b), it can be seen that the pressure within the
source. Finally, we discuss the applications of our models interior of the room is equal to the pressure outside the room
for building design. at a speci4c height. Under steady conditions the volumetric
3ow rates at the upper and lower vents are the same so

v1 = v3 ; (5)

2. Heating of a room by a distributed source where =a3 c3 =a1 c1 is the ratio of the upper and lower e5ec-
tive vent areas. Since the room is well mixed the pressure
We 4rst consider the case in which a room of height H is drop across the lower vent is related to the reduced gravity
heated by a distributed heat 3ux of magnitude Q as shown of the interior 3uid acting over the distance hn
in Fig. 1(a).
IP1 = Ighn ; (6)

2.1. Upper and lower vent model where I = o − i . Substituting (6) into (2) for vent 1 we
The room is ventilated by two vents; vent 1 at the base 
v1 = 2hn g ; (7)
of the room and vent 3 at the top of the room. The vents
have area a1 and a3 where suGces 1 and 3 correspond to where g = Ig=. A similar expression can be obtained for
the respective vents. Following the results of Gladstone and the pressure drop across the upper vent and hence
Woods [4] we assume that the air within the room is well 
mixed so that the temperature within the room is uniform. v3 = 2(H − hn )g : (8)
S.D. Fitzgerald, A.W. Woods / Building and Environment 39 (2004) 505 – 521 507

3 Flow out

H Neutral buoyancy

Convective mixing
Warm room

1 Flow in

(a) Heat flux Q (b) Pressure


(c) Case A Case B

Fig. 1. (a) Schematic of a room heated at the 3oor by a distributed source and ventilated at the top and bottom. (b) The variation of pressure as a
function of height within the room (dashed line) and outside (solid line). Air 3ows out of the upper vent and in through the lower vent. (c) The impact
of an intermediate level vent introduced above and below the neutral buoyancy height.

Combining (5) with (7) and (8) we 4nd that the height of act as an in3ow vent (Fig. 1(c)). The neutral buoyancy
neutral buoyancy is given by analysis suggests that windows positioned at height hn will
exhibit no 3ow. However, vents are of 4nite height and so
ĥn = ; (9) in the case where the point of neutral buoyancy is contained
1 + 2 within the opening, an exchange 3ow can develop whereby
where ĥn = hn =H . air exits the vent above the point of neutral buoyancy and
The position of neutral buoyancy ĥn is determined solely enters through the lower portion of the window. We restrict
by the ratio of the upper and lower e5ective vent areas. our analysis here to the case where the vents are of suf-
4ciently shallow vertical extent that they generally act as
pure outlets or inlets.
2.2. Impact of an intermediate level vent

We now use the analysis of 2.1 to determine the impact 2.2.1. Case A: Vent 2 outlet [h2 ¿ hn ]
of introducing an intermediate level vent, vent 2. We denote We 4rst consider the case in which the intermediate level
the area of vent 2 as a2 and the distance of vent 2 from the vent is higher than the neutral buoyancy height calculated
lower vent as h2 . for the two vent scheme discussed in Section 2.1 (Fig. 1(c),
The direction of 3ow through the intermediate level will Case A). Let us express the ratio of the middle vent area
depend on its location relative to the neutral buoyancy to lower vent area as a2 c2 =a1 c1 = . In the case vent 2
height. If the middle vent is located at a height h greater acts as an outlet, vent 2 has to be above the height of neu-
than hn then the middle level vent will act as an out3ow tral buoyancy. The pressure drop across vent 2 can be re-
vent whereas if it is located at a height less than hn it will lated to the reduced gravity of the interior 3uid acting over
508 S.D. Fitzgerald, A.W. Woods / Building and Environment 39 (2004) 505 – 521

the distance h2 −hn . Following the same approach as in Sec- and outside the building according to
tion 2.1 we can express the velocity of 3uid exiting from
P(h)o = P1o − o gh: (14)
vent 2 as
 For convenience we take the case c1 = c2 = c3 = cd and work
v2 = 2g (h2 − hn ): (10)
with the dimensionless variable
Conservation of mass may be written as V3
= (15)
v1 = v2 + v3 : (11) 2BHa21 cd2
and 4nd that  is given by

22 − (1 − 2 + 2 )(2 − 2 ĥ2 ) + 2 1 − (2 − 2 ĥ2 )(1 + 2 (1 − ĥ2 ))
= ; (16)
42 + (1 − 2 + 2 )2

Combining (11) with (7), (8) and (10) we obtain

   where the imposed buoyancy is given by
ĥn =  ĥ2 − ĥn +  1 − ĥn ; (12) B = gQ=(2o Cp ): (17)
where ĥ2 = h2 =H . After obtaining the dimensionless variable  from (16),
There is only one solution to (12) as can be seen from and hence the ventilation 3ux V from (15), Eq. (4) can be
Fig. 2, where we show an example for ĥ2 = 0:7 in which the used to determine how the temperature di5erence IT also
upper and lower vents are of equal area  = 1, and  = 0:2. varies with location and area of the middle vent.
The thick solid line corresponds to ĥn , the thin solid Let us 4rst consider the case in which the upper and lower
 vents are of equal area,  = 1. For illustrative purposes we
 to  1 − ĥn , and the dashed line to the contribution
consider the case where a room of 10 m vertical extent has
 ĥ2 − ĥn +  1 − ĥn . The neutral buoyancy height with-
a doorway of typical area 2 m2 at the base, so that a1 =H 2 =
out the intermediate level vent is given by the intersection
a3 =H 2 = 0:02. From the analysis of Section 2.1, we deduce
of the thick and thin solid lines, hn = 0:5 as expected. The
that the neutral buoyancy height occurs at ĥn = 0:5. We can
neutral buoyancy height with the intermediate level vent is
therefore use (16) to solve for the case ĥ2 ¿ 0:5.
given by the intersection of the thick and dashed lines. It
In Fig. 3 we show how the dimensionless volume 3ux
may be observed that introducing the intermediate level vent
V̂ = V=(BH 5 )1=3 varies as the area of the intermediate level
raises the neutral buoyancy height. As the size of vent 2
vent a2 =H 2 increases. We 4rst note that since the neutral
increases such that a2 a3 ; a1 , the neutral buoyancy height
buoyancy height occurs at ĥ = 0:5, we 4nd as expected that
hn → h2 .
the total volume 3ux does not increase if the intermediate
We can also derive an expression for the total volumetric
level vent is located at this height. However, as the interme-
3ow rate through the building V by combining (1)–(4), (11)
diate level vent is moved away from the neutral buoyancy
and using the approximation that the pressure within the
height, the total volume 3ux rises as the area of the addi-
building varies hydrostatically with depth (cf Eq. (6))
tional vent is increased. The additional vent has a greater
P(h)i = P1i − i gh (13) impact on the total ventilation 3ow, and hence internal tem-
perature, when it is located furthest from the height of neu-
tral buoyancy.

1 2.2.2. Case B: Vent 2 inlet [h2 ¡ hn ]

We now consider the case in which the intermediate level
vent is lower than the neutral buoyancy height calculated
for the two vent scheme discussed in Section 2.1 (Fig. 1(c),
f(h )

Case B). In this case the intermediate level vent acts as an
inlet and we again assume that the room is well mixed and
0.2 that the pressure varies hydrostatically with depth. How-
ever, in this case there will in fact be a plume of cold air
0 which descends from vent 2 to the base. The plume will then
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
spread over the base of the room and become mixed by the
convection associated with the distributed heating source.
Fig. 2. Graphical solution of Eq. (12) for the case in 
which ĥ2 =0:7; =1, In order for vent 2 to act as an inlet, vent 2 has to be
and  = 0:2. The thick solid line corresponds to ĥn and the dashed below the height of neutral buoyancy (Fig. 1(c), Case B).
line to the contribution  1 − ĥn +  ĥ2 − ĥn . The solution to (12) is The pressure drop across vent 2 can be related to the reduced
found to be ĥn = 0:55. gravity of the interior 3uid acting over the distance hn − h2 .
S.D. Fitzgerald, A.W. Woods / Building and Environment 39 (2004) 505 – 521 509

As for the analysis of 2.2.1 we can write the velocity of 3uid 0.5 0.4, 0.6 0.3, 0.7
entering through vent 2 as
0.2, 0.8 0.1, 0.9

v2 = 2g (hn − h2 ): (18) 0.066

Conservation of mass may be written as
v1 + v2 = v3 : (19)

volume flux
Combining (18) with (7), (8) and (19) we obtain 0.058
ĥn +  ĥn − ĥ2 =  1 − ĥn : (20a) 0.056

As before for the case in which there was only one solution
to (12), there is again only one solution to (20a). In this case 0.052
introducing the intermediate level vent lowers the neutral 0.05
buoyancy height and, as for case A (Section 2.2.1), hn → 0 0.05 0.1 0.15
h2 as the area of the middle vent a2 is increased such that 2
a 2 /H
a2 a3 ; a1 .
We can again derive an expression for the total volume Fig. 3. Volume 3ux as a function of a2 =H 2 for the case in which a room
3ow rate through the building, V , by combining (1)–(4), is heated by a distributed source and where a1 =H 2 = a3 =H 2 = 0:02.
(13)–(14) and (19). Considering the case c1 = c2 = c3 = cd
and working with a dimensionless variable , this time given ĥn =2 =(1+2 ). In3ow through the middle vent occurs when
by h2 ¡ hn whereas out3ow occurs when hn ¡ h2 . From (9), it
can be inferred that in the case where the upper vent is much
= ; (20b) larger than the lower vent (1), most of the pressure loss
2BHa21 cd2 2 through the room occurs across the lower vent so that the
 is given by neutral pressure height is closer to the upper vent ĥn → 1.
 Similarly, when the lower vent is much larger than the upper
2 1 + (1 − 2 (1 − ĥ2 ))(2 − 2 − 2 (2 − ĥ2 )) vent (1), most of the pressure loss through the room
= occurs across the upper vent so that the neutral pressure
(2 + 2 − 1)2 − 42
height is closer to the lower vent ĥn → 0.
22 − (2 + 2 − 1)(1 − 2 (1 − ĥ2 )) The analysis thus far has shown how the impact of an
+ : (21) additional, intermediate level vent on the natural ventilation
(2 + 2 − 1)2 − 42
3ow depends critically on the location of the additional vent
The buoyancy strength B may be related to the imposed relative to the neutral buoyancy height for the case in which
heat 3ux Q using (17) as in Case A. there are only upper and lower level vents. However, the
Let us refer back to the example in Fig. 3 where we show analysis is restricted to well mixed rooms heated by dis-
how the dimensionless volume 3ux V̂ = V=(BH 5 )1=3 varies tributed heat sources at the base (or cooled by distributed
as the area of the intermediate level vent a2 =H 2 increases heat sinks at the top of a room). We now explore the anal-
for the case a1 =H 2 = a3 =H 2 = 0:02. In this 4gure we also ogous problem when there is a localised heat source, and
show the case in which vent 2 is located below the height illustrate that the same basic principle controls the 3ow al-
of neutral buoyancy. In this example the upper and lower though the details are more complex.
vents are the same size and so the solutions for Case A and
Case B are symmetric about ĥ = 0:5; the increase in total
ventilation 3ow as the area of vent 2 is increased is the same 3. Heating of a room by a point source
for vent positions ĥ2 = 0:5 ± ! where 0 6 ! 6 0:5. Again
the intermediate level vent has a greater impact on the total We consider the case in which a room of height H is
ventilation 3ow when it is located further from the height heated at the base by a localised heat 3ux of magnitude
of neutral buoyancy. We now investigate the more general Q as shown in Fig. 4(a). The room is ventilated by two
situation in which the upper and lower vents have di5erent vents of area a3 and a1 where a denotes vent area and
areas, and discuss the impact of an intermediate level vent suGces 3 and 1 refer to upper and lower respectively.
upon the natural ventilation 3ow. Linden et al. [1] modelled this case by treating the lo-
calised heat source as a point source of buoyancy, and
2.2.3. Case a1 = a3 showed that a vertically strati4ed environment is estab-
The same general principles apply when a1 = a3 as for lished. The lower layer is comprised of air at the out-
the case in which the upper and lower vents have the same side temperature, except for a relatively narrow region
area. The neutral buoyancy height is given from (9) to be within the plume directly above the source of buoyancy,
510 S.D. Fitzgerald, A.W. Woods / Building and Environment 39 (2004) 505 – 521

3 Flow out
Convective mixing
Warm upper layer Neutral buoyancy

hn exterior


1 Flow in

(a) Heat flux Q (b) Pressure

3 3 3

1 1 1

(c) Case A Case B1 Case B2

Fig. 4. (a) Schematic of a room heated at the 3oor by a point source and ventilated at the top and bottom. (b) The variation of pressure as a function
of height within the room (dashed line) and outside (solid line). Air 3ows out of the upper vent and in through the lower vent. (c) The impact of an
intermediate level vent introduced above and below the neutral buoyancy height.

and the upper layer above a sharp interface is comprised and so

of relatively warm air. The pressure within the room varies 
according to the pro4le as shown in Fig. 4(b). The pressure v1 = 2g H (ĥn − ĥ); (22)
drop across the lower vent enables cold air to enter the 
where g =Ig=o . The pressure drop across vent 3 is related
room. The vertical pressure gradient in the lower layer is
to the reduced gravity of the upper layer 3uid acting over
identical to that outside since the densities are the same.
the distance H − hn and so we can use (8) to relate v3 to hn .
Above the interface, located at a height h, the pressure gra-
Substituting (22) and (8) into the equation describing the
dient is weaker owing to the lower density of the warm air.
conservation of mass (5) we obtain an expression relating
At a height hn , the pressure in the room is equal to that out-
the interface height h and the height of neutral buoyancy hn
side. The pressure drop across the upper vent enables warm  
air to leave the room. To determine the impact of an inter-  1 − ĥn = ĥn − ĥ: (23)
mediate level vent on the natural ventilation 3ow in a room
we 4rst use the analysis of Linden et al. [1] to determine The total volume 3ux V can be calculated from the plume
the neutral buoyancy height for a room comprised of upper theory of Morton et al. [7]
and lower level vents. We then develop a model to account
v1 a1 c1 = CB1=3 h5=3 ; (24)
for the additional 3ow through the intermediate level vent.
where C =(6=5)(9=10)1=3 , the point source of buoyancy
3.1. Upper and lower vent model has strength B, and  is the entrainment coeGcient. Conser-
vation of total buoyancy 3ux can be written as
The pressure drop across vent 1 is related to the reduced
gravity of the upper layer acting over the distance hn − h B = v 1 a1 c1 g  : (25)
S.D. Fitzgerald, A.W. Woods / Building and Environment 39 (2004) 505 – 521 511

Combining (22), (24) and (25) we obtain a further expres- of the upper layer 3uid acting over the distance h2 − hn . We
sion relating h and hn can therefore use (10) to relate v2 to hn . If we substitute (8),
(22) and (10) into the equation describing the conservation
C 3 ĥ5 = 2(a1 c1 =H 2 )2 (ĥn − ĥ): (26) of mass (11) we 4nd that
Finally, combining (23) and (26) it is found that the height
ĥn − ĥ =  ĥ2 − ĥn +  1 − ĥn : (29)
of the interface ĥ = h=H is given by
 1=2 Conservation of total buoyancy 3ux is again given by
ĥ A∗ (25) and plume theory (24) may be used to relate v1 and
C 3=2 = 2; (27)
1 − ĥ H h. Eq. (26), which results from combining (22), (24) and
(25), may again be used to relate hn to h.
where We now combine (26) and (29) to obtain an implicit
a 3 a1 expression for the dimensionless interface height ĥ
A∗ = : (28)
( 12 ((a1 =c3 )2 + (a3 =c1 )2 ))1=2    
 C 3 5
ĥ  C 3 5

 =  ĥ2 − ĥ −
The dimensionless height of the interface ĥ and neutral 2(a1 c1 =H 2 )2 2(a1 c1 =H 2 )2
buoyancy height ĥn are governed by the e5ective dimen-
sionless vent area A∗ =H 2 and the entrainment coeGcient ;  

interestingly, they are independent of the strength of the  C 3 ĥ5
+ 1 − ĥ − ;
buoyancy source. It is worth noting that although the above 2(a1 c1 =H 2 )2
model of a two-hole system based on the work of Linden
et al. [1] is derived by assuming the localised heat source
to be a pure source of buoyancy with zero associated mass The total volume 3ux is given by substituting the value h
3ux, it is possible to account for a 4nite mass 3ux [8,9]. from (30) into (24). The reduced gravity, and hence temper-
We now use the concept of the height of neutral buoyancy ature, of the upper layer can then be obtained by substituting
in order to predict the impact of introducing a middle vent. v1 a1 c1 from (24) into (25).

3.2. Impact of an intermediate level vent 3.2.2. Case B: h2 ¡ hn

For the case ĥ ¡ ĥn the middle vent acts as an inlet (see
We consider an intermediate level vent, denoted as vent 2, Fig. 4(b) and (c)). However, as may be seen from Fig. 4(c),
of area a2 a height h2 from the lower vent. If the intermediate there are two potential 3ow con4gurations. If the interme-
level vent is introduced at a height h greater than the height diate level vent is located below the interface, air will enter
of neutral buoyancy hn , the vent will act as an out3ow vent into the portion of the room 4lled with cold air and the in-
(Fig. 4(c)) whereas if it is located at a height less than hn it terface will simply adjust. We shall refer to this 3ow con-
will act as an in3ow vent (Fig. 4(c)). In the case where the 4guration as Case B1.
intermediate level vent acts as an inlet, two di5erent 3ow When an opening is located between the neutral buoy-
regimes can be established as can be seen from Fig. 4(c), ancy height and the interface, the 3uid entering through the
Cases B1 and B2. If the intermediate level vent is below intermediate level vent descends as a plume through the up-
the interface between the upper and lower layers, then the per layer. This is because the 3uid entering through vent
simple two-vent scheme described in Section 3.1 is simply 2 is dense relative to the surrounding warm air and it will
adjusted as the total area available for in3ow is increased. therefore fall. As the air entering through vent 2 descends it
However, if the intermediate level vent is located between will also entrain a fraction of the warm air. Therefore, when
the interface and neutral buoyancy height, then the 3uid this descending plume reaches the interface at h it will be
which enters through the intermediate level vent will be slightly buoyant relative to the lower layer. Consequently,
dense relative to the upper layer 3uid and will descend as an intermediate layer may form. We shall describe this sit-
a plume to the interface. We shall consider each of these uation as Case B2. We now develop a mathematical model
cases in turn and develop a model for each. of Cases B1 and B2.

3.2.1. Case A: h2 ¿ hn Case B1: h2 ¡ h As in Case A of Section 3.2.1,

As before in Section 2 let us express the ratio of the the velocity of air through vent 3 is related to the neutral
middle vent area to lower vent area as a2 c2 =a1 c1 = . In the buoyancy height by (8) and the velocity of air through the
case of h2 ¿ hn the middle vent will act as an outlet (see lower vent is related to the neutral buoyancy height by (22).
Fig. 4(c)). The velocity of air through the upper and lower Since the pressure drop across vent 2 is the same as across
vents can again be related to the neutral buoyancy height vent 1 we may use (2) to infer that
by Eqs. (8) and (22) respectively. The pressure drop across
the intermediate level vent is related to the reduced gravity v 2 = v1 : (31)
512 S.D. Fitzgerald, A.W. Woods / Building and Environment 39 (2004) 505 – 521

Substituting (8), (22) and (31) into the equation for conser- small distance between the intermediate level vent and in-
vation of mass (19) we 4nd that terface, then entrainment may be of secondary importance.
 For simplicity we now develop a model of the downward
1 − ĥn = ĥn − ĥ: (32) 3ow, neglecting entrainment, as would be applicable in the
Comparing (32) with (23) it may be seen that we have above limits. We then use the model to develop and specify
e5ectively reduced the problem for this situation to the two the limits in which it is a good approximation.
level problem solved by Linden et al. [1] with a modi4ed In the limit of negligible entrainment by the descending
average vent area. Hence, we can write [10] plume, all in3ow accumulates in the lower layer, and as
 1=2 before a single interface forms. As before let us denote the
ĥ A∗∗ height of the lower layer to be h, the dimensionless interface
C 3=2 = 2; (33)
1 − ĥ H height to be ĥ = h=H and the reduced gravity of the upper
layer to be g . Eq. (8) can be used to relate the velocity of
where air through vent 3 to the neutral buoyancy height. Since the
a3 c3 ( + 1) top of the intermediate layer h lies below vent 2, and vent
A∗∗ =
1=2 : (34)
1 2 2 by de4nition lies below the neutral buoyancy height, we
2 ( + ( + 1)2 )
may use (18) to relate the velocity of air through vent 2 to
By solving (33), the height of the interface is thus ob-
hn . Finally, the velocity of air through vent 1 is related to hn
tained. The total volume 3ux V can then be obtained by
according to (22). If we substitute (8), (18) and (22) into
using the plume theory of Morton et al. [7]
the equation for conservation of mass (19) we obtain
V = CB1=3 h5=3 : (35)   
The reduced gravity g and hence temperature of the upper ĥn − ĥ +  ĥn − ĥ2 =  1 − ĥn : (37)
layer is then given by The volume 3ux of 3uid entrained by the ascending plume
B = Vg : (36) can be expressed as
This modi4ed form of the Linden et al. [1] two-vent anal- V3 = v3 a3 c3 = CB1=3 h5=3 : (38)
ysis is very useful, since the height of the interface is simply
a function of the total available area (34) if the interface is Conservation of total buoyancy 3ux can be written as
above the intermediate level vent (Fig. 4(c), Case B1). In-
B = v3 a3 c3 g : (39)
deed, if there is more than one intermediate
level vent, then
and (34) can be used with  = (a 2 c 2 )i =a1 c1 where Combining (38), (39) and (8) we 4nd that
(a2 c2 )i is the total e5ective area of all intermediate level
C 3 ĥ5
vents, so long as the interface height is above the highest ĥn = 1 − : (40)
intermediate level vent. We can use (33) and (34) to deter- 2(a3 c3 =H 2 )2
mine the limit of 3ow regime B1. The highest vent position We may then combine (37) and (40) to obtain an implicit
h2 which still yields 3ow regime B1 occurs when ĥ (from equation for the location of the interface between the upper
(33)) is equal to ĥ2 . and intermediate layers ĥ Case B2 Finally, if the intermediate level vent C 3 ĥ5 C 3 ĥ5
1 − ĥ − +  1 − ĥ2 −
is located above the interface predicted for Case B1, but 2(a3 c3 =H ) 2 2 2(a3 c3 =H 2 )2
below the point of neutral buoyancy, air will again enter 
through vent 2. However, in this case the cold, dense air C 3 ĥ5
which enters through vent 2 will be dense relative to the = : (41)
2(a3 c3 =H 2 )2
upper layer 3uid and will descend through the upper layer.
As it descends, it will partially mix with the upper layer 3uid As in the previous cases for a point source, once the
and become progressively less dense. When the descending location of the intermediate layer has been calculated, the
plume reaches the interface between the upper and lower various volume 3uxes and the temperature in the upper layer
layers it will be less dense than the lower layer and its descent can also be found.
will be arrested. It will then intrude laterally between the Validity of model: The expression (41) derived for Case
two layers. B2 was based upon the assumption that the amount of upper
In order to model this process fully it is necessary to de- layer 3uid entrained by the air entering through vent 2 was
velop a model of the entrainment of 3uid by the descend- much smaller than that entering through the intermediate
ing plume. However, entrainment by the descending plume level vent. Using the theory for entrainment of 3uid by a
is only important if the amount entrained is comparable to descending plume, such as from vent 2, we can derive the
or exceeds the mass 3ux entering through the intermediate conditions under which this assumption is valid.
level vent. In the limit that there is a large mass 3ux en- The 3uid which enters through vent 2 is a source of
tering through the intermediate level vent or that there is a buoyancy with 4nite mass 3ux. This buoyant 3uid can be
S.D. Fitzgerald, A.W. Woods / Building and Environment 39 (2004) 505 – 521 513

modelled as originating from a virtual source of buoyancy 1

with no mass 3ux, a distance z above h2 . Following the Case A

approach of Woods et al. [11], the assumption of negligible
Case B2
entrainment by the down3owing plume from vent 2 is valid 0.6
if the amount of 3uid which would be entrained by a plume

originating at the virtual source during its descent to the vent 0.4
Case B1
position over distance z is much greater than that entrained 0.2
by the plume as it descends from the vent to the upper
interface over distance h2 − h. Since the volume of 3uid 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
entrained by a plume scales with plume height [7], we may (a) a2
infer that the assumption for Case B2 is valid if
h2 − h B1, 0-0.5 B2, 0.6 B2, 0.7 A, 0.8
1: (42) A, 0.9 B1, 0.55 B2, 0.55
z 0.6

The buoyancy 3ux b entering at vent 2 may be related to 0.59

the velocity of air through vent 2 using 0.58

b = g  v2 a2 c 2 : (43)

Let us consider this buoyancy 3ux to be equivalent to a

point source a distance z above vent 2. Using the plume 0.54
theory of Morton et al. [7] we can therefore write 0.53

v2 a2 c2 = Cb1=3 z 5=3 : (44) 0.52

Hence, the height z of the virtual origin of the plume
above vent 2 is given by 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
(v2 a2 c2 )2 (b) a 2 /H 2
z= : (45)
C 3 g
Fig. 5. (a) Flow regime as a function of intermediate level vent height h2
We then use the values for h and z from Eqs. (41) and and area a2 and (b) interface position as a function of a2 =H 2 , for the case in
(45) in order to test whether condition (42) is satis4ed. which a room is heated by a point source and where a1 =H 2 =a3 =H 2 =0:02.
In practice, the 3uid which enters through vent 2 may
tend to slump down the wall. If we take the value of C in 3ow is given by Case B2, we also test whether the approx-
(45) to be that for an isolated plume away from the wall, imation of negligible entrainment by the descending plume
Eq. (45) will tend to underestimate z, the height of the virtual is valid.
origin. Furthermore, the amount of 3uid which is entrained
by the 3uid as it descends from h2 to h will be less than 3.3.1. Case a1 = a3
for a regular plume, and so substituting z from (45) into As in Section 2 we 4rst consider the case in which the
(42) leads to a conservative condition for the validity of our upper and lower vents are of equal area, =1. For illustrative
model for Case B2. purposes we again consider the case where a room of 10 m
vertical extent has a doorway of typical area 2 m2 at the base,
3.3. Application of the model so that a1 =H 2 = a3 =H 2 = 0:02. The height of the interface in
the absence of vent 2, which can be obtained from equation
We now apply these models in order to determine the (27), is found to be ĥ = 0:53. The neutral buoyancy height,
impact of an intermediate level vent. From Section 3.1 which can be found using (23), is found to be ĥn = 0:77.
we can see that the position of the interface does not de- In Fig. 5(a) we show how the ventilation 3ow depends
pend on the heat 3ux. Furthermore, the actual height of on the location and area of vent a2 . From this 4gure it is
the interface scales with the height of the building H . The clear that there is a unique 3ow pattern for each geometric
parameters which control the dimensionless height of the con4guration. For vent locations above the neutral buoyancy
interface ĥ = h=H are the dimensionless areas of the vents height ĥn = 0:77, the 3ow through vent 2 corresponds to
(a1 c1 =H 2 ; a2 c2 =H 2 and a3 c3 =H 2 ), and the height of the in- Case A. For vent locations ĥ2 6 0:53, the 3ow corresponds
termediate level vent ĥ2 =h2 =H . We therefore use the model to Case B1 since the vent is below the interface. For vent
to show how the 3ow within a building depends on these locations 0:53 6 ĥ2 6 0:77 the situation is more complex.
parameters. We consider the case where all vents have the ĥ = 0:53 corresponds to the interface position in the absence
same discharge coeGcient cd = 0:61 (for a circular open- of an intermediate level vent. However, as the total 3ow
ing), and where the plume entrainment coeGcient  = 0:102 through the room increases owing to an increase in total
so that C = 0:118 [7]. In the situation where the ventilation area available, the interface rises. Hence we 4nd that for an
514 S.D. Fitzgerald, A.W. Woods / Building and Environment 39 (2004) 505 – 521

intermediate level vent located 0:53 6 ĥ2 6 0:77, the 3ow h^ 2 = 0.55 ^h = 0.6
^h = 0.7
regime changes from Case B2 to Case B1 at a critical value
of a2 =H 2 . For the case in which ĥ2 = 0:55, the 3ow regime 1
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
changes from Case B2 to Case B1 when a2 =H 2 = 0:005. 0.1

Ve /V2
In Fig. 5(b) we show how the interface position ĥ varies 0.01

as a function of the area a2 =H 2 . For vent locations ĥ2 6 0:53, 0.001

where the 3ow through vent 2 corresponds to Case B1 since
the vent is below the interface, the in3uence of the inter-

mediate level vent is independent of its height. This is be- 0.00001

a2 /H 2
cause the density of the 3uid in the lower region is the same (a)
as the exterior 3uid, as can be seen from Fig. 4. 0.68 Entrainment
For vent locations ĥ2 ¿ 0:77, where the 3ow through vent 0.66

2 corresponds to Case A since the vent is above the neutral 0.64

buoyancy height, it may be observed that the impact on the

h2 /H
3ow is more signi4cant the further the intermediate level No entrainment
vent is located away from the neutral buoyancy height. In

this case, the intermediate level vent at height ĥ2 = 0:9 has

a greater in3uence than when located at ĥ2 = 0:8. 0.56

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
For vent locations 0:53 6 ĥ2 6 0:77 the situation is (b) a2 /H 2
more complex. It can be seen for the case in which
ĥ2 = 0:55 that the interface position is given by Case B2 for Fig. 6. (a) Variation of the quantity Qe =v2 a2 c2 , as a function of a2 =H 2
a2 =H 2 6 0:005. However, the interface height rises above in order to determine the validity of the zero entrainment model of the
the intermediate level vent for a2 =H 2 ¿ 0:005, and so the descending plume for Case B2 in the situation where a1 =H 2 =a3 =H 2 =0:02.
(b) Variation of the quantity Ve =V2 = 10% as a function of a2 =H 2 and
interface position is then given by Case B1.
h2 for Case B2 when a1 =H 2 = a3 =H 2 = 0:02.
It is useful to compare the in3uence of an intermediate
level vent for the case of heating by a distributed source
with heating by a point source. Firstly, we 4nd that the to-
tal ventilation 3ow resulting from a point source for a given 3.3.2. Case a1 = a3
con4guration of vents is less than when the room is heated As for the situation in which a room is heated by a dis-
by a distributed source. We also 4nd that the position of tributed source (Section 2), the same general principles ap-
neutral buoyancy is lower in the case of a room heated by a ply when a1 = a3 as for the case in which the upper and
distributed source; ĥn = 0:5 for a distributed source whereas lower vents have the same area. Eqs. (23) and (27) can be
ĥn = 0:77 for a point source. Consequently, the impact of used to determine the heights of neutral buoyancy and in-
the intermediate level vent located at a given height and its terface for the case in which there is no intermediate level
in3uence on the control of ventilation and internal tempera- vent. Once these are obtained, the impact of an intermediate
ture depend critically on the form of heating. For example, level vent can be predicted.
a vent located at ĥ = 0:5 has very little impact if the room For the case in which the area of the upper vent is much
is heated by a distributed source whereas it can increase the larger than the lower vent (a3 a1 ), the height of neutral
ventilation 3ow by 20% if the room is heated by a point buoyancy will be close to the upper vent and most of the up-
source. per layer 3uid will be below the height of neutral buoyancy.
Finally, since for this con4guration of vents 1 and 3 we However, in the case where the upper vent is much smaller
have shown three positions of the intermediate level vent than the lower vent (a3 a1 ), the height of neutral buoyancy
for which Case B2 describes the 3ow, we need to deter- will be just above the interface and most of the upper layer
mine whether our assumptions for this mode are valid. In 3uid will be above the height of neutral buoyancy. There-
Fig. 6(a) we show how the ratio Ve =V2 = ((h2 − h)=z)5=3 fore, the impact of an intermediate level vent for the same
varies as a function of a2 =H 2 , where Ve is the volume 3ux total e5ective area of the upper and lower vents (28), will
entrained by the descending plume and V2 is the volume depend on the ratio of the upper and lower vent areas.
3ux of 3uid entering through the intermediate level vent. It Although the same 3ow regimes as described for the case
can be seen that the condition (h2 − h)=z1 (i.e. Ve =V2 1) of equal upper and lower vent areas will be observed when
de4nitely holds for vent location ĥ2 = 0:55. However, for a1 = a3 , the range of intermediate level vent heights and
the higher vent locations ĥ2 = 0:6 and 0.7, the case is not so areas at which the regimes A, B1 and B2, occur, will depend
clear. It is evident that for ĥ2 = 0:6 Ve =V2 1 only holds for on the speci4c areas of the upper and lower vents.
larger values of a2 =H 2 . In Fig. 6(b) we show the range of
conditions over which the zero entrainment model is valid, 3.3.3. Discussion
by showing how the quantity Ve =V2 =10% varies with a2 =H 2 The results of Section 3 are di5erent from the earlier
and h2 for Case B2. work of Chen and Li [10], where case B2 was previously
S.D. Fitzgerald, A.W. Woods / Building and Environment 39 (2004) 505 – 521 515

3 3 Outflow



2 2

Intermediate Exterior

1 1 Inflow

(a) Case B1 (b) Case B2 (c) Pressure

Fig. 7. Schematic of a room heated at the 3oor by a point source and ventilated with upper, lower and intermediate level vents with in3ow through the
intermediate level vent (a) interface above the intermediate level vent; Case B1(b) interface below the intermediate level vent; Case B2(c) The variation
of pressure as a function of height outside the room (thick solid line) and within the room for Case B1 (thin solid line). Dashed and dot-dashed lines
correspond to non-physical realisations of Case B2, illustrating that Cases B1 and B2 cannot co-exist for the same geometrical con4guration of vents.

considered to involve 3uid entering through vent 2 and fully Case B1 and B2 can both be achieved where g is lower in
mixing with the upper layer, and to co-exist with Case B1 Case B2.
for certain geometric con4gurations. In Fig. 7(a) and (b) we If g is higher in case B2, then the volume 3ux through
show the two scenarios of Case B1 and B2. In Fig. 7(c) we the upper vent has to be lower than case B1 in order that
also show how the pressure varies as a function of depth for buoyancy 3ux is conserved. The pressure di5erence across
both these situations. Let us take case B1 (Fig. 7(a)) to be the upper vent is therefore smaller than B1, as shown by the
the reference case, as shown by the arrows indicating 3ow dot-dashed line in Fig. 7(c). Since g is higher, the pressure
through the vents owing to the di5erence in pressure between gradient in the upper layer is less steep than in Case B1.
the exterior (thick solid line) and interior (thin solid line). Hence, the pressure di5erence across the middle vent and
We now consider two potential scenarios of B2, one where the 3ow through it is higher than for Case B1. We also
the upper layer is at a lower temperature than Case B1, and 4nd that the pressure di5erence across the lower vent and
one where the upper layer is at a higher temperature. hence 3ow through it is higher than for Case B1. Since the
If g is lower in case B2, then the volume 3ux through total in3ow to the room is higher than for Case B1, the
the upper vent has to be higher than case B1 in order that requirement that the total 3ow is lower than for Case B1
buoyancy 3ux is conserved. The pressure di5erence across is not achieved. We can therefore conclude that there is no
the upper vent is therefore greater than B1, as shown by case for which Case B1 and B2 can both be achieved for the
the dashed line and thick solid line at vent 3 in Fig. 7(c). same geometrical con4guration. Similar arguments can be
Since g is lower, the pressure gradient in the upper layer used comparing Case A with Case B2 or Case B1 to show
is steeper than in Case B1. In order for the total in3ow to that there is a unique solution describing the 3ow for the
the room to be higher than case B1, the pressure di5erence three-vent scheme.
across the lower vent has to be higher. The dotted line in
Fig. 7(c) shows a potential scenario where this is achieved.
However, all of the 3uid entering through the lower vent has 4. Experimental observations
to enter the intermediate layer, but the interface is lower.
Since the amount of 3uid entrained by the ascending plume 4.1. Experimental method
scales with interface height (Eq. (35)), the amount of 3uid
entrained is less than for case B1. The model is therefore The analogue experimental system consists of a small per-
inconsistent and we can deduce that there is no case in which spex tank (the room) of dimensions 17:8 × 17:6 × 28:6 cm3
516 S.D. Fitzgerald, A.W. Woods / Building and Environment 39 (2004) 505 – 521

with a number of circular openings in one wall, placed in- 19

side a large reservoir tank (the external environment) of di-
mensions 88 × 43 × 48 cm3 . A series of 4 to 6 ventilation
holes each of diameter 15 mm were located at mid-point 18
heights 3, 9.1, 15.3, 19.0, 21.4 and 27:5 cm from the base

Temperature (C)
of the tank. A further series of smaller ventilation holes of
5 mm diameter were located at mid-point heights 4.7, 6.0, 17 4 cm
9.0, 10.5, 12.0 and 13:5 cm from the base of the tank. These
15 cm
ventilation holes were sealed by rubber stoppers which could
27 cm
be removed to allow a ventilation 3ow for a wide range of
16 Transient theory
vent areas.
Steady state theory
Two types of experiments have been performed. In the
4rst set of experiments, a distributed heating wire capable
of delivering up to 500 W was positioned 1.0 –1:2 cm from 15
the base of the tank so as to provide a distributed buoyancy 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
source. The heating wire was connected to a 30 V trans- Time (s)
former via leads which were also connected to two digital
Fig. 8. Experimental results showing temperature within the room as a
multimeters, thereby enabling accurate measurements of ap- function of time as the room is heated uniformly at the base. Temperatures
plied current and voltage. Three type K thermocouples, ac- measured in the interior of the room at heights of 4, 15 and 27 cm are
curate to ±0:1◦ C were positioned in the small tank at heights denoted by squares, triangles and crosses, respectively. Circles represent
4, 15 and 27 cm from the base of the tank and connected via the prediction of the temperature evolution using the transient model. The
a Pico Technology data logger to a PC. A further two ther- solid line denotes the prediction of the steady state temperature.
mocouples were placed within the reservoir tank to ensure
that the temperature of the water below the uppermost vent
remained roughly constant. Temperatures were recorded ev- 4.2. Experimental results
ery 5 s throughout all experiments. The 3ow was observed
using the shadowgraph technique, as well as tracer dyes For the experiments involving a distributed source of
which were injected from long syringes. Prior to commenc- buoyancy, plumes of hot 3uid were observed to rise from
ing an experiment the water in the reservoir and room tank the heating wire to the top of the tank within a few seconds
was thoroughly mixed. The requisite number of rubber stops of switching on the transformer. Several minutes later the
were removed from the perspex tank and the water was then shadowgraph began to show the 3uid entering and leaving
allowed to settle. After roughly 15 min the heating wire and the tank and experiments typically approached a steady state
datalogger were switched on. A range of experiments were within 30 min. The theory of Section 2 is predicated on the
conducted, with vent area ratios 0:25 6 a2 =a1 6 4, and with basis that the room is heated uniformly. In Fig. 8 we show
mid-vent positions ĥ at 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1. Tempera- the results of a typical experiment. In this experiment four
ture elevations of up to 7◦ C were recorded and compared 15 mm diameter holes were located at 3, 21.4 and 27:5 cm
with the theoretical predictions of Section 2. from the base of the room. A steady heat 3ux of 282 W was
In the second set of experiments a purpose-built plume applied for the duration of the experiment and the results
source was used as the source of buoyancy in order to test show that the room is indeed heated uniformly. In this case
the hypothesis for the development of a vertically strati4ed the vent located at 21:4 cm acts as an outlet since it is above
interior in the case of a room subject to a point source of the point of neutral buoyancy predicted by the steady state
buoyancy. For convenience a relatively dense saline mixture theory of Section 2.
was supplied to the source whilst the room and exterior In Fig. 8 we also show the theoretical prediction for the
tank were initially 4lled with fresh water. Consequently the steady state temperature obtained using the analysis pre-
source of dense 3uid was supplied from above. The room sented in Section 2. The experimental results indicate that
was elevated 20 cm from the base of the exterior tank so the temperature in the room does indeed approach the value
that the dense 3uid exiting from the room could sink to predicted from the steady state theory.
the bottom, away from the ‘room’. The nozzle used for the We now compare the prediction of the height of neu-
plume source is the same as that used by Woods et al. [11]. tral buoyancy with our experimental observations. In Fig. 9
A range of experiments were conducted with 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, we show that our predictions of 3ow direction through the
and 10 × 15 mm diameter vents open at 3 and 27:5 cm from middle vent agree well with experimental observations for
the base of the tank. The plume source was arranged to be a wide range of middle vent heights ĥ, and upper to lower
coincident with the upper vents, 27:5 cm from the base of vent area ratios .
the tank. A further set of experiments was also conducted Finally, for the distributed heat source we compare the
with 4 × 15 mm diameter vents open at 3, 9.1, 15.3, 19.0, results obtained from a series of experiments with the the-
21.4 and 27:5 cm from the base of the tank. oretical predictions of steady state temperature excess IT
S.D. Fitzgerald, A.W. Woods / Building and Environment 39 (2004) 505 – 521 517

1 or below the height of neutral buoyancy. The results from a

series of experiments are shown in Fig. 11. Hunt and Kaye
0.8 [9] developed a method to account for the virtual origin of
pure plumes, i.e. no initial volume or momentum 3ux, when
conducting experiments involving 4nite volume and mo-
mentum 3uxes. Using the method presented in their paper

(Eq. (37), Hunt and Kaye [9]), the virtual origin was found
to be 0:8 cm below the nozzle opening. We have therefore
adjusted the experimental results for the interface height ac-
0 cordingly. It is seen that the experiments are in broad agree-
0.1 1 10 ment with the theoretical predictions for the interface height
and neutral buoyancy height.
Fig. 9. Experimental results for 3ow direction through the intermediate
We then used the apparatus to investigate the impact
level vent compared with theoretical prediction when the apparatus was of introducing an intermediate level vent. In Fig. 12 we
heated uniformly at the base. Experiments where the middle vent acted as show two cases where the intermediate level vent is located
an inlet and outlet are denoted by triangles and diamonds, respectively. between the interface and height of neutral buoyancy. In
Fig. 12(a) 4 × 15 mm diameter upper and lower vents were
separated by a distance of 18:4 cm. The interface was pre-
dicted to be 9:9 cm below the upper vent and the neutral
buoyancy point to be 14:2 cm below the upper vent. When
Temperature Excess - Measured

a relatively small 5 mm diameter vent located 11 cm below
the upper vent was opened and the exterior 3uid was dyed
6 blue, blue 3uid entered through this vent and rose through
5 4 the salty red layer as a distinct plume until it reached the in-
2 terface between the upper and lower layer. At this point the
3 3uid migrated in a horizontal manner to form an interme-
0.25 diate layer. As this 3uid migrated towards the centre of the
room some of the 3uid became entrained into the descending
0 In Fig. 12(b) the intermediate level vent was much larger.
0 2 4 6 8 10
The upper, intermediate and lower vents were comprised
Temperature Excess - Theory
of 1, 4 and 5 × 15 mm holes, respectively. In this case
Fig. 10. Experimental results for temperature elevation compared with the plume which ascended from the intermediate level vent
theoretical predictions for a room comprised of upper, middle and lower overshot the interface and mixed with the upper layer. Since
vents which is heated uniformly from the base. In all experiments the the ascending plume entrained a small fraction of the salty
upper and lower vent areas were the same,  = 1. The middle vent area red 3uid the upper layer became a light red colour. However,
and position were varied; values of ĥ are as follows: cross 4, square 2,
triangles 1, diamonds 0.5, and dash 0.25.
the interface separating the salty lower layer of dark red
3uid from the upper layer was still reasonably clear as can
be seen from the photograph.
Finally, these experiments have also been used to test
for a range of vent area ratios and locations. Steady state the theoretical predictions of the 3ow regimes and interface
conditions were typically approached within 20 –30 min, as height presented in Section 3. In Fig. 13 we show the results
may be seen from the example of Fig. 8. In Fig. 10 we com- of two con4gurations of upper and lower vents. In Fig. 13(a),
pare the experimental results for steady state temperature the upper and lower vents were of equal area, 4 × 15 mm
with those predicted using the theory of Section 2. It may diameter vents 24:5 cm apart. 4 × 15 mm diameter inter-
be seen that the results agree well, and thus the theory of mediate level vents were opened, and as predicted by the
Section 2 appears to be validated. theory, the interface position decreased slightly as the inter-
In the second set of experiments we 4rst test the theory mediate level vent approached the neutral buoyancy height.
for the interface height and neutral buoyancy height of a In Fig. 13(b), the upper inlet area was comprised of 1 ×
localised buoyancy source with upper and lower vents. A 15 mm diameter vent and the lower inlet area of 5 × 15 mm
series of experiments were conducted in which the upper diameter vents. In this case, the range of intermediate level
and lower vents were of identical area, separated by a dis- vent positions for which ventilation 3ow regime B2 exists
tance of 24:5 cm. 4% salt solution dyed red was injected is much larger, and enables us to test the approximation of
via the nozzle at a rate of 0:37 cm3 =s. After a sharp inter- negligible entrainment for the model of this 3ow regime.
face had developed a further small 5 mm diameter vent was We 4nd that the experimental results are in broad agreement
opened in order to determine whether the hole was above with the theoretical predictions.
518 S.D. Fitzgerald, A.W. Woods / Building and Environment 39 (2004) 505 – 521

1 Predictions from theory

interface position
neutral buoyancy height

height / H

Experimental results
0.2 outflow
0 interface position
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02

Fig. 11. Experimental results for 3ow direction through the intermediate level vent and interface position compared with the theoretical predictions from
Section 3. Diamonds correspond to out3ow and triangles in3ow from the intermediate level vent. Crosses correspond to the height of the interface in
the two-vent scheme. The solid line and dashed lines correspond to the theoretical predictions for the locations of neutral buoyancy height and interface

(a) (b)

Fig. 12. Photograph of an experiment in which 2% salt solution was injected from a point source at the top of a tank initially 4lled with fresh water.
(a) 4 × 15 mm diameter vents were located at a distance 18:4 cm apart. A further 5 mm vent was located 11 cm below the upper vent. (b) 1 × 15 mm
diameter upper vent, 5 × 15 mm diameter lower vents located 24:5 cm below the upper vent. 4 × 15 mm diameter intermediate level vents located
18:4 cm from the upper vents. Arrow denotes the extent of the upper layer.

5. Applications source may be better described as a series of point sources,

or even as a distributed source. In Fig. 14 we show how the
We now apply the results of Sections 2 and 3 to illustrate form of heating can impact the total ventilation 3ow.
how these models can be used to inform the designers and For the case in which the room is heated by a single point
users of naturally ventilated buildings. Let us 4rst consider source we can use the analysis of Section 3 to show that the
a room of height 3 m comprised of vents at three levels, the neutral buoyancy point and interface (for the simple upper
upper and lower vents of area 0.225 and 0:1575 m2 located and lower vent scenario) are located at heights of 2.56 and
at 3 and 0 m, respectively, and an intermediate level vent 1:6 m, respectively. When the middle vent is opened at a
of area 0:09 m2 in the upper half of the room, at a height of height of 2:4 m, air enters in through the vent and a venti-
2:4 m. We now consider how such a room may operate in lation scheme corresponding to Case B2 develops in which
practice. the total volume 3ux is 88 l=s. If the electrical equipment is
Let us consider the case in which the room is subject to a divided into two equal clusters, the neutral buoyancy point
heating load of 1000 W and where the occupants have some and interface height (for the simple upper and lower vent
degree of control over how this is distributed. This is impor- scenario) decrease to 2.43 and 1:3 m respectively. Conse-
tant since occupant satisfaction can be increased by allowing quently, the ventilation form still corresponds to Case B2.
users to have some control over their environment [12]. A Note that owing to the increased number of buoyant plumes,
collection of electrical equipment located close together, for the total ventilation 3ow increases to 92 l=s. As the heating
example printers and computers, may closely approximate a load is distributed yet further, the neutral buoyancy point
single point source. However, if the equipment is distributed (for the simple upper and lower vent scenario) decreases
into smaller equal clusters around the room, then the heating below 2:4 m and the intermediate level vent becomes an
S.D. Fitzgerald, A.W. Woods / Building and Environment 39 (2004) 505 – 521 519

B1 B2 A intermediate level vent
0.6 closed
interface height

intermediate level vent

0.3 25
0.2 Acceptable

Internal Temperature

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
(a) vent position

0.6 15
B1 B2 A
Heating Additional vents
interface height

0.4 required required

0.3 10
5 10 15 20
Outside temperature

0 Fig. 15. Internal temperature for a room of height 3 m heated by a

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 distributed source of 1000 W at the base. The room has vents at 0, 2.4 and
(b) vent position 3 m from the 3oor with areas of 0.1575, 0.09 and 0:225 m2 , respectively.

Fig. 13. Interface height as a function of intermediate level vent height

(a) 4 × 15 mm diameter upper, lower and intermediate level vents (b)
1×15 mm diameter upper (inlet) vent, 5×15 mm diameter lower (outlet)
vents and 4 × 15 mm diameter intermediate level vents. Lines correspond
This example illustrates that the performance of a building
to the theoretical predictions, symbols to experimental results. Repeated is sensitive not only to the initial design, but also to its end
experiments indicate that experimental observations of interface height use and how the equipment in a room is distributed. Con-
are accurate to within 1 cm. sequently, designers need to ensure that the type of heating
load is known before selecting the location of the vents.
Finally, let us consider the case in which the room is
Distributed (vent 2 outflow) heated by a distributed source of 1000 W, the upper and
110 lower vents are maintained open and the occupants can con-
trol the middle vent. In this example we shall consider the
Volume flux (l/s)

Vent 2 case where the middle vent can simply be fully open or fully
Case B2 closed. Using the appropriate physical properties for air we
95 can calculate the internal temperature in the room as shown
in Fig. 15. The acceptable range of temperatures within the
Vent 2 outflow
Case A room may be tightly de4ned to be 20 –21◦ C. From Fig. 15
85 we may see that by incorporating a middle vent, the range
of external temperatures which can be accommodated is in-
0 2 4 6 8 10
creased from 11–12◦ C to 11–14◦ C. However, it is also in-
teresting to note from Fig. 15 the e5ect of including a rather
Number of heat sources
limited range of settings for the vent areas. In this example,
Fig. 14. Volume 3ux through a room of height 3 m with vents at 0, 2.4 if the external temperature is between 12◦ C and 13◦ C, then
and 3 m from the 3oor of areas 0.1575, 0.09 and 0:225 m2 , respectively, there is no setting for which the user can obtain a steady
whilst it is subject to a heating load of 1000 W. Symbols correspond to internal temperature within the required range of 20 –21◦ C.
the case where the heating load is divided into clusters. The dashed line
In this case, the occupant would have to oscillate between
corresponds to the case where the heat source is uniformly distributed
across the base of the room. the open and closed positions of the middle vent; this could
be achieved automatically with the requisite controller or by
manual operation.
outlet rather than an inlet. The ventilation form for a heat- Clearly the issue of no steady states being available at
ing load distributed over more than three points therefore certain external temperatures can be avoided by incorporat-
corresponds to Case A. As predicted from Section 3, the ing further 3exibility on the settings of the middle vent. In
ventilation 3ow increases as the heating load becomes more addition, the range of external temperatures which can be
distributed, and is a maximum when the heating load is uni- accommodated can be increased further still by building in
formly distributed across the base of the room. In this case 3exibility to the upper and lower vent areas. However, de-
the point of neutral buoyancy occurs at a height of 1 m. signers wish to minimise cost and reducing the number of
520 S.D. Fitzgerald, A.W. Woods / Building and Environment 39 (2004) 505 – 521

vents or settings for each vent is one way in which costs point of neutral buoyancy is increased. The upper and lower
can be removed. This example illustrates that the 3exibil- vents will act as an outlet and inlet respectively. The di-
ity which variable vent areas gives is important. If during rection of 3ow through the middle vent will depend on its
the 4nal 4tting stage of a construction project it is realised location relative to the height of neutral buoyancy. If the
that the costs have risen beyond the forecast, there may be intermediate level vent is located above the height of neu-
a temptation to reduce the number of variable vents without tral buoyancy predicted by the theory for a simple upper
due consideration of the potential impact on building per- and lower vent scheme, then it will act as an outlet. If the
formance. The repercussions of such action can be to limit intermediate level vent is located below the height of neu-
the ability to control the internal temperature of the build- tral buoyancy it will act as an inlet. If the intermediate level
ing naturally, and may result in subsequent installation of vent is located below the interface the incoming air will mix
expensive equipment or retro4tted vents. with the lower layer. If the intermediate level vent is lo-
cated between the interface and height of neutral buoyancy,
a three-layer system can develop.
6. Design implications We have developed an analogue experimental system to
test our theoretical models for the 3ow through a single
The results of this study are of interest to building de- room. The measurements of the steady state temperature of
signers where the principle source of heat is at the base of the distributed source system are in close agreement with the
a room. We have shown that the neutral buoyancy height predictions based on the new model. The predictions of 3ow
for a room with upper and lower vents is determined by the direction through the middle vent for both the distributed and
ratio of the vent areas, and in the case of a localised heat point sources are also in broad agreement with the theory.
source, also the total e5ective vent area. If the intention of The experimental apparatus has also been used to verify the
introducing an intermediate level vent is principally to con- hypothesis of the formation of a three-layer system for the
trol the total 3ow through the building, then locating the case in which the room is heated by a point source and where
vent away from the neutral buoyancy height will provide the the middle vent is located between the interface and point
greatest control. Indeed, it may be more appropriate and cost of neutral buoyancy.
e5ective to consider increasing the area of the upper and/or Finally, we have shown that these models can be used
lower vents and providing controls on these vents rather than to predict the form and amount of ventilation which can be
introducing intermediate level vents. This will depend on a obtained from a speci4c design where the occupants have
number of issues such as the accessibility and 3exibility of some control over the vents and the heating load. We have
the upper and lower level vents. However, if the design re- shown that the ability to control the ventilation, and hence
quirement is to provide for a localised source of fresh air temperature, within a room is highly sensitive to the vent
then including an intermediate level vent is certainly a fea- openings and form and amount of heating.
sible option. In this case it is also important that the upper
and lower vent areas are designed to ensure that the neutral
buoyancy height is above the location being considered for Acknowledgements
the additional vent.
This study was funded by the Cambridge-MIT (CMI) pro-
gramme and the BP Institute for Multiphase Flow. We thank
7. Conclusions Charlotte Gladstone for assistance with the experiments.
This experimental and theoretical study has shown that
the nature of the impact of a middle vent depends critically
on the type of heat source(s) within the room and the geo- Appendix A.
metric arrangement of the vents. If the room is heated by a
distributed source at the base, the room heats up uniformly, For completeness we also show on Fig. 8 the predictions
and the upper and lower vents act as outlets and inlets, re- obtained from a numerical solution to the equations govern-
spectively. The direction of steady 3ow through the middle ing the evolution towards the steady state, assuming that the
vent depends upon its height relative to the location of the 3ow through the vent at 21:4 cm is an outlet. For the tran-
neutral buoyancy point. The total ventilation 3ow can be sient evolution, conservation of energy may be expressed as
raised by increasing the separation between the upper and dT Q v 1 a1 c1
lower vents, the total e5ective vent area and the distance = − (T − To ); (A.1)
dt Cp W W
between the intermediate level vent and neutral buoyancy
height. The height of neutral buoyancy is controlled by the where t represents time, To is the temperature of the water
ratio of upper and lower vent areas. outside the room, suGx 1 denotes the lower vent and W is
If the room is heated by a point source, or series of point the volume of the room. Eq. (7) can be used to relate v1 to g
sources, a vertically strati4ed environment develops and the where g = y(T − To )g= and the height of neutral buoyancy
S.D. Fitzgerald, A.W. Woods / Building and Environment 39 (2004) 505 – 521 521

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