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Even Semester (Jan-2019)



VI Semester




1.) What is the preferred way for adding a background color in HTML?
a.) <body background="yellow">
b.) <background>yellow</background>
c.) < body style="background-color:yellow">
d.) <background color="yellow">text<background>

ANS:c.) < body style="background-color:yellow">

2.) What is the correct HTML for creating a hyperlink?

a.) <a name="">A</a>
b.) <a>B</a>
c.) <a href="">example</a>
d.) <a url="">example</a>

ANS:c.) <a href="">example</a>

3.) How can you create an e-mail link?

a.) <mail href="a@b">
b.) <mail>a@b</mail>
c.) <a href="a@b">
d.) <a href="">

ANS:d.) <a href="">

4.) How can you open a link in a new browser window?

a.) <a href="url" new>
b.) <a href="url" target="new">
c.) <a href="url" target="_blank">
d.) <a href="url" target="">

a.) <table><head><tfoot>
b.) <table><tr><td>
c.) <table><tr><tt>
d.) <thead><body><tr>

ANS:b.) <table><tr><td>

ANS:d.) All of the Above

7.) Whats so great about XML?

a.) Easy data exchange
b.) High speed on network
c.) Only correct
d.) Both A & B
ANS:d.) Both A & B

8.) Which is not a property of attribute Behaviour of <Marquee> tag?

a.) alternate
b.) blur
c.) scroll
d.) slide

ANS:b.) blur


ANS:a.) Var

10.) The attribute used to define a new namespace is.

b.) XmlNameSpace
c.) Xmlns
d.) XmlNs

ANS:c.) Xmlns
Web programming MCQs for placement and interview - Set 9
11.) iframe in HTML is used to display a web page within a web page.
a.) TRUE


12.) Using which tag we insert an JavaScript in HTML page?

a.) <JavaScript type="text/javascript">
b.) <script type="text/javascript">
c.) <JScript type="text/javascript">
d.) <HTMLScript type="text/javascript">

ANS:b.) <script type="text/javascript">

13.) Which of the following is true about links by default?

a.) An unvisited link is underlined and blue
b.) A visited link is underlined and red
c.) An active link is underlined and purple
d.) All the above

ANS:a.) An unvisited link is underlined and blue

14.) The href attribute in the link tag specifies the:

a.) Destination of a link
b.) Link
c.) Hypertext
d.) None of the above
ANS:a.) Destination of a link
15.) HTML Event Attributes onload fires just before the page is finishing loading.
a.) TRUE

16.) HTML Event Attributes onunload fires

a.) When the browser window has been closed
b.) When the browser window is minimized
c.) When the browser window has changed focus to other window
d.) After the page is finished loading

ANS:a.) When the browser window has been closed

17.) HTML Form Events ___________, fires the moment that the element loses focus.
a.) onblur
b.) onfocus
c.) onchange
d.) onlostfocus

ANS:a.) onblur

18.) Twitter limits the number of characters per tweet is ?

a.) 130
b.) 160
c.) 124
d.) 140

ANS:d.) 140

19.) What is cell padding?

a.) Used to separate cell walls from their contents
b.) Used to set space between cells
c.) Both a and b above
d.) Used to provide width to a cell

ANS:a.) Used to separate cell walls from their contents

0.) What are meta tags used for?
a.) To store information usually relevant to browsers and search engines
b.) To only store information usually relevant to browsers
c.) To only store information about search engines
d.) To store information about external links

ANS:a.) To store information usually relevant to browsers and search engines

Web programming MCQs for placement and interview - Set 5

21.) How can you make a list that lists the items with numbers?
a.) <ul>
b.) <list>
c.) <ol>
d.) <dl>
ANS:c.) <ol>
22.) What is the correct HTML for making a checkbox?
a.) <checkbox>
b.) <input type="checkbox" />
c.) <input type="check" />
d.) <check>

ANS:b.) <input type="checkbox" />

23.) What is the correct HTML for making a text input field?
a.) <input type="textfield" />
b.) <textinput type="text" />
c.) <textfield>
d.) <input type="text" />

ANS:d.) <input type="text" />

24.) What is the correct HTML for making a drop-down list?

a.) <input type="list" />
b.) <select>
c.) <list>
d.) <input type="dropdown" />

ANS:b.) <select>

25.) What is the correct HTML for making a text area?

a.) <input type="textarea" />
b.) <input type="textbox" />
c.) <textarea>
d.) None of these

ANS:c.) <textarea>

26.) What is the correct HTML for inserting an image?

a.) <image src="image.gif" alt="MyImage" />
b.) <img href="image.gif" alt="MyImage" />
c.) <img src="image.gif" alt="MyImage" />
d.) <img alt="MyImage">image.gif

ANS:c.) <img src="image.gif" alt="MyImage" />

27.) colspan=n can be added to only what tag?

a.) <table>
b.) <td>
c.) <tr>
d.) <thead>

ANS:b.) <td>

28.) What tag adds a paragraph break after the text ?

b.) <P>
c.) <BR>
d.) <pr>
ANS:b.) <P>

29.) All HTML comment tags are enclosed in what ?

a.) <>
b.) <? and ?>
c.) # and #
d.) <!-- and -->

ANS:d.) <!-- and -->

30.) The TFOOT section of a table must appear before the TBODY section.
b.) TRUE

Web programming MCQs for placement and interview - Set 8
31.) The trick to getting a ball to bounce around a Web page is to:
a.) Add AnimationBounce layers
b.) Add keyframes to the timeline
c.) Add Bounce parameters to the Object properties
d.) Dreamweaver does not support animation... use Flash instead

ANS:b.) Add keyframes to the timeline

32.) By default, what's the Fps shown on the timeline?

a.) 15
b.) 1
c.) 20
d.) huh?

ANS:a.) 15

33.) Which of the following is false?

a.) The Site Map can be saved as an image
b.) You can FTP files using Dreamweaver
c.) You can create forms in Dreamweaver
d.) None of the above

ANS:d.) None of the above

34.) When trying to access a URL, the following message is displayed on the browser:

Server; Error 403.

What could be the reason for the message?

a.) The requested HTML file is not available

b.) The path to the interpreter of the script file is invalid
c.) The first line of the output from the script is not a valid HTTP header
d.) The requested HTML file or CGI script has insufficient permission

ANS:d.) The requested HTML file or CGI script has insufficient permission
35.) Dreamweaver users work in the Document Window using one of how many views?
a.) 3
b.) 5
c.) 2
d.) 8

ANS:a.) 3

36.) The general definition of a(n) ____ is a set of linked documents with shared attributes,
such as related topics, a similar design, or a shared purpose.
a.) index
b.) website
c.) Internet
d.) Homepage

ANS:b.) website

37.) What type of technology allows you to verbally speak with someone over the Internet?
a.) Wiki
b.) Social network
c.) Ephone
d.) VoIP

ANS:d.) VoIP

38.) Dreamweaver's ____ feature allows users to select colors and make perfect color
a.) Color Cube
b.) Palattes
c.) HTML view
d.) Eye dropper

ANS:d.) Eye dropper

39.) A Web site's home page is normally named home.htm or home.html

a.) TRUE


40.) _________ view is a hand-coding environment for writing and editing code
a.) Design
b.) Split
c.) Code

ANS:c.) Code


1. List the two differences between HTML and XHTML with respect to elements.
2. Write the syntax to display the following statement“I am learning Web Programming”
3. Differentiate client side and server side scripts?
4. How will you create a password field in a HTML form?
5. Create a HTML code to display an image.
6. What is meant by canvas in HTML?
7. State the use of servlet context object.
8. Compare DOM and SAX in XML processing.
9. Explain in brief about Java Script.
10. Write two basic differences between JSP and Servlet.
11. What does XSLT mean?
12. Give some uses of WSDL.
13. What is the purpose XML schema?
14. What is the primary purpose of an HTTP get request?
15. Define the need for SOAP.
16. State the significance of a WSDL document.
17. Give an example of a web services registry and its function.
18. List some examples of web services.
19. State the use of WSDL.
20. What is UDDI?
21. What is meant by WSDL?
22. What are the components required to build web applications?
23. Explain the term XML schema.
24. What is the purpose of XSLT?
25. List the scripting components of JSP.
26. Define URL.
27. State the use of web server logs and list the contents of a message log.
28. Mention the benefits of java scripts.
29. State the types of java script statements with examples.
30. Name the methods and properties of window object in java script.
31. Give the core syntax of CSS.
32. What is meant by an XML namespace?
33. Give some advantages of using cascading style sheets.
34. Give example for inline sheet.
35. List the different methods defined in document and window object of Java script.
36. List the two forms of style rules with an example.
37. List the ways of positioning an element within a browser window.
38. Explain array creation in Java Script with example.
39. What do you mean by host objects?
40. How does one access cookie in a JavaScript?
41. How is session tracking achieved by URL rewriting?
42. Explain in brief the interaction between a web server and a servlet.
43. How does one link external style sheet in a XHTML document?
44. Create two rows of horizontal frames using HTML frames.
45. What are style sheets? List the ways of including style information in a HTML
46. Explain with an example for inline style sheet.
47. List out the limitations of CSS?
48. Analyze some advantages of using cascading style sheets (CSS).
49. Discuss the core syntax of CSS.
50. What is a JavaScript‟s statement? Give example.
51. List out the objects used in JavaScript with its purpose.
52. What is the difference between undefined value and null value?
53. What is JSP? Write two main usages of it.
54. How a scripting language differs from HTML?
55. List and explain any four HTML intrinsic event attributes.
56. What is the significance of, and reason for, wrapping the entire content of a Javascript
source file in a function block?
57. Explain how external style sheet is useful in web page design?
58. Compare JSP and servlet.
59. Formulate a JSP with simple java code to display a welcome message.
60. Classify the different types of directive in JSP?
61. What are HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse?
62. What are the life cycle methods of servlets?
63. How sessions are handled in servlets?
64. What is a well formed XML document?
65. What is UDDI?
66. Give the rules for well-formed documents in XML.
67. What are the elements of WSDL?
68. State the advantages of XML.
69. What is XSLT?
70. Differentiate XML Schema and DTD.
71. Explain the purpose of XML schema.
72. What is the purpose of XSLT?
73. Summarize the differences between HTML and XML
74. What are the various building blocks in an XML?
75. Give an example of a web service registry and its function.
76. State the significance of a WSDL document.
77. What is Java Web Service? Draw the architecture of Web Service.
78. Show how UDDI is utilized in web service.
79. Formulate the basic concepts behind JAX-RPC technology.
80. Describe in detail about XSL.
81. Give a brief note on XSL and XSLT.
82. With a simple example illustrate the steps to create a web service.
83. Explain the SOAP elements in detail.
84. Explain the lifecycle of servlet.
85. What is HTTP? What are HTTP request and response? Give the limitations of HTTP.
86. Explain the java script array handling and array methods.
87. Write Java script to find factorial of a given number.
88. Explain external style sheet with an example.
89. Discuss javascript Array object in detail.
90. Explain how functions can be written in Java script with an example.
91. Explain the servlet life cycle with an example.
92. Explain how a XML document can be displayed on a browser.
93. Write about the JSP tag libraries.
94. Write and explain HTTP request message format.
95. State and explain any four HTML elements in detail.
96. Explain the various standard actions of JSP.
97. Explain the SOAP elements in detail.
98. Briefly discuss how SOAP encodes struct data and arrays.
99. Describe the significance and working of WSDL with an example.
100. Describe the major elements of SOAP.
101. Analogous to the calculator service, implement a simple SOAP Web Service.
102. Write a client server JSP program to find simple interest and display the result in the
103. Briefly discuss how data types are represented in XML schema.
104. Validate the style sheet using CSS validator?
105. List and explain any four HTML elements in detail.
106. Discuss about the different types of Cascading style sheets.
107. Explain objects and arrays in JavaScript with suitable example.
108. Explain in detail about CSS3 and their types with suitable example program.
109. With a simple example illustrate the steps to create a web service.
110. How do you use the frames collection to access objects in a separate frame on your
web page? Explain.


1. Write a CSS which adds background images and indentation.

2. Explain the different HTML protocols.
3. Explain in detail the CSS box model in detail.
4. Explain in detail the working of the following Internet Protocols.
5. Write Java script to find sum of first n even numbers and display the result. Get the
value of n from user.
6. Discuss javascript objects in detail with suitable examples.
7. With a suitable example discuss about event propagation.
8. Explain the way in which java script handles arrays with example.
9. Explain how java servlets perform session handling.
10. Explain how local and global function can be written using java script.
11. Discuss about the architecture and life cycle of a servlet.
12. Explain any eight CSS text properties.
13. Explain in detail with an example the dynamic content generation by a servlet.
14. Explain in detail DOM event handling. Also explain with an example of creating a
context menu. [Note: A context menu is one that that is shown when the user right-
clicks anywhere in the document].
15. Write a JavaScript that receives three integers from the user and find the largest and
smallest from them and display the output in XHTML document message box?
16. Write a JavaScript function calculate Grade() that calculates student grade based on
their average of 5 Marks Incorporate the function into a script that reads a value from
the user. Display the result of the function in the browser’s status bar.
17. With a simple example illustrate how the elements of the HTML document tree
structure can be accessed using javascript.
18. Write a servlet to illustrate the principles of Cookies and Explain.
19. Explain the purpose of the following DOM methods and properties.
20. What is a session? Explain how client state is maintained using session and also
explain about session tracking and session management using an example.
21. Create an Servlet /JSP application that allows the user to customize a Web page. Store
the user’s name and preferences in a text file. The application should consist of three
JSP files: one that asks the user to login and reads from the text file to determine if the
user is known. If the user is not known, a second JSP file is loaded asking the user to
choose their preference for foreground color, background color and image. Write the
new user’s name and preferences to the text file. Next, display the page customized to
this user using the user’s preferences that are stored in the text file. If the user is
known at login, thenormal page should be displayed?
22. Write a servlet program to display the waiting list status, given the PNR number of a
train. Create a JSP to display the information at the client end.
23. Explain about DOM based XML processing.
24. Write XSLT code to display employee details in a Table from which is stored is
25. Explain about the object that helps AJAX reload parts of a web page without
reloading the whole page.
26. Given an XSLT document and a source XML document Explain the XSLT
transformation process that produces a single result XML document.
27. Explain in detail the steps involved in writing a web service
28. Illustrate the principles of WSDL, XML and SOAP and their interaction between
them in web services applications.
29. Write a Java servlet to display net salary of employee, use JDBC connectivity to get
employee details from database.
30. State the types of lists supported by HTML and explain them in detail.
31. displays all links inblue without underlining them, when the mouse hovers the link,
change the link’s background color to yellow.
32. places a background image halfway down the page, tiling it horizontally. The image
should remain in place when the user scrolls up or down.
33. Write a Java Script to find and print the largest and smallest values among 10
elements of an array
34. Design a XHTML document to collect feedback from participants after attending a
Technical workshop.
35. Create a website using HTML for a “Library management system”. Your website
should have a home page which helps the user to navigate to various pages like
student membership, books catalog, transactions and search pages.
36. Classify the types of lists supported by HTML and describe
37. Write a Javascript program to count the number of unique alphabets present in a
given string.
38. Describe the difference between document and window objects with suitable
39. Develop a web page for student data form using HTML and validate the registration
40. Explain how a XML document can be displayed on a browser.
41. Develop a complete application that would include functions to validate the user data.
42. Develop XML document that will hold player (like Cricket) collection with
field for player-name, age, batting-average and highest-score. Write suitable
document type definition and schema for the XML.
43. Write the case study of discovery and analysis of web usage patterns and
explain the current trends.
44. Implement a simple SOAP Web service analogous to the Calculator service.
45. Summarize the role of XML schema in building web services in detail.
46. Briefly discuss about XML and DTD. Write a DTD for employee details including
employee name (first name and last name), employee ID, Date of Birth (month,
date and year) and address (city and state).
47. Write an example for default XML namespace and create the XSLT with font, color,
size and bgcolor.
48. Explain with an example about the various Web Service technologies.
49. Explain with an example about the Database Driven web service from an application
50. Write an example program for the concept of Regular Expressions and explain the
function implementation statement.
51. Differentiate client side and server side scripting with suitable examples.
52. Write an example program for the concept of JSP Standard Tag Library(JSTL and
explain the function implementation statement.
53. Write an example program for the concept of Understanding Cookies and explain the
function implementation statement.
54. Write an example program for the concept of Understanding Java Server Pagesand
explain the function implementation statement.
55. Explain with an example about the php application to access the database
56. Design a railway reservation system using UDDI and WSDL for the following case
study. Railway could register their services into an UDDI directory for checking the
train rate and reservation. Travel agencies could then search the UDDI directory to
find the railway reservation interface for ticket booking.
57. Explain with an example about the cookies concept in php application.
58. Explain with an example about the XML Parsers and Validation
59. Create a website for a online super market. Your website should have a home page
which helps the user to navigate to various pages. Every web page in the website give
a detailed description of different items present in the super market. Make the website
user friendly by adding relevant images and other formatting options. The last
web page should present a feedback form for the customer.
60. Explain with an example about the how the XML datas are accessed and used in web
61. Explain with an example about the XSLT Transformation and its advantages.
62. Explain the creation of a java web service in detail with examples.
63. Explain the role of XML schema in building web services in detail.
64. Explain the JDBC database access in detail.
65. Design an online shopping cart application using JSP or ASP. Consider a login
validation page and one billing page for bill processing.
66. Design an online book selling application using JSP or ASP. Consider a login
validation page and also a search page for searching a book.
67. Discuss the four important methods of HTTP servlet class.
68. te a servlet program to display a 'welcome' message on the client system
69. Explain the way in which data can be presented in a tabular form using HTML
70. Create a HTML document for a company home page and explain.
71. Explain the capabilities of web client and web server
72. Create a registration form for an educational web site with E-Learning resources. All
form controls should have appropriate name attributes. Use the GET method for form
submission and specify an empty string for the action attribute.
73. List any two differences between HTML respect to elements. and XHTML with Also explain
about the XHTML DTD.

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