Haad Exam 2017

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HAAD EXAM 20th April 2017

1.First step in initial tooth preparation

1.convenience form
2.establishing initial outline form
3.caries removal
4.all of above

2 3yr old child comes with a swelling in lower mandible comes to your dental office ( nothing
else mentioned ).what are your possible inferences …
2 actinomycosis
3.dental access
4.all of above

3.case with actinomycosis - presence of sulfur granules and pus discharge

4.acute apical access includes

1.widening of lamina dura
3.pus discharge
4.all of above

5.healing in regards to extraction socket

1.in 1st 24hrs clot formed and haemolysis begins
2.in IST 7days clot replaced by granulation tissue
3.in IST 3days increased fibroblasts seen
4.by end of 1 month entire alveolar bone formed


6 which of the following types of healing would you expect after rct EXCEPT one
1.increased cementum deposition
2.increased periodontal regrowth
3.increased alveolar bone growth
4.increased repaartive dentin formation

7.The most likey type of resorption that would set in an autogenous reimplanted teeth in its
second year?
2. Idiopathic chronic root resorption (not exact words (
3 inflammatory root resorption

8.which among foll...most common in dental clinics

1.punch biopsy
2.incisonal biopsy
3.aspiration biopsy
4 exfoliative

9.contact stomatitis due to

1.candy chewing gum
3.confectionareies and processed near
4 all of above
10.contact stomatitis presents as .
1 swelling
2 burning
4 all of above

11.establishing gingival finish lines in abutment

1.periodontal health
2.oral hygiene practices
3 clinical crown length
4 all of above

12.To maintain adequate health of periodontium of preparations proper maintanennce of which

is required.
1.middle third.
2.ginigival 3rd or infrabulge
3 interproximal areas
4 height of contour of abutment


13.supplemental retention in an abutment tooth obtained by?

2 pins, grooves boxes
3.height of axial wall
4 .cement thickness

14 repeated fracture of porcelain fused metal

1.occlusal trauma
2 improper metal conditioning
4 .Improper design framework

15. A patient moves mandible in lateral excursive movement...the direction in which non working
condyle moves..
1. downwards and inferiorly
2. Downwards and medially
3. Forwards
4. Posteriorly

16.subgingival calculus is greyish in colour because

1.necrotic blood pigments from
2.chromogenic bacteria
3. Minerals content is different from supragingival calculus
4.all I above

17.Crackling pot (crepitations) seen in

2.ludwigs angina
3.surgical emphysema
4.subcutaneous hematoma

18.In panoramic radiography , patient positioned too far forward.what could be the reason?
1.maxillary premolars superimposing over maxilla
2.mandibular premolars superimposing over mandible
3.TMJ moves downwards
4 foreshortening of anterior teeth

19.which of the foll.true

1.C factor - is highest in class1 with 4:1
2.C factor the highest lower polymerization shrinkage
3.C FACTOR is ratio between bonded to unbonded surfaces
4.C Factor is ratio between unbonded to bonded surfaces
20.Trauma to middle third root fracture in a permanent central.incisor...pulp is vital ..what is the
1.observe periodically no treatment
2.extract the tooth
3.do pulpectomy as soon as possible
4.Splint and observe

21.Which of the foll will produce least polished surfaces?

1.¾ coarse garnet disc at low speed
2.crosscut bur at low speed
3.plaincut bur at high speed
4.12-40 fluted tungsten carbide bur at high speed

22.Intruded permanent central incisor with fully closed apex..the most appropriate treatment?
1.reposition and splint and do RCt immediately
2.periodically observe
3.reposition and splint immediately and do RCt later after 2 weeks

23.Which of the following aspect is most important in inlay preparation?

1.occlusal bevel
2.mesial _______
3.distal ______
4.gingival bevel

24.High corossion and surface pitting seen in

1.Zinc containing amalgam
2.increased immediate expansion in improper isolation
3.high copper amalgam

25.Disadvantage of resin modified GIC over Conventional GIC?

1.antifluoride release
2.increased expansion
3.decreased adhesion

26.Disadvantage of using guttapercha?

2.softening with chloroform and and xylenol
3.difficult to manage
4.lack of rigidity in thin sections
27.In a retrusive contact position, maxillary premolar lingual has interfernce with

28.torque in orthodontics
1.mesiodistal tipping
2.labiolingual (long axis) of tooth
4.all of above

29.Buccal canine retraction in uppermaxilla

1.extraoral intraarch appliance
2.intraoral interarch appliance
3.extraoral interarch appliance
4.intraoral intraarch appliance

30.Primary successor of primary erupts in occlusally?


31.Which among is true?

1.coefficient of expansion of amalgam is higher than that of tooth
2.high copper amalgam shows increased strength properties
3.High copper amalgam has decreased corrosion and tarnish

32.Highly polished surfaces enables?

1.increased strength
2.tarnish and corrosion resistance
3.decreased postoperative sensitivity

33.Patient with conventional complete denture has difficulty in swallowing likely cause
1.increased interocclusal distance
2.poaterior teeth placed too buccally
3.posterior teeth placed too palatally
4.decreased interocclusal distance
34.Which of the following occlusion schemes for conventional complete denture in.severly
resorbed ridges and mandible anterior teeth?
1.neutrocentric occlusion
2.lingualised occlusion
3.balanced occlusion with zero degree teeth
4.balanced occlusion with anatomic teeth

35.The depth of rest seat in its ​minimum​ thinnest area


36.periodontal abutment teeth in distal extension ?

1.stress breakers
2.2clasps given next to each edentulous area
3.use of I bar systems everywhere
4.all of above

37.Which of the following is seen NOT seen in pagets disease?

1.neurosensory disturbances
2.increased post extraction haemorrhage
3.multiple unerupted teeth

38.Fracture of mandible in edentulous mandible.Proximal segment gets displaced in direction?

2.inferiorly only
3.anteriorly and inferiorly
4.anteriorly and mesially

39.Atropine and scoplalamine is used in premedicationns

1.decreased secretion by parasympatheic inhibitions
2.decreased by sympathetic inhibitions
3.used to relax respiratory muscles

40.Which of among the foll has most sensitive canals

41.which of the following is Same in mechanism of action?
1.aspirin and ibuprofen
2.naproxen and aspirin
3.oxycodeine and _____
4.codeine and naloxone

42.which of the following is disadvantage of dry heat?

1.increased time of sterilisation
2.inabilitity to sterilize many materials
4.all of above

43.Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

1.Sterilised instruments should be left for drying inside sterilizer
2.steriliser instruments if wet , should n left under fan for drying
3.if instruments are still wet after process do not touch until dry and cool as bacteria gets wicked

44.Which of the foll is true

1.amalgam should not be drained in sewage systems
2.use of masks and gloves and face shield during removal procedures
3.amalgam stored in plastic airtight containers
4.all of above

45.The most common sign in haemorraghic shock?

3.increased heart rate

42.Overdose of Local aneasthetics

1.myocardial depression
2.low blood pressure
4.all of above

43.during intraosseous recontouring bony ridges palapated by

1.using finger over ridge
2.using finger and palpation on soft tissue flap
3.palpation after 1 week when patient returns

44.Most sensitive method for palpation of submandibular gland?

2.bimanually extraoral when patient bends forwards

45 Time needed for dental plaque complete maturation

46.What is the advantage of using modified ridge lap over ridge lap in posterior region?
1.increased esthetic
2. Increased oral hygiene

HAAD questions

47.composite bonding
1. Decreasing polymerization of resin
2. Decreasing microleakge

48.tooth that has largest mesiodistal width than incisocervical height among maxillary teeth
1.primary central incisor
2.primary lateral incisor
3.peramnenet central
4.permanent central

49.which of the foll true: in avulsive injuries

1.rigid splinting …..
2.flexible splinting …….

50.You have sealed a small carious lesion..result would be?

1.arrested carious
2.no change
3 progression of caries

51.Arcon articulators are in which

Fossa elements attached to maxillary and condylar analogues

52 which I the foll require premedication prior to oral surgical procedures

1.chronic renal failure
2.rhuematic heart disease
3.cardiac prosthetic heart valves
4.all of above

53 clicking in complete dentures

54.clincial sign of traumatic injury?

1.tooth migration
2.tooth mobility
3.tooth recession
55 most impt clinically seen feature in excessive traumatic force on weakened periodontium
1. Radiographic changes
2.tooth mobility
3.perivascular infiltration

56.which of the foll. Is seen in trauma from occlusion

1.infrabony pockets
2.gingival recession

57.which of the foll. Is most common surgery for mandibular retrognathism?

1.vertical osteotomy
2.saggital split osteotomy
3 posterior maxillary osteotomy

58.indirect retainers used in distal extension

1.to prevent vertical displacement of abutment teeth
2.to prevent horizontal displacement of denture base
3 to connect one part of rpd to other

59.pt has an ill fitting denture..what is the likely condition

1 lichen planus
3 herpetiforn ulcerations
4 . Leukoplakia

60.which condition has multiple impacted supernumerary teeth?

1.cleidocranial dysplasia
2.behcets syndrome

61.whixh of thw foll muscle not involved in opening mouth?


62. Acid etching

1.increases surface area
2 increases surface energy
3 creation of micropores for increased retention
4.all of above

63 resin cements are best used

1.show micromechanical on conditioned surfaces
2 show macromaechanical retention on metal surfaces

64.Haematoma as a result of PSA BLOCK? due to

1.INJECtion into pterygoid space

2 excessive doses
3 rupture of pterygoid plexus veins on needle insertion

65.PSA BLOCK given in which space?

1.pterygopalatine space
2 spgenopalatine space
3 pterygomandibular space

66.trismus due to needle insertion infection of

1 lateral pterygoid
2 medial pterygoid
3 buccjnator

67.food accumulation in vestibule due to improper function of?

3 masseter

68.what is the most appropriate treatment for an severely intruded primary teeth partially
impinging its root on underlying permanent successor tooth?
1.extractiom of primary
2.periodically observe reeruptions
3.reposition and splint
69.what is the most likely result that would occur due to trauma to underlying permanent
successor on intrusion of primary teeth
1.dens invaginatus
2 dilaceration
3.dens evagination
4.dens in dente

70.what is the most likely result that would occur due to trauma to primary with underlying
permanent teeth?
2 enamel hypoplasia

71.case related dentinogenesis I mperfecta?

Gray teeth abnormal dentin deposition

72.whch of the following related to acute pericoronitis treatment?

1.adequate saline irrigation
2.extraction of associated tooth
3.extraction of opposing tooth
4.all of above

73.ANUG case pseudomembranous

74.most numerous inflammatory cells in periodontal pocket?

2.plasma cells

75.9yr old patient with large pulpal exposure with pulpal haemorrhage? XRAY shows open apex
1.pulp capping
2.pulpotomy with Ferric sulfate

76.dental ankylosis due to

1 infection
2 heredity and genetics
4 all of above
77.uses of MTA
1 pulp capping (direct n indirect)


78.a tooth which had been undergone RCt and post core...patient complaints on chewing...xray
shows no changes
1 premature contacts
2.vertical root fracture
3 horizontal root fracture

79.ALL 4mandibular incisiors were damaged 5yrs ago...radiolucencues noted apically around
these 4 incisiors
1.no treatment evaluate status
2 extraction and FPD
3.check vitality and take xray at 6-12 months interval
4.check vitality and do RCt for those not vital

80.A tooth shows root fracture in and an accessory canal in midroot with an associated
periapical lesion..on obturation it's seen that no obturation material has entered your accessory
canal...best treatment you could give?
1.expose root surgically and curette lesion
2 apicocectomy and reverse fill till mid root fracture
3 observe patient with 6months recall and xray

81. Patient complaints of thermal sensitivity in maxillary incisor area..xray shows small
radiolucency within canal space….what would n your interference
1 internal resorption and periodic observation
2 internal resorption start endo treatment
4.unreliable diagnosis reflect a flap for filling defect…

82.acute apical abscess differentiated form apical periodnlontal access

1.pulp vitality tests
2 clincial examination
3 percussion

83.Headgear which causes distalisation and intrusive forces of maxillary molars

84. Subgingival calculus appears greyish black in color due to

1.mineralusation content different from supragingival calculus
2.nectrotic blood and pigments
3 chromogenic bacteria
4 .all of above

85.amalgam tattoo an exogenous pigmentation due to

1 amalgam leaches out and stains reticulin fibres
2 amalgam stimulates melanocyes to produce melanin
3.it initiates a foreign giant cell reaction causing stain
4 1+3

86.percutaneous injury include

1 needle stick
2.cut injury
3 aerosols spread
4 1+2
5.all of above

87.referred pain is due to

1 irreversible pulpitis
2 acute apical access
3 reversible puloutis4
4 chronic exacerbation of abcess

88.handwashing I impt bcoz

1 decreases transient bacteria
2 helps for gloves to slide on easily
3 eliminates entire skin bacteria
4 all

89.which among is true?

1.pulpal pain is not localised because has no proprioception
2.pulpal pain gets localised when c fibres are stimulated
3 pulpal pain has increased proprioceptive fibres

90.mandibular molar with heavily retored tooth ...tender on percussion

1.cracked tooth

91.in gingivitis patients treatment?

1 only observation
2.OHI Measures
3.OHI and antiseptic
4 scaling and antiseptic

92 Facebow used to

93 THe impression technique used to take impression of 1 arch opposing arch and bite
1 triple tray
3 dynamic

94 in deep periodontal pocket bacteria that will be able to survive will be

2 facultative anerobes
3 obligate anerobes

95 microflora shifts from in healthy gingiva to diseased

1.gram positive
2.gram negative

96.Zinc polycarboxylate has 8% stannous fluoride it's function is

1 strong anticariogenic effects
2.it increases chemical bonding to tooth
3 primarily used as strengthening agent
4 none above
97.in sandwich technique
1.GIC IS An impt core material
2.use of gic under composite decreases leakage
3 increased leakage
4 a and b

98.IN cardiovascular patients threshold of adrenaline used in local aneasthetics above


99.regarding space maintanennce

1 unilateral premature canine loss results in increased overjet
2 unilateral premature canine loss causes collapse of mandibular inciosirs
3 unilateral premature canine loss extract the contralateral tooth
4 all of above

100.in a 10yr old child premature loss of extracted primary second molars
..space has begun to close..rest of occlusion is normal..what it ur treatment plan
1.band n loop
2 lingual arch
3 complete banding of permanent IST molars
4 let mandible complete its growth

101.polyethers are mostly used because

1 high dimensional stability
2.high accuracy
3 short setting time
4 all of above

102.anterior open bite with normal posterior occlusion

1 mouth breathing
3.tongue thrusting
4 none

103 maxillary occlusal plane is best detected by

1 campers line
2 Frankfort plane
3.interpupillary line
4 all of above
104.bur should contact tooth surface
1.with heavy pressure
2 rotating at high speed before touching
3 at low speed after touching

105.enlarged tongue is sèen in

1.lymphatic obstructive disorders
2 endocrine probs
3 deficiency of thyroid
4.all I above

106.which is true?
1.mucoperoiosteal flaps heal by secondary intention
2 more operational bleeding in full thickens flap.
3.healing is faster with split thickness
4 full mucoperiosteal never used in flap mucogingival surgery

107.multiple endo visit rct VS single visit endondontics

1 no significant difference
2.single has more prognosis in posterior than multiple.
3 multiple endo visits have more prognosis when calcium hydroxide medications placed

108.Syncope associated case

109.impoper brushing techniques

1 attrition.
2 erosion
3 calculus
4.none of above

110.Tripoding of cast Don to

111 intraligamentary injection is

1 supraperiosteal
2 periodontal ligament injection
3.intraosseous injection
112.radiographic changes as a result of infection in primary seen in
2 external root

113.most impt procedure on initial postoperative visit after perio surgery

1 plaque removal
2.visual assessment of soft tissues
3 perio probing
4 bleeding index

114.clinical attchment level on a tooth is distance between

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