The Art of Microblogging

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The Art of Microblogging.

What is Microblogging?

Microblogging is one of many online media whereby people can communicate. Through this

medium, an online user can post succinct “blog posts” to a microblog. Microblogging differs in

that it is much smaller than its traditional counterpart—the blog, in both actual and, aggregated

size. This medium of communication is massively popular for this reason—compactness. Due to

the compact nature of these “packets” of information—akin to text-messages, it is incredibly

easy to exchange thoughts.

People can talk about topics ranging from the simplest of status updates, to the most profound

philosophical intrigue. Despite its noteworthy capability, microblogging is equally merited on the

privacy front. Microblogging sites are equipped with the latest privacy tools that allow writers to

control who sees their content.

Some financial analysts believe that Twitter is in trouble. Why? Who is more profitable,

Twitter or Sina Weibo?

According to “The Economist”, financial experts believe that pith-based platform is in trouble

because of its slowing year-over-year user growth and constant churn within its executive

roundtable. Over the past year, Twitter lost about one-third of its market capitalization, now

hovering at about $9.5 billion. With regards to profitability, Twitter—in Q1 2018—generated

revenues totaling $655 million. Contrast that with Weibo’s comparably smaller revenues of

$349.9 million. While having smaller revenues, their growth spells an entirely different narrative

—one of 76% growth, since last year. That is astounding. However, this growth doesn’t stop

here. Weibo has also seen its user-base expand to 184 million users, up from 30 million in 2017.

Imagine you have just been hired as the social media manager of a company that is about to

market a new line of high-end nail polish targeted at younger professionals in North America,

Europe and Asia. How might you use microblogging to launch and promote your new


I would start by giving invites to my coworkers in the department. Then, they can give their

friends and friends’ friends the invites for the microblogging site. Given the opulent nature of the

audience, maintaining an aura of exclusivity is essential. This effect can be achieved by utilizing

an invitation-only system, where a person has to meet certain marketing requirements.

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