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India’s Opposition to to interfere with land lanes of communi-

cation (LLOCs). In fact, India should wel-

China–Pakistan Economic come the revival of the old Silk Road as it

gives India more choices and reduces its

Corridor Is Flawed dependence on trade routes controlled

by the United States (US).
India’s foreign policy approach in respect
of the CPEC is worrisome. It is demand-
Atul Bhardwaj ing respect for India’s sovereign rights in
PoK from China; something that it has

China is opening up its land he 3,000 km-long China–Pakistan been unable to extract from Pakistan in
borders in Xinjiang to interact Economic Corridor (CPEC) consis- the past 70-odd years. India has never
ting of highways, railways, and raised any concerns about US involve-
more freely with Central
pipelines is the latest irritant in the ment in PoK. No cognisance is paid to the
Asia and Europe. China and India–China relationship. The corridor funding of education projects by United
Pakistan are jointly building connects China’s landlocked western States Agency for International Develop-
the China–Pakistan Economic province of Xinjiang to Gwadar port in ment in PoK. Unfortunately, India con-
south Pakistan. India feels that the cor- tinues to see China through the Cold
Corridor, which passes through
ridor infringes on its sovereignty because War lens. It sees the emerging Chinese
Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. India it passes through Gilgit–Baltistan in empire, but remains oblivious to the
views this as a violation of its Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK). Paki- well-entrenched US empire. It sees
sovereignty. Geopolitics rather stan and China have invited India to be a Chinese ships and submarines in the
part of the CPEC, but India has declined Indian Ocean, but fails to see the US air-
than geoeconomics predominates
the offer. Foreign Secretary S Jaishankar, craft carriers reign supreme in every
India’s thinking on possibilities addressing the second Raisina Dialogue, nook and corner of the ocean. The fact is
offered by the revival of the old an international conference held in New that US proximity to the Pakistani ruling
Silk Road by the Chinese. Delhi, in mid-January 2017, said that elite as well as its military failed to dis-
China remained oblivious to the impact suade it from conducting nuclear tests in
that the CPEC project would have on 1998 and foment a protracted proxy war
India’s sovereignty. India is also con- against India. Yet, it is intriguing that
cerned over the China–Pakistan naval India is willing to put all its eggs in the
cooperation in Gwadar port, the entry US basket.
point to the CPEC. In January 2017, China
handed over two ships to the Pakistan History of Connectivity
Navy for the security of Gwadar port. Xinjiang, the northwest province of China,
India’s outright opposition to the CPEC is the pivot of Eurasia. The province borders
and its indifference towards the Chinese Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Kazakhstan,
One Belt, One Road (OBOR) initiative are India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Tajik-
difficult to comprehend. Connectivity istan. Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang, is
with Central Asia and Europe through coming up as the hub for China–Europe
its northern frontiers would be economi- freight trains. More than 328 cargo
cally more beneficial for India than con- trains have been launched from Urumqi
tinued reliance on the shipping lanes. The since 2014. In November 2016, a daily
problem is that the Indian strategic psy- cargo train was launched from Urumqi
che is fixated on seeing control of oceans to Alma-Ata in Kazakhstan.
as the only means to acquire greatness. The importance of Xinjiang was well-
It is for this reason that it demands free- understood by the American scholar
dom of navigation on the oceans, but Owen Lattimore in 1950. His book—Pivot
opposes smooth trade flows across soft of Asia: Sinkiang and the Inner Asian
borders on land. If trade has the right to Frontiers of China and Russia—owes its
Atul Bhardwaj ( is move freely on sea lanes of communica- origin to a seminar held at Johns Hopkins
Senior Fellow, Indian Council of Social Science tion (SLOCs), then land-based trade should University. It was an attempt to under-
Research, at the Institute of Chinese Studies, also be allowed to move with relative ease. stand the geopolitical importance of the
Border disputes should not be allowed Chinese province and the role it could
10 january 28, 2017 vol liI no 4 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

play in engineering the Sino–Soviet 2016). Even Russia is keen to partake in and exploitation of their land and its
split. The book also looked at how India, opportunities offered by the CPEC. In resources by unscrupulous outsiders.
Pakistan, and Afghanistan could assist early 1942, when the Chinese govern- Some extremist outfits in Pakistan have
the US strategy in the region. This was ment had approached the Soviet and the begun to target Chinese workers engaged
the time when Mao Zedong and Joseph British governments with a proposal to in the construction of mega projects
Stalin agreed to put a lid on their nation- transport 4,000 tonnes of war supplies there. Besides, environmentalists are
alists’ urges to dominate Sinkiang and to China via Iran, the Caspian Sea, the equally unhappy with the adverse impact
build rail bridges. However, after Stalin’s railroad leading therefrom to Tashkent, that rapid and massive development will
death and the arrival of Nikita Khrush- and thence overland via the Urumchi have on the fragile ecosystem in the
chev on the scene, the pace of the pro- route, the Russians refused to open mountainous region. It is assessed that
posed rail links from Xinjiang to Central access to the Soviet Union. That was a mega projects, which include the Karachi–
Asia slowed down. time when the Russians were wary of Lahore rail link, coal-based power plants,
Before partition, India had two openings the Americans, British, Japanese, and and other infrastructure projects, are
into Xinjiang. The first was the 600-mile- Germans (Office of the Historian 1942). likely to quicken the pace of climate
long Ladakh route extended from Kash- The harsh reality is that the Anglo– change in the region.
gar to Yarkand and then over Karako- American shadow continues to loom large But, such concerns are brushed aside
ram pass to Leh. The second was the over the India–China relationship. In 1949, by the supporters of the CPEC who see it
460-mile-long caravan route from Kash- when the Chinese Communist Party as a “game changer.” The CPEC brings in
gar to Gilgit. Besides for commerce, the took control of Xinjiang, the US consul in Chinese investments to the tune of $46
routes were used by Hajj pilgrims from Kashgar, S Paxton fled to India via the billion and a promise to infuse fresh
Xinjiang. The Hajis, who entered India Leh route. This event was published in the energy into Pakistan’s economy. Many
through Gilgit, reached Karachi for their Indian media in 1949 and public opinion also see the CPEC as an opportunity to
onward journey. Those who entered was built up against the Chinese com- break the umbilical cord that has kept
India via Leh went to Bombay for further munists. Douglas Mackiernan, Paxton’s Pakistan tied to the West. For the past
journey by ship. junior in the US consulate did not accom- six decades, the Pakistani military estab-
Post partition, the British ensured pany his boss to India. Instead, he took lishment has actively engaged in helping
that Gilgit remained a part of PoK. This a route from Xinjiang towards Tibet the US achieve its strategic aims. Affluent
cut off the Ladakhi links with Central where he was shot at by a Tibetan. The China is seen as a potential counterweight
Asia. In the wake of the communist take- Chinese blame him for fomenting rebel- to the US. Perhaps, the Pakistani elite want
over of Xinjiang, the Indian government lion in Xinjiang. It was later revealed by to play Jawaharlal Nehru’s non-align-
decided to scrutinise people entering Leh Thomas Laird, in his book Into Tibet: ment game and be the proverbial clever
from the Chinese side. This put severe The CIA’s First Atomic Spy and His Secret calf that “sucks two cows” (Baru 2017).
restrictions on trade between the two Expedition to Lhasa, that Mackiernan did The neutrality game in international
countries. The British also ensured that work for the Central Intelligence Agency politics is not as simplistic as foreign pol-
the Gilgit connectivity with Kashgar was and was one of their first spies engaged icy experts and economists would have
snapped. The net result was that India in gathering intelligence on Soviet nuclear us believe. It is naïve to assume that non-
had no option but to use the oceans to developments. aligned “calves” were clever and the two
trade with Central Asia. In fact, after the Cold War “cows” stupid. India as a non-
consolidation of the Soviet empire in Pakistan on CPEC aligned buffer state was as much a Cold
Central Asia, Britain discouraged India– Much like in India, there are many in War strategic imperative as it was Nehru’s
Central Asia trade. The years 1920–21 Pakistan opposed to the concept of the dream. While the US offered India eco-
are considered the best for India–Central CPEC. The domination of the Punjabi nomic aid in the 1950s, it also extracted
Asia trade. During that period, the total elite in Pakistan in deciding the routes its pound of flesh; not simply in terms of
trade stood at `93 lakh with exports val- and special economic zones along the cheap manganese for its steel industry,
ued at `47 lakh and imports at `46 lakh corridor has led to a growing perception but also by stirring up the hornets’ nest
(National Archives of India 1949). that the CPEC stands for the “China Pun- in Tibet. Nehru professed neutrality and
Interestingly, Britain, which was instru- jab Economic Corridor” (Quint 2016).
mental in locking the borders in the sub- Several rebel and separatist organisa- Attention ContributorsI
continent and ensuring that international tions in Balochistan are opposed to the
The EPW has been sending reprints of articles
commercial transaction used SLOCs, is CPEC on the grounds that it is inimical to to authors. We are now discontinuing the
now keen to be a part of the CPEC. Last the interests of their state. Residents of practice. We will consider sending a limited
year, Britain’s Secretary of State for For- Balochistan fear that new roads will bring number of reprints to authors located in India
eign and Commonwealth Affairs Boris in outsiders, which will alter the demo- when they make specific requests to us.
Johnson termed the CPEC a wonder pro- graphy of the state and cause greater We will, of course, continue to send a copy of
ject in which he expected United Kingdom ethnic tension. Many residents of Gilgit– the print edition to all our authors whose
contributions appear in that particular edition.
firms to grab big contracts (Hasnain Baltistan also fear the encroachment
Economic & Political Weekly EPW january 28, 2017 vol liI no 4 11

simultaneously aided US military opera- created a perception in China that Soviet the oceans that it commands. Trade
tions in Tibet. At the same time, trouble friendship could not be trusted. Such flows across the Silk Route will draw a
in Tibet was not antithetical to Soviet divisive politics benefits the US since it huge proportion of commerce away
interests; just as the Suez crisis was not causes fissures in the camp that has from the oceans, thus eroding the ability
anti-US. A tamed China was essential for some potential to oppose it. of the US to control and extract rent
the Soviets to maintain their hold over The possibility of an India–China– from international trade flows.
the socialist bloc. It was equally crucial Russia triangular relationship haunted
for the US to kick out the English and the US in the initial years of the Cold War. REFERENCES
French colonialists to shape the post-war Despite similarities, the current inter- Baru, Sanjay (2017): India and the World: Essays on
Geoeconomics and Foreign Policy, New Delhi:
world order on its own terms. national political game is fundamentally Academic Foundation.
Therefore, it is premature to assume different from the post-war scenario. In Hasnain, Khalid (2016): “Boris Wants UK Firms to
that the Pakistan–China nexus is well 1945, both the declining as well as the Be Part of CPEC,” Dawn, 26 November, viewed
on 14 January 2017,
entrenched and the US has walked out of ascending nations were maritime pow- news/1298747.
the relationship like a loser. It is unthink- ers and military allies. The US, when it National Archives of India (1949): “Revival of Trade
with Central Asia Unlikely,” Statesman, 4 Nov-
able that the US will let go of its Pakistani replaced the British empire, did not ember, MEA/F/303/CJK.
collaborators and allow its hegemony to disturb the maritime trade routes and Office of the Historian (1942): “Efforts to Establish
a Supply Route to China via Iran, the Soviet
be destroyed so easily. It is in this con- regimes that Britain had assiduously Union, and Sinkiang, 893.24/1314: Telegram,
text that one needs to locate the linkages built over two centuries. In the present The Ambassador in Soviet Union (Standley) to
the Secretary of State,” 10 April, Foreign Rela-
in the US strategy that permits Pakistan situation, China, a continental power, is tions of the United States: Diplomatic Papers,
to get closer to China. The popularisa- rising and challenging the existing mari- 1942, China, Bureau of Public Affairs, United
States Department of State, viewed on 23 Jan-
tion of the perception that the “China– time order. China is palpably relying on uary 2017,
Pakistan nexus” was out to devour India land-based trade routes rather than oce- documents/frus1942China/pg_591.
Quint (2016): “CPEC: Pakistan’s Newest Holy Cow
ensures that Indian public opinion con- anic commercial lanes. It is creating Could Also Become Its Millstone,” 20 December,
tinues to view China as an enemy and alternative channels for trade move- viewed on 25 December 2016, https://www.the-
the US as its saviour; just as the coming ment across continents. The US wants newest-holy-cow-could-also-become-its-mill
closer of India and the Soviet Union had maximum international trade to flow on stone-china.

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1981 onwards.

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SC/ST students and
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12 january 28, 2017 vol liI no 4 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

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