Control of Relative Humidity in A Textile Moistening Process

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Control of Relative Humidity in a Textile Moistening Process

I. Introduction

In our everyday lives the humidity of the air around us are rarely merits
discussion unless we are relaxing in a sauna or holidaying near the equator.
However, there are not many occasions where humidity is more of an issue than
during the processing of textiles. Get it wrong and it can stop production, damage
machinery and harm staff. Get it right and you can maximize product weights,
improve quality and increase machine speeds.

II. Why humidify?

All textiles are hygroscopic. That is, they absorb or release moisture depending
on the relative humidity of the surrounding air. If the atmosphere is drier than the
textile’s equilibrium relative humidity, the textile will give up its moisture to the air.
If the air is very humid then the textile’s moisture content will increase. This
moisture loss and gain occurs at every stage from the initial processing of the
fibers through to final garment manufacturing, distribution and use by the

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