Transferring Large Files With Tuvtransfer

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Transferring large files with TUVtransfer

The TUV Rheinland mail system sends email attachments up to a size of 20 Mbyte.
If larger files shall be transferred, the system TUVtransfer can be used.

The system is accessible via


Log in with
• , if you are Outlook user
• , if you still are Lotus Notes user. (cc = country code)

The password is always the Windows password. Please use only one type of these logons!

Send files
To send files to an external recipient, proceed as shown in the following screen capture:
If the recipient does not speak English, you can use the message options
to change the language of the e-mail as needed.

Receiving Files
To be able to receive files from external, an invitation must be sent.
Select on the left side "Send Invites" and proceed as shown in the following screen shot.

The recipient will receive an email with a link to create an account for file upload. A secure account
password must be assigned for activation (length: 8, must contain 3 character types: a-z, A-Z, 0-9).

The account will stay active for 4 weeks after the last login. Files can be uploaded during this time
without invitation emails. After 4 weeks of inactivity the account is deleted and a new invitation has to
be sent, if necessary.

The upload menus are comparable to the menus in "send files" shown above.
After the file has been uploaded, you will receive a notification by mail.
If external communication partners upload files, they have to use the officially registered TUV email
address as recipient address. This address is used in the invitation and the standard format is
If the partner uses another recipient address such as , it can happen that you
do not receive the files.

Additional information

Transfer of files larger than 2 GB

If you want to transfer files> 2 GB, it is necessary to use Java.
You can start an integrated Java applet in the upload menu.
Take care of the enhanced security options in current Java versions.
In order for the upload to work, has to be registered as an approved site
in the Java configuration (Control Panel).

Temporary validity of upload / download links

Upload / Download Links are valid for a maximum of 4 days. This time can be reduced but not
prolonged under “Options”.

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