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Provost and Execntim Via' President

OXFORD. OH • EST. 1809 for Academic Affairs

209 Roudebush Hall

501 E. High Street
Oxford, OH 45056-3653


TO: Professor Daniel GIadish

FROM: Professor Phyllis Callahan, Provost and

Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

DATE: April 9, 2019

In accordance with the Section Provost's Direct Initiation of Disciplmary Action of the Miami Vmversity Policy and
Information Manual (MUPIM) https://iniamioh,edu/policy-libt'ary/emploYees/facjjity/grievai'ice-discip)inary-
procedures"faculty/procedures-foj-<lisci_]iUnary-action.htinl), this Memorandum is to advise you that I am initiating
disciplinary action against you for violations of University policy, specifically violation of law (possession of
Schedule I Narcotic, 21 C.F.R. Section 1308.11)), violation of the Drug Free Workplace policy and the Reporting
and Addressing Illegal Activity and Misconduct policy, as well as for professional incompetence.

Nature of Alleged Misconduct

The Miami University Police Department provided me with a report indicating you accepted Iboga seeds from
Professor John Cinnamon that he illegally imported from Gabon Africa in 2004 and used them to grow an Iboga tree
in the Miami University Hamilton Campus Conservatory.

Proposed Discipline -1 propose that discipline be imposed as follows:

• That your employment be terminated.

Supporting Documents

Drug Free Workplace Policy

Reporting Illegal Activity and Misconduct Policy
Miami University Police Department Report 2018-001656

You may obtain a hearing on this matter by submitting a written hearing request to the Provost, 209
Roudebush Hall, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 45056 within seven (7) calendar days after receipt of this
Memorandum or failure of mediation. You may request either the Mediation Procedure described in the
Procedures for Disciplinary Action, or request to bypass the Mediation Procedure and proceed directly to a
hearing before the Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities. You have the right to be represented
by legal counsel in this matter. IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND WITHIN SEVEN (7} CALENDAR DAYS OF


Items enumerated above

Acknowledgement of Receipt

I, Daniel Gladish, do hereby acknowledge receipt of the foregoing Memorandum of Proposed Discipline, this

day of April, 2019. I further acknowledge that I have been advised of my right to be represented by legal

counsel in this matter,

Signature_ Date
ec: Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities via Chair
Cathy Bishop-Clark, Dean, College of Applied Arts and Science
Chris Makaroff, Dean, College of Arts and Science
Tom Christ, Chair, Biology
Paul Harding, Chair, Biological Sciences
Ruth Groom, Assistant Provost for Academic Personnel
Mitchell McCrate, Deputy General Counsel
Marc Mezibov, Attorney at Law

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