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1.0 INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………

2.0 A SUMMARY OFARTICLE……………………………………………… 4- 6

3.0 A CRITIQUE AND IMPLICATIONS ………………………………… 7-14


RUJUKAN ……………………………………………………… 17


1.0 INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………… 3



4.0 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS ……………………………………… 15-16


RUJUKAN …………………………………………………… 17

LAMPIRAN ……………………………………………………………

1.0 Introduction

Development comes from the word 'wake' which means the rise or change of
position or the transformation. This process of transformation involves individuals or
communities progressively. The word transformation also refers to man and the changes
he experienced in stages towards progress.

According to social and community science scholars, development is part of a

comprehensive social change process. These terms are divided into two forms planned
and unplanned development. It turns out that almost all the focus has been on the
planned development because it involves 'conscious action' of humans and many parties.
On the other hand, development is also said to cover the whole of human life. In terms
of outward and inner, external and internal, material and moral, physical and mental,
utilitarian and humanist, practical and theoretical, natural and planned. Successful and
balanced development only takes place if it is integrated internally between mental,
mental and physical development.
However practically, women's space is restricted to unfair perspective in setting
it up as should be included in education. Some forms of discrimination against women
in the world of education and efforts to formulate a curriculum gender based (Rustan
Efendy 2014). In ensuring the development goes smoothly, the role of women can not be
ignored. The contribution of women from various aspects of life such as economy,
social and politics in most countries in the world is so dominant. Names such as Magaret
Thatcher, Indra Ghandi, Benazir Bhutto, Corazon Aquino, Sirimavo Bandaranaike, and
others have become synonymous to world leaders. Changing times has made women not
only capable of domestic affairs, but they are also able to contribute more to the progress
of the nation and the nation (Muzayyanatul 2015).

Article: Effects of cooperative learning on students’ achievement and
attitudes in secondary Mathematics
Author: Anowar Hossain * Rohani Ahmad Tarmizi
Institute for Mathematical Research , Universiti Putra Malaysia,
43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
In this article, Anowar Hossain and Rohani Ahmad Tarmizi examine the effects
of cooperative learning on students’ mathematics achievement and attitudes towards
mathematics in selected secondary schools in Bangladesh. To identify the students’
performance in mathematics and attitudes towards mathematics in terms of cooperative
learning effects, the researcher conducted this study in selected secondary schools in
Natore, Bangladesh. The participants of this study were the ninth grade students of
selected Boys’ and Girls’ schools in Natore, Bangladesh. . Mashinda High School and
Sreepur Adarsha Girls’ High School were approved by the District Education Officer to
carry out this study. A total of 80 full-time students (40 students for experimental group
and the other 40 students for control group) constitute the sample. Each experimental
school comprised two sections in which Section -I was represented as the experimental
group while Section -II represented the control group in grade nine mathematics
classrooms as per the directives of the Headmasters of the sample schools. The title
reflect the focus of the study where Cooperative learning refers to the teaching method
that requires students from various competencies to work in small groups to achieve a
common goal (Slavin, 1982). The target is the maximum level of learning not only for
individual, but also for other students in the classroom.

The data were analyzed using independent-sample test. An independent variable

is a variable believed to affect the dependent variable. Independent variable is
complementary to dependent variable. These two concepts are used primarily in their
mathematical sense, meaning that the value of a dependent variable changes in response
to that of an independent variable. In this research design, independent variables are
those that the researcher manipulates, whereas dependent variables are the responses to
the effects of independent variables. By purposefully manipulating the value of an
independent variable, one hopes to cause a response in the dependent variable. The

independent-sample t-test was conducted to make a comparison of cooperative learning
effects on students’ attitudes and achievements towards mathematics between
experimental group students in Boys’ and Girls’ schools. The results showed that
cooperative learning had significant effects on mathematics achievement and attitudes
towards mathematics. It was found that students’ performance in mathematics and
attitudes towards mathematics were affected by exposure to the cooperative learning.

The main focus of the author is on identifying the effects of cooperative learning
on students’ mathematics achievement and attitudes towards mathematics in selected
Boys’ and Girls’ schools in Natore, Bangladesh. The background information given by
the researchers are sufficient where it is reflects the title. Moreover the background
information provided in this article is lead in to the focus. Besides that, in this research
the objectives to identify the effects of cooperative learning on students’ Mathematics
achievement and attitudes are clearly explained by conducting independent sample test.
The first objective is to identify the effects of cooperative learning on students’
mathematics achievement. By viewing the article can conclude that the objective is
focus on the objective stated. The following objective is to identify the effects of
cooperative learning on students’ attitudes towards mathematics. According to this
article to compare the effects of cooperative learning on attitudes towards mathematics
between experimental and control groups, the independent-sample t-test was also
Next objective is to make a comparison of cooperative learning effects on
mathematics achievement between experimental group students in Boys’ and Girls’
schools. The statistical test used to make a comparison of cooperative learning effects on
mathematics achievement between experimental group students in Boys’ and Girls’
schools was also the independent-sample t-test. The last objective is to make a
comparison of cooperative learning effects on students’ attitudes towards mathematics
between experimental group students in Boys’ and Girls’ schools.

Literature Review
In this paper, I summarized the article and offer comments on selected aspects,
identify some relevant changes that have occurred and suggest areas where additional
research findings would assists in understanding the Effects of cooperative learning on
students’ achievement and attitudes in secondary Mathematics. This article cited
appropriate and relevant to the research agenda by showing the evidence of critical
analyses of relevant theory and past research.
Anowar Hossain * Rohani Ahmad Tarmizi (2013) research findings indicated a
great improvement in mathematics achievement and attitudes towards mathematics.
Therefore, cooperative learning can be successfully used to promote student’
performance in mathematics in secondary schools in Bangladesh. Cooperative learning
stimulated cognitive activities, promoted higher levels of achievement and knowledge
The same finding also stated in the article entitled the Effects of Cooperative
Learning on the Academic Achievement and Knowledge Retention (Van Dat Tran 2014)
It clearly describe that, although all students in the treatment group were accustomed to
a teacher-centered style of instruction, they could adapt to this new cooperative style of
learning. Therefore, future studies should apply cooperative learning with
moreparticipants to generate more evidence on the effects of cooperative learning. He
also document the quasi-experimental pre-post test control group design was
administered to identify the effects of cooperative learning in the experimental schools.
The quasi-experimental design compared a control group using conventional teaching
method with an experimental group using cooperative learning. It is clearly explained in
the method used and results (table 3.1) identifying the effects of cooperative learning on
students ‘ mathematics achievements’. The experimental group shows significant
improvement in students’ mathematics achievement and attitudes towards mathematics
in comparison to control group.
I moderately find that, the result from this article suggests that the increase of the
students’ mathematics achievement and attitudes towards mathematics post-test mean
scores for the experimental group was due to the significant effects of cooperative
learning. The findings of the study, therefore, are consistent with the results as reported
by Effandi (2003), Whicker et al. (1997) and Vaughan (2002). The findings of this study
are also consistent with studies by Johnson and Johnson (1994), Davidson (1990),
Faizah (1999), Ozsoy and Yildiz (2004), and Zakaria et al. (2010).
Lastly from this article can know that a great improvement in mathematics
achievement and attitudes towards mathematics. Therefore, cooperative learning can be
successfully implement to promote student’ performance in mathematics in secondary
schools in Bangladesh. I have found that Effandi Zakaria, Lu Chung Chin and Md.
Yusoff Daud (2010) conclude that student-centered approaches such as cooperative
learning improve mathematics achievement and attitudes towards mathematics among
students. Therefore, teachers in schools, need to be aware of the benefits and importance
of cooperative learning and thus changing the practice of teacher-centered teaching
methods to student-centered teaching methods. Furthermore, there are positive changes
taking place when teachers change their teaching methods towards a more student-
centered approach. Teachers need to master the mathematical content to be delivered
and plan how to implement cooperative learning better. This statement clearly stated in
this article.
By defending cooperative learning can be successfully implement to promote
student’ performance in mathematics Nur Sumanchi (2010) stated that there is no
relationship was found between students’ attitudes to Mathematics and the learning
styles. These conclude that learning styles have no effect on attitudes to Mathematics.
According to this finding, it can be Mathematics scores of the students who believe in
the benefits of Mathematics, have some concern for learning Mathematics, and perceive
themselves competent in Mathematics are higher the scores of others. Finally, it
summarized that learning styles are not so influential in learning Mathematics and
teachers have more effects. The teachers should create opportunities of experience for all
the students that will give them the feeling that they can be successful at mathematics. I
think that, this statements are must agreeable.

Future research should focus on the longitudinal study of cooperative learning on

academic achievement in various disciplines.

poor countries, who are struggling to learn and are not given the opportunity to develop
themselves. Malaysians should cherish opportunities and together develop themselves to
raise the right of education among women in the eyes of the world.

 The Effects of Cooperative Learning on Students’ Mathematics

Achievement and Attitude towards Mathematics
Effandi Zakaria, Lu Chung Chin and Md. Yusoff Daud

 The relationship between the attitudes towards mathematics and learning

stylesNur Sirmaci (2010)
 The Effects of Cooperative Learning on the Academic Achievement and
Knowledge Retention Van Dat Tran (2014)


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Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri
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 Braddock, J., Sokol-Katz, J., Greene, A., & Basinger-Fleischman, L.
(2005).Uneven playing fields: State variations in boys’ and girls’ access to
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Spectrum, 25(2), 231–250.
 Nuradilla Noorazam, ( 2016) Penglibatan wanita
Malaysia dalam sektor kerja ketiga terendah di rantau Asia Tenggara
Astro Awani
 Muzayyinatul Hamidia ( 2015) Penulis Peranan perempuan dalam pendidikan.
 Rustan Efendy Dosen Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN)


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