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... The Net for Refugees!

fluequal – work iT!

The Net for Refugees fluequal – work
was a training project:
number of participants
budgeted target: 20 – actual figure: 59 The participants planned, designed, coded
a Website, filled it with content (more than
200 pages in German, English, Farsi and
career guidance hours taken
by participants: budgeted target: 800 Russian) and constantly reflected their work
– actual figure: 2795
+249% and their learning. The Net
Furthermore they built up free computer
course hours taken access points and worked as trainers dissem- for Refugees
by participants: budgeted
target: 4160 – actual figure: 10,132
+144% inating their knowledge. By this they gained:
• project and self management competences,

intercultural teamwork, presentation and
teaching units given reflexion techniques and further soft skills
budgeted target: 260 plus 800
counselling units – actual figure: all • IT knowledge with an emphasis on Web 2.0-
career advancing in all 1913.5 (without indiv. qual.) Technologies incl. online-learning and
collaborative work on the internet
individual external qualifications
(with so called social software)
original budget: 3000 €, actual figure:
9804,29 €
• abilities to create and edit online content in
(without administration) German language with a CMS (Typo3)
• IT special education according to the individual

child care expenses during focus, e.g. HTML, image editing and graphic
course time design, video- or podcasting, print typography etc.
original budget: 3900 €, actual figure: The participants got a full job-centered coun-
15.882.55 € (without administration) selling and coaching as also the possibility to
for 15 children and 959 hrs achieve individual job-oriented qualifications
on 161 days staff members: and certificates at external educational and training
budgeted target: 3,
actual figure: 6 institutions (e.g. in MAG welding) as furthermore
the occasion to receive ECDL and Austrian Lan-
+100% guage Diplomas and to do work shadowing, in-
refunds of travel expenses for ternships and paid community services, too.
participants: 23,359 € - 64% fluequal – work iT! being completely modular in
incl. administration, original budget:
its design, the participating refugees, accompan-
32,000 € without administration all actual figures are preliminary
ied by their tutors, were able to choose their
(end of May 2007). final figures to
be expected in end of july 2007. own courses and work packages according to
quantitative success realised their key interests and job chances. They re-

total budget -3% especially by extensive inhousing,

extensive voluntary work, extensive
ceived individual certificates for all achieve-
ments and also information about the costs.
support by salzburg's institutions Obligatory for all was only the involvement in
target: 215,091.88 € /22 month and tight financial control
actual: 208.639,12 € / 24 month the project planning plenary meetings, as
(~ 8,700 € / month) the project was participant-driven.
ESF / BMWA budget only Commuting expenses were fully refun-
ded on application, child care for all
course times organised as required. success in
fluequal – work iT! was realised by the
Diakonie Refugee Service. The pro-
ject was more than 95% funded by
the European Social Fund and
and ICT
the BMWA (Federal Department
for Economy and Employment).

Published in June 2007 by

fluequal – work iT! The Net for Refugees
Diakonie Flüchtlingsdienst gem GmbH
Mag. Rosario Pires
knot or thread? Lehener Str. 26
A-5020 Salzburg * FN 272779x
fluequal – work iT! ... The Net for Refugees!

project manager
Windows & Linux email, chat, newsletter, mailingslists, fora, ordering on the net, A participant writes:
OpenOffice & MS Office
ECDL repairing hardware fluequal is a super project!
Thank you very much!
Photoshop & the Gimp ... ICT skills for today's workplace!
online-courses and learning with books This is a great help for refugees
establishing fluequal-work iT!'s own learning platform (lms) – for our lives, work, integration.
incl. telelearning, online-tests, blended learning, constructivist approach,
social learning, learning organisation, knowledge management) Rosario J.A.F. Pires

reached the real limitations, the

using Web 2.0 applications for organising, communicating, selfpresenting etc. Climbing boundaries of a universe of possib-
ilities. As a project driven by

formulate visions and missions

learn project
working with different
Content Management
... the web updated! podcasting Higher asylum seekers the project man-
management teach others wiki agement has to take into account
Systems and their HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP
teamwork acc. DIN 69901 backends videocasting their rationalities, their aims, motiv-
cost transparency media's legal situation
message from Rosario Pires, ations and their cultural and situ-
set their own priorities ... empower refugees to: blogging
executive ational behaviour. Not everything,
account the project using the Government's databank
set realistic targets, which the board would like to see
making flowcharts and decide on and realise their own courses done, is also what the group mem-
plans learn to evaluate, creativity / reflexion / organisation / presentation techniques journalistic research of German and Austrian sources bers want to see. And vice versa.
We had a tough start. Compet- Therefore our endeavour was a
judge degrees of prepare and lead group meetings and plenary
completion and sessions ... managing the German language! ences, financial means–everything real journey into wild waters. It was
compare ... lead! language diplomas up to C1 writing and editing
unclear. It needed 6 of the 24 a research expedition sent out to
target/performance fluequal-months to buy the first of
German articles gain knowledge of what is pos-
integration counselling 3 computers for this IT-project. It
basic and IT-language-special training sible, what is impossible, of what
Bolles parachute job application training turned out that the participants,
online language courses makes sense and what does not
job orientation via internet which we assumed to have some
career guidance make sense to accomplish, of find-
IT-knowledge as much as some
secondary school graduation ing new ways, new methods, new
nostrification basics in German (A2), had neither approaches.
trips to workplaces and institutions of it. And so on.
Europass CV internships concentrating on innovations All qualitative and quantitative data
financial support taxes address refugees as professionals But we met the challenge. Within
further education trying out new methods show, that we can proudly present
labor market analysis two years, we pushed the very lim- this venture as a real success
... preparing for a career! ... research in action! its of our imagination beyond the story. Due to the refugees, due to
education consulting competence analysis what is viable & what makes known. The last European Policy the executives and counsellors,
sense for the refugees what are the categories Forum in Sweden showed us, that
with which the work can be due to your interest. Thank you!
structured and free learning journals we are leading in Europe regard-
child care at any course time fundamentally described
self-employment and accounting ing participation, empowerment
women's rights as special focus and refugees' involvement. We are
at the very forefront of new and in-
... advancing women! women only-groups

executive manager
novative ways of life-long learn-
topics from genital mutilation to honour killings ing and of job-centred coun-
women leading - prioritising - speaking up in public selling. Our involvement with the
IT-community showed us, that we
are indeed bringing the latest ICT
Hilfe und Hobby approaches to refugees.
support the community Biber While we climbed higher, we also Andrea Baldemair
sustainable work Vebbas Radiofabrik
buying locally

being ecologically sensitive

... working locally and together with
Conference Center St. Virgil

Counsellor; office

Salzburger Landeskliniken

executive manager

executive manager
Spektrum Subnet
...and many others. THANKS!
fluequal–work iT! with a share of 16% was a minor part of the Equal-Development Partnership fluequal. The other 84% were used by BiBer Bildungsberatung (13%) for a German language
project preceding our project, a community service project by Caritas (32%), mainstreaming and public relation work by Frau und Arbeit and Caritas (16%), coordination and publicity work by
Caritas and Land Salzburg (20%) and 3% Caritas-transnational tasks. Besides this operative partners the Arbeiterkammer Salzburg (employees' organisation), the Wirtschaftskammer
Salzburg (businesses' organisation) and 2 counties, Pinzgau and Lungau, were involved as strategic partners. Thus there is plenty of information on the fluequal-DP. If interested, please
contact Land Salzburg, Renate Kinzl-Wallner, or Caritas Salzburg, Gerhard Feichtner. In matters limited to fluequal-work iT! only, please contact the Diakonie Refugee Service Austria,
e.g. via → “kontakt” (upper right). We want to thank especially the Arbeiterkammer , Biber and Frau und Arbeit for their close cooperation and help.
Isabella Fink Ramona Kankal

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