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I/ Whatever increases the speed of synaptic transmission and enhances memory

formation through elevating your chief memorization neurotransmitter acetylcholine:

Piracetam alike smart drugs + additional source of choline + gabaergic

compounds + hard work

1) First you have to enhance your thinking abilitiy - you have to activate glutamate
receptors (which are responsible for learning). Highest verbal memory (recall of learned
words, verbal fluency etc.) has been atributed to noopept. It is the improved form of the
already proven piracetam and by affecting both AMPA and NMDA receptors Noopept
simultaneously increases the speed of synaptic transmission, memory formation and
neuroplasticity. Why is my #1 choice for learning? To learn efficiently you need highy
levels of glycine present in your synapses. Noopept transforms into
cycloproply glycine in a matter of minutes - so you can imagine why it so successful in
activating the glutamate binding sites. You can choose alsopiracetam or aniracetam
or mixture of aniracetam and noopept , but I personally prefer noopept due to its
neuroprotective properties.

2) You need to elevate your acetylcholine which is basically your chief memory molecule.
The most bioavailable form is apha-GPC (I like it because it actually builds new brain
membranes) followed by citicoline. Don’t forget to enjoy lot of eggs, fish, liver etc. You
may have bigger success if you choosemulti-target approach. I’m really impressed
by Huperzine-A, a natural alkaloid from Huperzia serrara. This Traditional Chinese
medicine is able to suppress the enzyme that disintegrates our lead learning
neurotransmiter, acetylcholinesterase. By doing that, our ACH gets much higher than
just supplementing with choline. I’m so excited about Huperzia since it is really backed
up and one of the few natural ingredients that increase verbal skills by itself:

In a double-blind placebo-controled study from 1999, Chinese students were given

various tests covering the lessons of math, English and Chinese during a four week
period and evaluted them with Wechler scale and »treatment emergent symptom
scale«. They were retested four weeks later and the group taking “Hup-A”was found to
greatly improve memory retain and recall facts (language tests) compared to placebo-
taking students with zero side effect.

Ohh. Avoid taking cholinergic compounds during night time too often, since your brain
needs to relax to consolidate knowledge. Many make this mistake by learning during
night with the help of AChEI - I have written about that here.

3) Somehow anyhow, If you wanna be fluid speaker, you will also have to increase your
creativity factor. GABA, which usually makes you sleepy (the opposite of glutamate), is
on the other hand an excellent creativity upper. GABA is relaxing, but with relaxation
you also acomplish lower signaling input to activate receptor. I won’t argue
that phenibut is the best for that - but since it is highly addicitve, we cannot considered
if as a healthy nootropic (and you have to stack it with lot of stims). Instead of that, you
can achieve creativity through relaxation promoting agents such as l-theanine (2:1
with caffeine) and enjoy lot of magnesium (a quality form prefered e.g. Magnesium
Here is the picture how proposed combination works as multi-target activation - three
crucial processes for enhanced verbal learning:

To achieve optimal combination for language learning you may need a few more things.
First, need something to upregulate your dopamine/serotinin levels. Use a
considerable dosages of adaptogens such as ginseng or Rhodiola to achieve the positive
mood. You can also use 5-HTP. Stack that with caffeine, avoid Adderall or Modafinil.
Second, you need to connect all listed ingredients together… you may
need phosphaidylserine. It resembles to our brain membranes and acts as an
intercommunicator. And last but not least, to build them, you need an additional source
of omega-3. Krill oil is my favourite.

Enjoy learnig a new language & play smart :)

II/ Aniracetam improved my life by a lot. I'm bilingual and most of my thought processes are in
English, at home I speak two other languages. Because of this I have developed a minor speech
impediment, where I would stumble over my words mid sentence or not know the translation of
the word I had in my head. When I take Aniracetam I am almost fully fluent and much more
eloquent. Words just roll out of my mouth with ease and it takes a lot of anxiety out of my day
because I don't fear people not taking me seriously. If I had to choose one supplement to take for
the rest of my life it would definitely be Aniracetam.

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