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Created By :
Group 3
1. Ayu Febriyanti (21116003)
2. Apriliyanti Safitri (21116008)
3. Junaedi (21116025)
4. Tri Oktaviana (21116041)
5. Gisella Rara Aliande A (21116043)
6. Ratih Mayang Sari (21116057)
7. Aprianti Rosidah (21116061)

Supervisor :
Emmy Octarina, S.Pd


Health Promotion Plan

Topic : Tuberculosis
Subtopic : Be Aware With Tuberculosis
Target : Community around STIKes Muhammadiyah Palembang
Day/Date : Monday, June 17th 2019 at 09.00 AM
Time : 150 Minutes
Place : STIKes Muhammadiyah Palembang

A. General Instructional Goals

After being given the Health Promotion is expected the community will be understand
with tuberculosis and can minimize the occurence of tuberculosis.

B. Specific Instructional Goals

After being given the health promotion about Tuberculosis is expected the
participants can mention and understand about :
1. Definition of Tuberculosis
2. Sign and Symptoms of Tuberculosis
3. Trigger Factors of Tuberculosis
4. Medication of Tuberculosis
5. Prevention of Tuberculosis

C. Material (Attached)

D. Method
1. Lecture
2. Discussion with Question and Answer
E. Setting Location
The activities will be held like plan of activity below this :




Information :
A = Moderator
B = Speakers
C = Audience

F. Media
1. Video
2. Leafleat
3. Poster

G. Organizing
1. Speaker :
- Junaedi
- Ratih Mayang Sari
- Gisella Rara Aliande Azhari
2. Audience :
- Tri Oktaviana
- Ayu Febriyanti
- Apriliyanti Safitri
3. Moderator :
- Aprianti Rosidah
H. Learning Activities

Activities Time Participants Activities

1. Opening : 15 minutes
1. Open the activities with greeting. 1. Answering the greeting
2. Introducing
3. Explain the goals from the health 2. Listening
promotion 3. Listening
4. Mention the material that will be 4. Listening
2. Implementation : 50 minutes
1. Explain about the Definition and 1. Listening and Learning
Sign and Symptoms of Tuberculosis
2. Explain about the Trigger Factors 2. Listening and Learning
and Medication of Tuberculosis
3. Explain about the Prevention of
3. Listening and Learning
4. Provide an opportunity for
4. Ask and answer the
participants to ask the questions
4. Closing : 10 minutes
1. Telling the evaluation from the 1. Listening
2. Saying thank you for the 2. Listening
participation from the participants
3. Closing the activities with greeting 3. Answer the greeting
I. Evaluation
1. Structure Evaluation
- All of the participants present or join with the health promotion activities
- The Health Promotion can be held at STIKes Muhammadiyah Palembang
- The Organizing of Health Promotion carried out two days earlier.

2. Process Evaluation
- The Participants enthusiatic with the material of the health promotion
- The Participants didn’t leave the place before the activites was finished
- The Participants were actively involved in the health promotion

3. Evaluation of Results
Give the questions directly to participant, which are :
a. What the definitions of Tuberculosis ?
b. What are the sign and symptoms of Tuberculosis ?
c. What are the trigger factors of Tuberculosis ?
d. How to medication people with Tuberculosis ?
e. How to prevention of Tuberculosis ?
(Attachment 1)
1. Definition
Tuberculosis (TB) is an infection disease usually caused by Mycobacterium
Tuberculosis (Price and Wilson, 2005).
Tuberculosis generally affect the lungs, but can also affect other parts of the body.
Most Infections don’t have symptoms, in which case it is known as latent tuberculosis. About
10% of latent infections progress to active disease which, if left untreated, kills about half of
those affected (Brunner and Suddarth, 2002).

2. Sign and Symptoms

- a chronic cough with blood-containing sputum
- low-grade fever
- anorexia
- chill
- fatigue
- night sweats
- weight loss
- chest tightness and a dull
- aching chest pain may accompany the cough.
It was historically called “consumption” due to the weight loss. Infection of other
organs can cause a wide range of symptoms. (Price and Wilson, 2005).

3. Trigger Factors
Tuberculosis is spread through the air when people who have active TB in their lungs
cough, spit, speak, or sneeze. People with latent TB do not spread the disease. Active
infection occurs more often on people with HIV/AIDS and in those who smoke. (Price and
Wilson, 2005).

4. Medication
a. Diagnose
Diagnosis of active TB is based on chest X-Ray, as well as microscopic examination
and culture of body fluids. Diagnosis of latent TB relies on the tuberculin skin test
(TST) or blood test. (
b. Treatment
1) Pharmocology Treatment
Treatment of TB uses antibiotics to kill the bacteria. Effective TB treatment is
difficult, due to the unusual structure and chemical composition of the mycobacterial
cell wall, which hinders the entry of drugs and makes many antibiotics ineffective.
Latent TB is treated with either isoniazid alone, or a combination of isoniazid with
either rifampicin or rifapentine. The treatment takes at least three months. People with
latent infections are treated to prevent them from progressing to active TB disease
later in life.
Active TB disease is best treated with combinations of several antibiotics to reduce
the risk of the bacteria developing antibiotic resistance.
If multiple drug resistant (MDR-TB) is detected, treatment with at least four effective
antibiotics for 18-24 months is recommended. (
2) Traditional Treatment
There are many traditional treatments for Tuberculosis, which are :
 Yogurt : yogurt contains probiotics which can obstruct the bacterial growth.
 Garlic : in garlic contains antimicrobes who can obsruct the bacterial
 Orange Juice: orange juice contains many vitamins that can cure cough
symptoms fot Tuberculosis patient.
 Black Pepper: black pepper contains piperine that can for maximize the drug’s
 Srikaya : srikaya has cellular renovation charateristics which is similar with
anti-tubular drugs to treat Tuberculosis. (

5. Prevention
Tuberculosis prevention and control efforts primarily on the vaccination of infants
and the detection and appropriate treatment of active cases. The World Health Organization
(WHO) has achieved some success with improved treatment regimens, and a small decrease
in case numbers.
The only available vaccine as of 2011 is Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG). In children
it decreases the risk of getting the infection by 20% and the risk of infection turning into
active disease by nearly 60%. (
There are another prevention of Tuberculosis that patient with active Tuberculosis can
do, which are :

a. Close your mouth when coughing and sneezing

Don’t close your mouth with both of your hand because the bacteria can be moved to
your hands and they will be moved to another people hand’s when you shake hands
and touch them. You can use tissue or personal handkerchief when coughing and
sneezing. If you don’t have it, you can close your mouth with turn away your face to
the side of your inner arm. If you in public place, you can using mask for prevent the
Tuberculosis transmission to healthy people.
b. Don’t spit and throw the sputum carelessly
Because the bacteria from the sputum and saliva can contaminating the air and being
inhaled by healthy people. If you want to spit and throw the sputum you should do it
at bathroom and flush that until it’s rinse clearly. If you in public place, you can spit
and throw the sputum sewers and running water.
c. Avoid direct contact with children
As much as possible, avoid to getting close with babies, toddlers, or children. Because
their immune systems are still not strong and tend to be weak.
d. Let the sunshine enter your room
The bacteria that cause Tuberculosis generally can survive in the free air for 1-2
hours, depending on there is exposure or not with sunshine, humidity, and ventilation.
In the dark, damp and cold conditions, the bacteria can survive for a few days even
few months.
Clean your room, tidy up the pile of dirty clothes and open your windows and curtains
when the weather is clear. Let the sun go into the room to kill the bacteria that may be
residing in your home. (
(Attachment II)
- Aprianti Rosidah as Moderator
- Junaedi as the first speakers
- Ratih Mayang Sari as the second speakers
- Gisella Rara Aliande Azhari as the third speakers
- Ayu Febriyanti as audience
- Tri Oktaviana as audience
- Apriliyanti as audience
Aprianti : Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb. We are from group three and we will do a health
promotion about Tuberculosis disease. Before we start our persentation, I
will introduce ourself. I’am Aprianti Rosidah as a Moderator, Junaedi as the
first speakers, Ratih the second speakers, Gisella as the last speakers and Ayu
F, Tri, and Apriliyanti as audiences. Oke, let’s we start the first speakers. For
Junaedi, the time is yours.
Junaedi : thank you, moderator. Hello guys, my name is Junaedi and today I will tell
you about definition and sign and symptoms of Tuberculosis. In this class,
who knows about what is Tuberculosis ?
Ayu F : yes, i know.
Junaedi : oke, miss. Can you tell me what is Tuberculosis?
Ayu F : Tuberculosis is a lungs disease.
Junaedi : oke, that’s right. Now i will explain about Tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is .....
(Explain about definition and sign and symptoms of Tuberculosis). Oke guys,
i think enough, i return to the moderator.
Aprianti : thank you to Junaedi, the next persentation will be continue with the second
speakers. For Ratih Mayang Sari, The Time is yours.
Ratih : thank you, moderator. I will continue the persentation and I will explain
about Trigger factors and medication of Tuberculosis. (explaining the
materials). I think enough, i return to the moderator.
Aprianti : thank you for Ratih, the last materials will be explaining by Gisella. For
Gisella, the time is yours.
Gisella : thank you, moderator. Oke guys, i will explain about the prevention of
Tuberculosis. (Explaining the materials). I think enough, i return to the
Aprianti : oke guys, the persentation is done. We will tell you about the poster we
have made. For Gisella, the time is yours.
Gisella : oke, i will explain about the simple way how to prevent tuberculosis.
(explaining the poster)
Aprianti : after all of the materials have given, I will open Question and Answer
session. Anyone wants to ask?
Ayu F : How to recognize someone affected by Tuberculosis?
Aprianti : thankyou for the question, anyone wants to ask?
Apriliyanti : what the main cause of Tuberculosis?
Aprianti : oke, thankyou. For the last question, anyone wants to ask?
Tri Okta : How to avoid Tuberculosis?
Aprianti : oke thankyou guys for the questions. For the first question from Ayu F will
be answer by Junaedi.
Junaedi : People with Tuberculosis have primarily sign and symptoms which are
chronic cough with blood-containing sputum and weight loss.
Aprianti : to Ayu F, are you satisfied with the answer? Oke, the next question from
Apriliyanti will be answer by Ratih.
Ratih : the main cause of Tuberculosis is Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. TB is
spread through the air when people have active TB cough, spit, speak, or
Aprianti : to Apriliyanti, are you satisfied with the answer? Oke, the last question
from Tri will be answer by Gisel.
Gisella : TB prevention and control effort primarily with the vaccination of infants
which is the only available vaccine is Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG).
Another way to avoid TB is avoid direct contact with TB patients and clean
and let the sunshine enter your room. Because if your room exposure with the
sunshine will kill the bacteria in your room.
Aprianti : to Tri, are you satisfied with the answer? oke, the question and answer
session is done. I will evaluation the audience with the material about
Tuberculosis. To Ayu F, can you tell me what is Tuberculosis?
Ayu F : Tuberculosis is an lungs disease caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis.
Aprianti : so nice! Next, to Apriliyanti, can you tell me the sign and symptoms of
Apriliyanti : the sign and symptoms of Tuberculosis are chronic cough with containing
blood in sputum, weight loss, low grade fever, fatigue.
Aprianti : great! The last, to tri can you tell me the medication for Tuberculosis
Tri : the medication for Tuberculosis are isoniazid and rifampicin. For traditional
treatment you can consume yogurt, garlic, orange juice, black pepper, and
Aprianti : so good! Oke, the health promotion for Tuberculosis is done. We were sorry
for our mistakes, wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

The Conclusion
The conclusion of this health promotion, which are :
- Tuberculosis (TB) is an infection disease usually caused by Mycobacterium
- The main of signs and symptoms of Tuberculosis is a chronic cough with blood-
containing sputum
- Tuberculosis is spread through the air when people who have active TB in their lungs
cough, spit, speak, or sneeze.
- Diagnosis of active TB is based on chest X-Ray, as well as microscopic examination
and culture of body fluids.
- Latent TB is treated with either isoniazid alone, or a combination of isoniazid with
either rifampicin or rifapentine. The treatment takes at least three months.
- There are many traditional treatments for Tuberculosis, which are : using yogurt,
garlic, Orange juice, blackpepper, srikaya, and other.
- Tuberculosis prevention and control efforts primarily on the vaccination of infants.
- There are another prevention of Tuberculosis that patient with active Tuberculosis can
do, which are : Close your mouth when coughing and sneezing, Don’t spit and throw
the sputum carelessly, Avoid direct contact with children, and Let the sunshine enter
your room.


Mansjoer Arif, 1999. “ Kapita Selekta Kedokteran Jilid I ”. Jakarta : Media Aeculapius.

Price dkk, 2005. “ Patofisiologi : Konsep Klinis Proses – Proses Penyakit ”. Jakarta : EGC.

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