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4. Chopra, R. S., J. Indian Bot. Soc., 1943, of the Hundredth Meridian, Columbia Received 5 February 2001; revised accepted
22, 237–259. University Press, New York, 1966, 22 March 200 1
5. Parihar, N. S., An Annotated Revised vol. I.
Census of Indian Hepatics, University of
Allahabad Studies (Botany Section),
Senate House, Allahabad, 1961. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. We thank the K. K. RAWAT
6. Parihar, N. S., Lal, B. and Katiyar, N., curator of Farlow Cryptogamic Herbarium
Hepatics and Anthocerotes of India – A (FH) Massachusetts, USA for loaning the Department of Botany,
New Annotated Checklist, Central Book specimen of I. indica. Financial assistance University of Lucknow,
Depot, Allahabad, 1994. from the Department of Science and Tech- Lucknow 226 007, India
7. Schuster, R. M., Hepaticae and Antho- nology, Government of India is also ac- *For correspondence.
cerotae of North America, East knowledged. (e-mail:

Vocal interactions, territoriality and fighting behaviour of the

rhacophorid frog, Philautus variabilis (Gunther, 1858)
Variation in calling behaviour and aggressive calls16. Males commonly sent study, we describe vocal interac-
acoustic characteristics of the mating compete for calling sites and get in- tion, territoriality and fighting behav-
calls are presumed to be important de- volved in vocal interactions. In the pre- iour of P. variabilis.
terminants of male mating success in -
anuran amphibians. Calling sites are
established and territories are main-
tained primarily by vocal interaction by
males1–3. Fighting and territoriality
among anurans have been reported in
both tropical and temperate species2.
Fight appears to be costly in terms of
time, energy and a risk of injury or
death, which is thought to be the reason
why most animals tend to settle the
disputes with conventional displays
such as exaggerated movements, re-
peated vocalizations or combination of
both 4,5. Selection appears to have fa-
voured the evolution of displays that
allow animals to resolve conflicts with-
out fighting6. These displays are often
used to assess the fighting ability of the
opponents prior to the fight5,7, thereby
allowing animals to avoid potentially
costly fights. Vocalizations may also be
used as a reliable cue for such assess-
ments in birds, mammals and frogs8–10.
The best evidence that vocalization is
used in assessment of fighting ability
comes from experimental studies on
deer5 and anurans7,11–13. Studies on ter-
ritoriality and fighting behaviour among
Indian anurans are limited to Rana lim-
Philautus variabilis is a small-sized
rhachophorid frog distributed in many
parts of the Western Ghats15,16 which Figure 1. a, Male P. variabilis calling from a tree branch. Note the single subgular vocal
sac; b, Fighting between two males. A male obstructing the vocal sac and dislodging the op-
exhibits direct development17. Male ponent from the tree branch; c, Male frog approaching the speaker and emitting aggressive
frogs call from bushes and small trees call during playback experiment (arrow mark shows the speaker); d, Male frog mounted on
(Figure 1 a) and emit advertisement and the speaker after attacking it (photos: GGK).

1486 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 80, NO. 12, 25 JUNE 2001

Observations were made from 31 ing sites against intruders with vocal proached the speaker and started emit-
August to 18 September 2000 and from challenges. Vocal interactions increased ting aggressive calls (Figure 1 c) and
28 October to 10 November 2000, with the decrease in the distance be- three attacked the speaker (Figure 1 d).
around Karnataka University campus, tween two calling males. When the stimulus was stopped, frogs
Dharwad (15°27′N, 75°05′E). Individ- Calling males appeared to be highly moved away from the speaker and after
ual males were marked with uniquely territorial and did not tolerate other few minutes started emitting advertise-
coloured waist-bands of embroidery calling males near them. When an in- ment calls. Three frogs that stopped
floss (n = 12), which permitted identifi- truder frog began to emit the call within calling during the playback stimulus
cation from a distance greater than 2 m a distance of 60 ± 2.3 ( x , SD) cm, the also resumed calling from the same site.
without any disturbance to the frog. In resident switched to aggressive call The number of notes significantly in-
the latter part of the study, use of waist- (n = 6). The aggressive interaction was creased during the stimulus period and
band was abandoned due to physical observed when the intruder also re- decreased later. The sound pressure
injury incurred by some males. A sponded with an aggressive call. In an level also increased significantly.
LUTRON SL 4001SPL meter (fitted observation, the aggressive interaction In playback experiment no. 3, calling
with Bruel & Kjaer multi-function continued up to 4 min. When the in- frogs were presented with stimulus C
acoustic calibrator, 4226) was used to truder called very close to the resident (aggressive call). Eight out of 12 frogs
measure the sound pressure level (re frog by ignoring its aggressive call, the stopped calling. Four frogs changed
20 µPa, ‘fast’ root-mean-square, A resident frog approached the calling their orientation and interacted with the
weighing). Call interactions in the natu- intruder by rapid walk and small jumps. stimulus call. The number of notes de-
ral conditions were made prior to the As the resident frog traced the calling creased and sound pressure level de-
playback experiments. Playback ex- intruder, they wrestled vigourously creased significantly (Table 1). None of
periments were conducted to determine (n = 3). Each male attempted to clasp them approached the speaker.
whether the recorded calls elicit any the opponent around the head to ob- Many anuran species exhibit varia-
changes in the calling behaviour of the struct the vocal sac (Figure 1 b) and tions in calling behaviour in response to
males. Three stimulus tapes were made also tried to dislodge each other from social interactions. Frogs shift the tim-
by transcribing natural calls recorded the calling site. The fight continued for ing of their call to avoid overlap with
from the males in the study site. Stimuli 3–5 min and it usually ended with one neighbours and increase the call com-
A, B and C consisted of a 4 min series male falling to the ground. After few plexity in response to others. In Hyla
of single-note advertisement call, multi- minutes of fight (2–4 min), if there was ebraccata2 and Philautus leucorhinus3,
note advertisement calls and aggressive no response from the loser, the other males emit single-note call when calling
calls, respectively. Playback experi- frog began to emit advertisement calls. alone and add notes to the previous
ments were carried out in three stages In two cases, dislodged males relocated calls in response to nearest calling male
for each stimulus: (1) a 4-min pre- and continued the aggressive interac- and also to the recorded calls during
stimulus period during which no calls tion. In two observations, males stopped playback studies, which is similar to
were broadcast; (2) a 4-min playback calling and became satellites during the P. variabilis. All the three frogs exhibit
period during which the stimulus calls vocal interaction. When the calling similar behaviour in both natural calling
were broadcast; and (3) the post- males were removed from the site, the and playback studies. Territoriality in
stimulus response. The calling frogs satellite frogs resumed to emit adver- anurans is related to competition for
were presented with the stimuli A, B tisement calls. diverse limited resources such as fe-
and C and the following responses were In the playback experiment no. 1, male, site for oviposition, calling or
observed: the behavioural responses, the when the stimulus A (single-note) was feeding18. Territorial males defend their
number of notes/min and change in the presented, all calling males (n = 12) calling sites against conspecific and
sound pressure level (SPL). Playback changed their orientation. Ten out of 12 heterospecific intruders with vocal chal-
broadcasts were made using a Philips frogs faced towards the speaker and lenges and physical attack3,19. Male
DR 768 cassette recorder. The non- interacted with the stimulus. The num- P. variabilis defends its calling site
parametric Mann–Whitney U test was ber of notes significantly increased with aggressive calls and in a few cases
used to compare the significant changes from 46 ± 2.14 to 81.3 ± 6.91 per sec- by physical attack. Male territoriality in
during the observations. ond. The sound pressure level was also P. variabilis promotes spacing between
Calling began with a single-note call increased from 76.8 ± 1.69 to calling males which facilitates male
and after giving a few single-note calls, 81.66 ±2.7 dB. After the stimulus pe- encounters with females and reduces the
males switched to multi-note calls in riod, calling activity decreased (Table risk of disturbance by other males dur-
response to the nearest calling male. 1). ing amplexus as observed in Hyla fa-
Two calling males faced each other In playback experiment no. 2, when ber13. However, physical combats may
during vocal interactions, even if there the stimulus B (multi-note) was broad- involve risks. Animals often settle dis-
was a large distance up to 15 m. Males cast, all the 12 males changed their ori- putes by means of conventional dis-
gradually increased the notes in the call entation and made at least one move plays. It has been suggested that this
in a stepwise manner, adding one note from their position towards the speaker. enables the contestants to assess each
to the previous call and the call notes Three frogs stopped calling and 8 males other’s strength, without resorting to a
frequently matched with the nearest switched from single note to multi-note serious fight20. Fights are thought to
calling male. During vocal interactions, call. Six frogs dived to the lower branch occur only when the potential benefit of
10 out of 12 males defended their call- of the tree. In four cases, frogs ap- winning outweighs the cost of the

CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 80, NO. 12, 25 JUNE 2001 1487

Table 1. Changes in calling behaviour during playback and natural interactions. P values 10. Morton, E. S., Am. Nat., 1977, 981,
were calculated by using Mann–Whitney U test 885–889.
11. Arak, A., Nature, 1983, 306, 261–262.
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Variable Before During After 13. Martins, M., Pombal, J. P. and Haddad,
C. F. B., Amphibia– Reptilia, 1998, 19,
Playback of stimulus A 65–73.
(single-note call) 14. Kanamadi, R. D., Hiremath, C. R. and
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Notes per min (n) 46 ± 2.14 81.3 ± 1.91* 37.2 ± 1.86* Acad. B., 1995, 61, 9–14.
SPL (dB) 76.8 ± 1.69 81.66 ± 2.07 62.6 ± 1.73 15. Daniels, R. J. R., Cobra, 1997, 29, 1–
Playback of stimulus B 16. Kanamadi, R. D., Kadadevaru, G. G.
(multi-note call) and Schneider, H., Amphibia–Reptilia,
2001 (in press).
Notes per min (n) 45.9 ± 2.43 108.25 ± 2.5* 34.75 ± 3.87* 17. Patil, N. S. and Kanamadi, R. D., Curr.
SPL (dB) 70.8 ± 1.96 80.37 ± 3.12* 69.62 ± 1.73 Sci., 1997, 73, 697–701.
18. Duellman, W. E. and Trueb, L., in Biol-
Playback stimulus C ogy of Amphibians, McGraw-Hill, New
(aggressive call) York, 1986.
19. Wells, K. D., in The Evolution of the
Notes per min (n) 46.4 ± 2.06 39 ± 2.95 51.9 ± 3.72 Amphibian Auditory System (eds
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20. Parker, G. A., J. Theor. Biol., 1974, 47,
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fight6,20,21. Male toads Bufo bufo settles increase the conspicuousness of the 22. Wagner, W. E., Anim. Behav., 1992, 44,
the contest for possessing the females male’s call. The present work suggests 449–462.
by vocalization which gives the reliable that the escalated calling behaviour in 23. Robertson, J. G., Anim. Behav., 1986,
signal of body size to the opponent7. P. variabilis allows males to give up 33, 363–372.
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frog, Uperoleia rugosa23 settle the con-
flict prior to physical combat. They use 1. Allan, D. M., Herpetologica, 1973, 29,
366–371. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. The work was
dominant frequency of the advertise-
2. Wells, K. D., Anim. Behav., 1977, 25, supported by SAP-II and COSSIST grants
ment call to assess the opponent. In H. from UGC, New Delhi. G.G.K. thanks the
faber, the males settle the aggressive UGC, New Delhi for the award of FIP fel-
3. Arak, A., Anim. Behav., 1983, 30, 292–
interactions with escalated calling inter- 302. lowship.
action13, whereas in Hyla rosenbergi, 4. Wells, K. D., Anim. Behav., 1978, 26,
males injure the eyes and tympanum 1051–1063. Received 17 February 2001; accepted 13
and even kill the opponents during a 5. Clutton-Brock, T. H. and Albon, S. D., March 2001
fight24. Behaviour, 1979, 69, 145–170.
Variations in the acoustic interaction 6. Maynard Smith, J. and Price, G. R., Na-
in P. variabilis represent a graded ture, 1973, 246, 15–18. GIRISH G. KADADEVARU
7. Davies, N. B. and Hailliday, T. R., Na- RAVISHANKAR D. KANAMADI*
communication system16. These varia-
tions may signal the strength of the ture, 1978, 274, 683–685.
8. Martin, W. F., J. Exp. Zool., 1971, 176, Department of Zoology,
opponents, thereby helping to avoid Karnatak University,
physical combat. The socially-mediated 9. Martins, W. F., Evolution of the Genus Dharwad 580 003, India
change in the calling behaviour of P. Bufo (ed. Blair, W. F.), University of *For correspondence.
variabilis appears to be an adaptation to Texas Press, Austin, 1972. e-mail:

1488 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 80, NO. 12, 25 JUNE 2001

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