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Popularity of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)
forces today’s engineers to design and
manufacture products in a short time and at
reasonable price.Due to the wide availability and
the high requirements of the modern UAVs (high
strength-low weight) composite materials
especially polymer matrix composites reinforced
with continues fibers are most appropriate choice .
These materials are characterized by Young
module twice as high compared to aluminum
alloys while retaining two times lower weight.
Difficulties in use of composites materials are
related to the anisotropic/orthotropic structure.
Use of these materials in numerical analysis
requires knowledge of material constants and
mechanical properties in principal axes. Only fully
defined composite material guarantees real
structure behavior and reliability of calculation

Composite materials
Composite materials consist of two or more
phases with significantly different properties
(physical, chemical). Combined together they form
a material with characteristics different from
individual components. Each phase remain
separate within the finished structure.
Components of composites due to their function
can be divided into filler (reinforcement) and
matrix. Mostly used matrices materials are
polymers, metals, ceramics and carbon while fillers
materials are glass, carbon, aramid and boron.

Polymer matrix composites

Polymer matrix composites are most common due
to low costs of fabrication and attractive
properties: low density, high strength, high
stiffness, corrosion resistance and vibration
damping ability. Reinforced with continues fibers
obtain mechanical properties similar or higher
than conventional materials and present high
strength-to-weight and stiffness-to weight ratio.
Therefore polymer matrix composites reinforced
with continues fibers are widely used for
lightweight structures, for example in aviation as
parts of airframes structures. The most common
materials used for matrices are vinyl ester, epoxy,
phenol, formaldehyde (PF), polyimide (PI)
polyimide and polypropylene (PP) resins. Fillers
due to the form of occurrence may take the form
of mats (made form short fibers) or fabrics
(continue fibers).
Below the table shows the mechanical properties
of selected polymer (epoxy resin) matrix



Overall, 20 minutes is the most common
drone flight time. However, ow many minutes a
drone can fly depends on the price and type of
drone. The average drone flight time is about 5-10
minutes for a beginner drone, 15-20 minutes for a
mid range drone, and 20-30 minutes for a
prosumer vehicle.

This topic discusses the experimental and
numerical vibration analysis of a multirotor
frame, more specifically a four armed
The first phase accurately quantifies the main
source that induce structural vibrations. There
are different types of propelles are using
during the normal operation of the multirotor,
that are the main source of vibrations . There
are two similar test setups are considered for
this, one for the measurement of axial
occilating forces and second one is to
measure the radial vibration.
Both the axial and radial vibrations are
determined at different rotational
speeds.Three cases are considered: motor
without propeller, motor with wooden
propeller, motor with plastic propeller. When
a standard plastic propeller is installed, the
radial vibration force amplitude ranges from
0.1N at 500rpm to 5.9N at 4000rpm.This
indicates the quadratic relation between the
force amplitude and rotation frequency ad
also it shows the propeller are unbalance.
The eight nominally identical motor propeller
units act as a different vibration sources
because there rotation speed can be
controlled individually. The causes the
vibration force amplitudes to be different for
each drive units. Moreover, the phase
difference between all units is random at any
at time.

Power variation

Arming the motors

Arming the vehicle allows the motors to start

spinning. Before arming, make sure all people,
objects, and any body parts (e.g., hands) are
clear of the propellers. Then do the following:
1. Turn on transmitter.
2. Plug in the battery.
3. Check your receiver.
4. Arm the motors by holding the throttle
down and check minimum throttle.
5. Raise the throttle to take-off.
Components definitions.

Building of frame
Building a drone out of a quadcopter frame is
a difficult job, which is time consuming but is
give us the satisfaction of having a drone
made by us from scratch. We can customize it
according to our requirements, keeping the
features what we like. This would require us
acquiring the frame and a number of other
components would need to be mounted on it;
including the motors, the propellers, the ESCs,
the flight controller.
We found many components for the
building of frames like carbon fiber,
aluminium fiber etc, but we choose
aluminium frame for our project. The major
problem of the carbon fiber is that it transmit
all the vibrations. As it is not going to be
useful to make wholes everywhere in carbon
fiber(loosing the stiffness, the vibration is
transmitted along the structure with no
dampening ). Another problem with carbon
particles is that it is conductive in nature. If
we cut it near an electronic device, we can
have electrical problems due to shortcut.
Whereas, Aluminum is a fine material for
multi purpose and is widely used. Aluminium
is easty to fabricate and can often be bent
back into shape after crashes. Also, the
Aluminium is very light in weight and it gives
high strength to weight ratio. Fixing of motors
and other instruments will be easy in
aluminium frame.

Achieving the stability

The sensor system of a better drone provide

information about acceleration, inclination,
angular rate and pressure with this
information the electronics receive important
about the flight situation . An electronics
control system tries to keep up with the
engines the desired attitude.Thanks to ever
improving control technology it is thus
possible to maintain extremely unstable
models stable.
For stability in the end is important how
quickly and accurately the speed of thr
propeller can be changed. To change the
rotation speed has to be supplied to the
motor energy with an increase in speed and
energy to be dissipated in a reduction of the
speed. The greater the performance of the
controller or the motor has the faster the
rotational speed can be changed.

Component definition
When learning how to operate a quadcopter,
it’s important to understand the machine
commanding.It is important to understand
the capabilities of each part and how they
play into flying a quadcopter. Here are the
main parts of a quadcopter:
1. The frame
2. Motors
3. Electronic Speed Control (ESC)
4. Flight Control Board
5. Radio Transmitter and Receiver
6. Propellers
7. Battery and Charger

The frame connects all of the other

components. For a quadcopter, it’s shaped in
either an X or a + shape. For building a
quadcopter, it is necessary to consider the
size and weight of the frame and how it will
affect flying experience.

The motors spin the propellers. A

quadcopter needs four motors, because one
motor powers a single propeller. The higher
the kV, the faster the motor will spin. Kv is
often quoted in RPM per volt, which means
that a 1000 Kv motor on a 10V supply will
rotate just under 10,000 rpm at no load.

Electric Speed Controls (ESCs) are wired

components that connect the motors and the
battery. They relay a signal to the motors that
tells them how fast to spin. At any one time,
each of the motors could be spinning at
different speeds. This is what lets maneuver
and change direction. It’s all conducted by the
Electronic Speed Controls, so they’re very

The Flight Control Board is the “commander

of operations”. It controls the accelerometer
and gyroscopes, which control how fast each
motor spins.

The radio transmitter is your remote control,

and the receiver is the antenna on the copter
that talks to the remote control. When you
make an adjustment on the transmitter, the
receiver is what understands that adjustment
and sends it to the rest of the quadcopter

A quadcopter has 4 propellers, and each one

helps determine which direction the
quadcopter flies or whether it hovers in place.

The battery is the power source for the whole

quadcopter. This needs to be charged and
recharged, because without a battery, you
cannot fly your quadcopter.

Brushless motor

Brushless DC motors (BLDC) have been a

much focused area for numerous motor
manufacturers as these motors are
increasingly the preferred choice in many
applications, especially in the field of motor
control technology. BLDC motors are superior
to brushed DC motors in many ways, such as
ability to operate at high speeds, high
efficiency, and better heat dissipation.

Working and operation

BLDC motor works on the principle similar to
that of a conventional DC motor, i.e., the
Lorentz force law which states that whenever
a current carrying conductor placed in a
magnetic field it experiences a force. As a
consequence of reaction force, the magnet
will experience an equal and opposite force.
In case BLDC motor, the current carrying
conductor is stationary while the permanent
magnet moves.
When the stator coils are electrically switched
by a supply source, it becomes electromagnet
and starts producing the uniform field in the
air gap. Though the source of supply is DC,
switching makes to generate an AC voltage
waveform with trapezoidal shape. Due to the
force of interaction between electromagnet
stator and permanent magnet rotor, the rotor
continues to rotate.
Consider the figure below in which motor
stator is excited based on different switching
states. With the switching of windings as High
and Low signals, corresponding winding
energized as North and South poles. The
permanent magnet rotor with North and
South poles align with stator poles causing
motor to rotate.
Observe that motor produces torque because
of the development of attraction forces (when
North-South or South-North alignment) and
repulsion forces (when North-North or
South-South alignment). By this way motor
moves in a clockwise direction.
Fabrication procedure
Fabrication of Quadcopter Prototype The
quadcopter parts are arranged at one place to
assemble them without missing any
component. In first stage the base plate is
soldered with the four Esc’s perfectly without
any loose connections inorder to avoid the
power fluctuations. The second phase is
mounting of quadcopter arms on to the base
plate with the bolts and a top plate is fixed to
the arms for carrying the battery or flight
controller. In the third stage the bldc motors
are mounted on each arm and connected to
the pins of Esc’s. The next step is placing a
flight controller with receiver on the top plate
with a vibration damper and connected to the
pins of Esc’s inorder to control the motors
speed. The following step is calibration of
Esc’s with the transmitter. In Flysky i6
transmitter the calibration of esc is done by
keeping the throttle stick upwards (100%) and
connecting the battery to the base plate.
After hearing the couple of beep sounds from
the Esc’s the throttle stick is pulled down
completely and gently move the stick
upwards to observe the rotations of bldc
motors. Inorder to reverse the direction of
motors the polarity from the Esc’s is changed.

Safety precaution for operation

Quadcopters are basically flying lawnmowers.
They can be dangerous if not operated
carefully. Here are some quadcopter safety
precautions to keep in mind: If you’re about
to crash into something, turn the throttle
down to zero, so you don’t potentially destroy
your quadcopter, injure somebody, or injure
yourself. Keep your fingers away from the
propellers when they’re moving. Unplug/take
out the battery of the quad before doing any
work on it. If it turns on accidentally and the
propellers start spinning, you might have a
tough time doing future flights with missing
fingers. If you’re a beginner learning to fly
indoors, tie the quadcopter down or surround
it by a cage.

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