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Christian Roy

1. Chaala, A., T. Ba, M. Garcia-Perez and C. Roy. Colloidal Properties of Bio-Oils Obtained by
Vacuum Pyrolysis of Softwood Bark. Ageing and Thermal Stability. Energy & Fuels. Accepted

2. Darmstadt, H., M. Garcia-Perez, A. Adnot, A. Chaala, D. Kretschmer and C. Roy. Corrosion of

Metals by Bio-Oil Obtained by Vacuum Pyrolysis of Softwood Bark Residues, A XPS and AES
Study. Energy & Fuels. 18 : 1291-1301.

3. Huang, J., R. J. Cranford, T. Matsuura and C. Roy. Sorption and Transport Behavior of Water
Vapor in Dense and Asymmetric Polyimide Membranes. J. of Membrane Science. 241 : 187-
196 (2004).

4. Ba, T., A. Chaala, M. Garcia-Perez, D. Rodrigue and C. Roy. Colloidal Properties of Bio-Oils
Obtained by Vacuum Pyrolysis of Softwood Bark. Characterization of Water Soluble and
Water Insoluble Fractions. Energy & Fuels. 18 : 704-712 (2004).

5. Gagnon, M., C. Roy and B. Riedl. Adhesives made from isocyanate and pyrolysis oils for wood
composites. Holzforschung. 58 : 400-407 (2004).

6. Ba, T., A. Chaala, M. Garcia-Perez and C. Roy. Colloidal Properties of Bio-Oils Obtained by
Vacuum Pyrolysis of Softwood Bark. Storage Stability. Energy & Fuels. 18 : 188-201 (2004).

7. Yang, J., M. Gupta, X. Roy and C. Roy. Study of Tire Particle Mixing in a Moving and Stirred Bed
Vacuum Pyrolysis Reactor. Can. J. Chem. Eng.. 82 : 510-519 (2004).

8. Gupta, M., J. Yang, S. Métral and C. Roy. Flow Characterization of Moving and Stirred Bed
Vacuum Pyrolysis Reactor from RTD Studies. Trans IchemE, Part A, Chemical Engineering
Research and Design. 82 (A1) : 34-42 (2004).

9. Darmstadt, H. and C. Roy. Surface Spectroscopic Study of Basic Sites on Carbon Blacks.
Carbon. 41 : 2653-2689 (2003).

10. Chaala, A. and C. Roy. Recycling of Meat and Bone Meal Animal Feed by Vacuum Pyrolysis.
Environmental Science & Technology. 37 : 4517-4522. (2003).

11. Pakdel, H. and C. Roy. Recovery of Bitumen by Vacuum Pyrolysis of Alberta Tar Sands. Energy
and Fuel. 17 : 1145-1152. (2003).

12. Darmstadt, H., C. Roy, S. Kaliaguine, S.H. Joo and R. Ryoo. Pore Structure and Graphitic Surface
Nature of Ordered Mesoporous Carbons Probed by Low-Pressure Nitrogen Adsorption.
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 60 : 139-149 (2003).

13. Darmstadt, H., C. Roy, S. Kaliaguine, T.-W. Kim and R. Ryoo. Surface and Pore Structures of
CMK-5 Ordered Mesoporous Carbons Studied by Adsorption and Surface Spectroscopy.
Chemistry and Materials. 15 : 3300-3307. (2003).

14. Pantea, D., H. Darmstadt, S. Kaliaguine and C. Roy. Electrical Conductivity of Conductive Carbon
Blacks: Influence of Surface Chemistry and Topology. Applied Surface Science. 217 : 181-
193 (2003).

15. Huang, J., R.J. Cranford, T. Matsuura and C. Roy. Water Vapor Permeation Properties of Aromatic
Polyimides. J. of Membrane Science. 215 : 129-140. (2003).

16. Huang, J., R.J. Cranford, T. Matsuura and C. Roy. Water Vapor Sorption and
Transport in Polyimide Dense Membranes. J of Applied Polymer Science. 87 :
2306-2317 (2003).

17. Gupta, M. J. Yang and C. Roy. Specific Heat and Thermal Conductivity of
Softwood Bark and Softwood Char. Fuel. 82 : 919-927. (2003).

18. Gupta, M., J. Yang and C. Roy. Predicting Effective Thermal Conductivity of Polydispersed Beds
of Softwood Bark and Softwood Char. Fuel. 82 : 395-404. (2003).

19. Guidoin, M.F., J. Yang, A. Pichette and C. Roy. Betulin Isolation from Birch Bark by Vacuum and
Atmospheric Sublimation. A Thermogravimetric Study. Thermochimica Acta. 398 : 153-166

20. Pantea, D., H. Darmstadt, S. Kaliaguine and C. Roy. Heat-Treatment of Carbon Blacks Obtained
by Pyrolysis of Used Tires. Effect on the Surface Chemistry, Morphology and Electrical
Conductivity. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. 67 : 55-76 (2003).

21. Gagnon, M., C. Roy, D. Rodrigue and B. Riedl. Calorimetric and Rheological Study of
Isocyanate/Pyrolysis Oil Blends. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 89 (5) : 1362-1370

22. Chaala, A. and C. Roy. Preliminary Investigation on the Recycling of Bituminous Roofing Waste
Materials by Vacuum Pyrolysis. J. of Environmental Engineering and Science. 2 : 119-126.

23. Darmstadt, H., C. Roy, S. Kaliaguine, S.J. Choi and R. Ryoo. Surface Chemistry of Ordered
Mesoporous Carbons. Carbon. 40 : 2673-3683. (2002).

24. Pakdel, H., J.N. Murwanashyaka and C. Roy. Extraction of Betulin by Vacuum Pyrolysis of Birch
Bark. Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology. 22 (2-3): 147-155. (2002).

25. Gupta, M. J. Yang and C. Roy. Modelling of the Effective Thermal Conductivity in Polydispersed
Bed Systems: A Unified Approach Using Linear Packing Theory and Unit Cell Model. Can. J.
Chem. Eng. 80 : 830-839. (2002).

26. Huang, J., R. J. Cranford, T. Matsuura and C. Roy. Development of Polyimide Membranes for the
Separation of Water Vapor from Organic Compounds. Journal of Applied Polymer Science.
85, 139-152 (2002).

27. Vasile, C., M. Brebu, Y. Sakata, H. Pakdel, C. Roy and R. Miranda. Solid Waste Treatment by
Pyrolysis Methods. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology. 3, No 1 : 230-235

28. Gupta, M., J. Yang and C. Roy. Density of Softwood Bark and Softwood Char: Procedural

Calibration and Measurement by Water Soaking and Kerosene Immersion Method. Fuel. 81:
1379-1384 (2002).

29. Garcia-Pèrez M., A. Chaala and C. Roy. Co-Pyrolysis of Sugarcane Bagasse with Petroleum
Residue. Part II: Product Yields and Properties. Fuel. 81: 893-907 (2002).

30. Amen-Chen, C., B. Riedl, X.-M. Wang and C. Roy. Softwood Bark Pyrolysis Oils-PF Resols. Part
III. Use of Propylene Carbonate as Resin Cure Accelerator. Holzforschung. 56: 281-288

31. Amen-Chen, C., B. Riedl and C. Roy. Softwood Bark Pyrolysis Oils-PF Resols. Part II. Thermal
Analysis by DSC and TG. Holzforschung. 56: 273-280 (2002).

32. Amen-Chen, C., B. Riedl, X.-M. Wang and C. Roy. Softwood Bark Pyrolysis Oils-PF Resols. Part I.
Resin Synthesis and OSB Mechanical Properties. Holzforschung. 56: 167-175 (2002).

33. Garcia-Pèrez, M., A. Chaala and C. Roy. Vacuum Pyrolysis of Sugarcane Bagasse. Journal of
Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. 65 : 111-136 (2002).

34. Pantea, D., H. Darmstadt, S. Kaliaguine, S. Blacher and C. Roy. Surface Morphology of Thermal,
Furnace and Pyrolytic Carbon Blacks by Nitrogen Adsorption - Relation to the Electrical
Conductivity. Rubber Chemistry and Technology. 75: 691-700 (2002).

35. Chan, F., B. Riedl, X.-M. Wang, X. Lu, C. Amen-Chen and C. Roy. Performance of Pyrolysis Oil-
Based Wood Adhesives in OSB. Forest Products Journal. 52 (4): 31-38 (2002).

36. Cao, N.-Z., H. Darmstadt, F. Soutric and C. Roy. Thermogravimetric Study on the Steam Activation
of Charcoals Obtained by Vacuum and Atmospheric Pyrolysis of Softwood Bark Residue.
Carbon. 40: 471-479 (2002).

37. Pakdel, H., S. Sarron and C. Roy. -Terpineol from Hydration of Crude Sulfate Turpentine Oil.
Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry. 49: 4337-4341 (2001).

38. Cao, N., H. Darmstadt and C. Roy. Activated Carbon Produced from Charcoal Obtained by
Vacuum Pyrolysis of Softwood Bark Residues. Energy and Fuels. 15 : 1263-1269 (2001).

39. Miranda, R., J. Yang and C. Roy. Vacuum Pyrolysis of Commingled Plastics Containing PVC. Part
I: Kinetic Study. Polymer Degradation and Stability. 72/3: 469-491 (2001).

40. Miranda, R., H. Pakdel, C. Roy and C. Vasile. Vacuum Pyrolysis of Commingled Plastics
Containing PVC. Part II : Product Analysis. Polymer, Degradation and Stability. 73/1: 47-67

41. Garcia-Pèrez, M., A. Chaala, J. Yang and C. Roy. Co-Pyrolysis of Sugarcane Bagasse with
Petroleum Residue. Part I: Thermogravimetric Analysis. Fuel. 80/9: 1245-1258 (2001).

42. Yang., J., R. Miranda and C. Roy. Using the DTG Curve Fitting Method to Determine the Apparent
Kinetic Parameters of Thermal Decomposition of Polymers. Polymer Degradation and Stability.
73/3: 455-461 (2001).

43. Murwanashyaka, J.N., H. Pakdel and C. Roy. Separation of Syringol from Birch Wood-Derived
Vacuum Pyrolysis Oil. Journal of Separation and Purification Technology. 24/1-2: 155-165


44. Roy., C. and A. Chaala. Recycling of Automobile Shredder Residues by Vacuum Pyrolysis.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 32: 1-27 (2001).

45. Pakdel, H., D. Pantea and C. Roy. Production of dl-Limonene by Vacuum Pyrolysis of Used Tires.
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. 57: 91-107 (2001).

46. Pantea, D., H. Darmstadt, S. Kaliaguine, L. Sümmchen and C. Roy. Electrical Conductivity of
Thermal Carbon Blacks. Influence of Surface Chemistry. Carbon. 39: 1147-1158 (2001).

47. Darmstadt, H. and C .Roy. Comparative Investigation of Defects on Carbon Black Surfaces by
Nitrogen Adsorption and SIMS. Carbon. 39: 841-848 (2001).

48. Murwanashyaka, J. Nepo, H. Pakdel and C. Roy Step-wise and One-Step Vacuum Pyrolysis of
Birch-Derived Biomass to Monitor the Evolution of Phenols. Journal of Analytical and Applied
Pyrolysis. 60/2: 219-231 (2001).

49. Darmstadt, H., M. Garcia-Pèrez, A. Chaala, N.-Z. Cao and C. Roy. Co-Pyrolysis Under Vacuum of
Sugar Cane Bagasse and Petroleum Residue. Properties of the Char and Activated Char
Products. Carbon. 39: 815-825 (2001).

50. Amen-Chen, C., H. Pakdel and C. Roy. Production of Monomeric Phenols by Thermochemical
Conversion of Biomass: A Review. Bioresource Technology. 79/3: 277-299 (2001).

51. Boucher, M.E., A. Chaala and C. Roy. Bio-Oils Obtained by Vacuum Pyrolysis of Softwood Bark as
a Liquid Fuel for Gas Turbines. Part I: Properties of Bio-Oil and its Blends with Methanol and a
Pyrolytic Aqueous Phase. Biomass & Bioenergy. 19: 337-350 (2000).

52. Boucher, M.E., A. Chaala and C. Roy. Bio-Oils Obtained by Vacuum Pyrolysis of Softwood Bark as
a Liquid Fuel for Gas Turbines. Part II: Stability and Ageing of Bio-Oils and its Blends with
Methanol and a Pyrolytic Aqueous Phase. Biomass & Bioenergy. 19: 351-361 (2000).

53. C. Malendoma, J. Yang and C. Roy. Determination of the Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient in a
Vacuum Pyrolysis Moving and Stirred Bed Reactor. Chemical Engineering Research and
Design.78: 633-642 (2000).

54. Darmstadt, H., C. Roy, S. Kaliaguine, G. Xu, M. Auger, A. Trudel and V. Ramaswamy. Solid State
C-NMR Spectroscopy and XRD Studies of Commercial and Pyrolytic Carbon Blacks. Carbon.
38: 1279-1287 (2000).

55. Chebil, S., A. Chaala and C. Roy. Use of Softwood Bark Charcoal as a Modifier for Road Bitumen.
Fuel. 79 : 671-683 (2000).

56. Yousefi, A.A., A. Ait-Kadi and C. Roy. Effect of Used-Tire-Derived Pyrolytic Oil Residue on the
Properties of Polymer-Modified Asphalts. Fuel. 79 : 975-986. (2000).

57. Brebu, M., C. Vasile, S.-R. Antonie, M. Chiriac, M. Precup, J. Yang and C. Roy. Study of the
Natural Ageing of the PVC Insulation for Electrical Cables. Polymer Degradation and Stability.
67 : 209-221 (2000).

58. Darmstadt, H., N.-Z. Cao, D. Pantea, C. Roy, L. Sümmchen, U. Roland, J.-B. Donnet, T.K. Wang,
C.H. Peng and P. J. Donnelly. Surface Activity and Chemistry of Thermal Carbon Blacks.
Rubber Chemistry and Technology. 73: 293-309 (2000).

59. Darmstadt, H., D., Pantea , L. Sümmchen, U. Roland, S. Kaliaguine and C. Roy. Surface and Bulk
Chemistry of Charcoal Obtained by Vacuum Pyrolysis of Bark: Influence of Feedstock
Moisture Content. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. 53 : 1-17 (2000).

60. Yousefi, A.A., Ait-Kadi, A. and C. Roy. Composite Asphalt Binders: Effect of Modified Recycled
Polyethylene on Asphalt. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 12 : 113-123 (2000).

61. Yang, J. and C. Roy. Using DTA to Quantitatively Determine Enthalpy Change over a Wide
Temperature Range by the Mass-Difference Baseline Method. Thermochimica Acta. 333 :
131-140. (1999).

62. Miranda, R., H. Pakdel, C. Roy, H. Darmstadt and C. Vasile. Vacuum Pyrolysis of PVC. Part II:
Product Analysis. Polymer Degradation and Stability. 66 : 107-125 (1999).

63. Chaala, A., O.G. Ciochina and C. Roy. Vacuum Pyrolysis of Automobile Shredder Residues. Use
of the Pyrolytic Oil as a Modifier for Road Bitumen. Resources, Conservation and Recycling.
26 : 155-172. (1999).

64. Roy, C., A. Chaala and H. Darmstadt. The Vacuum Pyrolysis of Used Tires. End-Uses for the Oil
and Carbon Black Products. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. 51 : 201-221 (1999).

65. Miranda, R., J. Yang, C. Roy and C. Vasile. Vacuum Pyrolysis of PVC. Part I: Kinetic Study.
Polymer Degradation and Stability. 64: 127-144. (1999).

66. Pakdel, H., C. Roy and W. Kalkreuth. Oil Production by Vacuum Pyrolysis of Canadian Oil Shale
and Fate of the Biological Markers. Fuel. 78 : 365-375 (1999).

67. Cranford, R.J., H. Darmstadt, J. Yang and C. Roy. Polyetherimide/Polyvinylpyrrolidone Vapor

Permeation Membranes. Physical and Chemical Characterization. Journal of Membrane
Science. 155 : 231-240 (1998).

68. Roy, C. and H. Darmstadt. Carbon Blacks Recovered from Rubber Waste by Vacuum Pyrolysis.
Comparison with Commercial Grades. Plastics, Rubber and Composite Processing and
Applications. 27 : 341-345 (1998).

69. Chaala, A., O.G. Ciochina, C. Roy, M. Bousmina. Rheological Properties of Bitumen Modified with
Used Tire-Derived Pyrolytic Oil Residue. Polymer Recycling. 3 (No 1) : 1-15 (1997/98).

70. S. Chebil, A. Chaala, H. Darmstadt and C. Roy. Modification of bitumen with scrap tire pyrolytic
carbon black. Comparison with commercial carbon black. Part II: Microscopic and surface
spectroscopic investigation. Polymer Recycling. 3 (No 1) : 17-28 (1997/98).

71. Darmstadt, H., C. Roy, S. Kaliaguine, J.-M. Ting and R. L. Alig. Surface Spectroscopic Analysis of
Vapour Grown Carbon Fibres Prepared under Various Conditions. Carbon. 36 : 1183-1190

72. Yousefi, A.A., A. Aït-Kadi and C. Roy. Effect of Elastomeric and Plastomeric Tougheners on
Different Properties of Recycled Polyethylene. Advances in Polymer Technology. 17 : 127-143

73. Choque, J.C., J. Yang and C. Roy. Modélisation du transfert de chaleur dans un réacteur de
pyrolyse sous vide utilisé pour le traitement des sols contaminés. International Journal of Heat
and Mass Transfer. 41 : 2809-2819 (1998).

74. Roy, C., M. Hébert, W. Kalkreuth and A.E. Schwerdtfeger. Conversion Characteristics of Canadian
Coals Subjected to Vacuum Pyrolysis Treatment. Fuel. 77 : 197-208 (1998).

75. C. Vasile, S. Woramongconcha, R. D. Deanin, A. Chaala and C. Roy. Recycling the Mixed Plastics
Fraction from Junked Autos. IV. Pyrolysis Products of Polymer Wastes as Melt Flow Improvers
and Compatibilizing Agents. Intern. J. Polymeric Mater. 38 : 263-273 (1997).

76. Darmstadt, H., L. Sümmchen, J.-M. Ting, U. Roland, S. Kaliaguine and C. Roy. Effects of Surface
Treatment on the Bulk Chemistry and Structure of Vapor Grown Carbon Fibers. Carbon. 35 :
1581-1585 (1997).

77. Darmstadt, H., C. Roy, S. Kaliaguine and H. Cormier. Surface Energy of Commercial and Pyrolytic
Carbon Blacks by Inverse Gas Chromatography. Rubber Chemistry and Technology. 70 :
759-768 (1997)

78. Vasile, C., R.D. Deanin, M. Mihaies, C. Roy, A. Chaala and W. Ma. Chemicals and Energy from
Medical Polymer Wastes. II. Maleated Pyrolysis Products in IPP/LLDPE Processing. Intern. J.
Polymeric Mater. 37 : 173-199 (1997).

79. Chabot, S., C. Roy, T. Matsuura and G. Chowdhury. Development of Polyvinylidene Fluoride
Hollow Fiber Membranes for the Treatment of Water/Organic Vapour Mixtures. Journal of
Applied Polymer Science. 65 : 1263-1270 (1997).

80. Amen-Chen, C., H. Pakdel and C. Roy. Separation of Phenols from Eucalyptus Wood Tar.
Biomass and Bioenergy. 13 : 25-37 (1997).

81. Pakdel, H., C. Amen-Chen and C. Roy. Phenolic Compounds from Vacuum Pyrolysis of Wood
Wastes. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 75 : 121-126 (1997).

82. Darmstadt, H., L. Sümmchen, U. Roland, C. Roy, S. Kaliaguine and A. Adnot. Surface versus Bulk
Chemistry of Pyrolytic Carbon Blacks by SIMS and Raman Spectroscopy. Surface and
Interface Analysis. 25 : 245-253 (1997).

83. Chaala, A., H. Darmstadt and C. Roy. Vacuum Pyrolysis of Electric Cable Wastes. Journal of
Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. 39 : 79-96 (1997).

84. Cranford, R.J., C. Roy and T. Matsuura. Vapour Permeation Applied for the Separation of Water
from Organic Compounds and Gases using Asymmetric Polyetherimide/Polyvinylpyrrolidone
Capillary Tubes. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 75 : 471-475 (1997).

85. Roy, C., H. Darmstadt, B. Benallal and C. Amen-Chen. Characterization of Naphtha and Carbon
Black Obtained by Vacuum Pyrolysis of Polyisoprene Rubber. Fuel Processing Technology.
50 : 87-103 (1997).

86. Chebil, S., A. Chaala and C. Roy. Modification of Bitumen with Scrap Tire Pyrolytic Carbon Black.
A Comparison with Commercial Carbon Black. Part I: Mechanical and Rheological Properties.
Polymer Recycling. 2 (No 4) : 257-269 (1996).

87. Sahouli, B., F. Brouers, S. Blacher, H. Darmstadt, C. Roy and S. Kaliaguine. Surface Morphology
and Chemistry of Commercial Carbon Black and of Carbon Black from Vacuum Pyrolysis of
Used Tyres. Fuel. 75 : 1244-1250 (1996).

88. Chaala, A., C. Roy and A. Aït-Kadi. Rheological Properties of Asphalt Modified with Pyrolytic
Carbon Black. Fuel. 75 : 1575-1583 (1996).

89. Yang, J. and C. Roy. A New Method for DTA Measurement of Enthalpy Change During the
Pyrolysis of Rubbers. Thermochemica Acta. 288 : 155-168 (1996).

90. Pakdel, H. and C. Roy. Separation and Characterization of Steroids in Biomass-Derived Vacuum
Pyrolysis Oils. Bioresource Technology. 58 : 83-88 (1996).

91. Sahouli, B., S. Blacher, F. Brouers, R. Sobry, G. Van Den Bossche, B. Diez, H. Darmstadt, C. Roy
and S. Kaliaguine. Surface Morphology of Commercial Carbon Blacks and Carbon Blacks
from Pyrolysis of Used Tyres by Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering. Carbon. 34 : 633-637 (1996).

92. Chaala, A., C. Roy, H. Darmstadt and S. Kaliaguine. Acid-Base Method for the Demineralization of
Pyrolytic Carbon Black. Fuel Processing Technology. 46 : 1-15 (1996).

93. Darmstadt, H., A. Chaala, C. Roy and S. Kaliaguine. SIMS and ESCA Characterization of Bitumen
Reinforced with Pyrolytic Carbon Black. Fuel. 75 : 125-132 (1996).

94. Chaala, A. and C. Roy. Production of Coke from Scrap Tire Vacuum Pyrolysis Oils. Fuel
Processing Technology. 46 : 227-239. (1996).

95. Leblanc, J.L., C. Roy, S. Mirmiran, B. Benallal and A.E. Schwerdtfeger. The Plasticizing Properties
of Heavy Oils Obtained from the Vacuum Pyrolysis of Used Tires. Kautschuk Gummi
Kunststoffe. 49 (3) : 194-199. (1996).

96. Darmstadt, H., C. Roy and S. Kaliaguine. Characterization of Pyrolytic Carbon Blacks from
Commercial Tire Pyrolysis Plants. Carbon. 33 : 1449-1455 (1995).

97. Yang, J., P.A. Tanguy and C. Roy. Heat Transfer, Mass Transfer and Kinetics Study of the Vacuum
Pyrolysis of a Large Used Tire Particle. Chemical Engineering Science. 50 : 1909-1922

98. Benallal, B., H. Pakdel, S. Chabot, C. Roy and M. A. Poirier. Characterization of Pyrolytic Light
Naphtha Derived from Vacuum Pyrolysis of Used Tires - Comparison with Petroleum Naphthas.
Fuel. 74 : 1589-1594 (1995).

99. Roy, C., S. Kaliaguine, A. Rastegar, H. Darmstadt and V. Tochev. Physicochemical Properties of
Carbon Blacks from Vacuum Pyrolysis of Used Tires. Plastics, Rubber and Composites.
Processing and Applications. 23 : 21-30 (1995).

100. Yang, J., P.A. Tanguy and C. Roy. A Numerical Model for the Vacuum Pyrolysis of Scrap Tires
in Batch Reactors. A.I.Ch.E. Journal. 41 : 1500-1512 (1995).

101. Roy, C., B. de Caumia, D. Blanchette, H. Pakdel, G. Couture and A. E. Schwerdtfeger.

Vacuum Pyrolysis Process for Remediation of Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Soils. Remediation.
Winter 1994/95 : 111-130.

102. Darmstadt, H., C. Roy, S. Kaliaguine, B. Sahouli, F. Brouers, S. Blacher and R. Pirard. Fractal
Analysis of Commercial and Pyrolytic Carbon Blacks Using Nitrogen Adsorption Data. Rubber
Chemistry and Technology. 68 : 330-341 (1995).

103. Darmstadt, H., C. Roy and S. Kaliaguine. ESCA Characterization of Commercial Carbon
Blacks and of Carbon Blacks from Vacuum Pyrolysis of Used Tires. Carbon. 32: 1399-1406.

104. Darmstadt, H., C. Roy and S. Kaliaguine. Inorganic Components and Sulphur Compounds in
Carbon Blacks from Vacuum Pyrolysis of Used Tires. Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe. 47:
891-895. (1994).

105. Pakdel, H . and C. Roy. Simultaneous GC-FTIR-MS Analysis of Synthetic fuel Derived from
Used Tire Vacuum Pyrolysis Oil, Naphtha Fraction. Journal of Chromatography A. 683 : 203-
214 (1994).

106. Pakdel, H., G. Couture and C. Roy. Vacuum Pyrolysis of Bark Residues and Primary Sludges.
TAPPI Journal. 77 : 205-211 (1994).

107. Pakdel, H., H.G. Zhang and C. Roy. Production and Characterization of Carboxylic Acids from
Wood Part II: High Molecular Weight Carboxylic Acids and Resin Acids. Bioresource
Technology. 47: 45-53. (1994).

108. Roy, C., H. Pakdel, H.G. Zhang and D. Elliott. Characterization and Catalytic Gasification of
Aqueous by-Products from Vacuum Pyrolysis of Biomass. Canadian Journal of Chemical
Engineering 72: 98-106. (1994).

109. Yang, J., S. Kaliaguine and C. Roy. Improved Quantitative Determination of Elastomers in Tire
Rubber by Kinetic Simulation of DTG Curves. Rubber Chemistry and Technology. 66: 213-
229. (1993).

110. Roy, C., M. Hébert and W. Kalkreuth. Vacuum Pyrolysis of Canadian Coals. Thermal De-
composition Characteristics of Two High Volatile Bituminous Coals. Erdöl und Kohle, Erdgas,
Petrochemie. 46: 66-73 (1993).

111. Dufeu, J.B., C. Roy, A. Ajji and L. Choplin. PVC Filled with Vacuum Pyrolysis Scrap Tires -
Derived Carbon Blacks: An Investigation on Rheological, Mechanical and Electrical Properties.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 46: 2159-2167. (1992).

112. Pakdel, H., B. de Caumia and C. Roy. Vacuum Pyrolysis of Lignin Derived from Steam-
Exploded Wood. Biomass and Bioenergy. 3: 31-40. (1992).

113. Carrasco, F. and C. Roy. Kinetic Study of Dilute-Acid Prehydrolysis of Xylan-Containing

Biomass. Wood Science and Technology. 26: 189-208. (1992).

114. Roy, V., B. de Caumia and C. Roy. Development of a Gas Cleaning System for a Scrap Tire
Vacuum Pyrolysis Plant. Gas Separation and Purification. 6: 83-87. (1992).

115. Guidoin, R., M. Therrien, C. Rolland, J.L. Grandmaison, S. Kaliaguine, M. King, P. Blais, H.
Pakdel and C. Roy. The Polyurethane Foam Covering the MEMER Breast Prosthesis: A
Biomedical Breakthrough or a Biomaterial Tar-Baby? Annals of Plastic Surgery. 28: 342-353.

116. Mirmiran, S., H. Pakdel and C. Roy. Characterization of Used Tire Vacuum Pyrolysis Oil:
Nitrogenous Compounds from the Naphtha Fraction. Journal of Analytical and Applied
Pyrolysis. 22: 205-215. (1992).

117. Pakdel, H., C. Roy, H. Aubin, G. Jean and S. Coulombe. Formation of dl-Limonene in Used
Tire Vacuum Pyrolysis Oils. Environmental Science & Technology. 25: 1646-1649. (1991).

118. Pakdel, H. and C. Roy. Hydrocarbon Content of Liquid Products and Tar from Pyrolysis and
Gasification of Wood. Energy and Fuels. 5: 427-436. (1991).

119. Pakdel, H., J.-P. Blin and C. Roy. Upgrading of Petroleum Residues by Vacuum Pyrolysis.
Fuel Science and Technology Int'l. 9: 999-1014. (1991).

120. Carrasco, F. and C. Roy. Reutilizacion y reciclaje de neumaticos usados: aspectos quimicos,
ambientales y económicos. Ingeniería quimíca. No 263, 153-158. (1991).

121. Carrasco, F. and C. Roy. Aplicaciones de la pirólisis al reciclaje de residuos urbanos e

industriales. Ibérica, No 332, 285-286. (1991).

122. Roy, C., B. Labrecque and B. de Caumia. Recycling of Scrap Tires in Oil and Carbon Black by
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129. Pakdel, H. and C. Roy. Chemical Characterization of Wood Pyrolysis Oils Obtained in a
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130. Renaud, M., J.L. Grandmaison, C. Roy and S. Kaliaguine. Low Pressure Upgrading of
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131. Plante, P., C. Roy and E. Chornet. CO 2 Gasification of Wood Charcoals Derived from Vacuum
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145. Roy, C. and E. Chornet. Study of the Catalytic Effects of Impregnated Metals in the Pyrolysis
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147. Fonseca, R., E. Chornet, C. Roy, M. Grandbois and J.F. Kelly. Statistical Study on the Batch
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148. Chornet, E. and C. Roy. Compensation Effect in the Thermal Decomposition of Cellulosic
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149. Roy, C., G.R. Bellemare and E. Chornet. The Effect of Sensivity Setting of a Katharometer on
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1. Lu, X. and C. Roy. Process for recovering value-added products from pulping soap. US Patent
Application Number 10717463. November 21, 2003

2. Roy, C., D. Blanchette and B. de Caumia. Reactor de lecho de movimiento

horizontal. Cuba No 22910. 30 juillet 2003.

3. Cranford, R., and C. Roy. Solvent Resistant Asymmetric Integrally Skinned Membranes.
Canadian Patent Application Number 2,435,538. July 2003.

4. Lu, X. and C. Roy. Process for Recovering Value-Added Products from Pulping Soap. Canadian
Patent Application Number 2,433,246. June 25, 2003.

5. Roy, C., D. Blanchette and B. de Caumia. Horizontal Moving Bed Reactor. Russian Patent
Number 2201284. March 27, 2003.

6. Roy, C., D. Blanchette and B. de Caumia. Horizontal Moving and Stirred Bed Reactor. European
Patent Number EP 0958331. November 13, 2002.

7. Roy, C., D. Blanchette and B. de Caumia. Horizontal Moving and Stirred Bed Reactor. Chinese
Patent Number ZL 98802312.1. July 10, 2002.

8. Roy, C., D. Blanchette and B. de Caumia. Horizontal Moving and Stirred Bed Reactor. Australia
Patent Number 732934. August 16, 2001.

9. Roy, C., D. Blanchette and B. de Caumia. Horizontal Moving and Stirred Bed Reactor. New
Zealand Patent Number 337245. May 10, 2001.

10. Roy, C., D. Blanchette and B. de Caumia. Horizontal Moving and Stirred Bed Reactor. Canadian
Patent Number 2,196,841. April 3, 2001.

11. Roy, C., D. Blanchette and B. de Caumia. Horizontal Moving and Stirred Bed Reactor. Singapore
Patent Number 67045. December 19, 2000.

12. Roy, C., H. Pakdel and X. Lu. Process for the Production of Phenolic-Rich Pyrolysis Oils for Use
in Making Phenol-Formaldehyde Resol Resins. US Patent Number 6.143.856. November 7,

13. Roy, C., D. Blanchette and B. de Caumia. Horizontal Moving and Stirred Bed Reactor. US Patent
Number 6.042.696. March 28, 2000.

14. Roy, C., H. Pakdel and X. Lu. Process for the Production of Phenolic-Rich Pyrolysis Oils for Use
in Making Phenol-Formaldehyde Resol Resins. International Patent Application No WO
00/44699. August 3, 2000.

15. Roy, C., H. Pakdel and X. Lu. Process for the Production of Phenolic-Rich Pyrolysis Oils for Use
in Making Phenol-Formaldehyde Resol Resins. Canadian Patent Application No 2,260,570.
January 29, 1999.

16. Roy, C. Recovery of Commercially Valuable Products from Scrap Tires. European Patent No 669
388 AZ. January 20, 1999.

17. Roy, C. Treatment of Automobile Shredder Residue by Vacuum Pyrolysis. Canada Patent
Number 2,045,254. April 14, 1998.

18. Roy, C. Treatment of Automobile Shredder Residue by Vacuum Pyrolysis. European Patent No
588.814 B1, September 27, 1995.

19. Roy, C. Treatment of Automobile Shredder Residue by Vacuum Pyrolysis. US Patent Number
5,451,297. September 19, 1995.

20. Roy, C. Recovery of Commercially Valuable Products from Scrap Tires. Canadian Patent Number
1,334,433. February 14, 1995.

21. Roy, C. Recovery of Commercially Valuable Products from Scrap Tires. Australia Patent Number
651,029. July 7, 1994.

22. Roy, C. Recovery of Commercially Valuable Products from Scrap Tires. US Patent Number
5,229,099. July 20, 1993.

23. Roy, C. Separation of Commercially Valuable Chemicals from Tire-Derived Pyrolysis Oils. US
Patent Number 5,208,401. May 1993.

24. Roy, C. Recovery of Commercially Valuable Products from Scrap Tires. Australia Patent Number
636,350. April 29, 1993.

25. Roy, C. Extraction of Commercially Valuable Chemicals from Tire-Derived Pyrolytic Oils. US
Patent Number 5,099,086. March 24, 1992.

26. Roy, C. Recovery of Commercially Valuable Products from Scrap Tires. US Patent Number
5,087,436. February 11, 1992.

27. Roy, C. Treatment of Petroleum-Derived Organis Sludges and Oil Residues. Canadian Patent
Number 1,275,958. November 6, 1990.

28. Roy, C. Production of Hydrocarbon Oils by Vacuum Pyrolysis of Scrap Tires. Canadian Patent
Number 1,271,151, July 3, 1990.

29. Roy, C. Recovery of Commercially Valuable Products from Scrap Tires. European Patent Number
0 477 187 B1. May 22, 1990.

30. Roy, C. Treatment of Petroleum Derived Organic Sludges and Oil Residues. US Patent Number
4,839,021. June 13, 1989.

31. Roy, C. Vacuum Pyrolysis of Scrap Tires. US Patent Number 4,740,270. April 26, 1988.

32. Chornet, E. and C. Roy. Organic Products and Liquid Fuels from Lignocellulosic Materials by
Vacuum Pyrolysis. Canadian Patent No 1,163,595. March 1984.


1. Pakdel, H., L.V. Ciochina, J. Yang and C. Roy. Chemical Characterization of Pyrolysis Lignin
from Softwood Vacuum Pyrolysis Oil. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. Submitted

2. Baçaoui, A., K. Nyazi, A. Yaacoubi, H. Darmstadt, A. Adnot and C. Roy. Adsorption of Herbicides
on Carbon Blacks – Influence of the Surface Chemistry. Carbon. Submitted (2004).

3. Yang, J., M. Gupta and C. Roy. Predicting Residence Time of Granular Particles in a Stirred and
Moving Bed Reactor. AIChE Journal. Submitted (2004).

4. Chaala, A., B. de Caumia and C. Roy. Recycling of Urban Sewage Sludges by Vacuum
Pyrolysis. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Submitted (2003).

5. Mourant, D., D.-Q. Yang, X. Lu and C. Roy. Anti-Fungal Properties of the Pyroligneous Liquors
from the Pyrolysis of Softwood Bark. Holzforschung. Submitted (2002).

6. Huang, J., R.J. Cranford, T. Matsuura and C. Roy. Application of Polyimide Membranes for the
Treatment of Pyroligneous Liquors in the Vapor Phase. J. of Membrane Science. Submitted.

7. Darmstadt, H., D. Toma, W. Brandl, M.L. Lake and C. Roy. Surface Properties of Plasma-
Treated Vapour Grown Carbon Nanofibres by Low-Pressure Nitrogen Adsorption. Carbon.
Submitted (2002).


1. Roy, C., P. Plante and B. de Caumia. Oil and Carbon Black by Pyrolysis of Used
Tires. International Conference. Sustainable Waste Management and
Recycling: Used/Post-Consumer Tyres. September 2004. Editors: M.C.
Limbachiya and J.J. Roberts. Thomas Telford publisher (17-33).

2. Garcia-Perez, M., A. Chaala, D. Kretschmer, A. De Champlain, P. Hughes and C.

Roy. Spray Characterization of a Softwood Bark Vacuum Pyrolysis Oil.
Science in Thermal and Chemical Biomass Conversion. Proceedings of the
Conference held in Victoria, B.C., August 30-September 2, 2004.

3. Pakdel, H., C.L. Vasile and C. Roy. Chemical characterization of pyrolysis

lignin from softwood vacuum pyrolysis oil. Science in Thermal and Chemical
Biomass Conversion. Proceedings of the Conference held in Victoria, B.C.,
August 30-September 2, 2004.

4. Garcia-Perez, M., P. Lappas and C. Roy. An Overview of the Potential Use of

Bio-Oils as Fuels in Advanced Combustion Systems. Science in Thermal and
Chemical Biomass Conversion. Proceedings of the Conference held in
Victoria, B.C., August 30-September 2, 2004.

5. Garcia-Perez, M., A. Chaala, H. Pakdel, D. Kretschmer, P. Hughes and C. Roy. The Complex
Structure of Bio-Oils. 2nd World Conference on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate
Protection. Proceedings of the Conference held in Rome, Italy. May 10-14, 2004. Eds. W.P.M.
Van Swaaij, T. Fjällström, P. Helm and A. Grassi., ETA-Florence (725-728).

6. Roy, C., A. Chaala, H. Darmstadt, B. de Caumia, H. Pakdel and J. Yang. Conversion of Used
Tires to Carbon Black and Oil by Pyrolysis. Chapter in the book "Rubber Recycling" (CRC
Press). 2005.

7. Murwanashyaka, J.N., H. Pakdel and C. Roy. Fractional Vacuum Pyrolysis of Biomass and
Separation of Phenolic Compounds by Steam Distillation. Fast Pyrolysis of Biomass: A
Handbook. Volume 2. A.V. Bridgewater, Ed. CLP Press. Newbury, UK. 2002. (407-418).

8. Roy, C., F. Dubé, D. Blanchette, B. de Caumia and P. Plante. Progress in the Demonstration
of the Biomass Vacuum Pyrolysis Pyrocycling TM Process. 12th European Conference and
Technology Exhibition on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection. Proceedings of
the Conference held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 17-21, 2002. (1231-1234).

9. Yang, J., D. Blanchette, B. de Caumia and C. Roy. Modelling, Scale-up and Demonstration of a
Vacuum Pyrolysis Reactor. Progress in Thermochemical Biomass Conversion. Tyrol, Austria.
September 17-22, 2000. A.V. Bridgwater, Ed., Blackwell Science Ltd., London, UK, 2001. Vol II

10. Chaala, A., M. Garcia and C. Roy. Co-pyrolysis Under Vacuum of Bagasse with Petroleum
Residues. Progress in Thermochemical Biomass Conversion. Tyrol, Austria. September 17-22,
2000. A.V. Bridgwater, Ed., Blackwell Science Ltd., London, UK, 2001. Vol II (1349-1363).

11. Pakdel, H., J.N. Murwanashyaka and C. Roy. Fractional Vacuum Pyrolysis of Biomass for High
Yield of Phenolic Type Oil. Progress in Thermochemical Biomass Conversion. Tyrol, Austria.
September 17-22, 2000. A.V. Bridgwater, Ed., Blackwell Science Ltd., London, UK, 2001. Vol II

12. Roy, C., D. Blanchette, B. de Caumia, F. Dubé, J. Pinault, É. Bélanger and P. Laprise.
Industrial Scale Demonstration of the Pyrocycling TM Process for the Conversion of Biomass to
Biofuels and Chemicals. 1st World Conference on Biomass for Energy and Industry.
Proceedings of the Conference held in Sevilla, Spain. June 5-9, 2000. S. Kyritsis, A.A.C.M.
Beenackers, P. Helm, A. Grassi and D. Chiaramonti, Eds. James & James (Science Publishers)
Ltd., London, UK, 2001. Vol II (1032-1035).

13. Roy, C., L. Calvé, X. Lu, H. Pakdel and C. Amen-Chen. Wood Composite Adhesives from
Softwood Bark-Derived Vacuum Pyrolysis Oils. Proceeding of the 4 th Biomass Conference of
the Americas. Biomass : A Growth Opportunity in Green Energy and Value - Added Products .
E. Chornet, R.P. Overend and V. Tiangco, Eds. Elsevier Science Ltd., 1999, Vol. 1 (521-526).

14. Roy, C., D. Morin, F. Dubé and A.E. Schwerdtfeger. Electricity Production from Biomass Using
the Integrated Pyrocycling TM Combined Cycle Process. Proceedings of the 3rd Biomass
Conference of the Americas. Making a Business from Biomass. R.P. Overend and E. Chornet,
Eds. Elsevier Science, UK, 1997, Vol. 1 (835-843).

15. Roy, C., D. Morin and F. Dubé. The Biomass Pyrocycling TM Process. Biomass Gasification and
Pyrolysis. State of the Art and Future Prospects. M. Kaltschmitt and A.V. Bridgwater, Eds.
CPL Scientific Limited, Newbury, UK, 1997 (307-315).

16. Pakdel, H., X. Lu and C. Roy. Effect of Various Pyrolysis Parameters on the Production of
Phenols from Biomass. Developments in Thermochemical Biomass Conversion. A.V.
Bridgwater and D.G.B. Boocock, Eds. Blackie Academic and Professional, London, UK, 1997

17. Roy, C., D. Blanchette, L. Korving, J. Yang and B. de Caumia. Development of a Novel
Vacuum Pyrolysis Reactor with Improved Heat Transfer Potential. Developments in
Thermochemical Biomass Conversion. A.V. Bridgwater and D.G.B. Boocock, Eds. Blackie
Academic and Professional, London, UK, 1997 (351-367).

18. Pakdel, H., C. Amen-Chen, J. Zhang and C. Roy. Phenolic Compounds from Vacuum
Pyrolysis of Biomass. Bio-Oil Production and Utilisation. Bio-Oil, Production and Utilisation.
Proceedings of the 2nd EU-Canada Workshop on Thermal Biomass Processing. A.V.
Bridgwater and E.N. Hogan, Eds. CPL Press, Newbury, UK, 1996 (124-136).

19. Roy, C. Contribution à la rédaction des chapitres 2 et 3 du manuel (textbook) Pollution

Prevention. Problems and Solutions. L. Theodore, R. Ryan Dupont and J. Reynolds, Eds.
Gordon and Breach Science Publishers S.A., Lausanne, Switzerland, 1994. 319 pages.

20. Pakdel, H., H.G. Zhang and C. Roy. Detailed Chemical Characterization of Biomass Pyrolysis
Oils, Polar Fractions. Advances in Thermochemical Biomass Conversion. A.V. Bridgwater, Ed.
Blackie Academic and Professional, London, UK, 1993 (1068-1085).

21. Roy, C., D. Blanchette, B. de Caumia and B. Labrecque. Conceptual Design and Evaluation of
a Biomass Vacuum Pyrolysis Plant. Advances in Thermochemical Biomass Conversion. A.V.
Bridgwater, Ed. Blackie Academic and Professional, London, UK, 1993 (1165-1186).

22. Pakdel, H., G. Couture, C. Roy, A. Masson, P. Gélinas and S. Lesage. Method Development
for the Analysis of Toxic Chemicals in Soil and Groundwater. The Case of Ville Mercier, P.Q. In
Groundwater Quality and Analysis at Hazardous Waste Sites. S. Lesage and R.E. Jackson,
Eds. Marcel Dekker Inc. 1992. (381-421).

23. Pakdel, H. and C. Roy. Characterization of Vacuum Pyrolysis Oils of Diverse Origins.
Proceedings of the First Canada/European Community R & D Contractors Meeting: Biomass
Thermal Processing. E. Hogan, J. Robert, G. Grassi and A.V. Bridgwater, Eds. CPL Press,
Newbury, U.K. 1990. (144-156).

24. Roy, C., B. de Caumia, H. Pakdel, P. Plante, D. Blanchette and B. Labrecque. Vacuum
Pyrolysis of Used Tires, Petroleum Sludges and Forestry Wastes: Technological Development
and Implementation Perspectives. Proceedings of the First Canada/European Community R &
D Contractors Meeting: Biomass Thermal Processing. E. Hogan, J. Robert, G. Grassi and A.V.
Bridgwater, Eds. CPL Press, Newbury, U.K. 1990. (109-128).

25. Kalkreuth, W., C. Roy and M. Stellar. Conversion Properties of Selected Canadian Coals
Based on Hydrogenation and Pyrolysis Experiments. In Contributions to Canadian Coal
Geoscience. Geological Survey of Canada. Paper 89-8 (1989).

26. Roy, C., B. de Caumia and H. Pakdel. Preliminary Feasibility Study of the Biomass Vacuum
Pyrolysis Process. Un chapitre dans le livre Research in Thermochemical Biomass
Conversion. J. Kuester and T. Bridgwater, Eds. Elsevier Applied Science Publishers B.V.,
Amsterdam. 1988. (585-596).

27. Pakdel, H., C. Roy and K. Zeidan. Chemical Characterization of Hydrocarbons Produced by
Vacuum Pyrolysis of Aspen Poplar Wood Chips. Un chapitre dans le livre Research in
Thermochemical Biomass Conversion. J. Kuester and T. Bridgwater, Eds. Elsevier Applied
Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam. 1988. (572-584).

28. Roy, C. B. de Caumia, D. Brouillard and H. Ménard. The Pyrolysis Under Vacuum of Aspen
Poplar. Un chapitre dans le livre Fundamentals of Thermochemical Biomass Conversion: An
International Conference. R.P. Overend, T.A. Milne and L.K. Mudge, Eds. Elsevier Applied
Science Publishers, New York. 1984. (237-256).

29. Chornet, E. and C. Roy. Fuels From Peat: A Perspective. Un chapitre dans le livre The
Diversity of Peat. F.C. Pollett, A.F. Rayment and A. Robertson, Editors. Newfoundland and
Labrador Peat Association, St-John's, Newfoundland. 1980. (93-106).


1. Roy, C., P. Plante and B. de Caumia. Oil and Carbon Black by Pyrolysis of Used Tires.
International Conference. Sustainable Waste Management and Recycling: Challenges and
Opportunities, Kingston University, London, UK, September 2004.

2. Mourant, D., D.Q. Yang, X. Lu, B. Riedl and C. Roy. Copper Fixation by Way of a Pyrolytic
Resin. Environmental Impacts of Preservative-Treated Wood Conference, Orlando, Florida,
February 8-10, 2004.

3. Garcia-Perez, M., A. Chaala, D. Kretschmer, P. Hughes and C. Roy. Combustion properties of

Bio-Oils Obtained by Vacuum Pyrolysis of Softwood Bard Residues. 53rd Canadian Chemical
Engineering Conference. Hamilton, Ontario, October 26-29, 2003.

4. Ciochina, L., S. Beaudet, C. Roy and H. Pakdel. Direct and Rapid Analysis of Softwood Bark
Oil Fractions by Py-MAB/TOF. 51st ASMS Conference. Montreal, Canada, June 8-12, 2003.

5. Riedl, B., C. Roy, M. Gagnon, C. Amen-Chen and X.-M. Wang. Use of Wood Pyrolysis Oils as
Cocondensates in Phenolic and Isocyanates Adhesives for Composite Wood Panels.
International Association of Wood Products Societies. International Conference on Forest
Products, Sponsored by Korea Forest Service. Daejeon, Korea, April 21-24, 2003.

6. Chan, F.D., B. Riedl, X.-M. Wang, X. Lu, H. Pakdel, D.Q.Yang and C. Roy. Pyrocycling TM
Process for the Conversion of Softwood Bark to Pyrolysis Oil Used in the Formulation of Wood
Adhesives and Preservatives for OSB. 56th Annual Meeting of the Forest Products Society.
Madison, Wisconsin, June 23-26, 2002.

7. Darmstadt, H., C. Roy, S. Kaliaguine, T.W. Kim and R. Ryoo. Surface and Pore Structures of
CMK-5 Ordered Mesoporous Carbons Studied by Nitrogen Adsorption and Surface
Spectroscopy Methods. Carbon 2002. Beijing, China. September 15-20, 2002.

8. Darmstadt, H. and C. Roy. Comparison of Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide Adsorption on Carbon
Blacks. A Possibility to Obtain Information on Micropores and Basic Sites on the Surface?
Carbon 2002. Beijing, China. September 15-20, 2002.

9. Yang, J. and C. Roy. Using the DTG Curve Fitting Method to Determine Kinetic Parameters.
12th Canadian Thermal Analysis Society (CTAS) Technical Meeting. Toronto, Ont. May 15,
2002. (

10. Gupta, M., J. Yang and C. Roy. Prediction of Effective Thermal Diffusity in Gravity Controlled
Packings of Nonspherical and Polydispersed Particles. AIChE 2001 Annual Meeting. Reno,
Nevada. November 4-9, 2001.

11. Roy, C., D. Blanchette, J. Yang, M. Gupta and S. Métral. Performance Study of an Industrial
Scale Biomass Pyrolysis Reactor. AIChE 2001 Annual Meeting. Reno, Nevada. November 4-9,

12. Chaala, A., M. Garcia-Perez, T. Ba and C. Roy. Colloidal Properties of Bio-Oils Obtained by
Vacuum Pyrolysis of Softwood Bark Residue. 51st Canadian Chemical Engineering
Conference. Halifax, Nova Scotia. October 14-17, 2001.

13. Gupta, M., J. Yang and C. Roy. Effective Thermal Conductivity Modelling of Softwood Bark
and Softwood Char Beds. 51st Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference. Halifax, Nova
Scotia. October 14-17, 2001.

14. Chaala, A. and C. Roy. Production of Bio-Coke from Charcoal and Pyrolysis Oil Obtained
During Vacuum Pyrolysis of Softwood Bark Residues. First International Congress on Biomass
Uses for Metals Production and Electricity Generation. Belo Horizonte, Brazil. October 8-11,

15. Darmstadt, H., C. Roy, S. Kaliaguine, S.J. Choi and R. Ryoo. Pore Structure and Graphitic
Surface Order of Mesoporous Carbon Molecular Sieves by Low-Pressure Nitrogen Adsorption.
Carbon 2001. Lexington, Kentucky. July 14-19, 2001.

16. Darmstadt, H., C. Roy, S. Kaliaguine, S.J. Choi and R. Ryoo. Surface Chemistry of
Mesoporous Carbon Molecular Sieves. Carbon 2001. Lexington, Kentucky. July 14-19, 2001.

17. Chan, F., B. Riedl, X.-M. Wang, X. Lu and C. Roy. Pyrolysis Oil for OSB Wood Adhesives. 35th
International Particleboard/Composite Materials Symposium. Pullman, Washington, April 2-5,

18. Roy, C., A. Chaala, D. Mourant, A. E. Schwerdtfeger and D.Q Yang. Pyrocycling TM Process for
the Vacuum Pyrolysis of Softwood Bark Residues and Treated Wood. Canadian Wood
Preservation Association. Montréal, Québec. October 23, 2000.

19. Darmstadt, H., C. Roy and P. Donnelly. Comparative Investigation of Defects on Carbon Black
Surfaces by Nitrogen Adsorption and Surface Spectroscopy. Carbon Black 2000. Mulhouse,
France. October 24-26, 2000.

20. Yang, J., R. Miranda and C. Roy. Using the DTG Curve Fitting Method to Determine the Kinetic
Parameters of HDPE, LDPE, PS, PP, PVC and PET Thermal Decomposition. Journal Polymer
Degradation and Stability. 1st International Conference on Polymer, Modification, Degradation
and Stabilisation. Palermo, Italy. September 3-7, 2000.

21. Garcia-Perez, M., A. Chaala, J. Falcon and C. Roy. Vacuum Pyrolysis of Sugarcane Bagasse.
III Taller Internacional de Reciclaje. Feria Internacional METANICA 2000. Havana, Cuba.
July 19-20, 2000.

22. Chan, F., B. Riedl, X. M. Wang, C. Roy, X. Lu and C. Amen-Chen. Wood Adhesives from
Pyrolysis Oil for Oriented Strandboard (OSB). Wood Adhesives 2000. Lake Tahoe, Nevada.
June 2000.

23. Riedl, B., C. Amen-Chen, et C. Roy. Wood Adhesives from Biomass: Adhesive formulation and
Optimization Using Thermal Analysis. 54th Meeting of the Forest Products Society. Lake
Tahoe, Nevada. June 2000.

24. Amen-Chen, C., B. Riedl, F. Chan and C. Roy. Softwood Bark Vacuum Pyrolysis Oil-PF Resins
for Bonding OSB. 34th International Particleboard/Composite Materials Symposium. Pullman,
Washington. April 3 - 6, 2000.

25. Garcia-Perez, M., H. Darmstadt, A. Chaala, N.-Z. Cao and C. Roy. Co-Pyrolysis Under Vacuum
of Sugar Cane Bagasse and Petroleum Residue. Properties of the Charcoal and Activated
Charcoal Products. Eurocarbon 2000. Berlin, Germany. July 9-13, 2000.

26. Pantea, D., H. Darmstadt, L. Sümmchen, S. Kaliaguine and C. Roy. Electrical Conductivity of
Carbon Blacks. Influence of Surface Chemistry and Morphology. Eurocarbon 2000. Berlin,
Germany. July 9-13, 2000.

27. Cao, N-Z., H. Darmstadt, F. Soutric, J. Yang and C. Roy. Steam Activation of Charcoal
Obtained by Vacuum Pyrolysis of Bark Residue, a TG Study. Eurocarbon 2000. Berlin,
Germany. July 9-13, 2000.

28. Darmstadt, H., N.-Z. Cao and C. Roy. Surface Chemistry of Steam Activated Carbon from Bark
Vacuum Pyrolysis-Derived Wood Charcoal. Eurocarbon 2000. Berlin, Germany. July 9-13,

29. Mourant, D., D.Q. Yang, X. Lu and C. Roy. Anti-Fungal Properties of Pyrolytic Oils Derived from
Softwood Bark. IRG31 Meeting. Kailua-Kona, Hawaii. May 13-21, 2000.

30. Roy, C. and J. Yang. Scaling-up Vacuum Pyrolysis Reactors. Use of Modelling in Fast Pyrolysis
Science and Technology - PyNe Workshop. Oakland Marriott, California, August 29, 1999.

31. Cao, N.-Z., F. Soutric, H. Darmstadt and C. Roy. Activated Carbon from Vacuum Pyrolysis
Charcoal. 24th Biennal Conference on Carbon, Charleston, S. Carolina. July 11-16, 1999.

32. Darmstadt, H., N.-Z. Cao, D. Pantea, C. Roy, L. Sümmchen, U. Roland, J.-B. Donnet, T.K.
Wang, C.H. Peng and P. J. Donnelly. Surface Activity and Chemistry of Thermal Carbon Blacks
The 155th ACS Rubber Division Technical Meeting. Chicago, Illinois, April 13-16, 1999.

33. Plante, P., Y. Cossette, D. Morin, J. Pinault et C. Roy. Future usine de Pyrochem-Saguenay,
Jonquière - Principes directeurs pour l'élaboration d'un système de management
environnemental. Comptes rendus du 25 e colloque annuel de toxicologie aquatique. Rapport
technique canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques no 2260. Pêches et Océans
Canada. Québec, Québec, 18-21 octobre 1998.

34. Roy, C. Pyrovac: The Ph.D. Project that Turned into a Technology Transfer Venture. 48th
Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference. London, Ontario, October 4-7, 1998.

35. Yousefi, A.A., A. Ait-Kadi and C. Roy. Composite Asphalt Binders: Introduction of Toughened
Recycled Polyethylene into Asphalt. 48th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference.
London, Ontario, October 4-7, 1998.

36. Yang, J., C. Roy, M. Gupta and D. Blanchette. Development of a Moving Bed Vacuum
Pyrolysis Reactor. 48th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference. London, Ontario,
October 4-7, 1998.

37. * Roy, C. and D. Morin. Efficient Electricity Production from Biomass through IPCC Power
Plants. 4th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies. Interlaken,
Switzerland, August 30-September 2nd, 1998.

38. Pakdel, H., J.N. Murwanashyaka and C. Roy. New Developments in Vacuum Pyrolysis. The
Science of Biomass Pyrolysis - A Workshop in Stratford-on-Avon. Stratford-on-Avon, U.K., July
22-24, 1998.

39. Ciochina, O., H. Darmstadt, C. Roy, L. Neau and M. Monthioux. Cokes Prepared from Heavy
Pyrolytic Oils. Eurocarbon 98. Strasbourg, France, July 5-9, 1998.

40. J. Népomuscène Murwanashyaka, H. Pakdel and C. Roy. Extraction par la méthode

d'entraînement à la vapeur d'eau de composés phénoliques présents dans les huiles
pyrolytiques sous vide du bois. 4e Colloque - Produits naturels d'origine végétale. Ottawa,
Canada. 26-29 mai 1998.

41. Roy, C., H. Darmstadt and S. Kaliaguine. Carbon Blacks Recovered from Rubber Waste by
Vacuum Pyrolysis: Comparison with Commercial Grades. International Conference on
Rubbers. Calcutta, India, December 12-14, 1997. Vol. III : 47-50.

42. Vasile, C., R. D. Deanin, M. Mihies, C. Roy, A. Chaala, M. Leanea and T. Lee. Utilizarea unor
produsi de piroliza maleate in prelucrarea amestecurilor IPP/LLDPE. Conferinta - 85 de ani de
învatamant de inginerie chimica la lasi. lasi, Romania, 23-25 octombrie 1997.

43. Yousefi, A. A., A. Aït-Kadi and C. Roy. Effect of Elastomeric and Plastomeric Tougheners on
Different Properties of Recycled Polyethylene. Polymer Processing Society Regional Meeting.
Göteborg, Sweden, August 19-21, 1997.

44. Yang, J., D. Blanchette and C. Roy. Modelling Tire Vacuum Pyrolysis in a Moving Bed Reactor.
32nd National Heat Transfer Conference. Baltimore, Maryland, August 10-12, 1997.

45. Darmstadt, H., H. Cormier, C. Roy and S. Kaliaguine. Surface Energy of Commercial and
Pyrolytic Carbon Black by Inverse Gas Chromatography, Comparison with Surface Chemistry.
Twenty-third Biennal Conference on Carbon. Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania,
July 13-18, 1997.

46. Chebil, S., A. Chaala, C. Roy et A. T. Hamou. Étude des liants bitumineux modifiés par le noir
de carbone et le charbon de bois pyrolytiques. 25e Congrès annuel de la Société canadienne
de génie civil. Sherbrooke, Québec, 27-30 mai 1997.

47. Cranford, R.J. and C. Roy. Vapour Permeation Capillary Tubes for Water Treatment. 19th
International Symposium on Wastewater Treatment. Montréal, Québec, November 19-21,

48. Sahouli, B., S. Blacher, F. Brouers, R. Sobry, G. Van Den Bossche, H. Darmstadt and C. Roy.
SAXS Characterization of Pyrolytic Carbon Blacks. Presented during the 1995 Fall Meeting of
the Material Research Society, Boston, Massachusetts. 407 : 39-43. 1996.

49. Darmstadt, H., C. Roy and S. Kaliaguine, M. Auger and A. Tuel. Chemistry of Carbon Blacks
Obtained by Pyrolysis of Different Rubber Wastes. The European Carbon Conference
Carbon 96". pp. 180-181. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK. 7-12 July, 1996.

50. Vasile, C., R.D. Deanin, M. Mihaies, C. Roy and A. Chaala. New Compatibilizers for Polyolefin
Blends. I. Maleated Pyrolysis Products. Fifth European Symposium on Polymer Blends.
Maastricht, The Netherlands. May 12-15, 1996.

51. Roy, C., A. Chaala and H. Darmstadt. The Potential Uses of Products from Vacuum Pyrolysis
of Scrap Tires. 2è Conférence maghrébine de génie des procédés. Gabes, Jerba, Tunisia.
April 22-25, 1996.

52. * Roy, C., A. Chaala and M. De Laet. Vacuum Pyrolysis of Automobile Shredder Residues.
JEMA Polymères '96. Le Havre, France. 7-8 février 1996.

53. * Roy, C., A. Chaala and M. De Laet. Vacuum Pyrolysis of Waste Plastics and Automobile
Shredder Residues. European Environmental Technology Forum/Ecotech Europe'95. Utrecht,
Holland. December 4-6, 1995.

54. Roy, C., R.D.C. Miranda Guardiola, B. Benallal and H. Pakdel. Conversion of Plastic Wastes
into Useful Products by Vacuum Pyrolysis. 45th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference.
Québec, P. Québec, October 15-18, 1995.

55. Amen-Chen, C., H. Pakdel and C. Roy. Separation of Phenols from a Wood-Tar Derived Oil.
45th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference. Québec, P. Québec, October 15-18, 1995.

56. Chaala, A., H. Darmstadt and C. Roy. Pyrolytic Carbon Black from Vacuum Pyrolysis of Used
Tires as a Reinforcing Agent for Asphalt. 45 th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference.
Québec, P. Québec, October 15-18, 1995.

57. Darmstadt, H., G. Xu, A. Chaala, C. Roy and S. Kaliaguine Characterization and Potential
Applications of Carbon Black from Vacuum Pyrolysis of Used Tires. 45 th Canadian Chemical
Engineering Conference. Québec, P. Québec, October 15-18, 1995.

58. Cranford, R.J., C. Roy and T. Matsuura. Vapour Permeation Applied to the Vacuum Pyrolysis
Process for the Separation of Water from Organic Compounds and Gases. 45th Canadian
Chemical Engineering Conference. Québec, P. Québec, October 15-18, 1995.

59. Yang, J., P.A. Tanguy and C. ROY. Thermal and Kinetic Study of Used Tire Vacuum Pyrolysis.
45th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference. Québec, P. Québec, October 15-18, 1995.

60. Roy, C., B. de Caumia, A. Chaala, H. Pakdel, D. Blanchette and A. Schwerdtfeger. Vacuum
Pyrolysis of Municipal Solid Wastes. 17th Canadian Waste Management Conference.
Québec, P. Québec, September 11-14, 1995.

61. Sahouli, B., R. Pirard, F. Brouers, H. Darmstadt, C. Roy and S. Kaliaguine. Physicochemical
Characterization of Carbon Blacks from Vacuum Pyrolysis of Used tires and its Possible
Application as Filler. Eurofillers. A Joint Meeting of Mofis and Filplas on Fillers and Filled
Polymers. Mulhouse, France. September 11-14, 1995 (191-194).

62. Miranda, R., C. Roy and J. Yang. Recycling of Plastic Wastes into Useful Products by Vacuum
Pyrolysis. Second Inter-American Environmental Congress. Monterrey, Nuevo Léon, México.
August 30-September 1st, 1995.

63. Roy, C., H. Darmstadt and A. Chaala. Recycling of Used Tires by Vacuum Pyrolysis. Second
Inter-American Environmental Congress. Monterrey, Nuevo Léon, México. August 30-
September 1st, 1995.

64. Chaala, A., C. Roy and A. Ait-Kadi. The Use of Pyrolytic Carbon Black for Modification of
Paving Asphalt Binders. 2nd Engineering Materials Symposium. Ottawa, Ontario. June 1st-
3rd, 1995.

65. Dufresne, S., C. Roy, M. Boivert and R. Guay. Isolation and Physiological Characterization of
a New Gram-Positive Acidophilic Strain from Waste Water Treatment Sludges: Sulfobacillus
disalfidooxidans sp nov. 95th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology.
Washington, D.C. May 21-25, 1995.

66. * Roy, C. Développement d'une technologie environnementale en milieu universitaire et modèle

de transfert vers le secteur privé. 63e Congrès de l'ACFAS. UQAC, Chicoutimi, Québec. 22-
26 mai 1995.

67. Chaala, A., B. Benallal, H. Pakdel, A. Schwerdtfeger et C. Roy. Pyrolyse sous vide des
déchets urbains. 63e Congrès de l'ACFAS. UQAC, Chicoutimi, Québec. 22-26 mai 1995.

68. * Roy, C., H. Darmstadt, B. Benallal, A. Chaala and A.E. Schwerdtfeger. Vacuum Pyrolysis of
Used Tires. Enercomp 95 Conference, Montréal, P.Qué. May 8-10, 1995.

69. * Roy, C. Vacuum Pyrolysis of Polymers. ECOTOP 95.. Brussels Exhibition Centre. Organized
by Alteris, France. May 3-6, 1995.

70. Pakdel, H. and C. Roy. Simultaneous GC-FTIR-MS Analysis of the Liquid Oils and Solids
Obtained by Vacuum Pyrolysis of Various Waste Materials in a Pilot Plant Unit. Symposium on
Recent Advances in the Analytical and Biological Applications of Spectroscopy. Ottawa, April
26, 1995. Spectroscopy Society of Canada.

71. Roy, C. and A. E. Schwerdtfeger. The Pyrovac Process for the Thermal Recycling of Industrial,
Biomedical and Urban Waste Materials. R'95 Congress: Recovery, Recycling, Re-integration.
Geneva, Switzerland. February 1-3, 1995.

72. Benallal, B., A. Chaala et C. Roy. Caractérisation et valorisation de l'huile lourde pyrolytique
obtenue par pyrolyse sous vide des vieux pneumatiques. 62e Congrès de l'ACFAS. UQAM,
Montréal, Québec. 16-20 mai 1994.

73. Chaala, A., B. Benallal et C. Roy. Cokage de l'huile pyrolytique lourde obtenue par pyrolyse
sous vide des pneus usés. 62e Congrès de l'ACFAS. UQAM, Montréal, Québec. 16-20 mai

74. Chaala, A., H. Darmstadt et C. Roy. Déminéralisation du noir de carbon pyrolytique. 62e
Congrès de l'ACFAS. UQAM, Montréal, Québec. 16-20 mai 1994.

75. Amen Chen, C., C. Roy et H. Pakdel. Séparation de composés de grande valeur commerciale
à partir du goudron obtenu lors de la carbonisation de l'Eucalyptus. 62e Congrès de l'ACFAS.
UQAM, Montréal, Québec. 16-20 mai 1994.

76. Roy, C., B. de Caumia, D. Blanchette, H. Pakdel, G. Couture and A.E. Schwerdtfeger.
Application of the Pyrovac Vacuum Pyrolysis Process to the Remediation of Hydrocarbon-
Contaminated Soils at ''Les Vidangeurs de Montréal'' Site, Province of Québec, Canada. 1ère
Conférence maghrébine de génie des procédés. Marrakech, Maroc. 4-6 mai 1994.

77. Roy, C. B. Benallal, D. Blanchette et B. de Caumia. Pyrolyse sous vide des vieux
pneumatiques et valorisation des produits obtenus. 1ère Conférence maghrébine de génie
des procédés. Marrakech, Maroc. 4-6 mai 1994.

78. * Roy, C. État de l'art des techniques de thermolyse en dépollution. Colloque international sur la
thermolyse, une technologie de recyclage et de dépollution. Organisé par l'Institut
Scientifique de Service Public, Liège, Belgique. 24-25 mars 1994.

79. * Roy, C. Application de la pyrolyse sous vide aux sols contaminés et aux déchets biomédicaux.
Colloque international sur la thermolyse, une technologie de recyclage et de dépollution .
Organisé par l'Institut Scientifique de Service Public, Liège, Belgique. 24-25 mars 1994.

80. Pakdel, H. and C. Roy. Simultaneous GC-FTIR-MS Analysis of Synthetic Fuel Derived from
Used Tired Vacuum Pyrolysis Oil, Naphtha Fraction. 3rd International Conference on
Hyphenated Techniques. Antwerpt, Belgium. February 23-35, 1994.

81. Yang, J. and C. Roy. Thermal and Kinetic Study of the Scrap Tire Vacuum Pyrolysis Process.
43rd Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference. Ottawa, Ontario. October 3-6, 1993.

82. Roy, C., J.C. Choque, B. de Caumia, D. Blanchette et C. Lacroix. Évaluation d'un réacteur
convoyeur sous vide utilisé pour le traitement thermique des sols contaminés par des
hydrocarbures. 43rd Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference. Ottawa, Ontario. October
3-6, 1993.

83. Roy, C., B. de Caumia, D. Blanchette, and M. Dubuc. Vacuum Pyrolysis of Automobile
Shredder Residue. 43rd Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference. Ottawa, Ontario.
October 3-6, 1993.

84. Roy, C., H. Pakdel, S. Mirmiran and B. Benallal. Upgrading of Scrap Tire-Derived Vacuum
Pyrolysis Oils. 43rd Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference. Ottawa, Ontario. October
3-6, 1993.

85. Cranford, R.J., C. Roy and T. Matsuura. Vapor Phase Membrane Separation of Water from
Organics Produced During the Vacuum Pyrolysis of Biomass. 43rd Canadian Chemical
Engineering Conference. Ottawa, Ontario. October 3-6, 1993.

86. Dufresne, S., J.-F. Blais, C. Roy and R. Guay. Municipal Waste Water Treatment Plant
Sludges: A Source of Organic Carbon-Tolerant, Sulfuroxydizing Thiobacillus and Sulfobacillus
Strains. Proc. Int. Biohydrometall. Symp. 2, 267-276. Jackson Hole, Wyoming. August 22-25,

87. Kalkreuth, W.D., H. Pakdel and C. Roy. Low Temperature Vacuum Pyrolysis of Canadian Solid
Fossil Fuels. 7th International Conference on Coal Science. Banff, Alberta, Canada.
September 12-17, 1993.

88. Benallal, B., C. Lacroix, B. Brahimi, C. Roy et A. Ait Kadi. Étude de l'influence de l'huile
pyrolytique obtenue par pyrolyse sous vide des vieux pneumatiques sur les propriétés
rhéologiques du pétrole brut et sur les qualités et rendements des fractions pétrolières. 61e
Congrès de l'ACFAS. UQAR, Rimouski, Québec. 17-21 mai 1993.

89. Choque, J.-C. et C. Roy. Évaluation d'un réacteur de pyrolyse sous vide pour la restauration
de sols contaminés avec des hydrocarbures. 61e Congrès de l'ACFAS. UQAR, Rimouski,
Québec. 17-21 mai 1993.

90. * Roy, C. Vacuum Pyrolysis of Scrap Tires. Paper presented at the Conference "Waste and
Scrap in the Rubber Industry: Treatment and Legislation" under the sponsorship of the Plastics
and Rubber Institute, Belgian Section. Brussels. September 23, 1992.

91. Roy, C. La dimension environnementale doit-elle être intégrée à la formation de base en

ingénierie? 8ème Congrès canadien de l'éducation en ingénierie. Université Laval, Ste-Foy,
Québec. 24-26 mai 1992. (541-547).

92. Dufresne, S., C. Roy et R. Guay. Rôle des microorganismes dans la bonification du noir de
carbone pyrolytique. 60è Congrès de l'ACFAS. Université de Montréal, Montréal, Québec.
11-15 mai 1992.

93. * Benallal, B., H. Pakdel et C. Roy. Étude de la fraction naphte de l'huile pyrolytique obtenue
par pyrolyse sous vide des vieux pneumatiques en vue d'une utilisation comme charge pour
l'obtention des essences à haut indice d'octane. 60è Congrès de l'ACFAS. Université de
Montréal, Montréal, Québec. 11-15 mai 1992.

94. * Roy, C. and B. de Caumia. Vacuum Pyrolysis of Automobile Shredder Residue. Energy from
Biomass and Wastes XVI. Orlando, Florida. March 2-6, 1992.

95. * Pakdel, H., H.G. Zhang, M. Guay and C. Roy. Oil Production by Vacuum Pyrolysis of
Canadian Oil Shales and the Fate of the Biological Markers. 75th Canadian Chemical
Conference and Exhibition. Edmonton, Alberta. May 31-June 4, 1992.

96. Carrasco, F. and C. Roy. Kinetics of the Prehydrolysis of Xylan-Containing Materials. 4th
Chemical Congress of North America, New York, N.Y. August 25-30, 1991.

97. Mirmiran S., H. Pakdel et C. Roy. Valorisation des huiles obtenues par pyrolyse sous vide des
pneumatiques usagés. 59è Congrès de l'ACFAS. Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke,
Québec. 21-24 mai 1991.

98. Dufeu, J.B., C. Roy, A. Ajji et L. Choplin. Propriétés rhéologiques, mécaniques et électriques
de composites à base de PVC et de noir de carbone pyrolytique. 59è Congrès de l'ACFAS.
Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Québec. 21-24 mai 1991.

99. Roy, Véronique, B. de Caumia and C. Roy. Development of a Gas Cleaning System for a
Scrap Tire Vacuum Pyrolysis Plant. Gas Separation International. Austin, Texas. April 22-24,

100. Roy, C., B. de Caumia, H. Pakdel, G. Couture and B. Labrecque. Treatment of Biomass and
Municipal Solid Wastes by Vacuum Pyrolysis. 6th European Conference on Biomass for
Energy, Industry and Environment. Athens, Greece. April 21-27, 1991. (979-985).

101. * Roy, C., B. de Caumia, H. Pakdel, P. Plante, D. Blanchette et B. Labrecque. Une

solution au traitement des déchets: la pyrolyse sous vide. 5ième Congrès de l'AQME.
Beaupré, Québec. 11-13 avril 1991.

102. Mae, K., C. Roy and K. Hashimoto. The Primary Decomposition of Coal by Vacuum Pyrolysis.
Canada-Japan Joint Academic Research Program, Edited by A. Chambers, P.L. Silveston and
A.P. Watkinson. Collection of Papers presented at the Vancouver Conference, September 23-
25, 1990. Copy of report may be obtained by writing to Prof. K. Hashimoto, Dept. of Chemical
Engineering, Kyoto University, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606, Japan.

103. Roy, C. Vers une intégration du réflexe environnemental dans la pratique du génie. 58è
Congrès de l'ACFAS. Université Laval, Ste-Foy, Québec. 14-18 mai 1990.

104. Pakdel, H., H.G. Zhang et C. Roy. Extraction of Valuable Chemicals from Biomass Vacuum
Pyrolysis Oil by Liquid Chromatography. 200th ACS Nat. Meeting, Washington, D.C., August

105. Zhang, H.G., C. Roy and H. Pakdel. Extraction of Valuable Chemicals from Biomass Vacuum
Pyrolysis Oils Using a Liquid Chromatography Method. 58è Congrès de l'ACFAS, Université
Laval, Ste-Foy, Québec. 14-18 mai 1990.

106. Mirmiran, S. et C. Roy. Valorisation des huiles obtenues par pyrolyse sous vide des pneus
usagés. 58e Congrès de l'ACFAS. Université Laval, Ste-Foy, Québec. 14-18 mai 1990.

107. Roy, Véronique, B. de Caumia et C. Roy. Développement d'un système d'épuration des gaz
provenant d'un réacteur de pyrolyse sous vide. 58è Congrès de l'ACFAS. Université Laval,
Ste-Foy, Québec. 14-18 mai 1990.

108. Roy, C., H. Pakdel, H.G. Zhang and S. Kaliaguine. Preparative Separation of Chemicals from
Wood Vacuum Pyrolysis Oil. Int. Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies. Honolulu,
Hawaii. Dec. 17-22, 1989.

109. Locat, J., P. Gélinas, D. Isabel, A. Rouleau et C. Roy. Assessment of the Organics
Contaminant Plume at Ville-Mercier, Québec, Canada. 42e Conf. can. de géotech nique.
Winnipeg, Manitoba. Octobre 1989.

110. Roy, C., B. de Caumia and P. Plante. Performance Study of a 30 kg/h Vacuum Pyrolysis
Process Development Unit. 5th European Conference: Biomass for Energy and Industry.
Lisbon, Portugal. October 9-13, 1989. (2.595-2.599).

111. Roy, C. and J. Unsworth. Pilot Plant Demonstration of Used Tires Vacuum Pyrolysis. Int. Conf.
Pyrolysis and Gasification. Luxembourg. May 23-25, 1989. (180-189).

112. Pakdel, H., H.G. Zhang, M. Halchini and C. Roy. Characterization of Wood Vacuum Pyrolysis
Products and Preparative Separation of Rare Chemicals. Proceedings, Seventh Bioenergy R
and D Seminar. Ottawa, Ont. April 24-26, 1989. (681-685).

113. Roy, C., B. de Caumia, J. Yang and P. Plante. Evaluation of the Vacuum Pyrolysis Process.
Biomass as a case study. Proceedings, Seventh Bioenergy R and D Seminar. Ottawa, Ont.
April 24-26, 1989. (675-679).

114. Kalkreuth, W., C. Roy and M. Steller. Conversion Characteristics of Selected Canadian Coals
Based on Hydrogenation and Pyrolysis Experiments. Advances in Western Canadian Coal
Geoscience. Edmonton, Alberta. April 24-25, 1989. (101-114).

115. * Roy, C., R. Lemieux, S. Kaliaguine, H. Pakdel, B. de Caumia and D. Blanchette. Advanced
Vacuum Pyrolysis Project. State of the Art and Perspectives. Workshop on Pyrolysis as a
Basic Technology for Large Agro-Energy Products. Sponsored by the Commission of the
European Communities, DG XII. L'Aquila, Italy. October 15-16, 1987.

116. Hébert, M., W. Kalkreuth and C. Roy. Vacuum Pyrolysis of Canadian Coals. Petrographic and
Chemical Analyses of Feedstock and Reaction Residues. 1987 International Conference on
Coal Science. Maastricht, The Netherlands. October 26-30, 1987. (637-642).

117. Roy, C., H. Pakdel, B. de Caumia, M. Renaud and S. Kaliaguine. The Industrial Potentialities
of Biomass Vacuum Pyrolysis Oils. Proceedings, Sixth Bioenergy R and D Seminar.
Vancouver, B.C. February 16-18, 1987. (463-470).

118. * Roy, C., B. Labrecque and J. Sicotte. Upgrading of Scrap Tires by Vacuum Pyrolysis Process.
Proceedings, Sixth Bioenergy R and D Seminar. Vancouver, B.C. February 16-18, 1987. (13-

119. Roy, C., R. Lemieux, H. Pakdel, B. de Caumia and D. Blanchette. Heat and Mass Balance
Around a Multiple-Hearth Furnace for Vacuum Pyrolysis of Biomass. Third World Congress of
Chemical Engineering. Tokyo, Japan. September 21-25, 1986. Vol. I: 621-624.

120. Trudel, P., D. Courchesne, C. Roy and P. Chartrand. Cloning of Lignin Modifying Genes from
Trametes Versicolor. Workshop on Lignin Biodegradation. U. of British Columbia. Vancouver,
B.C. August 23 and 24, 1985.

121. * Roy, C., B. de Caumia, D. Blanchette, R. Lemieux and S. Kaliaguine. Development of a

Biomass Vacuum Pyrolysis Process for the Production of Liquid Fuels and Chemicals. Energy
from Biomass and Wastes IX, IGT Symposium. Lake Buena Vista, Florida. January 28 -
February 1, 1985. (1085-1106).

122. Roy, C., A. Lalancette, B. de Caumia, D. Blanchette, B. Côté, M. Renaud and P. Rivard. The
Vacuum Pyrolysis of Biomass as a Process for the Production of Chemicals and Oils.
Bioenergy 1984. Volume III: Biomass Conversion. Edited by H. Egnéus and H. Ellegard.
Elsevier Applied Science Pub., London. June 18-21, 1984. (31-37).

123. Ménard, H., D. Bélanger, G. Chauvette, A. Gaboury, J. Khorami, M. Grisé, A. Martel, E. Potvin,
C. Roy et R. Langlois. Caractérisation des jus pyrolytiques en provenance de différents
procédés de conversion du bois. Compte rendu du Cinquième Séminaire R & D Bioénergéti -
que. Edited by S. Hasnain. Elsevier Applied Science Pub., London. 26-28 mars 1984. (418-

124. Roy, C., A. Lalancette, B. de Caumia, D. Blanchette, P. Rivard, B. Côté, M. Renaud et S.

Harbec. Opération et évaluation d'une Unité de Développement de Procédé pour la pyrolyse
sous vide de la biomasse. Compte rendu du Cinquième Séminaire R & D Bioénergétique.
Edited by S. Hasnain. Elsevier Applied Science Pub., London. 26-28 mars 1984. (445-449).

125. Ménard, H., M. Grisé, A. Martel, C. Roy et D. Bélanger. Saccharification de la biomasse par
pyrolyse à pression réduite suivie d'une hydrolyse. Compte rendu du Cinquième Séminaire R
& D Bioénergétique. Edited by S. Hasnain. Elsevier Applied Science Pub., London. 26-28
mars 1984. (440-444).

126. Chartrand, P., P. Trudel, D. Courchesne and C. Roy. In Search of Lignin Modifying Genes.
First Bioenergy Specialists' Meeting on Biotechnology. U. of Waterloo, Ont. October 14-17,
1984. (166-172).

127. Plante, P., C. Roy and E. Chornet. CO 2 Gasification Kinetics of Poplar Charcoal Derived from
Vacuum and Atmospheric (N2) Pyrolysis. 34th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference.
Québec, Qué. September 30 - October 3, 1984. (395-399).

128. Roy, C., A. Lalancette, B. de Caumia, D. Brouillard, P. Rivard and B. Côté. Production of Oils
and Chemicals by Vacuum Pyrolysis of Wood. 34th Canadian Chemical Engineering
Conference. Québec, Qué. September 30 - October 3, 1984. (412-415).

129. Rivard, P., C. Roy et A. Vendette. Les possibilités de recyclage industriel des pneumatiques
usagés. 34e Congrès Canadien de Génie chimique. Québec, Qué. 30 septembre - 3 octobre,
1984. (88-92).

130. Roy, C., A. Lalancette, B. de Caumia et D. Blanchette. Design et construction d'un réacteur de
pyrolyse sous vide fonctionnant en mode semi-continu et basé sur le concept du four à soles
multiples. Comptes rendus de l'Atelier de Travail sur la Liquéfaction de la Biomasse.
Sherbrooke, Québec. Septembre 29 et 30, 1983. Rapport NRCC No. 23130. (147-162).

131.* Roy, C., B. de Caumia, P. Plante and H. Ménard. Production of Liquids from Biomass by
Vacuum Pyrolysis - Development of Data Base for Continuous Process. Energy from Biomass
and Wastes VII, IGT Symposium. Lake Buena Vista, Florida. January 24-28, 1983. (1147-

132. Roy, C. Possibilités de la pyrolyse à pression réduite pour la production de substances

liquides à partir de la biomasse. Compte rendu du Quatrième Séminaire R & D Bioénergéti -
que. Rapport du CNRC No. 20414. Winnipeg, Manitoba. 29-31 mars, 1982. (27-30).

133. Roy, C., B. de Caumia and E. Chornet. Optimization of Operational Parameters for Pyrolysis
of Populus tremuloïdes at Reduced Pressure. Proceedings, Fourth Bioenergy R & D Seminar.
NRCC Report No. 20414. Winnipeg, Manitoba. March 29-31, 1982. (325-330).

134. Ménard, H., C. Roy, A. Gaboury, D. Bélanger et G. Chauvette. Analyse totale du pyroligneux
provenant de Populus tremuloïdes par HPLC. Compte rendu du Quatrième Séminaire R & D
Bioénergétique. Rapport du CNRC No 20414. Winnipeg, Manitoba. 29-31 mars, 1982. (331-

135. Roy, C., B. de Caumia and E. Chornet. Liquids from Biomass by Vacuum Pyrolysis. Part I -
Production Aspects. Specialists Meeting on Biomass Liquefaction. Saskatoon,
Saskatchewan. February 16 and 17, 1982. (57-74).

136. Ménard, H., C. Roy, A. Gaboury, D. Bélanger and G. Chauvette. Liquids from Biomass by
Vacuum Pyrolysis. Part II - Characterization Aspects. Specialists Meeting on Biomass
Liquefaction. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. February 16 and 17, 1982. (174-182).

137. Kalkreuth, W., E. Chornet and C. Roy. Chemical and Structural Changes During the Aqueous
Phase Transformation of Peat into Bitumen-Like Material Under CO/H. Seminar on Peat
Technology. Peat Research Institute, Bemidji State University, Bemidji, Minnesota. October
21-22, 1981. (265-267).

138. Chornet, E., K. Farrell, R.P. Overend and C. Roy. A Low Severity Peat Dewatering Technology.
Seminar on Peat Technology. Peat Research Institute, Bemidji State University, Bemidji,
Minnesota. October 21-22, 1981. (251-264).

139. Roy, C. and E. Chornet. Pyrolysis Under Reduced Pressure as a Simple Technology for
Biomass Conversion. Second World Congress of Chemical Engineering. Vol. II. Montréal,
Québec. October 4-9, 1981. (315-318).

140. Roy, C., E. Chornet et H. Ménard. Saccharification de la biomasse par pyrolyse sous vide à
pression réduite suivie d'une hydrolyse du pyroligneux. Séminaire sur l'Hydrolyse des
Matériaux Ligno cellulosiques FRANCE-USA-QUEBEC. Ministère de l'Energie et des
ressources du Québec. Montréal, Québec. 29 septembre - 3 octobre, 1981. (16-30).

141. Chornet, E., et C. Roy. Perspectives sur la saccharification de la cellulose en milieu acide à
l'aide de réacteurs à écoulement piston et expansion rapide à travers un orifice. Séminaire sur
l'Hydrolyse des Matériaux Lignocellulosiques FRANCE-USA-QUEBEC. Ministère de l'Energie
et des ressources du Québec. Montréal, Québec. 29 septembre-3 octobre, 1981. (59-70).

142. Roy, C., E. Chornet, H. Ménard, B. de Caumia, G. Chauvette, A. Gaboury et A. Croteau.

Pyrolyse à pression réduite de substances lignocellulosiques et techniques de caractérisation
du pyroligneux. Compte rendu du Troisième Séminaire R & D Bioénergétique. Ottawa,
Ontario. 24-25 mars, 1981. (191-197).

143. Chornet, E. and C. Roy. The Primary Conversion of Peat Via Direct Hydrogenolysis Using
Syngas and Pyrolysis Under Reduced Pressure. Institute of Gas Techno logy Symposium:
Peat as an Energy Alternative. Arlington, Virginia. December 1-3, 1980. (555-580).

144. Roy, C. and E. Chornet. Thermolysis of Peat Impregnated with Catalysts. 6th Int. Peat
Congress. Duluth, Minnesota. August, 17-23, 1980. (676-681).

145. Chornet, E., R. Arsenault, C. Roy and D. Eugène. Biomass Conversion into Liquid Fuels
University of Sherbrooke Program. Proceedings of a Workshop. Biomass Liquefaction: a
Review Meeting. Toronto, Ontario. August 13, 1980. (41-56).

146. Chornet, E., R. Arsenault, C. Roy, M. Grandbois and G.E. Timbers. Pyrolysis / Gasification of
Agricultural Residues as a Source of Fuels for Canadian Farm Operations. Proceedings,
Second Bioenergy R & D Seminar. Ottawa, Ontario. March 27-28, 1980. (137-140).

147. Bellemare, G.R., C. Roy et E. Chornet. Pyrolyse catalytique sous vide de substances ligno-
cellulosiques. Proceedings, Second Bioenergy R & D Seminar. Ottawa, Ontario. March 27-
28, 1980. (101-105).

148. Chornet, E. et C. Roy. La valorisation de la tourbe au Québec: généralités techniques et

aspects économiques. Actes du Colloque franco-québécois sur l'énergie des biomasses.
Montréal, Québec. 15-16 octobre, 1979. (83-104).

149. Fonseca, R., E. Chornet, C. Roy, M. Grandbois and J.F. Kelly. Batch Autoclave Liquefaction of
Saskatchewan Lignite with Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen Mixtures. Proceedings of the 29th
Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference: Session on Synthetic Liquids from Coal and
Biomass. Sarnia, Ontario. September 30 - October 3, 1979.

150. Chornet, E. et C. Roy. Rôle de la tourbe dans le bilan énergétique du Québec. Rapport du
Colloque: Economies et Nouvelles Sources d'Energie pour les Cultures Abritées. Université du
Québec à Chicoutimi, Québec. 6-7 octobre, 1977. (83-104).

151. Roy, C. and B. Volesky. Activated Carbon Adsorption Process for Purification of Textile
Wastewaters. Book Paper, Int. Tech. Conf. Am. Assoc. Text. Chem. Color. Montréal, Québec.
October 13-15, 1976. (241-255).


1. Roy, C., M.-E. Boucher et D. Morin. Vers une valorisation rentable des résidus d'écorces.
Vecteur Environnement. Vol. 31, No 2, mai 1998. pp. 56-60.

2. Roy, C. Application de la pyrolyse sous vide au recyclage des déchets industriels et urbains.
Bulletin du CRIGD. Août 1990. pp. 7-9.

3. Roy, C., B. Labrecque and B. de Caumia. Recycling of Scrap Tires by Vacuum Pyrolysis. Bio-
Joule. November 1989. pp. 5-9.

4. Roy, C. La pyrolyse sous vide pour recycler les pneus usés. Geos. 16, (3), 18-21, (1987).

5. Rivard, P., P. Chartrand et C. Roy. La biotechnologie, aussi importante que l'informatique.

J'Investrie. Septembre 1984. p. 8.

6. Rivard, P., P. Chartrand et C. Roy. La biotechnologie: l'art de mettre à profit des micro-
organismes. J'Investrie. Août 1984. p. 5.

7. Roy, C. Etude de la décomposition thermique sous vide de la tourbe en présence d'additifs

métalliques et modèle cinétique de la formation des gaz pyrolytiques. Thèse de doctorat,
Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Québec. Décembre 1980.

8. Roy, C. The Effect of Polysaccharidic Gums on Activated Carbon Treatment of Textile

Wastewaters. M. Eng. Thesis, McGill University, Montréal, Québec. June 1976.


1. Projet de recherche et développement portant sur l'amélioration et la mise à l'échelle

industrielle du procédé de pyrolyse sous vide. Programme PADTE. Rapport présenté au
ministère des Ressources naturelles du Québec. Préparé par l'Université Laval. 31 mars

2. Évaluation du procédé Pyrovac de pyrolyse sous vide pour la restauration des sols contaminés
avec des matières organiques dangereuses. Rapport présenté au Ministère de
l'environnement du Québec et au Centre Saint-Laurent. Préparé par l'Université Laval et
Institut Pyrovac Inc. Rapport MENVIQ: 3332-51-90-06 et CSL: 4954-19/L-1-1. 5 novembre

3. Extraction et purification du dl-limonène obtenu à partir des huiles pyrolytiques provenant dela
décomposition thermique sous vide des pneumatiques hors d'usage. Rapport présenté à
Energie, Mines et Ressources Canada. Préparé par Institut Pyrovac Inc. A.S.C. Contrat
23440-1-9510/01-SQ. 30 avril 1992.

4. Development of a Reactor for the Vacuum Pyrolysis of Biomass. Report presented to Energy,
Mines and Resources Canada, Efficiency and Alternative Energy Technology Branch.
Prepared by Université Laval. S.S.C. contract #051SZ-23283-8-6100. May 1991.

5. Vacuum Pyrolysis of Bark Residues and Clarifier Sludges (Phase I). Report presented to
Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, Efficiency and Alternative Energy Technology Branch.
Prepared by Carbovac Research Inc., Sillery, Québec, in collaboration with Université Laval,
Ste-Foy, Québec. S.S.C. contract #23440-0-9530/01-SZ. May 27, 1991.

6. Technical and Environmental Assessment of the Scrap Tire Vacuum Pyrolysis Process. Report
presented to Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, Renewable Energy Branch. Prepared by
Carbovac Research Inc., Sillery, Québec, in collaboration with Université Laval, Ste-Foy,
Québec. D.S.S. Contract #045SZ.23341-9-4025. November 30, 1990.

7. Recyclage des résidus huileux par pyrolyse sous vide. Phase II: Unité de Développement de
Procédé. Rapport présenté par Recherche Carbovac Inc./U. Laval à Ultramar Canada Inc. et
Energie, Mines et Ressources Canada, Division CANMET. Contrat A.S.C. #23440-8-
9093/01.SQ. 15 octobre 1990.

8. Catalytic Gasification Treatment of Aqueous By-Products from Vacuum Pyrolysis of Biomass.

Report presented to Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, Renewable Energy Branch.
Prepared by Carbovac Research Inc., Sillery, Québec in collaboration with Battelle Pacific
Northwest Laboratories, Richland, Washington. D.S.S. Contract # 61SZ.23283-8-6115.
November 30, 1989.

9. Preliminary Study on Vacuum Pyrolysis of Steam-Exploded Lignin - Phase I: Laboratory Study.

Report presented to Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, Renewable Energy Branch.
Prepared by Carbovac Research Inc., Sillery, Québec. D.S.S. Contract #048SZ.23283-8-
6173. December 20, 1989.

10. Etude de performance d'une Unité de Développement de Procédé pour la pyrolyse sous vide
de la biomasse. Rapport présenté à Energie, Mines et Ressources Canada, Division des
énergies renouvelables. Contrat A.S.C. # 23283-7-6334/01-SZ. Janvier 1989.

11. Recyclage des boues pétrolières par pyrolyse sous vide. Rapport présenté à Ultramar Canada
Inc. et Energie, Mines et Ressources Canada, Division CANMET. Contrat A.S.C. # 23440-7-
9043/01-SQ. Avril 1988.

12. The Vacuum Copyrolysis of Organic Waste and Rubber. Final report presented to Petro-Sun R
and D, Inc., for Energy, Mines and Resources. D.S.S. Contract # 48S2-23216-5-7146. April

13. Etat de la situation des techniques de fractionnement des matières lignocellulosiques avec
compte-rendu particulier sur la pyrolyse sous vide. Rapport présenté au Centre Québécois de
Valorisation de la Biomasse. Projet no 86-0032. Novembre 1986.

14. Further Studies on the Development of a Vacuum Pyrolysis Process for Lignocellulosics. Final
report presented to Energy, Mines and Resources. D.S.S. Contract # 0SV84-00167. June

15. Valorisation des boues biologiques pétrolières par décomposition thermique sous vide.
Rapport présenté à CANMET, Ottawa. Dossier ASC. 20ST-23440-4-9310. Mars 1986.

16. Design, construction et mise en opération d'une unité de développement pour le procédé de
pyrolyse sous vide. Rapport présenté au ministère de l'Energie, Mines et Ressources. Projet
ENFOR No C-326. Dossier ASC 24 SV. KN107-1-4606. Mars 1985.

17. Vacuum Pyrolysis of Prince Mine Coal. Atlantic Research Laboratory Technical Report 46.
NRCC-23021. 1984.

18. Caractérisation des huiles pyrolytiques provenant du peuplier faux-tremble (Populus

tremuloïdes). Rapport présenté au Service canadien des forêts, ministère de l'Environnement.
Projet ENFOR No C-256. Dossier ASC 41SS. KN107-1-4315. Février 1983.

19. Pyrolysis of High Volatile Bituminous Atlantic Coals as a First Step in a Dual Utilization Strategy
for the Production of Liquid Hydrocarbons and Semi-Coke. Atlantic Research Laboratory
Technical Report 26. NRCC 19538. 1981.

20. Pyrolysis of Agricultural Biomass as a Source of Fuels for Canadian Farm Operations. Phase
II. A report submitted by Sandwell Beak Research Group to Agriculture Canada. DSS File No
07SZ-01843-9-1902. March 1981.

21. Feasibility Study of the Dewatering of Peat Using a Newly-Developed Short Residence Time
Reactor. A report submitted by Sandwell Beak Research Group to National Research Council,
Ottawa. DSS File No 10SX.31155-9-2666. March 1981.

22. Pyrolyse et gazéification catalytique des matières lignocellulosiques. Phase I (mai 1979 - mars
1980). Rapport présenté au ministère des Pêcheries et Environnement Canada, Programme
ENFOR (Project C-33). Dossier ASC No 09SD-KL229-9-7055.

23. Pyrolysis of Agricultural Biomass as a Source of Fuels for Canadian Farm Operations. A
Report submitted by Sandwell Beak Research Group to Agriculture Canada. DSS File No
07SZ.01843-8-1802. July 1979.

24. Liquefaction of Low Rank Coals. Phase I - An Overview. Batch Hydrogenolysis of Lignite.
Equilibrium Thermodynamics. A Report submitted by Beak Consultants Limited to Energy,
Mines and Resources Canada. DSS File No 18SQ.23440-7-9059.


1. Roy, C., H. Darmstadt, A. Chaala, B. de Caumia and D. Blanchette. Carbon Black and Oil from
Used Tire Vacuum Pyrolysis. Eleventh European Tyre Recycling Conference, Brussels,
Belgium, March 26, 2004.

2. Roy, C., P. Plante and B. de Caumia. Used Tire Vacuum Pyrolysis: An Overview of Process
Economics. Eleventh European Tyre Recycling Conference, Brussels, Belgium, March 26,

3. Roy, C. Protéger l'environnement: de la théorie à la pratique. Conférence de la Chaire

Publique de l'AELIES (Association des étudiantes et étudiants de Laval inscrits aux cycles
supérieurs inc.). En collaboration avec la Chaire UNESCO - U. Laval sur le développement
durable. Atelier - débat en compagnie de Richard Gendron (UQCN) et Stéphane Godbout
(IRDA). U. Laval, Ste-Foy. 22 mars 2001.

4. Roy, C. The Pyrocycling TM Process : New Developments. Fourth Biomass Conference of the
Americas. Oakland Marriott City Center, Oakland, California. August 29 - September 1999.

5. Roy, C. Technologie de la pyrolyse sous vide pour la valorisation de la biomasse : derniers

développements. Printemps du Québec en France - 1999. Palais de la Découverte, Paris,
France. 15-17 juin 1999.

6. Roy, C. Pyrolyzing Tyres : The Pyrocycling TM Process. The Sixth European Conference on Tyre
Recycling : New Markets and Options for Profitability. Sponsored by The European Tyre
Recycling Association. Brussels, Belgium. March 17-19, 1999.

7. Roy, C. Le procédé de Pyrocyclage MC : exemple de vitrine de la technologie canadienne de

l'environnement et de l'énergie. Salon Americana 1999. Montréal, Québec. 24-26 mars 1999.

8. Antonie, R., M. Brebu, M. Precup, M. Chiriac, C. Vasile, J. Yang and C. Roy. Study of the
aging of the PVC insulation for electrical cables. 7th EPF Symposium on Polymeric Materials.
Zsczecin, 20-24 September, 1998.

9. Roy, C. Le monde de la recherche: mythes et réalité! Participation à un atelier dans le cadre

du 30e Congrès de l'Association québécoise d'information scolaire et professionnelle. Hôtel
Val des Neiges, Beaupré, Québec. 15 juin 1998.

10. Roy, C. Allocution dans le cadre du colloque Réussir sa croissance dans la nouvelle
économie, organisé conjointement par la Chambre de commerce et d'industrie du Québec
métropolitain, la Faculté des sciences de l'administration et la Faculté des sciences et de génie
de l'Université Laval. 18-19 mars 1998.

11. Pakdel, H., J. Népo and C. Roy. Fractional Pyrolysis of Biomass for the Production of
Phenols. Gordon Research Conferences - Frontiers in Pyrolysis 97. Plymouth State, New
Hampshire, June 22-27, 1997.

12. Roy, C. Le Pyrocyclage MC des vieux pneumatiques. 3e Salon européen de l'environnement et

des technologies propres. BEST 97. Namur, Belgique. 23-30 mars 1997.

13. Hernandez, J. F., J.C. Morla, H. Pakdel, D. Blanchette and C. Roy. Caracterizacion de los
emulgentes de productos de pirolisis de materiales lignocelulosicos. XV Conferencia Quimica.
Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba, November 27-29, 1996.

14. Pakdel, H., C. Roy and A. Chaala. Production of Useful Products by Vacuum Pyrolysis of
Biomass. XV Conferencia Quimica. Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba,
November 27-29, 1996.

15. Roy, C. Wood Vacuum Pyrolysis. 3rd Meeting of the Pyrolysis Network for Europe, PyNE.
Pisa, Italy. 8-11 September 1996.

16. Roy, C. La valorisation des sous-produits: clef de l'émergence des technologies de pyrolyse
pour le recyclage des déchets. Présenté lors du congrès de l'Ordre des chimistes du Québec
La gestion des contaminants industriels, le chimiste, un maillon essentiel. Montréal, 14 juin

17. Darmstadt, H., C. Roy and S. Kaliaguine. Surface Characteristics of Carbon Blacks from
Vacuum Pyrolysis of Different Rubber Feedstocks in Comparison with Commercial Carbon
Blacks. Presented during the Eight Canadian Materials Science Conference. University of
Western Ontario, London, Ontario. June 12-14, 1996.

18. Chabot, S. and C. Roy. Development of an Hydrophobic Hollow-fiber Membrane Applied to the
Treatment of Water and Organic Vapors. Presented during the 8th Annual Meeting of the
North American Membrane Society. Ottawa, Ontario. May 18-22, 1996.

19. Cranford, R. J. and C. Roy. Vapour Permeation Applied to the Vacuum Pyrolysis Process for
the Separation of Water from Organic Compounds and Gases. Presented during the 8th
Annual Meeting of the North American Membrane Society. Ottawa, Ontario. May 18-22, 1996.

20. Roy, C. Discovery, Development and Implementation of an Advanced Solid Waste Recycling
Technology: Vacuum Pyrolysis. Presented during the II Congreso Internacional de Ciencias e
Ingenierias del Area Quimicobiologicas. Universidad de las Americas. Puebla, Mexico.
February 26, 1996.

21. Roy, C. Recycling of Industrial Wastes by Vacuum Pyrolysis. Seminar presented at the
Universidad de las Américas, Puebla, México. September 4, 1995.

22. Roy, C. and H. Pakdel. Conditions for the Emergence of Biomass Pyrolysis. Frontiers of
Pyrolysis: Biomass Conversion and Polymer Recycling. Workshop organized by the National
Research Energy Laboratory, Co. Breckenridge, Co. June 25-30, 1995.

23. Conférencier de l'Institut de Leadership Jeunesse Inc., St-Augustin-de-Desmaures, 22 mai

1995. Thème: Les défis d'un entrepreneur dans le domaine de la technologie.

24. Conférencier du midi à l'occasion du Forum Environnement-95 organisé par Enviro-Accès.

Château Bromont, Bromont, 11 mai 1995. Thème: L'entreprise technologique.

25. Pakdel, H. and C. Roy. Simultaneous GC-FTIR-MS Analysis of the Liquid Oils and Solids
Obtained by Vacuum Pyrolysis of Various Waste Materials in a Pilot Plant Unit. Conference
presented at the Spectroscopic Society of Canada Symposium. Ottawa, P. Ontario. April 26,

26. Roy, C. Les professeurs d'universités peuvent-ils et devraient-ils créer leurs propres
entreprises tout en demeurant professeurs d'université? Allocution prononcée durant le
Colloque annuel de l'Association des Administratrices et Administrateurs de recherche
universitaire du Québec (ADARUQ). Québec, P. Québec. 17-18 novembre 1994.

27. La pyrolyse sous vide: un exemple de transfert technologique. Allocution prononcée devant la
Section Québec du Air and Waste Management Association. Université Laval, Québec. 24
février 1994.

28. Roy, C. Les défis de l'industrie de l'environnement au Québec: partenariat et innovation tech-
nologique pour accéder aux marchés internationaux. Forum d'actions environnementales.
Ste-Marie-de-Beauce. 1er mai 1993.

29. Roy, C., B. de Caumia, D. Blanchette and M. Dubuc. Vacuum Pyrolysis of ASR. USCAR Third
Vehicle Recycling Partnership Forum: Pyrolysis of Automobile Shredder Residue. Detroit,
Michigan. December 11, 1992.

30. Roy, C. A la recherche de nouvelles technologies, propres et rentables, pour nettoyer

l'environnement. Conférence Comsien, Faculté des sciences et génie, Université Laval, Ste-
Foy, Québec. 5 février 1992.

31. Roy, C. Treatment of Petroleum Sludge by Vacuum Pyrolysis. CANMET Seminar: Hydrocarbon
Residues and Wastes: Conversion and Utilization. Edmonton, Alberta. September 4-5, 1991.

32. Roy, C. Vacuum Pyrolysis of Used Tires, Petroleum Sludges and Forestry Wastes: Technologi-
cal Development and Implementation Perspectives. CANMET Seminar on the Environment.
Toronto, Ontario. March 27, 1991.

33. Pakdel, H., C. Roy and S. Lesage. Determination of Organic Priority Pollutants in the Main
Contamination Source of Ville Mercier. 74th Canadian Chemical Conference and Exhibition.
Hamilton, Ontario. June 2-6, 1991.

34. Roy, C, B. de Caumia, H. Pakdel, P. Plante, D. Blanchette et B. Labrecque. La pyrolyse des

déchets industriels. Séminaire CANMET: L'énergie et l'environnement. Montréal, Québec. 20-
21 mars 1991.

35. Roy, C. Recyclage de vieux caoutchoucs par pyrolyse sous vide. Conférence prononcée
devant l'Association Québécoise des Caoutchoucs et Plastiques. Granby, Québec. 16
octobre 1990.

36. Roy, C. Pyrolyse sous vide et environnement. Conférence prononcée dans le cadre de la
Journée de l'environnement et organisée par Environnement Canada/Service des Parcs. Lieu
historique national du Fort - Numéro Un, Lauzon, Québec. 10 juin 1990.

37. Roy, C. In Search of New Technologies, Safe and Feasible, to Cleanup the Environment. The
Albright and Wilson Americas Award Lecture, 40th Can. Chem. Eng. Conf., Halifax, N.S. July
19, 1990.

38. Roy, C. La pyrolyse sous vide: état de la recherche et possibilités de transfert technologique
vers l'industrie. Séminaire à l'Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, Département de génie
chimique, 12 mars 1990.

39. Roy, C. Les possibilités de la pyrolyse sous vide comme technologie de recyclage des
déchets industriels et municipaux. Séminaire à l'Université Laval, Minisymposium du
Département de génie chimique, le 1 er décembre 1989.

40. Roy, C. La pyrolyse sous vide: une alternative écologique à l'accumulation de certains
déchets? Conférences Biocinoche, Faculté des sciences et génie, Université Laval, 24 octobre

41. Pakdel, H., S. Lesage, P. Gélinas and C. Roy. Toxic Chemicals in Soil and Groundwater at the
Contaminated Site of Ville-Mercier, P.Q. 39th Can. Chem. Eng. Conf. Hamilton, Ont. Oct. 1-4,

42. Yang, J., B. Labrecque and C. Roy. Heat Transfer in a Multiple Hearth Vacuum Pyrolysis
Reactor. 39th Can. Chem. Eng. Conf. Hamilton, Ont. Oct. 1-4, 1989.

43. Roy, C. and B. de Caumia. Assessment of the Vacuum Pyrolysis Process for Recycling of
Scrap Tires. 39th Can. Chem. Eng. Conf. Hamilton, Ont. Oct. 1-4, 1989.

44. Halchini, M. et C. Roy. Développement de méthodes de caractérisation des produits

chimiques fins contenus dans les huiles pyrolytiques provenant de la biomasse. 57e Congrès
de l'ACFAS. UQAM. Montréal, Québec. 15-19 mai 1989.

45. Rastegar, A. et C. Roy. Analyse des noirs de carbone produits par pyrolyse sous vide des
vieux pneumatiques. 57e Congrès de l'ACFAS. UQAM. Montréal, Québec. 15-19 mai 1989.

46. Roy, C. Applications de la pyrolyse sous vide au recyclage des déchets industriels et urbains.
Colloque régional sur l'environnement, OIQ. Lac-Beauport, Québec. 15 juin 1989.

47. Roy, C. Technological and Economical Evaluation of the Vacuum Pyrolysis Process. Biomass
as a Case Study. Conference given during the 1988 Colloquium Series of McGill University,
Department of Chemical Engineering. Montreal, Québec. November 24, 1988.

48. Plante, P. et C. Roy. Recyclage des pneus usés par pyrolyse sous vide. Conférence
Québécoise sur l'Environnement et l'Economie. Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke,
Québec. 7-9 octobre 1988.

49. Roy, C. La pyrolyse sous vide du bois. Etat de la recherche et axes de dévelop pements.
Présenté durant l'Atelier spécialisé sur la pyrolyse sous vide du bois. Carrefour 88 de la
recherche forestière. Québec, Québec. 23-25 février 1988.

50. Roy, C. and P.Plante. Recyclage des pneus usés par pyrolyse sous vide. 1ere Conférence
québécoise sur l'environnement et l'économie. Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke,
Québec. 7-8-9 octobre 1988.

51. Roy, C. Les opportunités offertes par le procédé de la pyrolyse sous vide. Petro-Sun
International, Inc. Boucherville, Québec. 26 août 1987.

52. Guay, M. and C. Roy. Pyrolyse sous vide de sables et de schistes bitumineux. 55e Congrès
de l'ACFAS. Université d'Ottawa. Ottawa, Ontario. 19-22 mai 1987.

53. Roy, C. Valorisation des déchets urbains par pyrolyse sous vide. Allocution présentée durant
le Séminaire sur la Valorisation des Déchets Urbains, organisé conjointement par le CRIQ, le
CQVB et le MERQ. 6 novembre 1986.

54. Roy, C. Valorisation industrielle des pneumatiques usagés par le procédé de pyro lyse sous
vide. 1er Congrès de l'AQME. Montréal, Québec. 16-17 octobre 1986.

55. Labrecque, B., C. Roy and J. Sicotte. Thermal Decomposition of Scrap Tires into Oils and
Charcoal. 36th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference. Sarnia, Ontario. October 5-8,

56. Roy, C., B. Labrecque and J. Sicotte. Upgrading of Scrap Tires by Vacuum Pyrolysis Process.
1986 Industrial Energy Technology Conference and Exhibition. Austin, Texas. June 1986.

57. Aubin, H., H. Pakdel et C. Roy. Analyse qualitative et quantitative de la fraction d'huile légère
obtenue lors de la pyrolyse sous vide de vieux pneumatiques. 54e Congrès de l'ACFAS.
Université de Montréal. Montréal, Québec. 12-16 mai 1986.

58. Roy, C. Development of a Biomass Vacuum Pyrolysis Process for the Production of Liquid
Fuels and Chemicals. Séminaire présenté au Department of Chemical Engineering, Clarkson
University. Postdam, N.Y. March 11, 1986.

59. Roy, C. La pyrolyse sous vide. Séminaire présenté au Département de génie chimique de
l'Université Laval. Sainte-Foy, Québec. 7 octobre 1985.

60. Roy, C., B. de Caumia, D. Blanchette et P. Rivard. Opération et évaluation d'une unité de
développement de procédé pour la pyrolyse sous vide de la biomasse. Conférence
Technologique Estivale de l'Association Canadienne des Produc teurs de Pâtes et Papiers.
Pointe-au-Pic, Québec. 6-7 juin 1985.

61. Lemieux, R., C. Roy, B. de Caumia et D. Blanchette. Séparation sélective des huiles
pyrolytiques par pyrolyse sous vide du bois. 53e Congrès de l'ACFAS. Université du Québec
à Chicoutimi. Chicoutimi, Québec. 20-24 mai 1985.

62. Labrecque, B., C. Roy, P. Rivard, B. de Caumia et D. Blanchette. Production d'huiles par
pyrolyse sous vide de pneus usagés. 53e Congrès de l'ACFAS. Université du Québec à
Chicoutimi. Chicoutimi, Québec. 20-24 mai 1985.

63. Larouche, J.P., C. Roy, B. de Caumia et A. Leduy. Saccharification de la biomasse par

pyrolyse sous vide suivie d'une hydrolyse acide douce. 53e Congrès de l'ACFAS. Université
du Québec à Chicoutimi. Chicoutimi, Québec. 20-24 mai 1985.

64. Kalkreuth, W., C. Roy and B. de Caumia. Effects of Temperature Controlled Vacuum Pyrolysis
on High Volatile Bituminous Coal from Nova Scotia, Canada - A Study of Chemical and
Petrographical Properties of Feed Coal and Reaction Residues. 6 OGEW / DGMK Gemeins -
chaftstagung. Innsbruck, Austria. October 22-24, 1984.

65. Roy, C., A. Lalancette, B. de Caumia and D. Blanchette. Production of Oils and Chemicals by
Vacuum Pyrolysis of Wood. 1984 Fall National Meeting of the American Chemical Society.
Philadelphia, Pa. August 26-31, 1984.

66. Roy, C, B. de Caumia, A. Lalancette, D. Blanchette et P. Rivard. Pyrolyse sous vide de la

biomasse. 67e Congrès et Exposition de Chimie du Canada. Congrès de Chimie CAN-AM.
Montréal, Québec. 3-6 juin 1984.

67. Hébert, M. et C. Roy. Etude pétrologique des charbons durant les réactions de pyrolyse sous
vide. 52e Congrès de l'ACFAS. Université Laval, Sainte-Foy, Québec. 9-11 mai 1984.

68. Roy, C. et P. Rivard. Production de combustibles liquides et de produits chimiques par

pyrolyse sous vide. Salon International de Transfert de Technologie. Palais des Congrès,
Montréal, Québec. 13-17 septembre 1983.

69. Roy, C. Comments on Pyrolytic Conversion of Biomass. Gordon Research Conferences

(Analytical Pyrolysis). Holderness School, Plymouth, NH. July 11-15, 1983.

70. Brouillard, D. et C. Roy. Pyrolyse sous vide des constituants du bois. 51e Congrès de
l'ACFAS. Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Trois-Rivières, Québec. 25-27 mai 1983.

71. Roy, C. Production of Liquids from Biomass by Vacuum Pyrolysis. Development of Data Base
for Continuous Process. Seminar presented at McGill University. Department of Chemical
Engineering, February 18, 1983.

72. Roy, C. The Vacuum Pyrolysis of Biomass and Coals. Seminar presented at Energy, Mines
and Resources (CANMET). Ottawa, November 25, 1982.

73. Chartrand, P. et C. Roy. Valorisation de la lignine à l'aide de catalyseurs biologiques: un

travail de collaboration multidisciplinaire. Conférence présentée au Colloque sur la
Biotechnologie. Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Québec. 3-5 octobre 1982.

74. Roy, C., B. de Caumia, H. Ménard, D. Bélanger et M. Grisé. Développement de la pyrolyse à

pression réduite pour la production de combustibles liquides et de produits chimiques à partir
de la biomasse. Conférence présentée au Colloque sur la Biotechnologie. Université de
Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Québec. 3-5 octobre 1982.

75. Ménard, H., C. Roy, A. Gaboury, D. Bélanger and G. Chauvette. Characterization Aspects for
Liquids from Biomass by Vacuum Pyrolysis. Fifth International Symposium on Analytical
Pyrolysis. Vail, Colorado. September 26-30, 1982.

76. Roy, C. Possibilités de la pyrolyse sous vide pour la production de substances liquides à partir
de la biomasse. Séminaire présenté au Collège Militaire Royal à Kingston, Département de
chimie et de génie chimique, Kingston, Ontario. 19 avril 1982.

77. Chornet, E., K. Farrel, R.P. Overend and C. Roy. A Low Severity Peat Dewa tering Technology.
Symposium on Peat: "An Awakening Natural Resource". Thunder Bay, Ontario. October 26-
28, 1981.

78. Roy, C., E. Chornet, H. Ménard, B. de Caumia, G. Chauvette, A. Gaboury et A. Croteau.

Production d'huiles synthétiques par pyrolyse à pression réduite à partir de la biomasse.
SESCI-Montréal 1981, Congrès National sur l'énergie solaire. Université du Québec à
Montréal. 4-7 août, 1981.

79. Chornet, E., C. Roy and B. de Caumia. Pyrolysis under Reduced Pressure Followed by Tar
Hydrogenation as a Dual-Step Approach for Conversion of High Volatile Bituminous Coals.
64th C.I.C. Chemical Conference and Exhibition. Halifax, Nova Scotia. May 31 - June 3,

80. Roy, C., B. de Caumia, H. Ménard, A. Gaboury, G. Chauvette et E. Chornet. Pyrolyse sous
pression réduite des matières lignocellulosiques. 49e Congrès de l'ACFAS. Sherbrooke,
Québec. 13-15 mai, 1981.

81. Bellemare, G.R., C. Roy and E. Chornet. The Role of Transition and Alkali Metals in the
Pyrolytic Reactions of Wood and Peat. 7th Can. Symposium on Catalysis. Edmonton, Alberta.
October 1980.

82. Chornet, E., J.-C. Cavalier, R. Fonseca, W. Kalkreuth, R.T. Mukuna, C. Roy, G.R. Bellemare, D.
Eugène, R. Arsenault and M. Grandbois. Liquid Fuels from Cellulosic Materials and Peat via
Direct and Fractional Hydrogenolysis. 63rd C.I.C. Chemical Conference and Exhibition.
Ottawa, Ontario. June 8-11, 1980.

83. Grandbois, M., E. Chornet, M. de Broissia and C. Roy. Complex Thermodynamic Equilibria of
Conversion Reactions. 61st C.I.C. Chemical Conference and Exhibition. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
June 4-7, 1978.

84. Chornet, E., C. Roy and B. Coupal. The Scope of Peat in Canadian Energy Context. 61st
C.I.C. Chemical Conference and Exhibition. Winnipeg, Manitoba. June 4-7, 1978.

85. Roy, C. et E. Chornet. Analyse des paramètres physico-chimiques affectant la valorisation de

la tourbe par pyrolyse. 45e Congrès de l'ACFAS. Trois-Rivières, Québec. 19-21 mai 1976.

86. Ruel, M., J. Dufort, C. Roy et J.P. Léglise. Enlèvement des matières colorantes des eaux
usées à l'aide de la tourbe. Congrès International: Le génie chimique au service de l'homme.
Paris, FRANCE. 2-9 septembre, 1972.


1. Participation de Pyrovac International à Globe 98 Exhibition and Conference. Vancouver, B.C.,

Mars 1998.

2. Participation de Pyrovac International Inc. à APEC SIMA Business, Ottawa, Ontario, 18-19
septembre 1997.

3. Participation de Pyrovac International Inc. à Pollutec 96, Lyon, France, Octobre 1996.

4. Participation de Pyrovac International Inc. à Ecotech 95, Utrecht, Pays-Bas, 4-7 décembre

5. Participation de Pyrovac International Inc. à Pollutec 95, Paris, France, Octobre 1995.

6. Participation de Pyrovac International Inc. à Pollutec 94, Lyon, France, Octobre 1994.

7. Participation de Pyrovac International Inc. au Salon R&D'94 sur les oppurtunités

technologiques, Québec, P. Qué., 13-15 septembre 1994.

* Participation sur invitation explicite.

Mise à jour : nov. 2004

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