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The children of a country are its future, and any investment in their development leads to rich

dividends later. This is especially true of India, considering her proportion of young people in the
total population. The government’s focus is on developing ethics, skills and a sense of community
amongst the youth. The key programs that help the government in this regard are the NSS, NCC
and the Scouts and Guides.
The NCC and Scouts and Guide are organisations that have the status of Paramilitary Forces in
India – they are expected to provide the second line of defence for the country. They also provide
first level of training for Armed Forces aspirants.

The NCC is the world's largest uniformed youth organization. Its motto is 'Unity and Discipline'.
Presently there are 13,80,000 NCC cadets across the country, who are studying in 16,886
schools and colleges.

In India, The National Cadet Corps is the Yh Wing of the Indian Armed Forces with its
Headquarters at New Delhi, Its members are school and college students. NCC comprises
the Army, Navy and Air Wing, and aims at grooming the youth of the country into disciplined and
patriotic citizens.

Scouting has a strong focus on the outdoors and survival skills that aims to support young
people in their physical, mental, and spiritual development so that they may play constructive roles in
society. It employs the Scout method, a programme of informal education with an emphasis on
practical outdoor activities, including camping, woodcraft, aquatics, hiking, backpacking, and sports.

NNCC can be involved in post disaster situation to assist relief works, policing, etc.

It is also part of their curriculum in NCC and NSS

They are not trained to help in situations like floods, but whenever require they provide
assistance in disaster management. They do not come forward to help in disaster
management, but they serve from behind. "

Such as

1. Providing food packets till flood victims

2. Providing clean water for flood victims

3. Delivering them to the relief camps

4. Do their medical checkup

5. Delivering the goods of need

6. Taking care of the victims

7. Helping rescue

8. Distributing blankets and medicines

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