Final Issue of Airelon's Market Tactics

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November 8, 2010

Dan Shy


Redistribution of Model
“Three Sisters” Accounts

Model Portfolio Dividend

Investing Outlook for the Redistribution of Model “Three Sisters” Accounts
Week of 11-08-2010 This marks the final 'full' issue of “Airelon's Market Tactics”. After
November 9th, 2010, the entire newsletter will be brought to an end. I
would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that had a part in this
newsletter. This project has most definitely made me a better investor, and
Trading Thoughts for the a better trader.
Week of 11-08-2010
As I conclude the Model “Three Sister” Accounts that benchmark the
results of this newsletter? I thought it best that I initiate one final 'three-
sisters' distribution. I
realize that the newsletter
Summary of Hypothetical will be brought to an end,
Model Portfolio and that save myself …. no
one will probably give
these “Model accounts” a
second thought. But in the
spirit of “leaving the
newsletter” on a healthy
note, I initiate this
redistribution transfer
among the 'three sister'
accounts to better establish
those accounts for future growth.
Yes, growth that may never be tracked again. But I was taught that if you
are running a race, you don't slow down as you approach the finish line.
You look beyond the finish line, and you lengthen your stride, and quicken
your pace. You complete the race … completely and totally. I will go
beyond simply explaining my thoughts for the next week in the capital
markets. I will describe my overall thoughts in the time frame of the next
quarter. Therefore, to adjust to these circumstances, I am obviously setting
aside the $20,600 goal before the next redistribution.
Since October 5th, 2010 we have had almost $1,220 in trading profits, in

November 8, 2010

the newsletter in the model trading account. serious headwinds to the economy overall; and I
Therefore, I will take half of that, $610.00 and send it believe that those headwinds remain.
to the Model Dividend Investing account. I will take
As I discussed in the “Week in Review” podcast3, I'm
$305.00 from the trading account and send it towards
watching productivity numbers for the economy
the Model Side-pocket / Slush fund.
overall. I'm waiting to see if we enter a time period
where those productivity numbers begin to flat-line.
At the present time, productivity is climbing, which
tells me that although the payroll picture seems to be
improving; companies are focusing on increasing
productivity of your average employee, rather than
Dividend Investing Outlook: simply hiring more workers. This despite the positive
Note: It should be noted, that as I pointed out in the blog entry of NFP numbers last week.
October 5th, 20101, I am bringing “Airelon's Market Tactics” to a
close on November 9th, 2010. As noted on the blog entry of August That is not to say that I am discounting the positive
10th, 20102, I am beginning anew with my investing and trading NFP numbers. I try to keep my eyes open to as many
efforts, as I liquidate my other personal accounts. Therefore, in scenarios as possible.
the interests of transparency and disclosure, it should be noted
that due to the reasons I have outlined in those two entries, I no That being said, we could 'leapfrog' productivity,
longer hold the dividend bearing stocks that I am discussing in diminishing returns and payrolls. Increasing payrolls
Airelon's Market Tactics Dividend Investing section. I will discuss
the management of such a hypothetical portfolio until the close of (such as last week), increasing productivity,
this newsletter in November. subsequent decreasing payroll numbers with flat-
lining productivity, which would be a positive
influence for the next payroll numbers.
Last week, I explained parameters for an index hedge
via the SDS and a three-sisters distribution to coincide Recoveries are a process. They are not a single event.
with that hedge. Obviously, with the new And a recovery out of the single greatest credit
redistribution in the Model Account, and with the S&P recession since the Great Depression will be no
500 Index rocketing higher, I would now completely exception to that well known market mantra.
set aside such a plan. However, in looking at the 'big picture' I always
Let's talk for a moment about the 'big' picture when it maintain that any investor and traders primary concern
comes to the equities market. Let's look at the big … is … what? Risk control … right? So it is vital to
picture while examining not only the positive examine risks, in addition to positive economic
influences on current stock prices, but also the The single greatest risk that I see to the stock market
negative factors. overall … is something I have discussed for some
Since March of 2009, we have experienced an time. It hasn't gone away, by any stretch of the
incredible rally in stocks. I don't try to 'blow smoke' at imagination.
anyone. I missed some of the lowest prices back in Uncovered Interest Parity.
March, but finally became publicly bullish on stocks
A true unwind of the Carry trade through uncovered
since August of 2009.
interest parity (which I've discussed at my daily blog)
The economic picture, slowly … very … very slowly, is exactly why I have weighted the dividend investing
is improving. As I discussed in my newsletter that 'sister' account as I have; towards a majority cash
outlined my thoughts for the year of 2010, there are position.
There's “free money” out there. There's your technical
1 Exact Link -
analysis of the situation. The second I believe we are
2 Exact Link - 3 Exact Link -
no-one-and-challenge-project.html review-podcast-dog-stick-and.html

November 8, 2010

beginning the unwind in uncovered interest parity, I December Corn – Daily Chart
will be interested in hedging all long stock positions,
and hedging them heavily.
Of course the Federal Reserve is comprised of some
pretty smart people. One of the things that the Federal
Reserve tries to do, is not dictate market behavior, but
they do try to guide the capital markets and market
It may be, that the Fed will manage to change the
focus of market participants from a 'fearful
contraction' outlook, towards a expansive GDP
productive outlook. Once QE 2.0 begins to shrink
from the public consciousness, market guidance
towards expansive GDP production could (note I said, Wheat futures prices remain at their high plateau.
could, not 'will') lead to underlying U.S. Dollar
strength; as well as an underlying strength to equities. December Wheat – Daily Chart
To overcome the unwind in the carry trade through
outright uncovered interest parity will take some
doing. But stranger things have happened in the
capital markets. Regardless, I say all of the
proceeding to say this …
If such an eventuality were to occur, my strategy of
remaining 'majority cash' would mean that I would
probably be severely under invested in equities. I say
that, to reiterate my thesis that you must keep your eye
not only on strategies to mitigate risk, but also the risk
that even your risk control strategies present.
I will no doubt continue to keep my eye on all of the
'probability clouds' and comment further on them in Soybean futures prices have gone through the roof.
the future. January Soybeans – Daily Chart

Now, although I may not buy more shares of the

following stock for some time, but I did want to give
you a 'heads up' to something you may see me
purchase in the future.

General Mills (GIS): As I will discuss in the trading

section of this newsletter, nearly all foods in the
commodity markets are undergoing a great deal of This all has an impact on a company like General
futures inflation. Corn is going through the roof. Mills (GIS) who is in the business of buying such
commodities to make cereals for public consumption.
As I have discussed in the past, to some extent,

November 8, 2010

General Mills (GIS) can hedge such higher operating Trading Outlook:
costs. And over the lifetime of the company … they
Note: By way of reminder, since the Model Portfolio has only
have proven they are very good at doing this. $18,417.63 there would only be 'day trades' at this stage of the
But in the short term, this has put pressure on General game in order to escape the risk of over-leveraged gap opens in the
commodity futures markets. This is an attempt to demonstrate
Mills (GIS) stock price, despite the euphoria we have how account size relates to trading style. As the 'trading sister'
seen displayed over Q.E. 2.0 in the rest of the equities would have grown to the $30,000 I would have graduated the
market. account into 'swing trading'. In addition, it is understood that I
trade according to the methodology outlined in my YouTube
General Mills (GIS) – Daily Chart series4.

Last week I had no trades at all. I have now liquidated

all of my trading accounts, and therefore … I spent
last week going through the hassle of running all of
the errands of picking up a new vehicle for my family.
So as I have liquidated all of my other trading
accounts, I am now down to the trading account for
the Challenge Project, and the Challenge Project
alone. Thus, I cannot in good conscience state that I
will be trading in any markets, when I most definitely
will not be trading.
I can however, speak to my overall thoughts on the
Therefore, I will wait for a bit of price congestion, and state of the commodity markets, especially as it relates
as I will soon discuss, I will be keeping an eye on the to the foods. What I find when I look over the
commodity markets, specifically the grain sector as it commodity markets is that I couldn't have found a
relates to General Mills (GIS). Eventually, we'll be better time to liquidate my personal accounts, and
looking at the March rollovers in the grain markets, begin anew with the Challenge Project. Because
and I'll be paying attention to fundamental news as to many of these markets are behaving in a manner, such
plantings acreages, commercial positioning (CoT that I cannot find a good trade among most of them;
Index), and other seasonal factors. and I may not be able to do so for some time.
When the time is right, if the conditions are right, and
only after I believe that such commodity futures food
inflation is coming to an end … you may see me buy Sector No. 1
General Mills (GIS) for my small little Challenge The Grains (Wheat, Corn, Soybeans): As I have
Project; which is now my main dividend investing already described in this newsletter, the Grain markets
vehicle. are undergoing tremendous futures inflation. Corn,
Soybeans, Wheat … they are all up.
I thought I would give you an advance 'heads up' in
this last issue; that my 'eye' is turned in that direction. As I have previously mentioned in my podcasts, prices
have inflated in the grain markets is not due to
currency inflation, but actual fundamental problems
facing these crops. With drought in Russia, they have
pulled their portion of Wheat from the world markets.
Weather patterns continue to hurt other crops such as
Soybeans and Corn.
And I have absolutely zero edge in these sorts of

4 Exact Link -

November 8, 2010

scenarios. I have made public my own trading market for the aforementioned reasons of account
methodology; and anyone can see that it is not built to liquidation.
take advantage of these sorts of situations. Turtle
Coffee is not really a market that I trade this time of
momentum traders must be having a field day in the
year at all. The seasonal signals are too mixed.
grains right now.
I do find Orange Juice to be one of the few markets
As for myself? I stand aside from the entire sector,
that is behaving in a manner that I find 'tradeable', as it
and wait for things to calm down. It goes back to an
is behaving according to seasonal norms. Usually,
old rule that I try to adhere to: If it's in the news? I
around December 5th of each year, we find a good
don't want anywhere near it.
opportunity to short the OJ market based on such
So this happenstance coincides well with the seasonality. This is not a market for the feint of heart
liquidation of other personal accounts. I will wait for however, as it can be a bit 'thin' at times in terms of
the grains markets to cool down a bit, before volume.
attempting to trade them again.

Sector No. 2
The Softs (Sugar, Cocoa, Coffee, Orange Juice):
Speaking of 'in the news', the Sugar market has not
even begun to pause in the midst of it's incredible Summary of the Hypothetical Model
rally. Portfolio
March 2011 Sugar – Daily Chart Note: In the beginning of this hypothetical portfolio, the share
purchases of the “Investing Sister” account will be extremely
small. As I explained in the first issue of this newsletter, it is my
intent to demonstrate how to grow the size of these positions from
2 shares, to 300 shares that pay dividends using the “three
sisters” portfolio management style. I hope to demonstrate with
such an extreme disadvantage the power of the principles that I
often discuss. It is also understood that readers of this newsletter
have a firm understanding of my 'three sisters' portfolio
management system5

We began this newsletter with a Model Portfolio of

$15,000.00 in 2009. We have grown that $15,000.00
to $27,433.81. Therefore, since inception, we have
grown the Model Portfolio by 82.89%
As follows, is the Model Account as it exists here at
As with the grains, Sugar is undergoing incredible the end of “Airelon's Market Tactics”
problems in terms of the actual crop. Brazil's drought
Investing Account Balance: $6,247.63
has all but decimated any excess Sugar that Brazil
could float onto the world market. • Received $610.00 from Trading “Sister”
As with the grains … I have no edge in these sorts of • 5.130799 shares of JNJ (DRIP is on)
scenarios, so again, I find a scenario that well 2 shares at $60.75
coincides with the fact that I have liquidated my 0.01522 shares at $64.388962
0.0235 shares at $64.255319
personal accounts. Because I will simply have to wait 2 shares at $64.94
for the Sugar market to 'calm down' as it were. 1 share at $60.61
0.046582 @ $58.391653
Cocoa, may have an opportunity for a long trade,
perhaps around November 25th, 2010. That is the next 5 Exact Link -
seasonal 'buy point'; although I will not be trading that

November 8, 2010

0.045497 @ $60.443679 The following graph displays this account visually …

• 7.169285 shares of KO (DRIP is on)
2 shares at $56.58 Hypothetical Investing “Sister” Account
0.013891 shares @ $59.031027 Year to Date
3 more shares at $56.16
0.040033 shares @ $54.954662
1 share at $53.66
1 share at $51.25
0.061832 shares @ $50.135852
0.053529 shares @ $58.472977
• 5.08562 Shares of PG (DRIP is on)
2 shares at $61.16
0.014121 shares @ $62.318533
2 shares at $62.08
0.030738 shares @ $62.788363
1 share at $61.85
0.040761 shares @ $59.615809
• 10.10951 Shares of GIS (DRIP is on)
2 shares at $70.30
2 shares at $70.61
0.013743 shares at $71.31
1 share at $71.07 Stock / Futures Trading Balance: $18,417.63
Experienced a 2:1 stock split
0.082024 shares at $34.258266
• Donated $610.00 to the Model Dividend
• Cash: $4,767.40 Investing “Sister” Account
-$75.00 of this cash I reserve to Dollar Cost Average JNJ further
in the future • Donated $305.00 to the Model Side-pocket
-$75.00 of this cash I reserve to Dollar Cost Average KO in the “Slush” “Sister” Account
-$75.00 of this cash I reserve to Dollar Cost Average PG in the • 3% risk tolerance gives us approximately
future $552.52 for my drawdown tolerance.
-$75.00 of this cash I reserve to Dollar Cost Average GIS
-This leaves $3,877.40 available for new purchases • $692.00 available from Side-pocket Fund
• 76.31 % Cash
• $692.00 available from Side-pocket Fund Hypothetical Trading “Sister” Account
Year to Date
I am increasing the amount of cash reserved for dollar
cost averaging each position. Again … since this
newsletter is coming to an end, I'm doing this to
illustrate a point.
This account received a distribution from the trading
account in the amount of $610.00. But I only
increased the amount reserved to dollar cost average
each dividend bearing stock by $5.00, or $25.00
Thus, the majority of the cash from this distribution
was to increase the background capital for the
dividend bearing account; in accordance with the risks Now as follows is my current money management
that I discussed earlier in this newsletter. performance metrics which have not changed from
last week …

November 8, 2010

Savings / Side-pocket Balance: $2,768.55 (Earning

0.15 Monthly)
Trading Performance • $692.00 for a Slush fund / Drawdown Kill
Airelon's Market Tactics Since Launch Switch fund
Per Contract Basis (American Decimal • $1,384.55 for a Base Savings
Notation) • $692.00 for Emergency Savings
Total Trades: 94
Largest Drawdown: -1.785 % of current
total or $345.00 per contract. -2.805 % of Hypothetical Side-pocket “Sister” Account
total account at the time drawdown Year to Date
Maximum Consecutive Losing Trades: 3
Average Intra-Trade Drawdown:
0.2588% currently or $50.04 per contract
Average Loss: 0.5875 % currently or
$111.55 per contract
Accuracy Rate: 75.53 %
Average Reward: 1.035 % currently or
$200.17 per contract
Average Risk: Reward Ratio: 1 Risk to
1.8 Reward

Once again, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that has in any way been connected with this
newsletter; and feel free to contact me at any time in the future.
I will conclude as I always conclude my thoughts … stay safe … trade well, and remember that loving other
people doesn't cost a dime.
Note: The above statements should not be construed as an investment or trading recommendation. Airelon's Market Tactics is a newsletter
that allows subscribers to look 'over my shoulder' as it were, for my own personal specific trading and investing ideas and thoughts for the
next week. But they are only thoughts as of the moment of publication, and are subject to change.. Any trades or investments that I discuss
within this newsletter are simply my own thoughts regarding my own investing and trading outlook. Remember that entering any market is
an individual decision. There is no guarantee that I will enter, or have entered any of the trading or investing ideas that I discuss in this
newsletter; as larger accounts may require a different strategy as the ones presented here. This newsletter simply contains my trading and
investing thoughts for the next week. I, the author do not grant this work for wide distribution beyond any single individual subscriber as this
publication is protected by U.S. And International Copyright laws. All rights reserved. No license is granted to the user except for the user's

November 8, 2010

personal use. No part of this publication or its contents may be copied, downloaded, stored in a retrieval system, further transmitted or
otherwise reproduced, stored, disseminated, transferred, or used, in any form or by any means except as permitted under the original
subscription agreement or with prior written permission. I personally only enter any market after watching and reading the tape and I trade
using money management principles6. The losses in trading can be very real, and depending on the investment vehicle and market, can
exceed your initial investment. I am not a licensed trading or investment adviser, or financial planner. But I do have 14 years of experience
in trading and investing in these markets. The Model Portfolio accounts are hypothetical accounts,with all of the inherent problems therein,
which are used within this newsletter in an attempt to track the results of this newsletter, and is run for the education of other traders who
should make their own decisions based off their own research, due diligence, and tolerance for risk. Any pictures used within this newsletter
are believed to be public domain. Any charts that are displayed using the ThinkorSwim platform, and other pictures were obtained through
Wikipedia's public domain policy.

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