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Articles 1051-1080, Wills and Succession

Five years thereafter, or sometime in 1986, Cesar and Teresa filed a

[G.R. No. 112483. October 8, 1999.] complaint for annulment of the donation with the Regional Trial Court
of Legazpi City, docketed as Civil Case No. 7646. Petitioner moved to
ELOY IMPERIAL, Petitioner, v. COURT OF APPEALS, REGIONAL TRIAL dismiss on the ground of res judicata, by virtue of the compromise
COURT OF LEGASPI CITY, CESAR VILLALON, JR., TERESA VILLALON, judgment rendered by the Court of First Instance of Albay. The trial court
ANTONIO VILLALON, AUGUSTO VILLALON, ROBERTO VILLALON, granted the motion to dismiss, but the Court of Appeals reversed the
RICARDO VILLALON and ESTHER VILLALON, Respondents. trial court’s order and remanded the case for further proceedings.

DECISION On October 18, 1989, Cesar and Teresa filed an amended complaint in
the same case, Civil Case No. 7646, for "Annulment of Documents,
Reconveyance and Recovery of Possession" with the Regional Trial Court
GONZAGA-REYES, J.: of Legazpi City, seeking the nullification of the Deed of Absolute Sale
affecting the above property, on grounds of fraud, deceit and
inofficiousness. In the amended complaint, it was alleged that petitioner
Petitioner seeks to set aside the Decision of the Court of Appeals in C.A.- caused Leoncio to execute the donation by taking undue advantage of
G.R. CV No. 31976 1 , affirming the Decision of the Regional Trial Court the latter’s physical weakness and mental unfitness, and that the
of Legazpi City 2 , which rendered inofficious the donation made by conveyance of said property in favor of petitioner impaired the legitime
Leoncio Imperial in favor of herein petitioner, to the extent that it of Victor Imperial, their natural brother and predecessor-in-interest. 4
impairs the legitime of Victor Imperial, and ordering petitioner to convey
to herein private respondents, heirs of said Victor Imperial, that portion In his Answer, petitioner: (1) alleged that Leoncio had conveyed
of the donated land proportionate to Victor Imperial’s sufficient property to Victor to cover his legitime, consisting of 563
legitime.chanrobles virtualawlibrary hectares of agricultural land in Manito, Albay; (2) reiterated the defense of res judicata, and (3) raised the additional defenses of prescription and
Leoncio Imperial was the registered owner of a 32,837-square meter
parcel of land covered by Original Certificate of Title No. 200, also known Plaintiff Cesar Villalon died on December 26, 1989, while the case was
as Lot 45 of the Cadastral Survey of Albay. On July 7, 1951, Leoncio sold pending in the Regional Trial Court, and was substituted in this action by
the said lot for P1.00 to his acknowledged natural son, petitioner herein, his sons, namely, Antonio, Roberto, Augusto, Ricardo and Cesar, Jr., all
who then acquired title over the land and proceeded to subdivide it into surnamed Villalon, and his widow, Esther H. Villalon.
several lots. Petitioner and private respondents admit that despite the
contract’s designation as one of "Absolute Sale", the transaction was in The RTC held the donation to be inofficious and impairing the legitime
fact a donation. of Victor, on the basis of its finding that at the time of Leoncio’s death,
he left no property other than the 32,837-square meter parcel of land
On July 28, 1953, or barely two years after the donation, Leoncio filed a which he had donated to petitioner. The RTC went on further to state
complaint for annulment of the said Deed of Absolute Sale, docketed as that petitioner’s allegation that other properties existed and were
Civil Case No. 1177, in the then Court of First Instance of Albay, on the inherited by Victor was not substantiated by the evidence. 5
ground that he was deceived by petitioner herein into signing the said
document. The dispute, however, was resolved through a compromise The legitime of Victor was determined by the trial court in this
agreement, approved by the Court of First Instance of Albay on manner:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
November 3, 1961 3 , under which terms: (1) Leoncio recognized the
legality and validity of the rights of petitioner to the land donated; and Considering that the property donated is 32,837 square meters, one half
(2) petitioner agreed to sell a designated 1,000-square meter portion of of that or 16,418 square meters becomes the free portion of Leoncio
the donated land, and to deposit the proceeds thereof in a bank, for the which could be absorbed in the donation to defendant. The other half,
convenient disposal of Leoncio. In case of Leoncio’s death, it was agreed which is also 16,418 square meters is where the legitime of the adopted
that the balance of the deposit will be withdrawn by petitioner to defray son Victor Imperial has to be taken.
burial costs.
The proportion of the legitime of the legitimate child (including the
On January 8, 1962, and pending execution of the above judgment, adopted child) in relation to the acknowledged natural child (defendant)
Leoncio died, leaving only two heirs — the herein petitioner, who is his is 10 is to 5[,] with the acknowledged natural child getting ½ of the
acknowledged natural son, and an adopted son, Victor Imperial. On legitime of the legitimate (adopted) child, in accordance with Art. 895 of
March 8, 1962, Victor was substituted in place of Leoncio in the above- the New Civil Code which
mentioned case, and it was he who moved for execution of judgment.
On March 15, 1962, the motion for execution was duly granted. "The legitime of each of the acknowledged natural children and each of
the natural children by legal fiction shall consist of one-half of the
Fifteen years thereafter, or on July 26, 1977, Victor died single and legitime of each of the legitimate children or descendants."cralaw
without issue, survived only by his natural father, Ricardo Villalon, who virtua1aw library
was a lessee of a portion of the disputed land. Four years hence, or on
September 25, 1981, Ricardo died, leaving as his only heirs his two From the 16,418 square meters left (after the free portion has been
children, Cesar and Teresa Villalon. taken) plaintiffs are therefore entitled to 10,940 square meters while
defendant gets 5,420 square meters. 6

Articles 1051-1080, Wills and Succession

between Leoncio and private respondents, being heirs and successors-

The trial court likewise held that the applicable prescriptive period is 30 in-interest of Victor, is unavailing.
years under Article 1141 of the Civil Code 7 , reckoned from March 15,
1962, when the writ of execution of the compromise judgment in Civil Moreover, Leoncio’s cause of action as donor of the property was fraud,
Case 1177 was issued, and that the original complaint having been filed purportedly employed upon him by petitioner in the execution of the
in 1986, the action has not yet prescribed. In addition, the trial court donation. While the same circumstances of fraud and deceit are alleged
regarded the defense of prescription as having been waived, this not in private respondents’ complaint, it also raises the additional ground of
being one of the issues agreed upon at pre-trial. inofficiousness of donation.

Thus, the dispositive portion of the RTC’s Decision of December 13, 1990 Contrary to petitioner’s contentions, inofficiousness of donation does
reads:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library not, and could not, form part of Leoncio’s cause of action in Civil Case
No. 1177. Inofficiousness as a cause of action may arise only upon the
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Deed of Absolute Sale otherwise death of the donor, as the value of the donation will then be contrasted
known as Doc. No. 8; Book No. 14; Page No. 1; Series of 1951 of the with the net value of the estate of the donor-deceased. 12
Notarial file of Pompeyo B. Calleja which is considered a donation, is
hereby reduced proportionately insofar as it affected the legitime of the Consequently, while in Civil Case No. 1177, Leoncio sought the
late Victor Imperial, which share is inherited by the plaintiffs herein, to revocation in full of the donation on ground of fraud, the instant case
the extent that plaintiffs are ordered to be given by defendant a portion actually has two alternative causes of action. First, for fraud and deceit,
of 10,940 square meters thereof. under the same circumstances as alleged in Leoncio’s complaint, which
seeks the annulment in full of the donation, and which the trial court
In order to avoid further conflict, the 10,940 share to be given to correctly dismissed because the compromise agreement in Civil Case No.
plaintiffs should include the portion which they are presently occupying, 1177 served as a ratification and waiver on the part of Leoncio of
by virtue of the extended lease to their father Ricardo Villalon, where whatever defects in voluntariness and consent may have been attendant
the bungalow in question stands. in the making of the donation. The second cause of action is the alleged
inofficiousness of the donation, resulting in the impairment of Victor’s
The remaining portion to be given to plaintiffs may come from any other legitime, which seeks the annulment, not of the entire donation, but
portion that may be agreed upon by the parties, otherwise, this court only of that portion diminishing the legitime. 13 It is on the basis of this
will appoint a commissioner to undertake the partition. second cause of action that private respondents prevailed in the lower
The other 21,897 square meters should go to the defendant as part of
his legitime and by virtue of the reduced donation. Petitioner next questions the right of private respondents to contest the
donation. Petitioner sources his argument from Article 772 of the Civil
No pronouncement as to damages as they were not sufficiently proved. Code, thus:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library

SO ORDERED. 8 Only those who at the time of the donor’s death have a right to the
legitime and their heirs and successors in interest may ask for the
The Court of Appeals affirmed the RTC Decision in toto. reduction of inofficious donations. . .

Before us, petitioner questions the following findings of respondent As argued by petitioner, when Leoncio died on January 8, 1962, it was
court: (1) that there was no res judicata, there being no identity of only Victor who was entitled to question the donation. However, instead
parties and cause of action between the instant case and Civil Case No. of filing an action to contest the donation, Victor asked to be substituted
1177; (2) that private respondents had a right to question the donation; as plaintiff in Civil Case No. 1177 and even moved for execution of the
(3) that private respondents’ action is barred by prescription, laches and compromise judgment : virtual law library
estoppel; and (4) that the donation was inofficious and should be
reduced. No renunciation of legitime may be presumed from the foregoing acts.
It must be remembered that at the time of the substitution, the
It is an indispensable requirement in res judicata that there be, between judgment approving the compromise agreement has already been
the first and second action, identity of parties, of subject matter and of rendered. Victor merely participated in the execution of the compromise
cause of action. 9 A perusal of the records leads us to conclude that there judgment. He was not a party to the compromise agreement.
is no identity of parties and of cause of action as between Civil Case No.
1177 and Civil Case No. 7646. Civil Case No. 1177 was instituted by More importantly, our law on succession does not countenance tacit
Leoncio in his capacity as donor of the questioned donation. While it is repudiation of inheritance. Rather, it requires an express act on the part
true that upon his death, Victor was substituted as plaintiff of the action, of the heir. Thus, under Article 1051 of Civil Code:chanrob1es virtual 1aw
such does not alter the fact that Victor’s participation in the case was in library
representation of the interests of the original plaintiff, Leoncio. The
purpose behind the rule on substitution of parties is to ensure that the The repudiation of an inheritance shall be made in a public or authentic
deceased party would continue to be properly represented in the suit instrument, or by petition presented to the court having jurisdiction over
through the duly appointed legal representative of the estate 10 , or his the testamentary or intestate proceedings.
heir, as in this case, for which no court appointment is required. 11
Petitioner’s argument, therefore, that there is substantial identity Thus, when Victor substituted Leoncio in Civil Case No. 1177 upon the

Articles 1051-1080, Wills and Succession

latter’s death, his act of moving for execution of the compromise waived, it not being one of the issues agreed upon at pre-trial, suffice it
judgment cannot be considered an act of renunciation of his legitime. to say that while the terms of the pre-trial order bind the parties as to
He was, therefore, not precluded or estopped from subsequently the matters to be taken up in trial, it would be the height of injustice for
seeking the reduction of the donation, under Article 772. Nor are Victor’s us to adhere to this technicality when the fact of prescription is manifest
heirs, upon his death, precluded from doing so, as their right to do so is in the pleadings of the parties, as well as the findings of fact of the lower
expressly recognized under Article 772, and also in Article courts. 20
1053:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
A perusal of the factual antecedents reveals that not only has
If the heir should die without having accepted or repudiated the prescription set in, private respondents are also guilty of estoppel by
inheritance, his right shall be transmitted to his heirs. laches. It may be recalled that Leoncio died on January 8, 1962. Fifteen
years later, Victor died, leaving as his sole heir Ricardo Villalon, who also
Be that as it may, we find merit in petitioner’s other assignment of died four years later. While Victor was alive, he gave no indication of any
errors. Having ascertained this action as one for reduction of an interest to contest the donation of his deceased father. As we have
inofficious donation, we cannot sustain the holding of both the trial discussed earlier, the fact that he actively participated in Civil Case No.
court and the Court of Appeals that the applicable prescriptive period is 1177 did not amount to a renunciation of his inheritance and does not
thirty years, under Article 1141 of the Civil Code. The sense of both preclude him from bringing an action to claim his legitime. These are
courts that this case is a "real action over an immovable" allots undue matters that Victor could not possibly be unaware of, considering that
credence to private respondents’ description of their complaint, as one he is a lawyer. 21 Ricardo Villalon was even a lessee of a portion of the
for "Annulment of Documents, Reconveyance and Recovery of donated property, and could have instituted the action as sole heir of his
Possession of Property", which suggests the action to be, in part, a real natural son, or at the very least, raised the matter of legitime by way of
action enforced by those with claim of title over the disputed land. counterclaim in an ejectment case 22 filed against him by petitioner in
1979. Neither does it help private respondents’ cause that five years
Unfortunately for private respondents, a claim for legitime does not have elapsed since the death of Ricardo in 1981 before they filed their
amount to a claim of title. In the recent case of Vizconde v. Court of complaint with the RTC.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary
Appeals 14 , we declared that what is brought to collation is not the
donated property itself, but the value of the property at the time it was Estoppel by laches is the failure or neglect for an unreasonable or
donated. The rationale for this is that the donation is a real alienation unexplained length of time to do that which, by exercising due diligence,
which conveys ownership upon its acceptance, hence, any increase in could or should have been done earlier, warranting a presumption that
value or any deterioration or loss thereof is for the account of the heir the person has abandoned his right or declined to assert it. 23 We find
or donee. 15 the necessity for the application of the principle of estoppel by laches in
this case, in order to avoid an injustice.
What, then, is the prescriptive period for an action for reduction of an
inofficious donation? The Civil Code specifies the following instances of A final word on collation of donations. We observe that after finding the
reduction or revocation of donations: (1) four years, in cases of donation to be inofficious because Leoncio had no other property at the
subsequent birth, appearance, recognition or adoption of a child; 16 (2) time of his death, the RTC computed the legitime of Victor based on the
four years, for non-compliance with conditions of the donation; 17 and area of the donated property. Hence, in its dispositive portion, it
(3) at any time during the lifetime of the donor and his relatives entitled awarded a portion of the property to private respondents as Victor’s
to support, for failure of the donor to reserve property for his or their legitime. This was upheld by the Court of Appeals.
support. 18 Interestingly, donations as in the instant case, 19 the
reduction of which hinges upon the allegation of impairment of legitime, Our rules of succession require that before any conclusion as to the legal
are not controlled by a particular prescriptive period, for which reason share due to a compulsory heir may be reached, the following steps must
we must resort to the ordinary rules of prescription. be taken: (1) the net estate of the decedent must be ascertained, by
deducting all the payable obligations and charges from the value of the
Under Article 1144 of the Civil Code, actions upon an obligation created property owned by the deceased at the time of his death; (2) the value
by law must be brought within ten years from the time the right of action of all donations subject to collation would be added to it. 24
accrues. Thus, the ten-year prescriptive period applies to the obligation
to reduce inofficious donations, required under Article 771 of the Civil Thus, it is the value of the property at the time it is donated, and not the
Code, to the extent that they impair the legitime of compulsory heirs. property itself, which is brought to collation. Consequently, even when
the donation is found inofficious and reduced to the extent that it
From when shall the ten-year period be reckoned? The case of Mateo v. impaired Victor’s legitime, private respondents will not receive a
Lagua, 29 SCRA 864, which involved the reduction for inofficiousness of corresponding share in the property donated. Thus, in this case where
a donation propter nuptias, recognized that the cause of action to the collatable property is an immovable, what may be received is: (1) an
enforce a legitime accrues upon the death of the donor-decedent. equivalent, as much as possible, in property of the same nature, class
Clearly so, since it is only then that the net estate may be ascertained and quality; 25 (2) if such is impracticable, the equivalent value of the
and on which basis, the legitimes may be determined. impaired legitime in cash or marketable securities; 26 or (3) in the
absence of cash or securities in the estate, so much of such other
It took private respondents 24 years since the death of Leoncio to initiate property as may be necessary, to be sold in public auction. 27
this case. The action, therefore, has long prescribed.
We believe this worth mentioning, even as we grant the petition on
As for the trial court’s holding that the defense of prescription had been grounds of prescription and laches.

Articles 1051-1080, Wills and Succession

records). When the case was called for hearing on the date set,
ACCORDINGLY, the decision of the Court of Appeals in C.A. G.R. CV No. no oppositor appeared nor any written opposition was ever
31976, affirming in toto the decision of the Regional Trial Court in Civil filed and on motion of petitioner, he was allowed to adduce
Case No. 7646, is reversed and set aside. No costs. his evidence in support of the petition.

SO ORDERED. Petitioner personally appeared before this Court and was

placed on the witness stand and was directly examined by the
Court through "free wheeling" questions and answers to give
this Court a basis to determine the state of mind of the
petitioner when he executed the subject will. After the
G.R. No. 129505 January 31, 2000 examination, the Court is convinced that petitioner is of sound
and disposing mind and not acting on duress, menace and
OCTAVIO S. MALOLES II, petitioner, undue influence or fraud, and that petitioner signed his Last
vs. Will and Testament on his own free and voluntary will and that
PACITA DE LOS REYES PHILLIPS, respondent. he was neither forced nor influenced by any other person in
signing it.
Furthermore, it appears from the petition and the evidence
adduced that petitioner in his lifetime, executed his Last Will
G.R. No. 133359 January 31, 2000
and Testament (Exhs. "A", "A-1", "A-2", "A-4", "A-5") at his
residence situated at 9 Bauhinia corner Intsia Streets, Forbes
OCTAVIO S. MALOLES II, petitioner, Park, Makati City; said Last Will and Testament was signed in
vs. the presence of his three (3) witnesses, namely, to wit: Dr.
COURT OF APPEALS, HON. FERNANDO V. GOROSPE, JR., in his Official Elpidio Valencia (Exhs. "A-6", "A-7", "A-8", "A-16", "A-16-A"),
Capacity as Presiding Judge of RTC-Makati, Branch 61, and PACITA Atty. Edward J. Berenguer (Exhs. "A-3", "A-3-A", "A-9", "A-10",
PHILLIPS as the alleged executrix of the alleged will of the late Dr. & "A-11"), and Atty. Victoria C. delos Reyes (Exhs. "A-12", "A-
Arturo de Santos, respondents. 13", "A-14", "A-17", & "A-18"), who in turn, in the presence of
the testator and in the presence of each and all of the
MENDOZA, J.: witnesses signed the said Last Will and Testament and duly
notarized before Notary Public Anna Melissa L. Rosario (Exh.
These are petitions for review on certiorari of the decisions of the "A-15"); on the actual execution of the Last Will and
Thirteenth and the Special Eighth Divisions of the Court of Appeals which Testament, pictures were taken (Exhs. "B" to "B-3").
ruled that petitioner has no right to intervene in the settlement of the
estate of Dr. Arturo de Santos. The cases were consolidated considering Petitioner has no compulsory heirs and Arturo de Santos
that they involve the same parties and some of the issues raised are the Foundation, Inc., with address at No. 9 Bauhinia corner Intsia
same. Streets, Forbes Park, Makati City has been named as sole
legatee and devisee of petitioner's properties, real and
The facts which gave rise to these two petitions are as follows: personal, approximately valued at not less than P2 million, Ms.
Pacita de los Reyes Phillips was designated as executor and to
serve as such without a bond.1âwphi1.nêt
On July 20, 1995, Dr. Arturo de Santos, Filipino and a resident of Makati
City, filed a petition for probate of his will1 in the Regional Trial Court,
Branch 61, Makati, docketed as Sp. Proc. No. M-4223. In his petition, Dr. From the foregoing facts, the Court finds that the petitioner
De Santos alleged that he had no compulsory heirs; that he had named has substantially established the material allegations
in his will as sole legatee and devisee the Arturo de Santos Foundation, contained in his petition. The Last Will and Testament having
Inc.; that he disposed by his will his properties with an approximate value been executed and attested as required by law; that testator
of not less than P2,000,000.00; and that copies of said will were in the at the time of the execution of the will was of sane mind
custody of the named executrix, private respondent Pacita de los Reyes and/or not mentally incapable to make a Will; nor was it
Phillips. A copy of the will2 was annexed to the petition for probate. executed under duress or under the influence of fear or
threats; that it was in writing and executed in the language
known and understood by the testator duly subscribed thereof
On February 16, 1996, Judge Fernando V. Gorospe, Jr. of RTC-Makati,
and attested and subscribed by three (3) credible witnesses in
Branch 61 issued an order granting the petition and allowing the will.
the presence of the testator and of another; that the testator
The order reads:
and all the attesting witnesses signed the Last Will and
Testament freely and voluntarily and that the testator has
On 03 August 1995, the Court issued an Order setting the intended that the instrument should be his Will at the time of
hearing of the petition on 12 September 1995, at 8:30 o'clock affixing his signature thereto.
in the morning, copies of which were served to Arturo de
Santos Foundation, Inc. and Ms. Pacita de los Reyes Phillips
(Officer's Return, dated 04 September 1995 attached to the

Articles 1051-1080, Wills and Succession

WHEREFORE, as prayed for by the petitioner (testator himself) Acting on the ORDER dated 28 August 1996 of Branch 65, this
the petition for the allowance of the Last Will and Testament Court, transferring this case to this Branch 61 on the ground
of Arturo de Santos is hereby APPROVED and ALLOWED. that this case is related with a case before this Court, let this
case be returned to Branch 65 with the information that there
Shortly after the probate of his will, Dr. De Santos died on February 26, is no related case involving the ESTATE OF DECEDENT ARTURO
1996. DE SANTOS pending before this Branch.

On April 3, 1996, petitioner Octavio S. Maloles II filed a motion for There is, however, a case filed by ARTURO DE SANTOS, as
intervention claiming that, as the only child of Alicia de Santos (testator's petitioner under Rule 76 of the Rules of Court for the
sister) and Octavio L. Maloles, Sr., he was the sole full-blooded nephew Allowance of his will during his lifetime docketed as SP. PROC.
and nearest of kin of Dr. De Santos. He likewise alleged that he was a NO. M-4223 which was already decided on 16 February 1996
creditor of the testator. Petitioner thus prayed for the reconsideration and has become final.
of the order allowing the will and the issuance of letters of
administration in his name. It is noted on records of Case No. M-4223 that after it became
final, herein Petitioner Pacita de los Reyes Phillips filed a
On the other hand, private respondent Pacita de los Reyes Phillips, the MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF LETTERS TESTAMENTARY,
designated executrix of the will, filed a motion for the issuance of letters which was subsequently withdrawn after this Court, during the
testamentary with Branch 61. Later, however, private respondent hearing, already ruled that the motion could not be admitted
moved to withdraw her motion. This was granted, while petitioner was as the subject matter involves a separate case under Rule 78
required to file a memorandum of authorities in support of his claim that of the Rules of Court, and movant withdrew her motion and
said court (Branch 61) still had jurisdiction to allow his intervention.3 filed this case (No. 4343).

Petitioner filed his memorandum of authorities on May 13, 1996. On the Octavio de Santos Maloles [II] filed a MOTION FOR
other hand, private respondent, who earlier withdrew her motion for INTERVENTION before Case No. M-4223 and this motion was
the issuance of letters testamentary in Branch 61, refiled a petition for already DENIED in the order (Branch 61) of 26 August 1996
the same purpose with the Regional Trial Court, Makati, which was likewise for the same grounds that the matter is for a separate
docketed as Sp. Proc. No. M-4343 and assigned to Branch 65. case to be filed under Rule 78 of the Rules of Court and cannot
be included in this case filed under Rule 76 of the Rules of
Upon private respondent's motion, Judge Salvador Abad Santos of
Branch 65 issued an order, dated June 28, 1996, appointing her as special
administrator of Dr. De Santos's estate. It is further noted that it is a matter of policy that consolidation
of cases must be approved by the Presiding Judges of the
affected Branches.
On July 29, 1996, petitioner sought to intervene in Sp. Proc. No. M-4343
and to set aside the appointment of private respondent as special
administrator. He reiterated that he was the sole and full blooded Initially, in his decision dated September 23, 1996,5 Judge Abad Santos
nephew and nearest of kin of the testator; that he came to know of the appeared firm in his position that " . . . it would be improper for (Branch
existence of Sp. Proc. No. M-4343 only by accident; that the probate 65) to hear and resolve the petition (Sp. Proc. No. M-4343)," considering
proceedings in Sp. Proc. No. M-4223 before Branch 61 of the same court that the probate proceedings were commenced with Branch 61. He thus
was still pending; that private respondent misdeclared the true worth of ordered the transfer of the records back to the latter branch. However,
the testator's estate; that private respondent was not fit to be the he later recalled his decision and took cognizance of the case "to
special administrator of the estate; and that petitioner should be given expedite the proceedings." Thus, in his Order, dated October 21, 1996,
letters of administration for the estate of Dr. De Santos. he stated:

On August 28, 1996, Judge Abad Santos ordered the transfer of Sp. Proc. Considering the refusal of the Hon. Fernando V. Gorospe, Jr. of
No. M-4343 to Branch 61, on the ground that "[it] is related to the case Branch 61 to continue hearing this case notwithstanding the
before Judge Gorospe of RTC Branch 61 . . ." fact that said branch began the probate proceedings of the
estate of the deceased and must therefore continue to
exercise its jurisdiction to the exclusion of all others, until the
It appears, however, that in Sp. Proc. No. M-4223, Judge Gorospe had
entire estate of the testator had been partitioned and
denied on August 26, 1996 petitioner's motion for intervention.
distributed as per Order dated 23 September 1996, this branch
Petitioner brought this matter to the Court of Appeals which, in a
(Regional Trial Court Branch 65) shall take cognizance of the
decision4 promulgated on February 13, 1998, upheld the denial of
petition if only to expedite the proceedings, and under the
petitioner's motion for intervention.
concept that the Regional Trial Court of Makati City is but one
Meanwhile, Judge Gorospe issued an order, dated September 4, 1996,
returning the records of Sp. Proc. No. M-4343 to Branch 65 on the
Furnish a copy of this order to the Office of the Chief justice
ground that there was a pending case involving the Estate of Decedent
and the Office of the Court Administrator, of the Supreme
Arturo de Santos pending before said court. The order reads:

Articles 1051-1080, Wills and Succession

Court; the Hon. Fernando V. Gorospe, Jr.; Pacita De Los Reyes However, Art. 838 of the Civil Code authorizes the filing of a petition for
Phillips, Petitioner; and Octavio de Santos Maloles, Intervenor. probate of the will filed by the testator himself. It provides:

On November 4, 1996, Judge Abad Santos granted petitioner's motion CIVIL CODE, ART. 838. No will shall pass either real or personal
for intervention. Private respondent moved for a reconsideration but property unless it is proved and allowed in accordance with
her motion was denied by the trial court. She then filed a petition the Rules of Court.
for certiorari in the Court of Appeals which, on February 26, 1997,
rendered a decision6 setting aside the trial court's order on the ground The testator himself may, during his lifetime, petition the court
that petitioner had not shown any right or interest to intervene in Sp. having jurisdiction for the allowance of his will. In such case,
Proc. No. M-4343. the pertinent provisions of the Rules of Court for the
allowance of wills after the testator's death shall govern.
Hence, these petitions which raise the following issues:
The Supreme Court shall formulate such additional Rules of
1. Whether or not the Honorable Regional Trial Court — Court as may be necessary for the allowance of wills on
Makati, Branch 61 has lost jurisdiction to proceed with the petition of the testator.
probate proceedings upon its issuance of an order allowing the
will of Dr. Arturo de Santos. Subject to the right of appeal, the allowance of the will, either
during the lifetime of the testator or after his death, shall be
2. Whether or not the Honorable (Regional Trial Court — conclusive as to its due execution.
Makati, Branch 65) acquired jurisdiction over the petition for
issuance of letters testamentary filed by (private) respondent. Rule 76, §1 likewise provides:

3. Whether or not the petitioner, being a creditor of the late Sec. 1. Who may petition for the allowance of will. — Any
Dr. Arturo de Santos, has a right to intervene and oppose the executor, devisee, or legatee named in a will, or any other
petition for issuance of letters testamentary filed by the person interested in the estate, may, at any time after the
respondent. death of the testator, petition the court having jurisdiction to
have the will allowed, whether the same be in his possession
4. Whether or not (private) respondent is guilty of forum or not, or is lost or destroyed.
shopping in filing her petition for issuance of letters
testamentary with the Regional Trial Court — Makati, Branch The testator himself may, during his lifetime, petition in the
65 knowing fully well that the probate proceedings involving court for the allowance of his will.
the same restate estate of the decedent is still pending with
the Regional Trial Court — Makati, Branch 61.
The rationale for allowing the probate of wills during the lifetime of
testator has been explained by the Code Commission thus:
First. Petitioner contends that the probate proceedings in Branch 61 of
RTC-Makati did not terminate upon the issuance of the order allowing
Most of the cases that reach the courts involve either the
the will of Dr. De Santos. Citing the cases of Santiesteban
testamentary capacity of the testator or the formalities
v. Santiesteban7 and Tagle v. Manalo,8 he argues that the proceedings
adopted in the execution of wills. There are relatively few
must continue until the estate is fully distributed to the lawful heirs,
cases concerning the intrinsic validity of testamentary
devisees, and legatees of the testator, pursuant to Rule 73, §1 of the
dispositions. It is far easier for the courts to determine the
Rules of Court. Consequently, petitioner contends that Branch 65 could
mental condition of a testator during his lifetime than after his
not lawfully act upon private respondent's petition for issuance of letters
death. Fraud, intimidation and undue influence are minimized.
Furthermore, if a will does not comply with the requirements
prescribed by law, the same may be corrected at once. The
The contention has no merit. probate during the testator's life, therefore, will lessen the
number of contest upon wills. Once a will is probated during
In cases for the probate of wills, it is well-settled that the authority of the lifetime of the testator, the only questions that may
the court is limited to ascertaining the extrinsic validity of the will, i.e., remain for the courts to decide after the testator's death will
whether the testator, being of sound mind, freely executed the will in refer to the intrinsic validity of the testamentary dispositions.
accordance with the formalities prescribed by law.9 It is possible, of course, that even when the testator himself
asks for the allowance of the will, he may be acting under
Ordinarily, probate proceedings are instituted only after the death of the duress or undue influence, but these are rare cases.
testator, so much so that, after approving and allowing the will, the court
proceeds to issue letters testamentary and settle the estate of the After a will has been probated during the lifetime of the
testator. The cases cited by petitioner are of such nature. In fact, in most testator, it does not necessarily mean that he cannot alter or
jurisdictions, courts cannot entertain a petition for probate of the will of revoke the same before his death. Should he make a new will,
a living testator under the principle of ambulatory nature of wills.10 it would also be allowable on his petition, and if he should die

Articles 1051-1080, Wills and Succession

before he has had a chance to present such petition, the the court over the subject matter "existed was fixed before
ordinary probate proceeding after the testator's death would procedure in a given cause began." That power or authority is
be in order.11 not altered or changed by procedure, which simply directs the
manner in which the power or authority shall be fully and
Thus, after the allowance of the will of Dr. De Santos on February 16, justly exercised. There are cases though that if the power is
1996, there was nothing else for Branch 61 to do except to issue a not exercised conformably with the provisions of the
certificate of allowance of the will pursuant to Rule 73, §12 of the Rules procedural law, purely, the court attempting to exercise it
of Court. There is, therefore, no basis for the ruling of Judge Abad Santos loses the power to exercise it legally. However, this does not
of Branch 65 of RTC-Makati that — amount to a loss of jurisdiction over the subject matter.
Rather, it means that the court may thereby lose jurisdiction
over the person or that the judgment may thereby be
Branch 61 of the Regional Trial Court of Makati having begun
rendered defective for lack of something essential to sustain
the probate proceedings of the estate of the deceased, it
it. The appearance of this provision in the procedural law at
continues and shall continue to exercise said jurisdiction to the
once raises a strong presumption that it has nothing to do with
exclusion of all others. It should be noted that probate
the jurisdiction of the court over the subject matter. In plain
proceedings do not cease upon the allowance or disallowance
words, it is just a matter of method, of convenience to the
of a will but continues up to such time that the entire estate of
the testator had been partitioned and distributed.

Indeed, the jurisdiction over probate proceedings and settlement of

The fact that the will was allowed during the lifetime of the
estates with approximate value of over P100,000.00 (outside Metro
testator meant merely that the partition and distribution of
Manila) or P200,000.00 (in Metro Manila) belongs to the regional trial
the estate was to be suspended until the latter's death. In
courts under B.P. Blg. 129, as amended. The different branches
other words, the petitioner, instead of filing a new petition for
comprising each court in one judicial region do not possess jurisdictions
the issuance of letters testamentary, should have simply filed
independent of and incompatible with each other.14
a manifestation for the same purpose in the probate court.12

It is noteworthy that, although Rule 73, §1 applies insofar as the venue

Petitioner, who defends the order of Branch 65 allowing him to
of the petition for probate of the will of Dr. De Santos is concerned, it
intervene, cites Rule 73, §1 which states:
does not bar other branches of the same court from taking cognizance
of the settlement of the estate of the testator after his death. As held in
Where estate of deceased persons settled. — If the decedent the leading case of Bacalso v. Ramolote:15
is an inhabitant of the Philippines at the time of his death,
whether a citizen or an alien, his will shall be proved, or letters
The various branches of the Court of First Instance of Cebu
of administration granted, and his estate settled, in the Court
under the Fourteenth Judicial District, are a coordinate and co-
of First Instance in the province in which he resides at the time
equal courts, and the totality of which is only one Court of First
of his death, and if he is an inhabitant of a foreign country, the
Instance. The jurisdiction is vested in the court, not in the
Court of First Instance of any province in which he had estate.
judges. And when a case is filed in one branch, jurisdiction over
The court first taking cognizance of the settlement of the
the case does not attach to the branch or judge alone, to the
estate of a decedent, shall exercise jurisdiction to the
exclusion of the other branches. Trial may be held or
exclusion of all other courts. The jurisdiction assumed by a
proceedings continue by and before another branch or judge.
court, so far as it depends on the place of residence of the
It is for this reason that Section 57 of the Judiciary Act
decedent, or of the location of his estate, shall not be
expressly grants to the Secretary of Justice, the administrative
contested in a suit or proceeding, except in an appeal from
right or power to apportion the cases among the different
that court, in the original case, or when the want of jurisdiction
branches, both for the convenience of the parties and for the
appears on the record.
coordination of the work by the different branches of the same
court. The apportionment and distribution of cases does not
The above rule, however, actually provides for the venue of actions for involve a grant or limitation of jurisdiction, the jurisdiction
the settlement of the estate of deceased persons. In Garcia Fule v. Court attaches and continues to be vested in the Court of First
of Appeals, it was held:13 Instance of the province, and the trials may be held by any
branch or judge of the court.
The aforequoted Section 1, Rule 73 (formerly Rule 75, Section
1), specifically the clause "so far as it depends on the place of Necessarily, therefore, Branch 65 of the RTC of Makati City has
residence of the decedent, or of the location of the state," is jurisdiction over Sp. Proc. No. M-4343.
in reality a matter of venue, as the caption of the Rule
indicates: "Settlement of Estate of Deceased Persons. Venue
Second. Petitioner claims the right to intervene in and oppose the
and Processes." It could not have been intended to define the
petition for issuance of letters testamentary filed by private respondent.
jurisdiction over the subject matter, because such legal
He argues that, as the nearest next of kin and creditor of the testator,
provision is contained in a law of procedure dealing merely
his interest in the matter is material and direct. In ruling that petitioner
with procedural matters. Procedure is one thing, jurisdiction
has no right to intervene in the proceedings before Branch 65 of RTC-
over the subject matter is another. The power or authority of
Makati City, the Court of Appeals held:
Articles 1051-1080, Wills and Succession

The private respondent herein is not an heir or legatee under (1) Legitimate children and descendants, with respect to their
the will of the decedent Arturo de Santos. Neither is he a legitimate parents and ascendants;
compulsory heir of the latter. As the only and nearest
collateral relative of the decedent, he can inherit from the (2) In default of the foregoing, legitimate parents and
latter only in case of intestacy. Since the decedent has left a ascendants, with respect to their legitimate children and
will which has already been probated and disposes of all his descendants;
properties the private respondent can inherit only if the said
will is annulled. His interest in the decedent's estate is,
(3) The widow or widower;
therefore, not direct or immediate.

(4) Acknowledged natural children, and natural children by

His claim to being a creditor of the estate is a belated one,
legal fiction;
having been raised for the first time only in his reply to the
opposition to his motion to intervene, and, as far as the
records show, not supported by evidence. (5) Other illegitimate children referred to in Article 287 of the
Civil Code.18
. . . . [T]he opposition must come from one with a direct
interest in the estate or the will, and the private respondent Petitioner, as nephew of the testator, is not a compulsory heir who may
has none. Moreover, the ground cited in the private have been preterited in the testator's will.
respondent's opposition, that the petitioner has deliberately
misdeclared the truth worth and value of the estate, is not Nor does he have any right to intervene in the settlement proceedings
relevant to the question of her competency to act as executor. based on his allegation that he is a creditor of the deceased. Since the
Section 2, Rule 76 of the Rules of Court requires only an testator instituted or named an executor in his will, it is incumbent upon
allegation of the probable value and character of the property the Court to respect the desires of the testator. As we stated in Ozaeta
of the estate. The true value can be determined later on in the v. Pecson:19
course of the settlement of the estate.16
The choice of his executor is a precious prerogative of a
Rule 79, §1 provides: testator, a necessary concomitant of his right to dispose of his
property in the manner he wishes. It is natural that the
Opposition to issuance of letters testamentary. Simultaneous testator should desire to appoint one of his confidence, one
petition for administration. — Any person interested in a will who can be trusted to carry out his wishes in the disposal of
may state in writing the grounds why letters testamentary his estate. The curtailment of this right may be considered a
should not issue to the persons named therein as executors, curtailment of the right to dispose.
or any of them, and the court, after hearing upon notice, shall
pass upon the sufficiency of such grounds. A petition may, at Only if the appointed executor is incompetent, refuses the trust, or fails
the same time, be filed for letters of administration with the to give bond may the court appoint other persons to administer the
will annexed. estate.20 None of these circumstances is present in this case.

Under this provision, it has been held that an "interested person" is one Third. Petitioner contends that private respondent is guilty of forum
who would be benefited by the estate, such as an heir, or one who has shopping when she filed the petition for issuance of letters testamentary
a claim against the estate, such as a creditor, and whose interest is (Sp. Proc. No. M-4343) while the probate proceedings (Sp. Proc. No. M-
material and direct, not merely incidental or contingent.17 4223) were still pending. According to petitioner, there is identity of
parties, rights asserted, and reliefs prayed for in the two actions which
Even if petitioner is the nearest next of kin of Dr. De Santos, he cannot are founded on the same facts, and a judgment in either will result in res
be considered an "heir" of the testator. It is a fundamental rule of judicata in the other.
testamentary succession that one who has no compulsory or forced
heirs may dispose of his entire estate by will. Thus, Art. 842 of the Civil This contention has no merit. As stated earlier, the petition for probate
Code provides: was filed by Dr. De Santos, the testator, solely for the purpose of
authenticating his will. Upon the allowance of his will, the proceedings
One who has no compulsory heirs may dispose by will of all his were terminated.1âwphi1.nêt
estate or any part of it in favor of any person having capacity
to succeed. On the other hand, the petition for issuance of letters testamentary was
filed by private respondent, as executor of the estate of Dr. De Santos,
One who has compulsory heirs may dispose of his estate for the purpose of securing authority from the Court to administer the
provided he does not contravene the provisions of this Code estate and put into effect the will of the testator. The estate settlement
with regard to the legitimate of said heirs. proceedings commenced by the filing of the petition terminates upon
the distribution and delivery of the legacies and devises to the persons
named in the will. Clearly, there is no identity between the two petitions,
Compulsory heirs are limited to the testator's —

Articles 1051-1080, Wills and Succession

nor was the latter filed during the pendency of the former. There was, PROPERTY NO LONGER ACTUALLY FORMED PART OF THE ESTATE OF THE
consequently, no forum shopping. DECEDENT. — The fact, that the donated of the estate of the donor at
the time of his death cannot be asserted to prevent its being brought to
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED and the decisions of the Court of collation. Indeed, it is an obvious proposition that collation
Appeals are hereby AFFIRMED. contemplates and particularly applies to gifts inter vivos.

the lots property of the donor is of no moments, because a claim of
inofficiousness does not assert that the donor gave was not his, but that
he gave more than what was within his power to give.
[G.R. No. L-65800. October 3, 1986.]
PARTENZA LUCERNA VDA. DE TUPAS, Petitioner-Appellant, v. BRANCH THEREOF. — The rules established by the Civil Code for the
XLII of the HON. REGIONAL TRIAL COURT OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL, determination of the legitime and, by extension, of the disposable
respondent, and TUPAS FOUNDATION, INC., private Respondent- portion. These rules are set forth in Articles 908, 909 and 910 of the
Appellee. Code, on the basis of which the following step-by-step procedure has
been correctly outlined: (1) determination of the value of the property
Abraham D. Caña for Petitioner-Appellant. which remains at the time of the testator’s death; (2) determination of
the obligations, debts, and charges which have to be paid out or
Jose R. Edis for private Respondent-Appellee. deducted from the value of the property thus left; (3) the determination
of the difference between the assets and the liabilities, giving rise to the
hereditary estate; (4) the addition to the net value thus found, of the
SYLLABUS value, at the time they were made, of donations subject to cellation; and
(5) the determination of the amount of the legitimates by getting from
the total thus found the portion that the law provides as the legitimate
1. CIVIL LAW; DONATION; LIMITATION ON PERSON’S PREROGATIVE TO of each respective compulsory heirs. Deducting the legitimes the net
MAKE DONATION. — A person’s prerogative to make donations is a value of the hereditary estate leaves the freely disposable portion by
subject to certain limitations, one of which is that he cannot give by which the donation in question here must be measured. If the value of
donation more than he can give by will (Art. 752, Civil Code). If he does, the donation at the time it was made dose not exceed that difference,
so much of what is donated as exceeds what he can give by will is then it must be allowed to stand. But if it does, the donation is inoficious
deemed inofficious and the donation is reducible to the extent of such as to the excess and must reduced by the amount of said excess.
excess, though without prejudice to its taking effect in the donor’s
lifetime or the donee’s appropriating the fruits of the thing donated (Art.
771, Civil Code). DECISION
DONATION IS INOFFICIOUS. — Donation made in violation of Art, 752 of NARVASA, J.:
the Civil Code is collationable, that is, its value is imputable into the
heredity estate of the donor at the time of his death for the purpose of
determining the lifetime of the forced or compulsory heirs and the freely Involved in this appeal is the question of whether or not a donation inter
disposable portion of the estate. This is true as well of donations to vivos by a donor now deceased is inofficious and should be reduced at
strangers as of gifts to compulsory heirs, although the language of Article the instance of the donor’s widow.
1061 of the Civil Code would seem to limit collation to the latter class of
donations. And this has been held to be a long-established rule in Liguez Epifanio R. Tupas died on August 20, 1978 in Bacolod City, childless,
v. Honorable Court of Appeals, Et. Al. 102 Phil. 577, 586, where this Court leaving his widow, Partenza Lucerna, as his only surviving compulsory
said: ". . . Hence, the force heirs are entitled to have the donation set heir. He also left a will dated May 18, 1976, which was admitted to
aside in so far as inofficious: i.e., in excess of the portion of free disposal probate on September 30, 1980 in Special Proceedings No. 13994 of the
(Civil code of 1889, Articles 693, 645), computed as provided in Articles Court of First Instance of Negros Occidental. Among the assets listed in
818 and 819, and bearing in mind that collationable gifts’ under Article his will were lots Nos. 837, 838 and 839 of the Sagay Cadastre,
818 should included gifts made not only in favor of the forced heirs, but admittedly his private capital. However, at the time of his death, these
even those made in favor of strangers, as decided by the Supreme Court lots were no longer owned by him, he having donated them the year
of Spain in its decisions of 4 May 1899 and 16 June 1902. So that is before (on August 2, 1977) to the Tupas Foundation, Inc., which had
computing the legitimes, the value of the property donated to herein thereafter obtained title to said lots.
appellant, Conchita Liguez, should be considered part of the donor’s
estate, Once again, only the court of origin has the requisite data to Claiming that said donation had left her practically destitute of any
determine whether the donation is inofficious or not."cralaw virtua1aw inheritance, Tupas’ widow brought suit against Tupas Foundation, Inc. in
library the same Court of First Instance of Negros Occidental (docketed as Civil
Case No. 16089) to have the donation declared inofficious insofar as it
3. ID.; ID.; ID.; NOT PREVENTED BY THE FACT THAT THE DONATED prejudiced her legitime, therefore reducible." . . by one-half or such

Articles 1051-1080, Wills and Succession

proportion as . . . (might be deemed) justified . . ." and." . . the resulting insofar as inofficious, i.e., it exceeds said portion and thus impairs the
deduction . . ." restored and conveyed or delivered to her. The complaint legitime of the compulsory heirs, in order to find out whether it is
also prayed for attorney’s fees and such other relief as might be proper. inofficious or not, recourse must be had to the rules established by the
Civil Code for the determination of the legitime and, by extension, of the
The Trial Court did not see things her way. Upon the facts above stated, disposable portion. These rules are set forth in Articles 908, 909 and 910
on which the parties stipulated, 1 said Court dismissed the complaint for of the Code, on the basis of which the following step-by-step procedure
lack of merit, rejecting her claim on several grounds, has been correctly outlined:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
(1) determination of the value of the property which remains at the time
". . . (1) Article 900 relied upon by plaintiff is not applicable because the of the testator’s death;
properties which were disposed of by way of donation one year before
the death of Epifanio Tupas were no longer part of his hereditary estate (2) determination of the obligations, debts, and charges which have to
at the time of his death on August 20, 1978; (2) the donation properties be paid out or deducted from the value of the property thus left;
were Epifanio’s capital or separate estate; and (3) Tupas Foundation, Inc.
being a stranger and not a compulsory heir, the donation inter vivos (3) the determination of the difference between the assets and the
made in its favor was not subject to collation under Art. 1061, C.C." 2 liabilities, giving rise to the hereditary estate;

The Trial Court is in error on all counts and must be reversed. (4) the addition to the net value thus found, of the value, at the time
they were made, of donations subject to collation; and
A person’s prerogative to make donations is subject to certain
limitations, one of which is that he cannot give by donation more than (5) the determination of the amount of the legitimes by getting from the
he can give by will (Art. 752, Civil Code). 3 If he does, so much of what is total thus found the portion that the law provides as the legitime of each
donated as exceeds what he can give by will is deemed inofficious and respective compulsory heir. 8
the donation is reducible to the extent of such excess, though without
prejudice to its taking effect in the donor’s lifetime or the donee’s Deducting the legitimes from the net value of the hereditary estate
appropriating the fruits of the thing donated (Art. 771, Civil Code). Such leaves the freely disposable portion by which the donation in question
a donation is, moreover, collationable, that is, its value is in putable into here must be measured. If the value of the donation at the time it was
the hereditary estate of the donor at the time of his death for the made does not exceed that difference, then it must be allowed to stand.
purpose of determining the legitime of the forced or compulsory heirs But if it does, the donation is inofficious as to the excess and must be
and the freely disposable portion of the estate. This is true as well of reduced by the amount of said excess. In this case, if any excess be
donations to strangers as of gifts to compulsory heirs, although the shown, it shall be returned or reverted to the petitioner-appellant as the
language of Article 1061 of the Civil Code would seem to limit collation sole compulsory heir of the deceased Epifanio R. Tupas.cralawnad
to the latter class of donations. And this has been held to be a long-
established rule in Liguez v. Honorable Court of Appeals, Et Al., 4 where For obvious reasons, this determination cannot now be made, as it
this Court requires appreciation of data not before this Court and may necessitate
the production of evidence in the Court a quo.
". . . Hence, the forced heirs are entitled to have the donation set aside
in so far as inofficious: i.e., in excess of the portion of free disposal (Civil WHEREFORE, the appealed decision is reversed and petitioner-appellant
Code of 1889, Articles 636, 645), computed as provided in Articles 818 Partenza Lucerna Vda. de Tupas is adjudged entitled to so much of the
and 819, and bearing in mind that `collationable gifts’ under Article 818 donated property in question, as may be found in excess of the freely
should include gifts made not only in favor of the forced heirs, but even disposable portion of the estate of Epifanio B. Tupas, determined in the
those made in favor of strangers, as decided by the Supreme Court of manner above-indicated. Let the case be remanded to the Trial Court for
Spain in its decision of 4 May 1899 and 16 June 1902. So that in further appropriate proceedings in accordance with this decision.
computing the legitimes, the value of the property donated to herein
appellant, Conchita Liguez, should be considered part of the donor’s SO ORDERED.
estate. Once again, only the court of origin has the requisite data to
determine whether the donation is inofficious or not." 5

The fact, therefore, that the donated property no longer actually formed
part of the estate of the donor at the time of his death cannot be G.R. No. 106401 September 29, 2000
asserted to prevent its being brought to collation. Indeed, it is an obvious
proposition that collation contemplates and particularly applies to gifts
inter vivos. 6 The further fact that the lots donated were admittedly
ZARAGOZA, petitioners,
capital or separate property of the donor is of no moment, because a
claim of inofficiousness does not assert that the donor gave what was
not his, but that he gave more than what was within his power to give.
MORGAN, respondents.
Since it is clear that the questioned donation is collationable and that,
having been made to a stranger (to the donor) it is, by law 7 chargeable DECISION
to the freely disposable portion of the donor’s estate, to be reduced

10 | P a g e
Articles 1051-1080, Wills and Succession

QUISUMBING, J.: and ordering defendants to vacate its premises and deliver immediately
the portion occupied by them to herein plaintiff. Plaintiff's claim against
Before the Court is a petition for review on certiorari, which seeks (1) the defendants over Lot 943 is dismissed as well as claims for damages
reversal of the decision1 of the Court of Appeals promulgated on March interposed against each other.3
27, 1992 in CA - G.R. CV No. 12587, which affirmed the decision2 of the
Regional Trial Court in Civil Case No. 14178, except the dismissal of In the above decision, the RTC found that Flavio partitioned his
private respondent's claim over lot 943; (2) the dismissal of the properties during his lifetime among his three children by deeds of sales;
complaint filed by private respondent in the Regional Trial Court of Iloilo; that the conveyance of Lot 943 to petitioners was part of his plan to
and (3) the declaration of the deed of sale executed by Flavio Zaragoza distribute his properties among his children during his lifetime; and that
covering Lot 943 as valid. he intended Lot 871 to be the share of private respondent.4

The facts of the case as found by the Court of Appeals and on record are Not satisfied with the above decision, both parties interposed an appeal
as follows: in the Court of Appeals docketed as CA -GR CV No. 12587.

Flavio Zaragoza Cano was the registered owner of certain parcels of land On March 27, 1992, respondent court rendered the assailed decision,
situated at the Municipalities of Cabatuan, New Lucena and Sta. Barbara, the decretal portion of which reads:
Province of Iloilo. He had four children: Gloria, Zacariaz, Florentino and
Alberta, all surnamed Zaragoza. On December 9, 1964, he died without WHEREFORE, WE reverse the decision appealed from, insofar as
a will and was survived by his four children. defendant-appellants, spouses Florentino Zaragoza and Erlinda E.
Zaragoza, were adjudged owner of Lot 943. In all other respects, the
On December 28, 1981, private respondent Alberta Zaragoza-Morgan decision appealed from is hereby AFFIRMED.5
filed a complaint with the Court of First Instance of Iloilo against Spouses
Florentino and Erlinda, herein petitioners, for delivery of her inheritance The appellate court gave weight to the testimonial and documentary
share, consisting of Lots 943 and 871, and for payment of damages. She evidence presented by private respondent to support its finding that
claims that she is a natural born Filipino citizen and the youngest child of Lots 871 and 943 were inheritance share of private respondent.
the late Flavio. She further alleged that her father, in his lifetime, Specifically, it noted the admission by petitioner in his letter in 1981 to
partitioned the aforecited properties among his four children. The private respondent's counsel, that their father had given them their
shares of her brothers and sister were given to them in advance by way inheritance.6 Further, public respondent found that the alleged sale of
of deed of sale, but without valid consideration, while her share, which lot 943 in favor of petitioner Florentino was fictitious and void. The
consists of lots no. 871 and 943, was not conveyed by way of deed of signature of Don Flavio in the said document was markedly different
sale then. She averred that because of her marriage, she became an from his other signatures appearing in other documents he signed from
American citizen and was prohibited to acquire lands in the Philippines January to February 1957.7 The Motion for Reconsideration was denied
except by hereditary succession. For this reason, no formal deed of in a Resolution8 dated June 26, 1992.
conveyance was executed in her favor covering these lots during her
father's lifetime.
Hence, this petition for review on certiorari,9 with a supplemental
petition, raising the following assigned errors:
Petitioners, in their Answer, admitted their affinity with private
respondent and the allegations on the properties of their father. They,
however, denied knowledge of an alleged distribution by way of deeds
of sale to them by their father. They said that lot 871 is still registered in
their father's name, while lot 943 was sold by him to them for a valuable
consideration. They denied knowledge of the alleged intention of their
father to convey the cited lots to Alberta, much more, the reason for his
failure to do so because she became an American citizen. They denied
that there was partitioning of the estate of their father during his B. THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN ADMITTING AND GIVING WEIGHT
On November 23, 1983, petitioners filed a Motion to Dismiss, on the
ground that the complaint did not state a cause of action and it failed to
implead indispensable parties. The resolution of said Motion was
deferred by the lower court until the case was tried on the merits. C. THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN CONCLUDING THAT THE DEED OF
On October 7, 1986, the Regional Trial Court of Iloilo promulgated its
decision, the decretal portion of which reads:
WHEREFORE, in view of the above findings, judgment is hereby
rendered, adjudicating Lot 871 in the name of Flavio Zaragoza Cano to
plaintiff Alberta Zaragoza-Morgan as appertaining her share in his estate

11 | P a g e
Articles 1051-1080, Wills and Succession

2. THE SAID DEED OF SALE WAS IN A PUBLIC INSTRUMENT. Both the trial court and the public respondent found that during the
lifetime of Flavio, he already partitioned and distributed his properties
3. NO WITNESSES WAS EVER PRESENTED TO ASSAIL THE among his three children, excepting private respondent, through deeds
GENUINENESS OF THE SIGNATURE OF FLAVIO ZARAGOZA. of sale. A deed of sale was not executed in favor of private respondent
because she had become an American citizen and the Constitution
prohibited a sale in her favor. Petitioner admitted Lots 871 and 943 were
inheritance shares of the private respondent. These are factual
determinations of the Court of Appeals, based on documentary and
testimonial evidence. As a rule, we are bound by findings of facts of the
Court of Appeals.12 Was the partition done during the lifetime of Flavio
D. RESPONDENT COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN MODIFYING THE Zaragoza Cano valid? We think so. It is basic in the law of succession that
DECISION OF THE LOWER COURT WITH RESPECT TO LOT 943 WHEN THE a partition inter vivos may be done for as long as legitimes are not
LATTER SUSTAINED THE GENUINENESS OF THE SIGNATURE OF prejudiced. Art. 1080 of the Civil Code is clear on this.13 The legitime of
PETITIONER'S FATHER FOUND IN EXH. I. compulsory heirs is determined after collation, as provided for in Article
ESTOPPEL, IGNORING THE FACT THAT IT IS THE LAW ON INTESTATE Every compulsory heir, who succeeds with other compulsory heirs, must
SUCCESSION, AND THE CORRESPONDING RULES OF COURT ON THE bring into the mass of the estate any property or right which he may
SETTLEMENT OF THE ESTATE THAT IS APPLICABLE ON THIS CASE. 10 have received from the decedent, during the lifetime of the latter, by
way of donation, or any other gratuitous title in order that it may be
In their Supplemental Petition for Review dated October 29, 1992, computed in the determination of the legitime of each heir, and in the
petitioners additionally raised: account of the partition.

I. THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN NOT Unfortunately, collation can not be done in this case where the original
DISMISSING THE COMPLAINT FILED BEFORE THE TRIAL COURT petition for delivery of inheritance share only impleaded one of the
FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CAUSE OF ACTION, other compulsory heirs. The petition must therefore be dismissed
without prejudice to the institution of a new proceeding where all the
II. ALTERNATIVELY, THE COURT ERRED IN NOT CONSIDERING indispensable parties are present for the rightful determination of their
THAT LOTS TRANSFERRED INTER VIVOS TO THE OTHER HEIRS respective legitime and if the legitimes were prejudiced by the
We now come to the second issue. Private respondent, in submitting her
III. THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN AFFIRMING petition for the delivery of inheritance share, was in effect questioning
AS LAWFUL AND VALID ALL THE DISPOSITIONS MADE BY THE the validity of the deed of sale covering Lot 943 in favor of petitioner and
DECEASED FLAVIO ZARAGOZA (y) CANO EXCEPT LOT # 943 consequently, the Transfer Certificate of Title issued in the latter's name.
DESPITE UTTER LACK OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT ITS FINDING Although the trial court, as an obiter, made a finding of validity of the
THAT THE SIGNATURE OF THE LATE FLAVIO ZARAGOZA (y) conveyance of Lot 943 in favor of petitioners, since according to it,
CANO IN EXH. "M-11-A" APPEARING IN THE DEED OF SALE private respondent did not question the genuineness of the signature of
DATED FEBRUARY 5, 1957 (EXH. "1", FLORENTINO) WAS A the deceased, nevertheless, when the case was elevated to the Court of
FORGERY. Appeals, the latter declared the sale to be fictitious because of finding of
marked differences in the signature of Flavio in the Deed of Sale vis-à-
vis signatures found in earlier documents. Could this be done? The
IV. THE COURT ERRED IN NOT CONSIDERING THAT TRANSFER petition is a collateral attack. It is not allowed by Sec. 48 of the
CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. T-35946 (EXHIBIT 2) COVERING LOT Presidential Decree No. 1529, otherwise known as the Property
943 IN FAVOR OF THE PETITIONER CONCLUSIVELY EVIDENCES Registration Decree, which provides:
Sec. 48. Certificate not subject to collateral attack. - A certificate of title
Essentially, we are asked to resolve two issues: (1) whether the shall not be subject to collateral attack. It can not be altered, modified,
partition inter vivos by Flavio Zaragoza Cano of his properties, which or cancelled except in a direct proceeding in accordance with law.
include Lots 871 and 943, is valid; and (2) whether the validity of the
Deed of Sale and consequently, the Transfer Certificate of Title over Lot
943 registered in the name of the petitioners, can be a valid subject We have reiterated this rule in the case of Halili vs. Court of Industrial
matter of the entire proceeding for the delivery of inheritance share. Relations,14 citing the earlier cases of Constantino vs. Espiritu15 and Co
vs. Court of Appeals.16 In Halili, we held that a certificate of title
accumulates in one document a precise and correct statement of the
On the first issue. It is the main contention of the petitioner that the exact status of the fee held by its owner. The certificate, in the absence
adjudication of Lots 943 and 871 in favor of private respondent, as her of fraud, is the evidence of title and shows exactly the real interest of its
inheritance share, has no legal basis since there is no will nor any owner. The title once registered, with very few exceptions, should not
document that will support the transfer. thereafter be impugned, altered, changed, modified, enlarged or
diminished, except in some direct proceeding permitted by law.
12 | P a g e
Articles 1051-1080, Wills and Succession

Otherwise, all security in registered titles would be lost. In Constantino, posited that it "may be considered as an advance legitime" to petitioner,
the Court decided that the certificate, in the absence of fraud, is the the trial court, acting as probate court, held that it was precluded from
evidence of title and shows exactly the real interest of its owner. The determining the validity of the donation.
title once registered, with very few exceptions, should not thereafter be
impugned, altered, changed, modified, enlarged or diminished, except Provisionally passing, however, upon the question of title to the donated
in some direct proceeding permitted by law. Otherwise all security in property only for the purpose of determining whether it formed part of
registered titles would be lost. And in Co, we stated that a Torrens title the decedent's estate,[4] the probate court found the Deed of Donation
cannot be collaterally attacked. The issue on the validity of title, i.e., valid in light of the presumption of validity of notarized documents. It
whether or not it was fraudulently issued, can only be raised in an action thus went on to hold that it is subject to collation following Article 1061
expressly instituted for that purpose. of the New Civil Code which reads:[5]

ACCORDINGLY, judgment is hereby rendered GRANTING the instant Every compulsory heir, who succeeds with other compulsory heirs, must
petition for review. The decision of the Court of Appeals dated March bring into the mass of the estate any property or right which he may
27, 1992 in CA-G.R. CV No. 12587, entitled Alberta Zaragoza-Morgan vs. have received from the decedent, during the lifetime of the latter, by
Spouses Florentino Zaragoza and Erlinda Enriquez-Zaragoza is VACATED way of donation, or any other gratuitous title in order that it may be
and SET ASIDE. The complaint for delivery of inheritance share in the computed in the determination of the legitime of each heir, and in the
Regional Trial Court, for failure to implead indispensable parties, is also account of the partition.
DISMISSEDwithout prejudice to the institution of the proper
proceedings. The probate court thereafter partitioned the properties of the intestate
estate. Thus it disposed:
No pronouncement as to costs.
WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered
SO ORDERED. declaring that:

1. The property covered by TCT No. 181889 of the

Register of Deeds of Makati as part of the estate of
Angel N. Pascual;
[G.R. No. 189776 : December 15, 2010]
2. The property covered by TCT No. 181889 to be
subject to collation;
RESPONDENTS.BR 3. 1/3 of the rental receivables due on the property at
the mezzanine and the 3rd floor of Unit 1110 Tanay
St., Makati City form part of the estate of Angel N.

4. The following properties form part of the estate of

CARPIO MORALES, J.: Angel N. Pascual:

Angel N. Pascual Jr. died intestate on January 2, 1999 leaving as heirs his a. 1/3 share in the House and Lot at 1110
siblings, namely: petitioner Amelia P. Arellano who is represented by Tanay St., Rizal Village Makati TCT No.
her daughters[1] Agnes P. Arellano (Agnes) and Nona P. Arellano, and 348341 and 1/3 share in the rental income
respondents Francisco Pascual and Miguel N. Pascual.[2] thereon;

In a petition for "Judicial Settlement of Intestate Estate and Issuance of b. 1/3 share in the Vacant Lot with an area of
Letters of Administration," docketed as Special Proceeding Case No. M- 271 square meters located at Tanay St.,
5034, filed by respondents on April 28, 2000 before the Regional Trial Rizal Village, Makati City, TCT No. 119063;
Court (RTC) of Makati, respondents alleged, inter alia, that a parcel of
land (the donated property) located in Teresa Village, Makati, which
c. Agricultural land with an area of 3.8
was, by Deed of Donation, transferred by the decedent to petitioner the
hectares located at Puerta Galera Mindoro
validity of which donation respondents assailed, "may be considered as
covered by OCT No. P-2159;
an advance legitime" of petitioner.
d. Shares of stocks in San Miguel Corporation
Respondent's nephew Victor was, as they prayed for, appointed as
covered by the following Certificate
Administrator of the estate by Branch 135 of the Makati RTC.[3]
Numbers: A0011036, A006144, A082906,
A006087, A065796, A11979, A049521,
Respecting the donated property, now covered in the name of petitioner
C86950, C63096, C55316, C54824,
by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 181889 of the Register of Deeds of
C120328, A011026, C12865, A10439,
Makati, which respondents assailed but which they, in any event,

13 | P a g e
Articles 1051-1080, Wills and Succession

A021401, A007218, A0371, S29239,

e. Shares of stocks in Paper Industries Corp.
covered by the following Certificate II
Numbers: S29239, S40128, S58308,
S69309, A006708, 07680, A020786, . . . THE PROPERTY DONATED TO APPELLANT IS SUBJECT TO

f. ¼ share in Eduardo Pascual's shares in III

Baguio Gold Mining Co.;
2 014 12292 4 in the name of Nona LEGITIMES.
h. Property previously covered by TCT No. and
119053 now covered by TCT No. 181889, V
Register of Deeds of Makati City;
i. Rental receivables from Raul Arellano per JR. EQUALLY AMONG HIS LEGAL OR INTESTATE HEIRS.[6] (underscoring
Order issued by Branch 64 of the Court on supplied)
November 17, 1995.

By Decision[7] of July 20, 2009, the Court of Appeals found petitioner's

appeal "partly meritorious." It sustained the probate court's ruling that
the property donated to petitioner is subject to collation in this wise:
5. AND the properties are partitioned as follows:
Bearing in mind that in intestate succession, what governs is the rule on
a. To heir Amelia P. Arellano-the property equality of division, We hold that the property subject of donation inter
covered by TCT No. 181889; vivos in favor of Amelia is subject to collation. Amelia cannot be
considered a creditor of the decedent and we believe that under the
b. To heirs Francisco N. Pascual and Miguel circumstances, the value of such immovable though not strictly in the
N. Pascual-the real properties covered by concept of advance legitime, should be deducted from her share in the
TCT Nos. 348341 and 119063 of the net hereditary estate. The trial court therefore committed no reversible
Register of Deeds of Makati City and the error when it included the said property as forming part of the estate of
property covered by OCT No. 2159, to be Angel N. Pascual.[8] (citation omitted; emphasis and underscoring
divided equally between them up to the supplied)
extent that each of their share have been
equalized with the actual value of the
The appellate court, however, held that, contrary to the ruling of the
property in 5(a) at the time of donation,
probate court, herein petitioner "was able to submit prima
the value of which shall be determined by
facie evidence of shares of stocks owned by the [decedent] which have
an independent appraiser to be
not been included in the inventory submitted by the administrator."
designated by Amelia P. Arellano, Miguel
N. Pascual and Francisco N. Pascual. If the
Thus, the appellate court disposed, quoted verbatim:
real properties are not sufficient to
equalize the shares, then Francisco's and
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the present appeal is hereby PARTLY
Miguel's shares may be satisfied from
GRANTED. The Decision dated January 29, 2008 of the Regional Trial
either in cash property or shares of stocks,
Court of Makati City, Branch 135 in Special Proceeding Case No. M-5034
at the rate of quotation. The remaining
is hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE insofar as the order of inclusion of
properties shall be divided equally among
properties of the Intestate Estate of Angel N. Pascual, Jr. as well as
Francisco, Miguel and Amelia. (emphasis
the partition and distribution of the same to the co-heirs are concerned.
and underscoring supplied)
The case is hereby REMANDED to the said court for further proceedings
in accordance with the disquisitions herein.[9] (underscoring supplied)
Before the Court of Appeals, petitioner faulted the trial court in holding
Petitioner's Partial Motion for Reconsideration[10] having been denied by
I the appellate court by Resolution[11] of October 7, 2009, the present

14 | P a g e
Articles 1051-1080, Wills and Succession

petition for review on certiorari was filed, ascribing as errors of the the illegitimate children, and the surviving spouse are concurring
appellate court its ruling compulsory heirs.[17]

I The decedent not having left any compulsory heir who is entitled to any
legitime, he was at liberty to donate all his properties, even if nothing
. . . THAT THE PROPERTY DONATED BY ANGEL N. PASCUAL, JR. TO was left for his siblings-collateral relatives to inherit. His donation to
PETITIONER AMELIA PASCUAL ARELLANO IS PART OF HIS ESTATE AT THE petitioner, assuming that it was valid,[18] is deemed as donation made to
TIME OF HIS DEATH. a "stranger," chargeable against the free portion of the estate.[19] There
being no compulsory heir, however, the donated property is not subject
II to collation.


The decedent's remaining estate should thus be
III partitioned equally among his heirs-siblings-collateral relatives, herein
petitioner and respondents, pursuant to the provisions of the Civil
Art. 1003. If there are no descendants, ascendants, illegitimate children,
IV or a surviving spouse, the collateral relatives shall succeed to the entire
estate of the deceased in accordance with the following
. . . IN NOT PARTITIONING THE ESTATE OF ANGEL N. PASCUAL, articles. (underscoring supplied)
INTESTATE HEIRS.[12] (underscoring supplied) Art. 1004. Should the only survivors be brothers and sisters of the full
blood, they shall inherit in equal shares. (emphasis and underscoring
Petitioners thus raise the issues of whether the property donated to supplied)
petitioner is subject to collation; and whether the property of the estate
should have been ordered equally distributed among the parties. WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The Court of Appeals Decision
ordering the collation of the property donated to petitioner, Amelia N.
On the first issue: Arellano, to the estate of the deceased Angel N. Pascual, Jr. is set aside.

The term collation has two distinct concepts: first, it is a mere Let the records of the case be REMANDED to the court of origin, Branch
mathematical operation by the addition of the value of donations made 135 of the Makati Regional Trial Court, which is ordered to conduct
by the testator to the value of the hereditary estate; and second, it is further proceedings in the case for the purpose of determining what
the return to the hereditary estate of property disposed of by lucrative finally forms part of the estate, and thereafter to divide whatever
title by the testator during his lifetime.[13] remains of it equally among the parties.

The purposes of collation are to secure equality among the compulsory SO ORDERED.
heirs in so far as is possible, and to determine the free portion, after
finding the legitime, so that inofficious donations may be reduced.[14]

Collation takes place when there are compulsory heirs, one of its
purposes being to determine the legitime and the free portion. If there
is no compulsory heir, there is no legitime to be safeguarded.[15]

The records do not show that the decedent left any primary, secondary,
or concurring compulsory heirs. He was only survived by his siblings,
who are his collateral relatives and, therefore, are not entitled to any
legitime - that part of the testator's property which he cannot dispose of
because the law has reserved it for compulsory heirs.[16] [G.R. No. L-46903. July 23, 1987.]

The compulsory heirs may be classified into (1) primary, (2) secondary, BUHAY DE ROMA, Petitioner, v. THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS
and (3) concurring. The primary compulsory heirs are those who have and FELICIDAD CARINGAL, as Guardian of Rosalinda de
precedence over and exclude other compulsory heirs; legitimate Roma, Respondents.
children and descendants are primary compulsory heirs. The secondary
compulsory heirs are those who succeed only in the absence of the
primary heirs; the legitimate parents and ascendants are secondary SYLLABUS
compulsory heirs. The concurring compulsory heirs are those who
succeed together with the primary or the secondary compulsory heirs;

15 | P a g e
Articles 1051-1080, Wills and Succession

1. CIVIL LAW; CONTRACTS; DONATION; THE FACT OF ITS IRREVOCABLE conformably to Article 1061 of the Civil Code. Buhay, for her part, citing
CHARACTER DOES NOT EXEMPT PROPERTY FROM COLLATION. — We Article 1062, claims she has no obligation to collate because the
agree with the respondent court that there is nothing in the above decedent prohibited such collation and the donation was not officious.
provisions expressly prohibiting the collation of the donated properties.
As the said court correctly observed, the phrase "sa pamamagitan ng The two articles provide as
pagbibigay na di na mababawing muli" merely described the donation as
"irrevocable" and should not be construed as an express prohibition "Article 1061. Every compulsory heir, who succeeds with other
against collation. The fact that a donation is irrevocable does not compulsory heirs, must bring into the mass of the estate any property or
necessarily exempt the subject thereof from the collation required right which he may have received from the decedent during the lifetime
under Article 1061. of the latter, by way of donation, or any other gratuitous title, in order
that it may be computed in the determination of the legitime of each
2. ID.; SUCCESSION; COLLATION; INTENTION TO EXEMPT PROPERTY heir, and in the account of the partition."cralaw virtua1aw library
UNEQUIVOCABLY. — Anything less than such express prohibition will not "Article 1062. Collation shall not take place among compulsory heirs if
suffice under the clear language of Article 1062. The suggestion that the donor should have so expressly provided, or if the donee should
there was an implied prohibition because the properties donated were repudiate the inheritance, unless the donation should be reduced as
imputable to the free portion of the decedent’s estate merits little inofficious."cralaw virtua1aw library
consideration. Imputation is not the question here, nor is it claimed that
the disputed donation is officious. The sole issue is whether or not there The issue was resolved in favor of the petitioner by the trial court, *
was an express prohibition to collate, and we see none. The intention to which held that the decedent, when she made the donation in favor of
exempt from collation should be expressed plainly and unequivocally as Buhay, expressly prohibited collation. Moreover, the donation did not
an exception to the general rule announced in Article 1062. Absent such impair the legitimes of the two adopted daughters as it could be
a clear indication of that intention, we apply not the exception but the accommodated in, and in fact was imputed to, the free portion of
rule, which is categorical enough. Candelaria’s estate. 3

3. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW; JUDICIARY; MAXIMUM PERIOD WITHIN On appeal, the order of the trial court was reversed, the respondent
WHICH TO DECIDE A CASE, MERELY DIRECTORY. — There is no need to court ** holding that the deed of donation contained no express
dwell long on the other error assigned by the petitioner regarding the prohibition to collate as an exception to Article 1062. Accordingly, it
decision of the appealed case by the respondent court beyond the 12- ordered collation and equally divided the net estate of the decedent,
month period prescribed by Article X, Section 11 (1) of the 1973 including the fruits of the donated property, between Buhay and
Constitution. As we held in Marcelino v. Cruz, the said provision was Rosalinda. 4
merely directory and failure to decide on time would not deprive the
corresponding courts of jurisdiction or render their decisions invalid. It The pertinent portions of the deed of donation are as follows:chanrobles
is worth stressing that the aforementioned provision has now been lawlibrary : rednad
reworded in Article VIII, Section 15, of the 1987 Constitution, which also
impresses upon the courts of justice, indeed with greater urgency, the "IKALAWA. Na alang-alang sa aking pagmamahal, pagtingin at pagsisilbi
need for the speedy disposition of the cases that have been clogging sa akin ng aking anak na si BUHAY DE ROMA, kasal kay Arabella
their dockets these many years. Serious studies and efforts are now Castaneda, may karampatang gulang, mamamayang Pilipino at
being taken by the Court to meet that need. naninirahan at may pahatirang-sulat din dito sa Lunsod ng San Pablo sa
pamamagitan ng kasulatang ito ay kusangloob kong ibinibigay,
ipinagkakaloob at inililipat sa nabanggit na BUHAY DE ROMA, sa kanyang
DECISION mga kahalili at tagapagmana, sa pamamagitan ng pagbibigay na di na
mababawing muli, ang lahat ng mga lagay ng lupa na sinasabi sa itaas, sa
ilalim ng kasunduan na ngayon pa ay siya na ang nagmamay-aring tunay
CRUZ, J.: ng mga lupang ito at kanya nang maaring ipalipat ang mga hoja
declaratoria ng mga lupang ito sa kanyang pangalan, datapwa’t
samantalang ako ay nabubuhay, ay ako rin ang makikinabang sa mga
Candelaria de Roma had two legally adopted daughters, Buhay de Roma mapuputi at mamomosesion sa mga nasabing lupa;
and Rosalinda de Roma. She died intestate on April 30, 1971, and
administration proceedings were instituted in the Court of First Instance "IKATLO. Na pinagtibay ko na ako ay marami pang ibang mga pag-aari sa
of Laguna by the private respondent as guardian of Rosalinda. Buhay was sapat pang aking ikabuhay at sa pagbibigay kong ito ay hindi masisira ang
appointed administratrix and in due time filed an inventory of the estate. legitima ng mga tao na dapat magmana sa akin, sapagkat ang mga
This was opposed by Rosalinda on the ground that certain properties lupang sinasabi sa itaas ay bahagi ng aking kabuhayan na ako ay may
earlier donated by Candelaria to Buhay, and the fruits thereof, had not layang ipamigay kahit na kaninong tao na kung tawagin ay Libre
been included. 1 Disposicion." 5

The properties in question consisted of seven parcels of coconut land We agree with the respondent court that there is nothing in the above
worth P10,297.50. 2 There is no dispute regarding their valuation; what provisions expressly prohibiting the collation of the donated properties.
the parties cannot agree upon is whether these lands are subject to As the said court correctly observed, the phrase "sa pamamagitan ng
collation. The private respondent vigorously argues that it is, pagbibigay na di na mababawing muli" merely described the donation as

16 | P a g e
Articles 1051-1080, Wills and Succession

"irrevocable" and should not be construed as an express prohibition an action by private respondent against petitioner for recovery of
against collation. 6 The fact that a donation is irrevocable does not possession and ownership and rescission/annulment of
necessarily exempt the subject thereof from the collation required donation.chanrobles law library : red
under Article 1061.
The facts of the case as summarized by the respondent Court are as
We surmise from the use of such terms as "legitime" and "free portion" follows: 3
in the deed of donation that it was prepared by a lawyer, and we may
also presume he understood the legal consequences of the donation "On June 1, 1981, plaintiff Aurora Directo, defendant Rodolfo Noceda,
being made. It is reasonable to suppose, given the precise language of and Maria Arbizo, the daughter, grandson, and widow, respectively, of
the document, that he would have included therein an express the late Celestino Arbizo, who died in 1956, extrajudicially settled a
prohibition to collate if that had been the donor’s intention. parcel of land, Lot 1121, located at Bitaog, San Isidro, Cabangan,
Zambales, which was said to have an area of 66,530 square meters.
Anything less than such express prohibition will not suffice under the Plaintiff Directo’s share was 11,426 square meters, defendant Noceda
clear language of Article 1062. The suggestion that there was an implied got 13,294 square meters, and the remaining 41,810 square meters
prohibition because the properties donated were imputable to the free went to Maria Arbizo (Exhibit G). On the same date, plaintiff Directo
portion of the decedent’s estate merits little consideration. Imputation donated 625 square meters of her share to defendant Noceda, who is
is not the question here, nor is it claimed that the disputed donation is her nephew being the son of her deceased sister, Carolina (Exhibit D).
officious. The sole issue is whether or not there was an express However, on August 17, 1981, another extrajudicial settlement-partition
prohibition to collate, and we see none. of Lot 1121 was executed by plaintiff Directo, defendant Noceda, and
Maria Arbizo. Three fifths of the said land went to Maria Arbizo while
The intention to exempt from collation should be expressed plainly and plaintiff Directo and defendant Noceda got only one-fifth each. In said
unequivocally as an exception to the general rule announced in Article extrajudicial settlement-partition as well as in the Tax Declaration 16-
1062. Absent such a clear indication of that intention, we apply not the 0032 over Lot 1121 in the name of the late Celestino Arbizo, the said
exception but the rule, which is categorical enough. parcel of land was said to have an area of only 29,845 square meters
(Exhibit C). Sometime in 1981, defendant Noceda constructed his house
There is no need to dwell long on the other error assigned by the on the land donated to him by plaintiff Directo. Plaintiff Directo fenced
petitioner regarding the decision of the appealed case by the respondent the portion allotted to her in the extrajudicial settlement, excluding the
court beyond the 12-month period prescribed by Article X, Section 11 (1) donated portion, and constructed thereon three huts. But in 1985,
of the 1973 Constitution. As we held in Marcelino v. Cruz, 7 the said defendant Noceda removed the fence earlier constructed by plaintiff
provision was merely directory and failure to decide on time would not Directo, occupied the three huts (3) and fenced the entire land of
deprive the corresponding courts of jurisdiction or render their decisions plaintiff Directo without her consent. Plaintiff Directo demanded from
invalid. defendant Noceda to vacate her land, but the latter refused. Hence,
plaintiff Directo filed the present suit, a complaint for the recovery of
It is worth stressing that the aforementioned provision has now been possession and ownership and rescission/annulment of donation,
reworded in Article VIII, Section 15, of the 1987 Constitution, which also against defendant Noceda before the lower court. During the trial, the
impresses upon the courts of justice, indeed with greater urgency, the lower court ordered that a relocation survey of Lot 1121 be conducted
need for the speedy disposition of the cases that have been clogging by Engr. Edilberto Quejada of the Bureau of Lands. After the survey of
their dockets these many years. Serious studies and efforts are now Lot 1121 in the presence of both parties, Engr. Edilberto Quejada
being taken by the Court to meet that need. reported that the area of Lot 1121 stated in the extrajudicial settlement-
partition of August 17, 1981 was smaller than the actual area of Lot 1121
WHEREFORE, the appealed decision is AFFIRMED in toto, with costs which is 127,298 square meters. Engr. Quejada subdivided Lot 1121,
against the petitioner. It is so ordered. excluding the portions occupied by third persons, known as Lot 8, the
salvage zone and the road lot, on the basis of the actual occupancy of
Lot 1121 by the heirs of the late Celestino Arbizo and the extrajudicial
[G.R. No. 119730. September 2, 1999.] settlement-partition of August 17, 1981. The portion denominated as
Lot A, with an area of 12,957 square meters was the share of defendant
RODOLFO NOCEDA, Petitioner, v. COURT OF APPEALS and AURORA Noceda; Lot C, with the same area as that of Lot A, was the share of
ARBIZO DIRECTO, Respondents. plaintiff Directo, a portion of which was donated to defendant Noceda;
and Lot B, with an area of 38,872 square meters, went to Maria Arbizo
(Exhibit E)." chanrobles virtual lawlibrary
On November 6, 1991, the Regional Trial Court, Branch 71, of Iba,
Zambales rendered a decision, the dispositive portion of which reads as
GONZAGA-REYES, J.: follows: 4

"WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing considerations, the Court hereby

This petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court renders judgment:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
seeks to reverse the decision dated March 31, 1995 of the respondent
Court of Appeals 1 in CA GR CV No. 38126, affirming with modification (a) Declaring the Extra-Judicial Settlement-Partition dated August 19,
the decision of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 71, of Iba, Zambales, 2 in 1981, valid;

17 | P a g e
Articles 1051-1080, Wills and Succession

a motion/compliance where she suggested that Geodetic Engineer

(b) Declaring the Deed of Donation dated June 1, 1981, revoked; Edilberto V. Quejada of the Bureau of Lands, Iba, Zambales be
commissioned to undertake the survey 8 said motion was also sent to
(c) Ordering the defendant to vacate and reconvey that donated portion defendant’s counsel, Atty. Eufracio Pagunuran for Comment, 9 but Atty.
of Lot 2, Lot 1121 subject of the Deed of Donation dated June 1, 1981 to Pagunuran however failed to file his Comment within the given period.
the plaintiff or her heirs or assigns; Thus the trial court designated Engineer Quejada to undertake the
survey of Lot 1121. 10 Petitioner Noceda through counsel belatedly filed
(d) Ordering the defendant to remove the house built inside the donated his Comment without any opposition to the appointment of Engineer
portion at the defendant’s expense or pay a monthly rental of P300.00 Quejada but proposed that the latter be tasked to solely (a) re-survey,
Philippine Currency; determine and identify the metes and bounds of the lot covered by Tax
Declaration No. 16-0032; (b) to identify the areas occupied by the parties
(e) Ordering the defendant to pay attorney’s fees in the amount of therein; and (c) to conduct the re-survey with notice and in the presence
P5,000.00; and of the parties therein and their respective counsels. 11 The Comment
was not, however, acted upon by the trial court in view of its earlier
(f) To pay the cost."cralaw virtua1aw library Order directing Engineer Quejada to undertake the survey of the land.
12 Engr. Quejada conducted the survey with the conformity and in the
Rodolfo Nocedo appealed to the respondent Court which affirmed the presence of both parties, taking into consideration the extrajudicial
trial court as follows: 5 partition dated August 17, 1981, deed of donation dated June 1, 1981
executed by plaintiff Aurora Directo in favor of defendant Rodolfo
"WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered, ORDERING defendant Noceda and the actual area occupied by the parties, 13 as well as the
Rodolfo Noceda to VACATE the portion known as Lot "C" of Lot 1121 per sketch plan 14 and the technical description of Lot 1121 taken from the
Exhibit E, which was allotted to plaintiff Aurora Arbizo Directo. Except Records Section of the Bureau of Lands, Manila. 15 The report and the
for this modification, the Decision, dated November 6, 1991, of the RTC- survey plan submitted by Engr. Quejada were approved by the Trial
Iba, Zambales, Branch 71, in Civil Case No. RTC-354-I, is hereby Court in an Order dated December 7, 1987. 16 These circumstances
AFFIRMED in all other respects. Costs against defendant Rodolfo show that the lower court ordered the re-survey of the lot to determine
Noceda."cralaw virtua1aw library the actual area of Lot 1121 and such survey was done with the
conformity and in the presence of both parties. The actual land area
Dissatisfied, petitioner filed the instant petition for review with the based on the survey plan which was conducted in the presence of both
following assignment of errors: 6 parties, showed a much bigger area than the area declared in the tax
declaration but such differences are not uncommon as early tax
THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN HOLDING THAT THE SUBJECT declarations are, more often than not, based on approximation or
PROPERTY IDENTIFIED AS LOT 1121 CONTAINS AN AREA IN EXCESS OF estimation rather than on computation. 17 We hold that the respondent
THAT STATED IN ITS TAX DECLARATION. court did not err in sustaining the trial court’s findings that the actual
area of Lot 1121 is 127,289 square meters.cralawnad
PARTITIONED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE EXTRA-JUDICIAL SETTLEMENT Petitioner also contends that said judicial determination improperly
DATED 17 AUGUST 1981. encroaches on the rights and claims of third persons who were never
impleaded below; that the subject lot was also declared in the name of
THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN ADJUDICATING AND ALLOTTING LOT one Cecilia Obispo and a Free Patent over the said lot was also issued in
"C" AS APPEARING IN THE SURVEY PLAN PREPARED BY GEODETIC her name and that there are several residential houses constructed and
ENGINEER EDILBERTO QUEJADA TO THE RESPONDENT. existing on Lot 8 of lot 1121, thus these possessors/occupants of Lot 8
should be joined as defendants for their non-inclusion would be fatal to
We find no merit in this argument. The respondent Court correctly
THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN REVOKING THE DEED OF DONATION ratiocinated on this issue as follows: 18
DATED 1 JUNE 1981.
"The fact that Cecilia Obispo has tax declarations in her name over Lot
The first issue raised refers to the actual area of the subject lot known as 1121 and several persons occupied a portion thereof did not make them
Lot 1121, which was registered under Tax Declaration No. 16-0032 under indispensable parties in the present case. Defendant Noceda merely
the name of the late Celestino Arbizo. Petitioner claims that Tax presented the tax declarations in the name of Cecilia Obispo without the
Declaration No. 16-0032 contains only an area of 29,845 sq. meter; thus alleged free patent in her name. Moreover, no evidence was presented
the respondent Court exceeded its judicial authority when it sustained showing that Cecilia Obispo possessed or claimed possession of Lot
the lower court’s findings that the subject property actually contains an 1121. Tax receipts and declarations of ownership for tax purposes are
area of 127,289 square meters. not conclusive evidence of ownership of property (Republic v.
Intermediate Appellate Court, 224 SCRA 285).
We find the argument unmeritorious. The records disclose that the trial
court in an Order dated June 8, 1987 gave both parties to this case the It was not necessary that the occupants of a portion of Lot 1121,
chance to have the subject property re-surveyed by a licensed surveyor designated as Lot 8, be impleaded in the present case. Lot 8, though part
to determine the actual area of Lot 1121. 7 Plaintiff Aurora Directo filed of Lot 1121, was excluded by Engr. Quejada in determining the

18 | P a g e
Articles 1051-1080, Wills and Succession

respective portions of Lot 1121 occupied by plaintiff Directo, defendant conform with the area declared under tax declaration 16-0032 yet the
Noceda and Maria Arbizo pursuant to the extrajudicial settlement which heirs were each actually occupying a bigger portion the total area of
they executed on August 17, 1981. The result of the present suit shall which exceeded 29,845 square meters. This was confirmed by Geodetic
not in any way affect the occupants of Lot 8, since the issues involved in Engineer Quejada in his report submitted to the trial court where he
the present case are the usurpation by defendant Noceda of the land stated among other things: 22
adjudicated to plaintiff Directo and the propriety of the cancellation of
the deed of donation in favor of defendant Noceda due to his ingratitude 7. that upon computation of actual survey, it is informed (sic) that the
to plaintiff Directo."cralaw virtua1aw library area dated (sic) as per extrajudicial settlement-partition in the name of
Celestino Arbizo was smaller than the computed lots of their actual
Notably, defendant’s counsel requested for the appearance of Cecilia occupancy as per survey on the ground;
Obispo and despite notice to her to appear in court and bring with her
the alleged free patent in her name, 19 she failed to appear and even 8. The Lot A, Lot B, and Lot C as appearing on prepared plan for ready
failed to intervene to protect whatever interest and right she has over reference was subdivided, base (sic) on stated sharing as per EXTRA
the subject lot. As to the other possessors of residential houses in Lot 8 JUDICIAL SETTLEMENT-PARTITION base (sic) on actual occupancy.
of Lot 1121, they are not considered as indispensable parties to this case.
A party is not indispensable to the suit if his interest in the controversy The survey conducted on Lot 1121 was only a confirmation of the actual
or subject matter is distinct and divisible from the interest of the other areas being occupied by the heirs taking into account the percentage
parties and will not necessarily be prejudiced by a judgment which does proportion adjudicated to each heir on the basis of their August 17, 1981
complete justice to the parties in court. 20 Private respondent is not extrajudicial settlement.
claiming the entire area of Lot 1121 but only a portion thereof which was
adjudicated to her based on the August 17, 1981 extrajudicial settlement Petitioner further alleges that the said partition tries to vest in favor of a
and which was denominated in the survey plan as Lot C of Lot 1121; thus third person, Maria Arbizo, a right over the said property
there was no need to implead the occupants of Lot 8. notwithstanding the absence of evidence establishing that she is an heir
of the late Celestino Arbizo since Maria Arbizo was never impleaded as
Petitioner further claims that the subject property could not be a party in this case and her interest over Lot 1121 was not established.
partitioned based on the extrajudicial settlement-partition dated August
17, 1981, since the distributive share of the heirs of the late Celestino Such contention deserves scant consideration. We find no compelling
Arbizo and the area of Lot 1121 stated therein were different from the basis to disturb the finding of the trial court on this factual issue, as
extrajudicial settlement executed on June 1, 1981; that the follows: 23
discrepancies between the two deeds of partition with respect to the
area of Lot 1121 and the respective share of the parties therein indicated In effect, the defendant denies the allegation of the plaintiff that Maria
that they never intended that any of the deeds to be the final Arbizo was the third wife of Celestino Arbizo and Agripina is her half
determination of the portions of Lot 1121 allotted to them; that the sister with a common father. On this point, the Court believes the
extrajudicial settlement-partition of August 17, 1981 could not version of the plaintiff. The Court observes that in the "Extra-Judicial
effectively subdivide Lot 1121 because it partitioned only 29,845 square Settlement-Partition" (Exhibit "C"), Maria Arbizo is named one of the co-
meters, and not its actual area of 127,298 square meters. heirs of the defendant, being the widow of his grandfather, Celestino
Arbizo. The names of Anacleto and Agripina do not also appear in the
We see no cogent reason to disturb the findings of the respondent Court Extra-judicial Settlement and Partition because according to the plaintiff,
as follows: 21 they had sold their shares to Maria Arbizo. And the defendant is one of
the signatories to the said Deed of Extra-judicial Settlement-Partition
The discrepancies between the extrajudicial settlements executed by acknowledged before Notary Public Artemio Maranon. Under the
plaintiff Directo, defendant Noceda and Maria Arbizo on June 1, 1981 circumstances, the Court is convinced that the defendant knew that
and August 17, 1981 only meant that the latter was intended to Maria Arbizo was the widow of Celestino Arbizo and he knew of the sale
supersede the former. The signature of defendant Noceda in the of the share of Anacleto Arbizo his share, as well as that of Agripina.
extrajudicial settlement of August 17, 1981 would show his conformity When the defendant signed the Extra-Judicial Settlement, he was
to the new apportionment of Lot 1121 among the heirs of the late already an adult since when he testified in 1989, he gave his age as 50
Celestino Arbizo. The fact that defendant Noceda occupied the portion years old. So that in 1981, he was already 41 years old. If he did not know
allotted to him in the extrajudicial settlement, as well as the donated all of these, the defendant would have not agreed to the sharing and
portion of the share of plaintiff Directo, presupposes his knowledge of signed this document and acknowledged it before the Notary Public. And
the extent of boundaries of the portion of Lot 1121 allotted to him. who could have a better knowledge of the relationship of Agripina and
Moreover, the statement in the extrajudicial settlement of August 17, Maria Arbizo to Celestino Arbizo than the latter’s daughter? Besides, at
1981 with respect to the area of Lot 1121, which was 29,845 square the time of the execution of the Extra-Judicial Settlement-Partition by
meters, is not conclusive because it was found out, after the relocation the plaintiff and defendant, they were still in good terms. There was no
survey was conducted on Lot 1121, that the parties therein occupied an reason for the plaintiff to favor Maria Arbizo and Agripina Arbizo over
area larger than what they were supposed to possess per the the defendant. Furthermore, the defendant had failed to support his
extrajudicial settlement- partition of August 17, 1981.chanrobles allegation that when his grandfather died he had no wife and
lawlibrary : rednad child.chanrobles virtual lawlibrary

Although in the extrajudicial settlement dated August 17, 1981 the heirs We likewise find unmeritorious petitioner’s claim that there exist no
of Celestino Arbizo partitioned only a 29,845 square meter lot to factual and legal basis for the adjudication of Lot C of Lot 1121 to private

19 | P a g e
Articles 1051-1080, Wills and Succession

respondent Aurora Directo. It bears stress that the relocation survey certificate of title does not make said portions less determinable or
plan prepared by Geodetic Engineer Quejada was based on the identifiable, or distinguishable, one from the other, nor that dominion
extrajudicial settlement dated August 17, 1981, and the actual over each portion less exclusive, in their respective owners. 29 A
possession by the parties and the technical description of Lot 1121. It partition legally made confers upon each heir the exclusive ownership of
was established by the survey plan that based on the actual possession the property adjudicated to him. 30
of the parties, and the extrajudicial settlement among the heirs the
portion denominated as Lot C of Lot 1121 of the survey plan was being We also find unmeritorious petitioner’s argument that since there was
occupied by private respondent Aurora Directo and it was also shown no effective and real partition of the subject lot there exists no basis for
that it is in Lot C where the 625 square meter area donated by private the charge of usurpation and hence there is also no basis for finding
respondent Directo to petitioner is located. There is no obstacle to ingratitude against him. It was established that petitioner Noceda
adjudicate Lot C to private respondent as her rightful share allotted to occupied not only the portion donated to him by private respondent
her in the extrajudicial settlement. Aurora Arbizo-Directo but he also fenced the whole area of Lot C which
belongs to private respondent Directo, thus petitioner’s act of occupying
Petitioner argues that he did not usurp the property of respondent the portion pertaining to private respondent Directo without the latter’s
Directo since, to date, the metes and bounds of the parcel of land left by knowledge and consent is an act of usurpation which is an offense
their predecessor in interest, Celestino Arbizo, are still undetermined against the property of the donor and considered as an act of ingratitude
since no final determination as to the exact areas properly pertaining to of a donee against the donor. 31
the parties herein; hence they are still considered as co-owners thereof.
The law does not require conviction of the donee; it is enough that the
We do not agree. offense be proved in the action for revocation. 32

In this case the source of co-ownership among the heirs was intestate Finally, petitioner contends that granting revocation is proper, the right
succession. Where there are two or more heirs, the whole estate of the to enforce the same had already prescribed since as admitted by private
decedent is, before its partition, owned in common by such heirs subject respondent, petitioner usurped her property in the first week of
to the payment of debts of the deceased. 24 Partition, in general, is the September 1985 while the complaint for revocation was filed on
separation, division and assignment of a thing held in common among September 16, 1986, thus more than one (1) year had passed from the
those to whom it may belong 25 The purpose of partition is to put an alleged usurpation by petitioner of private respondent’s share in Lot
end to co-ownership. It seeks a severance of the individual interest of 1121. We are not persuaded. The respondent Court rejected such
each co-owner, vesting in each a sole estate in specific property and argument in this
giving to each one a right to enjoy his estate without supervision or
interference from the other. 26 And one way of effecting a partition of "Article 769 of the New Civil Code states that: "The action granted to the
the decedent’s estate is by the heirs themselves extrajudicially. The heirs donor by reason of ingratitude cannot be renounced in advance. This
of the late Celestino Arbizo namely Maria Arbizo, Aurora A. Directo action prescribes within one year to be counted from the time the donor
(private respondent) and Rodolfo Noceda (petitioner) entered into an had knowledge of the fact and it was possible for him to bring the
extrajudicial settlement of the estate on August 17, 1981 and agreed to action." As expressly stated, the donor must file the action to revoke his
adjudicate among themselves the property left by their predecessor-in- donation within one year from the time he had knowledge of the
interest in the following manner:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library ingratitude of the donee. Also, it must be shown that it was possible for
the donor to institute the said action within the same period. The
To Rodolfo Noceda goes the northern one-fifth (1/5) portion containing concurrence of these two requisites must be shown by defendant
an area of 5,989 sq. meters; Noceda in order to bar the present action. Defendant Noceda failed to
do so. He reckoned the one year prescriptive period from the occurrence
To Maria Arbizo goes the middle three-fifths (3/5) portion; of the usurpation of the property of plaintiff Directo in the first week of
September, 1985, and not from the time the latter had the knowledge
and . . . To Aurora Arbizo goes the southern one-fifth (1/5) portion. 27 of the usurpation. Moreover, defendant Noceda failed to prove that at
the time plaintiff Directo acquired knowledge of his usurpation, it was
In the survey plan submitted by Engineer Quejada, the portions possible for plaintiff Directo to institute an action for revocation of her
indicated by red lines and numbered alphabetically were based on the donation." chanrobles virtual lawlibrary
percentage proportion in the extrajudicial settlement and the actual
occupancy of each heir which resulted to these divisions as follows: 28 The action to revoke by reason of ingratitude prescribes within one (1)
year to be counted from the time (a) the donor had knowledge of the
Lot A; the area is 2,957 sq.m. — goes to Rodolfo A. Noceda (1/5) fact; (b) provided that it was possible for him to bring the action. It is
incumbent upon petitioner to show proof of the concurrence of these
Lot B; 38,872 sq.m. Maria Arbizo (3/5)chanrobles law library : red two conditions in order that the one (1) year period for bringing the
action be considered to have already prescribed. No competent proof
Lot C 12,957 sq.m. Aurora Arbizo (1/5) was adduced by petitioner to prove his allegation. In Civil Cases, the
party having the burden of proof must establish his case by
Thus, the areas allotted to each heir are now specifically delineated in preponderance of evidence. 33 He who alleges a fact has the burden of
the survey plan. There is no co-ownership where portion owned is proving it and a mere allegation is not evidence. 34
concretely determined and identifiable, though not technically
described, or that said portions are still embraced in one and the same Factual findings of the Court of Appeals, supported by substantial

20 | P a g e
Articles 1051-1080, Wills and Succession

evidence on record are final and conclusive on the parties and carry even library
more weight when the Court of Appeals affirms the factual findings of
the trial court; 35 for it is not the function of this Court to re-examine all Marcelina Cimafranca and Joaquin Teves had nine children, namely
over again the oral and documentary evidence submitted by the parties Teotimo, Felicia, Pedro, Andres, Asuncion, Gorgonio, Cresenciano,
unless the findings of fact of the Court of Appeals are not supported by Arcadia and Maria. Andres, however, predeceased both his parents and
the evidence on record or the judgment is based on the died without issue. After Marcelina Cimafranca and Joaquin Teves died,
misapprehension of facts. 36 The jurisdiction of this court is thus limited intestate and without debts, in 1943 and 1953, respectively, their
to reviewing errors of law unless there is a showing that the findings children executed extrajudicial settlements purporting to adjudicate
complained of are totally devoid of support in the record or that they are unto themselves the ownership over two parcels of land belonging to
so glaringly erroneous as to constitute serious abuse of discretion. 37 their deceased parents and to alienate their shares thereto in favor of
We find no such showing in this case. their sister Asuncion Teves. The validity of these settlements executed
pursuant to section 1 of Rule 74 of the Rules of Court is the primary issue
We find that both the trial court and the respondent Court had carefully in the present case.
considered the questions of fact raised below and the respondent
Court‘s conclusions are based on the evidence on record. No cogent On May 9, 1984, plaintiffs-appellants Ricardo and Arcadia Teves filed a
reason exists for disturbing such findings. 38 We also note that complaint with the Regional Trial Court of Negros Oriental for the
petitioner in this petition merely rehashed the same issues and partition and reconveyance of two parcels of land located in Dumaguete,
arguments raised in the respondent Court in whose decision we find no designated as Lots 769-A and 6409, against the heirs of Asuncion Teves.
reversible error. Clearly, petitioner failed to present any substantial The complaint was subsequently amended to include Maria Teves and
argument to justify a reversal of the assailed decision. the heirs of Teotimo, Felicia, Pedro, and Gorgonio Teves as plaintiffs and
the spouses Lucresio Baylosis and Pacita Nocete, and Cecilia Cimafranca-
WHEREFORE, the petition for review is hereby DENIED. Costs Gamos and Cecilia Flor Cimafranca as defendants. 3 Plaintiffs-appellants
against Appellant. alleged that defendants-appellees, without any justifiable reason,
refused to partition the said parcels of land and to convey to plaintiffs
SO ORDERED. their rightful shares. 4

Lot 769, covered by Original Certificate of Title (OCT) No. 4682-A, 5 is

registered in the names of Urbana Cimafranca, one-fourth (1/4) share,
Marcelina Cimafranca, the wife of Joaquin Teves, one-fourth (1/4) share,
[G.R. No. 109963. October 13, 1999.] Domingo Villahermosa, one-eight (1/8) share, Antero Villahermosa, one-
eight (1/8) share, Cecilia Cimafranca, one-eight (1/8) share and Julio
HEIRS OF JOAQUIN TEVES: RICARDO TEVES, ARCADIA TEVES,TOMAS Cimafranca, one-eight (1/8) share. The present controversy involves only
ZAMORA, FELICIA TEVES, HELEN TEVES, ALFREDO OSMEÑA, ROBERTO Marcelina Cimafranca’s one-fourth (1/4) share in the land, designated as
PATIGAYON, ALDRIN PATIGAYON, NOEL PATIGAYON, VICTOR On June 13, 1956, Teotimo, Felicia, Pedro, Asuncion, Gorgonio and
PATIGAYON, MA. TEVES PATERNO OCHOTORENA, EXEQUILA TEVES, Arcadia Teves executed a document entitled "Settlement of Estate and
EMILIO JO, EMILIANA TEVES, MILAGROS TEVES, EDSEL PINILI, VICENTE Sale," 6 adjudicating unto themselves, in equal shares, Lot 769-A and
TEVES, EMILIANA ISO, ALBERTO TEVES, ERLINDA TEVES, DIOSDADO conveying their shares, interests and participations over the same in
TEVES, VICTORIA TEVES AND VIVENCIO NARCISO, Petitioners, v. favor of Asuncion Teves for the consideration of P425.00. A similar deed
COURT OF APPEALS, HEIRS OF ASUNCION IT-IT NAMELY: ELISA IT-IT, denominated "Extrajudicial Settlement and Sale" 7 was signed by Maria
SUSANA IT-IT, NORBERTO IT-IT, ISA-AC IT-IT, JR., JAIME IT-IT, FELICITAS Teves on April 21, 1959. Under such deed, Maria conveys her own share
IT-IT, TERESITA IT-IT, ANTONIO NODADO, CORAZON IT-IT, JIMMY LERO, over Lot 769-A in favor of Asuncion Teves for the consideration of
DANILO IT-IT, EDITA GAMORA, PACITA VAILOCES, CRIS VAILOCES, P80.00. The two settlements were denounced by the plaintiffs as
CECILIA CIMAFRANCA and CECILIA FLOR spurious. The trial court summarized the claims of the plaintiffs, viz —
CIMAFRANCA, Respondents.chanrobles lawlibrary : rednad
. . . Maria Teves Ochotorena herself, denied having executed this
DECISION Extrajudicial Settlement and Sale over her share or interest in Lot 769
claiming that her signature in said document is a forgery. She disowns
her signature declaring that as a married woman she always signs a
GONZAGA-REYES, J.: document in her husband’s family name. Further, she declared that on
the date she purportedly signed said document in Dumaguete City
before the notary public, she was in her home in Katipunan, Zamboanga
Before us is a petition for review on certiorari assailing the decision 1 of del Norte.
the Court of Appeals which was promulgated on August 18, 1992
affirming the July 11, 1991 decision. 2 of Branch 38 of the Regional Trial On Exhibit "G" which is likewise offered as Exhibit "3" for the defendants,
Court of Negros Oriental in favor of defendants-appellees. plaintiffs hold that said document is spurious claiming that the
signatures of Pedro Teves, Felicia Teves and Gorgonio Teves are all
The facts, as culled from the pleadings of the parties herein and the forgeries. To support this allegation, Helen T. Osmena, daughter of
decision of the lower courts, are as follows:chanrob1es virtual 1aw Felicia Teves and Erlinda Teves, daughter of Gorgonio Teves were

21 | P a g e
Articles 1051-1080, Wills and Succession

presented as witnesses. Being allegedly familiar with the style and signature averred that in reality no consideration was ever given to her
character of the handwriting of their parents these witnesses declared and that her impression of the said document was that she was only
unequivocally that the signatures of their parents appearing on the giving her consent to sell her share of the land.
document are forgeries.chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
Plaintiffs likewise contend that as regards the share of Ricardo Teves,
In sum, plaintiffs argue that these fraudulent documents which son of Crescenciano Teves who predeceased Joaquin and Marcelina, it
defendants rely in claiming ownership to the disputed properties are all was not at all affected in that extrajudicial settlement and sale since
nullities and have no force in law and could not be used as basis for any neither Crescenciano Teves nor his son Ricardo Teves participated in its
legal title. Consequently, in their view, they are entitled to the reliefs execution.
demanded particularly, to their respective shares of the disputed
properties. 8 x x x

The other property in dispute is Lot 6409 which was originally covered
by OCT No. 9091 9 and was registered in the name of Joaquin Teves and Likewise, plaintiffs offered TCT No. 5761 for Lot 6409 registered in the
his two sisters, Matea and Candida Teves. However, Matea and Candida name of Asuncion Teves It-it as Exhibit "B" as proof that said property
died without issue, causing the entire property to pass to Joaquin Teves. was later titled in trust for all the heirs of Joaquin Teves and which was
On December 14, 1971, Lot 6409 was adjudicated and divided in equal used later as basis in effecting a deed of sale in favor of co-defendant
shares in a "Deed of Extrajudicial Settlement & Sale" 10 executed by Lucresio Baylosis. In this light, the plaintiffs argue that the sale of said
Joaquin Teves’ children — Asuncion, Teotimo, Felisia, Gorgonio, Arcadia property is a nullity for it was not only attended with bad faith on the
and Maria Teves. In the same deed, the shares of these same heirs in Lot part of both the vendor and the vendee but primarily the vendor had no
6409 were sold to Asuncion Teves for P100.00. Asuncion Teves took right at all to part with said property which is legally owned by others.
possession of the land and acquired title. 11 over the same on March 22, 16
1972. After her death in 1981, her children, defendants-appellees It-it
herein, extrajudicially settled Asuncion Teves’ property, adjudicating In answer to plaintiffs-appellants’ charges of fraud, defendants-
unto themselves Lot 6409. 12 On July 20, 1983 a new transfer certificate appellees maintained that the assailed documents were executed with
of title. 13 was issued in the names of Asuncion Teves’ children, namely all the formalities required by law and are therefore binding and legally
Elisa, Susana, Norberto, Isaac, Jaime, Felicitas, Teresita, Corazon, and effective as bases for acquiring ownership or legal title over the lots in
Danilo, all surnamed It-it. On July 2, 1984, the It-its sold Lot 6409 to question. Furthermore, it is contended that plaintiffs-appellants have
defendants-appellees Lucrecio Baylosis, Sr. and Pacita Nocete-Baylosis slept on their rights and should now be deemed to have abandoned such
for P20,000.00. 14 and a transfer certificate of title. 15 was issued in the rights. 17
name of the Baylosis couple.
The trial court ruled in favor of defendants-appellees and rendered
Plaintiffs-appellants claim that the Deed of Extrajudicial Settlement & judgment dismissing the complaint with costs against plaintiffs-
Sale covering Lot 6409 is also spurious. Their arguments were discussed appellants. As regards Lot 6409, the court declared that the Extrajudicial
in the trial court’s decision as follows — Settlement and Sale executed by the heirs of Joaquin Teves and
Marcelina Cimafranca was duly executed with all the formalities
Presented as Exhibit "D" and "1" for both the plaintiffs and defendants required by law, thus, validly conveying Lot 6409 in favor of Asuncion
respectively, is a document denominated as "Extrajudicial Settlement Teves. Moreover, it stated that, even granting the truth of the imputed
and Sale" executed on December 4, 1971 by and among the heirs of infirmities in the deed, the right of plaintiffs-appellants to bring an action
Joaquin Teves and Marcelina Cimafranca. This document which gave for partition and reconveyance was already barred by prescription. An
birth to TCT No. 5761 over Lot 6409 registered in the name of Asuncion action for the annulment of a partition must be brought within four
Teves It-it is questioned by the plaintiffs as spurious for the following years from the discovery of the fraud, while an action for the
reasons:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library reconveyance of land based upon an implied or constructive trust
prescribes after ten years from the registration of the deed or from the
1. Erasure of the word "quitclaim" is superimposed with the word "sale" issuance of the title. The complaint in this case was filed on May 9, 1984,
in handwriting. exactly 12 years, 1 month and 17 days after the issuance of the transfer
certificate of title in the name of Asuncion Teves on March 22, 1972.
2. The consideration of "One peso" stated in the document is Thus, ownership over Lot 6409 rightfully belonged to defendants-
intercalated with the word "hundred" in handwriting. appellees It-it.

3. The signature of Maria Teves Ochotorena, Pedro Teves and Felicia Moreover, the trial court held that the extrajudicial settlements over
Teves are forgeries. both Lots 6409 and 769, having been prepared and acknowledged
before a notary public, are public documents, vested with public
4. The thumbmark imposed on the name of Gorgonio Teves does not interest, the sanctity of which deserves to be upheld unless
actually belong to Gorgonio Teves who was an educated man and skilled overwhelmed by clear and convincing evidence. The evidence presented
in writing according to his daughter. by the plaintiffs to support their charges of forgery was considered by
the court insufficient to rebut the legal presumption of validity accorded
Aside from these defects which would make said document null and to such documents. 18
void, Arcadia Teves who is one of the living sisters of the mother of the
principal defendants although confirming the authenticity of her The Court of Appeals upheld the trial court’s decision affirming the

22 | P a g e
Articles 1051-1080, Wills and Succession

validity of the extrajudicial statements, with a slight modification. It

disposed of the case, thus — The extrajudicial settlement of a decedent’s estate is authorized by
section 1 of Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, which provides in pertinent
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the decision appealed from is part that —
AFFIRMED with the modification in that herein defendant-appellees are
hereby ORDERED to partition Lot 769-A and deliver to plaintiff-appellant If the decedent left no will and no debts and the heirs are all of age, or
Ricardo Teves one-eight (sic) (1/8) portion thereof corresponding to the the minors are represented by their judicial or legal representatives duly
share of his deceased father Cresenciano Teves. No costs. authorized for the purpose, the parties may, without securing letters of
administration, divide the estate among themselves as they see fit by
The appellate court said that plaintiffs-appellants’ biased and interested means of a public instrument filed in the office of the register of deeds,
testimonial evidence consisting of mere denials of their signatures in the ...
disputed instruments is insufficient to prove the alleged forgery and to
overcome the evidentiary force of the notarial documents. It also ruled x x x
that the plaintiffs-appellants’ claim over Lot 6409 was barred by
prescription after the lapse of ten years from the issuance of title in favor
of Asuncion Teves, while their claim over Lot 769-A is barred by laches Thus, for a partition pursuant to section 1 of Rule 74 to be valid, the
since more than 25 years has intervened between the sale to Asuncion following conditions must concur: (1) the decedent left no will; (2) the
Teves and the filing of the present case in 1984. decedent left no debts, or if there were debts left, all had been paid; (3)
the heirs are all of age, or if they are minors, the latter are represented
The appellate court noted that the conveyance of Lot 769-A in favor of by their judicial guardian or legal representatives; (4) the partition was
Asuncion Teves did not affect the share of Cresenciano Teves as he was made by means of a public instrument or affidavit duly filed with the
not a signatory to the settlements. It also found that Ricardo Teves, Register of Deeds. 21
Cresenciano’s heir, is in possession of a portion of Lot 769-A and that
defendants-appellees do no not claim ownership over such portion. We uphold, finding no cogent reason to reverse, the trial and appellate
Thus, the defendants-appellees It-it were ordered to partition and courts’ factual finding that the evidence presented by plaintiffs-
convey to Ricardo Teves his one-eight share over Lot 769-A. appellants is insufficient to overcome the evidentiary value of the
extrajudicial settlements. The deeds are public documents and it has
As regards the extrajudicial settlement involving Lot 6409, although it been held by this Court that a public document executed with all the
was found by the appellate court that Cresenciano Teves was also not a legal formalities is entitled to a presumption of truth as to the recitals
signatory thereto, it held that it could not order the reconveyance of the contained therein. 22 In order to overthrow a certificate of a notary
latter’s share in such land in favor of his heir Ricardo Teves because public to the effect that the grantor executed a certain document and
Cresenciano had predeceased Joaqin Teves. Moreover, Ricardo Teves, acknowledged the fact of its execution before him, mere preponderance
by a deed simply denominated as "Agreement" executed on September of evidence will not suffice. Rather, the evidence must be so clear, strong
13, 1955 wherein he was represented by his mother, authorized the and convincing as to exclude all reasonable dispute as to the falsity of
heirs of Joaquin Teves to sell his share in Lot 6409. 19 the certificate. When the evidence is conflicting, the certificate will be
upheld. 23 The appellate court’s ruling that the evidence presented by
Plaintiffs-appellants assailed the appellate court’s decision upon the plaintiffs-appellants does not constitute the clear, strong, and
following grounds — convincing evidence necessary to overcome the positive value of the
extrajudicial settlements executed by the parties, all of which are public
I. IN CONSIDERING RICARDO TEVES AS BOUND BY THE SIGNATURE OF documents, being essentially a finding of fact, is entitled to great respect
HIS MOTHER, INSPITE OF DEATH OF CRESENCIANO TEVES IN 1944; AND by the appellate court and should not be disturbed on appeal. 24
USUFRUCT; It is noted that the Deed of Extrajudicial Settlement & Sale covering Lot
6409 purports to divide Joaquin Teves’ estate among only six of his heirs,
II. IN UPHOLDING SWEEPINGLY THE PRESUMPTION OF REGULARITY OF namely Asuncion, Teotimo, Felisia, Gorgonio, Arcadia and Maria Teves.
NOTARIZED DEED, DESPITE CLEAR, CONVINCING, SUBSTANTIAL AND 25 It does not mention nor bear the signatures of either Pedro or
SUFFICIENT EVIDENCE THAT MARIA OCHOTORENA WAS IN MINDANAO; Cresenciano Teves although they are both intestate heirs of Joaquin
THE NOTARY PUBLIC DID NOT KNOW MARIA OCHOTORENA AND THE Teves and as such, are entitled to a proportionate share of the
SIGNATURES OF THE OTHER HEIRS IN THE QUESTIONED DOCUMENT ARE decedent’s estate. Contrary to the ruling of the appellate court, the fact
BELIED BY COMPARISON WITH THE GENUINE SIGNATURE IN EXH. "E" ; that Cresenciano predeceased Joaquin Teves does not mean that he or,
more accurately, his heirs, lose the right to share in the partition of the
III. IN VALIDATING THE ONE PESO CONSIDERATION, INSPITE OF NO property for this is a proper case for representation, wherein the
OTHER VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, THE SUPERIMPOSED P100 WAS representative is raised to the place and degree of the person
UNILATERALLY INSERTED, SHOWING FICTITIOUS AND SIMULATED represented and acquires the rights which the latter would have if he
CONSIDERATION; AND were living. 26

IV. PRESCRIPTION DOES NOT START FROM A VOID CONTRACT. 20 However, notwithstanding their non-inclusion in the settlement, the
action which Pedro and Cresenciano might have brought for the
We affirm that the extrajudicial settlements executed by the heirs of reconveyance of their shares in the property has already prescribed. An
Joaquin Teves and Marcelina Cimafranca are legally valid and binding. action for reconveyance based upon an implied trust pursuant to article

23 | P a g e
Articles 1051-1080, Wills and Succession

1456 of the Civil Code prescribes in ten years from the registration of the legally made, confers upon each heir the exclusive ownership of the
deed or from the issuance of the title. 27 Asuncion Teves acquired title property adjudicated to him. 33 Although Cresenciano, Ricardo’s
over Lot 6409 in 1972, but the present case was only filed by plaintiffs- predecessor-in-interest, was not a signatory to the extrajudicial
appellants in 1984, which is more than 10 years from the issuance of settlements, the partition of Lot 769-A among the heirs was made in
title. 28 accordance with their intestate shares under the law. 34

The division of Lot 769-A, on the other hand, was embodied in two With regards to the requisite of registration of extrajudicial settlements,
deeds. The first extrajudicial settlement was entered into by Teotimo, it is noted that the extrajudicial settlements covering Lot 769-A were
Felicia, Pedro, Gorgonio, Arcadia and Asuncion Teves in 1956 29 , while never registered. However, in the case of Vda. de Reyes v. CA, 35 the
the second deed was executed in 1959 by Maria Teves. 30 Cresenciano Court, interpreting section 1 of Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, upheld the
was not a signatory to either settlement. However, in contrast to the validity of an oral partition of the decedent’s estate and declared that
extrajudicial settlement covering Lot 6409, the two extrajudicial the non-registration of an extrajudicial settlement does not affect its
settlements involving Lot 769-A do not purport to exclude Cresenciano intrinsic validity. It was held in this case that —
from his participation in Lot 769-A or to cede his share therein in favor
of Asuncion. The settlement clearly adjudicated the property in equal [t]he requirement that a partition be put in a public document and
shares in favor of the eight heirs of Marcelina Cimafranca. Moreover, the registered has for its purpose the protection of creditors and at the same
deeds were intended to convey to Asuncion Teves only the shares of time the protection of the heirs themselves against tardy claims. The
those heirs who affixed their signatures in the two documents. The object of registration is to serve as constructive notice to others. It
pertinent portions of the extrajudicial settlement executed in 1956, of follows then that the intrinsic validity of partition not executed with the
which substantively identical provisions are included in the 1959 deed, prescribed formalities does not come into play when there are no
provide — creditors or the rights of creditors are not affected. Where no such rights
are involved, it is competent for the heirs of an estate to enter into an
x x x agreement for distribution in a manner and upon a plan different from
those provided by law.

5. That by virtue of the right of succession the eight heirs above Thus, despite its non-registration, the extrajudicial settlements involving
mentioned inherit and adjudicate unto themselves in equal shares Lot Lot 769-A are legally effective and binding among the heirs of Marcelina
No. 769-A and our title thereto is evidenced by the O.C. of Title No. 4682- Cimafranca since their mother had no creditors at the time of her death.
A of the Land Records of Negros Oriental.
Except for the portion of Lot 769-A occupied by Ricardo Teves, both
THAT FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of FOUR HUNDRED parcels of land have been and continue to be in the possession of
TWENTY-FIVE (P425.00) PESOS, Philippine Currency which we have Asuncion Teves and her successors-in-interest. 36 Despite this, no
received from ASUNCION TEVES; WE, Teotimo, Felicia, Pedro, Gorgonio explanation was offered by plaintiffs-appellants as to why they instituted
and Arcadia, all surnamed Teves, do hereby sell, transfer and convey the present action questioning the extrajudicial settlements only in
unto Asuncion Teves, married to Isaac Itit, Filipino, of legal age and 1984, which is more than 25 years after the assailed conveyance of Lot
resident of and with postal address in the City of Dumaguete, all our 769-A and more than 10 years after the issuance of a transfer certificate
shares, interests and participations over Lot 769-A of the subdivision of title over Lot 6409, both in favor of Asuncion Teves. Such tardiness
plan, Psd, being a portion of Lot No. 769 of the Cadastral Survey of indubitably constitutes laches, which is the negligence or omission to
Dumaguete, her heirs, successors and assigns, together with all the assert a right within a reasonable time, warranting a presumption that
improvements thereon. the party entitled to assert it either has abandoned it or declined to
assert it. 37 Thus, even assuming that plaintiffs-appellants had a
x x x defensible cause of action, they are barred from pursuing the same by
reason of their long and inexcusable inaction.

It has even been admitted by both parties that Ricardo Teves is in An extrajudicial settlement is a contract and it is a well-entrenched
possession of an undetermined portion of Lot 769-A and defendants- doctrine that the law does not relieve a party from the effects of a
appellees It-it do not claim ownership over his share in the land. 31 Thus, contract, entered into with all the required formalities and with full
contrary to the appellate court’s ruling, there is no basis for an action for awareness of what he was doing, simply because the contract turned out
reconveyance of Ricardo Teves’ share since, in the first place, there has to be a foolish or unwise investment. 38 Therefore, although plaintiffs-
been no conveyance. Ricardo Teves is entitled to the ownership and appellants may regret having alienated their hereditary shares in favor
possession of one-eight of Lot 769-A. of their sister Asuncion, they must now be considered bound by their
own contractual acts.
Neither does Ricardo Teves have a right to demand partition of Lot 769-
A because the two extrajudicial settlements have already effectively WHEREFORE, the August 18, 1992 decision of the Court of Appeals is
partitioned such property. Every act which is intended to put an end to hereby AFFIRMED. No pronouncements as to costs.
indivision among co-heirs and legatees or devisees is deemed to be a
partition, although it should purport to be a sale, an exchange, a SO ORDERED.
compromise, or any other transaction. 32 The extrajudicial settlements
executed in 1956 and 1959 adjudicated Lot 769-A in equal shares unto
the eight heirs of Marcelina Cimafranca. Such a partition, which was

24 | P a g e
Articles 1051-1080, Wills and Succession

In 1974, private respondent Simeon Recasa, Marcelino’s child by his

[G.R. No. 135602. April 28, 2000.] third wife, taking advantage of the illness of Quirico Seraspi, who had
been paralyzed due to a stroke, forcibly entered the lands in question
RECASA, Respondents. In 1983, the Seraspis purchased the lands from Manuel Rata and
afterwards filed a complaint against Simeon Recasa for recovery of
DECISION possession of the lands.

The trial court ruled in favor of the Seraspis, stating that they had
MENDOZA, J.: acquired the property through a sale and acquisitive prescription.
However, on appeal, the Court of Appeals reversed on the ground that
the action of the Seraspis was barred by the statute of limitations.
This case is here for review of the decision 1 of the Court of Appeals, Hence, this petition filed by Quirico Seraspi who, in the meantime, had
dated May 15, 1998, reversing the decision of Branch 1 of the Regional passed away and was thus substituted by his heirs.
Trial Court, Kalibo, Aklan and dismissing, on the ground of prescription,
the complaint filed by petitioners for the recovery of possession and Two issues are presented: (1) whether petitioners’ action is barred by
ownership of two parcels of land in Banga, Aklan. extinctive prescription; and (2) whether private respondent Simeon
Recasa acquired ownership of the properties in question through
The facts are as : acquisitive prescription.

Marcelino Recasa was the owner of two parcels of land described as We rule, for Petitioners.
follows:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
The Court of Appeals, while ruling that petitioners were able to establish
PARCEL I: A parcel of cocal land located at Barangay Lapnag, Banga, the identity of the property as well as the credibility of their title ¾ the
Aklan, with an area of 770 square meters, more or less; bounded North elements required to prove one’s claim for recovery of property 2 ¾
by Lazaro Navarra, now Flocerfina Ibit; South by Celsa Retis; East by nonetheless held that the action was barred by prescription. Citing
Banga-Libacao Provincial Road; and West by Aklan River, which parcel of Arradaza v. Court of Appeals, 3 it held that an action for recovery of title
land declared in the name of Marcelino Recasa under Tax Declaration or possession of real property or an interest therein can only be brought
No. 3721, Series of 1984, with an assessed value of P2,440.00; within ten (10) years after the cause of action has accrued. Since the
action for recovery of possession and ownership was filed by petitioners
PARCEL II: A parcel of cocal land with an area of 3,648 square meters, only on April 12, 1987, i.e., thirteen (13) years after their predecessor-
more or less, located in Barangay Lapnag, Banga, Aklan; bounded North in-interest had been allegedly deprived of the possession of the property
by Concepcion Navarra; South by Diosdado Navarra; East by Gabriel by private respondent, it was held that the action had prescribed.
Reloj; and West by National Road; covered by Tax Declaration No. 11079
in the name of Purificacion Seraspi, Series of 1984, and having an Arradaza involves acquisitive, not extinctive, prescription. What is more,
assessed value of P1,650.00. the facts in that case arose before the effectivity of the Civil Code.
Accordingly, what was applied was §41 of the Code of Civil Procedure
During his lifetime, Marcelino contracted three (3) marriages. At the which provides that title by prescription is acquired after ten (10) years,
time of his death in 1943, he had fifteen (15) children from his three in whatever manner possession may have been commenced or
marriages. In 1948, his intestate estate was partitioned into three parts continued, and regardless of good faith or with just title. On the other
by his heirs, each part corresponding to the share of the heirs in each hand, what is involved here is extinctive prescription, and the applicable
marriage. law is Art. 1141 of the Civil Code which provides:chanrob1es virtual 1aw
In the same year, Patronicio Recasa, representing the heirs of the first
marriage, sold the share of the heirs in the estate to Dominador Recasa, Real actions over immovables prescribe after thirty years.
an heir of the second marriage. On June 15, 1950, Dominador,
representing the heirs of the second marriage, in turn sold the share of This provision is without prejudice to what is established for the
the heirs to Quirico and Purificacion Seraspi whose heirs are the present acquisition of ownership and other real rights by prescription.
petitioners. Included in this sale was the property sold by Patronicio to
Dominador. The question, therefore, is whether private respondent has acquired the
ownership of the two lands by prescription. On this point, the Civil Code
In 1958, the Seraspis obtained a loan from the Kalibo Rural Bank, Inc. provides:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
(KRBI) on the security of the lands in question to finance improvements
on the lands. However, they failed to pay the loan for which reason the ARTICLE 1117. Acquisitive prescription of dominion and other real rights
mortgage was foreclosed and the lands were sold to KRBI as the highest may be ordinary or extraordinary.
bidder. Subsequently, the lands were sold by KRBI to Manuel Rata,
brother-in-law of Quirico Seraspi. It appears that Rata, as owner of the Ordinary acquisitive prescription requires possession of things in good
property, allowed Quirico Seraspi to administer the property. faith and with just title for the time fixed by law.

25 | P a g e
Articles 1051-1080, Wills and Succession

ARTICLE 1134. Ownership and other real rights over immovable property the maxim non nudis pactis, sed traditione dominia dominica rerum
are acquired by ordinary prescription through possession of ten years. transferuntur (not mere agreements but tradition transfers the
ownership of things).
ARTICLE 1137. Ownership and other real rights over immovables also
prescribe through uninterrupted adverse possession thereof for thirty Consequently, petitioners are not the owners of the property since it has
years, without need of title or of good faith.chanrobles virtua| |aw not been delivered to them. At the time they bought the property from
|ibrary Rata in 1983, the property was in the possession of private Respondent.

Thus, acquisitive prescription of dominion and other real rights may be However, this does not give private respondent a right to remain in
ordinary or extraordinary, depending on whether the property is possession of the property. Petitioners’ title to the property prevails
possessed in good faith and with just title for the time fixed by law. 4 over private respondents’ possession in fact but without basis in law. As
Private respondent contends that he acquired the ownership of the held in Waite v. Peterson, 9 when the property belonging to a person is
questioned property by ordinary prescription through adverse unlawfully taken by another, the former has the right of action against
possession for ten (10) years. the latter for the recovery of the property. Such right may be transferred
by the sale or assignment of the property, and the transferee can
The contention has no merit, because he has neither just title nor good maintain such action against the wrongdoer.
faith. As Art. 1129 provides:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
WHEREFORE, the decision of the respondent Court of Appeals is hereby
For the purposes of prescription, there is just title when the adverse REVERSED, and private respondent Simeon Recasa is ordered to return
claimant came into possession of the property through one of the modes the possession of the contested parcels of land to petitioners as heirs of
recognized by law for the acquisition of ownership or other real rights, Quirico and Purificacion Seraspi.
but the grantor was not the owner or could not transmit any right.
SO : red
In the case at bar, private respondent did not acquire possession of the
property through any of the modes recognized by the Civil Code, to wit:
(1) occupation, (2) intellectual creation, (3) law, (4) donation, (5)
succession, (6) tradition in consequence of certain contracts, and (7)
prescription. 5 [G.R. NO. 141882 : March 11, 2005]

Private respondent could not have acquired ownership over the

J.L.T. AGRO, INC., represented by its Manager, JULIAN L.
property through occupation since, under Art. 714 of the Civil Code, the
ownership of a piece of land cannot be acquired by occupation. Nor can
CADAYDAY, Respondents.
he base his ownership on succession for the property was not part of
those distributed to the heirs of the third marriage, to which private
respondent belongs. It must be remembered that in the partition of the DECISION
intestate estate of Marcelino Recasa, the properties were divided into
three parts, each part being reserved for each group of heirs belonging TINGA, J.:
to one of the three marriages Marcelino entered into. Since the
contested parcels of land were adjudicated to the heirs of the first and Once again, the Court is faced with the perennial conflict of property
second marriages, it follows that private respondent, as heir of the third claims between two sets of heirs, a conflict ironically made grievous by
marriage, has no right over the parcels of land. While, as heir to the the fact that the decedent in this case had resorted to great lengths to
intestate estate of his father, private respondent was co-owner of all of allocate which properties should go to which set of heirs.
his father’s properties, such co-ownership rights were effectively
dissolved by the partition agreed upon by the heirs of Marcelino Recasa.
This is a Rule 45 petition assailing the Decision1 dated 30 September
1999 of the Court of Appeals which reversed the Decision2 dated 7 May
Neither can private respondent claim good faith in his favor. Good faith
1993 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch 45, of Bais City, Negros
consists in the reasonable belief that the person from whom the
possessor received the thing was its owner but could not transmit the
ownership thereof. 6 Private respondent entered the property without
the consent of the previous owner. For all intents and purposes, he is a The factual antecedents follow.
mere usurper.
Don Julian L. Teves (Don Julian) contracted two marriages, first with
Like private respondent, petitioners have not acquired the property Antonia Baena (Antonia), and after her death, with Milagros Donio Teves
through any of the modes recognized by law for the acquisition of (Milagros Donio). Don Julian had two children with Antonia, namely:
ownership. The basis of petitioners’ claim of ownership is the contract Josefa Teves Escaño (Josefa) and Emilio Teves (Emilio). He had also four
of sale they had with Rata, but this by itself is insufficient to make them (4) children with Milagros Donio, namely: Maria Evelyn Donio Teves
owners of the property. For while a contract of sale is perfected by the (Maria Evelyn), Jose Catalino Donio Teves (Jose Catalino), Milagros Reyes
meeting of minds upon the thing which is the object of the contract and Teves (Milagros Reyes) and Pedro Reyes Teves (Pedro).3
upon the price, 7 the ownership of the thing sold is not transferred to
the vendee until actual or constructive delivery of the property. 8 Hence,

26 | P a g e
Articles 1051-1080, Wills and Succession

The present controversy involves a parcel of land covering nine hundred Meanwhile, Milagros Donio and her children had immediately taken
and fifty-four (954) square meters, known as Lot No. 63 of the Bais possession over the subject lot after the execution of the Compromise
Cadastre, which was originally registered in the name of the conjugal Agreement. In 1974, they entered into a yearly lease agreement with
partnership of Don Julian and Antonia under Original Certificate of Title spouses Antonio Balansag and Hilaria Cadayday, respondents
(OCT) No. 5203 of the Registry of Deeds of Bais City. When Antonia died, herein.14 On Lot No. 63, respondents temporarily established their home
the land was among the properties involved in an action for partition and constructed a lumber yard. Subsequently, Milagros Donio and her
and damages docketed as Civil Case No. 3443 entitled "Josefa Teves children executed a Deed of Extrajudicial Partition of Real Estate15 dated
Escaño v. Julian Teves, Emilio B. Teves, et al."4 Milagros Donio, the 18 March 1980. In the deed of partition, Lot No. 63 was allotted to
second wife of Don Julian, participated as an intervenor. Thereafter, the Milagros Donio and her two (2) children, Maria Evelyn and Jose Catalino.
parties to the case entered into a Compromise Agreement5 which Unaware that the subject lot was already registered in the name of
embodied the partition of all the properties of Don Julian. petitioner in 1979, respondents bought Lot No. 63 from Milagros Donio
as evidenced by the Deed of Absolute Sale of Real Estate16 dated 9
On the basis of the compromise agreement and approving the same, the November 1983.
Court of First Instance (CFI) of Negros Oriental, 12th Judicial District,
rendered a Decision6 dated 31 January 1964. The CFI decision declared a At the Register of Deeds while trying to register the deed of absolute
tract of land known as Hacienda Medalla Milagrosa as property owned sale, respondents discovered that the lot was already titled in the name
in common by Don Julian and his two (2) children of the first marriage. of petitioner. Thus, they failed to register the deed.17
The property was to remain undivided during the lifetime of Don
Julian.7 Josefa and Emilio likewise were given other properties at Bais, Respondents, as vendees of Lot No. 63, filed a complaint before the RTC
including the electric plant, the "movie property," the commercial areas, Branch 45 of Bais City, seeking the declaration of nullity and cancellation
and the house where Don Julian was living. The remainder of the of TCT No. T-375 in the name of petitioner and the transfer of the title
properties was retained by Don Julian, including Lot No. 63. to Lot No. 63 in their names, plus damages.18

Paragraph 13 of the Compromise Agreement, at the heart of the present After hearing, the trial court dismissed the complaint filed by
dispute, lays down the effect of the eventual death of Don Julian vis - à- respondents. The dispositive portion of the decision reads:
vishis heirs:
WHEREFORE, premises considered, by preponderance of evidence, this
13. That in the event of death of Julian L. Teves, the properties Court finds judgment in favor of the defendant and against the plaintiff,
hereinafter adjudicated to Josefa Teves Escaňo and Emilio B. Teves, and thus hereby orders:
(excluding the properties comprised as Hacienda Medalla Milagrosa
together with all its accessories and accessions) shall be understood as
(1) That complaint be dismissed;
including not only their one-half share which they inherited from their
mother but also the legitimes and other successional rights which would
correspond to them of the other half belonging to their father, Julian L. (2) That plaintiffs vacate the subject land, particularly identified as Lot
Teves. In other words, the properties now selected and adjudicated to No. 63 registered under Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-375;
Julian L. Teves (not including his share in the Hacienda Medalla
Milagrosa) shall exclusively be adjudicatedto the wife in second (3) That plaintiffs pay costs.
marriage of Julian L. Teves and his four minor children, namely, Milagros
Donio Teves, his two acknowledged natural children Milagros Reyes Finding no basis on the counterclaim by defendant, the same is hereby
Teves and Pedro Reyes Teves and his two legitimated children Maria ordered dismissed.19
Evelyn Donio Teves and Jose Catalino Donio Teves. (Emphasis
The trial court ruled that the resolution of the case specifically hinged on
the interpretation of paragraph 13 of the Compromise Agreement.20 It
On 16 November 1972, Don Julian, Emilio and Josefa executed a Deed of added that the direct adjudication of the properties listed in
Assignment of Assets with Assumption of Liabilities8 in favor of J.L.T. the Compromise Agreement was only in favor of Don Julian and his two
Agro, Inc. (petitioner). Less than a year later, Don Julian, Josefa and children by the first marriage, Josefa and Emilio.21 Paragraph 13 served
Emilio also executed an instrument entitled Supplemental to the Deed of only as an amplification of the terms of the adjudication in favor of Don
Assignment of Assets with the Assumption of Liabilities (Supplemental Julian and his two children by the first marriage.
Deed)9 dated 31 July 1973. This instrument which constitutes a
supplement to the earlier deed of assignment transferred ownership
over Lot No. 63, among other properties, in favor of petitioner. 10 On 14 According to the trial court, the properties adjudicated in favor of Josefa
April 1974, Don Julian died intestate. and Emilio comprised their shares in the estate of their deceased mother
Antonia, as well as their potential share in the estate of Don Julian upon
the latter's death. Thus, upon Don Julian's death, Josefa and Emilio could
On the strength of the SupplementalDeed in its favor, petitioner sought not claim any share in his estate, except their proper share in the
the registration of the subject lot in its name. A court, so it appeared, Hacienda Medalla Milagrosa which was adjudicated in favor of Don
issued an order11cancelling OCT No. 5203 in the name of spouses Don Julian in the Compromise Agreement. As such, the properties
Julian and Antonia on 12 November 1979, and on the same date TCT No. adjudicated in favor of Don Julian, except Hacienda Medalla Milagrosa,
T-375 was issued in the name of petitioner.12 Since then, petitioner has were free from the forced legitimary rights of Josefa and Emilio, and Don
been paying taxes assessed on the subject lot.13
27 | P a g e
Articles 1051-1080, Wills and Succession

Julian was under no impediment to allocate the subject lot, among his Aggrieved by the appellate court's decision, petitioner elevated it to this
other properties, to Milagros Donio and her four (4) children.22 Court via a Petition for Review on Certiorari, raising pure questions of
The trial court further stressed that with the use of the words "shall be,"
the adjudication in favor of Milagros Donio and her four (4) children was Before this Court, petitioner assigns as errors the following rulings of the
not final and operative, as the lot was still subject to future disposition appellate court, to wit: (a) that future legitime can be determined,
by Don Julian during his lifetime.23 It cited paragraph 1424 of adjudicated and reserved prior to the death of Don Julian; (b) that Don
the Compromise Agreement in support of his conclusion.25 With Lot No. Julian had no right to dispose of or assign Lot No. 63 to petitioner
63 being the conjugal property of Don Julian and Antonia, the trial court because he reserved the same for his heirs from the second marriage
also declared that Milagros Donio and her children had no hereditary pursuant to the Compromise Agreement; (c) that the Supplemental
rights thereto except as to the conjugal share of Don Julian, which they Deed was tantamount to a preterition of his heirs from the second
could claim only upon the death of the latter.26 marriage; and (d) that TCT No. T-375 in the name of petitioner is spurious
for not containing entries on the Book No. and Page No.33
The trial court ruled that at the time of Don Julian's death on 14 April
1974, Lot No. 63 was no longer a part of his estate since he had earlier While most of petitioner's legal arguments have merit, the application
assigned it to petitioner on 31 July 1973. Consequently, the lot could not of the appropriate provisions of law to the facts borne out by the
be a proper subject of extrajudicial partition by Milagros Donio and her evidence on record nonetheless warrants the affirmance of the result
children, and not being the owners they could not have sold it. Had reached by the Court of Appeals in favor of respondents.
respondents exercised prudence before buying the subject lot by
investigating the registration of the same with the Registry of Deeds, Being the key adjudicative provision, paragraph 13 of the Compromise
they would have discovered that five (5) years earlier, OCT No. 5203 had Agreement has to be quoted again:
already been cancelled and replaced by TCT No. T-375 in the name of
petitioner, the trial court added.27
13. That in the event of death of Julian L. Teves, the properties herein
adjudicated to Josefa Teves Escaño and Emilio B. Teves, (excluding the
The Court of Appeals, however, reversed the trial court's decision. The properties comprised as Hacienda Medalla Milagrosa together with all
decretal part of the appellate decision reads: its accessories and accessions) shall be understood as including not only
their one-half share which they inherited from their mother but also the
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the decision appealed from is hereby legitimes and other successional rights which would correspond to them
REVERSED and SET ASIDE and a new one is entered declaring the of the other half belonging to their father, Julian L.Teves. In other words,
Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-375 registered in the name of J.L.T. the properties now selected and adjudicated to Julian L. Teves (not
Agro, Inc. as null and void. including his share in the Hacienda Medalla Milagrosa) shall exclusively
be adjudicatedto the wife in second marriage of Julian L. Teves and his
With costs against defendant J.L.T. Agro, Inc. represented by its four minor children, namely, Milagros Donio Teves, his two
Manager, Julian L. Teves. acknowledged natural children Milagros Reyes Teves and Pedro Reyes
Teves and his two legitimated children Maria Evelyn Donio Teves and
Jose Catalino Donio Teves."(Emphasis supplied)ςrαlαωlιbrαrÿ

With the quoted paragraph as basis, the Court of Appeals ruled that the
Per the appellate court, the Compromise Agreement incorporated in CFI
adjudication in favor of the heirs of Don Julian from the second marriage
decision dated 31 January 1964, particularly paragraph 13 thereof,
became automatically operative upon the approval of the Compromise
determined, adjudicated and reserved to Don Julian's two sets of heirs
Agreement, thereby vesting on them the right to validly dispose of Lot
their future legitimes in his estate except as regards his (Don Julian's)
No. 63 in favor of respondents.
share in Hacienda Medalla Milagrosa.29 The two sets of heirs acquired
full ownership and possession of the properties respectively adjudicated
to them in the CFI decision and Don Julian himself could no longer Petitioner argues that the appellate court erred in holding that future
dispose of the same, including Lot No. 63. The disposition in the CFI legitime can be determined, adjudicated and reserved prior to the death
decision constitutes res judicata.30 Don Julian could have disposed of of Don Julian. The Court agrees. Our declaration in Blas v. Santos34 is
only his conjugal share in the Hacienda Medalla Milagrosa.31 relevant, where we defined future inheritance as any property or
right not in existence or capable of determination at the time of the
contract, that a person may in the future acquire by succession. Article
The appellate court likewise emphasized that nobody in his right
1347 of the New Civil Code explicitly provides:
judgment would preterit his legal heirs by simply executing a document
like the Supplemental Deed which practically covers all properties which
Don Julian had reserved in favor of his heirs from the second marriage. ART. 1347. All things which are not outside the commerce of men,
It also found out that the blanks reserved for the Book No. and Page No. including future things, may be the object of a contract. All rights which
at the upper right corner of TCT No. T-375, "to identify the exact location are not intransmissible may also be the object of contracts.
where the said title was registered or transferred," were not filled up,
thereby indicating that the TCT is "spurious and of dubious origin."32 No contract may be entered into upon future inheritance except in
cases expressly authorized by law.

28 | P a g e
Articles 1051-1080, Wills and Succession

All services which are not contrary to law, morals, good customs, public heirs from the respect due to the will of the owner of the property,
order or public policy may likewise be the object of a contract. limited only by his creditors and the intangibility of the legitime of the
forced heirs.42
Well-entrenched is the rule that all things, even future ones, which are
not outside the commerce of man may be the object of a contract. The The partition inter vivos of the properties of Don Julian is undoubtedly
exception is that no contract may be entered into with respect to future valid pursuant to Article 1347. However, considering that it would
inheritance, and the exception to the exception is the partition inter become legally operative only upon the death of Don Julian, the right of
vivos referred to in Article 1080.35 his heirs from the second marriage to the properties adjudicated to him
under the compromise agreement was but a mere expectancy. It was a
For the inheritance to be considered "future," the succession must not bare hope of succession to the property of their father. Being the
have been opened at the time of the contract.36 A contract may be prospect of a future acquisition, the interest by its nature was inchoate.
classified as a contract upon future inheritance, prohibited under the It had no attribute of property, and the interest to which it related was
second paragraph of Article 1347, where the following requisites concur: at the time nonexistent and might never exist.43

(1) That the succession has not yet been opened; Evidently, at the time of the execution of the deed of assignment
covering Lot No. 63 in favor of petitioner, Don Julian remained the owner
of the property since ownership over the subject lot would only pass to
(2) That the object of the contract forms part of the inheritance;
his heirs from the second marriage at the time of his death. Thus, as the
owner of the subject lot, Don Julian retained the absolute right to
dispose of it during his lifetime. His right cannot be challenged by
(3) That the promissor has, with respect to the object, an expectancy of Milagros Donio and her children on the ground that it had already been
a right which is purely hereditary in nature.37 adjudicated to them by virtue of the compromise agreement.

The first paragraph of Article 1080, which provides the exception to the Emerging as the crucial question in this case is whether Don Julian had
exception and therefore aligns with the general rule on future things, validly transferred ownership of the subject lot during his lifetime. The
reads: lower court ruled that he had done so through the Supplemental Deed.
The appellate court disagreed, holding that the Supplemental Deed is
ART. 1080. Should a person make a partition of his estate by an act inter not valid, containing as it does a prohibited preterition of Don Julian's
vivos, or by will, such partition shall be respected, insofar as it does not heirs from the second marriage. Petitioner contends that the ruling of
prejudice the legitime of the compulsory heirs. the Court of Appeals is erroneous. The contention is well-founded.

.... Article 854 provides that the preterition or omission of one, some, or all
of the compulsory heirs in the direct line, whether living at the time of
In interpreting this provision, Justice Edgardo Paras advanced the the execution of the will or born after the death of the testator, shall
opinion that if the partition is made by an act inter vivos, no formalities annul the institution of heir; but the devises and legacies shall be valid
are prescribed by the Article.38 The partition will of course be effective insofar as they are not inofficious. Manresa defines preterition as the
only after death. It does not necessarily require the formalities of a will omission of the heir in the will, either by not naming him at all or, while
for after all it is not the partition that is the mode of acquiring ownership. mentioning him as father, son, etc., by not instituting him as heir without
Neither will the formalities of a donation be required since donation will disinheriting him expressly, nor assigning to him some part of the
not be the mode of acquiring the ownership here after death; since no properties.44 It is the total omission of a compulsory heir in the direct
will has been made it follows that the mode will be succession (intestate line from inheritance.45 It consists in the silence of the testator with
succession). Besides, the partition here is merely the physical regard to a compulsory heir, omitting him in the testament, either by
determination of the part to be given to each heir.39 not mentioning him at all, or by not giving him anything in the hereditary
property but without expressly disinheriting him, even if he is mentioned
in the will in the latter case.46 But there is no preterition where the
The historical antecedent of Article 1080 of the New Civil Code is Article testator allotted to a descendant a share less than the legitime, since
105640 of the old Civil Code. The only change in the provision is that there was no total omission of a forced heir.47
Article 1080 now permits any person (not a testator, as under the old
law) to partition his estate by act inter vivos. This was intended to
abrogate the then prevailing doctrine that for a testator to partition his In the case at bar, Don Julian did not execute a will since what he
estate by an act inter vivos, he must first make a will with all the resorted to was a partition inter vivos of his properties, as evidenced by
formalities provided by law.41 the court approved Compromise Agreement. Thus, it is premature if not
irrelevant to speak of preterition prior to the death of Don Julian in the
absence of a will depriving a legal heir of his legitime. Besides, there are
Article 1056 of the old Civil Code (now Article 1080) authorizes a testator other properties which the heirs from the second marriage could inherit
to partition inter vivos his property, and distribute them among his heirs, from Don Julian upon his death. A couple of provisions in
and this partition is neither a donation nor a testament, but the Compromise Agreement are indicative of Don Julian's desire along
an instrument of a special character, sui generis, which is revocable at this line.48 Hence, the total omission from inheritance of Don Julian's
any time by the causante during his lifetime, and does not operate as a heirs from the second marriage, a requirement for preterition to exist, is
conveyance of title until his death. It derives its binding force on the hardly imaginable as it is unfounded.
29 | P a g e
Articles 1051-1080, Wills and Succession

Despite the debunking of respondents' argument on preterition, still the the number and the place of registration of the certificate of title of the
petition would ultimately rise or fall on whether there was a valid land conveyed. (Emphasis supplied)ςrαlαωlιbrαrÿ
transfer effected by Don Julian to petitioner. Notably, Don Julian was
also the president and director of petitioner, and his daughter from the As petitioner bases its right to the subject lot on the Supplemental
first marriage, Josefa, was the treasurer thereof. There is of course no Deed, it should have presented it to the Register of Deeds to secure the
legal prohibition against such a transfer to a family corporation. Yet close transfer of the title in its name. Apparently, it had not done so. There is
scrutiny is in order, especially considering that such transfer would nothing on OCT No. 5203 or on the succeeding TCT No. T-375 either
remove Lot No. 63 from the estate from which Milagros and her children which shows that it had presented the Supplemental Deed. In fact, there
could inherit. Both the alleged transfer deed and the title which is absolutely no mention of a reference to said document in the original
necessarily must have emanated from it have to be subjected to incisive and transfer certificates of title. It is in this regard that the finding of the
and detailed examination. Court of Appeals concerning the absence of entries on the blanks
intended for the Book No. and Page No. gains significant relevance.
Well-settled, of course, is the rule that a certificate of title serves as Indeed, this aspect fortifies the conclusion that the cancellation of OCT
evidence of an indefeasible title to the property in favor of the person No. 5203 and the consequent issuance of TCT No. T-375 in its place are
whose name appears therein.49 A certificate of title accumulates in one not predicated on a valid transaction.
document a precise and correct statement of the exact status of the fee
held by its owner. The certificate, in the absence of fraud, is the evidence What appears instead on OCT No. 5203 is the following pertinent entry:
of title and shows exactly the real interest of its owner.50
Entry No. 1374: Kind: Order: Executed in favor of J.L.T. AGRO, INC.
To successfully assail the juristic value of what a Torrens title establishes,
a sufficient and convincing quantum of evidence on the defect of the
CONDITIONS: Lost owner's duplicate is hereby cancelled, and null and
title must be adduced to overcome the predisposition in law in favor of
void and a new Certificate of Title No. 375 is issued per Order of the
a holder of a Torrens title. Thus, contrary to the appellate court's ruling,
Court of First Instance on file in this office.
the appearance of a mere thumbmark of Don Julian instead of his
signature in the Supplemental Deed would not affect the validity of
petitioner's title for this Court has ruled that a thumbmark is a Date of Instrument: November 12, 1979
recognized mode of signature.51
Date of Inscription: Nov. 12, 1979 4:00 P.M.
The truth, however, is that the replacement of OCT No. 5203 in the name
of Julian by T.C.T. No. T-375 is marred by a grave irregularity which is also
an illegality, as it contravenes the orthodox, conventional and normal
Acting Deputy Register of Deeds II
process established by law. And, worse still, the illegality is reflected on
(Emphasis supplied)52
the face of both titles. Where, as in this case, the transferee relies on a
voluntary instrument to secure the issuance of a new title in his name
such instrument has to be presented to the Registry of Deeds. This is What the entry indicates is that the owner's duplicate of OCT No. 5203
evident from Sections 53 and 57 of Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 1529 was lost, a petition for the reconstitution of the said owner's duplicate
or the Property Registration Decree. The sections read, thus: was filed in court, and the court issued an order for the reconstitution of
the owner's duplicate and its replacement with a new one. But if the
SEC. 53. Presentation of owner's duplicate upon entry of new certificate. entry is to be believed, the court concerned (CFI, according to the entry)
'No voluntary instrument shall be registered by the Register of Deeds issued an order for the issuance of a new title which is TCT No. T-375
unless the owner's duplicate certificate is presented with such although the original of OCT No. 5203 on file with the Registry of Deeds
instrument, except in cases expressly provided for in this Decree or upon had not been lost.
order of the court, for cause shown. (Emphasis supplied)ςrαlαωlιbrαrÿ
Going by the legal, accepted and normal process, the reconstitution
.... court may order the reconstitution and replacement of the lost title only,
nothing else. Since what was lost is the owner's copy of OCT No. 5203,
only that owner's copy could be ordered replaced. Thus, the Register of
SEC. 57. Procedure in registration of conveyances. 'An owner desiring to
convey his registered land in fee simple shall execute and register a deed Deeds exceeded his authority in issuing not just a reconstituted owner's
copy of the original certificate of title but a new transfer certificate of
of conveyance in a form sufficient in law. The Register of Deeds shall
title in place of the original certificate of title. But if the court order, as
thereafter make out in the registration book a new certificate of title to
the entry intimates, directed the issuance of a new transfer certificate of
the grantee and shall prepare and deliver to him an owner's duplicate
title even designating the very number of the new transfer certificate of
certificate. The Register of Deeds shall note upon the original and
title itself the order would be patently unlawful. A court cannot legally
duplicate certificate the date of transfer, the volume and page of the
order the cancellation and replacement of the original of the O.C.T.
registration book in which the new certificate is registered and a
reference by number to the last preceding certificate. The original and which has not been lost,53 as the petition for reconstitution is premised
on the loss merely of the owner's duplicate of the OCT
the owner's duplicate of the grantor's certificate shall be stamped
"cancelled." The deed of conveyance shall be filed and endorsed with
Apparently, petitioner had resorted to the court order as a convenient
contrivance to effect the transfer of title to the subject lot in its name,
30 | P a g e
Articles 1051-1080, Wills and Succession

instead of the Supplemental Deed which should be its proper course of The Court of Appeals, on the other hand, apparently considered the
action. It was so constrained to do because the Supplemental Deed does 1948 mortgage which is annotated on the back of the TCT No. T-375 as
not constitute a deed of conveyance of the "registered land in fee the consideration for the assignment.56 However, the said
simple" "in a form sufficient in law," as required by Section 57 of P.D. No. annotation57 shows that the mortgage was actually executed in favor of
1529. Rehabilitation Finance Corporation, not of petitioner.58 Clearly, said
mortgage, executed as it was in favor of the Rehabilitation Finance
A plain reading of the pertinent provisions of the Supplemental Corporation and there being no showing that petitioner itself paid off
Deeddiscloses that the assignment is not supported by any the mortgate obligation, could not have been the consideration for the
consideration. The provision reads: assignment to petitioner.

.... Article 1318 of the New Civil Code enumerates the requisites of a valid
contract, namely: (1) consent of the contracting parties; (2) object
certain which is the subject matter of the contract; and (3) Causeof the
WHEREAS, in the Deed of Assignment of Assets with the Assumption of
obligation which is established.
Liabilities executed by Julian L. Teves, Emilio B. Teves and Josefa T.
Escaño at Dumaguete City on 16th day of November 1972 and ratified in
the City of Dumaguete before Notary Public Lenin Victoriano, and Thus, Article 1352 declares that contracts without cause, or with
entered in the latter's notarial register as Doc. No. 367; Page No. 17; unlawful cause produce no effect whatsoever. Those contracts lack an
Book No. V; series of 1972, Julian L. Teves, Emilio B. Teves and Josefa T. essential element and they are not only voidable but void or inexistent
Escaño, transferred, conveyed and assigned unto J.L.T. AGRO, INC., all its pursuant to Article 1409, paragraph (2).59 The absence of the usual
assets and liabilities as reflected in the Balance Sheet of the former as of recital of consideration in a transaction which normally should be
December 31, 1971. supported by a consideration such as the assignment made by Don Julian
of all nineteen (19) lots he still had at the time, coupled with the fact that
the assignee is a corporation of which Don Julian himself was also the
WHEREAS, on the compromise agreement, as mentioned in the Decision
President and Director, forecloses the application of the presumption of
made in the Court of First Instance of Negros Oriental, 12th Judicial
existence of consideration established by law.60
District Branch II, on Dec. 31, 1964 pertaining to Civil Case No. 3443 the
following properties were adjudicated to Don Julian L. Teves. We quote.
Neither could the Supplemental Deed validly operate as a donation.
Article 749 of the New Civil Code is clear on the point, thus:
From the properties at Bais
Adjudicated to Don Julian L.Teves
Art. 749. In order that the donation of the immovable may be valid, it
must be made in a public document, specifying therein the property
donated and the value of the charges which the donee must satisfy.

Lot No. 63, Tax Dec. No. 33, Certificate of Title No. 5203, together with
The acceptance may be made in the same deed of donation or in a
all improvements. Assessed value - P2,720.00
separate public document, but it shall not take effect unless it is done
during the lifetime of the donor.
If the acceptance is made in a separate instrument, the donor shall be
WHEREAS, this Deed of Assignment is executed by the parties herein in notified thereof in an authentic form, and this step shall be noted in both
order to effect the registration of the transfer of the above corporation. instruments.

NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the above premises the In Sumipat, et al v. Banga, et al.,61 this Court declared that title to
ASSIGNOR hereby transfers, conveys, and assigns unto J.L.T. AGRO, INC., immovable property does not pass from the donor to the donee by
the above described parcel of land[s] with a fair market value of virtue of a deed of donation until and unless it has been accepted in a
EIGHTY-FOUR THOUSAND PESOS (P84,000.00), Philippine Currency, and public instrument and the donor duly notified thereof. The acceptance
which transfer, conveyance and assignment shall become absolute upon may be made in the very same instrument of donation. If the acceptance
signing.54 (Emphasis supplied)ςrαlαωlιbrαrÿ does not appear in the same document, it must be made in another.
Where the deed of donation fails to show the acceptance, or where the
The amount of P84,000.00 adverted to in the dispositive portion of the formal notice of the acceptance, made in a separate instrument, is either
instrument does not represent the consideration for the assignment not given to the donor or else not noted in the deed of donation and in
made by Don Julian. Rather, it is a mere statement of the fair market the separate acceptance, the donation is null and void.
value of all the nineteen (19) properties enumerated in the instrument,
of which Lot No. 63 is just one, that were transferred by Don Julian in In the case at bar, although the Supplemental Deed appears in a public
favor of petitioner. Consequently, the testimony55of petitioner's document,62 the absence of acceptance by the donee in the same deed
accountant that the assignment is supported by consideration cannot or even in a separate document is a glaring violation of the requirement.
prevail over the clear provision to the contrary in the Supplemental
One final note. From the substantive and procedural standpoints, the
cardinal objectives to write finis to a protracted litigation and avoid
31 | P a g e
Articles 1051-1080, Wills and Succession

multiplicity of suits are worth pursuing at all times.63 Thus, this Court has
ruled that appellate courts have ample authority to rule on specific
matters not assigned as errors or otherwise not raised in an appeal, if
these are indispensable or necessary to the just resolution of the
pleaded issues.64Specifically, matters not assigned as errors on appeal
but consideration of which are necessary in arriving at a just decision and
complete resolution of the case, or to serve the interest of justice or to
avoid dispensing piecemeal justice.65

In the instant case, the correct characterization of the Supplemental

Deed, i.e., whether it is valid or void, is unmistakably determinative of
the underlying controversy. In other words, the issue of validity or nullity
of the instrument which is at the core of the controversy is interwoven
with the issues adopted by the parties and the rulings of the trial court
and the appellate court.66Thus, this Court is also resolute in striking
down the alleged deed in this case, especially as it appears on its face to
be a blatant nullity.

WHEREFORE, foregoing premises considered, the Decision dated 30

September 1999 of the Court of Appeals is hereby AFFIRMED. Costs
against petitioner J.L.T. Agro, Inc.


32 | P a g e

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